BRILLIANT - World Book Day

Page created by Betty Torres
BRILLIANT - World Book Day
1 MARCH 2018

                                                                                                                                    SPONSORED BY
Illustrations © Jim Field. Photography © Simon Webb. Design by nicandlou.

                                                                                     BRILLIANT                            HOW TO GET
                                                                                                         TRIED AND      INVOLVED WITH
                                                                                                        TESTED FROM

                                                                                               Brilliant ideas, resources
                                                                                                  and everything you
                                                                                                   need to celebrate

                                                                      Celebrate stories. Love reading.   #WorldBookDay
BRILLIANT - World Book Day
Reading with a
child for only
can make a big
difference. Join
our campaign
to get the nation
sharing stories.

            TAKE 10
This year, we need YOUR help to encourage children,
parents and carers to SHARE A STORY – but what is
#ShareAStory, and how can YOU get involved?

 WHO?                                           see what everyone is reading and their
 Our #ShareAStory campaign is directly          favourite stories on Instagram, Facebook
 aimed at parents and carers, highlighting      and Twitter using #ShareAStory.
 the importance of spending just 10
 minutes a day reading and sharing stories      WHERE?
 with their children. Similarly, children are   Anywhere and everywhere, from
 encouraged to read with their parents –        breakfast to bedtime! In the park, on the
 and older siblings are invited to read with    train, on the sofa, on a plane – reading and
 younger brothers and sisters, too.             sharing stories can happen anywhere at
                                                any time – it’s not just for bedtime.
 It’s a fantastically fun, nationwide social    WHY?
 event, where families with children            No matter your age, sharing stories
 and young people of all ages share the         is an opportunity to spend quality time
 pleasure of reading and stories together,      together, as well as promoting wellbeing.
 at home and at school. And we’d love to        And, even more importantly, it has a vital
                                                impact on a child’s outcome in life. Put
                                                simply, reading together is good for you.

                                                Over the page, we’ve got all the
                                                information you need so you can help us
                                                to Share a Story in your setting, with the
                                                resources included in this pack.
BRILLIANT - World Book Day
    I PROMOTE             • ORGANISE your own Share a Story event – it can be
                          celebrated in so many ways; invite parents/grandparents/carers
                          to make ‘guest appearances’ to read stories in class, make
                          Book Borrowing boxes, create reading cafes. See lots more great
                          ideas on pp5-6 of this pack

                          • GIVE OUT the ‘LET’S SHARE A STORY’ stickers included
                          with your resource pack

              WHAT’S      from – includes:
                MY        •   story sharing tips & ideas
               ROLE?      •   posters                     Let’s get the natio
                          •   parent’s leaflet              to TAKE 10
                          •   display templates          and share stories
                                                               kf as t to be dt ime
                          •   parent’s resources          brea
                          •   reading recommendations

                          • INVITE children from the years above into class to share a
                          story with younger pupils

                          • CONDUCT A POLL We conducted a nationwide poll to
                          discover the nation’s favourite Stories to Share. See the results
                          on our website at
                          Why not conduct your own class poll and compare? Winners
                          announced on World Book Day

                          There are LOTS more ideas for you to discover at

Look out for these great ways to SHARE STORIES TOO. .
1. NEW! LISTEN ON DEMAND                    STREAM FREE AUDIOBOOKS for over
   20 titles including The 13-Storey Treehouse by Andy Griffiths, Cherry Crush
   by Cathy Cassidy, Podkin One Ear by Kieran Larwood and Hamlet
   by Pamela Butchart, available on demand until 25 March at

3. NEW! LESSON PLANS based around 12 brilliant books
   for KS1 & 2, created exclusively for us by the National
   Literacy Trust.

4. TAKE THE QUIZ Exclusive fun mini quizzes based on the
   £1 books and other books by those authors, available from 9 January – end
   April. Find out more in the flyer enclosed in this pack.
BRILLIANT - World Book Day
with your
          k Day
World Boo

                        Your handy (and helpful) GUIDE to 2018’s £1 books

   HODDER CHILDREN’S             HARPERCOLLINS                 NOSY CROW         MACMILLAN

      PUFFIN BOOKS                  ANDERSEN                   PUFFIN BOOKS   DORLING KINDERSLEY

                                                                                          For braille &
                                                                                          Tel: 0303 123

                                                                                            For large pri
                                                                                           Tel: 0118 983

 Give out the book tokens to your class (only one per child)
 and let children and parent/carers know what it’s for,
 how to use it, which books they can choose, where they
 can choose them (thousands of independent bookshops,
 Waterstones, WHSmith, Asda, M & S, Morrisons,
 Sainsbury’s and Tesco stores – find your local at – and how
 much fun they’ll have reading them (LOADS!).
BRILLIANT - World Book Day
Available to download for FREE to watch in your setting from 12pm on Wednesday 28 February

         Be prepared to be DAZZLED – THE BIGGEST BOOK SHOW ON
          EARTH is back. Join some of the BIGGEST and BEST authors and
       illustrators as they share a story with you, beamed into your school . . .

          CRESSID A CHRIS                                                  JULIAN CLARY
            COWELL RIDDELL                                                 + DA VID
                How to Train
                Your Dragon
                                     Goth Girl                             R OBERTS
                                                                           The Bolds

                      KIRAN                                                               H OST E D BY

                      MILLWOOD                                                          STEVEN
                 ANDY HARGRAVE       The Girl
              STANTON                of Ink and
                                                                                             The Nothing
                                                                                             To See Here
                     Mr Gum                                                                        Hotel

          SIGN UP NOW at to enjoy this
              30-minute, online bumper books extravaganza (almost) live in your classroom.

                PLUS . . . Don’t miss our exclusive new ILLUSTRATOR EXTRAVAGANZA,                      Filmed at
            featuring: Alex T. Smith, Nadia Shireen, Rob Biddulph, Sophy Henn and Lydia Monks
BRILLIANT - World Book Day
                                                     Every year, we invite YOU to share the
                                                     wonderful ways you have celebrated
                                                     World Book Day. We’ve selected
                                                     TEN TRIED AND TESTED IDEAS

     C E L E B R ATING                               from schools to inspire you. Discover
 FOR                                                 many more (and add your own new
                                                     ones) at

    REACH FOR THE STARS                                      BRILLIANT BOOKS
    READING CHALLENGE                                        ‘We have just introduced National
     ‘To encourage reading at home,                          Book Token prizes for interesting
     give each child a card to complete,                     book reviews in three categories
with 20 different ways to read, written on             across the school: KS1, Lower KS2 and
20 stars e.g. read to a pet, read at bedtime,          Upper KS2. These will be awarded in
read in your pyjamas, read wearing a hat.              special assemblies to celebrate our ‘cool
Each time the child completes one of                   books to share with friends’ campaign.
these they can tick it off. When their list            Photographs of children reading these
is complete, they return it to the teacher             books, together with the book reviews will
and receive a reward – a certificate, extra            be displayed in the library, then put into
playtime, time on the iPad etc.’              ct
                                                       big books as a record.’                    Perfect
                                         activity!                                                 activity!

     CLASSICS AS COMICS                                     WHERE’S WALLY?*
      ‘Pupils were asked to re-tell a classic               HUNT
      tale in a comic format. We ran                         ‘Hide small pictures of Wally
      this as a competition in KS3 and a                     around the school, each with a
colleague in the art department judged                letter attached. Children go around in
it. She was amazed by the quality of the              groups to hunt out the Wallys and
entries. We had all sorts                             find the letter. They then rearrange
of tales from Shakespeare,                            the letters to spell out a famous author
to fables and bible stories.’                         or the title of the next book that you
NAOMI BEDWORTH, HULL                                  will be reading together in class.’
                                                      E GALL, IRVINE

                                                      *For even more Where’s Wally? fun, head to
                                                      our competition on p. 11!
BRILLIANT - World Book Day
                                                           AUTHOR DISPLAY
                                                            ‘Each child should choose
      STORY SACKS                                           ‘their’ World Book Day Author
      ‘In the school newsletter we have a            or Illustrator – either of the £1 books
      regular ‘Book Corner’ feature with             or a favourite. Create a display of
      reviews and recommendations                    comments, drawings, information
from staff, pupils, governors and parents            and books that bring the author/
for children of all ages. The aim is to              illustrator and their work to life for
encourage reading for pleasure                       the rest of the school. Present in a
at home.’                                            World Book Day-themed assembly.’
HELEN CARPENTER, OTLEY                               WENDY COOLING

      BOOK COVER                                           GUESS WHO?
      CREATION                                             ‘There are two people, one has
       ‘You get given a book with no front                 to describe a character and the
       cover, no name and no blurb. You                    other has to draw what they’re
then go away and read it. Once you’ve                describing. The one who’s describing has
read it, you get to decorate a front cover,          to give a mark out of ten on how close the
create a name and write a blurb!’                    character was to their description.’
LILY, DONCASTER                                      MILY HAGAN, STILLORGAN

                                                              ‘Get students and staff to take
                                                              photos of their bookshelf or
                                                              shelves then create a photo
                                                     montage to act as a display and talking
                                                     point. Then get students to vote for the
     SUPERVILLAINS                                   neatest, most creative, tidiest, etc and
      ‘Our class discussion created a                give prizes for the best!’
      supervillain, called Trevor Vickers:           LESLEY PEARCE, READING
      International Story Stealer.
In class, we created crime scenes,
newspaper articles and wanted posters.
                                                   NEED HELP?
We then wrote stories and chose ‘wow’
words to defeat him, rounded off by a
                                                   or email us:
pantomime with teachers dressed as
Trevor, acting out some of the stories we
had created.’
BRILLIANT - World Book Day
        In the spirit of sharing, we asked some INCREDIBLE ILLUSTRATORS
             and AUTHORS for their top tips and advice on storytelling

                                                    “Reading aloud can be scary and difficult,
                                                    but with a few simple tips it can be made
                                                    easy and fun.
                                                    • EYE CONTACT
                                                    Look up often from the text. Reading the
                                                    words in your head before looking up and
                                                    speaking them out to the whole group.
                                                    •  REPETITION
    ‘Most ch                                        Invite the audience to join in as you repeat
               ing at
     love look
                                                    a section of delicious story.
             res in all
   the pictu                                        • VOICES
      kinds of                                      Have a go at trying different voices for
                                                    different character or getting different
                                                    audience members to repeat lines that you
“I think most children love looking at the          feed to them. A range of voices in a story
pictures in all kinds of books. It’s one of         can help make it more dynamic.”
the reasons I really wanted to use lots of
                                                    JOSEPH COELHO, POET AND AUTHOR
doodles and different fonts to help tell the
                                                    OF LUNA LOVES LIBRARY DAY
story visually throughout. If you can do
different voices when reading out loud,
that’s a great way to share a story as well.
Although, I’m a bit rubbish at remembering                         ‘It can be
what voice belongs to which character!”                            made easy
                                                                    and fun!’

                                   “I always do character voices, but making up a whole cast of
                                   voices can be hard, so I impersonate people. When reading
               ‘I always do        Oi Frog! – a great picture book to read aloud – my Cat is a
                                   young Michael Caine and my frog is Speedy Gonzalez. It can
                 character         get a bit strange, but the children love it, especially when I
                   voices’         muck it up, then we all end up giggling.”

                                   M.G. LEONARD, AUTHOR OF BEETLE BOY
BRILLIANT - World Book Day
                                          BOOK CHARACTER ON
                                           WORLD BOOK DAY!
                                                                                              Thursday 1 M
                                                                                                          arch 2018

                Your fundraising fun will send books around the
                    world to children who need them most
                                                                                                           RANGE OF FANT
                                                                                               SEE THE FULL D HOW-TO VIDEOS AT
                                                                                             COSTUME IDEAS .org/worldbookday

                                       p costum
                                ste                             e
                           y-            OVER




                           INSPIRATIONAL                                                                             Did you
                                                                                                                   know that
                                    IDEAS                                                                        for every
                                 ce                p                s                                           donated £2
                                       painting ti                                                            Aid Intern, Book
                                                                                                               can send ational
                            @Book_Aid                                                                         book to a new
                                                                                                                      a lib
                                                                                                                or schoo rary
    © B o o k Aid I n t er n a t i o n a l , R e g i s t er ed C h a r i t y n o. 313869,                                l in
Co m pa n y n o . 8 8 0 7 5 4 , 3 9 - 4 1 C o l d h a r b o u r L a n e , Lon don SE 5 9NR                        Africa?
BRILLIANT - World Book Day

        We’ve listened to your feedback and have revamped the
       RESOURCES area at to make
           it easier to use, save and share than ever before

              1  EASY-TO-ACCESS age-ranged
                                                          E N TO THIriSes
                                                   L I ST               to
                                                              orld of S
              2  SUPER SEARCH filter to find
                 popular authors, illustrators
              and characters
                                                   Enter ou
                                                    and d is
                                                            cover so
                                                       new to li
                                                                sten to a
                                                                      g o t  o
                                                                e ’ve
                                                      enjoy. W        s ts  !
                                                            35 podca

              3   SAVE your favourites for easy
                  access in the future
                                                            WATCH THIS: The

              4   SHARE easily via social media,          Imagination Channel:
                                                            be inspired by our
                  texts or email
                                                        brilliant videos. Find out
                                                         where AUTHORS and

              5   GET RECOMMENDATIONS based
                  on what you are viewing
                                                       ILLUSTRATORS really
                                                            their inspiration

                                                                    AND LOTS


   @WorldBookDayUK          WorldBookDayUK               #worldbookday
If you head down to your LOCAL
or BOOKSHOP today, you’re in for
WORLD BOOK DAY surprise!
 Libraries & bookshops all over the country will be celebrating
 on 1 March and right through the weekend; WHY NOT:
 • Channel Matilda Wormwood                        of books and reading with the
 and make the most of your                         children
 nearest library – plan a class visit,
 involve parents/carers, encourage                 • Find out if your local bookshop

                                                                                                                   llustrations © Quentin Blake, © RDNL, 2018
 children to join the library if                   runs reading groups or
 they’re not members already                       advice sessions – they have
                                                   excellent links with
 • Invite your local bookseller                    publishers and authors too
 into school to share their love

            FIND YOUR LOCAL BOOKSHOP:                                FIND YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY:

 THE                                                      IT’S COMPETITION TIME!
 NATIONAL                                                   Win a Family Adventure with

                                                                                                        Handford, published by Walker Books.
 offers teachers inspiring programmes,
                                                                                                        Where’s Wally? ©1987-2018 Martin
 resources and programmes for
 outstanding literacy provision, plus the                    Experience your very own amazing
 latest literacy research and policy. Our                    adventure just like Wally! Now’s your
 evidence-based CPD gives you strategies                     chance to win a ‘Design Your Own’ Family
 to support literacy in the classroom and                    Winter Holiday to Harriniva, Finland,
 to encourage reading for pleasure.                          including a reindeer sleigh ride, husky
 To find out how National                                    safari, and the chance to search for the
 Literacy Trust membership                                   Northern Lights, courtesy of award-
 can help you improve                                        winning holiday specialists
 literacy outcomes in your                                   Activities Abroad.
 setting and to receive
 partner discounts                                           Find out how to enter on
                            National Literacy Trust
 and networking              research found that
                                                             your book token or visit
 opportunities visit       WORLD BOOK DAY gave     
                             a quarter of the UK’s        8 TO 11-YEAR-OLD               from 26 February 2018.
                              children their first book
IT’S                                         A NATIONAL
                                              BOOK TOKEN

 Our popular competition to design a National Book Token
 receives thousands of entries from children and young people
 of all ages every year. There are heaps of National Book Tokens
 to be won, while one lucky winner’s design will be turned                  CLOSING DATE
 into a real National Book Token gift card and distributed to                  for entries is
                                                                            Friday 13th April.
 hundreds of bookshops nationwide in time for Christmas.                     Winners will be
                                                                            announced in the
 Get involved!                                                              summer of 2018.
 Enter this year by getting your pupils to design a book-themed
 National Book Token using the template provided. A panel of
 judges will select a winner and runner-up in each of three age
 categories: up to 8 years, 9-12 years and 13-16 years.

                 • £500 National Book Tokens for the school
                 • £200 National Book Tokens for the child
    in each
   age range     • £200 National Book Tokens for the teacher

                 • £250 National Book Tokens for the school
                 • £100 National Book Tokens for the child
    in each
   age range     • £100 National Book Tokens for the teacher

 How to enter:
 All entries should be produced on A4 paper in
                                                                           2017’s winning design
 portrait format (h 81mm x w 127mm) using the
                                                                            by Eleanor, aged 11
 template provided. Every entry must be signed by                 127 mm

 the teacher, who must print in capitals on the reverse
                                                          81 mm

 of the entry the pupil’s full name and age, school
 name, address and phone number. Send entries to:
 World Book Day Design a Book Token
 Competition, Book Tokens Ltd, 6 Bell Yard,
 London WC2A 2JR.
                                                                           2016’s winning design
                                                                            by Katherine, aged 6

   Download a template and see the terms and conditions at
You can also read