BRISBANE AIRPORT 2014 MASTER PLAN SUMMARY BOOKLET - Connecting People Building Opportunities

Page created by Pauline Flynn
                             MASTER PLAN
                         SUMMARY BOOKLET

Connecting People
Building Opportunities
Important Notice

This Summary Booklet has been prepared
by Brisbane Airport Corporation Pty Ltd      CONNECTING PEOPLE
(ABN 54 076 870 650) (BAC) to satisfy
the requirements of the Airports Act         BUILDING OPPORTUNITIES
1996 (Cwlth).
While all care has been taken in preparing
this booklet:
» It is based on certain forecasts and
  assumptions, and BAC makes no claim        CONNECTING PEOPLE BUILDING OPPORTUNITIES                   1
  as to the accuracy of any information,
                                             BRISBANE AIRPORT 2014 MASTER PLAN SUMMARY                  2
  or the likelihood of any future matter
» It should not be relied upon in any way
                                               What is a Master Plan?                                   2
  by any person for making business or
  other decisions                              About the 2014 Master Plan                               2
» It does not commit BAC to any                Inputs to the Master Plan                                3
  particular development
                                               How You Can Be Involved                                  3
» BAC accepts no liability whatsoever
  to any person who in any way relies          How to Make a Submission                                 3
  on any information in this booklet
                                             PLANNING CONTEXT                                           4
  (including making any decision about
  development or any other activity on         About Brisbane Airport Corporation                       4
  or off Brisbane Airport).
                                               About Brisbane Airport                                   6

                                               Legislative Environment                                  6

                                             GROWTH FORECASTS AND DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES               8
                                               Aviation Growth Forecasts                                8
                                               Development Objectives                                   9
Copyright in this document vests in BAC.     PLANNING RESPONSE                                         10
No person may:
                                               Economic                                                10
» Reproduce any part of this document
  in any form or by any means whether          Operations                                              14
  electronic, mechanical, photocopying,        Environment                                             20
  recording or otherwise
                                               Social                                                  22
» Produce, store in a retrieval system or
  transmit any part of this document,        IMPLEMENTATION                                            24
  without the prior written consent
                                               Short-term Development (2014-2019)                      24
  of BAC, unless the document is
  downloaded from the BAC website              Medium-term Development (2019-2024)                     25
  for the sole purpose of reviewing its
                                               Long-term Development (2024-2034)                       25
  contents in electronic or paper form.
Any enquiries regarding copyright should     GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN                                     26
be addressed to BAC.                           Objectives of the GTP                                   26

                                               Transport Vision                                        26

                                               Engagement                                              27

                                               State and Local Government Planning                     27

                                               Transport Strategy and Initiatives                      27

                                               Transport and Land Use Five-Year Integration Strategy   28

                                             AIRPORT ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY                              30
                                               Environmental Management System                         30

                                               Actions 2014-2019                                       30
THE BRISBANE AIRPORT                         The Brisbane Airport 2014 Master                 BAC is committed to connecting with
2014 MASTER PLAN                             Plan reflects BAC’s commitment to                all people who have an interest in the
SUMMARY BOOKLET                              sustainability across all aspects of the         future of Brisbane Airport and building
                                             airport’s operation. Every action and            opportunities that bring economic,
The Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan
                                             initiative is based on, and measured by,         social and environmental benefits that
is designed to outline Brisbane Airport
                                             a set of specific development objectives         reach far beyond the airport boundary.
Corporation’s (BAC) clear vision for the
                                             designed to achieve balance across
future development of the airport –                                                           I hope that you find this booklet
                                             environmental, operational, social and
responding to forecast demand,                                                                informative and helpful in understanding
                                             economic outcomes.
contributing to nation building and                                                           the future direction for the airport
mirroring aspirations for the city and the   The 2014 Master Plan builds on its               and invite you to join us in shaping
state between 2014 and 2034.                 predecessors – continuing to expand              the future of one of Australia’s most
                                             on previous blueprints for the airport’s         dynamic airports.
It encompasses information about the
                                             growth. However, the 2014 edition
more than $1 billion investment BAC
                                             has been further enhanced through
has made in the airport over the past
                                             the inclusion of the Ground Transport
10 years and the $2.5 billion that will be
                                             Strategy and the Airport Environment
invested in aviation and non-aviation
                                             Strategy, both of which provide
infrastructure and services over the
                                             detailed five-year action plans for the
next decade.
                                             management of on-airport transport
BAC has prepared four Master Plans           and the environment.                             Julieanne Alroe
since taking ownership of the airport in                                                      Managing Director and
                                             This Summary Booklet captures the
1997. It is produced every five years as                                                      Chief Executive Officer
                                             primary points and actions contained
part of a statutory requirement, while
                                             within the larger Master Plan. As an             Brisbane Airport Corporation Pty Ltd
also acting as an important conduit
                                             overview document it provides headline
of information about the evolution of
                                             information about all aspects of the
the airport to government, industry,
                                             airport’s development over the next
business and the local area and
                                             20 years, any of which you may choose
broader community.
                                             to explore further by reviewing the
                                             Master Plan itself, which is available

                                                                                  Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet   1

Brisbane Airport serves as the         WHAT IS A MASTER PLAN?                      ABOUT THE 2014 MASTER PLAN
premier gateway to Queensland.         An airport Master Plan is a statutory       The BAC 2014 Master Plan sets out
It is the third largest airport in     document required every five years          the proposed development of Brisbane
Australia by passenger numbers         that provides a blueprint for airport       Airport to 2034 and provides details on
and the second busiest in terms        development for a 20-year period.           works to happen between 2014 and 2019.
of aircraft movements. It makes        It outlines the land use planning and
                                                                                   When planning for the future, BAC
a significant contribution to local,   development intent for an airport site
                                                                                   considers forecasts for growth
state and national economies.          and is a requirement of the Airports Act
                                                                                   in passenger numbers, aircraft
                                       1996 (Cwlth) (Airports Act).
Brisbane Airport Corporation                                                       movements, on-airport traffic and
(BAC), as the owner and                Airport Master Plans are designed           freight, and innovation.
                                       to provide a clear direction for the
operator, is responsible for                                                       It also considers predicted noise
                                       growth and development of Australia’s
ensuring future development                                                        exposure levels and as part of the
                                       major aviation gateways. They help to
supports forecast growth. This                                                     process, BAC produces the Australian
                                       ensure that vital aviation infrastructure
is the principal purpose of the                                                    Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF), an
                                       is delivered when and where it is
Master Plan.                                                                       important tool used for statutory land
                                       needed, while maximising the significant
                                                                                   use planning purposes.
This Summary Booklet has been          economic, social and environmental
                                       benefits that well-planned airports         While not required as part of the
produced to highlight the Master
                                       can deliver.                                Master Plan, BAC has also developed
Plan’s key points and actions                                                      the companion Current and Future
to 2034.                               While the Master Plan is subject to
                                                                                   Flight Path and Noise Information
                                       a public comment, assessment and
For greater detail see the Brisbane                                                booklet, which is an important adjunct
                                       approval process, it does not mean
Airport 2014 Master Plan available                                                 to the ANEF and geared to respond to
                                       that all proposals and plans outlined
at                                                                  the noise information requirements of
                                       within it are approved. Individual
                                                                                   the community.
                                       projects remain subject to separate
                                       Commonwealth planning and statutory         The 2014 Master Plan includes an
                                       approval processes.                         Airport Environment Strategy (AES) and
                                                                                   a detailed Ground Transport Plan.

2     Brisbane Airport Corporation
INPUTS TO THE MASTER PLAN                   1
The Brisbane Airport 2014 Master
Plan has been the subject of
extensive consultation with all
levels of government, industry and
the community.
Consultation has included:
» Working groups (ground transport,
  land use, noise and environment)
» Vision workshops
» Community focus groups
» Online survey
» Other regular BAC community
  and industry forums, including
  the Brisbane Airport Community
  Aviation Consultation Group,
  Brisbane Airport Area Round Table
  and the Brisbane Airport Tenants
  Environment Committee
» Briefings with elected representatives
  and departmental offices
» Community information exchanges
» Airport Operators Committee
» Local festivals and events.

                                           1 Night time operations at the
                                           Air Traffic Control tower.
                                           2 Aircraft departing from
                                           Brisbane Airport.

                                                                            Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet   3

Within the first section of the      About Brisbane                                A VISION FOR
2014 Master Plan, Planning                                                         BRISBANE AIRPORT
                                     Airport Corporation
Context, the purpose and uses of                                                   BAC’s vision for Brisbane Airport is to
the Master Plan are explained.                                                     be world class.
                                     BAC acquired Brisbane Airport from the
It also provides an overview         Australian Government under a 50-year         Its values include building collaborative
to BAC and Brisbane Airport,         lease in 1997.                                relationships, being proactive and
summarises relevant legislation,     BAC is a private, non-listed Queensland
                                                                                   innovative, acting with integrity
policies and regulations, and                                                      and commitment, and providing
                                     company with its shareholders being
outlines the importance of                                                         service excellence.
                                     major Australian and international
the airport in a local, state and    organisations and significant institutional   To achieve its vision for the airport,
national context.                    investors. Approximately 80% of               BAC is:
                                     shareholders are individual Australians
Refer to Chapters 1 – 4 of the                                                     » Creating a prosperous airport
                                     with their savings invested in
Master Plan.                                                                         business community within a
                                     superannuation and other funds.
                                                                                     sustainable environment
                                     Since privatisation, BAC has invested
                                                                                   » Developing Brisbane Airport as a
                                     around $1.3 billion in upgrading and
                                                                                     premier gateway airport and a major
                                     building critical infrastructure. To meet
                                                                                     multimodal transport hub
                                     future demand, BAC is funding over
                                     $2.5 billion worth of infrastructure over     » Promoting and evolving
                                     the next 10 years.                              Brisbane Airport’s role as a major
                                                                                     economic engine
                                                                                   » Achieving growth and development
                                                                                     by balancing economic benefits and
                                                                                     environmental impacts.

4     Brisbane Airport Corporation
BAC is committed to the responsible development of the airport that meets the needs of present and future generations.
The Four Pillars of Sustainability form the basis of BAC’s development objectives for the 2014 Master Plan:

 ECONOMIC                               OPERATIONAL                              ENVIRONMENTAL                         SOCIAL
 SUSTAINABILITY:                        SUSTAINABILITY:                          SUSTAINABILITY:                       SUSTAINABILITY
 Brisbane Airport is Queensland’s       The safe, secure and continuous          Managing and protecting               BAC is the custodian of
 busiest hub airport and a              operation of the airport is both         environmental features                Brisbane Airport and is
 significant component of the           a goal and a necessity for               of Brisbane Airport is a              committed to supporting
 national transport network.            Queensland’s busiest aviation            cornerstone of BAC’s                  and engaging with the local
 BAC is committed to continuing         hub. For Brisbane Airport,               operational and development           community to build pride in
 its track record of building           business continuity is tied to           philosophy. To this end, BAC’s        the airport and encourage
 infrastructure for the future and      ensuring that the necessary              sustainability goals are to           a sense of co-ownership.
 delivering strong financial results.   capacity and critical assets are         maximise energy, water and            Brisbane Airport is a part of the
 In doing so, Brisbane Airport          available to operate and expand          waste efficiencies, manage            greater landscape of Brisbane,
 will continue to support broader       the airport and maintaining              noise impacts, balance the built      and in this, acts as a host, an
 economic development and jobs          regulatory compliance. BAC               environment and biodiversity          ambassador for Brisbane as a
 growth for Brisbane, Queensland        strives to maintain excellence in        values and achieve best practice      new world city and a showcase
 and Australia. The pathways to         service delivery in terminals and        in urban and built design.            for the best of Brisbane.
 deliver strong financial growth        across the airport.
 BAC adopts include selective
 and timely development,
 diverse revenue streams and
 efficient use of financial and
 operational resources.


                                                    1 The red-bellied black snake is
                                                    protected at Brisbane Airport.
                                                    2 Main runway overlay works
                                                    completed in October 2013.
                                                    3 BAC fosters the arts through
                                                    community sponsorships.

 2                                                   3

                                                                                                risbane Air
                                                                                                        A  port 2
                                                                                                                 014 Master
                                                                                                                     Masster Plan – Summary Booklet
                                                                                                                     Ma                                    5

About Brisbane Airport                        Airport buffer                                » An ANEF (BAC includes an Ultimate
                                                                                              Capacity ANEF to 2060)
                                              Surrounding communities benefit from
                                              the largest buffer zone of any capital        » Flight paths
Brisbane Airport is located on a
2,700 hectare site and is one of the          city airport in Australia.                    » Plans, developed following
largest airports in land area in Australia.                                                   consultation with airlines and
                                              Servicing larger aircraft                       government bodies, for managing
It was established on its current site
                                              Brisbane Airport is capable of handling         aircraft noise
in 1988.
                                              larger aircraft now in operation,             » Assessment of environmental
Today, approximately 21,000 people            including the Airbus A380.                      issues that might be reasonably
are employed, and more than                                                                   expected to be associated with the
430 businesses operate from                   DEVELOPMENT SINCE 2009                          implementation of the plan
Brisbane Airport.
                                              Since the approval of the 2009 Master         » Plans for dealing with environmental
It comprises a 3,600 m main runway            Plan, BAC and airport stakeholders have         issues (including solutions or plans to
and a 1,760 m cross runway, supported         undertaken over 40 major projects and           prevent environmental issues)
by aviation-related infrastructure and        numerous smaller projects.
services, as well as retail, warehousing
and commercial development. Work
on a 3,300 m New Parallel Runway              Legislative Environment                       1 Security screening at Brisbane Airport.
(NPR) commenced in August 2012. It is         (Chapter 4 of the Master Plan)
                                                                                            2 View to Brisbane Airport’s Domestic T2.
scheduled to open around 2020.
                                                                                            3 View from the International T1.

STRENGTHS OF                                  MASTER PLANNING
BRISBANE AIRPORT                              The 2014 Master Plan sets out the
Brisbane Airport enjoys a number of           framework for the development of
geographic, operational and capacity          Brisbane Airport to ensure it is able
strengths that play an integral role in its   to meet future demand and create
regional, state and national economic         business and industry development
contribution, including:                      opportunities to 2034 and beyond.

Absence of night curfew                       Under the Airports Act, BAC is required
                                              to review its Master Plan every five years.
The airport’s ability to operate
                                              Planning and development of the airport
24/7 allows Brisbane to link to
                                              is regulated by the Australian Government
international networks via hubs including                                                    2
                                              Department of Infrastructure and
Dubai, Singapore and Bangkok.
                                              Regional Development. BAC also works
Geography                                     closely with state and local government
                                              agencies to ensure development
Brisbane’s proximity to major Asian
                                              is compatible with local and state
ports provides a strategic advantage
                                              planning strategies.
over Sydney and Melbourne airports.
Capacity to expand                            THE MASTER PLAN PROCESS
Australia’s largest capital city airport      The Airports Act imposes a detailed
in area with 2,700 hectares, Brisbane         planning framework on BAC, requiring
Airport has 1,000 hectares available          the preparation and Ministerial approval       3
for expansion.                                of a Master Plan and an Airport
                                              Environment Strategy.
Proximity to CBD
                                              It requires a Master Plan to specify:
Brisbane Airport is located in Brisbane’s
north-east. It is only 8 km away from         » Development objectives
the city and is accessible via road, rail     » Assessment of airport users’
and public transport connections.               future needs
                                              » Intentions for land use and
                                                related development

6       Brisbane Airport Corporation

                                           Captain Jack Treacy lands
      1922                                 ‘The Queen of Sheba’ at the
                                           Brisbane Airport site.

                                           Qantas commenced scheduled
      1926                                 flights from Brisbane Airport.

                                           Sir Charles Kingsford Smith
                                           touches down aboard the

      1928                                 ‘Southern Cross’.
                                           Bert ‘Hustling’ Hinkler completes
                                           the first solo flight from England.

                                           Australian National Airways                               2

      1930                                 (later part of Ansett) schedules
                                           services to Sydney.

» A Ground Transport Plan (2014-2019)           » Coastal environment
» Commercial development plan                   » Air, noise and other emissions
  (2014- 2019)                                  » Hazardous materials and
» An environment strategy                         developments
                                                                                                    1 Sir Charles Kingsford Smith’s “Southern
                                                » Natural hazards                                   Cross” is a major tourist attraction at
» Any other matters that may be
                                                                                                    Brisbane Airport.
  specified in the regulations.                 » Strategic airports and aviation facilities.
                                                                                                    2 Brisbane welcomes the arrival of Sir
The 2014 Master Plan – Proposed                 The South East Queensland Regional                  Charles Kingsford Smith in 1928.

Airport Development Strategy to 2034            Plan identifies Brisbane Airport as
is shown on the inside front cover of           having a vital role in meeting the
this booklet.                                   growth challenges of the region. BAC’s
                                                development objectives and land use
STATE AND LOCAL                                 planning outcomes for the airport are
GOVERNMENT PLANNING                             consistent with the planning outcomes
                                                sought by that Plan.
The Airports Act requires the Master
Plan to address the extent of                   Brisbane airport is designated a ‘Special
consistency with planning schemes in            Purpose’ zone under Brisbane City
force under Queensland law.                     Council’s City Plan. Where possible
                                                BAC aligns its development with City
The Queensland State Planning Policy            Plan Principles.
(SPP), adopted in 2013, has five
overall themes and 18 separate state            The Master Plan has been informed
interests. The following state interests        by the National Airports Safeguarding
from the SPP have direct relevance to           Framework, which aims to achieve
Brisbane Airport:                               airport planning best practice.

                                                                                        Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet     7

The second section of the            Aviation Growth                               FUTURE GROWTH FORECASTS
Master Plan, Growth Forecasts        Forecasts                                     Brisbane Airport modelling has forecast
and Development Objectives           (Section 5.1 of the Master Plan)              that by 2033/34 some 11.7 million
(Chapter 5), is a requirement of                                                   passengers will pass through the
the Airports Act.                                                                  International Terminal (International
                                     SUSTAINED GROWTH                              T1) and around 37 million passengers
It also allows BAC to detail
                                                                                   annually through the Domestic Terminal
information on passenger and         Brisbane Airport has experienced
                                                                                   (Domestic T2) annually.
aviation forecasts, as well as the   continued growth in both domestic and
development objectives that          international air travel since the approval   Figure 1 details the international and
underpin the Master Plan.            of its 2009 Master Plan.                      domestic passenger growth forecasts.
                                     In the financial year 2007/08, Brisbane       By 2034, Brisbane Airport is forecast
                                     Airport handled a total of 17.5 million       to be handling around 360,000 annual
                                     passengers and some 175,000 aircraft          aircraft movements.
                                     movements. In 2012/13 this increased
                                                                                   Longer-term forecasts included in
                                     to 21.6 million passengers and 219,000
                                                                                   the 2014 Master Plan are similar to
                                     annual aircraft movements – up 23%
                                                                                   those contained in the 2003 and 2009
                                     and 25% respectively.
                                                                                   Master Plans.
                                     While fuel prices, worldwide events and
                                     economic concerns have resulted in
                                     some short-term reduction in growth
                                     rates, continued long-term growth
                                     is likely – especially as Queensland
                                     continues to build its reputation as a
                                     major business and tourism destination.

8     Brisbane Airport Corporation

                                                                                                                                                                                                 International                        Domestic                      Total

                                                       Actual data                Forecast data
  Passengers (’000s)








                               08        9
                                                   0        11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19       20      21       22        3       4        5       6       7      28        9        0       31      32         3        4
                             7/       /0                 0/        1/        2/        3/        4/        5/        6/        7/        8/        9/      0/       1/        /2      /2       /2      /2      /2     7/       /2       /3       0/      1/        /3       /3
                            0       08      0 09      01        01        01        01        01        01        01        01        01        01       02      02        22       23      24       25      26     02       28       29      03       03       32        33
                         20      20        2         2         2         2         2         2         2         2         2         2         2        2       2        20       20      20       20      20      2       20       20       2        2       20        20

Development Objectives
(Section 5.2 of the Master Plan)

Development objectives for the master planning process are set around BAC’s four pillars of sustainability – Economic, Operations,
Environment and Social:

 Economic                                                                                                                                          Environment

 1. Drive and enable State and National economic wealth and                                                                                        1. Achieve a balance between the on-airport built
    employment growth                                                                                                                                 environment and biodiversity values
 2. Provide aviation infrastructure to accommodate and                                                                                             2. Achieve environmentally sustainable development across
    encourage growth                                                                                                                                  the airport
 3. Commitment to best practice corporate governance and                                                                                           3. To be recognised as a leader in the management of
    prudent management of Brisbane Airport for the benefit                                                                                            energy, water, waste, noise and biodiversity.
    of Australia.

 Operations                                                                                                                                        Social

 1. Facilitate the safe and secure movement of people, freight                                                                                     1. Contribute to achieving the vision of Brisbane as a new
    and aircraft                                                                                                                                      world city that encourages growth while protecting the
 2. Ensure the timely delivery of new and improved                                                                                                    city’s values and lifestyle
    airport capacity                                                                                                                               2. Harness development opportunities to underpin Brisbane
 3. Deliver innovative, efficient and continuous airport                                                                                              Airport as a business and leisure hub to maximise airport
    services where customer service is at the core of                                                                                                 accessibility and connectivity
    airport operations                                                                                                                             3. To build respectful and valued relationships so all people
 4. Develop relationships to optimise overall                                                                                                         want to be part of, and have pride in Brisbane Airport.
    operational performance.

                                                                                                                                                                             Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet                                                   9

In the section Planning Response         » By 2034, it is estimated Brisbane         State
(Chapters 6 – 9) of the Master             Airport will directly contribute over
                                                                                     In terms of state significance, Brisbane
Plan, BAC reviews activities and           $8.2 billion to the economy and
                                                                                     Airport is the busiest of Queensland’s
                                           provide nearly 52,000 full-time
actions from 2009 to 2014, and                                                       191 airports or airfields. The Queensland
                                           equivalent jobs.
details future initiatives, programs                                                 Government considers Brisbane Airport
and projects.                            National                                    an airport of strategic economic
                                                                                     importance with it linking resource
                                         Brisbane Airport, operating 24 hours
                                                                                     hubs with workforces, leisure travellers
                                         a day, seven days a week, is an
Economic                                                                             with destinations, connecting supply
                                         integral part of the national economic
(Chapter 6 of the Master Plan)                                                       chains with markets and providing
                                         infrastructure and as such is a valuable
                                                                                     employment opportunities.
                                         asset. It is the third busiest airport in
BRISBANE AIRPORT’S                       Australia by passenger numbers and          Local
CONTRIBUTION TO                          the second busiest in terms of aircraft
                                                                                     Brisbane City Council has also identified
THE ECONOMY                              movements.
                                                                                     the airport as being in the top three
Brisbane Airport is vital to the         Through BAC’s substantial ongoing           locations for employment growth over
Queensland economy. Generating jobs,     investment, Brisbane Airport has            the next 20 years.
investment and tourism are just some     become an important source of
                                                                                     Brisbane Airport is also the primary
of the contributions the airport makes   employment for Australia, and plays a
                                                                                     gateway for airfreight cargo servicing
to the wellbeing and prosperity of       catalytic role in tourism, business and
                                                                                     Queensland, northern Australian and
the region.                              industry growth with benefits spreading
                                                                                     northern New South Wales markets.
                                         across the country.
» Between 2009 and 2014, BAC
  has invested over $1 billion in        In addition to its important social role    PLANNING FOR 24-HOUR
  infrastructure developments across     in connecting people and communities        OPERATIONS
  the airport                            across Australia, the airport also plays
                                                                                     Maintaining Brisbane Airport’s 24-hour
                                         a central role in the national logistics
» Investment at the airport has                                                      operation is vital to allow the airport to
                                         network and has become a vital aircraft
  led to 5,000 additional full-time                                                  maintain current operations as well as
                                         maintenance hub.
  equivalent jobs                                                                    attract additional flights, services and
                                                                                     investment to Queensland.

10      Brisbane Airport Corporation
The airport’s 24-hour status allows                                    Its land-use strategy responds to                                      » Achieve an appropriate balance
Brisbane to act as a gateway for the                                   market demand with a mix of business,                                    between the built environment and
transport of fresh produce to overseas                                 retail, industry and tourism activities                                  biodiversity values
destinations, particularly Asia, as well as                            that will complement and support
                                                                                                                                              » Maximise airport accessibility
domestic freight.                                                      the airport’s existing activities and
                                                                                                                                                and connectivity.
                                                                       anticipated aeronautical growth.
Around 216,000 international and
                                                                       Significant land is also preserved for                                 Airport Precincts
112,000 domestic passengers arrive
                                                                       conservation purposes.
at night during the year.                                                                                                                     Brisbane Airport has outstanding
                                                                       Delivery of the land-use strategy                                      and unique attributes that favour its
Research has found a curfew would
                                                                       for Brisbane Airport will occur in                                     continued commercial growth. With
come at a significant cost to the airport
                                                                       accordance with the development                                        2,700 hectares of land, it is one of
and the wider economy.
                                                                       objectives of the Master Plan. Particular                              Australia’s largest airports in area and
                                                                       priorities are to ensure that Brisbane                                 benefits from the largest buffer zone of
Land Use And Precinct                                                  Airport will:                                                          any capital city airport in the country.

Development                                                            » Contribute to regional economic                                      The 2014 Master Plan has consolidated
(Section 6.2 of the Master Plan)                                         wealth and employment generation                                     developable land into five sub-precincts,
                                                                                                                                              which are intended to create and
                                                                       » Ensure selective, profitable and
                                                                                                                                              maintain clusters of businesses and
BAC is one of the largest commercial                                     timely commercial development
                                                                                                                                              operations to generate a sense of
landholders in Queensland and
                                                                       » Ensure the timely delivery of new                                    identity and community. Over the next
its approach to land-use planning
                                                                         and improved airport capacity                                        five years to 2019 BAC proposes to
over the next 20 years is of vital
                                                                                                                                              deliver a flexible property development
economic significance.                                                 » Minimise adverse environmental
                                                                                                                                              plan, which is summarised in Table 1
                                                                                                                                              below and in Figure 2 on Page 13.


                                                                                                                                                        Estimated                 Additional
    Precinct                                          Zoning1                     Intended Uses1                                                        GFA (m2)                 Employment
    Airport South                                     Mixed Use                   Office, animal keeping, warehouse                                         111,800                          1,120
    (Airport Industrial Park)
    Airport South                                     Mixed Use                   Office, warehouse, aircraft maintenance                                   30,960                            300
    (Da Vinci)                                                                    facility, aviation education facility, car park
    Airport South                                     Mixed Use,                  Office, warehouse, telecommunications,                                   105,760                           1,040
    (Export Park)                                     Industry                    food and beverage outlet, car park
    Airport East                                      Industry                    Office, aircraft maintenance facility, car park                            7,300                             100
    Airport Central                                   Major Centre                Public administration building, office, shop,                             63,750                           2,000
    (Skygate)                                                                     car park, event entertainment facility,
                                                                                  wholesale supplies, food and beverage
                                                                                  outlet, public transport facility
    Airport Central                                   Mixed Use,                  Service station, shop, showroom                                            13,780                           350
    (Airport Drive West)                              Special Purpose
    Airport Central                                   Special Purpose             Hotel and motel, office, public administration                            29,300                            700
    (Domestic T2)                                     Airport                     building
    Airport Central                                   Special Purpose             Public administration building, office,                                     2,570                            90
    (International T1)                                Airport, Mixed              aviation support facility, car park
    Airport West                                      Mixed Use                   Car park, utility installation                                                300                            35
    (Central Parking Area)
    Airport North                                     Special Purpose             Aviation activity, aviation support facility                                5,080                           100
    Airport Central                                   Mixed Use                                                                                                   Nil                          Nil
    (Moreton Drive West)

1     Zoning and intended uses will be in accordance with those activities listed in the land use chapter. Whilst every attempt has been made to confirm the intended uses of development,
      market conditions will dictate if developments as listed in the table above meet the requirements of the development strategy.

                                                                                                                              Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet                    11

AIRPORT PRECINCTS                         AIRPORT WEST                                 AIRPORT SOUTH
                                          (CENTRAL PARKING AREA)
In establishing the five major
                                                                                       Airport South will be a connected
development precincts (and their          Covering a large area with a                 village-like precinct with quality
nine distinct sub-precincts), a           predominantly natural character,             amenity and excellent motorway
high level of emphasis is placed on       Airport West provides a buffer to            access. An emphasis on diverse
creating and maintaining clusters of      Kedron Brook and links the airport           built form outcomes and sustainable
businesses and land use synergies         to Moreton Bay. This area provides           development initiatives will help
that generate a strong sense of           a significant future opportunity             differentiate this area.
identity and community. The intent of     for protecting and enhancing the
the five precincts is as follows:         environment for Brisbane Airport             This precinct provides for efficient
                                          through BAC’s commitment to                  flexible land options connected with
                                          biodiversity, sustainable management         good transport access.
                                          and conservation.
                                                                                       AIRPORT EAST
Airport Central is a mass of activity,    This precinct includes the CPA
energy and vitality including the         and caters for a business park and           The primary focus for this
International T1, Domestic T2, Airport    combines a considerable area of              precinct is aviation maintenance,
Drive West, Moreton Drive West            parking with associated service              manufacturing and associated aviation
and Skygate. The high-quality retail,     buildings and small offices. Mixed           support industries.
leisure and commercial environment of     industry and business uses in the sub-
Skygate enlivens the precinct as the                                                   The Airport East precinct comprises
                                          precinct include commercial offices,         maintenance and manufacturing
gateway to the airport.                   car rental depots, staff parking, remote     facilities with direct airside access for
Airport Central, in common with           public parking, ground transport             defence suppliers, major domestic
all the development precincts, has        operations holding areas and future          airlines and a range of other aviation
been designed according to the            maintenance facilities for transport and     industry operators.
planning principle of consolidation and   logistic operations.
concentration of the development
footprint. It allows the achievement      AIRPORT NORTH
of critical masses of activity on a
manageable range of development           Airport North provides a future
fronts and works to maximise the value    logistics hub for industrial and a viation
of expenditure on infrastructure.         related developments and businesses
                                          that require airside access.
                                          The Airport North precinct includes
                                          the General Aviation area, and is
                                          strategically located adjoining the
                                          taxiway systems to runways 01R/19L
                                          and 14/32 and the NPR.

                                                                                       1 The Royal Flying Doctor Service
 1                                          2                                          operates from Airport North.
                                                                                       2 Australian air Express is located in
                                                                                       the Airport South precinct.

12     Brisbane Airport Corporation

                                               Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet   13

Operations                                    View to the Domestic T2 airside precinct from the Air Traffic Control tower

(Chapter 7 of the Master Plan)

Convenient, efficient and user
friendly passenger terminal areas and
construction of the NPR are the major
focus for BAC as it seeks to ensure the
airport is able to accommodate forecast
growth to 2034 and beyond.

(Section 7.1 of the Master Plan)

Terminal Area Development Strategy
The strategy for the terminal area
development takes into account
changes in the aviation sector, including
the growth of low cost air travel and
alliances between full service airlines.
The strategy will adopt a strong
commercial focus to provide passengers        International T1 Developments                                      Check-in, some security processing,
and airport users with a high standard                                                                           baggage handling and reclaim, airline
                                              The following projects have occurred
of facilities and services.                                                                                      offices, valet, bus and rental car facilities
                                              since the 2009 Master Plan:
                                                                                                                 are located on the ground floor. The
BAC’s future terminal area development        » Apron expansions                                                 remaining security processing area,
strategy focuses on expanding existing        » Taxiways                                                         departure lounges and majority of retail
buildings and the addition of shared
                                              » Extensive aviation fuel installations                            outlets are located on Level 2.
facilities located between both the
International T1 and Domestic T2              » Staff car park expansion                                         Additional departure lounges and retail
precincts. This could include integrated      » Level 2 transit passenger facilities                             facilities are connected to the main
international/domestic operations at            expansion                                                        terminal at satellite locations.
either location as well as a central          » Transfer baggage expansion                                       Domestic T2 Developments
transport interchange with direct links
                                              » Level 2 retail                                                   The following projects have occurred
to both precincts.
                                              » Self service check-in facilities.                                since the 2009 Master Plan:
Existing Situation
                                              Domestic T2                                                        » Two level common user satellite
International T1
                                              Domestic T2 is a two-level facility                                » Food and beverage and other retail
The International T1 is operated as           consisting of three distinct zones:                                  upgrades and expansion
a common user facility under BAC
administration. It is a four level building   » Virgin Australia operates from the                               » Northern apron expansion
consisting of:                                  southern end of the Domestic T2
                                                                                                                 » Skybridge (an elevated walkway, over
» Level 1 – baggage handling, delivery        » The central area operates as a                                     airport roads, between the multi-level
  dock, stores and airline offices              common user terminal under BAC                                     car parks and terminal
                                                management, primarily used by
» Level 2 – arrivals processing and                                                                              » Qantas self service check-in
                                                Jetstar and Tiger Airways
  airline offices                                                                                                » Qantas baggage system expansion
                                              » Qantas operates from the northern
» Level 3 – departure lounges,                  part of the Domestic T2.                                         » Common user terminal self service
  airline lounges, airside retail and                                                                              check-in and bag-drop facilities
  departures processing
                                                                                                                 » Expansion of aviation fuel
» Level 4 – check-in and landside retail.                                                                          infrastructure

14      Brisbane Airport Corporation
» Virgin business lounge (under
  construction)                                 ULTIMATE CAPACITY
» Additional Virgin Australia aerobridges       BAC considers that it is an appropriate planning practice to consider very
  and gates (under construction)                long-term or ultimate capacity scenarios for elements of major airport
» Southern apron expansion project              infrastructure beyond the 2034 planning horizon of the 2014 Master Plan.
  (under construction)                          The assessment of ultimate capacity scenarios is based on current
                                                standards – aviation infrastructure, airspace management and current
» Common user terminal ground floor
                                                aircraft fleet technologies.
  upgrade (under construction)
                                                The 2014 Master Plan presents the implications of considering the ultimate
» Short-term multi-level car park and
                                                capacity for terminal areas, ground transport, runway system and aircraft
  associated road network
                                                noise metrics to ensure appropriate land use reservations and stakeholders
» Apron floodlighting upgrade.                  are fully informed.

General Aviation (GA)                           Future assessments of the ultimate operating capacity of Brisbane Airport
                                                could change as a result the introduction of new and more efficient aircraft,
GA facilities are located in the                changes to growth forecasts or changes to airspace management.
Airport North precinct and include
a small common user terminal and a
large apron.                                To ensure it can act with flexibility in           » Expansion of existing multi-level
Capacity and Future Demand                  the future and respond to industry                   car parks.
                                            trends, two options for the terminal
Planning has been undertaken to ensure                                                         Both the International T1 and Domestic
                                            area development are included in the
a balance of capacity between the main                                                         T2 zones will be served by a ground
                                            Master Plan.
elements of the airport system including                                                       transport interchange and an early bag
the runways, taxiways, aprons, terminals    Figures 3 and 4 outline possible options           storage facility.
and landside infrastructure.                for how the terminal area could develop
                                                                                               Domestic T2 Area
                                            to ultimate capacity.
The NPR will provide Brisbane Airport                                                          Development Strategy
with the capacity to sustain over           International T1 Area
                                                                                               BAC’s preferred option for the Domestic
100 aircraft movements an hour during       Development Strategy
                                                                                               T2 is for a complete common user
peak times. The terminal and apron
                                            International T1 was designed and                  facility that maximises the use of
areas have been sized to accommodate
                                            developed to accommodate future                    existing infrastructure to address peaks
the long-term aircraft demand matching
                                            staged expansion for the terminal core,            in demand. It could also potentially
the potential runway capacity.
                                            concourses, apron and gates. The                   accommodate a mix of international and
International T1 and its associated         northern concourse will be extended                domestic services within this zone.
aircraft parking aprons can expand          further north as demand requires, with
                                                                                               There are two potential options for
in both directions. The area between        its ultimate configuration comprising
                                                                                               terminal development up to 2034:
International T1 and Domestic T2 has        a wrap-around apron, which will allow
been reserved for long-term expansion       aircraft to be parked on both sides of             » Constrained development of
with potential landside and airfield        the concourse.                                       International T1 at the southern end
connections to either of the south and                                                           because of the high costs of taxiway
                                            Further expansion of International T1
north terminals.                                                                                 works in this area. This would
                                            can happen to the south or to the
                                                                                                 mean expansion of Domestic T2 to
Domestic T2 can expand to the north         northwest of the Domestic T2.
                                                                                                 the north west to accommodate
and south with a long-term expansion
                                            The main features of the development,                future growth
area to the west of the existing
                                            common to both options for
Domestic T2, facing the NPR.                                                                   » Unconstrained development of
                                            International T1 are:
                                                                                                 International T1 at the southern end,
Terminal Area Strategy – Planning
                                            » Expansion of the northern concourse                therefore reducing the need to expand
                                              to create a departure lounge with                  Domestic T2 to the north west.
In its planning BAC has considered            secondary retail
potential development to 2034 and
                                            » Similar satellite expansion to the
the ultimate capacity of the current
                                              southern concourse
airport site.
                                            » Northern expansion of the
                                              terminal core

                                                                                   Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet   15


16    Brisbane Airport Corporation
Both options propose a satellite          Domestic T2                                                 20 tonnes, which is expected to be
swing pier between the International                                                                  completed in 2015. These works will
                                          The following projects are envisaged
T1 and Domestic T2. This pier could                                                                   allow for future expansion and both
                                          for the Domestic T2 precinct over the
serve either terminal zone and be bus                                                                 building and apron area reservations
                                          period 2014-2019:
connected for the initial development                                                                 are provided.
and connected by either bus or            » Southern apron expansion
airside mass transit system (MTS) in                                                                  AIRFIELD SYSTEM
                                          » Northern apron expansion
subsequent development.                                                                               (Section 7.2 of the Master Plan)
                                          » Northern regional/intrastate lounge
The options also show potential                                                                       To accommodate growth in passenger
locations for ground transport            » Southern concourse regional lounge                        and aircraft movements over the next
interchange facilities. These could be      and bussing facility                                      20 years, and to optimise benefits to the
close to terminal zones or centralised                                                                national and regional economies, BAC
                                          » Skywalk terminal penetration
with long-term parking and the use of a                                                               needs to increase the capacity of the
people mover system.                      » Centralised security, bag drop and                        airfield system at Brisbane Airport.
The main features of Domestic T2                                                                      Increased runway capacity will enable:
development include:                      » Additional aerobridges
                                                                                                      » Growth in direct airline routes and
» Expansion of the existing terminal to   » Common user bussing lounge                                  frequencies to interstate, intrastate
  the north                                                                                             and international destinations
                                          » Baggage system expansions
» Addition of aerobridges to the                                                                      » Reduced delays
                                          » Southern satellite infill
  central satellite
                                                                                                      » Reduced, unnecessary
                                          » Building services upgrades including
» Landside expansion of the terminal to                                                                 fuel consumption and
                                            central energy plant
  the west                                                                                              associated emissions.
                                          » Northern low cost terminal.
» Covered walkway or concourse                                                                        BAC will be providing increased runway
  to the south to serve new               General Aviation                                            capacity through the construction of
  aircraft stands                         BAC has prepared designs to upgrade                         the NPR, which will require a significant
                                          existing charter facilities for all non-                    investment of over $1.3 billion by BAC
» Consideration of an interim, low-cost
                                          regular public transport passenger                          and its shareholders.
  terminal facility to the north
                                          services involving aircraft up to
» Connection of Domestic T2 to an
  MTS system providing passenger
  access from transport interchanges      Virgin Australia satellite at the Domestic T2
  and remote parking areas. The MTS
  would also serve staff parking and
  connect terminals.
Short-Term Terminal Infrastructure
International T1
The following terminal related
infrastructure projects are planned
between 2014 and 2019:
» Northern concourse expansion
» Northern apron expansion
» Baggage handling systems expansion
» Check-in expansion and self service
  kiosks and bag drop facilities
» Northern concourse bussing

                                                                                          Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet   17

Existing Runway System                      » Site clearing and preparation                                  The construction of the NPR will make
                                              (commenced in 2013)                                            Brisbane the premier operational airport
The existing runway system at Brisbane
                                            » Dredging and sand fill placement                               in Australia.
Airport consists of a 3,600 m long
runway, RWY 01R/19L, which allows             (commenced in October 2013 and                                 With the parallel runway system in
operations by all types of large jet          due for completion in June 2015)                               place, it is anticipated that Brisbane
aircraft, including the Airbus A380.        » Site settlement and monitoring                                 Airport will be able to sustain an hourly
                                              (2015 – 2018)                                                  rate of 100+ movements per hour
There is also the smaller cross runway,
                                                                                                             over the morning and evening peak
RWY 14/32, which can accommodate            » Runway, taxiway and supporting
                                                                                                             demand periods.
turbo-prop aircraft as well as limited        facilities construction (2018 – 2020).
operations by smaller jet aircraft.
                                            The current planned delivery program                             AIRSPACE PROTECTION
Upon completion of the NPR,                 for the NPR envisages operations                                 (Section 7.3 of the Master Plan)
RWY 01L/19R, in 2020 RWY 14/32 will         commencing in 2020.                                              Facilitating the safe and efficient
be decommissioned.
                                            The NPR will require changes to flight                           movement of aircraft to and from
Planning Approach                           paths and to how aircraft are managed                            Brisbane Airport is a fundamental
                                            by Air Traffic Control.                                          development objective.
The following principles guide BAC
in the planning of additional airfield      BAC’s Environmental Impact                                       Adequate protection from infringements
capacity at Brisbane Airport:               Statement and Major Development                                  to the airspace surrounding Brisbane
                                            Plan for the NPR approved in 2007                                Airport is as important to the safe
» All opportunities to extract additional
                                            identified in great detail the changes                           and efficient use of the airport as
  capacity and efficiencies from
                                            to existing departure and arrival routes                         the safe design and operation of
  the existing airfield system will
                                            and associated noise changes for                                 the on-ground infrastructure such
  be exhausted while the NPR is
                                            suburban Brisbane.                                               as runways, taxiways, terminals and
  being delivered
                                                                                                             navigational aids.
» The NPR will be constructed to meet       For further information refer to Brisbane
  future demand                             Airport’s Current and Future Flight Path
                                            and Noise Information booklet.
» Taxiways will be located to ensure
  aircraft movement efficiency
» Runways and taxiways will be
  configured to minimise aircraft
  noise and environmental impacts
                                            View across the airport to the site of the New Parallel Runway
  wherever practicable
» Airfield infrastructure will comply
  with relevant national and
  international aviation standards.
NPR Runway System
The NPR is being constructed west
and parallel to the existing main runway
and is being built in stages due to the
need to stabilise the site before runway
pavement can be constructed.
The five main construction elements of
the NPR are as follows:
» Enabling civil works – drainage,
  services relocation, modifications
  to the cross runway (completed in
  mid 2013)

18      Brisbane Airport Corporation
Certain developments and structures         Management of lighting on and around Brisbane Airport is critical to aviation operations
in the vicinity of Brisbane Airport, may
limit the scope of the airport’s existing
and future operations.
Airspace Protection –
Regulatory Environment
Various regulations, processes and
guidelines address airspace protection
for Brisbane Airport, including:
» The Airports Act and Airports
  (Protection of Airspace) Regulations
  1996 (Regulations)                        BAC complies with the Aviation                                    » Equipment used by ramp engineers
» Queensland Government State               Transport Security Act 2004 and                                     for aircraft line maintenance, ground
  Planning Policy                           Aviation Transport Security Regulations                             power, preconditioned air and aircraft
                                            2005 and has developed its own                                      push-back
» National Airports Safeguarding
                                            Transport Security Program.
  Framework                                                                                                   » Aircraft containers and unit
» Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS)        The adoption of new technologies assists                            load devises.
                                            in achieving continuous improvements
» Procedures for Air Navigation Services                                                                      Brisbane Airport currently has
                                            in safety and security at the airport.
  Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS)                                                                              approximately 38,000 m2 of GSE
                                            To control and operate its security
» Restricted light zones                                                                                      parking and storage areas between
                                            and emergency services effectively in
                                                                                                              International T1 and Domestic T2.
» Protections of air navigation aids        the future, BAC is also planning for an
                                                                                                              By 2034 the GSE area required is
» Minimising stack/efflux and               improved Operations Control Centre
                                                                                                              expected to be around 55,000 m2.
  visibility hazards                        once the NPR becomes operational.
                                                                                                              It is proposed to locate GSE in areas
» Limiting bird activity in close           Air Freight
                                                                                                              that are operationally accessible.
  proximity to the airport
                                            Moving air freight in a timely manner is
» Appropriateness of adjacent land uses                                                                       Aviation Fuelling Facilities
                                            an important part of BAC operations.
» Minimising the reflective nature of       Total international freight is forecast to                        Efficient and reliable aviation fuelling
  structures in the airport’s vicinity.     increase from 92,000 tonnes in 2012/13                            facilities are a fundamental component
                                            to around 200,000 tonnes in 2033/34.                              of airport operations. Currently Brisbane
Diagrams showing the OLS and
                                                                                                              Airport stores fuel at Hakea Street,
PANS-OPS are included in the 2014           BAC expects that air freight will
                                                                                                              between the terminals, and at Lomandra
Master Plan.                                continue to be transported as air cargo
                                                                                                              Drive. This secondary facility is due
                                            in passenger aircraft and so freight
                                                                                                              to cease operations in 2014, at which
AVIATION SERVICES                           facilities will continue to be located
                                                                                                              point additional storage capacity will
AND FACILITIES                              within close proximity of passenger
                                                                                                              be installed at the Hakea Street facility.
(Section 7.4 of the Master Plan)            aprons wherever possible and future
                                                                                                              In the long-term the Hakea Street depot
Aviation support services cover a           expansion will be located within the
                                                                                                              will be relocated.
broad range of operations, including        Airport North precinct.
                                                                                                              Aircraft Maintenance Facilities
equipment used alongside aircraft,          Ground Service Equipment
passenger screening within terminals                                                                          Maintenance activity are undertaken
                                            Ground Service Equipment (GSE) is
through to fuelling activities.                                                                               at aircraft gates and hangar facilities,
                                            used to service aircraft at the terminal
                                                                                                              as well as through dedicated facilities.
This section of the Master Plan outlines    and includes:
                                                                                                              Qantas, Virgin Australia, Five Star
plans for the future development of
                                            » Equipment used by ground handlers                               Aviation, Alliance Airlines and Australian
aviation services and facilities.
                                              for loading/uploading baggage and                               Aerospace use hangar facilities in the
Safety and Security                           cargo, aircraft cleaning, lavatory                              Airport East precinct.
Brisbane Airport is committed to              service and potable water supply
maintaining the safety and security           to aircraft
of passengers, airlines and the
airport community.

                                                                                               Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet    19

Space for future expansion has been            Environment                               Energy and Carbon
allocated within the southern sections         (Chapter 8 of the Master Plan)            BAC developed an Energy Management
of the Airport East precinct. Land has
                                                                                         Strategy in 2011 outlining the preferred
also been reserved at a remote section
                                               BAC manages the airport and               approach for balancing Brisbane Airport’s
of Airport North for engine testing.
                                               surrounding environment to ensure the     energy demand and carbon emissions.
Flight Catering                                impacts of growth are managed.            BAC efforts have since resulted in
                                                                                         savings of approximately 4.8 gigawatt
With a mix of premium service airlines         BAC has three environmental priorities:   hours of energy consumption.
and low cost airlines using Brisbane
Airport, BAC provides facilities that suit     » Achieve a balance between the           Effort will continue to be directed
both types of operations. The on-airport         on-airport built environment and        towards reducing carbon emissions
flight catering facilities are located           biodiversity values                     through improved efficiencies and the
in the Airport Central precinct. The           » To be recognised as a leader in the     generation of onsite renewable energy.
ongoing need for flight catering facilities      management of energy, water, waste,     Fill Materials and Land
is being addressed through the future            noise and biodiversity                  Contamination
development of a proposed airside zone         » Achieve environmentally sustainable     BAC uses comprehensive planning,
within the Airport Central precinct,             development across the airport.         monitoring and management tools to
located between International T1 and
                                                                                         avoid soil degradation, contamination
Domestic T2 zones.                             ACHIEVEMENTS OVER THE                     or loss. It will continue to monitor and
Airservices Australia                          PAST FIVE YEARS                           remediate any contaminated sites in
                                               BAC is committed to achieving a high      accordance with its own management
Airservices Australia (Airservices) owns
                                               level of environmental compliance         framework and through any advances in
and operates a number of facilities at
                                               and environmental sustainability          industry standards such as the National
Brisbane Airport and is responsible for
                                               performance for its operations. Since     Environmental Protection Measures.
the following services:
                                               the 2009 Master Plan, BAC undertaken      Waste
» Air traffic control                          the following initiatives:
                                                                                         BAC has reduced waste generated on
» Radio navigational aids
                                               Water                                     airport through recycling.
» Aeronautical information
                                               BAC has achieved significant water        Ground-Based Noise
» Aviation rescue and fire fighting
                                               savings through its Water Management      BAC records aircraft engine testing and
» Aircraft noise monitoring.                   Strategy. including:                      acts on any complaints. As a part of any
The existing control tower and related         » Reduction of potable water              airport development, noise attenuation
facilities are well suited to handling air                                               strategies will be applied in designing
                                               » Water efficient fixtures and fittings
traffic at Brisbane Airport. Supplementary                                               and constructing of facilities.
aids using radar, closed circuit television,   » Smart metering
                                                                                         Biodiversity Values
transponders or GPS based tools will be        » The use of water tanks to capture
considered as part of the NPR.                   rainwater for irrigation.               BAC has in place a Biodiversity
                                                                                         Management Strategy to ensure
In the short-term and in preparation                                                     appropriate management of
for the NPR, a new main fire station                                                     environmentally significiant areas occurs
will be constructed in the Airport                                                       across the site.
North precinct.
                                                                                         A key achievement has been the
                                                                                         development of a comprehensive
                                                                                         ecosystem health-monitoring program
 1                                              2
                                                                                         for all Environmentally Significant
                                                                                         Areas on Brisbane Airport. A wildlife
                                                                                         hazard management plan has also been
                                                                                         prepared to reduce the operational risks
                                                                                         associated with wildlife strike.

                                                                                         1, 2 Aircraft operating from
                                                                                         Brisbane Airport.

20      Brisbane Airport Corporation
Cultural Heritage                           Landscaping enhances open space at Brisbane Airport.

Two Indigenous heritage sites on airport
land are listed on the Queensland
Cultural Heritage Register and Database
and three non-Indigenous sites
are protected.

Planning for Climate Change
BAC recognises that it has a role to play
in adapting to the long-term impact
climate change will bring – including
rising sea and ground water levels and
higher incidences of poor weather.
It also aims to reduce its own carbon
emissions from facilities and activities,
as well as working with stakeholders.
Framework for Environmental
Management to 2019
The AES has a range of strategies to        LANDSCAPE, OPEN SPACE                                       BAC plans to become the first airport
reduce the environmental impact of          AND PUBLIC REALM                                            to gain a Communities Rating from
on-airport development and activities,      (Section 8.6 of the Master Plan)                            the Green Building Council of Australia
including during construction and                                                                       (GBCA). Green Star Communities
                                            Brisbane Airport offers varied
operation of facilities and services.                                                                   Certification requires criteria to
                                            landscapes and open space areas.
                                                                                                        be addressed in the key areas of
Over the next five years BAC will seek      BAC’s core elements for its open space                      governance, liveability, environment,
to further reduce its carbon emissions      and landscaped areas include:                               economic, innovation and design.
through initiatives including:
                                            » Landscaping which uses a variety of                       Through its support of the GBCA Green
» Review of the energy strategy               colours, textures and materials                           Star Community Pilot, BAC can ensure
» Investigating solar, gas and              » Water sensitive urban design and                          sustainable practices are included in all
  alternative energy sources                  the use of native plants to reduce                        stages of development.
» Increased use of recycling and              water consumption
  responsible waste disposal.                                                                           AIRCRAFT NOISE
                                            » Provision of pedestrian and
                                                                                                        (Section 8.8 of the Master Plan)
Further information on BAC’s five-year        cycle paths
environmental action plans are outlined     » The use of artwork.                                       The management of aircraft noise
on page 31 of this booklet and at                                                                       has a central place in the day-to-day
                                            Brisbane Airport’s Landscape Master                         operation of major airports. In line with
Chapter 13 of the Master Plan.
                                            Plan identifies many more landscape                         its development objective to minimise
                                            and open space initiatives.                                 negative environmental impacts, BAC
                                                                                                        works in close cooperation with aviation
                                            SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                                     partners to minimise aircraft noise
                                            (Section 8.7 of the Master Plan)                            over residential areas and to maintain
                                            Sustainable design provides BAC                             a dialogue with those communities
                                            with the opportunity to grow the                            affected by aircraft noise.
                                            airport over the next 20 years while                        Although BAC is not responsible for
                                            enabling a focused and balanced                             the operational standards of airlines or
                                            approach to managing the surrounding                        how airspace is managed, a proactive
                                            natural environment.                                        approach to monitoring and mitigating
                                                                                                        noise is consistent with BAC’s
                                                                                                        sustainability goals.

                                                                                            Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan – Summary Booklet   21
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