Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP

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Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP
Brazil’s Oil Prospectivity
          Eliane Petersohn
                                        Jun, 12st 2018
             Chief Geologist
                               Country Market Seminar
Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP

      1   Brazil’s Current State and Prospectivity

      2   Latest Auction Results

      3   Open Acreage

      4   New Licensing Rounds in Brazil

      5   Conclusions
Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP

      1   Brazil’s Current State and Prospectivity

      2   Latest Auction Results

      3   Open Acreage

      4   New Licensing Rounds in Brazil

      5   Conclusions
Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP
Brazil’s Current State
                 Sedimentary Area: 7.5 million km2

                                                            Area under concession
                                                                ~ 280,000 km2

                                                                 335 Blocks

                                                                  431 fields

                                                                  (Mar, 2018)
                                                           Oil 2.56 million barrels/d
                                                         Natural Gas 107 million m3/d

                                                              Proven Reserves
                                                                 (Dez, 2017)
                                                           Oil 12.8 billion barrels
                                                          Natural Gas 367 billion m3

                                                     10th largest oil producer in the
                                                     world and the largest in Latin
Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP
Brazil’s Current State

                  1998                       2018

           Production (Dez, 1998)       Production (Mar, 2018)

          970 thousand bbl/d            2.56 million bbl/d
          30 million m3/d               107 million m3/d

               Oil Export           Crude Oil Export
                 (2000)               (Feb, 2018)

              18.68 bbl/d           0.9 million bbl/d
Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP
Brazil’s Prospectivity
              Pre-Salt                                                                Onshore

        High quality Carbonate
                                                                                   Mature Basins
      Reservoirs       underneath the                                             (Remaining Potential)
                 salt layer               Eastern and Equatorial
                                                  Margin                       New Frontier Basins
       High well productivity                                                  Solimoes Basin: Potential for
                                          Potential for oil discoveries from
       more than 30,000 bpd in the           the Upper Cretaceous to              light oil accumulations
         beginning of production           Paleogene turbidite reservoirs
                                                                                Paleozoic and Proterozoic
     Potential for giant and supergiant                                             basins: gas prone
Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP
Onshore New Frontier Basins

                                              Amazonas                               Basin
                                   Solimoes                                       6.1 million m3/d

          Solimoes                                                   Sao
          Producing basin
         and potential for
       light oil and natural
          gas discoveries                                                      Other basins
                                                                              potential for natural
Solimoes Basin production (April/18)
                                                                               gas discoveries
    Light Oil ~21 thousand bbl/d
  Natural Gas ~14.2 million m3/d
     Boe: ~110 thousand bbl/d
Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP
Parnaiba Basin
    Area under concession: ~78,800 km2
                                                      7 natural gas fields
                                         Four among the onshore Brazil’s top 20 producers
                                                          Natural gas production
                                                        ~6.1 million m3/d (jan/2018)

                                          Gavião Caboclo                   Gavião Branco Norte


                                                                                    Gavião Vermelho

                                                                      Gavião Azul

                                                                           Gavião Real
Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP

                                   Onshore Mature Basins

                                                Reconcavo, Potiguar,
                                        Sergipe-Alagoas and Espirito Santo
                                   - Advanced exploration stage
                                   - Oil & Gas Infrastructure available

                                   - Excellent opportunity for small and medium-sized

                                   - Recent discoveries

                                   - Remaining Potential
Espirito Santo
Brazil's Oil Prospectivity Unveiled - Eliane Petersohn Calgary, Jun, 12st 2018 Country Market Seminar - ANP

      1   Brazil’s Current State and Prospectivity

      2   Latest Auction Results

      3   Open Acreage

      4   New Licensing Rounds in Brazil

      5   Conclusions
Brazil’s 15th Licensing Round

                                22 blocks were acquired
                                (Total area 16,400.30 km²)

                                12 winning companies from
                                11 countries

                                      The largest signature bonuses
                                      in concession bidding rounds
                                      ever (R$ 8 billion)

                                       A variety of operators and
                                       a geographic diversity
Brazil’s 4th Pre-Salt Auction

                                The results demonstrate that
                                majors Equinor, ExxonMobil,
                                Shell, BP, and Chevron are
                                long-term investors in Brazil

                                The 4th Pre-salt Auction raised
                                R$ 3.15 billion in signing
                                bonuses and R$ 738 million in
                                planned investments

      1   Brazil’s Current State and Prospectivity

      2   Latest Auction Results

      3   Open Acreage

      4   New Licensing Rounds in Brazil

      5   Conclusions
Open Acreage
 Continuous offer of blocks and mature fields.

 Companies can bid on blocks not sold in previous auctions.

 Applications can be submitted anytime and not just at designated points.
 Companies do not need to wait for the regular bidding rounds.

 It gives more flexibility to the industry and it will promote exploration activity
 in onshore areas where there are more small and medium size companies.

 And, by offering companies the freedom to choose exactly the areas they want to
 explore the government has a better chance to bring serious energy investors.
Open Acreage
1st Wave

                             Area:                        14
                           346,035 km²                   Mature

               884                         15
               Blocks                      basins

                    Blocks not awarded in the 15th Bidding Round are

                        722 blocks in 9 onshore basins
                        162 blocks in 6 offshore basins
Open Acreage
 Single registration
 Single participation rate with reduced value
 Complete technical data package will be optional
 Reduction of the financial guarantee for the Minimum Exploratory
 Program – 30% of the total amount
 Reduced signature bonus for mature basins (R$ 50,000)
 Local content onshore: Exploration 50% / Production Development 50%
Open Acreage
                                                    special commission
 1st Wave Schedule                                     publishes the

                                        Tender Protocol
                                         and Contracts
Registration to Open
                       Public Hearing
  Acreage begins                           July, 19th                                                          Auction
     May, 2nd           June, 20th

                                                                 ANP has 90 days from the submission of each
                                                                         offer to execute the auction

                              Beginning of the enrollment.
                            Companies can submit an interest
                                statement for any block
Open Acreage
2nd Wave
                       Deadline to disclosure parameters
                                   and rules
                   1,054 blocks
                   Total Area: 441,400 km2

                     Offshore Areas
               Foz do Amazonas, Para-Maranhao        Onshore New
                      Barreirinhas, Ceara           Frontier Basins
                            Potiguar                    Solimoes
                      Pernamubo-Paraiba                Amazonas
                        Sergipe-Alagoas                  Parecis
                   Jacuipe, Camamu-Almada             São Francisco
                 Jequitinhonha, Espirito Santo           Parana
                      Santos and Pelotas                 Tucano

      1   Brazil’s Current State and Prospectivity

      2   Latest Auction Results

      3   Open Acreage

      4   New Licensing Rounds in Brazil

      5   Conclusions
Bidding rounds schedule

                                                               (Concession)

                                  (Concession)   (Concession)
                                    Auction        Auction

                     September,      As from         1st             3rd
       June,   7th
                       28th           Nov         Semester         Quarter
2018                                                                           2019
5th Pre-salt Bidding Round

                                               Sudoeste de              Public session for
                                               Tartaruga Verde
                                                                       submission of bids:
                                                                    September the 28th, 2018

                                                    Titã         This auction will include 4 blocks:
                                                                   Saturno, Tita, Pau-Brasil and
                                                                  Sudoeste de Tartaruga Verde


                                                                 Unrisked oil in place volume (P50)
                                                                       17 billion barrels
5th Pre-salt Bidding Round

         Base of Salt
     Depth Structural Map


            25 km
5th Pre-salt Bidding Round
  SW                             Dione   Saturno                            Titã                         NE

                      Arbitrary Line
 Depth (m)

                                                   Survey: 0264_BM_SANTOS_FASE_VII_B – Courtesy of CGG

                                                                                            5 km
5th Pre-salt Bidding Round
  SW                             Dione                                 Saturno                                       Titã                         NE

                      Arbitrary Line
 Depth (m)

                                                                                            Survey: 0264_BM_SANTOS_FASE_VII_B – Courtesy of CGG

                           Sea Bottom                    Base of Salt (Aptian)   Basement
                                                                                                                                     5 km
                           Top of Salt (Aptian/Albian)   Base of Sag (Aptian)    Fault
5th Pre-salt Bidding Round

                             Dione Prospect
 Depth (m)


                                                                                               0               3 km

                                       Survey 0268_BM_SANTOS_FASE_VII_B – Courtesy of CGG: Arbitrary Line (Fast Track)
What´s up for 2019?
6th Pre-salt Auction & 16th Bidding Round
         16th Bidding Round
                                               6th Pre-Salt Licensing Round

                                                             Cruzeiro do Sul

Bidding Rounds Schedule

                                 Sector Round 16
                          2019   Area under evaluation for Round 16

                                 Sector Round 17
                          2020   Area under evaluation for Round 17

                                 Sector Round 18
                          2021   Area under evaluation for Round 18

      1   Brazil’s Current State and Prospectivity

      2   Latest Auction Results

      3   Open Acreage

      4   New Licensing Rounds in Brazil

      5   Conclusions

     Brazil has highly promising oil prospectivity and wide diversity of plays. It has been
       increased its oil production and it has geological potential to be in the Top 5 oil
                                    producers in the world.

   In 2018 ANP is starting the open acreage process which will allow companies to have
   more flexibility to orchestrate deals with the Brazilian government and access to almost
                                  2,000 blocks (~800,000 km2).

        It aims to make the Oil sector more dynamic and to increase exploration and
                             production activities in the Country.

   Beyond these, there will be one more Pre-Salt Auction in this year; new bidding rounds
   under concession and production sharing in 2019 and ANP has just released sector’s
                                schedule for 2020 and 2021.
National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and

                 Eliane Petersohn
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