Page created by Stacy Dean
Blue Spruce Award™
                         winners and nominees

        A Celebration of Canadian Authors, Illustrators, and Publishers | 416.363.3388 | |

                                 | 416.363.3388
                                                            Official Wholesaler
                                                | |

                 The Branch                                 The Little Boy Who Lived Down the Drain
        Mireille Messier & Pierre Pratt                      Carolyn Huizinga Mills & Brooke Kerrigan
                Kids Can Press                                    Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Limited

             The Darkest Dark                                           Milo and Georgie
 Chris Hadfield, Kate Fillion, Eric & Terry Fan                   Bree Galbraith & Josée Bisaillon
                Tundra Books                                            Owlkids Books Inc.

     Even Superheroes Have Bad Days                                The Owl and the Lemming
        Shelly Becker & Eda Kaban                            Roselynn Akulukjuk & Amanda Sandland
            Sterling Publishing                                        Inhabit Media Inc.

              French Toast                              ★ Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie
   Kari-Lynn Winters & François Thisdale                  Clark Became the Ocean’s Most Fearless
              Pajama Press                                               Scientist ★
                                                            Jess Keating & Marta Álvarez Miguéns
                     Great                                              Sourcebooks
Glen Gretzky, Lauri Holomis & Kevin Sylvester
                Puffin Canada                                           A Squiggly Story
                                                                   Andrew Larsen & Mike Lowery
                                                                         Kids Can Press

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          The Artist and Me                                    ★ The Night Gardener ★
    Shane Peacock, Sophie Casson                                 Eric Fan and Terry Fan
           Owlkids Books                              Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers

        The Good Little Book                                              Snap!
      Kyo Maclear, Marion Arbona                               Hazel Hutchins, Dušan Petričić
            Tundra Books                                               Annick Press

           Harry and Walter                                     Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox
        Kathy Stinson, Qin Leng                                      Danielle Daniel
             Annick Press                                          Groundwood Books

           If I Had a Gryphon                                         Stanley at School
     Vikki VanSickle, Cale Atkinson                                 Linda Bailey, Bill Slavin
               Tundra Books                                           Kids Can Press Ltd.

              Invisibill                                                The Wolf-Birds
    Maureen Fergus, Dušan Petričić                                      Willow Dawson
           Tundra Books                                                 Owlkids Books


            Butterfly Park                                          In a Cloud of Dust
             Elly MacKay                                        Alma Fullerton, Brian Deines
Running Press/Publisher’s Group Canada                                 Pajama Press

      The Cardinal and the Crow                                    Sam’s Pet Temper
           Michael Moniz                                     Sangeeta Bhadra, Marion Arbona
         Simply Read Books                                           Kids Can Press

   Fishermen Through and Through                                        Stop, Thief!
    Colleen Sydor, Brooke Kerrigan                              Heather Tekavec, Pierre Pratt
           Red Deer Press                                             Kids Can Press

      Henry Holton Takes the Ice                                   Super Red Riding Hood
     Sandra Bradley, Sara Palacios                                     Claudia Dávila
     Penguin Young Readers; Dial                                      Kids Can Press

     ★ If Kids Ruled the World ★                                 We’re All Friends Here
      Linda Bailey, David Huyck                           Nancy Wilcox Richards, Tom Goldsmith
             Kids Can Press                                      Scholastic Canada Ltd.
 | 416.363.3388 | |

  ★ The Day My Mom Came to                          Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress
       Kindergarten ★                                Christine Baldacchino, Isabelle Malenfant
  Maureen Fergus, Mike Lowery                                   Groundwood Books
        Kids Can Press
                                                              The Most Magnificent Thing
The Highest Number In The World                                     Ashley Spires
Roy Macgregor, Geneviève Després                                   Kids Can Press
         Tundra Books
                                                                   My Blue Is Happy
    Kenta and The Big Wave                                     Jessica Young, Catia Chien
           Ruth Ohi                                                  Random House
         Annick Press
                                                                Oddrey and the New Kid
    Loula Is Leaving for Africa                                    Dave Whamond
        Anne Villeneuve                                                Owlkids
         Kids Can Press
                                                                 Young Frank, Architect
     The Man with the Violin                                          Frank Viva
   Kathy Stinson, Dušan Petričić                                        Abrams
           Annick Press


        A Good Trade                                                   ★ Oddrey ★
  Alma Fullerton, Karen Patkau                                        Dave Whamond
         Pajama Press                                                 Owlkids Books

     I Dare You Not To Yawn                                              Sky Color
  Helene Boudreau, Serge Bloch                                       Peter H. Reynolds
        Candlewick Press                                             Candlewick Press

        If You Hold A Seed                                          This Is Not My Hat
            Elly MacKay                                                Jon Klassen
           Running Press                                            Candlewick Press

       In The Tree House                                    Uncle Wally’s Old Brown Shoe
  Andrew Larsen, Dusan Petricic                                   Wallace Edwards
         Kids Can Press                                         Orca Book Publishers

         Mr. Zinger’s Hat                                         Willow Finds A Way
    Cary Fagan, Dusan Petricic                                 Lana Button, Tania Howells
          Tundra Books                                              Kids Can Press | 416.363.3388 | |

           The Busy Beaver                                          ★ Kate and Pippin ★
           Nicholas Oldland                                   Martin Springett, Isobel Springett
          Kids Can Press Ltd.                                  Puffin Canada/Penguin Group

        Don’t Laugh at Giraffe                                               Larf
          Rebecca Bender                                                 Ashley Spires
          Pajama Press Inc.                                           Kids Can Press Ltd.

   Ella May and the Wishing Stone                                     Really and Truly
     Cary Fagan, Geneviève Côte                              Émilie Rivard, Anne-Claire Delisle
            Tundra Books                                            OwlKids Books Inc.

        Here Comes Hortense!                                               Splinters
Heather Hartt-Sussman, Georgia Graham                                   Kevin Sylvester
             Tundra Books                                                Tundra Books

            JoJo the Giant                                             You Are Stardust
     Jane Barclay, Esperança Melo                                  Elin Kelsey, Soyeon Kim
            Tundra Books                                              OwlKids Books Inc.


          A Flock of Shoes                                            Noni Says No
        Sarah Tsiang, Qin Leng                           Heather Hartt-Sussman, Geneviève Côté
            Annick Press                                              Tundra Books

        ★ Giraffe and Bird ★                                        One Hockey Night
          Rebecca Bender                                        David Ward, Brian Deines
 Dancing Cat Books/Cormorant Books                        Scholastic Canada/North Winds Press

        Kiss Me! (I’m a Prince!)                        Roslyn Rutabaga and the Biggest Hole
   Heather McLeod, Brooke Kerrigan                                    on Earth!
        Fitzhenry & Whiteside                                     Marie-Louise Gay
                                                       Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press
      The Little Hummingbird
     Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas                                            Small Saul
   D&M Publishers/Greystone Books                                        Ashley Spires
                                                                         Kids Can Press
    Making the Moose Out of Life
         Nicholas Oldland                                           Stanley’s Little Sister
          Kids Can Press                                            Linda Bailey, Bill Slavin
                                                                        Kids Can Press
 | 416.363.3388 | |

            Big Bear Hug                                           ★ My Think-A-Ma-Jink ★
           Nicholas Oldland                                           Dave Whamond
            Kids Can Press                                                Owlkids

            C’mere Boy!                                                 Perfect Snow
  Sharon Jennings and Ashley Spires                                     Barbara Reid
           Kids Can Press                                           Scholastic Canada, Ltd.

      Have I Got a Book for You!                            Proud as a Peacock, Brave as a Lion
             Mélanie Watt                                      Jane Barclay and Renné Benoit
           Kids Can Press                                              Tundra Books

       The Imaginary Garden                                               Violet
  Andrew Larsen and Irene Luxbacher                       Tania Duprey Stehlik and Vanja Jovanovic
           Kids Can Press                                           Second Story Press

            Jack the Bear                                            Willow’s Whispers
            Christina Leist                                     Lana Button and Tania Howells
          Simply Read Books                                            Kids Can Press


           ★ Boo Hoo Bird★ ★                                         The King’s Taster
            Jeremy Tankard                                            Kenneth Oppel
           Scholastic Canada                           Paintings by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher
 Bradley McGogg, The Very Fine Frog
    Tim Beiser and Rachel Berman                                  Stanley’s Beauty Contest
            Tundra Books                                          Linda Bailey and Bill Slavin
                                                                        Kids Can Press
           Crocodiles Play!
   Robert Heidbreder and Rae Maté                               There’s a Cow Under My Bed!
          Tradewind Books                                     Valerie Sherrard and David Jardine
                                                                  Creative Book Publishing
       Farley Follows His Nose
 Lynn C Johnston and Beth Cruikshank                         When Stella Was Very, Very Small
The Bowen Press / HarperCollinsCanada                               Marie-Louise Gay
                                                                   Groundwood Books
        The King Has Goat Ears
  Katarina Jovanovic and Phillipe Béha                           You’re Mean, Lily Jean
            Tradewind Books                           Frieda Wishinsky and Kady MacDonald Denton
                                                                    Scholastic Canada

 | 416.363.3388 | |

        Buttercup’s Lovely Day                                        Making Grizzle Grow
             Carolyn Beck                                               Rachna Gilmour
         Orca Book Publishers                                      Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd

              ★ Chester ★                                                Mattland
              Mélanie Watt                                     Hazel Hutchins and Gail Herbert
             Kids Can Press                                             Annick Press

         Clancy with the Puck                                             My New Shirt
             Chris Mizzoni                                                 Cary Fagan
           Raincoast Books                                                Tundra Books

    Eliot Jones, Midnight Superhero                                       Stanley at Sea
             Anne Cottringer                                               Linda Bailey
          Scholastic Canada Ltd                                           Kids Can Press

            It’s Moving Day                                               Such a Prince
           Pamela Hickman                                                  Dan Bar-el
             Kids Can Press                                                  Clarion


           The Farm Team                                           Lily and the Paper Man
        Linda Bailey, Bill Slavin                               Rebecca Upjohn, Renné Benoit
            Kids Can Press                                           Second Story Press

          Fox Walked Alone                                               The List
             Barbara Reid                                    Hazel Hutchins, Maria van Lieshout
Northwinds Press/Scholastic Canada Ltd.                                Annick Press

             Grumpy Bird                                              Please, Louise!
          by Jeremy Tankard                              by Frieda Wishinsky and Marie-Louise Gay
           Scholastic Press                                         Goundwood Books

           In My Backyard                                         A Sack Full of Feathers
       Margriet Ruurs, Ron Broda                              by Debby Waldman, Cindy Revell
             Tundra Books                                          Orca Book Publishers

           Jeffrey and Sloth                               ★ Scaredy Squirrel Makes A Friend ★
    Kari-Lynn Winters, Ben Hodson                                     Mélanie Watt
         Orca Book Publishers                                        Kids Can Press

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      Camilla Chameleon                                     Sophie and the Sea Monster
Colleen Sydor, Pascale Constantin                          Don Gillmor, Michael Martchenko
         Kids Can Press                                           Scholastic Canada

       Clara and the Bossy                                         Stanley’s Wild Ride
             Ruth Ohi                                             Linda Bailey, Bill Slavin
           Annick Press                                               Kids Can Press

        Earth to Audrey                                           Taming Horrible Harry
 Susan Hughes, Stéphane Poulin                                     Lili Chartrand, Rogé
        Kids Can Press                                                 Tundra Books

   Penelope and the Monsters                                   Wake up, Henry Rooster!
   Sheri Radford, Christine Tripp                             Margriet Ruurs, Sean Cassidy
           Lobster Press                                       Fitzhenry and Whiteside

      ★ Scaredy Squirrel ★                                   Where’s My Hockey Sweater?
          Mélanie Watt                                        Gilles Tibo, Bruno St-Aubin
         Kids Can Press                                            Scholastic Canada


          Ben Over Night                                             Leon’s Song
      Sarah Ellis, Kim LaFave                             Stephanie McLellan, Dianna Bonder
      Fitzhenry & Whiteside                                     Fitzhenry & Whiteside

      Beneath The Bridge                                         Mile High Apple Pie
     Hazel Hutchins, Ruth Ohi                              Laura Langston, Lindsey Gardiner
           Annick Press                                     Bodley Head/Random House

        Bigbeard’s Hook                                  Penelope And The Humongous Burp
     Evan Solomon, Bill Slavin                              Sheri Radford, Christine Tripp
       Viking Canada, 2005                                          Lobster Press

★ The Boy Who Loved Bananas ★                                   Rainy Days With Bear
George Elliott, Andrej Krystoforski                          Maureen Hull, Leanne Franson
        Kids Can Press                                              Lobster Press

          Gummytoes                                            Stella Princess Of The Sky
   Sean Cassidy, Sean Cassidy                                       Marie Louise Gay
     Fitzhenry & Whiteside                                            Groundwood | 416.363.3388 | |

            A Very Unusual Dog                                              Perfect Man
       Dorothy Joan Harris, Kim LaFave                                Troy Wilson, Dean Griffiths
        North Winds Press/Scholastic                                            Orca

            Bagels from Benny                                             Suki’s Kimono
         Aubrey Davis, Dušan Petričić                             Chieri Uegaki, Stéphane Jorisch
               Kids Can Press                                             Kids Can Press

             Camels Always Do                                           The Sidewalk Rescue
          Lynn Manuel, Kasia Charko                                    Hazel Hutchins, Ruth Ohi
                   Orca                                                      Annick Press

      ★ Drumheller Dinosaur Dance ★                                         This is the Dog
        Robert Heidbreder, Bill Slavin                                    Sheryl McFarlane,
           and Esperança Melo                                              Chrissie Wysotski
               Kids Can Press                                           Fitzhenry & Whiteside

             Our Canadian Flag                                            Too Many Books!
         Maxine Trottier, Brian Deines                               Gilles Tibo, Bruno St-Aubin
        North Winds Press/Scholastic                                      Scholastic Canada


           An Alien in My House                                Jillian Jiggs and the Great Big Snow
       Shenaaz Nanji, Chum G. McLeod                                       Phoebe Gilman
               Second Story                                                   Scholastic

                The F Team                                                   Sink or Swim
       Anne Laurel Carter, Rose Cowles                                  Valerie Coulman, Roge
                    Orca                                                    Lobster Press

              Hank and Fergus                                            ★ Stanley’s Party ★
Susin Nielsen-Fernlund, Louise-Andre Laliberte                          Linda Bailey, Bill Slavin
                    Orca                                                    Kids Can Press

              How Hot Was It?                                            The Subway Mouse
         Jane Barclay, Janice Donato                                        Barbara Reid
               Lobster Press                                                 Scholastic

            It Couldn’t Be Worse                                      You Can’t Rush a Cat
             Vlasta Van Kampen                               Karleen Bradford, Leslie Elizabeth Watts
                   Annick                                                     Orca

    | 416.363.3388 | |

             Alphabeasts                                          The Name of the Child
           Wallace Edwards                                      Marilynn Reynolds, Don Kilby
            Kids Can Press                                         Orca Book Publishers

        Badger’s New House                                 The Rumor: A Jataka Tale from India
           Robin Muller                                              Jan Thornhill
         Scholastic Canada                                         Maple Tree Press

           Courage to Fly                                         Stella: Fairy of the Forest
  Troon Harrison, Zhong-Yang Huang                                    Marie-Louise Gay
           Red Deer Press                                            Groundwood Books

          Full Moon Rising                                 When the Giant Stirred: Legend of a
      Joanne Taylor, Susan Tooke                                     Volcanic Island
            Tundra Books                                              Celia Godkin
                                                                 Fitzhenry & Whiteside
        Give Maggie a Chance
    Frieda Wishinsky, Dean Griffiths                    ★ Z is for Zamboni: A Hockey Alphabet ★
         Fitzhenry & Whiteside                                   Matt Napier, Melanie Rose
                                                                    Sleeping Bear Press


 The Best Figure Skater in the Whole                       M is for Maple: A Canadian Alphabet
             Wide World                                          Mike Ulmer, Melanie Rose
   Linda Bailey, Alan and Lea Daniel                                Sleeping Bear Press
            Kids Can Press
                                                                   No Two Snowflakes
               Big Ben                                           Sheree Fitch, Janet Wilson
       Sarah Ellis, Kim La Fave                                         Orca Books
       Fitzhenry and Whiteside
                                                                       Oma’s Quilt
           Caribou Song                                    Paulette Bourgeois, Stephane Jorisch
    Tomson Highway, Brian Deines                                      Kids Can Press
           Harper Collins
                                                           What The Animals Were Waiting For
         Emma’s Cold Day                                     Jonathan London, Paul Morin
    Margriet Ruurs, Barbara Spurll                                    Scholastic
            Stoddart Kids
                                                                     ★ When Pigs Fly ★
       It’s Raining It’s Pouring                                    Valerie Coulman, Roge
Andrea Spalding, Leslie Elizabeth Watts                                 Lobster Press
              Orca Books
 | 416.363.3388 | |
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