BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education

Page created by Eddie Steele
BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
WORLD             Postgraduate
              Medical Education
BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
Dean’s message
                  I am delighted to offer my warmest                   Once again, congratulations on this important milestone.
                  congratulations to the graduating class of the       I wish you every success as you progress in your medical
                  Postgraduate Medical Education program of            careers and become the next generation of health-care
                  the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine.          leaders, dedicated to improving the health and well-
                                                                       being of our local, national, and global communities.
As you embark on your careers as caring and effective
physicians, you will carry with you the essential skills of
knowledge and competencies of lifelong learning, patient-
centeredness and social responsibility gained during                   Paul O’Byrne, MB, FRCP(C), FRSC
your postgraduate training at McMaster University.                     Dean and Vice-President, Faculty of Health Sciences
                                                                       Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine
Importantly, over the past year, you will have acquired very           McMaster University
valuable lessons in resiliency and adaptability. These will be
increasingly important lessons as you continue to face challenges,
uncertainties and opportunities in a health-care career that
will undoubtedly be marked by transformative changes. Your             “Together, advancing health through
academic journey during a global pandemic has prepared you             learning and discovery.”
to adjust to new ways of learning, living, and engaging, and
ready to overcome the challenges you may face in your future.

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BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
Vice dean’s message
                   Congratulations on reaching another important      your staff. It was votes of confidence in your abilities; and tears
                   milestone! This occurred during unprecedented      of goodbyes as you let your closest colleagues know that you
                   conditions for healthcare and medical education    were moving on after residency. These positive and joyous
                   globally. I want to acknowledge all of you for     moments were no doubt also peppered with exhaustion, self-
                   supporting efforts to maintain patient care,       doubt, and other emotional turmoil and tumult; all of which
respond to a pandemic, continue to find opportunities to move         equally contributed to your success and are even greater
forward in your own training, to support your colleagues through      reason to celebrate today! We wish you all the best with the
difficult times, and to continue training those more junior to        next steps in your journey; and we thank you for your many
you. All of this while also taking care of yourselves and the         contributions to McMaster and medicine these past years.
important people in your own life; with the added pressures
of exams and certifications. Your efforts were monumental!

But I also want to acknowledge things that were normal because
they are also the things that are memorable and impactful.
Like helping your junior resident with a tough procedure or a         Robert Whyte, MD, MEd, FRCPC
difficult clinical situation; or helping a medical student navigate   Vice Dean, Education
their first nights on call or first days on service. There were       Associate Professor, Anesthesia
moments with mentors that transitioned to friendships; and            Faculty of Health Sciences
personal moments of celebration that you hid behind your mask         Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine
the first time you managed a patient entirely independent of          McMaster University

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BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
Associate dean’s message
                   Dear Graduating Residents of 2021,                    at McMaster to move forward. Residents have been and
                   congratulations on completing                         continue to be at the forefront of PGME educational initiatives.
                   your training at McMaster!!                           Resident engagement, passion, and commitment to bring about
                                                                         change continues to ensure that we in leadership positions
                     When I wrote the message for the graduating         push ahead and replace our words with meaningful action.
class of 2020, I did not imagine that we would be in the same
place this year and that we were yet to face a second and third          I hope that as you leave McMaster, you remember it for the
wave of the pandemic. But also, did not imagine that a vaccine           mentorship and support you received from your supervisors and
would be available in January 2021 and by this time, over 70             provided to others, for the close friendships that you developed
percent of our population in Canada would have received a                with your colleagues that will endure regardless of the distances
first dose. I hope, as we all do, that as you go to the next phase       between you, and for the lessons you have learned from your
of your career, we are over the worst and we have emerged                patients. I hope that you will always feel a special connection
stronger as a community of health care professionals.                    to McMaster University, no matter where your path takes you.

On behalf of our faculty and staff at McMaster, thank-you                On behalf of our faculty, program directors and program
for the unwavering care you have provided to your patients;              administrators, we hope that the training you received at
thank-you for your support and mentorship to junior trainees             McMaster has provided you with the skills to successfully
and all the times you tried to make their early years of                 take the next steps in your career and along the way,
residency a bit more “normal” and lessen their feelings of               you have made life-long friends and colleagues. It has
isolation; and thank-you for working alongside us as faculty,            been an honour to be your Postgraduate Dean.
inspiring us and supporting us as we learned together.
                                                                         Congratulations and thank-you!
I don’t often have a chance to hear your personal stories first-
hand and cannot truly know the extent of the stress you have felt,
sacrifices you have made, or the losses you may have experienced.        Parveen Wasi
I do know that so many of you have shown leadership within               Associate Dean, PGME
your own program and in PGME and helped medical education                Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University

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BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
Regional assistant dean’s message
                    Congratulations to you on completing your           Thank you to all of you for the patient care you have provided
                    postgraduate training and beginning the             during your training. Your communities have benefitted greatly
                    next stage of your medical career! This             from your skills, knowledge, and compassion. Thank you for
                    represents an accomplishment achieved               the teaching you have done for medical students and junior
                    through many hundreds of hours of                   residents. Your willingness to share your knowledge and train
study, sleeplessness, concern, dedication, and focus. The               the next generation of physicians is something we hope you will
transition from residency to practice is one of tiny steps and          continue during your practice and will benefit both you and your
giant leaps. Your time at McMaster has equipped you very                learners. We are thankful for those of you that have been part
well. You have knowledge, skills, resources and supports                of our Niagara Campus during your studies. We will miss you
as well as many people that believe strongly in your ability            and are richer for having had you as part of our community.
to be successful and change the world with your care.
                                                                        We wish you well in all aspects of your life. Your physical
The last year of your training has brought with it stresses,            health, your mental health, your connection to friends and
uncertainty and clinical challenges that none of us have                family and your sense of self are all important and can be
experienced previously as you continued with your training              neglected in busy times. As you take care of yourselves,
through a global pandemic. The presence of postgraduate                 please also take care of each other. Look out for those working
learners in our hospitals and clinics has resulted in exceptional       beside you and those you are teaching. Speak up when you
patient care during very difficult times, has been a practical          see behavior that is unacceptable but also when you see
support to your preceptors and their practices and has allowed          kindness and grace and professionalism so that we can learn
the healthcare system and the medical education system to               from these examples and create environments that foster care
continue despite enormous barriers. You have stepped up                 and compassion as well as knowledge and achievement.
in so many ways, at times at a personal risk and cost, and
we gratefully acknowledge and respect your contributions
as frontline workers. As we move to a brighter place in the
post-Covid world, this opportunity to be at the forefront of            Amanda Bell
science and medicine will shape your careers and be what                Regional Assistant Dean
you teach your students when you are well into practice!                Niagara Regional Campus

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BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
Regional assistant dean’s message
                   This is a day of mixed emotions: one of            their lives with you: crises, births, deaths. You will touch many
                   great joy and pride in your accomplishment,        lives in many ways. And the privilege is one that I know each
                   as well as one of sadness that we                  and everyone of you will take very seriously. I am honoured
                   cannot be together in person to share              to now call you a colleague in the health care system.
                   your celebrations with you, and your
friends and family. We are all so proud of you!                       I am sorry to see you go; and at the same time, I am
                                                                      excited to see where you will go, and what you will do.
You are certainly finishing your Residency at a significant time in   I will close with the 2 quotes: one from famous leader,
history, having spent much of your training in a global pandemic.     Nelson Mandela, former Prime Minister of South Africa, and
You are also starting your medical career at a time of uncertainty    survivor of the racially segregated prison in Robin Island:
and turmoil as a physician. You will be working in the clinical
settings with faculty, nurses and other allied health professionals   “Education is the most powerful weapon which
who are the true heroes in this pandemic. It is an unprecedented      you can use to change the world.”
time in health care, and you are part of this history. I know that
you are well prepared; you are resilient, you will adapt to your      I know that you will change the world; one patient at a time.
new career path, and that your care and work will bring ‘ease’        And finally, from another wise man, Dr Theodor Suess Geisel:
to those who are suffering. You have been an integral part of
the front line of health care workers, and I am proud of how          You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
you have adapted to the implications of the pandemic in the           You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
clinical settings and risen to the occasion to assist as needed.
                                                                      Choose well! And wherever you go, please send us a
I am sure that you also may have mixed emotions – joy,                note, a photo, and let us know of the wonderful things
happiness, maybe some relief, perhaps some trepidation about          that you are doing. We are your WRC family.
the future. All of these reactions are understandable, and I
hope for today at least, that you can focus on the positive
emotions, and spend time with family to celebrate what you
have achieved. Graduating from Residency is not something that        Margo Mountjoy
most people can say they have accomplished. It is a privilege         Regional Assistant Dean
to be a physician. People will share the most intimate parts of       Waterloo Regional Campus

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BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
Regional campus supporting faculty & staff
Waterloo Regional Campus                                  Niagara Regional Campus
Tami Everding – Regional Program Administrator            Mike Weir – Interim Regional Program Administrator
Pauline Dawson – Campus Administrative Assistant          Barbara Kidd – Campus Administrative Assistant

Emergency Medicine                                        Family Medicine
Dr. Elena Poliakova – Regional Education Lead             Dr. Karl Stobbe – Site Director
Leeza Riediger – Program Assistant                        Tammy Keeler – Senior Education Associate

Family Medicine                                           Family Medicine/Emergency Medicine
Dr. Marc Sawyer – Site Director                           Dr. Kayleigh Hagerman – PG Emergency Medicine Liaison
Heidi Hallman – Lead Site Associate                       Krista MacAulay – Program Assistant
Larysa Soroka, Becky Thom – Site Associates
                                                          General Surgery
Internal Medicine                                         Dr. Ryan Fielding – Program Education Lead
Dr. Rebecca Kruisselbrink – Regional Education Lead       Krista MacAulay – Program Assistant
Michelle Lamontagne – Program Assistant
                                                          Internal Medicine
Obstetrical & Gynecology                                  Dr. Katelyn MacKenzie – Program Liaison
Dr. Andrea Alaire – Regional Education Lead
Crystal Dawson – Program Assistant                        Pediatrics
                                                          Dr. Fatima Bhetasi – Program Lead
Dr. Kathy Hoegler – Regional Education Lead               Obstetrics & Gynecology
Leeza Riediger – Program Assistant                        Dr. Karen MacMillan – Program Liaison

Dr. Shuang Xu – Regional Education Lead
Ashley Clark – Program Assistant

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BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
A message from our medical students
To our wonderful residents – congratulations on your graduation!        Thank you for being a refuge on long days and providing jugs
As medical students from the classes of 2021, 2022 and 2023,            of caffeine and platters of snacks when we (and you) were
we have been fortunate to connect and learn with you all in an          running on fumes. Even on these days you are willing to answer
especially unique way this year. We cannot thank you enough for         our long lists of questions, no matter how annoying they were.
your teaching, mentorship and friendship. The least we can do is
thank you for all you have done for us in your time at McMaster.        Thank you for being constant role models of professionalism
                                                                        and kindness. Seeing you connect with patients in such a caring
Thank you for being our first glimpse into the medical world            way builds the bridge for us to do that same! Additionally, seeing
and for sharing your experiences. Your patience, guidance, and          the rapport you have with staff, other residents and with us,
support as senior residents made starting this journey so exciting.     shows us how we are all part of a bigger medical community!
Talking to you about your experiences has been a major source
of career exploration this year and we appreciate it so much. You       Thank you for your support in class, clinic, research, life
make our future careers seem more exciting and less daunting.           and beyond. You are a constant support for us and we will
                                                                        be forever grateful for that. Going into our own time as
Thank you for adapting to the world of Zoom and teaching                residents, you will be at the forefront of our minds in how
us clinical skills in what is likely the most unique way to date.       we can mentor future students and pay it forward.
Your flexibility, positive energy and passion for medicine
did not go unnoticed. With this unique way of learning, we              We wish you all the best in your future endeavours and can’t
welcomed you into our homes and you welcomed us into                    wait to continue to see you around and learn from you!
yours in a way you have never been asked to before. An
extra thank you to the housemates, partners, pets, pillows              Lots of love,
and other makeshift SP’s that were there to help teach us.              The Classes of 2021, 2022 & 2023

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BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
A message from our partners
                    When you reflect on this                       Congratulations, class of 2021! In this incredibly challenging
                    most challenging year of                       time, you have persevered with your studies and succeeded in
                    your training, remember                        becoming the next generation of physicians and surgeons. You
                    that perseverance through                      have shown adaptability and resilience in the face of an ever
                    adversity often takes                          changing curriculum in keeping with pandemic measures.
you in directions you never imagined. There
are multiple quotes about the situation we      You have volunteered your time, provided care as frontline workers, above and
have all faced this year but this one from      beyond, and protected our community in supporting vaccinations. You have shown
Michelle Obama resonates with me: “You          awareness and wisdom in face of systemic inequalities; you have shown advocacy in
should never view your challenges as a          our community to respect equality, diversity and inclusivity and highlighted the gaps
disadvantage. Instead, it’s important for you   in the overall care of our indigenous population. It will be through your inspiration,
to understand that your experience facing and   vision, courage and leadership that will transform our world for the better and ensure
overcoming adversity is actually one of your    those less fortunate and those that do not have a voice are protected and respected.
biggest advantages.” Best wishes as you
head out into this next stage of your career.   I am incredibly proud of you and what you have achieved. On behalf of St. Joseph’s
                                                Healthcare Hamilton, thank you for your hard work, your dedication in providing
                                                compassionate, high-quality care and for your contributions to our community. Thank
                                                you for being a member of our team in achieving our mission and vision. I wish you
                                                all my very best as you enter the next phase of your illustrious careers.
Dr. Alison Fox-Robichaud
Director, Medical Education                                   Dr. Azim Gangji
Hamilton Health Sciences                                      Vice President, Education
                                                              St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

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BRIGHTER - Postgraduate Medical Education
Table of contents
Anesthesia                                                                Gastroenterology.............................................28          Endocrinology..................................................49
Anesthesiology................................................11          General Internal Medicine............................29                  Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine.......................50
Critical Care Medicine...................................12               Geriatric Medicine..........................................30           Neurology..........................................................51
Pain Medicine..................................................14         Hematology.......................................................31
                                                                          Infectious Diseases........................................32            Psychiatry
Family Medicine                                                           Internal Medicine – Hamilton.......................33                    Psychiatry..........................................................52
Hamilton ............................................................15   Internal Medicine – Waterloo......................34                     Child & Adolescent Psychiatry....................53
Stonechurch Family Health Ctre .................16                        Nephrology.......................................................35      Forensic Psychiatry........................................54
Brampton / Halton...........................................17            Neurology..........................................................36    Geriatric Psychiatry........................................55
Grand Erie Six Nations / Rural........................18                  Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation............37
Kitchener-Waterloo........................................19              Respirology.......................................................38     Radiology
Niagara..............................................................20   Rheumatology..................................................39         Diagnostic Radiology......................................56
Family Medicine – Enhanced Skills............21
 – Anesthesia                                                             Obstetrics & Gynecology                                                  Surgery
 – Care of the Elderly                                                    Gynecologic Oncology...................................40                General Surgery...............................................57
 – Emergency Medicine                                                     Gynecologic Reproductive Endocrinology                                   Neurosurgery...................................................58
 – Palliative Care                                                          & Infertility....................................................41    Ophthalmology.................................................59
 – Sports & Exercise Medicine                                             Maternal Fetal Medicine...............................42                 Orthopedic Surgery ........................................60
                                                                          Obstetrics & Gynecology...............................43                 Otolaryngology – Head & Neck...................61
Laboratory Medicine                                                                                                                                Pediatric Surgery.............................................62
General Pathology...........................................22            Oncology                                                                 Plastic Surgery.................................................63
Medical Microbiology....................................23                Medical Oncology...........................................44            Thoracic Surgery.............................................64
                                                                          Radiation Oncology.........................................45            Urology...............................................................65
Medicine                                                                                                                                           Vascular Surgery.............................................66
Cardiology.........................................................24     Pediatrics
Clinical Immunology & Allergy.....................25                      Pediatrics..........................................................46   Special Programs
Emergency Medicine.....................................26                 Critical Care......................................................47    Clinician Investigator Program.....................67
Endocrinology & Metabolism.......................27                       Developmental Pediatrics.............................48

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To the Graduating Class                        It’s been quite the year,           To the graduating residents of 2021!
                                               to say the least!
It has been another remarkable chain of                                            What can I say, it has been a roller coaster
events culminating in your success at the      I have been truly impressed         ride the past 5 years! Each of you has
Royal College examinations. Despite the        by everyone’s resilience and        brought me to tears (laughing, happiness
obvious uncertainty and challenges that        perseverance over the past year     and frustration) as I am sure I have done
we all found ourselves in, you managed to      as you complete your training       the same to you. All of you have brought
remain focused, committed and steadfast        with the many uncertainties that    something very special to the program.
in attaining your goals. This is a testament   the pandemic presented. Wishing     You have all grown so much and have
to character and resilience in the face of     you all the best as you embark      made me very proud and for my last
adversity. Well done and wish you every        on the next phase of your career!   traditional stream of residents. You will
success in your endeavors. I hope your links   I’m sure you will all do Mac        never be forgotten! I can’t wait to hear all
with the program remain forever strong.        Anesthesia proud!                   the great things you do in your career.

Best wishes, Desi                              Dr. Michael Parrish                 Candice Stroud-Grundy
                                               ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTOR          PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR
Dr. Desigen Reddy

                                                                                                    to our graduates!
                                                                                                    Kathleen Wheeler
                                                                                                    Dillon Horth
                                                                                                    Sari Yakubovich
                                                                                                    Denise Darmawikarta
                                                                                                    Davinder Mohan Jain
                                                                                                    Abdulrahman Mohammad
                                                                                                      D. Almalik
                                                                                                    David Parsons
                                                                                                    Cameron Nishi

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Critical Care Medicine
Congratulations on making it through yet another successful Royal College              Dear Critical Care Medicine Residency
Fellowship! You have persevered through many challenges over a rapid 2-year            Program Trainees, Class of 2021.
period – first CBD cohort, Internal Review, global pandemic, and a new PD to boot!
                                                                                       What a year!!!! Congratulations to you
Your path through Critical Care will certainly be a unique and                         all! Not only have you survived 2 years
memorable experience. Few within our CCM community of colleagues                       of massive scheduling changes, a global
internationally can describe what it is like to train, develop and enhance your        pandemic, but countless emails from
clinical skills within our specialty by managing large volumes of patients in a        me! Not only am I privileged to be part of
global pandemic. This historical experience will certainly shape you each beyond       your continuing education, but academic
just your clinical management of patients and families – but your resolve, maturity,   growth as well. I admire your strength,
and professionalism in all aspects of your future careers.                             perseverance, and dedication to the world
                                                                                       of Critical Care and wish you nothing but
It has been a great pleasure working with all of you and seeing your growth. On        the best on your graduation! Thank you
behalf of all the faculty here at McMaster – thank you for your commitment to our      for doing what you do! Best wishes today,
patients, your education of junior residents across programs, and your support of      and each day forward.
academic programming in Critical Care Medicine.
                                                                                       Sarah Richardson
I am very excited to see all the successes the future holds for each of you.           PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR
 Welcome to the fold!

Dr. John Centofanti

                                                                                       to our graduates!
                                                                                       Michael Mikhaeil
                                                                                       Hameid Abdullah Mohammed Alenazy
                                                                                       Thiago Appoloni Moreira
                                                                                       Mohammed Omair Rahman
                                                                                       Jeffrey Overington

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Congratulations to all our
   2021 graduates! Through
                                                   Best of luck in your future
   such challenging times, I
   have been so impressed
                                                Thank you for all your hard work
   by your commitment,
                                                     over the last 2 years!
   resilience and generosity.
   Thank you for all you do. It                       – Emilie Belley-Côté
   has been so wonderful to
   work with all of you and I
   wish you the very best in
   the future.
   – Heather Whittingham

   Congratulations Hameid, Thiago, Mike, Jeff
   and Omair. Thank you for all your outstanding
   work and dedication over the last two
   years. You are an extraordinary group of
   graduates and we are fortunate to have you
   as colleagues. All my best wishes as you
   progress to the next stages of your career.
   – Faizan Amin
                   Best wishes in                                  Congratulations!!! All the best for a promising future!
                 the next phase of
                                                                   – Bram Rochwerg
             your journey. The future
             of critical care is in good
            hands with individuals like
                                                                                                   Thank you for your hard work,
                    – Tim Karachi                               Huge congrats on
                                                                                                   your dedication to our patients
                                                                completing fellowship
                                                                                                   and the teams, and your
                                                                and moving into the next
                                                                                                   resilience in the face of so
                                                                phase of your careers. It’s
   Don’t forget that we all practice medicine                                                      much uncertainty. Your energy
                                                                an unprecedented time
   because none of us have perfected it. Keep                                                      and resolve throughout the
                                                                to be starting a career in
   doing it as long as it stays fun – or until your                                                pandemic was inspiring to me
                                                                critical care but you’re
   peers suggest that it may be time to retire. It                                                 and, no doubt, to many. All the
                                                                all prepared – and you’re
   was great to have had the chance to work with                                                   best for your future endeavours
                                                                going to do amazing
   you in critical care. Congratulations and best                                                  and so grateful to have you as
                                                                things. Congratulations!
   wishes!                                                                                         colleagues.
                                                                – Rebecca Kruisselbrink
   – Dan Perri                                                                                     Sincerely, Jill Rudkowski

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Pain Medicine
Congratulations, Akil, on the successful completion of your               Akil, you have been such a pleasure to work with. COVID has
pain medicine residency training! It has been a pleasure                  had such an impact on everyone over the last year and I’ve
working with you and getting to know you. I look forward to               watched you learn in residency, homeschool your kids, study
working with you in the future as a colleague as you embark               for your exam, PASS your exam and I am extremely proud of
on your career in pain medicine.                                          you. I cannot wait to continue to work with you, this time as
                                                                          faculty. Congratulations Akil – well done!
Dr. Phil Chan
PROGRAM DIRECTOR                                                          Tammy Purchase
                                                                          PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR
                                        to our graduate!
                                        Ahilraj (Akil) Siva

        Akil, everything you’ve worked for –                                   Akil, congratulations on all your hard work
        you’ve finally arrived! Congratulations!                               throughout this long road. I’m fortunate to have
        – Vlad Djuric                                                          been able to work with you both in our PMR and
                                                                               Pain residencies and witness your growth as
                                                                               a great physician. Looking forward to working
                                                                               alongside you at DeGroote.

        Great work Akil. I imagine it was hard persisting with                 Congrats again!
        training for 18 months with small kids, commuting,                     – Eugene
        COVID. Congrats. – Sean Curran

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Family Medicine
                  Congratulations! It’s been a joy and                     Congratulations
                  privilege to be part of your journey over                graduates!
                  these last two years. A journey that’s been
                  marked by the unexpected challenges,
curveballs and hardships triggered by a global pandemic.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication through it
all – for the valuable contributions you have made to the
program and communities you serve, and above all, the               Hamilton: Community Based Residency Training
                                                                    Melissa Govindaraju Jovana Milic             Christina Romanin
compassionate, capable care you provided our patients.
                                                                    Kevin Donak           Warren Stevenson       Alyse Krantz
You have demonstrated adaptability and resilience amongst           Patrick Kim           Jan Grzeslo            Calvin Poon
uncertainty – qualities that we call out as critical to the
work and skill set of a family physician. You all have so           Dr. Heather Waters – Site Director
much to offer! As you take these next steps, I encourage            Dr. Nathalie Desbois – Education Coordinator
                                                                    Karyn Bailey and Lina Beltrano – Clinical Education Associates
you to be courageous – say yes to new opportunities,
stretch yourself clinically. You have the strong foundation
you need to provide safe, quality care, and your confidence
and skill will continue to grow over the next few years.
We know the power of family medicine lies in relationships,
and I’m excited for you to fully experience that potential
as you invest in relationships with your own patients –
I promise it will provide real joy and fulfilment that will
sustain you throughout your career. Finally, family medicine
is an amazing community – build a network around you that
provides mentorship, support and allows you to maintain a
sense of balance. And don’t forget to stay in touch!

Dr. Sarah Kinzie – PROGRAM DIRECTOR                                                 Hamilton Community Based Residency Training

                                                                                                 Hamilton: McMaster Family Practice
                                                                                                 Shayna Henry           Alyssa Schuurman
                                                                                                 Jacqueline Carverhill  Daniel Stevens
                                                                                                 Anjali Menezes         Hasan Syed
                                                                                                 Katrina Kent           Kathleen Hughes
                                                                                                 Nicole Buchanan        Leah Zhao
                                                                                                 Brendan Lew            Marina Yostos
                                                                                                 Tavis Apramian         Claire Bodkin
                                                                                                 Kate Rath-Wilson       Zarak Aslam (absent)

                                                                                                 Dr. Heather Waters – Site Director
                                                                                                 Dr. Danielle O’Toole – Education Coordinator
                                                                                                 Karyn Bailey and Sarah Mullen – Clinical
                              Hamilton McMaster Family Practice                                  Education Associates

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Family Medicine


     Hamilton: Stonechurch Family Health Centre
     Sajjad Tavassoly        Cameron Henry
     Sanjay Sarin            Shivani Kalra
     Stella Tung             Breanne Lechner
     Sarah Antony            Saif Shamshoon
     Manvir Uppal            Alexsi Sherazadishvili
     Divyanshi Jalan         Sarah Bryson
     Christina Park          Laura Duncan
     Thomas Lu               Cindy Cheng

                                                               Dr. Heather Waters – Site Director
                                                               Dr. Judy MacKinnon– Education Coordinator
                                                               Karyn Bailey and Justina Owusu-Mensah –
                                                               Clinical Education Associates

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Family Medicine

                                                                                    Minsoo Yoon
                                                                                    Maria Youssef
                                                                                    Andrea Shanmugarajah
                                                                                    Lauren Briggs
                                                                                    Bowen Zhou
                                                                                    Bethanie Berends
                                                                                    Xyza Brual
                                                                                    Katalina Ong
                                                                                    Jasneet Dhaliwal
                                                                                    Om Bhatt
                                                                                    Alex Morgan

                                                                                    Dr. John Varughese –
                                                                                    Site Director
                                                                                    Michelle Salfarlie –
                                                                                    Education Associate

             I wish you joy for the present and future, and that you           Congratulations
             continue to grow and flourish in your life and career.            graduates!
             – Dr. Kyla Sorensen, Assistant Clinical Professor

    Aiah Soliman
    Andrew Hanna
    Fawad Khan
    Gaeun (Glara) Rhee
    Elizabeth Liao

    Dr. Susan Borden –
    Site Director
    Catherine Arruda –
    Education Associate

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                | 17 |   POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Family Medicine

Grand Erie Six Nations
Muskaan Gurnani
Daniel Gow
Alyson Holland
Kristin Boekestein
Maria Martin DIppolito
Tristan Colterjohn
Will Hepburn
Kay Dingwell (Absent)

Nataile Graham –
Education Associate

                                                                                    Grand Erie Six Nations


            Rural                       Alex Pearce (Absent)                Dr. Wade Mitchell – Site Director
            Jessica Gencarelli          Dan Weadick (Absent)                Alex Breedon and Natalie Graham –
            AJ Willis                   Brooke Edwards (Absent)             Education Associates
            Shannon Lees                Erica Ferguson (Absent)
            Gillan Bedard               Sarah Byce (Absent)
            Brenden Murphy              Benjamin Clarke (Absent)
            Nancy Zhang                 Will Hepburn (Absent)

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                  | 18 |                           POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Family Medicine

   Serena Arora
   Jasmine Cheng
   Annie Cheung
   Genevieve Crush (absent)
   Kaitie Hayes
   Johnny Huang
   Esaba Kashem
   Tony Li
   Jen McAlister
   Adrian Nasager
   Nadia Omri
   Karen Tam
   Jay Varghese
   Tianyue Wang
   Alice Yi
   Lily Zhang
   Peter Zhang
   Edward Zhou

   Dr. Marc Sawyer – Site Director
   Heidi Hallman, Becky Thom and Larysa
   Soroka – Education Associates



Family Medicine
        “So proud of the resiliency and compassion you have shown yourself,                        “Warmest congratulations
        your patients, and your colleagues in the past 2 years. You have faced                   on your graduation and wishing
        more transitions and unexpected challenges than ever imagined and you                     you all the best as you enter
        are incredible physicians that I am proud to call colleagues. Always an                 practice! It was a pleasure being
        email or phone call away.”                                                                involved in your education.“

        – Dr. Nagham El-houssein, MHBS Tutor                                                     – Dr. Jennifer Mueller, IQ Tutor

Stephanie Chan
Benjamin Clarke
Michael Lane
Zana Alai
Lauren Wilson
Stephanie Rogers
Michael Wu
Michael Dzingala
Sarah Byce
Ahmad Khan

Dr. Karl Stobbe –
Site Director
Tammy Keeler –
Education Associate


       “What a unique residency experience you will carry with you into the future. You lived through times of uncertainty, times of
       change from the way we practiced medicine and you moved with us into the world of virtual medicine and you also lived through
       times of waiting for your COVID vaccine while still doing all the necessary learning and taking care of your own well-being as
       well as the well-being of patients you cared for and you did it, with a big shout, YOU ACCOMPLISHED IT!!

       We salute your resilience, your energy and your optimism and we wish you a smooth sailing into your future, wherever roads take
       you. Stay well and safe!” – Dr. Darija Vujosevic, MHBS Tutor

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                   | 20 |                       POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Family Medicine – Enhanced Skills
Congratulations to all our third year Enhanced Skills and             significant pressure to complete your learning under clinical
Emergency Medicine Family Medicine graduates. You all                 pressure from COVID-19 and restrictions affecting your ability to
managed to grow academically and provide outstanding clinical         spend time with family and friends. It is exciting to think about
care to your communities during this unprecedented time in            the future you all are facing, and we all know you will become
education. The entire McMaster Family Medicine faculty are            academic leaders. You all demonstrate exemplary scholarship and
proud of your accomplishments. We realize you were under              make McMaster proud.

Dr. Jesse Guscott – ANESTHESIA

Melissa Hymers(EM) and Emma Beltrano –
Program Administrators

                                     Congratulations            Anesthesia / Care of Elderly / Palliative Care / Sports and Exercise Medicine

                                                                                                                Emanuel Ebrahim
                                                                                                                Alexandra Di Lazzaro

                                                                                                                Care of Elderly
                                                                                                                Maleeha Syed

                                                                                                                Emergency Medicine
                                                                                                                Zainab Najarali
                                                                                                                Katie Mattina
                                                                                                                Justin Burton
                                                                                                                Marlee Klaiman
                                                                                                                Aliya Ramjaun
                                                                                                                Krista Dowhos

                                                                                                                Palliative Care
                                                                                                                Philip Ka-lun Yee
                                    Emergency Medicine
                                                                                                                Sports and Exercise
                                                                                                                Jordan Anderson
                                         Emergency Medicine

BRIGHTER WORLD |                               | 21 |                                 POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

General Pathology
What an exciting time for you as you journey into the next               Congratulations Serge! A job well done in completing your
chapter of your career. I hope the best for you as a future              General Pathology residency training. I wish you much
Pathologist and I wish you much success.                                 success in your career!

Dr. Sarab Mohamed                                                        Gina Furlong
PROGRAM DIRECTOR                                                         PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR

                                                    to our graduate!
                                                    Serge Koujanian

BRIGHTER WORLD |                               | 22 |                        POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Medical Microbiology
Congratulations Yasmeen! On behalf of the McMaster Medical                   I am sure that the completion of your training will be
Microbiology community, I wish you all the best of success in                only the first of many proud, successful accomplishments
your career as a microbiologist. Your dedication and involvement             for you. It was definitely a pleasure being a part of your
in the residency program was truly exemplary, as was your                    residency program, and I send you warm congratulations
eagerness to learn and willingness to teach others. It has been a            and best wishes for all your tomorrows!
wonderful five years having you in the program, and your positive
contributions to the program are too numerous to count. We will              Elena Bidochka
miss your thoughtful insights and ideas, but most of all we will             PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR
miss your laughter and kind nature. Best of luck Yasmeen, and
I’m sure that your graduation from residency will be one of many
successful and proud moments for you!

Dr. Daniela Leto

                                                                                                          to our graduate!
                                                                                                          Yasmeen Vincent

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                   | 23 |                    POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Congratulations! On behalf of our faculty, we are proud to                 You are a 2021 McMaster University Postgraduate Graduate!
welcome you as colleagues into our cardiology community.
We have watched you develop into highly capable and skilled                This is a great achievement and I know the sacrifices you
physicians; we are privileged to call you, our graduates.                  have made to realize your goal of becoming physicians and
                                                                           now cardiologists. I am excited for each of you as you enter
Your journey through residency was truly remarkable. Despite               the next stage of your medical careers.
many obstacles, you persisted with dedication, resilience, and
professionalism. You have been the cornerstone of our clinical             It has been an honour working with and getting to know each
services for the last three years and earned the admiration and            of you. Your dedication to learning, teaching, and patient care
respect of our community. Thank you for your compassionate care            is admirable and your resilience outstanding! Congratulations
of our patients. Thank you for your collaboration and academic             on your graduation and all the best in the future. Stay well
work with our faculty. Thank you for your excellence in teaching,          and keep in touch!
on behalf of our junior learners.

We wish you all the best in the next stages of your career. We             Doreen Reeve
hope you look back at your time at McMaster with fondness,                 PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR
knowing that you will always hold a special position in our
division as graduates of our training program.

Dr. Matt Sibbald                                                          Congratulations
PROGRAM DIRECTOR                                                          to our graduates!
                                                                          Hassan Masoom
                                                                          Sulaiman Alrashidi
                                                                          Yasser Abdulaziz Z. Binbraik
                                                                          Deeqa Mohamud
                                                                          Justin Chow

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                | 24 |                       POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Clinical Immunology & Allergy
To Annam, Carol, and Fernando. Yikes! Well, that was interesting.        Congratulations to Carol, Fernando and Annam! We are all
Despite a global pandemic, you still managed to shine through.           very proud of what you have accomplished in the last two
We are all so Impressed and so thankful how you adapted                  years. It has been such an honor working with all of you. Best
so easily to the dramatic changes forced upon us because of              of luck in your adventures ahead.
COVID-19. Your leadership and mentorship helped our PGY4s
feel welcome and learn in our new normal. You made being the
interim PD enjoyable at times! Finally, don’t forget even though         Jennifer Lourenco
you are completing your formal training – you will always be a           PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR
part of our McMaster family and we’ll always be there for you to
help guide you along the way to what I’m sure will be long and
successful careers. Virtual hugs to you all.

Dr. Michael Cyr
(INTERIM) PROGRAM DIRECTOR                                                  Congratulations
                                                                            to our graduates!
                                                                            Carol Saleh (Adult)
                                                                            Annam Bhatti (Peds)
                                                                            Fernando Aleman (Adult)

BRIGHTER WORLD |                               | 25 |                      POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Emergency Medicine
Congratulations PGY5s!                                                   Dear PGY5s,
We are so proud of all of you and the clinicians you have all become
over the past 5 years. You have done this despite a particularly         It’s been a privilege to watch each and every one of
challenging final year with the uncertainty brought about by             you grow as a resident over the last 5 years. Your
COVID-19. You have risen to every challenge and change with grace        perseverance and determination really shined over this
and courage. Thank you for all you have done to help grow and            last difficult year. And lastly, we thank each and every one
change our program for the better. The innovative programming            of you for bringing excitement and laughter to our jobs –
you have created, the important feedback you provided, and your          you make what we do so much fun! Stay in Touch!
excellent teaching has shaped Mac EM into the program and family
we are so proud of. We cannot wait to see what the next years            Congratulations and all the best (can’t wait to celebrate
bring and how you will all contribute to the growth of Emergency         with you… in person)
Medicine. Some of you are staying locally and we are so excited to
be working alongside you. For those of you moving away, you will be
missed. Please stay in touch. We cannot wait until we are able to        Julia Smerilli – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR
celebrate this huge accomplishment with you in person!                   Teresa Vallera – PROGRAM MANAGER


to our graduates!
Farah Jazuli
 Lauren Cook-Chaimowitz
Jodie Pritchard
Mohammad Althobity
Shannon Theune
Alvin Chin
Kumait Al Lawati
Felipe Allendes
Joseph Bacani
Jillian Roberge

BRIGHTER WORLD |                               | 26 |                      POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Endocrinology & Metabolism
Congratulations on your graduation, Mohamed! It has been a                    Mohamed,
privilege to witness your journey through Internal Medicine                   You have accomplished so much in the last two years
and Endocrinology Residency at McMaster. Your work ethic,                     including a pandemic and it has been an absolute
dedication and clinical acumen have always impressed me,                      privilege to have been a part of your residency training.
particularly because these qualities are paired with humility,
collegiality, and professionalism. You have persevered despite                Congratulations on your well-deserved success!
several obstacles and have successfully completed your training,              May your graduation be the beginning of many more
ready to start the next chapter of your life with a job of your               wonderful achievements in your life.
choice. Thank you for providing excellent patient care, teaching
junior learners, and for all your hard work as chief resident for             I wish you nothing but the best on your Graduation Day
the whole year. On behalf of the Division of Endocrinology, I wish            and Every Day! Best wishes for your next adventure!
you every success in your future career and welcome you as an
Endocrinology colleague in the community. We are proud of you
and will miss having you around!                                              Dana Gordon – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR


        to our graduate!
        Mohamed Hussein

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                    | 27 |                      POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

I want to thank this year’s graduates in Gastroenterology for            Congratulations to the GI team! We are all be very proud of
their commitment to the program, department and the Hamilton             what you have accomplished in the last two years. It has been
community. It has been an honour and a privilege to work with            a such an honor working with all of you. Best of luck in your
such a fantastic group of young people. While it was a very              adventures ahead.
challenging year, watching them deal with adversity was an
inspiration and made me proud to be their program director.
                                                                         Jennifer Lourenco – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR

Dr. Eric Greenwald – PROGRAM DIRECTOR

                                                                               to our graduates!
                                                                               Ibrahim Alzahrani
                                                                               Lindsey Russell
                                                                               Manar Alhanaee
                                                                               Achuthan (Ash) Aruljothy
                                                                               Ahmad Alfedaghi
                                                                               Kristyne Onizuka

BRIGHTER WORLD |                               | 28 |                        POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

General Internal Medicine
Dear GIM residents, so grateful that you welcomed me as the           It has been my privilege to work with you these past two years.
new GIM PD as you end your resident journey and embark                You’re going out on your own when it seems COVID is under control
on another chapter in your life with your careers. I wish you         but it will certainly shape the way of the future. You’ve been
all the best for what the future holds for you and I am certain       extremely brave soldiers on the frontline and that, along with all
you will do an amazing job of whatever you take on!!                  of your hard work and dedication, is commendable. Per Dr. Seuss,
                                                                      “Why fit in when you were born to stand out”! I wish you all the
                                                                      best and I have no doubt you will do the right thing for the people
Dr. Zahira Khalid – PROGRAM DIRECTOR                                  in your care. You’ve been stellar ambassadors for our program!

                                                                      Kimmy Rolfe – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR

                                                                           to our graduates!
                                                                           Hugh Traquair
                                                                           Jason Woodfine

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                 | 29 |                      POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Geriatric Medicine
Congratulations to our talented, ambitious, adventurous 2021 graduates             Congratulations on your graduation, what an
in Geriatric Medicine!                                                             accomplishment! It has been such a pleasure working
                                                                                   with you all and getting to know you in a more personal
The past two years have gone by in the blink of an eye and you have                way. This year we have all faced many challenges with
morphed from eager junior trainees to seasoned clinicians ready to                 the pandemic and it’s sad that we can’t have a more
improve the lives of older adults in your care. I am humbled and in awe            traditional graduation ceremony and dinner to celebrate
of your achievements. The Covid 19 pandemic was a major challenge                  with your families and colleagues. I hope you all find a
which you accepted with grace, flexibility and good humour. You                    way to celebrate and mark this occasion.
adjusted to new clinical models, pivoted to online learning and always
supported each other. You have contributed greatly to the academic life            Best Wishes and Good luck to all of you!
of our division and have become the best ambassadors of our specialty.

On the commencement of your professional lives – please accept hearty              Lynn Pacheco – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR
congratulations from myself, the residency program and the Division of
Geriatric Medicine.


                     to our graduates!
                     DAna Trafford
                     Paula Pop
                     Batoul Alwazan

      It was a pleasure to
     work with all of you and
       I wish you all well.
          – Lisa Prosser
                                                     “I would like to say that I have worked with each of these residents and they
                                                     have all been a pleasure to work with. Their work and dedication have been
                                                     appreciated and I would say that our patients benefited from their care. I wish
                                                     them the best in their future endeavours and hope that our paths cross again.”
                                                     – Dr. Nagham El-houssein, MHBS Tutor

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                | 30 |                          POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

On behalf of the Residency Program and the entire Division of             Congratulations!
Hematology and Thromboembolism teaching faculty, I would like to
congratulate you on the successful completion of your hematology          It has been such a pleasure working with each
training and welcome you as colleagues to the Hematology family! I        of you. We wish you all the best as you move
couldn’t be prouder of all that you have achieved, both personally and    forward to your next stage of training and future
professionally, during your residency. You are outstanding clinicians,    endeavors. We are all very proud of what you have
teachers, and scholars, and thus embody the core values our program       accomplished in the last two years. It has been such
aims to uphold. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented         an honor working with all of you.
challenges to all aspects of our personal and professional lives.
Through it all, you have demonstrated a relentless commitment to your
patients, your education, and our program. I am truly grateful for your   Meggan Armstrong – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR
hard work, guidance, and understanding as we have navigated through
some difficult times and for the numerous important contributions that
have made our program better. I believe your residency training has
provided the skills required for continued professional and personal
growth and to achieve a fulfilling work-life balance. I have no doubt
you will become future leaders in our field and I wish you every
success in what I hope will be long and meaningful careers.

Dr. Graeme Fraser – PROGRAM DIRECTOR
                                                                            to our graduates!
                                                                            Maggie Turnbull
                                                                            Victoria David
                                                                            Mike Radford
                                                                            Mohammad Ebraheem

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                | 31 |             POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Infectious Diseases
Congratulations to Xena, Tony, Vaibhav and Mohammed!                     Thank you, for making my transition to my new role
Congratulations on a highly successful residency! Throughout
these COVID times, you have persisted with grace and humor               Thank you, for supporting the program by managing
and have supported each other as well as the division as a               teaching events.
whole. Your willingness to adapt as well as your collective
passion to expand your fund of knowledge, searching for the              Thank you, for your quick responses to our emails and
correct diagnosis (no matter how rare), research and teaching            completing evaluations on time.
will carry forward throughout your careers. I am immensely
proud of all of you and I am honored to call you colleagues!             Thank you, for your tirelessly on-call coverage and travels
                                                                         to different sites.

Dr. Eva Piessens – PROGRAM DIRECTOR                                      Thank you, for caring for our patients and community!

                                                                         The thank you list can go on and on. You are all wonderful
                                                                         residents, and I am happy to have interacted with each of
                                                                         you! I wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

                        to our graduates!                                Connie Boffa – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR

                        Vaibhav Mokashi
                        Anthony Bai
                        Mohammed AlSalem
                        Xena Li

BRIGHTER WORLD |                               | 32 |                         POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Internal Medicine – Hamilton
With incredible pride, I have witnessed your launch from Internal                    What an incredible privilege to work with your class
Medicine to the next phase of your career. I fondly remember meeting                 throughout your three years of training. From your early PGY1
you during CaRMS, and a few months later sharing the excitement of                   months as you transitioned to residency, to your leap to the
your first day of residency. I’ve enjoyed watching your development as               SMR role, to your graceful transition to the PGY3 year, it has
skilled leaders and mature professionals.                                            been a distinct pleasure to work with all of you. Your many
                                                                                     contributions to the program, especially to junior learners, are
Your class has weathered several mounting challenges culminating in the              invaluable. I’m excited for you in your next steps. Don’t forget
pandemic. You are the final cohort to complete training in the traditional           to send along updates from time to time about milestones in
stream, yet you have been immersed in the cultural changes of CBME.                  your life. You will be remembered long after you’re gone.

The pandemic has affected all aspects of life from education delivery                Jan Taylor, Christine Knight, Sharlene Honaizer and
to how patient care models. As young professionals, you have worked                  Susan Serro – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATORS
tirelessly alongside the faculty on the front lines to provide excellent
clinical service at a time of great need, reaching and in many domains
exceeding, key educational requirements. I believe when adversity
comes, personal growth follows.

“Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life”.
– Ziglar Vault

I will recall each of you fondly, especially since you are the last cohort
I’ve had the pleasure of leading in the final year of my term. I represent
Dr. Crowther, Dr. Wasi, Dr. Kruisselbrink, teaching faculty at both the
Hamilton and Waterloo campuses and the office team in congratulating
the 2021 graduating class for reaching this important landmark. Thank
you for your dedication to patients and the healthcare team throughout
the pandemic.

Best wishes for a bright future

                                                                                           Abdulaziz Alajmi       Waseem Hijazi      Nischal Ranganath
                                                                                           Conor Bell             Omar Ibrahim       Michael Rheaume
                                                                                           Matthew Chan           Matthew Jessome    Anthony Sandre
                                                                                           Olivia Cook            Deborah Koh        Katherine
                                                                                           Aoife Cox              Victor Lo          Steckham
                                                                                           Jeff Curran            Graydon Lucas      Julie Tan
                                                                                           Shreyash Dalmia        Oksana Motalo      Anna Whalen-
                                                                                           Kristeen Eshak         Cara Pray          Browne
                                                                                           Shaan Gupta            David Putman

Absent from photos: Rand AlOhaly, Yazeed Abalkhail, Mohammad AlRuwayeh, Duna Basudan, William Lee, Tammy Ryan, Teresa Semalulu

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                     | 33 |                           POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Internal Medicine – Waterloo
Dear R3’s,                                                                   WRC residents: It has been an amazing 3 years with you all and
Congratulations as you take next steps into your respective                  boy has it gone fast! I want to thank you all for your kindness,
fellowships and careers. It’s been such a privilege getting                  respect, and patience throughout your residency. I wish you all
to know each of you over the past three years, watching                      happiness and success as you venture on with the next part
your progress, working alongside you, and celebrating your                   of your life journey. I just hope you remember to drop a line
achievements. It’s been a tumultuous three years for everyone                occasionally to let us know how you are doing and where life
in different ways and each one of you has persevered,                        has taken you! Always remember, no matter where you end up,
overcome, and made all your preceptors and faculty so proud.                 have fun, stay safe and I hope to see you soon!

I can’t wait to see what the next phase of your careers holds for
each of you. Please stay in touch!                                           Michelle Lamontagne – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR

Rebecca Kruisselbrink – REGIONAL EDUCATION LEAD

              to our graduates!
              Candice Griffin
              Eric To
              Simon Overduin
              Hosay Said
              Trevor Semplonius

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                   | 34 |                         POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION

Graduation is not only a celebration of your amazing                       As your graduation approaches, I want you to know that I
accomplishments but a celebration of our Nephrology family. I              consider it a privilege to have been a part in your training in
am so very proud of you and your achievements. You have made               Nephrology. I am also grateful that we are not just colleagues,
our nephrology family and residency education program richer. I            but friends. Your decision to train at McMaster and choosing
would like to thank you for your support in making our program             our program to do so is a high honor indeed. I know that you
unique and one of the best in the country. Take the knowledge              will be wonderful ambassadors of our program.
you have gained and utilize it to provide the best care possible
in the most compassionate manner for patients. As I had                    A wise person instructed me that with hard work comes
mentioned to you at the beginning of training, this is the start of        success. You have all lived this motto admirably and that
a lifelong friendship. The end of your training is the beginning           hard work has paid off in a successful completion of training.
of another lifelong bond between you, our education program                Wherever your career takes you, I wish you all the very best and
and the Division. My very best wishes for continued success in             please know that I am proud of your accomplishments!
your career and in achieving your personal goals.

                                                                           Wendy Clark – PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR

                                                                                                               to our graduates!
                                                                                                               Naif Ali A Alghamdi
                                                                                                               Meera Joseph
                                                                                                               Meherzad Kutky
                                                                                                               Fatemah Sebzali
                                                                                                               Mohammad Almomen
                                                                                                               Mohammad Al-Thnaibat
                                                                                                               Majed Alosaimi

BRIGHTER WORLD |                                     | 35 |                       POSTGR ADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION
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