Black Cumin Seed Essential Oil, as a Potent Analgesic and Antiinflammatory Drug

Page created by Victor Weber
          Phytother. Res. 18, 195–199 (2004)
          Published online in Wiley InterScienceBLACK
                                                        CUMIN SEED ESSENTIAL   DOI: 10.1002/ptr.1390
                                                                                      OIL                                                       195

          Black Cumin Seed Essential Oil, as a Potent
          Analgesic and Antiinflammatory Drug

          Valiollah Hajhashemi1*, Alireza Ghannadi2 and Hadi Jafarabadi1
           Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,
          Isfahan 81746-73461, Iran
           Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,
          Isfahan 81746-73461, Iran

          The steam-distilled essential oil of Iranian black cumin seed (Nigella sativa L.) was investigated for its
          composition and analgesic and antiinflammatory properties. After oil analysis by GC/MS, 20 compounds were
          identified in the oil, obtained in 0.4% (v/w) yield. Among them, para-cymene (37.3%) and thymoquinone
          (13.7%) were the major components. Acetic acid-induced writhing, formalin and light tail flick tests were used
          for assessment of analgesic activity. Antiinflammatory activity was evaluated using carrageenan-induced paw
          oedema in rats and croton oil-induced ear oedema in mice. Black cumin seed essential oil (BCSEO) was found
          to produce a significant analgesic effect in acetic acid-induced writhing, formalin and light tail flick tests.
          Naloxone, an opioid antagonist, could not reverse the analgesic effect observed in the formalin test. Although
          oral administration of BCSEO at doses of 100, 200 and 400 µL/kg did not exert a significant antiinflammatory
          effect in the carrageenan test, i.p. injection of the same doses significantly ( p < 0.001) inhibited carrageenan-
          induced paw oedema. BCSEO at doses of 10 and 20 µL/ear could also reduce croton oil-induced oedema.
          It seems that mechanism(s) other than opioid receptors is (are) involved in the analgesic effect of BCSEO
          since naloxone could not reverse this effect. Both systemic and local administration of BCSEO showed
          antiinflammatory activity. Thymoquinone, as one of the major components of BCSEO, probably has an
          important role in these pharmacological effects. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

          Keywords: black cumin seed; Nigella sativa; Ranunculaceae; essential oil; analgesic; antiinflammatory.

                                                                              source for the isolation of potential drugs. Evalua-
                                                                              tion of analgesic and antiinflammatory effects of black
                                                                              cumin seeds has been the subject of several studies
Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), Ranunculaceae, is a                          in recent years. These studies were focused on pure
widely distributed annual herbaceous plant. The seeds                         thymoquinone (one of the main compounds of N. sativa
of black cumin, commonly known in Iran as ‘Siah                               fixed and essential oils), fixed oil and aqueous extracts
Daneh’, have been used extensively in foods and                               of the seeds (Abdel-Fattah et al., 2000; Al-Ghamdi, 2001;
Iranian traditional medicine to treat several disorders                       El-Dakhakhny et al., 2002; Houghton et al., 1995;
(Zargari, 1990). The seeds have been widely added as                          Khanna et al., 1993; Mutabagani and El-Mahdy, 1997).
a spice to a variety of Persian foods such as bread,                          Various pharmacological and biological tests were
yogurt, pickles, sauces and salads for flavouring. They                        also carried out to investigate different compounds and
are also used in Iranian folk and traditional medicines                       fractions of black cumin seeds (Agarwal et al., 1979;
for treating some respiratory, gastrointestinal, rheumatic                    Agel, 1992; Agel and Shaheen, 1996; Boskabady and
and inflammatory disorders (Amin, 1991; Nafisy, 1989;                           Shirmohammadi, 2002; Burits and Bucar, 2000; El-Tahir
Zargari, 1990). Some Iranian practitioners, such as                           et al., 1993a, 1993b; Worthen et al., 1998).
Rhazes and Avicenna, were also familiar with this plant                          The present study was carried out in an attempt to
and mentioned its medicinal uses, such as analgesic and                       investigate the potential analgesic and antiinflammatory
antipyretic effects in their books, ‘Continens’ and ‘The                      effects of black cumin seed essential oil, as an out-
Canon’, respectively, (Ebn-e Sina, 1988; Razi, 1990).                         standing fraction of the plant, in mice and rats using
Black cumin seeds have been reported to contain                               acetic acid-induced writhing, formalin, light tail flick,
essential oil, fixed oil, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids                       carrageenan and croton oil-induced ear oedema tests.
and proteins (Al-Ghamdi, 2001; Burits and Bucar, 2000;                        In addition, the essential oil constituents identified by
Zargari, 1990). Because the traditional and folkloric                         GC/MS analysis are described, since some of these con-
uses of black cumin seed are supported by a long his-                         stituents have been reported to possess antiinflammatory
tory of human experience, this plant may be a valuable                        and antinociceptive activities.

* Correspondence to: Dr V. Hajhashemi, Department of Pharmacology,
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Isfahan University of         MATERIAL AND METHODS
Medical Sciences, Isfahan 81746-73461, Iran.
Contract/grant sponsor: Research Council of the Isfahan University of         Plant collection and essential oil preparation. N. sativa
Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran; Contract/grant number: 80239.                L. seeds were obtained from a research farm in Roshan
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                                                                          Phytother.Received
                                                                                                                             Res. 18,6195–199
                                                                                                                              Accepted 12 June 2003
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
196                                             V. HAJHASHEMI ET AL.

Dasht, Isfahan, Iran, at an altitude of ca. 1400 m in       Light tail flick test. Acute nociception was assessed
September 2001, with the aid of a traditional farmer.       using a tail flick apparatus (Poya-armaghan, Iran)
The plant material was authenticated by Mr Iraj             following the method of D’Amour and Smith (1941).
Mehregan in the Herbarium Department of the Faculty         Briefly, each animal was placed in a restrainer,
of Pharmacy, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,         2 min before treatment, and the baseline reaction
Shiraz, Iran. A voucher specimen, herbarium number          time was measured by focusing a beam of light on
HN-1100 has been preserved for reference in the             the distal one-third portion of the animal’s tail.
Pharmacy Herbarium of Isfahan University of Medical         BCSEO, vehicle or morphine was administered
Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. The air-dried seeds of the plant   i.p. immediately after this step and the post drug
were powdered and the volatile fraction was isolated        reaction time was measured at 15 min intervals until
by a steam-distillation method for 2 h (Pharmacopoeia       2 h. A 12 s cut-off time was used in order to prevent
Bohemoslovaka IV, 1987). The oil was dried over             tissue damage. The MPE% (percent of maximum
anhydrous sodium sulphate and stored in a refrigerator      possible analgesic effect) was calculated for each time
(4 °C).                                                     interval.

Essential oil analysis. The oil was analysed by GC/MS       Carrageenan test. The antiinflammatory activity was
using a Hewlett Packard 6890 mass selective detector        evaluated by the carrageenan-induced paw oedema
coupled with a Hewlett Packard 6890 gas chromato-           test in the rat (Winter et al., 1962). Male Wistar rats
graph, equipped with a cross-linked 5% PH ME siloxane       were briefly anaesthetized with ether and injected
HP-5MS capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm, film thick-         subplantarly into the right hind paw with 0.1 mL of 1%
ness 0.25 µm). Operating conditions were as follows:        suspension of carrageenan in isotonic saline. The left
carrier gas, helium with a flow rate of 2 mL/min;            hind paw was injected with 0.1 mL saline and used as a
column temperature, 60°–275 °C at 4 °C/min; injector        control. The paw volume was measured prior to and
and detector temperatures, 280 °C; volume injected,         4 h after carrageenan administration using a mercury
0.1 µL of the oil; split ratio, 1:50.                       plethysmograph (Ugo Basil, Italy).
   The MS operating parameters were as follows:                BCSEO was diluted in 1% Tween 20 and adminis-
ionization potential, 70 ev; ionization current, 2 A; ion   tered orally or i.p. 45 or 30 min prior to carrageenan
source temperature, 200 °C; resolution, 1000.               injection. The control group received an equivalent
   Identification of the components in the oil was based     volume of the vehicle. Indomethacin (10 mg/kg) was
on retention indices relative to n-alkanes and computer     used as a positive control.
matching with the Wiley 275 L library, as well as by
comparison of the fragmentation patterns of the mass        Croton oil-induced ear oedema. The croton oil ear test
spectra with those reported in the literature (Adams,       was performed as already described (Carlson et al.,
1995; Sandra and Bicchi, 1987).                             1985). A total of 15 µL of an acetone solution con-
                                                            taining 75 µg of croton oil was applied to the inner
Animals. Male Swiss mice (25–35 g) and Wistar rats          surface of the right ear of each mouse. The left ear
(180–200 g) obtained from the animal house of the           remained untreated. Control animals received only the
Faculty of Pharmacy (Isfahan, Iran) were used. They         irritant, while in the test groups, in addition to irritant,
were housed in polypropylene cages under standard           two doses of 10 and 20 µL of BCSEO were also applied
environmental conditions and had free access to pellet      topically. The animals were killed 6 h later and a plug
diet and tap water. For experimentation, six animals        (6 mm in diameter) was removed from both the treated
were included in each group.                                and untreated ear. The difference in weight between
                                                            the two plugs was taken as a measure of oedematous
Acetic acid-induced writhing test. Writhing activity        response.
was determined by the method of Koster et al. (1959).
Groups of mice (n = 6) received oral different doses        Statistical analysis. The results are presented as mean
of BCSEO 1 h prior to an intraperitoneal injection of       ± SEM and statistically analysed by one-way ANOVA
1% acetic acid in a volume of 10 mL/kg. The control         followed by the Duncan test.
group received vehicle (10 mL/kg of 1% solution of
Tween 20). Indomethacin (10 mg/kg, p.o.) pretreated
animals were used as a positive control.
Formalin test. The test was carried out as described
by Hunskaar and Hole (1987). Mice were injected             Analysis of the essential oil
with 20 µL of 2.5% formalin (in 0.9% saline) into the
subplantar space of the right hind paw and the dura-        The plant seeds yielded 0.4% (v/w) of a yellowish
tion of paw licking was determined 0–5 min (first phase)     essential oil with a fresh flavoured odour and an
and 20–25 min (second phase) after formalin injection.      aromatic, slightly bitter taste. Twenty components
   Essential oil was given orally or i.p. 45 or 30 min      were characterized, representing 97.4% of the total
prior to formalin injection. Control animals received       oil components detected, which are listed in Table 1
vehicle (10 mL/kg of 1% solution of Tween 20).              with their percentage composition and retention
Morphine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) pretreated animals were           indices. Among them, para-cymene (37.3%), thymo-
included in the study for comparison. In some groups        quinone (13.7%), linalool (9.9%), alpha-thujene (9.8%)
naloxone (1 mg/kg, i.p.) was injected 15 min before         and longifolene (6.4%) were the major components.
BCSEO to assess the role of opioid receptors in anal-       Other terpene derivatives formed less than 3.5% of
gesic activity.                                             the total or were present only in trace amounts.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                                                    Phytother. Res. 18, 195–199 (2004)
BLACK CUMIN SEED ESSENTIAL OIL                                                                     197

Table 1. Composition of the essential oil of Iranian black cumin                     Table 3. Effect of oral and i.p. administration of BCSEO on
seed                                                                                 formalin nociception response in mice (n = 6)

No           Compound                   Retention index       Percentage                                                       Time spent on licking (s)
                                                                                                                                   (mean ± SEM)
 1       alpha-Thujene                        924                    9.8
                                                                                                                             First phase       Second phase
 2       alpha-Pinene                         929                    3.1
                                                                                     Treatment                 Dose           (0–5 min)         (20–25 min)
 3       Sabinene                             968                    2.2
 4       beta-Pinene                          937                    3.4
                                                                                     Control                   –             43.7   ±   1.6     58.7   ±   9.1
 5       alpha-Terpinene                     1014                    0.8
                                                                                     BCSEO             100 µL/ kg (p.o.)     29.3   ±   2a      20.8   ±   10.5a
 6       para-Cymene                         1022                   37.3
                                                                                                       200 µL/ kg (p.o.)      28    ±   3.2a       6   ±   3.5a
 7       gamma-Terpinene                     1058                    2.0
                                                                                                       400 µL/ kg (p.o.)     23.7   ±   4.1a     5.5   ±   2.9b
 8       Linalool                            1091                    9.9
                                                                                                       100 µL/ kg (i.p.)      24    ±   4.1b     4.2   ±   2.7b
 9       cis-Thujone                         1096                    0.2
                                                                                                       200 µL/ kg (i.p.)      19    ±   3.9b     3.2   ±   3.1b
10       Camphor                             1138                    0.6
                                                                                                       400 µL/ kg (i.p.)     17.7   ±   3.5b     0.8   ±   0.8b
11       4-Terpineol                         1171                    1.0
                                                                                     Naloxone +          1 mg/kg (i.p.) +     12    ±   2.1b     0.7   ±   0.6b
12       alpha-Terpineol                     1184                    2.2
                                                                                     BCSEO             400 µL/ kg (i.p.)
13       Thymoquinone                        1244                   13.7
                                                                                     Morphine           10 mg/kg (i.p.)        2.7 ± 1.3b         1 ± 0.5b
14       Bornyl acetate                      1282                    0.2
15       Thymol                              1286                    0.4             a
                                                                                         p < 0.01; b p < 0.001 significantly different from control group.
16       Carvacrol                           1296                    1.6
17       alpha-Longipinene                   1348                    2.1
18       Citronellyl acetate                 1353                    0.4
19       Longifolene                         1400                    6.4             flick test, BCSEO, like morphine, produced antino-
20       Davanone                            1593                    0.1             ciceptive activity (Table 4). Although the analgesic
                                                                                     effect of BCSEO was less than morphine, it remained
                                                                                     for a longer time.
Table 2. Effect of oral administration of BCSEO on acetic acid-
induced writhing in mice (n = 6)
                                                                                     Antiinflammatory activity
                                    Number of writhings         Inhibition
Treatment               Dose          (mean ± SEM)                 (%)
                                                                                     Table 5 shows the result of oral and i.p. administration
Vehicle (control)     –                     47.3   ±   4.9             –             of BCSEO on carrageenan-induced paw oedema in rats.
BCSEO             200 µL/ kg                26.3   ±   2.7            43             Orally administered BCSEO at doses of 100, 200 and
                  400 µL/ kg                24.5   ±   5              48             400 µL/kg produced 24%, 34% and 20% inhibition of
                  800 µL/ kg                  14   ±   6.8a           70             oedema, respectively. However, these effects were not
Indomethacin      10 mg/kg                   8.8   ±   2.7a           81             statistically significant. In this model indomethacin,
                                                                                     a standard drug, significantly ( p < 0.001) reduced
    p < 0.001 compared with control group.                                           carrageenan-induced paw oedema. BCSEO when ad-
                                                                                     ministered i.p. had a better effect, so that the same
                                                                                     doses caused 54%, 74% and 87% inhibition of oedema,
Analgesic activity                                                                   respectively, and the changes were significant ( p < 0.05
                                                                                     for a dose of 100 µL/kg and p < 0.001 for doses of 200
In the acetic acid-induced writhing test, BCSEO at                                   and 400 µL/kg).
doses of 200, 400 and 800 µL/kg reduced the number                                      The effects of BCSEO on croton oil-induced ear
of abdominal constrictions by 43%, 48% and 70%,                                      oedema are shown in Table 6. BCSEO at doses of 10
respectively. Indomethacin, as a reference drug, pro-                                and 20 µL/kg significantly reduced ear oedema by 39%
duced 81% reduction of writhes (Table 2). The results                                and 50%, respectively.
of the formalin test have been summarized in Table 3.
Both oral and i.p. administration of BCSEO, in a dose-
dependent manner, significantly inhibited the formalin-
induced paw licking response. However, the inhibitory                                DISCUSSION
response on the second phase was more pronounced.
Morphine, as a standard drug, also inhibited both phases                             The results of this study indicated that black cumin
of formalin-induced pain. Naloxone failed to antagon-                                seed essential oil has potent analgesic and antiinflam-
ize the antinociceptive effect of BCSEO. In the light tail                           matory effects. BCSEO showed analgesic activity in all

                    Table 4. Antinociceptive effect of BCSEO and morphine in light tail flick test in mice expressed
                    as mean of percent of maximum possible antinociceptive effect (MPE%) of six animals per group

                                                                                Time after drug administration (min)
                    Treatment                 Dose             15          30       45         60       75        90     105        120

                    Control                     –              3.6      3.5         3.8        4        3.3       3.8     3.2        3.5
                    BCSEO                400 µL/kg (i.p.)      6.8     22.4        50.4a      55.9a    57.1a     57.6a   50.8a      51.5a
                    Morphine             10 mg/kg (i.p.)      32.8a    59.3a       80.9b      87.6b    74.5b     62.1b   45.5a      32.1a

                        p < 0.01;   b
                                        p < 0.001 significantly different from control group.

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Table 5. Effect of oral and i.p. administration of BCSEO on           Table 6. Effect of local administration of BCSEO on croton oil-
carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema in rat (n = 6)                     induced ear oedema in mice (n = 6)

                                    Increase in paw                                                        Ear oedema (mg)
                                      volume (mL)        Inhibition   Treatment           Dose (µL/ear)     (mean ± SEM)         Inhibition (%)
Treatment             Dose           (mean ± SEM)           (%)
                                                                      Control                    –            11.4 ± 0.9                –
Control                 –             0.41   ±   0.02        –        BCSEO                     10               7 ± 1.1a              39
BCSEO            100 µL/kg (p.o.)     0.31   ±   0.07       24                                  20             5.7 ± 0.6b              50
                 200 µL/kg (p.o.)     0.27   ±   0.05       34
                 400 µL/kg (p.o.)     0.33   ±   0.05       20        a
                                                                          p < 0.05;   b
                                                                                          p < 0.01 significantly different from control group.
Indomethacin     10 mg/kg (p.o.)      0.11   ±   0.02b      73
Control                 –             0.39   ±   0.04        –
BCSEO            100 µL/kg (i.p.)     0.18   ±   0.06a      54        oil in different parts of the world. The amount of
                 200 µL/kg (i.p.)     0.10   ±   0.05b      74        thymoquinone, which was found as a second major
                 400 µL/kg (i.p.)     0.05   ±   0.05b      87        compound of the essential oil, was lower than that
Indomethacin     10 mg/kg (i.p.)      0.08   ±   0.05b      79
                                                                      reported in the literature (Burits and Bucar, 2000;
  p < 0.05; b p < 0.001 significantly different from corresponding
                                                                      Mozaffari et al., 2000). Many factors can influence the
control groups.                                                       essential oil content of plants. These variations are
                                                                      heredity, age of the plant, climatological environment,
                                                                      harvesting time, fertilization and irrigation regimens,
animal models used in this study. The formalin test is                distillation procedure and isolation method (Gora
considered a valid model for clinical pain (Tjolsen                   et al., 2002; Omidbaigi, 1997; Reineccius, 1994).
et al., 1992) and in this model, BCSEO effectively                       Thymoquinone has been partly associated with phar-
inhibited the licking response in both early and late                 macological findings of the present study (Abdel-Fattah
phases, in a manner similar to morphine. However,                     et al., 2000; El-Dakhakhny et al., 2002; Houghton et al.,
naloxone, an opioid antagonist failed to reverse the                  1995). It has been reported that thymoquinone inhib-
analgesic effect of BCSEO and it seems that mech-                     ited the generation of thromboxane B2 and leukotriene
anisms other than stimulation of opioid receptors are                 B4 thus suggesting an inhibitory effect on both the
involved. In a previous report (Abdel Fattah et al.,                  cyclooxygenase and 5-lipooxygenase enzymes (El-
2000), naloxone significantly blocked N. sativa oil and                Dakhakhny et al., 2002). Furthermore thymoquinone
thymoquinone-induced antinociception in the early                     was found by the same authors to inhibit lipid peroxida-
phase of the formalin test, but in our study naloxone                 tion. The role played by prostaglandins, leukotrienes
had no such effect on the antinociceptive activity of                 and oxygen radicals in inflammation and pain is well
BCSEO. This difference might be due to different                      documented (Hardman and Limbird, 2001). Therefore,
chemical composition of fixed oil and essential oil of                 it seems that at least a part of the analgesic and anti-
the plant. While N. sativa oil is mostly composed of                  inflammatory effects of BCSEO is due to the presence
fatty acids including linoleic (58%–65%), oleic (22%–                 of thymoquinone, although it is not so clear whether
24%), palmitic (13%–20%) and stearic acid (Nergiz and                 this compound is the only contributing component of
Otles, 1993; Saleh Al-Jassir, 1992), none of these com-               this plant essential oil or not. Further work is needed
pounds is found in BCSEO.                                             to clarify the role of the other constituents of BCSEO
   Since BCSEO showed an antiinflammatory effect,                      and their exact mechanisms.
it seems that it is more effective in alleviating pain of                In conclusion, significant antiinflammatory and anal-
an inflammatory origin. Our results indicate that the                  gesic activities of black cumin seed essential oil have
antiinflammatory effect of BCSEO is consistent with                    been found in these models suggesting a rational basis
that reported by Mutabagani and El-Mahdy (1997).                      for folk and traditional uses of this herb in Iran for
   Many of the identified oil compounds were present                   some inflammatory ailments.
in the essential oils of black cumin seed reported be-
fore (Burits and Bucar, 2000; D’Antuono et al., 2002;
Mozaffari et al., 2000). More than 50% of the essential               Acknowledgements
oil components of Iranian N. sativa were due to para-                 This work was supported by Research Council of the Isfahan
cymene and thymoquinone. There are some variations                    University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran (Research project
in the quantitative compositions of N. sativa essential               No. 80239).


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Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                                                                  Phytother. Res. 18, 195–199 (2004)
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