Who Fights for Canada as the Climate Changes? - Joy Porter The Eccles Centre for American Studies - Treatied ...

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Who Fights for Canada as
the Climate Changes?
Joy Porter

The Eccles Centre for American Studies

The Fourteenth Eccles Centre for American Studies Plenary Event at
the British Association for Canadian Studies Annual Conference, 2019


JOY PORTER is Professor of Indigenous History at the University of Hull and Co-Principal
Investigator of the UoH Research Cluster Treatied Spaces: Environment & Peoples in
America, 1607-189: treatiedspaces.com. She is a Leverhulme Major Research Fellow 2019-
2021 and PI for the AHRC Standard Research Grant "Brightening the Covenant Chain:
Revealing Cultures of Diplomacy Between the Iroquois and the British Crown", 2021-2024.
Her most recent books are Trauma, Primitivism and the First World War: The Making of
Frank Prewett, London: Bloomsbury Press, May, 2020, forthcoming and Native American
Environmentalism, University of Nebraska Press, 2014. She is currently completing a book,
Canada’s Green Challenge, generated by this lecture under contract with McGill University
Press, and researching her Leverhulme project, “What Would Nixon Do?: The Forgotten
Republican Roots of American Environmentalism”. Joy is also Lead Editor with Clint Carroll
(Cherokee) and Dina Gilio-Whitaker (Colville Confederated Tribes) of the new Cambridge
University Press Book Series, Elements in Indigenous Environmental Research. She
welcomes proposals from all disciplines.

ISBN 0-7123-4488-8

Thank you to Dr Phil Hatfield for the vim and     only Fake News, it’s Fake Science.”1 I am
excitement you have brought to the work           not suggesting that false positive science,
of the Eccles Centre. Your forward-looking        or science distorted by vested interests does
approach and openness to new questions is         not exist, only that the scientific method if
deeply appreciated. It is a delight to have a     properly adhered to is sound and that the
writer, photographer, and cartographically-       evidence affirming that climate change is
inclined intellectual in a role vital across      real is overwhelming.2
disciplines for the UK and beyond.
                                                  Electorally, President Trump can afford to
This lecture addresses what is amongst            deny climate change, because, as Roger
Canada’s greatest challenges as the twenty-       Stone, his close political advisor has pointed
first century progresses – climate change         out, climate is not a “driving issue” – yet.
and issues linked to the environment. The         It is worth bearing in mind that President
overall objective is to suggest that aspects of   Trump’s policy position on climate change
Canada’s self-image and self-representation       is not aberrant in party political terms. To
may have hindered the generation of               the contrary, it is in keeping with how the
pragmatic non-partisan thinking and politics      Republican party, especially Republican
in response to the serious challenges now         élites and conservative and libertarian think
impacting upon the environment. It will           tanks, have formulated policy related to the
explore how First Nations and federal             environment since the early 1980s.3 Part of
and provincial policy relate to Canada’s          the problem for American conservatives,
environmental issues, before making the           such as the Florida Representative Matt
case for a re-balancing of approach away          Gaetz, one of President Trump’s strong
from the current emphasis upon technology         allies in the House of Representatives,
as the primary solution set. Finally, it will     is the assumption that if the science of
consider options for the Canada of the            climate change were to be accepted,
future and ponder how generations to come         then Republicans would be required to
may respond to environmental imperatives          embrace the left solution set. Thus, Gaetz is
in the wake of the Fourth Industrial              drafting a “Green Real Deal” in opposition
Revolution now unfolding.                         to the Democrat’s “Green New Deal”
                                                  –the Republican emphasis is on “Clean
I am going to take it as read within this         energy”, small modular nuclear reactors,
room that it is accepted that climate change      renewables and efficiency. However, there
is real, that the scientific community on this    have been suggestions, notably by Vanity
issue is to be believed, that climate change      Fair recently, that in his 2020 run President
is recognized as an urgent global imperative      Trump will do a volte face and suggest “No
likely to have profound implications              one cares more about the environment
including on prices, particularly of food, on     than me”.4 Such a shift, perhaps
migration and the displacement of peoples         encompassing a large increase in funding
and on levels of world conflict linked to         for National Parks, would be in line with a
resources. In sum, I am going to assume           similar vote-catching re-orientation towards
that there is distance between the thinking       environmental protection and indigenous
in this room and the pronouncements of            rights made in 1972 by the hero of many
President Trump, who has supported the            Trump supporters, President Nixon.
need for urgent climate change action (in
2009 when he was pressurizing President           Should part of you need further convincing
Obama) but more latterly, claimed it is a         as to how serious the climate change
“Chinese hoax” (2016); and that climate           threat is globally, have a look at the
change will “change back again”. On 12            October 2018 Intergovernmental Panel
March 2019 he tweeted someone presented           on Climate Change (IPCC) report. It
erroneously as a co-founder of Greenpeace         referenced over 6000 scientific studies
who stated: “The whole climate crisis is not      and concluded that the world has about

12 years to make fundamental changes
so as to keep global warming under 1.5C,         National Resources Canada just this month
beyond which there are catastrophic risks        produced the first installment of the multi-
of droughts, floods, extreme heat and            report “Canada in A Changing Climate”,
poverty for several hundred million people.      the first study of its kind.7 It revealed
One of the scariest things about rising          that Canada is warming at twice the rate
temperatures is the effect upon insects          of the rest of the world and Northern
which are vital to pollination and therefore     Canada warming at almost three times the
vital for food production. You probably          global rate. The report warned of melting
noticed the recent press on the first global     permafrost, sea ice disappearing, glaciers
scientific review of all scientific literature   retreating, more deadly heatwaves, heavy
on insects. Over 40% of insect species are       rainstorms – and pointed out that the
declining, a third are endangered. They are      main cause is the burning of fossil fuels.
becoming extinct at eight times the rate         The Earth’s climate warms faster near the
of mammals, birds and reptiles and they          poles and land warms faster than oceans
are essential for all ecosystems – they are      - Canada has a huge land area away from
what everything else eats, they recycle          the oceans.
nutrients, and pollinate all the plants. The
review said this is the start of the sixth       Canada is far from meeting its Kyoto
major extinction event on the planet and         (1997) emissions reduction target and the
if it cannot be halted, it has implications      goal it has set for 2020 is weak. A coalition
for the survival of mankind.5 Meanwhile          of international climate organizations
the 2018 Living Planet report of the World       called Climate Transparency recently
Wildlife Association in association with         issued a report showing that Canadians
the Zoological Society of London recently        produce the most per-person greenhouse
concluded that 60% of all wild animals have      gas emissions of all the G20 nations – at
disappeared since 1970. It clearly identified    22 tonnes per person, some three times
consumption and increased demand for             the G20 average of 8 tonnes per person.
energy, land and water as the driving            That’s about 2% of the total for the globe.
force behind unprecedented planetary             Overall, Canada is the 38th largest country
change. A major concern across disciplinary      in the world in terms of population, the
boundaries, policy fields and other registers    11th largest economy, but the seventh
is the way human activities have negatively      biggest emitter. Canada is likely to miss its
disrupted the carbon cycle on earth, in          National Determined Contribution rates
combination with disruption to the nitrogen      based on the implemented policies under
cycle through the use of inorganic fertilizers   its Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean
and fossil fuel combustion. The immediate        Growth and Climate (Canada’s long-term
future does not augur well particularly in       climate plan), despite proposals for carbon
relation to extinction. According to a 2019      pricing and traditional coal-plant phase-
report by the IPBES, the Intergovernmental       out. Canada is deemed to be ‘lagging
Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity          behind” along with Saudi Arabia, with the
and Ecosystem Services, global extinction        highest levels of emissions and no decrease
rates may soon overtake “planetary               over time. Remarkably, it is only from 2019
boundaries” and thereafter even more             that it will be mandatory to label energy
dramatic decline is inevitable. It also notes    use of buildings in Canada and the aim is
that at least a quarter of the global land       to introduce a country-wide building code
area is traditionally owned, managed, used       for existing buildings by 2022.8
or occupied by indigenous peoples and that
“nature managed by indigenous peoples            Alongside big picture climate concerns,
and local communities is under increasing        there are more personally immediate,
pressure”.6                                      distinctive issues in Canada in relation
What About Canada?                               to environmental justice. Here I do not

just mean extreme examples, such as             remediation – the process is often stymied
the mercury poisoning (1962-70) of              and contaminated sites simply abandoned
the Grassy Narrows Band in Northern             because of environmental laws that spread
Ontario and the contaminated tidewater          liability extremely widely. Cleaning Up
area in Nova Scotia known as the Sydney         the Past, Building the Future: A National
Tar Ponds, the largest toxic waste site         Brownfields Redevelopment Strategy
in North America. I mean disease linked         for Canada was put forward in 2003,
to environmental hazards for ordinary           but a recent review noted that “support
Canadians. A clear picture of this emerges      from upper levels of government appears
if we collate data from the World Health        to have ‘rusted’ and there is a need to
Organization, the Canadian Medical              ‘reignite interest’”.11 Taking each of the
Association and Canadian academics.             environmental hazards above into account,
One of the most respected writers on            Canadians would appear to be living very
this theme is David R. Boyd of Simon            much in the sort of post-World War II
Fraser University.9 Boyd points out that        “risk society” described by sociologist
Canada has weaker laws and regulations          Ulrich Beck. As Beck has identified, within
on air quality, drinking water, food safety,    such affluent societies, the distribution of
pesticides, toxins, climate change and          risk is as important as the distribution of
biodiversity than other wealthy nations.        wealth and the more one knows about
Unlike the US, EU and Australia, Canada         phenomenon such as ecological hazards,
has no legally binding national standards       the more insecurity one feels.12
for air quality or drinking water safety. Its
air quality guidelines are voluntary and        How did Canada Get to this Position in
weaker than US, EU and Australian legally       Relation to the Environment and Why?
binding standards for five out of six air
pollutants (ozone, particulates, sulphur        All of this may shock some of us, because
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and carbon       it does not fit either with the self-image
monoxide). Canada’s drinking water              of Canadians as citizens or for that matter,
guidelines are up to 1000 times weaker          with the country’s international reputation.
than EU standards. Canada allows 46             As a recent analysis of successive Canadian
active ingredients in pesticides that are       Speeches From the Throne – orations to
prohibited elsewhere, including 2, 4-D,         mark the opening of parliament – pointed
atrazine, carbaryl, diclorvos, permethrin       out, the idea of Canada as a “responsible,
and propoxur. Canadian maximum                  engaged [and] committed” world citizen
residue limits for pesticides on food are       has a long and significant history.13
significantly weaker than in other nations.
Instead of taxing pesticides, Canada            An environmental consciousness and a
exempts them from GST (Goods & Services         fundamental connection to Canadian land,
Tax). Taxes on fuel, new vehicles, carbon       for a great many, is part of what makes
dioxide emissions, air emissions and            a Canadian Canadian. It is a vital aspect
discharges into water are either absent in      of how Canada represents itself to other
Canada or significantly lower than in other     nations and “wilderness” is repeatedly
countries. Canada has a track record of lax     at the centre of Canadian iconography.14
enforcement of environmental laws – a           After all, the Canadian flag, designed by
multi-layered regulatory bureaucracy can        Professor George Stanley of the Royal
wield considerable statutory authority,         Military College in Kingston, Ontario and
but have little actual power to improve         adopted on February 15, 1965, shows a
the environment, particularly since the         Maple Leaf. But maple trees are actually
provinces often have most jurisdictional        very sensitive to environmental change and
sway.10 Additionally, when there is a need      currently Canada’s maples are suffering
in Canada to clean environmental spills         from high levels of soil acidity leading to
or toxic areas – what’s called brownfield       – leaf loss. Despite recent overall increases

in syrup production linked to technological       1830, “The Peaceable Kingdom”.
innovation, the adverse effects of climate
change upon Canada’s maple syrup                  Hicks was a Quaker and his painting brought
industry continue to be felt, particularly in     to life prophetic verses from Isaiah (11:6):
Ontario and elsewhere in the Northeast.15
                                                     The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
The environment, however construed,                  and the leopard shall lie down with
is fundamental to a great many literary              the kid…. and a little child shall lead
evocations of Canada, both before and                them. And the cow and the bear shall
after confederation. Indeed, nature could            feed; their young ones shall lie down
be described as the foundational metaphor            together: and the lion shall eat straw
within Canadian literary expression. As              like the ox…They shall not hurt nor
the first eco-critical collection on the topic,      destroy in all my holy mountain.18
Greening the Maple (2013), pointed out,
stories and poems that engage with the            A version of this iconic painting by Hicks
“wild” that lies north of the 49th parallel       shows another Quaker, William Penn
have been at the heart of the politics and        (1644-1718), founder of Pennsylvania,
social imagination of its people from long        signing a 1682 treaty with the Lenni-Lenape
before there was a Canada or “Canadian            under the shade of an elm at Shackamaxon
literature”.16 It is a central theme that can     on the Delaware River. Thus, the dream of
be discerned across Canadian cultural             the natural world in peaceful co-existence
production. Yet the Canadian response to          was twinned with a utopian vision of
“wilderness”, both in critical and literary       ongoing amicable relations between
terms, stands in marked contrasted with           settler and indigenous communities. On
that of dominant American traditions. The         one level, Hicks’s and Penn’s dream of
celebratory nationalistic emphasis of Henry       shared interethnic living has singularly
David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson             failed: Pennsylvania is now one of the few
has not found its corollary in Canada.            states without a federally recognized tribe,
Instead, nature has figured as something          although, in September 2000, the Delaware
to be survived, a tendency identified             Nation of Oklahoma received 11.5 acres
by Margaret Atwood, or as something               of land in Thornbury Township, Delaware
Canadians have registered a strong need           County, Pennslyvania. Today, there are
to protect themselves from, a theme               about 20,000 Lenape in the United States,
discussed by Northrup Frye.                       mainly in Oklahoma, but there are also
                                                  Lenape in Wisconsin and Ontario.19
Yet Frye also described an originatory
Canadian tradition, a beautiful pastoral          Frye took as the title of his 1971 collection
myth at the heart of Canadian society that        the Margaret Atwood image from The
spoke to a desire for balance and reciprocal      Journals of Susanna Moodie, of the “bush
right relationship between all humans,            garden”. That idea, of a garden, a middle
non-humans and their environments.                ground, forged in the bush is linked to the
Frye said it explained the popularity of          vision of a “peaceable kingdom”, to the
Grey Owl, the early twentieth century             aspiration for a Canada where co-existence
globally-known deep ecologist and Indian-         between animals, the wider environment
by-choice, as well as the popularity of           and diverse communities is made possible
the Mohawk-English poet and performer             by spiritual grace. “Nostalgia for a world
who died in 1913, Emily Pauline Johnson           of peace and protection,” he maintained,
(Tekahionwake).17 For Frye, one painting          “with a spontaneous response to the nature
in particular epitomized this quest at the        around it, with a leisure and composure
heart of Canadian sensibility – the desire        not to be found today, is particularly strong
to reconcile man with man and man with            in Canada”. It is perhaps predictable that
nature – Edward Hicks’ painting from              Frye detected solace for Canadians in Isaiah

and “peaceable kingdom” iconography,             to attempt to be very “environmental”
since so much literary evidence suggested        and drive an electric vehicle, we would
they thought of themselves as battling           then require nickel, cobalt, lithium and
against almost insurmountable odds. Frye         graphite.22 Overall, by far the largest source
characterized Canadians as a people living       of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada is
in psychological garrisons, forever mentally     the burning of fossil fuels; mining, oil and
holed up against hostile nature in a “vast       gas, and manufacturing are responsible for
country sparsely inhabited”. They faced          the largest slice of this (45%).
“the unknown, the unrealized, the humanly
undigested”. “To enter the United States”,       Furthermore, Canada does not just mine at
he explained, “is a matter of crossing an        home. As Natural Resources Canada points
ocean; to enter Canada is a matter of being      out, Canadian firms have an extremely
silently swallowed by an alien continent.”       strong external investment presence.
What impressed Frye about Canada’s               Canada’s investment policies favour investing
poetry, was “a tone of deep terror in regard     in the mining industry outside of Canada,
to nature... It is not a terror of the dangers   making it, as one commentator puts it, “a
or discomforts or even the mysteries of          hegemon in the global mining industry”.23
nature, but a terror of the soul at something
that these things manifest”.20                   A significant ongoing contemporary case
                                                 study powerfully illustrates the complex
If we follow Frye’s insights, a desire for       issues, fabulous wealth and environmental
utopia mixed with profound fear explains         risk Canadians are involved with in North
why Canadians have allowed this gap to           America: Pebble Mine, Bristol Bay, Alaska.
exist between their sense of themselves          It is 200 miles southwest of Anchorage.
in relation to the environment and what          Thought to be the second-largest copper-
actually pertains.                               gold deposit in the world, it also has
                                                 molybdenum which is used in coal and
A Mining Nation                                  gas liquefaction and in missiles, engine
                                                 parts and lubricants. Gold, of course, has
Whilst culture and cultural sensibilities are    uses far beyond coins and bullion. Its most
important, it is vital, as the political right   important industrial use is in electronics
suggest, that we “get real”. But what            - it is within almost every sophisticated
is that reality? At a basic level it is that     electronic device including computers and
Canada is a mining economy, one of the           mobile phones and it plays a vital role in
world’s largest exporters of minerals and        the aerospace industry. The Pebble Mine
metals, selling over 60 different mineral        site is thought to be worth somewhere
commodities to over 100 countries.21 In          between $345 and $500 billion US dollars.
2017, minerals contributed $72 billion           Vancouver-based Northern Dynasty
to Canada’s GDP. In this sense, Canada           Minerals Ltd. is seeking to exploit it and
remains from the world outside’s point of        create a modern, long-life mine. From
view, as Frye characterized it, “less like a     a number of perspectives, the impetus
society than as a place to look for things”.     to realize Pebble’s wealth is almost
                                                 overwhelming. Current estimates suggest
Canada is the world’s biggest producer of        that Pebble could yield at a minimum a
potash and in the top five world producers       measurable 57 billion pounds of copper,
of cobalt, aluminium, diamonds, nickel,          71 million oz gold, 3.4 billion pounds of
gold, platinum, and uranium. We are              molybdenum; 325 million oz silver as well as
all implicated in this economy if we use         palladium and rhenium.
a typical computer, which has over 66
individual minerals including silver, copper,    The problem? Pebble is at the headwaters
gold, and aluminium. iphones need five           of two of the five major river drainages
rare earth minerals and, even if we were         that supply the salmon runs of Bristol Bay

which support subsistence, commercial          2017 presentation outlining the above
and sport fisheries. Bristol Bay is the site   given by Pebble Partnership CEO, Tom
of the world’s largest salmon run and          Hillier.
salmon underpin around 75% of all local
jobs. Subsistence living is vital to the       On the one hand, Alaskan elected officials
people living in or around the Pebble site.    and various organizations including the
According to an Environmental Protection       Alaska Chamber of Commerce are supportive
Agency statement of 1 July 2019, if the        of developing the mine. At the same time, a
mine is permitted, after it closes, the pit    range of groups and organizations strongly
lake left behind will need to be treated in    oppose it, notably environmental groups,
perpetuity. Further complexities will arise    the Bristol Bay Native Association, and the
resulting from the proposed 188-mile           Renewable Resource Coalition and United
natural gas pipeline across Cook Inlet and     Tribes of Bristol Bay. The latter consortium
Lake Iliamna that the project entails, as      represents 15 federally recognized Tribes in
well as from an associated 270-megawatt        Bristol Bay, representing over 80% of the
power plant. A great number of the             region’s population. Pebble Mine opponents
associated roads and the planned pipeline      highlight the risk the mine poses to the
impinge upon lands owned by the Bristol        world’s most valuable Sockeye salmon
Bay Native Corporation, who are not            fishery, the risk of water contamination,
minded to give permission.24                   the finite nature of the mine versus the
                                               sustainable nature of fishing and the low
Northern Dynasty, and the larger company       returns in tax revenue that may be generated
Hunter Dickinson Incorporated with             for Alaska as a state. According to the United
which it is associated, has attracted much     Tribes of Bristol Bay, “the proposed pebble
controversy, not least because a number        mine will generate up to 10 billion tons of
of other major mining companies including      toxic waste that will have to be treated in
Mitsubishi (in 2011) Anglo-American (in        perpetuity (that means forever).” The acute
2013) and Rio Tinto (in 2015) have chosen      fear is that the livelihoods of communities
to divest their interests in Pebble Mine.      who rely on salmon for food will be
Northern Dynasty maintain their plan for       threatened and so will a renewable economy
Pebble meets the strictest Environmental       surrounding one of the most important
Protection Agency standards, and that          salmon ecosystems in the world. If Pebble
their tailings dam or “engineered land         gets the go-ahead, the largest open pit in
mass”, consolidated to the North Fork          North America will result, covering some 18
Koktuli area, will be heavily buttressed,      square kilometres and there will be enormous
lined and have “greater” safety so as to       lakes of toxic mine waste.25
withstand Alaskan earthquakes. They
plan to have a project footprint of just       One of the most respected voices
12.7 square miles and claim a range of         opposing Pebble Mine is aquatic ecologist
local and regional benefits will accrue,       and activist Professor Daniel Schindler
including “revenue sharing”, infrastructure    of the University of Washington.
improvements, a fisheries investment, and      His work studying chemical isotopes
a Native Corporation for Business. Five        trapped in otoliths has revealed the deep
thousand individual Bristol Bay residents      interconnected nature of the freshwater
are to gain an estimated $500 a year and       lakes and streams that allow sockeye
a business mentoring initiative promises to    salmon to hatch in Bristol Bay. A particular
ensure village corporations can compete        contribution of his is the idea of “portfolio
for project contracts worth hundreds of        effects” whereby complementary or
millions a year. Dynasty maintain that         independent dynamics among species help
the state of Alaska will reap substantial      to stabilize ecosystems and the economies
revenue at all levels, and crucially, jobs.    and people who depend upon them.
Native faces featured prominently in the       The phenomenon has been compared

to the effects of asset diversity on the          result can be said to have “lost its image
stability of financial portfolios. Schindler’s    as a state serious about addressing climate
quantification of the portfolio effects in        change, even though many Canadian
Bristol Bay has provided clear evidence           provinces are in fact leaders in their own
of the importance of maintaining species          right”.29 Additionally, processes have
diversity so as to keep fisheries open and        been afoot whereby authority in relation
viable – and made the threats posed by            to climate has been ceded by the federal
Pebble Mine’s potential exploitation all          government not just downwards to the
the more stark.26 One irony of the Pebble         provinces, but upwards, to international
Mine development “opportunity” in 2019            institutions. Commentators on Canada’s
is that it comes after a string of seasons of     recent environmental policy suggest
exceptional large runs of salmon in Bristol       that Canada’s international reputation as
Bay, some of the most lucrative in the            environmental advocates has consistently
fishery’s history. For many Alaskans, Pebble      far exceeded Canadian accomplishments in
Mine represents a limited-term jobs and           relation to the environment at home.30
tax boost that cannot counterbalance the
nightmare potential of a toxic tailings dam       There are certain positives however, such
breakage capable of threatening Bristol           as the fact that unlike the U.S., Canada
Bay’s existing 14,000 sustainable salmon          is a signatory of the 2015 Paris Accord
fishery jobs.                                     where countries agreed to limit average
                                                  temperature increases to well below 2
Is Politics the Answer?                           degrees, but overall, it does not seem
                                                  likely that Canada will be able to achieve
Politics is always the answer, sooner or later.   this and there are ongoing political rows
                                                  currently over Prime Minister Justin
A major issue for Canada is that it sleeps        Trudeau’s climate policy. The relatively
with an elephant: the United States.27 As         modest $20-a-tonne federal carbon tax at
a result, over time, its federal government       its centre has, however, become law, and
has aligned Canadian climate policy with          will rise to $50-a-tonne in 2022. This will
that of the US. As Environment Canada             significantly raise Canadian gasoline prices
puts it: “The North American economy              but will be off-set by tax rebates which will
is integrated to the point where it makes         go back to the provinces from which they
absolutely no sense to proceed without            were generated.
harmonizing with the United States and
aligning a range of principles, policies,         Can We Look to Indigenous Peoples
regulations, and standards.”28 Four               for Answers?
provinces stand out economically in terms
of their contribution to Canadian GDP:            No, in the sense that First Nations are
Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and British              living in a colonized context and are
Columbia. According to a recent study by          doing what they feel they need to do to
Miranda Schreurs, Alberta, an energy giant        survive. Indigenous people were 11.6%
(from oil sands) has acted as a veto player       of the mining industry’s workforce in
at the federal level environmentally, even        2016 and in the last 10 years over 350
though Ontario and Quebec have energy             indigenous mining agreements were signed
policies that resemble that of progressive        between indigenous peoples and mining
European governments. It is worth noting          or exploration companies.31 Looking to
that the planned oil production in Alberta        indigenous peoples to inspire an ethical
is intended for export to the US. Schreurs        or religious transformation in terms of
points out that energy-rich Western               the relationship of all Canadians to the
provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan) have            environment is unfair and a projection with
heavily influenced climate strategy since         a long and suspect history. The truth is, as
Kyoto (agreed 1997) and Canada as a               one study put it, Canadian governments

most often treat environmental concerns         and ICC spokesperson against persistent
as secondary because “citizens declared         organic pollutants (POPs). She has pushed
concern for the environment often exceeds       for global action on POPs which she points
the evidence of concern discernible in          out “move relentlessly from warm to cold…
their major consumption choices such            eventually there is only one place they end
as residence or transport.”32 Expecting         up: the coldest climates on earth. In other
indigenous Canada to somehow redress            words, Artic land and waters.” Watt-
this is an enormous ask.                        Cloutier has made the case that, “the Artic
                                                is the barometer of the health of the planet.
The new Trudeau administration from             If the Artic is poisoned, so are we all”.34
2015 looked to be very promising in
terms of guiding Canada towards both            Yes: The Importance of Balance
reconciliation with indigenous peoples,
particularly in relation to treaties, and       Whilst we cannot reasonably look to
towards a new approach to climate issues.       indigenous peoples to solve the world’s
Many were inspired by the appointment           growing environmental crises, there are
of Jody Wilson-Raybould as Minister of          certain philosophies and attitudes of mind
Justice and Attorney General, the first         that it would be useful to take on board.
indigenous person to have that role in          In a real sense, these are lessons the
Canadian history. However, the tensions         indigenous world has been encouraging
between certain indigenous rights, climate      its foreign “younger brother” to learn
imperatives and the needs of extractive         since contact. They include the importance
industries vital to Canadian prosperity have    of adapting to change, of perceiving of
proven extremely difficult to surmount.         ourselves in fundamental inter-relationship
There has been much controversy, in             with the “natural” world and with the Earth
court and out of court, over the federal        itself, and of balance as a vital principle
government’s purchase on 29 May 2018            for the creation of ways of living that are
for $4.5 billion, of the Trans-Mountain         sustainable for generations to come.
pipeline from the Texas multinational
Kinder Morgan. Indigenous peoples and           Allow me to briefly apply the idea of
affiliated groups fear the impact of tanker-    balance to the global challenge of climate
traffic on fragile coastal ecosystems and       change and environmental stress, in ways
the potential for a major bitumen spill.        you may not have considered before.
But things are complicated: a number
of Secwepemc Nations have officially            Re-Balancing
signed up for the project, even though
many feel that the pipeline will pose a         So far, the world has put much effort into
severe threat to unceded Secwepemc’ecw          solving climate-related problems using
territory overall. The numbers of               technology, working to generate “clean
indigenous nations signing up to the            energy” so as to reduce amounts of carbon
pipeline is being monitored by the Tracking     dioxide emissions and other toxic by-
Trans Mountain database.33                      products that result from our commitment
                                                to ongoing growth and consumption.
This is in no way to deny the important         As a result, we have seen significant
work to “fight for Canada”, indeed to           government investment in battery-
fight for us all, that is being done by         powered vehicles, solar cells, ethanol,
a great many indigenous groups and              “clean” coal, hydrogen, and the biggest
individuals, people who are often on the        winner of all in terms of incentives and
front line facing the concentrated effects of   subsidies, nuclear. But, as Ozzie Zehner’s
climate change and environmental stress.        recent book, Green Illusions, makes clear,
One such is Sheila Watt-Cloutier, president     there are environmental problems with
of the Inuit Circumpolar Council of Canada      each and our attachment to them is sullied

by selection bias, our desire for quick fixes   which are set to reach 9 billion by 2043,
and for a utopia of limitless consumption.      and the question of whether we need to
To take just one “renewable”: the batteries     reduce our growth levels as a species (we
within “electric” cars are expensive to         are growing at about 1.5 million per week);
replace, and mining for the minerals            and the extension of women’s rights as
for them is toxic and disposing of them         the accepted most efficacious means to
even worse. Whilst the advertising and          achieve this. Having said enough in this
promotion surrounding electric vehicles         keynote that is hotly debated already,
stresses how cheap the electricity is that      here I will simply refer anyone interested
they use to run, too little thought is given    in considering this issue to the work of
to the holistic environmental cost of the       philosopher Sarah Conly. Her book with
batteries upon which they rely and their        Oxford University Press, One Child: Do
disposal.35                                     We Have A Right To More?, argues that
                                                in light of the depletion of non-renewable
The wider problem is that being able to         resources, we do not, morally, have the
produce energy more cheaply, simply             right to have more than one child.38 Such
encourages even more consumption of             ideas may well take on greater valency as
energy. This rebound as the economists call     the world’s scientists tackle age-related
it, or boomerang effect, was identified in      disease. It is thought that, for some, the
1865 by William Stanley Jevons in his book      “Hayflick limit” of approximately 120 years
The Coal Question, and he gave his name         as the longest potential lifespan, could
to the “Jevons paradox”.36 The only way         soon be extended.39
around it is through government caps or
taxes, often an anathema to the right.          Several of the ideas discussed above
                                                were more prevalent in the 1960s and
A number of recent scholars, including          1970s, when the emphasis was on Limits
Zehner, have suggested we have the              To Growth and when the American
balance of effort wrong and that in             historian Lynn White argued (in 1967):
fact we should be thinking more about           “More science and more technology are
less seductive and less instant solutions       not going to get us out of the present
geared towards lowering waste and world         ecological crisis until we find a new
consumption of energy in any form, the          religion, or rethink the one we have.” The
argument being that the environmentally         computer-generated predictions from the
cleanest energy of all, is less energy          MIT team behind Limits to Growth have
generated in the first place. In essence, we    recently been demonstrated to have been
should think less about how to consume          largely accurate so far, something of a
ever more without an environmental              concern given that the report projected
impact and more about how to live on            “overshoot and collapse” in the mid to
a planet with finite resources long term.       latter half of the twenty-first century if
Taking such a rebalancing seriously would       then-current growth trends persisted.40
mean putting the emphasis on to the             White’s work had brought to the fore how
creation of walkable neighbourhoods             fundamental Christian underpinnings were
(reconsidering megastores, cars, suburbs,       to the history of anthropocentrism, man
lawns), on efficiency, particularly of food     having been formed in Judeo-Christian
use, rethinking all aspects of consumerism      thinking in God’s image and having been
including advertising to children, rethinking   given dominion in the Bible over the rest
the extent of military spending, rethinking     of creation which was therefore figured as
wealth disparities, and reforming capitalism,   being lacking and inferior. The echo of E.F.
a subject explored in depth by scholars such    Schumacher’s book, Small Is Beautiful:
as James Speth and several others.37            Economics As If People Mattered, which
Such thinking inexorably leads to               appeared in 1973, is also clear within
discussion of world population levels,          much contemporary debate.41 Of course,

telling Americans to cut back has not          Google + Government
gone well for presidents in the past.
President Carter was the first to install      Google also has a tech-based solution that
solar panels in the White House (which         is being marketed as highly environmental
Reagan removed), tried to get support          – modular “smart cities”. The prototype
to tax oil and, wearing a cardigan, in         for export worldwide is Quayside, Toronto,
1976 told Americans in a TV fireside chat,     a joint effort by a Canadian government
“We simply must balance our demand             agency and Sidewalk Labs, owned by
for energy with our rapidly shrinking          Google’s parent company Alphabet, to
resources. By acting now, we can control       develop 12 acres of waterfront southeast
our future instead of letting the future       of downtown Toronto. The plan is that
control us.” Reagan, president from 1981,      Quayside will use data to solve the waste
trounced Carter in the polls, saying “It       issue and other problems: Toronto’s “smart
is no program simply to say “use less          city” will have “mixed-use” spaces that
energy”.42                                     change according to need, heated streets,
                                               “raincoats” to create transparent tents over
What Might Balance Look and                    public spaces, free Wi-Fi and 5G, “sensor-
Feel Like in the Future?                       enabled waste separation”, driverless cars,
                                               modular, cheap, timber-framed homes and
Future Farming                                 an underground network of utility streets
                                               manned by drones and robots- all meeting
Despte Zehner’s concerns, he                   the highest environmental standards.
acknowledges renewables are extremely
important for all our futures, as are          The snag? It also has constant data
other technologies, such as those set to       collection built in, and a centralized identity
transform what is being called “Agriculture    management system. Several of the people
4.0”. To tackle a population growth            involved to date have resigned because
expected to reach 11.2 billion by 2100,        of concerns that it is an undemocratic
increased desire to consume meat, and          experiment in “surveillance capitalism”,
increasing urbanization, a number of           where all sorts of data on the city’s
technologies are set to transform how          inhabitants will be collected and used by
food is grown so that we can have the          Alphabet. Jim Balsillie, former Co-CEO of
70% more food that farmers are said            Blackberry Inc., is on record saying that what
to need to produce by 2050. These              happens at Quayside will “have profound
include: hydroponics, desert agriculture &     and permanent impacts on the digital rights
seawater farming, algae as a feedstock,        and prosperity of all Canadians because
3D printing of food, precision agriculture,    intellectual property and data – our century’s
nanotechnology, genetic modification,          most valuable extractive resources – spread
drones, AI and crowd-sharing to reduce         seamlessly.” When Quayside was being
food waste. Significant investors in these     initially discussed, it should be remembered,
areas include Jeff Bezos, Eric Schmidt, Bill   Google’s former executive Chair Eric Schmidt
Gates, Richard Branson and the Japanese        talked about how Google’s founders had
billionaire Masayoshi Son. Particular          got excited about “all the things you could
attention is being paid to tackling food       do if someone would just give us a city and
waste. Between 33-50% of all foods             put us in charge”. To date, Sidewalk Labs
produced globally is never eaten, making       has not been in a position to say who will
food waste, if it were a country, the third    own the data that will result from “the most
largest ‘emitter’ of greenhouse gases after    measurable community in the world”. The
China and the US; this, when 800 million       concern is that in an era of environmental
people go to be hungry every night.43          stress, the lure of environmentally efficient
                                               cities subsidized by tech companies awash

with cash will prove overwhelming and              Under 46.1 of the Quebec charter there is,
cities as democratic spaces free from blanket      for example, the right to live in a healthful
surveillance may be sacrificed. The fear is that   environment. Tackling these issues using
the public’s autonomy and data will end up         the law, however, will inevitably take years.
owned by one company, who in Quayside
also wish to have a share of the Toronto           Significant numbers of this generation, born
taxes which they envisage will rise as result      from mid-1990 on and sometimes called
of their investment, and that the process be       “Generation Z” or the “iGeneration”, are
aided and abetted by government.                   doing what they can on a personal level
                                                   to mitigate climate change – planning
Quayside prompts immediate comparisons             on having fewer children, living car-free,
with the 1967 surveillance village portrayed       avoiding airplane flights, eating a plant-
in the British fictional series, The Prisoner.     based diet.44
Although in the intervening years many
have become accustomed to voluntarily              Generation Alpha
uploading their details onto the internet,
when such volition is taken away, as               Generation Alpha, in comparison, were
would be the case at Quayside, there is            born in 2010, the year Apple launched
considerable resistance. It seems that for         the ipad. By 2025 they will be 2 billion
Canadians at least, despite the potential          strong within the global population. They
environmental benefits, living in such a city,     are children now, the generation after
for now anyway, comes at too high a cost.          Generation Z/iGeneration, the children
                                                   of millennials. One characterization of
Generation Z                                       them is that they might well ask for a new
                                                   device and more screen time, rather than
The next generation of Canadians look              for a puppy. They will be a large, wealthy,
set to be more active than the post 1970s          urban, tech-savvy generation, increasingly
generations about climate and much                 influenced by India and China as the most
better informed. Emulating the success of          populous countries in the world.45 My hope
the Urgenda Foundation campaign in the             is that this, the most connected, educated
Netherlands, for example, Environnement            and informed generation ever, will think
Jeunesse, a network of young people                about balance and continue to quickly
in Quebec, have applied to bring a                 advance the adaptations to living in a finite
class action suit against the Canadian             world fought for by generations before.
government on behalf of all Quebecers              They will continue to rely less and less
aged 35 and under. They are being                  upon knowledge brokers such as university
represented pro bono by a Montreal-based           professors, libraries and politicians as
law firm and similar actions are ongoing           exclusive sources of information, but they
in the US, Belgium, Norway, UK, New                will still need guidance perhaps as never
Zealand, Switzerland and Colombia. The             before so as to discriminate between
legal teams are linking weak climate targets       powerfully entrenched myths and reality.
to legislation such as section 7 of the            They will rely upon our example as citizens
Canadian federal charter which protects            able to candidly self-reflect, in order to
the right to life, integrity and security of       have the skills to allow them to govern
the person and to the protections that exist       their data, their environment, their Canada.
under section 1 of the Quebec charter.

  Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump retweeting foxandfriends 1.29PM, March 12, 2019.
  A particular example of science viewed as being distorted by vested interests is the
   influential letter published in 1980 in the New England Journal of Medicine that
   suggested that addiction is rare with opioid therapy. Letter to the Editor, Jane Porter,
   Hershel Jick, M.D., Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program, Boston University
   Medical Center, January 10, 1980, New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, 302:123.
   With the partial exception of George H. W. Bush – see “A Worthy Heir: Donald Trump,
    the Republican Party and Climate Change”, by Jean-Daniel Collomb, LISA, Vol. XVI
    No. 2, 2018. Jean-Daniel Collomb, « A Worthy Heir: Donald Trump, the Republican
    Party and Climate Change », Revue LISA/LISA e-journal [En ligne], vol. XVI-n°2 |
    2018, mis en ligne le 24 septembre 2018, consulté le 05 avril 2019. URL : http://
    journals.openedition.org/lisa/9941 The Reagan era saw the US turn away from treaties
    and other international mechanisims designed to promote environmental protection.
    This was mitigated somewhat during the George H.W. Bush administration which
    implemented the Montreal Protocol in relation to ozone depletion, but also undermined
    the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Rio 1992).
  “Trump’s 202 Pitch: No One Cares More About the Environment Than Me”, by Bess
  Levin, Vanity Fair, 8 April 2019.
    Francisco Sánchez-Bayo & Kris Wyckhuys, Journal of Biological Conservation, 2019
     WWF. 2018. Living Planet Report - 2018: Aiming Higher. M. Grooten & R.E.A. Almond,
      R.E.A.(Eds), WWF, Gland, Switzerland, https://wwf.panda.org/knowledge_hub/
      all_publications/living_planet_report_2018/; IPBES. 2019. Summary for policymakers
      of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the
      Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. S.
      Díaz, J. Settele, E. S. Brondizio, H. T. Ngo, M. Guèze, J. Agard, A. Arneth, P. Balvanera,
      K. A. Brauman, S. H. M. Butchart, K. M. A. Chan, L. A. Garibaldi, K. Ichii, J. Liu, S. M.
      Subramanian, G. F. Midgley, P. Miloslavich, Z. Molnár, D. Obura, A. Pfaff, S. Polasky, A.
      Purvis, J. Razzaque, B. Reyers, R. Roy Chowdhury, Y. J. Shin, I. J. Visseren-Hamakers, K.
      J. Willis & C. N. Zayas (eds.). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. https://www.ipbes.net/
  www.ChangingClimate.ca/CCCR2019. Canada’s Changing Climate Report, Part 1, E.
  Bush et all, Environment & Climate Change Canada, Canada in a Changing Climate:
  Advancing our Knowledge for Action, 2019.
      See “Brown to Green: The G20 Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy, 2018”,
       Climate Transparency, p.12, 27. https://www.climate-transparency.org/wp-content/
  See David R. Boyd, “The Right to a Healthy Environment: A Prescription for Canada”,
  Canadian Public Health Association, Sept/Oct 2015: 106(6): e353-e354 and David R.
  Boyd, Cleaner, Greener, Healthier: A Prescription for Stronger Canadian Environmental
  Laws and Policies, Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2015.
       April L. Girard, Suzanne Day & Laureen Snider, “Tracking Environmental Crime Through
       CEPA: Canada’s Environment Cops or Industry’s Best Friend? The Canadian Journal
       of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, Vol. 35, No.2, 2010, (pp.219-241):
       Quotation p.222.
       See Christopher De Sousa, Reanne Ridsdale, Isabel Lima & Megan Easton, The State
       of Brownfields in Canada: Renewing Canada’s National Brownfield Redevelopment
       Strategy, No. 21, 2018, Report prepared for the Canadian Brownfields Network, p.43.
       See Ulrich Beck, The Risk Society, London: Sage, 1992.
       See Janine Brodie, “Three Stories of Canadian Citizenship”, pp. 43-66 in Contesting
       Canadian Citizenship: Historical Readings, eds. R. Adamoski, D.E. Chunn & R. Menzies,
       Toronto: Broadview Press, 2002.

   See John O’Brien, “Wild Art History”, in Beyond Wilderness: The Group of Seven,

   Canadian Identity and Contemporary Art, eds. John O’Brien & Peter White, Montreal:
   McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.
   Quebec, rather than Ontario, is Canada’s primary maple syrup-producing region. See

   Ontario Forest Biomonitoring Network and Inés Ibanez, Donald R. Zak, Andrew J.
   Burton & Kurt S. Pregitzer, “Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition ameliorates the decline
   in tree growth caused by a drier climate”, 17 January 2018, Ecology: Ecological Society
   of America, Vol. 99, Issue 2, February 2018, pp. 411-420. The Proctor Maple Research
   Center of the University of Vermont provides further points of departure.
   Ella Soper & Bradley Nicholas, Greening the Maple: Canadian Ecocriticism in Context,

   University of Calgary Press, 2013.
   Grey Owl (Archibald Delaney) was thought of as Ojibway, since he was fluent in the

   language, but claimed to be half Apache.
   Isaiah 11:6–9, King James Version.
   An interesting angle from which to begin to explore the Lenni-lenape treaty is Dawn G.

   Marsh’s A Lenape Among the Quakers, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2014. See
   also: Amy C. Schutt, Peoples of the River Valleys: The Odyssey of the Delaware Indians
   (Early American Studies), University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007.
   Northrup Frye, The Bush Garden: Essays on the Canadian Imagination, 1971; New York:

   House of Anansi Press, 2017, p.223, 241, 219, 222, 235-253.
   National Resources Canada.
   iphones require Dysprosium, Neoymium, Praseodymium, Samarium and Terbium.

   Max Chewinski, “Mining as Canadian Nation-Building: Contentious Citizenship

   Regimes on the Move”, The Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de
   sociologie, Vol. 41, No.3 Special Issue: Canadian Mobilities/Contentious Mobilities,
   2016, pp.349-374, quotation p.354.
   See United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 letter to Shane McCoy,

   Program Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1 July 2019. https://www.epa.
   See http://www.utbb.org/our-work.
   See Daniel E. Schindler, Ray Hilborn, Brandon Chasco, Christopher P. Boatright, Thomas

   P. Quinn, Lauren A. Rogers & Michael S. Webster, ‘Population Diversity and the
   Portfolio Effect in an Exploited Species”, Nature, 465, 2010: 609-612.
   This analogy was used by then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in an address to the

   National Press Club, Washington, D.C., March 1969.
   “Canada’s Actions on Climate Change”, Environment Canada, www.climatechange.

   Miranda A. Schreurs, “Federalism and the Climate: Canada and the European Union”,

   International Journal, Vol. 66, No.1 Winter 2010-11, pp.91-108. Quotation p. 107.
   Andrew Fenton Cooper & J. Stefan Fritz, “Bringing the NGOs in: UNCED and Canada’s

   International Environment Policy, International Journal, Vol. 47, No.4, Autumn, 1992,
   pp.796-817, quotation p.808.
   National Resources Canada, Statistics Canada, 2016 Census.

   See Edward A. Parson, “Environmental Trends and Environmental Governance in

   Canada”, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, Vol. 26, Supplement: The
   Trends Project, Aug. 2000, pp.S123-S143, Quotation p.S139.
   See #TrackingTransMountain, a database on Indigenous consultation for the pipeline project.

   Sheila Watt-Cloutier, The Right to Be Cold: One Woman’s Fight to Protect the Arctic

   and Save the Planet from Climate Change, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
   2018; London: Allen Lane, 2015, p. 134, 142.
   Ozzie Zehner, Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of

   Environmentalism, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012.

   William Stanley Jevons, The Coal Question: An Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the

   Nation and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal-Mines, London: MacMillan & Co.,
   James Speth, The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and

   Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2008;
   America the Possible: Manifesto for a New Economy, New Haven, CT: Yale University
   Press, 2012.
   Sarah Conly, One Child: Do We Have A Right To More?, Oxford: Oxford University

   Press, 2016. George H.W. Bush was interested in population reduction prior to running
   for president, an interest that linked back to interests of his father Prescott S. Bush. See
   George H.W. Bush, “George Bush on Population: An Early Statement”, Population and
   Development Review, Vol. 14, No.4, Dec. 1988, pp. 751-753.
   Zehner’s stress on current possibilities for “slowing the aging process” is the subject

   of much debate by gerontologists. See L.A. Gavrilov & N.S. Gavrilova, “Is Aging A
   Disease? Biodemographers’ Point of View”, Advanced Gerontology, 2017; 30(6):841-
   842; Ozzie Zehner, Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of
   Environmentalism, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012, p. 200.
   Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers & William W. Behrens III,

   Limits to Growth, 1972; Lynn White, Jr, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis”,
   Science, 10 March 1967, Vol. 155, No.3767: 1203-1207. See also Paul R. Ehrlich,
   The Population Bomb, Sierra Club/Balantine Books, 1968; Donella Meadows, Jorgen
   Randers and Dennis Meadows, Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update, White River
   Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2004; Jorgen Randers, 2052: A Global Forecast
   for the Next Forty Years, White Rover Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2012.
   E. F. Schumacher, Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered, London: Blood &

   Briggs, 1973.
   See Meg Jacobs, Panic at the Pump: The Energy Crisis and the Transformation of

   American Politics in the 1970s, New York: Hill & Wang, 2016.
   See Matthieu De Clerq, Anshu Vats & Alvaro Biel, “Agriculture 4.0: The Future of

   Farming Technology”, World Government Summit, February, 2018.
   See Seth Wynes and Kimberly A. Nicholas, “The Climate Mitigation Gap: Education

   and Government Recommendations Miss the Most Effective Individual Actions”, 2017
   Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 12 074024
   See Mark McCrindle, The ABC of XYZ, Bella Vista NSW: McCrindle Research Pty Ltd, 2014.


2006	Abenaki People from Where the Sun Rises by Alanis Obomsawin
      (unpublished presentation)

2007	Hunting, Shooting and Phishing: New Cybercrime Challenges for
      CyberCanadians in the 21st Century, by David S Wall

2008     Governance, Globalization and Unruly Populations : Governing the Aboriginal
         Cross-Border Economy in Canada, by Jane Gilmore-Dickson

2009     Mouthy Enemies: Canadian Writers and the Power of Being, Belonging and
         Celebrity, by Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson

2010     Citizen Reader: Canadian Literature, Mass Reading Events and the Promise of
         Belonging, by Danielle Fuller

2011     Insecurity in Canada’s Past: James Douglas Keeps the Peace on Vancouver
         Island, by Stephen A Royle

2012     Wilderness / Sophistication, by Faye Hammill

2013     From Cannon to Canons: Writing the Literary History of Francophone Canada,
         by Rosemary Chapman

2014	Parrots, Pasta and the Politics of Language: Making the Ethical Case for
      Language Policy in Quebec, by Leigh Oakes

2015	Diverging Parallels: Canadian Literature and the Canada-US Border,
      by Gillian Roberts

2016     Writing, Talking and Walking Québec’s Eastern Townships, by Ceri Morgan

2017     Margaret Atwood in Conversation with Coral Ann Howells

2018     Canada and the Great War, by Margaret Macmillan

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