Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD

Page created by Danny Salazar
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
Blood donors and donations
in Italy at the time of COVID-19
         Vincenzo de Angelis MD
              Transfusion Medicine Dept
   University Hospital "S. Maria della Misericordia"
                     Udine - Italy
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
As to April 18th, the infected people in Italy rose to 175,825 (+3,491 compared
to 17th, + 2%), including 44,927 people recovered (+ 2,200 compared to 17 th +
5%) and 23,227 died (+482 compared to 17th + 2%). The currently positive
people are therefore 107,771 (+809 compared to 17th + 0.8%). Globally,
Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna represent ¾ of the cases (Official
data from MOH).
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
Consequence of SARS-CoV-2 spread
1) The Italian Health System had a high percentage (9-11%) of infected
  patients being admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs) rapidly saturated
2) Government   Decrees    on   limitation   measures   produced    an   initial
  DECREASE in blood donations
3) Hospitals have responded by drastically reducing the non-urgent surgical
  and medical admittance
4) This was responsible for a DECREASE of blood utilization
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
(courtesy AVIS Natl. President, dr. GP Briola, Milano)
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
(courtesy AVIS Natl. President, dr. GP Briola, Milano)
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
Blood donation is included in the list of “urgent
and essential activities” allowing the people to
              leave their houses
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
Red Blood Cells Production / Distribution in Italy
                     March 2- April 12
          A national media campaign (media, MoH, donors’ Associations…) on the
                   7 and safety of blood donation, call for donations
                    6                                          59032

                          46183                                                                                         45117
                    4                  39745                                                                40332
                                                               36251                  37221
                    3                                                                                                   30673

Reorganization of hospital
                           activity                            22871


                        2-8-1866   9-15...               16-22...                   -2291
                                                                                23-30...              31 mar 5...   6-12...

                   -2                          RBC Collected        RBC distributed      difference
                                                         Data from CNS
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
Consequences - Measures
1) excess in blood inventory, common to many past disasters
2)overcrowding observed in donor centres difficult to guarantee a safe
    social distance
                  Pressure to implement better planning
                  Moving donors to schedule donations

    A more organized flux of people (for donor and staff safety)

    A more rational management of the blood inventory .
Blood donors and donations in Italy at the time of COVID-19 - Vincenzo de Angelis MD
RBC Collection and Distribution during the
                              period March 2- April 12 (per Region)
10000                                                                                           9000

9000                                                                                            8000

                                      COLLECTION                                                                                             DISTRIBUTION


2000                                                                                            2000

1000                                                                                            1000

   0                                                                                                0
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V                         PA Fr        il                                                       V a
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              2 - 8 marzo 2020      9- 15 marzo 2020           16- 22 marzo 2020                                 2 - 8 marzo 2020         9- 15 marzo 2020              16- 22 marzo 2020
              23- 29 marzo 2020     30 marzo- 5 aprile 2020    6 aprile -12 aprile                               23- 29 marzo 2020        30 marzo- 5 aprile 2020       6 aprile -12 aprile

                                                                                      Data from CNS
Emergency COVID-19 – Emilia Romagna
• 1° week: decrease by 5% blood donations; then call for donations (National and Regional MoH,
  Donors’Associations, social media...) increase and also surplus of blood donations.
Recommendations to Blood Centres by Regional Authority (March 13th)
    • Plan measures (only scheduled donations) to allow regular/constant access of donors to
       the collection sites, and to respect social distancing.
    • Plan activities aimed at ensuring collection of blood also in forthcoming weeks (shortage
       expected on April/May after the huge collection of March)
    • Safety measures (common, see later)
    • Appropriate use of blood (PBM, restrictive transfusion triggers, early recall of untransfused
       units after surgery – not later than 12 hr)
• First time retested donor common practice in Emilia Romagna: Donors’ Association asked to plan
  the recruitment of candidate donors in the next months
                                (courtesy Blood Coordinating Authority, dr. V. Randi, Bologna)
Emergency COVID-19 – Lombardia
           (the most affected Italian Region: half of the deaths recorded here)

Collection: weekly decrease by 20% (February 24 to March 15), decrease by 14% in the following weeks (after call
for donation) from March 16 to 22 and huge decrease (40% ) from March 23 on
Distribution: progressive decrease from February 22 on (higher decrease > 30%, average 25 %); now up-turn (last
week) in distribution (to be confirmed)
Emergency inventory of the region (II + III level emergency) in normal conditions: 500 units; doubled from
February 25th to March 6th and stable till march 16; then increased (unwilling) up to 6 times, stable on these high
levels till the first week of April, then progressively decreasing and coming to normal levels now.
Plan blood collection sessions and Schedule donations; share the inventories among regional Blood Centers
(=computerized regional unique inventory)
Decrease, in the short term, regional blood collection program by 30 % as compared to the plan pre-COVID-19.

                                      (courtesy Blood Coordinating Authority, dr. R. Chianese, Milan)
Emergency COVID-19 - Veneto
The first Italian region (together with Lombardia) where the SARS-CoV-2 spread has been recorded (February 22).
Dramatic decrease in blood donations and then rapid increase due to a big pressure on public opinion (by national and
Regional MoH, Civil Protection, Blood Donor Associations, National Health Institute…). Increase of blood distribution
during last week (increased hospital activity) and expected shortage in the forthcoming months, when hospitals will rise
activities at a regular level
• Daily monitoring of collection/distribution in the region by the regional blood coordinating authority and information to
  all Transfusion Depts (to share the inventories among regional Blood Centers)
• Fixed amount of donors allowed by each session of blood collection, reservations required; planning reduction of
  activity in some collection sites on weekends (measures to prevent the spread of the infection)
• All these measures reduced the elimination of outdated units to a minimum; the situation requires a reorganization
  of the relationships between transfusion facilities and donor associations for a better dynamism and a faster
  adaptation of collection programmes.
                         Weeks         March 2-   March 9-    March 16-    March 22-   March 30   April 6 -
                                       8          15         22           29            Apr 5       12

                         RBC             4299       4769        5716         3673       3222       2842

                         RBC             4369       4000        3628         3812       3980       4478

                                                        (courtesy Blood Coordinating Authority, dr. G. Roveroni, Padova)
Emergency COVID-19 - Piemonte

1) Shortage at the beginning (March 3 to 9), due to restrictions in people’s movement; in some
instances Health Authorities did not allow blood sessions on mobile units
2) Then call for donations (National and Regional MoH, Donors’Associations, social media...)
increase and also surplus of blood donations, also due to drastic reduction of hospital elective
activities (surgical and medical)
3) Now situation back to normal, as a consequence of regular organization of planned donor
sessions with scheduled donations
4) A maintenance of regional self-sufficiency and a regular supply of blood to other regions
(Sardinia) is expected in the next weeks/months.

                               (courtesy Blood Coordinating Authority, dr. F. Ripa, Torino)
Post Donation Information: How to deal with
Post Donation +ve    Onset of close   Total
Informations / swabs symptoms contact PDI
Region                        *
(February 22-
April 12)

Veneto              10        69   20     99
Friuli-VG             4       10    8     22
Emilia                9      104   35    148
Lombardia           23       286   58    367
Piemonte              3       9    23     35
Total               49       478   144   671
*following ECDC definition
1. Schedule donations and do “triage” when
2. Limit the number of donors in waiting
3. Sanitize hands of donors before donation
4. Surgical mask to donors
5. Distancing of chairs and beds
6. Surgical mask, protective visor to staff
7. Contact limited in time (close contact
    staff/donor < 15 ‘)
8. Staff change gloves after every donation
    (also before SARS-CoV-2)
9. If possible, put a screen in Front-office
    conditions (open environments)
10. Sanitize rooms/mobile units after use

                             SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS
                                FOR BLOOD SESSIONS
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