Page created by Yvonne Dominguez
Chesapeake Bay Program

Logic and Action Plan: Post-Quarterly Progress Meeting

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation – 2022-2023
Long-term Target: Achieve and sustain the ultimate outcome of 185,000 acres of SAV Bay-wide; 130,000 acres by 2025
Two-year Target: To reach our 2025 goal of 130,000 acres, baywide SAV should increase by 16,000 acres per year. By 2023, we hope
to achieve 98,000 acres of SAV, but a short-term target is not officially defined.

                           Current                                                                                 Response
      Factor                                     Gap                    Actions                Metrics                                 Learn/Adapt
                           Efforts                                                                                   and
 What is impacting     What current       What further efforts   What actions are          What will we          How and when do       What did we learn
 our ability to        efforts are        or information are     essential (to help fill   measure or observe    we expect these       from taking this
 achieve our           addressing this    needed to fully        this gap) to achieve      to determine          actions to address    action? How will
 outcome?              factor?            address this factor?   our outcome?              progress in filling   the identified gap?   this lesson impact
                                                                                           identified gap?       How might that        our work?
                                                                                                                 affect our work
                                                                                                                 going forward?

 Factor 1.             Effort 1.1         Gap 1.1                Action 1.1a               Metric 1.1a           Response 1.1a
 Habitat               The Chesapeake     Although SAV           [Support WQ GIT in        Acres of SAV          Further
 Condition and         Bay TMDL was       throughout the Bay     their efforts to          mapped (Bay-wide      improvements in
 Availability: SAV     established to     has been shown to      improve water             aerial survey)        water clarity will
 requires suitable     limit the amount   respond to             quality through the                             greatly affect the
 water quality and     of N, P, and TSS   improvements in        TMDL and achieve                                ability of SAV
 clarity to recover    entering the       water quality, it is   water clarity/SAV                               populations in
 and thrive as well    Chesapeake Bay.    also susceptible to    standards in areas                              the Bay to gain
 as suitable           Reductions in N,   degradation of         designated for SAV                              or maintain
 shallow-water         P, and TSS         water quality,         use.]                                           resilience against
 habitat in which to   improve water      particularly when                                                      climate
 expand.               clarity, which     impacted by                                                            stressors;
                       allows SAV to      multiple stressors,                                                    benefits of
                       recover.           which we observed                                                      improved water

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in 2019-2020 when                                                     clarity would be
                           we lost ~1/3 of our                                                   seen within the
                           SAV. Continued,                                                       SAV growing
                           accelerated, and                                                      season.
                           potentially targeted
                           efforts to improve
                           water quality
                                                  Action 1.1b               Metric 1.1b          Response 1.1b
                           through the TMDL
                                                  [Encourage/Promote        BMPs                 Implementation
                           and BMPs may
                                                  the use of Best           implemented that     of additional and
                           help to mitigate
                                                  Management                benefit SAV          targeted BMPs
                           stressors associated
                                                  Practices within          persistence and      will encourage
                           with climate
                                                  local planning efforts    recovery             continued SAV
                                                  that benefit SAV                               recovery
                                                  persistence and                                measured as
                                                  recovery: wastewater                           increased Bay-
                                                  treatment plant                                wide and
                                                  upgrades,                                      segment specific
                                                  stormwater runoff                              SAV acreage
                                                  riparian buffers, etc.]

                                                  Action 1.1c               Metric 1.1c          Response 1.1c
                                                  [Determine the local      Completed project    If shown to have
                                                  effect of                 determining the      impact, there
                                                  flow/Stormwater           local effect of      may be an
                                                  runoff on SAV             flow/runoff on       increase in
                                                  density and acreage       SAV density and      targeted
                                                  and options for           acreage and          placement of
                                                  targeting BMPs that       proposed options     BMPs in areas of
                                                  would protect             for targeting BMPs   high SAV value
                                                  priority SAV areas.       that would protect   (large, dense,
                                                  This action was           priority SAV areas   stable beds that
                                                  specifically                                   provide
                                                  recommended by the                             important
                                                  Management                                     habitat)

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Action 1.1d            Metric 1.1d            Response 1.1d
                                                                     [Explore the           Report outlining       If shown to have
                                                                     potential for co-      the potential          significant
                                                                     locating land-based    benefits of and        potential
                                                                     BMPs,                  options for co-        benefits, the SAV
                                                                     oyster/mussel          locating land-         Workgroup
                                                                     restoration efforts,   based BMPs,            would
                                                                     and SAV restoration    oyster/mussel          potentially
                                                                     efforts. This action   restoration efforts,   pursue a pilot
                                                                     was specifically       and SAV                project to co-
                                                                     recommended by the     restoration efforts    locate a land-
                                                                     Management                                    based BMP, an
                                                                     Board.]                                       oyster/mussel
                                                                                                                   project, and an
                                                                                                                   SAV restoration
                     Effort 1.2             Gap 1.2                  Action 1.2a            Metric 1.2a            Response 1.2a
                     Direct effects of      The SAV/Climate          [Evaluate the          A completed            Increased
                     climate change         Modeling Project         potential for SAV to   project report and     understanding of
                     on SAV are             and STAC                 reach restoration      associated             climate impacts
                     currently being        Workshop are still       targets and provide    publications.          on SAV would
                     modeled and            underway so at this      relevant ecosystem     Increased              allow for better
                     evaluated as part      time, direct             services in the face   understanding of       management of
                     of a GIT-funded        impacts are not          of climate change by   climate impacts on     the resource
                     project                fully understood,        completing and         SAV recovery           through
                     (SAV/Climate           nor are the              publishing the         potential.             mitigative
                     Modeling               implications of          results of the GIT –                          improvements in
                     project-               rising temperatures      funded SAV/Climate                            water clarity and
                     Technical Lead:        on all of the Bay’s      Modeling Project.]                            inform future
                     Becky Golden).         SAV communities.                                                       SAV goal
                     Direct effects         Furthermore,                                                           attainment
                     include increased      indirect effects of                                                    potential.
                     precipitation,         climate change are       Action 1.2b            Metric 1.2b            Response 1.2b
                     increased              difficult to identify,   [Evaluate the          A completed            Increased
                     turbidity,             predict, or address,     potential for SAV to   project report and     understanding of
                     increased water        so their eventual        reach restoration      associated             rising
                     temperatures,          impact on SAV            targets and provide    publications.          temperatures on
                     sea level rise, etc.   recovery efforts are     relevant ecosystem     Increased              SAV would allow
                     Temperature            largely unclear.         services in the face   understanding of       for better
                     impacts,                                        of rising              rising                 management of
                     specifically, are                               temperatures by        temperatures on        the resource
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being evaluated     completing and          SAV recovery         through
                    as part of a STAC   publishing the          potential.           mitigative
                    Workshop on         outcomes and                                 improvements in
                    Rising              management                                   water clarity and
                    Temperatures in     recommendations                              inform future
                    the Watershed.      from the STAC                                SAV goal
                                        Workshop on Rising                           attainment
                                        Temps in the                                 potential.
                                        Chesapeake Bay.]

                                        Action 1.2c             Metric 1.2c          Response 1.2c
                                        [Implement the SAV      SAV Sentinel sites   Chesapeake Bay
                                        Sentinel Site           established and      SAV Sentinel
                                        Program throughout      adopted, data        Site data will
                                        the Bay to more         collected, data      complement
                                        effectively evaluate    analyzed, reports    acreage and
                                        the impacts of          written, insights    density data
                                        climate stressors on    into direct and      collected via the
                                        the Bay’s SAV           indirect climate     baywide aerial
                                        populations. See also   impacts gained.      survey and local
                                        Management                                   observational
                                        Approach 4, Effort                           data collected via
                                        4.4]                                         the Chesapeake
                                                                                     Bay SAV
                                                                                     Program and
                                                                                     other ground
                                                                                     Together, these
                                                                                     Chesapeake Bay
                                                                                     SAV monitoring
                                                                                     efforts will form
                                                                                     a three-tiered
                                                                                     approach that
                                                                                     maximizes our
                                                                                     efficiency and

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Effort 1.3         Gap 1.3               Action 1.3a            Metric 1.3a       Response 1.3a-
                    The SAV            Although we have      [Gain consensus        Development of a  b
                    Workgroup is       been discussing       among Bay Program      clearly defined end
                                                                                                      Identification of
                    collaborating      shallow water use     workgroups, goal       goal/statement of the end-goal and
                    with other         conflicts among       teams, and partners    purpose           development of a
                    workgroups and     workgroups, goal      on Shallow-Water                         structured
                    goal teams to      teams, and            Use Conflict                             decision matrix
                    address shallow    partners,             discussion purpose                       or the like would
                    water use          consensus             and end-goal]                            be valuable to
                    conflicts to       regarding a defined   Action 1.3b            Metric 1.3b       decision makers
                    ensure that all    purpose and end-      [Create a structured   Development of a  when making
                    resources and      goal aside from       decision               structured        permitting
                    habitats,          enhancing co-         matrix/assessment      decision          decisions
                    including SAV,     benefits has          protocol to evaluate   matrix/assessment involving
                    are adequately     remained elusive. A   shallow-water          protocol to       shallow water
                    considered and     decision matrix of    habitat trade-offs     evaluate shallow- use conflicts.
                    protected when     sorts is necessary    such as those          water habitat
                    making decisions   to address habitat    considered in Effort   trade-offs.
                    regarding          assessments and       2.1.]
                    shallow water      trade-offs to
                    areas. See also    improve decision
                    Effort 2.1 and     making for shallow
                    associated Gaps    water uses.
                    and Actions.

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Factor 2.             Effort 2.1           Gap 2.1                Action 2.1a            Metric 2.1a          Response 2.1a
 Protection of         Maryland,            Existing               [Work with state       Recommendations      Reviewing and
 Existing and          Virginia and the     regulations may        leadership in          reviewed and         making the
 Recovering            District of          not be effective at                           considered,          recommended
                                                                   Maryland, Virginia,
 SAV: SAV in the       Columbia all         protecting SAV as                             regulatory updates   regulatory
 Bay as well as the    have regulations     the resource           and D.C. to review     made                 updates will take
 shallow-water         in place that        recovers in the        and implement                               significant time
 habitat where SAV     protect existing     Chesapeake Bay.        appropriate                                 but when
 needs to recover is   SAV from             New threats and        recommendations                             completed, both
 subject to            harmful              conflicts are          from “Existing                              existing and
 degradation from      practices,           emerging that may      Chesapeake Bay                              recovering SAV
 poor water quality    including            deem the current                                                   will be more
                                                                   Watershed Statutes
 but also from         dredging and         regulations                                                        effectively
 physical              filling, nearshore   ineffective, such as   and Regulations                             protected.
 disturbances          construction and     aquaculture,           Affecting Submerged
 associated with       commercial           climate change         Aquatic Vegetation”
 dredging,             fishing, etc. See    impacts, and           a GIT-funded project
 harvesting,           also Effort 1.3      harvesting. A          report produced in
 commercial            and associated       review of all of the   2019 by the
 fishing activities,   Gaps and             statutes,
                                                                   Chesapeake Legal
 boating, shoreline    Actions.             regulations, and
 alteration, etc.                           policies that affect   Alliance at the
                                            SAV in the             request of the CBP
                                            Chesapeake Bay         and SAV
                                            was completed in       Workgroup.]
                                            2019. The review
                                            included multiple
                                            that have not been
                                            but should be
                                            considered and
                                            implemented for
                                            more thorough
                                            protection of SAV
                                            in the Bay.

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Effort 2.2         Gap 2.2                Action 2.2a             Metric 2.2a       Response 2.2a
                    The states and     A new species of       [Encourage local,       Water chestnut,   SAV acreage
                    various federal    Water Chestnut,        state, and federal      both species,     increase with
                    organizations      Trapa bispinosa,       partners in Virginia,   managed or        removal of
                    work to manage     has been               DC, and Maryland to     eradicated        invasive
                    invasive species   discovered in          manage water                              competitor
                    and minimize       various non-tidal      chestnut by
                    their impact on    bodies of water        developing and
                    SAV in the Bay.    near the Potomac       implementing plans
                                       River in Virginia.     to reduce or
                                       There are no           eradicate it in
                                       existing               Chesapeake Bay and
                                       management             other local water
                                       efforts in place for   bodies.]
                                       this species.
                                       efforts for Trapa
                                       natans, however,
                                       have been adequate
                                       to keep the
                                       populations in
                                       check but not fully
                                       eradicate them
                                       from the Bay.

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Factor 3.              Effort 3.1          Gap 3.1a               Action 3.1a.1            Metric 3.1a.1         Response
 SAV                    State agencies,     While several          [Continue SAV            Number of SAV         3.1a.1-3.1a.2
 Restoration            academic            organizations and      restoration efforts      restoration           Promoting the
 Potential and          institutions, and   agencies are           through direct           activities, number    use of the SAV
 Activity: Direct       other               involved in SAV        plantings of seeds or    of organizations      Restoration
 SAV Restoration        organizations in    restoration efforts,   propagules in hopes      involved,             Guide will result
 by seeding or          Maryland,           the capacity to        of establishing viable   increased citizen     in an increase of
 transplanting          Virginia and        restore SAV and        SAV beds where they      engagement,           SAV Restoration
 adult plants is an     Washington,         accelerate             are not recovering       increased SAV         Projects and
 important              D.C. work to        restoration goal       naturally with           acreage.              potentially
 component of SAV       actively restore    attainment is still    improvements in                                increased SAV
 recovery in            SAV in              limited without the    water quality or                               acreage. It may
 Chesapeake Bay,        appropriate         engagement of          where diversity is                             also increase the
 particularly in the    areas throughout    additional             low.]                                          number of
 absence of a           the Chesapeake      organizations to                                                      mitigation
 diversity of species   Bay using seeds     assist with the        Action 3.1a.2            Metric 3.1a.2         projects that
 or viable seed         and, in some        effort. More hands     [Distribute the          Number of             include direct,
 bank.                  limited cases,      make less work.        recently completed       successful SAV        in-kind SAV
                        adult plants.                              SAV Restoration          restoration           restoration
                                                                   Guide and associated     activities, number    rather than out-
                                                                   outreach materials       of organizations      of-kind
                                                                   among local, state,      involved,             restoration.
                                                                   and federal agencies     increased citizen
                                                                   and organizations        engagement,
                                                                   that conduct or          increased SAV
                                                                   would like to            acreage.
                                                                   conduct direct SAV
                                                                   restoration to
                                                                   expand SAV
                                                                   restoration capacity
                                                                   in Chesapeake Bay]

                                            Gap 3.1b               Action 3.1b              Metric 3.1b            Response 3.1b
                                            SAV Restoration        [Work with               Increased             Strategically
                                            efforts could be       permitting agencies      coordination with     implementing
                                            limited by water       to ensure SAV            permitting            SAV restoration
                                            quality conditions     restoration activities   agencies and          activities during
                                            and wild seed          are permitted during     improved success      period of high
                                            supply. SAV            appropriate growing      rates for             water quality
                                            Restoration efforts    conditions and over-     restoration efforts   and protecting
                                            should be carefully    harvesting from                                donor beds from
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planned and           donor beds does not                          overharvest will
                                       implemented only      occur.]                                      ensure long-term
                                       when there is                                                      confidence in
                                       adequate and                                                       SAV restoration
                                       stable donor bed                                                   activities and
                                       seed supply and                                                    potential.
                                       water quality is
                                       sufficient for high
                                       likelihood of

                                       Gap 3.1c              Action 3.1c             Metric 3.1c          Response 3.1c
                                       A commercial seed     [Review potential       Review of            An SAV nursery
                                       supply for native     opportunities to        opportunities to     and commercial
                                       Chesapeake Bay        create a Chesapeake     create an SAV        seed supply
                                       SAV is not            Bay SAV Nursery or      nursery or nursery   would encourage
                                       available and all     SAV Nursery             network; funding     broader
                                       seeds must come       Network that would      options identified   restoration and
                                       from wild harvest.    foster necessary        and pursued if       mitigation effort
                                                             research for SAV        determined           participation,
                                                             aquaculture             appropriate          protect donor
                                                             technology and                               beds from
                                                             restoration                                  potential over-
                                                             protocols, provide                           harvest, provide
                                                             space for a native                           space for a
                                                             SAV seed repository,                         native SAV seed
                                                             and produce a                                repository, and
                                                             commercial seed                              other research
                                                             supply; pursue                               benefits
                                                             options if possible                          resulting in
                                                             and funding is                               greater capacity
                                                             available.]                                  for direct SAV
                                                                                                          restoration in
                                                                                                          Chesapeake Bay.

 Factor 4.           Effort 4.1        Gap 4.1               Action 4.1a             Metric 4.1a          Response 4.1a
 SAV Research        Chesapeake Bay    There are still       [Identify and           SAV science and      Increased
 and                 Program partner   substantial           prioritize an updated   research needs       funding for
 Monitoring: SAV scientists and        knowledge gaps        list of SAV science     identified and       identified
 research and        others in the     and existing          and research needs,     prioritized,         research
 monitoring are      region are        science and           initiate workgroup      increased funding    priorities would
 necessary to make currently           research needs in     efforts and/or          opportunities        enhance our
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appropriate and    conducting           the fields of SAV      broader partnership      identified,          understanding of
 effective          research in SAV      biology, ecology,      efforts to advance       necessary research   SAV in
 management         biology, ecology,    genetics,              SAV research, and        conducted and        Chesapeake Bay
 decisions and      genetics,            restoration science,   provide support for      new data and         and support
 track progress     restoration, and     and climate            research in the form     information          effective
 towards SAV        climate              resilience. More       of funding, steering     shared, SAV more     management
 Restoration        resilience.          research in these      committee                effectively          decisions and
 targets.                                fields is needed to    participation, MTAG      protected and        recovery.
                                         support more           participation, letters   restored.            Additionally,
                                         effective              of support for                                Chesapeake Bay
                                         management             research funding,                             SAV research
                                         decisions and          subject matter                                would inform
                                         recovery of SAV in     expert support, etc.]                         management
                                         CB.                                                                  decisions in
                                                                                                              other estuaries
                                                                                                              around the

                    Effort 4.2           Gap 4.2a               Action 4.2a              Metric 4.2a          Response 4.2a
                    A Bay-wide aerial    Continuation of the    [Continue annual         Bay-wide SAV         SAV
                    survey – the first   Bay-wide aerial        Bay-wide SAV             Survey completed;    conservation,
                    tier of a three-     survey is necessary    Survey to track          SAV acres mapped     restoration, and
                    tiered               to track progress      progress towards                              research all rely
                    hierarchical         towards SAV            SAV restoration                               on effective and
                    monitoring           restoration targets    targets and water-                            efficient
                    approach for         and water clarity      clarity standards                             monitoring of
                    SAV in               standards              attainment.]                                  the resource.
                    Chesapeake Bay -     attainment.
                    has been
                    conducted each
                    year since 1984
                    to track progress
                    towards the Bay-     Gap 4.2b               Action 4.2b              Metric 4.2b          Response 4.2b
                    wide Chesapeake      To ensure the Bay-     [Work with the Bay       Identification of    The automated
                    Bay SAV              wide aerial survey’s   Program partners to      funding              detection and
                    restoration goal     long-term stability,   identify funding         opportunities and    quantification of
                    of 185,000 acres     the benefits of        opportunities to         development of       SAV in
                    and individual       using high-            support the              algorithms and       Chesapeake Bay
                    segment-specific     resolution satellite   continued                work flows for       from high-
                    goals.               imagery and            exploration of           automated SAV        resolution
                                         automated SAV          satellite imagery and                         satellite imagery
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detection to           the development of     detection and       may eventually
                                         supplement or          algorithms and work    mapping             supplement or
                                         eventually replace     flows to automate                          replace the
                                         plane-based image      SAV detection and                          current methods
                                         collection are being   quantification.]                           of hand
                                         explored by the                                                   delineation of
                                         SAV Workgroup                                                     SAV beds from
                                         and Bay Program                                                   aerial imagery.
                                         Partners, but                                                     This could
                                         additional funding                                                potentially
                                         is required to                                                    reduce costs
                                         develop the                                                       associated with
                                         algorithms and                                                    the SAV
                                         workflow necessary                                                monitoring
                                         for full-Bay                                                      program and
                                         automation and                                                    ensure its long-
                                         mapping.                                                          term stability.

                     Effort 4.3          Gap 4.3                Action 4.3a            Metric 4.3a         Response 4.3a
                     A volunteer         The SAV Watcher        [Continue              Identification of   With continued
                     monitoring effort   Program has been       implementation of      funding             support and
                     – The SAV           successfully           the SAV Watcher        opportunities,      funding, the SAV
                     Watcher             implemented by         Program and work to    continuation and    Watcher
                     Program – is the    several watershed      identify funding       expansion of        Program will
                     second tier of      groups and             opportunities to       program,            provide data
                     SAV monitoring      Riverkeeper            ensure the long-term   increased           necessary to
                     in a three-tiered   organizations in       stability of the SAV   watershed group     ground truth
                     hierarchical        Maryland but it has    Watcher Program.]      participation,      aerial and
                     monitoring          not expanded into                             increased           satellite imagery,
                     approach. The       Virginia.                                     volunteer           increase our
                     program was         Additional support                            participation.      understanding of
                     developed with      (time, funding) will                                              SAV species and
                     GIT funding to      be necessary to                                                   community
                     support the data    expand the                                                        distribution
                     needs of Bay        program into new                                                  throughout the
                     scientists but      rivers throughout                                                 Bay, and provide
                     also provide an     the Bay, maintain                                                 an educational
                     educational and     the Train-the-                                                    and engaging
                     engaging            Trainer                                                           experience for
                     experience for      Certification                                                     watershed
                     volunteers. The     Program, and                                                      groups and
                     Program was         provide funding for                                               volunteer
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initiated in 2019   watershed groups                                                   scientists. Data
                    and is active in    to continue                                                        from the SAV
                    watershed           implementation.                                                    Watcher
                    groups                                                                                 Program is used
                    throughout                                                                             in Riverkeeper
                    Maryland. See                                                                          and watershed
                    also Effort 5.4                                                                        organization
                    and associated                                                                         reports and
                    Gaps and                                                                               outreach
                    Actions.                                                                               materials.
                    Effort 4.4          Gap 4.4a               Action 4.4a            Metric 4.4a          Response 4.4a
                    The SAV Sentinel    Though almost          [Finalize SAV          Finalized protocol   Implementation
                    Site Program was    fully developed, the   Sentinel Site          and                  of an SAV
                    developed in        SAV Sentinel Site      Monitoring protocol    implementation       Sentinel Site
                    2020-2021 to        monitoring             and develop an         plan; Program        Program will
                    provide the top     protocol needs to      implementation plan    implemented          help Bay
                    tier of a three-    be finalized and an    for the SAV Sentinel                        scientists and
                    tiered              implementation         Site Program that                           managers
                    hierarchical        plan needs to be       includes                                    identify climate
                    monitoring          established to         identification and                          effects on SAV
                    approach for        initiate the           commitment from                             and
                    SAV in              program in 2022.       site adopters.]                             appropriately
                    Chesapeake Bay                                                                         manage them.
                    and to collect      Gap 4.4b               Action 4.4b            Metric 4.4b          Response 4.4b
                    detailed data       Although the SAV       [Identify funding      Funding              Providing
                    necessary to        sentinel Site          opportunities to       identified;          funding for
                    identify and        Program is             ensure the long-term   Sentinel Sites       sentinel site
                    track impacts to    currently soliciting   stability of the SAV   adopted              adopters will
                    SAV associated      volunteer sentinel     Sentinel Site                               increase and
                    with climate        site adopters (i.e.,   Program]                                    improve the
                    change and other    no funding                                                         quantity and
                    stressors.          provided), funding                                                 quality of data
                                        will be necessary to                                               collected and
                                        support                                                            long-term
                                        coordinating                                                       retention of SAV
                                        activities and to                                                  SS adopters.
                                        support sentinel
                                        site adopters for
                                        commitment to the

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Effort 4.5          Gap 4.5               Action 4.5a           Metric 4.5a           Response 4.5a
                       SAV Monitoring      SAV Monitoring        [Complete the         Published web         Providing a web
                       Program             Program web           development and       content;              space to
                       webpage content     content is under      publication of the    information more      maintain SAV
                       is being            review and has not    SAV Monitoring        effectively and       Monitoring web
                       developed to        yet been finalized    Program Webpages      efficiently           pages will
                       support the         or published on       on                    disseminated          provide a
                       dissemination of                           valuable
                       information                               describing and                              resource to SAV
                       about the various                         supporting the CBP                          workgroup
                       CBP SAV                                   SAV Monitoring                              members and
                       monitoring                                effort]                                     the public and
                       efforts. See also                                                                     simplify the
                       Effort 5.2 and                                                                        recruitment of
                       associated Gaps                                                                       SAV Sentinel
                       and Actions.                                                                          Site Adopters.

    Factor 5.          Effort 5.1          Gap 5.1               Action 5.1a           Metric 5.1a           Response 5.1a
                       In an effort to     Regardless of semi-   [Develop a            Communication         Public
                       educate the         frequent media        communication         products and          perception of
    Perception,        public about the    posts regarding the   strategy that         strategies created;   SAV improves;
    Knowledge,         benefits of SAV,    recovery of SAV in    enhances the          products              less SAV is
    and                reduce conflict     the Bay and the       public's knowledge    marketed. Fewer       damaged or
    Engagement:        and improve the     numerous              of and appreciation   nuisance              harvested
    Public             public’s            ecosystem services    for SAV in the        complaints            unnecessarily.
                       perception of       it provides, public   Chesapeake Bay]       recorded, change
    perception of
                       SAV, the SAV        perception of SAV                           in public
    SAV affects its    Workgroup           varies, with some                           perception.
    health and         works with the      constituents
    recovery: some     Chesapeake Bay      continuing to
    members of         Program             regard it as a
    the public         communications      nuisance rather
                       team on annual      than a welcome
    perceive it as a
                       press releases of   habitat that
    nuisance and       SAV acreage,        benefits us all.
    consequently       goal-attainment,
    take measures      and habitat
    to deter its       benefits and
    growth or          produces SAV-
                       related web and
                       social media

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                       Page 13 of 26
remove it.       content
    Human            throughout the
    activities can   year. Likewise,
                     D.C., Maryland
    be managed
                     and Virginia
    through          along with
    education,       Academic
    outreach and     Institutions and
    regulation.      watershed
                     groups promote
                     SAV education
                     and engagement
                     through annual
                     press releases,
                     reports, social
                     media posts, and

                     Effort 5.2           Gap 5.2              Action 5.2a          Metric 5.2a       Response 5.2a
                     The SAV              SAV Monitoring       [Publish SAV         Publication of    SAV Monitoring
                     Workgroup is         Program web          Monitoring program   content, public   web pages will
                     working with the     content is under     content on           engagement        improve public
                     CBP                  review and has not]                     understanding of
                     communications       yet been finalized                                          SAV and SAV
                     and web              or published on                                             monitoring
                     development                                          efforts
                     teams to build
                     SAV Monitoring
                     Program Web
                     pages from
                     developed during
                     a project
                     contracted to
                     Tetra Tech in
                     2020-2021. The
                     web pages will
                     fully describe the
                     various SAV
                     programs in the
Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                 Page 14 of 26
Bay and educate
                    and engage the
                    public about the
                    importance of
                    SAV and SAV
                    monitoring. See
                    also Effort 4.5
                    and associated
                    Gaps and

                    Effort 5.3          Gap 5.3               Action 5.3a             Metric 5.3a           Response 5.3a
                    Community-          The goals of this     [Work with the CBP      Funding obtained      Community-
                    Based Social        project were to       Comms team to           to print materials    based social
                    Marketing           develop a             identify funding and    and implement         marketing is a
                    products were       marketing strategy    support to              strategy, materials   proven method
                    developed during    and materials – not   implement the           printed and           for positive
                    a GIT-funded        to implement the      strategy and print      strategy              behavior change.
                    project (SAV        strategy or print     the materials. Work     implemented,          Once
                    Workgroup and       the materials.        with other CBP          people engaged,       implemented,
                    Comms Team          Additional funding    groups that have also   behavior modified,    the public’s
                    collaboration) to   and support is        developed CBSM          SAV protected.        perception of
                    encourage the       necessary to print    strategies and                                SAV should
                    public to be good   the materials and     materials.]                                   improve.
                    SAV stewards.       implement the
                    The SAV             strategy.
                    Workgroup and
                    Comms Team are
                    working together
                    to develop a plan
                    to implement the
                    developed during
                    the project.

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                       Page 15 of 26
Effort 5.4         Gap 5.4                Action 5.4a            Metric 5.4a           Response 5.4a
                    The SAV            The SAV Watcher        [Continue              Number of             The SAV
                    Workgroup          Program has been       implementation of      Trainers certified,   Watcher
                    recently           successfully           the SAV Watcher        volunteers            Program has
                    developed the      implemented by         Program and work to    certified,            been an effective
                    first CBP SAV      several watershed      identify funding       organizations         means of
                    monitoring         groups and             opportunities to       involved, data        engaging the
                    program for        Riverkeeper            ensure the long-term   collected.            public in SAV
                    volunteers and     organizations in       stability of the SAV                         monitoring and
                    community          Maryland but it has    Watcher Program.]                            protection.
                    scientists – The   not expanded into                                                   Increased
                    SAV Watcher        Virginia.                                                           participation will
                    Program - and is   Additional support                                                  increase SAV
                    working with       (time, funding) will                                                stewardship over
                    watershed          be necessary to                                                     time.
                    groups,            expand the
                    Riverkeeper        program into new
                    organizations,     rivers throughout
                    and schools to     the Bay, maintain
                    implement the      the Train-the-
                    program as an      Trainer
                    educational and    Certification
                    public             Program,
                    engagement tool    coordinate with
                    as well as a       watershed groups
                    means of           and Riverkeepers
                    collecting much-   on the program,
                    needed SAV         collect and share
                    data. See also     data, and provide
                    Effort 4.3 and     funding for
                    associated Gaps    watershed groups
                    and Actions.       to continue

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                        Page 16 of 26
Effort 5.5          Gap 5.5               Action 5.5a            Metric 5.5a           Response 5.5a
                    The SAV             Although the          [The SAV               Meetings held per     Increased
                    Workgroup           annual all-hands      Workgroup will         year, participation   meeting
                    meets annually      SAV Workgroup         convene in-person or   in SAV workgroup      frequency will
                    to gather           meeting provides      virtually (depending   activities            result in an
                    information from    an excellent forum    on current COVID       maintained and        engaged and
                    and share           for member            policies) quarterly    enhanced,             participatory
                    information with    participation,        with supplemental      coordination          membership,
                    members and         members have          meetings with          among SAV chair       increased
                    partners, write     expressed an          appropriate sub-       and staffer           collaboration
                    reports,            interest in meeting   groups taking place    improved.             and workplan
                    synthesize and      more frequently to    as needed to discuss                         accomplished.
                    prioritize          share information     priorities, share
                    research, and       and ideas for         ideas for
                    work on other       collaborative         collaborations,
                    efforts as needed   efforts.              review status
                    and appropriate.                          updates, update the
                                                              SAV Management
                                                              Strategy and
                                                              implement the SAV
                                                              Workplan, etc. SAV
                                                              leadership and
                                                              staffers will meet

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                    Page 17 of 26
SAV Workplan/ACTIONS – 2022-2023
                                                                                   Responsible   Geographic       Expected
 Action #       Description                 Performance Target(s)                  Party (or     Location         Timeline
 Management Approach 1: Support efforts to conserve and restore current and future SAV habitat and SAV habitat conditions
             Support WQ GIT in their                                                               Chesapeake Bay By 2025
             efforts to improve water                                               Bay States,
             quality through the TMDL and a. WQ Management Action 1:                Water Quality
 1.1a        achieve  water  clarity/SAV     Enhance   monitoring                   GIT, SAV
             standards in areas designated                                          Workgroup
             for SAV use.
                                             a. Promote the use of the SAV Fact     SAV Workgroup, Chesapeake Bay
                                             Sheets developed by the SAV            Communications Watershed
             Encourage/Promote the use of
                                             Synthesis Team and published on the Workgroup,
             Best Management Practices                                                                            2022, onward
                                             CBP Data Dashboard.                    LGAC, Local
             within local planning efforts
             that benefit SAV persistence
             and recovery: wastewater
 1.1b                                        b. Promote use of "SAV: Principles for SAV Workgroup, Chesapeake Bay
             treatment plant upgrades,
                                             Phase III Watershed Implementation Communications Watershed
             stormwater runoff
                                             Plans" fact sheet.                     Workgroup,
             improvements, riparian                                                                               2022, onward
                                                                                    LGAC, Local
             buffers, etc.]
                                                                                                   Chesapeake Bay
                                             a. Targeted GIS exercise to explore                   and Watershed
             Determine the local effect of
             flow/Stormwater runoff on       areas of high flow and SAV
             SAV density and acreage and     acreage/density impacts.               SAV Workgroup,
             options for targeting BMPs                                             CBP Modeling
 1.1c                                                                                                             2022-2023
             that would protect priority SAV                                        Team, BMP
             areas. This action was                                                 experts
                                             b. Review land-use in areas where
             specifically recommended by
                                             flow directly impacts SAV; explore
             the Management Board.
                                             BMP options for those areas.

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                           Page 18 of 26
SAV Workplan/ACTIONS – 2022-2023
                                                                                           Responsible      Geographic       Expected
 Action #       Description                        Performance Target(s)                   Party (or        Location         Timeline
                Explore the potential for co-                                                               Chesapeake Bay
                locating land-based BMPs,                                                                   and Watershed
                                                                                           SAV Workgroup,
                oyster/mussel restoration
                                                   a. Work with appropriate CBP teams      CBP Modeling
                efforts, and SAV restoration
 1.1d                                              to explore options and propose          Team, BMP                         2022-2023
                efforts. This action was
                                                   potential pilot study.                  experts, Fish
                specifically recommended by
                the Management Board.

                Evaluate the potential for SAV
                to reach restoration targets and                                           SAV Workgroup
                provide relevant ecosystem         a. Complete GIT-funded SAV/Climate      members, STAR,
                services in the face of climate    Modeling Project, review and            Climate
 1.2a                                                                                                       Chesapeake Bay   2022-2023
                change by completing and           disseminate results and other project   Resiliency
                publishing the results of the      products                                Workgroup,
                GIT –funded SAV/Climate                                                    VIMS, SERC
                Modeling Project.
                Evaluate the potential for SAV
                to reach restoration targets and
                provide relevant ecosystem
                services in the face of rising
                                                                                           SAV Workgroup
                temperatures by holding STAC       a. Complete STAC Rising Temp
                                                                                           members, STAR,
                Workshop on Rising                 Workshop, assist with report, review
 1.2b                                                                                      Climate          Chesapeake Bay   2022-2023
                Temperatures in the                and disseminate results, reports, and
                Chesapeake Bay and by              recommendations.
                completing and publishing the
                workshop report and

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                      Page 19 of 26
SAV Workplan/ACTIONS – 2022-2023
                                                                                          Responsible      Geographic       Expected
 Action #       Description                       Performance Target(s)                   Party (or        Location         Timeline

                                                  a. Complete SAV Sentinel Site
                                                                                          SAV Workgroup    Chesapeake Bay   2022
                                                  Monitoring Protocol

                Implement the SAV Sentinel                                                SAV Workgroup,
                                                  b. Publish “SAV Monitoring” Web
                Site Program throughout the                                               CBP Web Team,    Chesapeake Bay   2022
                                                  Pages on
                Bay to more effectively                                                   CBP Comms
                evaluate the impacts of climate
 1.2c                                             c. Recruit SAV Sentinel Site Adopters   SAV Workgroup    Chesapeake Bay   2022
                stressors on the Bay’s SAV
                populations. See also
                Management Approach 4,                                                    SAV Workgroup,
                Action 4.4                                                                Site adopters
                                                  d. Implement and maintain Program                        Chesapeake Bay   2022. onward
                                                                                          and program
                                                                                          SAV Workgroup,
                                                  e. Identify long-term funding options   Site adopters
                                                                                                           Chesapeake Bay   2022, onward
                                                  for Program                             and program
                Gain consensus among Bay
                                                  a. Meet with CBP workgroups, goal
                Program workgroups, goal
                                                  teams, and partners that have
                teams, and partners on                                                    SAV Workgroup,
 1.3a                                             expressed interest in topic to gain                      Chesapeake Bay   2022
                Shallow-water Use Conflict                                                Fish GIT, HGIT
                                                  consensus on discussion purpose and
                discussion purpose and end-
                Create a structured decision
                matrix/assessment protocol to
                                                  b. Work with involved partners to
                evaluate shallow-water habitat                                            SAV Workgroup,
 1.3b                                             create SDM for shallow water use                         Chesapeake Bay   2023
                trade-offs.                                                               Fish GIT, HGIT
                                                  assessment and decision making

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                     Page 20 of 26
SAV Workplan/ACTIONS – 2022-2023
                                                                                           Responsible        Geographic       Expected
 Action #       Description                       Performance Target(s)                    Party (or          Location         Timeline
 Management Approach 2: Protect existing and recovering SAV

                                                  a. Coordinate with state leadership to
                                                                                           SAV Workgroup,     Chesapeake Bay   2022
                Work with state leadership in     initiate discussion with appropriate
                                                                                           state leadership   Watershed
                Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. to   state representatives
                review and implement
                appropriate recommendations
                from “Existing Chesapeake Bay
                                                  b. Coordinate with appropriate state
                Watershed Statutes and
                                                  representatives to review and discuss    SAV Workgroup,     Chesapeake Bay   2022
 2.1a           Regulations Affecting
                                                  recommendations from CLS SAV             state leadership   Watershed
                Submerged Aquatic
                                                  Regulatory Report
                Vegetation” a GIT-funded
                project report produced in
                2019 by the Chesapeake Legal
                Alliance at the request of the    c. Determine which
                CBP and SAV Workgroup.            recommendations for regulatory           SAV Workgroup,     Chesapeake Bay   2023
                                                  updates will be pursued and devise       state leadership   Watershed
                                                  plan to do so.

                Encourage local, state, and
                federal partners in Virginia,
                DC, and Maryland to manage
                water chestnut (Trapa natans
                                                                                           SAV Workgroup,
 2.2a           and T. bispinosa) by                                                                          Chesapeake Bay
                                                  a. Annual efforts to manage or           MD, VA, and DC
                developing and implementing
                                                  eradicate water chestnut; bushels        state agencies,                     2022, onward
                plans to reduce or eradicate it
                                                  removed from waterways                   local watershed
                in Chesapeake Bay and other
                local water bodies.

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                        Page 21 of 26
SAV Workplan/ACTIONS – 2022-2023
                                                                                          Responsible      Geographic       Expected
 Action #       Description                        Performance Target(s)                  Party (or        Location         Timeline
 M anagement Approach 3: Restore SAV
                Continue SAV restoration
                efforts through direct plantings
                of seeds or propagules in hopes    a. Md DNR, VIMS, and other partner     SAV Workgroup,
                of establishing viable SAV beds    organizations will continue direct     MD DNR, VIMS,
 3.1a.1                                                                                                    Chesapeake Bay   2022, onward
                where they are not recovering      planting in appropriate sites in       Watershed
                naturally with improvements        Maryland, Virginia, and DC.            groups
                in water quality or where
                diversity is low.
                Distribute the recently
                completed SAV Restoration
                Guide and associated outreach
                materials among local, state,      a. SAV Restoration Guide and
                and federal agencies and           associated outreach materials
 3.1a.2                                                                                   SAV Workgroup    Chesapeake Bay   2022
                organizations that conduct or      distributed to interested parties
                would like to conduct direct       either in print or as shared link
                SAV restoration to expand SAV
                restoration capacity in
                Chesapeake Bay.
                Work with permitting agencies
                to ensure SAV restoration          a. Contact appropriate permitting
                activities are permitted during    agencies to make them aware of the
 3.1b           appropriate growing                distribution of the SAV Restoration    SAV Workgroup    Chesapeake Bay   2022, onward
                conditions and over-harvesting     Guide and ensure appropriate review
                from donor beds does not           of permit applications.
                Review potential opportunities
                                                   a. Continued conversation about
                to create a Chesapeake Bay
                                                   Chesapeake Bay SAV Nursery
                SAV Nursery or SAV Nursery
 3.1c                                              potential with interested SAV          SAV Workgroup    Chesapeake Bay   2022-2023
                Network that would foster
                                                   Workgroup members and review of
                necessary research for SAV
                                                   potential opportunities; pursue
                aquaculture technology and
Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                     Page 22 of 26
SAV Workplan/ACTIONS – 2022-2023
                                                                                       Responsible      Geographic       Expected
 Action #        Description                    Performance Target(s)                  Party (or        Location         Timeline
             restoration protocols, provide  funding if available and deemed
             space for a native SAV seed     appropriate
             repository, and produce a
             commercial seed supply;
             pursue options if possible and
             funding is available.
 Management Approach 4: Enhance SAV research and monitoring
             Identify and prioritize an
             updated list of SAV science and
                                             a. Initiate workgroup efforts to
             research needs, initiate
                                             identify and prioritize an updated list
             workgroup efforts and/or
                                             of science and research needs and
             broader partnership efforts to
                                             support broader partnership efforts
             advance SAV research, and
                                             to advance SAV research. Identify
 4.1a        provide support for research in                                           SAV Workgroup    Chesapeake Bay   2022, onward
                                             funding opportunities, offer letters of
             the form of funding, steering
                                             support, serve on MTAGs and
             committee participation,
                                             steering committees, and otherwise
             MTAG participation, letters of
                                             provide subject matter expert support
             support for research funding,
                                             as appropriate.
             provide subject matter expert
             support, etc.
             Continue annual Bay-wide SAV a. Continued support of annual Bay-
             Survey to track progress        wide aerial SAV monitoring program
                                                                                       SAV Workgroup,
 4.2a        towards SAV restoration         that provides up to date data                              Chesapeake Bay   2022, onward
                                                                                       CBP Leadership
             targets and water-clarity       regarding the distribution and density
             standards attainment.           of SAV in the Bay and its tributaries.
             Work with the Bay Program
             partners to identify funding    a. Identification of funding to support
             opportunities to support the    algorithm and work flow                   SAV Workgroup;
 4.2b                                                                                                   Chesapeake Bay   2022-2023
             continued exploration of        development; algorithm and work           STAR
             satellite imagery and the       flow development
             development of algorithms and

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                  Page 23 of 26
SAV Workplan/ACTIONS – 2022-2023
                                                                                           Responsible      Geographic       Expected
 Action #       Description                      Performance Target(s)                     Party (or        Location         Timeline
                work flows to automate SAV
                detection and quantification.

                                                 a. Continued implementation of
                                                 Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers
                                                 Program. Recruitment of additional        SAV Workgroup;
                                                 organizations and volunteers,             SAV Watcher
                Continue implementation of                                                                  Chesapeake Bay   2022, onward
                                                 certification of additional “Trainers”,   Partner
                the SAV Watcher Program and      collection of ground survey data in       Organizations
                work to identify funding         additional tributaries.
                opportunities to ensure the
                long-term stability of the SAV
                Watcher Program.
                                                 b. Identification of funding
                                                                                           SAV Workgroup;
                                                 opportunities to ensure long-term                          Chesapeake Bay   2022
                                                 stability of SAV Watcher Program

                Finalize SAV Sentinel Site                                                 SAV Workgroup
                Monitoring protocol and          a. Finalized protocol with Basic and
                                                                                           SAV Sentinel     Chesapeake Bay   2022
                develop an implementation        Advanced monitoring options
                                                                                           Site Team
 4.4a           plan for the SAV Sentinel Site
                Program that includes            b. Implementation plan developed,         SAV Workgroup
                identification and commitment    site adopters identified, and program     SAV Sentinel     Chesapeake Bay   2022
                from site adopters.              implemented                               Site Team
                Identify funding opportunities   a. Identification of funding for SAV
                to ensure the long-term          Sentinel Site Program
 4.4b                                                                                      SAV Workgroup    Chesapeake Bay   2022
                stability of the SAV Sentinel
                Site Program.

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                      Page 24 of 26
SAV Workplan/ACTIONS – 2022-2023
                                                                                     Responsible     Geographic       Expected
 Action #       Description                   Performance Target(s)                  Party (or       Location         Timeline
             Complete the development and
             publication of the SAV
                                                                                    SAV Workgroup;
             Monitoring Program             a. SAV Monitoring Program
 4.5a                                                                               CBP Comms;       Chesapeake Bay   2022
             Webpages on     Webpages approved and published
                                                                                    CBP Web team
             describing and supporting the
             CBP SAV Monitoring effort
 Management Approach 5: Enhance citizen involvement, education, and outreach
                                            a. Marketing of the importance of
                                            SAV through websites, social media,
             Develop a communication        informational signage at ramps,
             strategy that enhances the     perception survey, etc.
                                            b. Population of the SAV Workgroup      SAV Workgroup;
 5.1a        public's knowledge of and                                                               Chesapeake Bay   2022
             appreciation for SAV in        webpage on with SAV CBP Comms
             Chesapeake Bay                 Workgroup Program information,
                                            products, and relevant literature and
             Publish SAV Monitoring
                                            a. Publication of content, public
 5.2a        Program content on                                                     SAV Workgroup    Chesapeake Bay   2022
             Work with the CBP Comms
             team to identify funding and
             support to implement the
                                            a. Identification of funding to support
             strategy and print the                                                 SAV Workgroup;
 5.3a                                       printing pf materials and                                Chesapeake Bay   2022
             materials. Work with other                                             CBP Comms
                                            implementation of CBSM strategy
             CBP groups that have also
             developed CBSM strategies
             and materials.
             Continue implementation of     a. Continued implementation of
             the SAV Watcher Program and Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers
             work to identify funding       Program. Recruitment of additional      SAV Workgroup    Chesapeake Bay   2022, onward
             opportunities to ensure the
             long-term stability of the SAV organizations   and volunteers,
             Watcher Program.               certification of additional “Trainers,”

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                               Page 25 of 26
SAV Workplan/ACTIONS – 2022-2023
                                                                                         Responsible     Geographic       Expected
 Action #       Description                       Performance Target(s)                  Party (or       Location         Timeline
                                                  collection of ground survey data in
                                                  additional tributaries.

                The SAV Workgroup will            a. Convene quarterly ½ day SAV
                convene in-person or virtually    Workgroup meetings; the winter                         Chesapeake Bay
                                                                                         SAV Workgroup
                (depending on current COVID       meeting will remain full-day All-
                policies) quarterly with          hands meeting.
                supplemental meetings with
                appropriate sub-groups taking
                place as needed to discuss
 5.5            priorities, share ideas for                                                                               2022, onward
                collaborations, review status
                                                  b. Convene monthly SAV Workgroup                       Chesapeake Bay
                updates, update the SAV                                                  SAV Workgroup
                                                  leadership meetings
                Management Strategy and
                implement the SAV Workplan,
                etc. SAV Workgroup leadership
                and staffers will meet monthly.

Updated February 7, 2022                                                                                                   Page 26 of 26
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