Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet - CA.gov

Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet - CA.gov
Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet
DF-46 (REV 09/19)

Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet
Fiscal Year: 2020-21
Business Unit: 5225
Department: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Priority Number: N/A
Budget Request Name: 5225-019-BCP-2020-GB
Program: 4530 – Adult Corrections and Rehabilitation Operation – General Security,
         4550 – Adult Corrections and Rehabilitation Operations – Institution
Subprogram: 4530010 – General Security, 4550051 – Division of Adult Institutions

Budget Request Description: Inmate Visitation Expansion to Three Days

Budget Request Summary: The California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation, Division of Adult Institutions, requests $4.6 million General Fund
beginning in 2020-21 to expand to an additional day of visiting for nine institutions: six
adult male institutions and three adult female institutions.

Requires Legislation: ☐ Yes ☒ No

Code Section(s) to be Added/Amended/Repealed: N/A

Does this BCP contain information technology (IT) components? ☐ Yes ☒ No
If yes, departmental Chief Information Officer must sign.
Department CIO Name:
Department CIO Signature:
Signed On Date:
For IT requests, specify the project number, the most recent project approval document
(FSR, SPR, S1BA, S2AA, S3SD, S4PRA), and the approval date.
Project Number:
Project Approval Document:
Approval Date:

If proposal affects another department, does other department concur with proposal?
☐ Yes ☐ No
Attach comments of affected department, signed and dated by the department director
or designee.
Prepared By: Paul Andrews
Date: January 9, 2020
Reviewed By: Eric Swanson
Date: January 9, 2020
Department Director: Connie Gipson
Date: January 9, 2020
Agency Secretary: Ralph Diaz
Date: January 9, 2020

Department of Finance Use Only

Additional Reviews: Capital Outlay: ☐   ITCU:☐        FSCU:☐      OSAE:☐
       Department of Technology: ☐
PPBA: Robert Nelson
Date submitted to the Legislature: January 10, 2020
A.     Budget Request Summary
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), Division of Adult
Institutions (DAI), requests $4.6 million General Fund in 2020-21 and ongoing to expand
to an additional day of visiting at nine institutions: the six adult male institutions with the
highest number of visitor terminations due to overcrowding and the three adult female
institutions. This request also includes resources to increase the current Reunification
Transportation bus program, which provides visitors with transportation to select

B.     Background/History
The CDCR California Code of Regulations, Title 15, Sections 3170 through 3179,
related to inmate visitation, were established in recognition of the value of inmate
visitation as a means of increasing safety in prisons, maintaining family and community
connections, and preparing inmates for successful release and rehabilitation. Additional
access to visits supports family reunification and maintaining ties to the community,
which benefits inmate reintegration into society as they parole.

Prior to 2003-04, CDCR offered visiting on various days of the week. As a part of
Control Section 4.10 of the 2003 Budget Act, the visiting program for all institutions was
standardized to require a minimum of two consecutive days per week and include
Saturday and Sunday, as well as five designated holidays.

In 2006-07, an additional day of visiting was added to 12 institutions as a pilot program.
The pilot program was a success, with over 25,000 visits on the additional day between
July 2006 and March 2007. In 2007-08, the pilot was expanded to an additional 12

During statewide budget cuts in 2009-10 the Third Day Visiting Program was eliminated.
Inmates, inmate family members, concerned citizens, and inmate rights advocate
groups expressed concern that this significantly reduced the number of visits inmates
could receive, and in some cases eliminated a visitor’s opportunity for visiting at all if the
visitor could not visit on Saturdays and Sundays. The elimination of the Third Day
Visiting Program has also been an agenda item in almost every Statewide Inmate
Family Council (SIFC) Meeting since 2016. This SIFC is made up of representatives
from local Inmate Family Councils statewide. The SIFC is committed to working
together with CDCR to support connections between inmates and their families through
improved communication, shared information, issue identification, and problem
resolution. The SIFC meets with the Director of the DAI four times per year to address
statewide systemic issues regarding the application of CDCR rules, regulations,
policies, and practices within California institutions. The reduction in visiting time
negatively impacts CDCR’s ability to encourage positive behavior and contributes to the
strain experienced by inmates attempting to maintain family and community
relationships. Frequent, high quality visiting programs for inmates have been proven to
reduce prison violence, maintain family bonds, break the intergenerational cycle of
incarceration and smooth the reentry process, thereby reducing recidivism rates.

Resource History

Dollars in thousands
 Program Budget            2014-15     2015-16         2016-17      2017-18            2018-19

 Authorized               $42,060    $42,060          $42,060      $42,060        $42,060

  Actual Expenditures1
  Revenues              $0         $0                $0            $0             $0
  Authorized Positions     252          252              252            252             252
 CDCR does not track expenditures specific to visiting staff

Workload History

     Workload Measure           2014-15    2015-16       2016-17        2017-18          2018-19
 Total Number of Visitors       Data not   Data not      670,202        701,979          700,880
 (adults and minors)            tracked    tracked
 Total Number of Inmates        Data not   Data not      309,440        300,991          299,935
 receiving visits               tracked    tracked
 Total Number of                Data not   Data not      215,173        244,975          245,804
 terminations due to            tracked    tracked

C.    State Level Considerations
Expanding the existing visiting program supports family reunification by affording
families additional meaningful time with the incarcerated family member. Visiting
programs improve the likelihood of successful re-integration into society as offenders
transition back to the community. Visiting lowers the risk of intergenerational
incarceration by strengthening the parent/child bond, which is often strained or broken
when a parent is incarcerated. When an additional day of visiting was introduced as a
pilot program in 2006, it was a success with over 25,000 inmate visits occurring on the
additional visiting day by March 2007.

Affording greater visiting opportunities for female offenders also achieves Gender
Responsive Strategies as outlined in the Master Plan for Female Offenders as well as
ensures adherence to Penal Code section 3430, which outlines various policies and
operational practices that are designed to ensure a safe and productive institutional
environment for female offenders. In accordance with Penal Code section 3430,
subdivision (h), CDCR is required to implement programs that build and strengthen
systems of family support and family involvement during the period of the female’s
incarceration, which is one of the primary functions of the inmate visiting program.

D.     Justification
Additional Day of Visiting:

Re-implementation of the inmate Third Day Visiting Program at six male and three
female institutions will provide additional opportunities for inmates to strengthen their
community ties and family reunification. This empowers the inmate with self-confidence
as they are making an effort to ensure family ties remain intact and they receive support
and understanding. This continued relationship is critical, as it will ultimately assist the
inmate in a successful reintegration into society. It will also provide an alternative
visiting day for family and loved ones who may not be able to visit on the weekend.

Some institutions are busier than others and some institution visiting areas are smaller
than others; both factors impact the number of terminations due to overcrowding in
visiting programs. Once the maximum capacity of the visiting area has been reached
and additional visitors are still waiting, visits will begin to be terminated. Terminations
are conducted on a first-in, first-out basis, which means that individuals who have been
visiting the longest that day are required to conclude their visits to allow others an
opportunity to visit. See Attachment A, which includes annual visiting totals by
institution. In our busiest institutions, inmates and their visitors visit for less than two
hours when their visit is terminated due to overcrowding. The CDCR’s overall goal is to
provide a high quality-visiting program for inmates. When visits are prematurely ended
this goal is not met, jeopardizing the positive outcomes CDCR is striving to achieve.
The six male institutions with the highest visit terminations in 2019, in order (detailed in
Attachment A, Data from January 1–June 30, 2019) include:

•Solano State Prison (SOL)
•Folsom State Prison (FSP)
•Pleasant Valley State Prison (PVSP)
•Substance Abuse Treatment Facility (SATF)
•Calipatria State Prison (CAL)
•Valley State Prison (VSP)

In addition to the six male institutions with the highest rate of terminations, all three
female institutions also have significant termination rates; approximately 25 percent of
visits at female institutions are terminated early due to overcrowding. Female offenders
are more likely to have been the primary caregiver of minor children before
incarceration and are more likely to return to that role after incarceration. Visits which
occur in the female institutions often include the offenders’ minor children. These
terminations reduce the time mothers and their children have to maintain their family
ties and further disrupt the positive, nurturing relationship between the mother and child,
which is critical to women’s successful rehabilitation and vital to ending the
intergenerational cycle of incarceration, as supported by a 2015 Prison Policy Initiative
(Attachment B).

The female institutions include:

•California Institution for Women (CIW)
•Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF)
•Folsom Women’s Facility (FWF)

To provide an additional day of visiting at the nine identified institutions, CDCR requires
26.4 Correctional Officers and 2.0 Correctional Lieutenants, consistent with the existing
level of visiting staff.

Transportation Assistance:

A 2015 study by the Prison Policy Initiative (Attachment B) found that distance is a top
barrier to visits between offenders and their families in California. Currently, CDCR
provides weekly contracted transportation services to inmate visitors at no cost, who
may not otherwise be able to visit their incarcerated loved one due to the lack of
available transportation services or the high cost of such services. These services,
provided to the female institutions (CCWF, FWF, and CIW), include transportation to
families and children, hospitality bus leaders to help facilitate any needs for bus riders,
and notary services when needed. Most family bus riders come from distances greater
than 50 miles. This service is especially important for families in Southern California
whose loved one is incarcerated in Central or Northern California. To accommodate the
additional day of visiting for the locations already providing this service, an additional
$120,000 in annual ongoing funds are required.

Visitor Centers:

Each institution has a visitor center which provides essential services to visitors. These
services include clothing exchange, waiting areas with restrooms, childcare when a
visitor has a minor with them who is not able to visit, and local transportation from
airports, bus stations, and train stations for inmate visitors. These visitor centers also
provide a location for visitors to comfortably wait for their visits before entering visitor
processing or waiting for their transportation to pick them up following their visits. Using
the Inmate Welfare Fund, CDCR contracts with vendors to provide these services to
visitors. Utilizing existing Inmate Welfare Fund resources, CDCR will ensure the
services offered at the visitor center are extended to the additional day of visiting.

E.     Outcomes and Accountability
Since CDCR began using the Strategic Offender Management System (SOMS), the
department has been better able to identify the number of terminated visits due to
overcrowding. The CDCR will continue to utilize the SOMS to track and monitor inmate
visitation information, such as the number of adult and child visitors, and the number of
terminations due to overcrowding conditions. Based on this information, CDCR will
analyze the data and reevaluate the efficacy of the additional day of visiting at the nine

F.     Analysis of All Feasible Alternatives
Alternative 1: Approve $4.6 million General Fund to expand from two to three days of
visiting at the nine selected adult facilities.

•CDCR will be able to increase the inmate visiting program by one additional day for
nine facilities, increasing access to family reunification and providing an opportunity for
inmates to maintain family and community ties .
•The Third Day Visiting Program may help reduce inmates’ anxiety of being
incarcerated as well as help to reduce recidivism by increasing outside contact with
loved ones.
•Increasing visitation availability benefits inmates, families, staff and the community by
preserving and strengthening positive family connections. This is especially important
for children of incarcerated parents.
•May reduce the impact of visit terminations.
•Lowers risk of intergenerational incarceration.

•Additional General Fund resources.
•Does not expand an extra day of visiting to all 35 institutions.

Alternative 2: Approve $18.8 million General Fund to implement the Third Day Visiting
Program to Non-Designated Programming facilities (NDPF), the Positive Programing
facilities (PPF), and the three female facilities, for a total of 20 institutions.

•CDCR will be able to increase the visiting program by one additional day at 20
institutions, increasing access to family reunification and providing an opportunity for
inmates to maintain family and community ties.
•The Third Day Visiting Program may help reduce inmate’s anxiety of being
incarcerated as well as help to reduce recidivism by increasing outside contact with
loved ones.
•Lowers risk of intergenerational incarceration
•The Third Day Visiting Program would offer an incentive for inmates to program in the

•Additional General Fund resources
•The Third Day Visiting Program may go underutilized at some locations based on
current visiting rates demonstrating limited or no terminations.

Alternative 3: Approve $19.1 million General Fund to implement the Third Day Visiting
Program at all 35 institutions.

•CDCR will be able to increase the visiting program to one additional day, increasing
family reunification and giving inmates the opportunity to maintain existing family and
community ties.
•The Third Day Visiting Program may help reduce inmates’ anxiety of being
incarcerated as well as help to reduce recidivism by increasing outside contact with
loved ones.
•Lowers risk of intergenerational incarceration.

•Additional General Fund Resources
•The Third Day Visiting Program may go underutilized at some locations based on
current visiting rates demonstrating limited or no terminations.

G.     Implementation Plan
Implementation of the Third Day Visiting Program will begin the first weekend in July
2020 (July 3, 2020). In anticipation of budget approval, labor notifications will be
provided, posts will be activated at each corresponding institution effective July 3, 2020,
and contracts will be executed on July 1, 2020.
H.    Supplemental Information
Attachment A – Visiting Statistical Report All
Attachment B – Prison Policy Initiative
Attachment C – Total Terminations Comparison

I.    Recommendation
Approve Alternative 1, providing $4.6 million General Fund in 2020-21 and ongoing to
expand by an additional day of visiting within the six adult male institutions with the
highest number of visitor terminations due to overcrowding and the three adult female
BCP Fiscal Detail Sheet
BCP Title: Inmate Visitation Expansion to Three Days
BR Name: 5225-019-BCP-2020-GB
Budget Request Summary

Personal Services
Personal Services                                      FY20          FY20       FY20      FY20      FY20      FY20
                                                       Current       Budget     BY+1      BY+2      BY+3      BY+4
                                                        Year          Year
Positions - Permanent                                         0.0        28.4      28.4      28.4      28.4      28.4
Total Positions                                               0.0        28.4      28.4      28.4      28.4      28.4

Earnings - Permanent                                             0      2,513     2,513     2,513     2,513     2,513
Total Salaries and Wages                                      $0       $2,513    $2,513    $2,513    $2,513    $2,513
Total Staff Benefits                                             0      1,883     1,883     1,883     1,883     1,883
Total Personal Services                                       $0       $4,396    $4,396    $4,396    $4,396    $4,396
Operating Expenses and Equipment
Operating Expenses and Equipment                         FY20          FY20         FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20
                                                         Current       Budget       BY+1        BY+2        BY+3        BY+4
                                                          Year          Year
5301 - General Expense                                             0          66           66          66          66          66
5302 - Printing                                                    0            7          7           7           7           7
5304 - Communications                                              0            8          8           8           8           8
5306 - Postage                                                     0            3          3           3           3           3
5320 - Travel: In-State                                            0            7          7           7           7           7
5322 - Training                                                    0            6          6           6           6           6
5340 - Consulting and Professional Services - External             0       120         120         120         120         120
5340 - Consulting and Professional Services -
                                                                   0            2          2           2           2           2
Total Operating Expenses and Equipment                          $0        $219        $219        $219        $219        $219

Total Budget Request
Total Budget Request                                     FY20          FY20         FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20
                                                         Current       Budget       BY+1        BY+2        BY+3        BY+4
                                                          Year          Year
Total Budget Request                                            $0       $4,615      $4,615      $4,615      $4,615      $4,615
Fund Summary
Fund Source

Fund Source                                FY20          FY20       FY20      FY20      FY20      FY20
                                           Current       Budget     BY+1      BY+2      BY+3      BY+4
                                            Year          Year
State Operations - 0001 - General Fund               0      4,615     4,615     4,615     4,615     4,615
Total State Operations Expenditures               $0       $4,615    $4,615    $4,615    $4,615    $4,615
Total All Funds                                   $0       $4,615    $4,615    $4,615    $4,615    $4,615

Program Summary
Program Funding
Program Funding                            FY20          FY20       FY20      FY20      FY20      FY20
                                           Current       Budget     BY+1      BY+2      BY+3      BY+4
                                            Year          Year
4530010 - General Security                           0      4,495     4,495     4,495     4,495     4,495
4550051 - Division of Adult Institutions             0       120       120       120       120       120
Total All Programs                                $0       $4,615    $4,615    $4,615    $4,615    $4,615
Personal Services Details
Positions                               FY20          FY20         FY20         FY20         FY20         FY20
                                        Current       Budget       BY+1         BY+2         BY+3         BY+4
                                         Year          Year
9656 - Corr Lieut (Eff. 07-01-2020)            0.0           2.0          2.0          2.0          2.0          2.0
9662 - Corr Officer (Eff. 07-01-2020)          0.0        26.4        26.4         26.4         26.4         26.4
Total Positions                                0.0        28.4        28.4         28.4         28.4         28.4

Salaries and Wages
Salaries and Wages                      FY20          FY20         FY20         FY20         FY20         FY20
                                        Current       Budget       BY+1         BY+2         BY+3         BY+4
                                         Year          Year
9656 - Corr Lieut (Eff. 07-01-2020)               0       227         227          227          227          227
9662 - Corr Officer (Eff. 07-01-2020)             0      2,286       2,286        2,286        2,286        2,286
Total Salaries and Wages                       $0       $2,513      $2,513       $2,513       $2,513       $2,513

Staff Benefits
Staff Benefits                          FY20          FY20         FY20         FY20         FY20         FY20
                                        Current       Budget       BY+1         BY+2         BY+3         BY+4
                                         Year          Year
5150450 - Medicare Taxation                       0          36           36           36           36           36
5150600 - Retirement - General                    0      1,228       1,228        1,228        1,228        1,228
5150800 - Workers' Compensation                   0       113         113          113          113          113
Staff Benefits                                    FY20          FY20       FY20      FY20      FY20      FY20
                                                  Current       Budget     BY+1      BY+2      BY+3      BY+4
                                                   Year          Year
5150820 - Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB)
                                                            0       101       101       101       101       101
Employer Contributions
5150900 - Staff Benefits - Other                            0       405       405       405       405       405
Total Staff Benefits                                     $0       $1,883    $1,883    $1,883    $1,883    $1,883

Total Personal Services
Total Personal Services                           FY20          FY20       FY20      FY20      FY20      FY20
                                                  Current       Budget     BY+1      BY+2      BY+3      BY+4
                                                   Year          Year
Total Personal Services                                  $0       $4,396    $4,396    $4,396    $4,396    $4,396
Visiting Statistical Report                                                                                                                                           Attachment A
                                                                                                                                                                   Annual Totals Comparison
                                                                                                                                                                       (total terminations)
  2019 Jan 1- June 30         SOL      FOL     PVSP     SATF      CAL     SVSP     KVSP      RJD      CEN      LAC     MCSP      SCC      CIM      SQ       CTF      ASP      CCI      CRC     CAC       DVI      ISP     CMC      SAC      VSP      CMF       CIW     COR      WSP     CHCF    CCC     NKSP    CVSP CCWF HDSP           PBSP    FWF
Visitors - adult             10,863   6,232    6,943    8,647    8,204    5,996    6,612    7,301    6,247    6,837    7,238    6,944    6,157    5,429    5,650    6,788    5,605    5,106    3,178    2,942    4,752    4,868    3,997    4,699    3,841    4,263    4,437    2,239   3,302   2,887   1,929   3,536 2,538 2,265        1,219   443
Visitors - minor             10,953   5,990    7,671    7,856    8,257    6,370    5,191    6,414    6,444    6,323    6,329    6,887    5,019    4,762    4,969    5,965    4,945    5,672    3,439    3,113    4,827    4,178    3,870    4,042    3,497    4,382    4,137    2,425   2,558   3,041   1,905   2,731 2,619 2,356        1,246   428
TOTAL VISITORS               21,816   12,222   14,614   16,503   16,461   12,366   11,803   13,715   12,691   13,160   13,567   13,831   11,176   10,191   10,619   12,753   10,550   10,778   6,617    6,055    9,579    9,046    7,867    8,741    7,338    8,645    8,574    4,664   5,860   5,928   3,834   6,267 5,157 4,621        2,465   871
Inmates visited              10,617   5,771    6,411    7,004    7,436    5,692    4,956    5,944    6,033    6,395    5,919    6,109    4,528    4,837    4,499    4,961    4,411    4,297    2,876    2,847    4,132    3,820    3,769    3,617    3,440    3,329    4,079    2,259   2,501   2,729   1,605   2,399 2,119 2,126        1,150   361
Terminations: Need 1         10,100   4,830    4,663    4,531    4,601    4,169    4,130    4,269    3,961    4,113    3,985    3,750    3,373    3,136    2,931    2,955    2,798    2,862    2,233    2,276    2,492    2,478    2,365    2,340    2,226    2,228    2,160    1,622   1,562   1,527   1,309   1,349 1,346 1,213         741    221
Terminations: Behavior
2                             2,695    981      632      242      142      486      452      296      594      95       210      219      46       112      122        2      98        5       569      523      43       17       112       6       104       0       67      273      19      12     112      5       0       10       2       0
                             12,795 5,811      5,295    4,773    4,743    4,655    4,582    4,565    4,555    4,208    4,195    3,969    3,419    3,248    3,053     2,957   2,896    2,867    2,802    2,799    2,535    2,495    2,477    2,346    2,330    2,228    2,227    1,895   1,581   1,539   1,421   1,354   1,346   1,223    743     221

  2018 Jan 1 - Dec 31         SOL      FOL     PVSP     SATF      CAL     SVSP     KVSP      RJD      CEN      LAC     MCSP      SCC      CIM      SQ       CTF      ASP      CCI      CRC      CAC      DVI      ISP      CMC      SAC      VSP      CMF      CIW      COR     WSP CHCF CCC            NKSP CVSP CCWF          HDSP     PBSP    FWF
Visitors - adult             17,834   9,763    12,120   15,347   14,789   10,834   12,363   13,207   11,757   11,924   13,577   13,478   12,898   8,791    11,088   14,958   9,696    11,004   5,232    5,034    9,401    9,811    7,471    9,498    6,710    8,482    8,413    3,720 5,425 5,812       3,456 6,679 5,152       5,573    2,900    957
Visitors - minor             20,466   10,527   15,000   16,662   16,770   12,818   11,563   13,516   13,584   12,969   14,243   15,864   12,680   8,576    10,863   15,404   10,136   14,007   6,868    6,018    10,513   9,539    8,159    9,863    7,132    9,737    8,966    4,680 5,447 6,984       3,776 6,377 5,873       6,399    3,200   1,045
TOTAL VISITORS               38,300   20,290   27,120   32,009   31,559   23,652   23,926   26,723   25,341   24,893   27,820   29,342   25,578   17,367   21,951   30,362   19,832   25,011   12,100   11,052   19,914   19,350   15,630   19,361   13,842   18,219   17,379   8,400 10,872 12,796     7,232 13,056 11,025     11,972   6,100   2,002
Inmates visited              18,042   9,428    11,888   13,606   14,480   10,815   9,641    11,739   11,447   11,654   11,585   12,512   9,601    7,952    8,888    12,029   7,869    10,350   5,035    5,080    8,775    7,993    7,191    7,827    6,305    7,186    8,170    3,608 4,541 5,893       3,006 4,842 4,351       5,260    2,692    887
Terminations: Need 1         16,940   8,213    8,987    10,864   10,618   8,875    9,916    10,187   9,090    9,640    9,293    9,233    9,261    6,053    6,841    8,486    6,614    8,017    4,118    4,375    6,145    6,177    5,277    6,196    4,974    5,323    5,863    3,247 3,583 4,256       2,856 3,435 3,319       3,555    1,777    622
Terminations: Behavior
2                             4,423   1,087    1,174    1,232     823     1,305    1,377    1,136    1,436     852      952      489      335      184      447       100     803      407     1,165    1,029     397      285      318      203      334      260      619     677     174     621     358     132     103      122      76      24
                             21,363 9,300 10,161 12,096 11,441 10,180 11,293 11,323 10,526 10,492 10,245 9,722                           9,596    6,237    7,288     8,586   7,417    8,424    5,283    5,404    6,542    6,462    5,595    6,399    5,308    5,583    6,482    3,924   3,757   4,877   3,214   3,567   3,422   3,677    1,853   646

  2017 Jan 1 - Dec 31         SOL      FOL     PVSP     SATF      CAL     SVSP     KVSP      RJD      CEN      LAC     MCSP      SCC      CIM      SQ       CTF      ASP      CCI      CRC     CAC       DVI   ISP    CMC           SAC      VSP      CMF      CIW      COR     WSP     CHCF CCC NKSP CVSP CCWF                 HDSP     PBSP    FWF
Visitors - adult             14,629   8,117    11,531   16,581   13,463   10,318   11,402   10,255   10,111   10,230   10,355   11,349   11,929   9,911    10,658   11,238   9,722    11,903   3,955    3,871 8,922 8,737          6,766    8,747    6,725    8,493    8,313    3,264   3,393 4,690 3,397 5,928 5,010           4,673    2,582   1,012
Visitors - minor             15,335   9,001    12,875   16,724   15,251   11,891   10,117   10,501   11,473   10,669   10,313   12,906   10,748   9,870    9,950    12,727   9,798    15,074   5,251    4,663 9,720 8,397          7,757    8,730    6,959    9,251    9,398    4,174   3,315 5,508 3,791 5,354 5,367           5,507    2,713   1,133
TOTAL VISITORS               29,964   17,118   24,406   33,305   28,714   22,209   21,519   20,756   21,584   20,899   20,668   24,255   22,677   19,781   20,608   23,965   19,520   26,977   9,206    8,534 18,642 17,134        14,523   17,477   13,684   17,744   17,711   7,438   6,708 10,198 7,188 11,282 10,377        10,180   5,295   2,145
Inmates visited              14,024   7,730    10,533   13,592   13,252   9,766    8,381    9,000    9,731    9,998    8,692    9,877    8,855    9,289    8,407    8,738    7,812    11,310   3,967    4,127 8,001 7,278          6,896    7,102    6,310    6,957    7,991    3,289   2,809 4,543 3,294 4,037 4,126           4,256    2,375    926
Terminations: Need 1         13,414   6,489    8,126    10,702   9,283    7,841    8,533    7,178    7,362    7,449    6,615    7,710    7,703    7,172    6,364    6,830    6,203    8,456    2,855    3,391 5,495 5,563          4,971    5,280    4,810    4,960    6,017    2,682   2,129 3,121 2,918 2,795 3,021           3,142    1,519    681
Terminations: Behavior
2                             2,817    471     1,269    2,152     654     1,127    1,350     820     1,005     564      311      428      297      370      373       107     678      590      607      669      273      311      353      214      349      174      757     261      93     186     540     107      84      118      51      24
                             16,231 6,960      9,395 12,854 9,937         8,968    9,883    7,998    8,367    8,013    6,926    8,138    8,000    7,542    6,737     6,937   6,881    9,046    3,462    4,060    5,768    5,874    5,324    5,494    5,159    5,134    6,774    2,943   2,222   3,307   3,458   2,902   3,105   3,260    1,570   705

    Due to visiting room capacity limitations
    Resulting from inappropriate behavior prior to or during visit with inmate
Attachment B


            Separation by Bars and Miles: Visitation in state prisons

By Bernadette Rabuy and Daniel Kopf
October 20, 2015

Most of today’s prisons were built in an era when the public safety strategy was to “lock ‘em up
and throw away the key.” But now that there is growing interest from policymakers and the
public to help incarcerated people succeed after release, policymakers must revisit the reality of
the prison experience and the false assumptions of that earlier era.

Almost by definition, incarceration separates individuals from their families, but for decades this
country has also placed unnecessary burdens on the family members left behind. Certainly in
practice and perhaps by design, prisons are lonely places. Analyzing little-used government
data,1 we find that visits are the exception rather than the rule. Less than a third of people in state
prisons receive a visit from a loved one in a typical month:2

 Figure 1. The data on how family ties are maintained in state prison shows that prison visits are rare
 while the telephone is a more common way of staying in touch. Thankfully, the FCC’s upcoming order
            to cap the costs of calls home from prisons and jails should increase call volume.

                         Type/time frame                              Percent receiving that contact

Personal visit in the past month                                   31%

Phone in the past week                                             70%
Attachment B

Despite the breadth of research showing that visits and maintaining family ties are among the
best ways to reduce recidivism,3 the reality of having a loved one behind bars is that visits are
unnecessarily grueling and frustrating. As a comprehensive 50-state study on prison visitation
policies found,4 the only constant in prison rules between states is their differences. North
Carolina allows just one visit per week for no more than two hours while New York allows those
in maximum security 365 days of visiting. Arkansas and Kentucky require prospective visitors to
provide their social security numbers,5 and Arizona charges visitors a one-time $25 background
check fee in order to visit. And some rules are inherently subjective such as Washington State’s
ban on “excessive emotion,”6 leaving families’ visiting experience to the whims of individual
officers. With all of these unnecessary barriers, state visitation policies and practices actively
discourage family members from making the trip. The most humane and sensible government
policies would instead be based on respect and encouragement for the families of incarcerated

Given the great distances families must travel to visit their incarcerated loved ones,7 it is
inexcusable for states to make the visiting process unnecessarily stressful.8 Using the same
dataset, we find that most people (63%) in state prison are locked up over 100 miles from their
families,9 and unsurprisingly, distance from home is a strong predictor for whether a person in a
state prison will receive a visit in a given month.

Locking people up far from home has the unfortunate but strong effect of discouraging visits. We
found that among incarcerated people locked up less than 50 miles from home, half receive a
visit in a month, but the portion receiving visits falls as the distance from home increases:
Attachment B

 Figure 2. Incarcerated people in state prisons report whether they were visited in the past month, by
                                     distance from home (in miles)

                            Distance                                     Percent visited last month

Less than 50 miles                                                  49.6%

Between 50 and 100 miles                                            40.0%

Between 101 and 500 miles                                           25.9%

Between 501 and 1,000 miles                                         14.5%

And while there are a variety of reasons why an incarcerated person might not receive a visit, the
fact that most prisons were built in isolated areas ensures hardship on the families of incarcerated
people. Studies of incarcerated people in California, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, South Dakota, and Tennessee found that
distance is a top barrier preventing them from in-person contact with their families.10

Millions of families are victims of mass incarceration, and policymakers are starting to
understand that. Having established that large distances discourage visitation, this report makes
several recommendations for how the U.S. criminal justice system can support — rather than
punish — the families of incarcerated people. States should:

   1. Use prison time as an option of last resort.
      Understanding how putting great distances between incarcerated people and their families is
      often damaging, states should implement alternatives to incarceration that can keep people
      home or closer to home11 such as Washington State’s Family and Offender Sentencing Act,
      which allows judges to waive prison time and instead impose community custody for some
      primary caregivers of minor children.12 At the same time, states’ criminal justice policies should
      match their rhetoric of decarceration. States such as California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii,
      Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, and Texas should recognize that they have
      been able to successfully reduce both imprisonment and crime13 and lead the rest of the nation
      by closing remote prisons.
   2. Eliminate and refrain from adopting visitation policies that dehumanize families and actively
      encourage visitation.
      States should recognize that incarceration is often an emotional and vulnerable time for families
      and should actively encourage visiting by making the prison environment as comfortable as
      possible. States such as California14 and Massachusetts15 should stop their unnecessary and
      dehumanizing strip and dog searches of visitors. States can enact family-friendly visitation
      programs such as the children’s center in New York State’s Bedford Hills Correctional Facility16
      and Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency’s program in Michigan that allows incarcerated
      fathers to have several hour-long visits with their children with room for activities. In the short-
Attachment B

     term, states can make visits more comfortable for families with children by making crayons and
     coloring books available.17
3.   Willingly cooperate with the Federal Communications Commission’s upcoming prison and jail
     telephone regulations, and have the courage to reduce the costs to families even further. Stop
     making other forms of communication exploitative.
     Fortunately, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is finally poised to end $1-per-
     minute phone calls from prisons and jails with its strong proposal18 to regulate local, intra-state,
     and inter-state calls as well as ancillary fees. The FCC will be encouraging states to view these
     rate caps as a federal ceiling. States can and should reduce the costs to families even further,19
     and states such as Arkansas and Indiana should stop fighting the regulations.20 Further, states
     should avoid implementing video visitation as a replacement for in-person visits — as has been
     done in hundreds of local jails throughout the country — and avoid overly restrictive mail
     policies like those of the New Hampshire Department of Corrections that ban children’s
     drawings and greeting cards.21
4.   Listen to the recommendations of incarcerated people and their families who can best identify
     the obstacles preventing them from staying in touch during incarceration.22
     Families have long been saying that no matter how much they would like to visit and see
     firsthand that their loved ones are safe, sometimes the money and time required make visiting
     incarcerated loved ones virtually impossible.23 The sad reality is that currently, a majority of
     incarcerated parents of minor children do not receive visits from any of their children during
     their prison sentence.24 Recognizing that their families are often the main source of hope for
     people during their incarceration and the main source of support upon release, correctional
     facilities should gather and seriously consider family input when making decisions about
     visitation and communication policies.
5.   Implement programs that assist families who want to visit.
     The costs of visitation and communication literally drive some families of incarcerated people
     into debt.25 States should consider implementing free transportation to prisons as the New York
     State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision did before budget cutbacks in
     2011. Departments of Corrections should also consider video visitation as a supplement to in-
     person visits,26 especially for remote prisons. The Oregon Department of Corrections first
     implemented video visitation as a supplement to traditional visits in its two most remote
     prisons,27 and it has since expanded the technology to prisons throughout the state. States can
     also easily model video visitation programs after that of the Mike Durfee State Prison in South
     Dakota where, for 12 hours every week, incarcerated people have access to free video visits
     using Skype.28
6.   When faced with prison overcrowding, explore sentencing and parole reforms instead of
     prison expansion and out-of-state transfers.
     Often, when states are faced with prison overcrowding, they adopt band-aid fixes like sending
     people to out-of-state prisons where they will be even further from their families.29 More
     effective solutions are to first adopt low-hanging fruit reforms such as reducing the aging prison
     population or allowing primary caregivers to serve their sentences in the community, and then
     to explore larger-scale sentencing and parole reforms.
Attachment B


Using the Bureau of Justice Statistics’s 2004 Survey of Inmates in State Correctional Facilities,
we found the breakdown of how far people in state prisons reported being locked up from their
home communities. The table below provides estimated counts for the total U.S. state prison
population based on the responses of the 14,500 people imprisoned in state prisons who
responded to the BJS survey.

To get this data, we relied on the question: S7Q6c. How far from this prison is … where you
were living at the time of your arrest? Is it less than 50 miles, between 50 miles and 100 miles,
between 101 and 500 miles, between 501 and 1,000 miles, or more than 1,000 miles?

Figure 3. How far incarcerated people in state prisons are imprisoned from their homes (in miles)

                     Distance                           Count                   Proportion

Less than 50 miles                            184,041                   15.7%

Between 50 and 100 miles                      244,981                   20.9%

Between 101 and 500 miles                     623,011                   53.2%

Between 501 and 1,000 miles                   92,356                    7.9%

More than 1,000 miles                         26,017                    2.2%


The Bureau of Justice Statistics collects visitation and distance from home data periodically as a
part of its Survey of Inmates in State Correctional Facilities,30 but BJS does not routinely publish
the results in a format that can be accessed without statistical software. The Bureau of Justice
Statistics published data on how far incarcerated parents of minor children are from their
children in Parents in Prison and Their Minor Children.31 We prepared this report to focus on
people imprisoned in state prison in general.

This report relies on the Bureau of Justice Statistics survey from 2004, which is the newest
available. The next survey32 is being conducted in 2015–2016 with the data to be available
several years later. While 2004 is older than we would like, we know of no reason or trend that
would make visitation data from the 2004 survey an unreliable reflection of visitation today, in
Attachment B

For this report, we used the Survey of Inmates in State Correctional Facilities’s questions about
the location of pre-incarceration homes as a proxy for where family and community ties are
located. We used the following questions from the Survey:

   •   S7Q6c. How far from this prison is … where you were living at the time of your arrest? Is it less
       than 50 miles, between 50 miles and 100 miles, between 101 and 500 miles, between 501 and
       1,000 miles, or more than 1,000 miles?
   •   S10Q7a. Are you allowed to talk on the telephone with friends and family?
   •   S10Q7b. In the past week, how many telephone calls have you made or received? Do not
       include calls to or from a lawyer.
   •   S10Q8a. In the past month, have you had any visits, not counting visits from lawyers?
   •   S10Q8c. Were you allowed to have any visits?


Thank you to Elydah Joyce for the illustrations depicting the emotional toll caused by

   1. We used data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ 2004 Survey of Inmates in State Correctional
      Facilities. More information is available here:
   2. Our analysis is based on people who were permitted to talk on the phone and permitted to have
      visits in a given month. The survey we used did not include meetings with lawyers as “visits.”
   3. A rigorous Minnesota Department of Corrections study found that a single visit reduces
      recidivism by 13% for new crimes and 25% for technical violations, and an Ohio Department of
      Corrections study found that more visits were associated with fewer rule violations. See:
      Minnesota Department of Corrections, The Effects of Prison Visitation on Offender Recidivism
      (St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Department of Corrections, November 2011). Accessed on October 14,
      2015 from: http://www.doc.state.mn.us/pages/files/large-files/Publications/11-
      11MNPrisonVisitationStudy.pdf. See also: Gary C. Mohr, An Overview of Research Findings in the
      Visitation, Offender Behavior Connection (Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and
      Correction, 2012). Accessed on October 16, 2015 from:
   4. The study focused on policy directives (detailed rules promulgated by correctional
      administrators), but there are two more layers that govern prison visitation not included in the
      study: administrative regulations (general grants of rulemaking authority to correctional
      administrators) and facility-specific rules (applicable to specific prisons and usually more
      detailed than policy directives yet not always comprehensive). See: Chesa Boudin, Trevor Stutz,
      and Aaron Littman, “Prison Visitation Policies: A Fifty State Survey” Yale Law & Policy Review Vol
      32:149 (March 2014), 157-166.
   5. Requiring social security numbers can deter family members who are not legal citizens from
Attachment B

6. See the visitor’s guidelines for Monroe Correctional Complex for an example:
7. The practice of incarcerating people far from their families is is not an inevitable outcome of
    incarceration. States and the Bureau of Prisons could choose to place incarcerated people in
    prisons that are closer to their families. For example, New Jersey’s 2010 Strengthening Women
    and Families Act led to N.J. Rev. Stat. § 30:4-8.6 (2014), which requires that the Department of
    Corrections Commissioner make every effort to assign incarcerated women to the prisons
    closest to their families and Fla. Stat. § 944.171(4) (2015) states that, as much as possible, the
    department should consider the proximity of a prison to an incarcerated person’s family when
    making placements. See: New York Initiative for Children of Incarcerated Parents, “Fact Sheet:
    Proximity to Children when a Parent is Incarcerated,” The Osborne Association, 2013. Accessed
    on October 2, 2015 from:
    Unfortunately, there has been a trend away from the Bureau of Prisons honoring judges’
    recommendations on prison placements to ignoring these recommendations. The Bureau of
    Prisons should consider judges’ assessments of those who are sentenced and make its best
    attempt to honor recommendations to keep people closer to home. See: Federal Bureau of
    Prisons, Legal Resource Guide to the Federal Bureau of Prisons 2014 (Washington, DC: U.S.
    Department of Justice, 2014), p 12. Accessed on October 14, 2015 from:
    https://www.bop.gov/resources/pdfs/legal_guide.pdf. See also: S. David Mitchell, “Impeding
    Reentry: Agency and Judicial Obstacles to Longer Halfway House Placements” Mich. J. Race & L.
    Vol 16:235 (2011).
8. “Riding the Bus: Barriers to Prison Visitation and Family Management Services” describes the
    visiting experience for New York State families based on 200 hours of observation of family
    support group meetings, attendance at activities aimed at families of incarcerated people, and
    observation of five bus rides to two upstate New York prisons. See: Johnna Christian, “Riding the
    Bus: Barriers to Prison Visitation and Family Management Services” Journal of Contemporary
    Criminal Justice Vol 21:31 (February 2005).
9. See Appendix.
10. In a 2010 study by the Department of Health and Human Services, incarcerated fathers reported
    distance to the prison as the top barrier to contact. See: Office of the Assistant Secretary for
    Planning and Evaluation, Parenting from Prison: Innovative Programs to Support Incarcerated
    and Reentering Fathers (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, April
    2010). Accessed on October 8, 2015 from: http://aspe.hhs.gov/basic-report/parenting-prison-
    innovative-programs-support-incarcerated-and-reentering-fathers. See also a New York State-
    specific study: NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, Children of Incarcerated Parents in New
    York State: A Data Analysis (Albany, NY: NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, 2013).
    Accessed on August 18, 2015 from: http://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/pio/2013-children-with-
11. Criminologists William D. Bales and Daniel P. Mears found that visitation reduces and delays
    recidivism. As a result, they recommended placing incarcerated people close to their home
    communities as one low-cost policy option. See: William D. Bales and Daniel P. Mears, “Inmate
    Social Ties and the Transition to Society: Does Visitation Reduce Recidivism?” Journal of
    Research in Crime and Delinquency Vol 45:287 (2008), 315. A Minnesota Department of
    Corrections study recommended that if — as this report finds — there is a significant
    relationship between visitation and distance, states such as Minnesota should seriously consider
    distance from home when placing incarcerated people in particular prisons. See: Minnesota
    Department of Corrections, 2011, p 31.
Attachment B

12. This is no doubt a positive reform, but states should go even further by expanding eligibility to
    include parents who might not have custody of their children. States should also consider
    allowing judges the discretion to impose community custody for people with past violent
    offenses. For more on Washington State’s Family and Offender Sentencing Alternative, see:
13. Public Safety Performance Project, “Most States Cut Imprisonment and Crime,” The Pew
    Charitable Trusts, November 10, 2014 from: http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/multimedia/data-
    visualizations/2014/imprisonment-and-crime. See also: Lauren-Brooke Eisen and Inimai
    Chettiar, The Reverse Mass Incarceration Act (New York, NY: The Brennan Center for Justice at
    the New York University School of Law, October 2015), p 10. Accessed on October 14, 2015
14. Paige St. John, “California steps up prison drug screening for visitors and staff,” Los Angeles
    Times, March 3, 2015. Accessed on October 14, 2015 from:
15. Meghan E. Irons, “Prison visitors irate about plan for drug-sniffing dogs,” The Boston Globe,
    March 23, 2013. Accessed on October 14, 2015 from:
16. For more information on New York State’s children’s centers, visit The Osborne Association
    website: http://www.osborneny.org/programs.cfm?programID=11. See also: Tanya Krupat,
    Elizabeth Gaynes, and Yali Lincroft, A Call to Action: Safeguarding New York’s Children of
    Incarcerated Parents (New York, NY: The New York Initiative for Children of Incarcerated
    Parents, The Osborne Association, 2011), p 33. Accessed on August 27, 2015 from:
17. Krupat, Gaynes, and Lincroft, 2011, p 34.
18. Peter Wagner, “FCC commissioners reveal details of their proposal to protect all families of
    incarcerated people,” Prison Policy Initiative, October 1, 2015. Accessed on October 19, 2015
    from: http://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2015/10/01/clyburn-proposal/.
19. In 2013 New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Acting Commissioner
    Anthony J. Annucci submitted a letter to the Federal Communications Commission explaining
    that when New York State eliminated the commission in its phone contract and substantially
    reduced the rate to families, the number of calls rose from 5.4 million calls in 2006 to over 14
    million in 2013, it improved the relationship between the Department and “offender advocacy
    groups,” and it lowered the rate of illicit cell phone use. He called prison phone reform “among
    the most cost-effective family reunification options that we offer.” See:
    http://www.prisonpolicy.org/phones/NYDOCCSletter.pdf. In total, the Federal Bureau of Prisons
    and ten states have banned commissions. See: https://www.prisonphonejustice.org/.
20. Securus Technologies v. FCC (Docket No. 13-1280, D.C. Cir. 2015)
21. Jeremy Blackman, “Prison tightens mail policy in effort to curb drug influx,” Concord Monitor,
    April 13, 2015. Accessed on April 30, 21015 from:
    curb-drug-influx. States should also avoid letter ban policies, which — as our February 2013
    report found — have been implemented in local jails across the country. Leah Sakala, Return to
    Sender: Postcard-only Mail Policies in Jails (Easthampton, MA: Prison Policy Initiative, February
    7, 2013). Accessed on October 19, 2015 from: http://www.prisonpolicy.org/postcards/.
Attachment B

22. For example, Echoes of Incarceration is an award-winning documentary initiative produced by
    youth with incarcerated parents. In their first film, four youth of incarcerated parents describe
    how their parents’ incarceration has impacted them:
23. It is especially difficult for incarcerated people and their families to afford the costs associated
    with visits because they are some of the poorest families in this country. Our report, Prisons of
    Poverty: Uncovering the pre-incarceration incomes of the imprisoned, found that, in 2014
    dollars, incarcerated people had a median annual income of $19,185 prior to their incarceration,
    which is 41% less than non-incarcerated people of similar ages. See: Bernadette Rabuy and
    Daniel Kopf, Prisons of Poverty: Uncovering the pre-incarceration incomes of the imprisoned
    (Easthampton, MA: Prison Policy Initiative, July 9, 2015). Accessed on September 3, 2015 from:
24. Based on the same dataset as this report, the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that only 42% of
    parents of minor children imprisoned in state prison received a personal visit from their children
    since admission. Lauren E. Glaze and Laura M. Maruschak, Parents in Prison and Their Minor
    Children, (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, August 2008), p 6. Accessed on October
    14, 2015 from: http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/pptmc.pdf.
25. A recent report found 34% of the families studied fell into debt from simply paying for phone
    calls and visits with their incarcerated loved ones. See: Saneta deVuono-powell, Chris
    Schweidler, Alicia Walters, and Azadeh Zohrabi, Who Pays? The True Cost of Incarceration on
    Families (Oakland, CA: Ella Baker Center, Forward Together, Research Action Design, September
    2015), p 30. Accessed on September 15, 2015 from:
26. The Prison Policy Initiative has extensively researched correctional video visitation in the U.S.,
    finding that, ironically, while video visitation would be most useful in state prisons given the
    remote locations of such facilities, the technology is far more prevalent in local jails.
    Unfortunately, local sheriffs and private companies have been replacing in-person visits with
    video visits rather than giving families another option to stay in contact. See: Bernadette Rabuy
    and Peter Wagner, Screening Out Family Time: The for-profit video visitation industry in prisons
    and jails (Easthampton, MA: Prison Policy Initiative, January 2015). Accessed on September 3,
    2015 from: http://www.prisonpolicy.org/visitation/.
27. Les Zaitz, “New technology helps Oregon inmates stay connected,” The Oregonian, September
    12, 2012. Accessed on September 3, 2015 from: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-
28. See: http://doc.sd.gov/adult/facilities/mdsp/.
29. Holly Kirby, Locked up and Shipped Away: Interstate Prison Transfers & the Private Prison
    Industry (Austin, TX: Grassroots Leadership, November 18, 2013). Accessed on October 14, 2015
    from: http://grassrootsleadership.org/locked-up-and-shipped-away. See also: Daniel Rivero,
    “These states’ prisons are so full that they have to ship inmates thousands of miles away,”
    Fusion, June 8, 2015. Accessed on October 14, 2015 from:
30. More information is available here: http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=dcdetail&iid=275.
31. Lauren E. Glaze and Laura M. Maruschak, Parents in Prison and Their Minor Children,
    (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, August 2008), p 6. Accessed on October 14, 2015
    from: http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/pptmc.pdf.
32. Proposed Collection, 80 FR 9749 (Feb 24, 2015).
Total Terminations Comparison                                                 Attachment C

              2019 1               SOL      FOL     PVSP     SATF      CAL     VSP       CIW CCWF FWF
         Visitors - adult         10,863    6,232    6,943    8,647    8,204   4,699    4,263 2,538 443
        Visitors - minor          10,953    5,990    7,671    7,856    8,257   4,042    4,382 2,619 428
      TOTAL VISITORS              21,816   12,222   14,614   16,503   16,461   8,741    8,645 5,157 871
        Inmates visited           10,617    5,771    6,411    7,004    7,436   3,617    3,329 2,119 361
     Terminations: Need 2         10,100    4,830    4,663    4,531    4,601   2,340    2,228 1,346 221
    Terminations: Behavior 3       2,695     981      632      242      142      6        0     0    0
    TOTAL TERMINATIONS            12,795    5,811    5,295    4,773    4,743   2,346    2,228 1,346 221
              2018                 SOL     SATF      CAL     KVSP     SVSP      VSP       CIW    CCWF FWF
         Visitors - adult         17,834   15,347   14,789   12,363   10,834    9,498    8,482    5,152 957
        Visitors - minor          20,466   16,662   16,770   11,563   12,818    9,863    9,737    5,873 1,045
      TOTAL VISITORS              38,300   32,009   31,559   23,926   23,652   19,361   18,219   11,025 2,002
        Inmates visited           18,042   13,606   14,480    9,641   10,815    7,827    7,186    4,351 887
     Terminations: Need 2         16,940   10,864   10,618    9,916    8,875    6,196    5,323    3,319 622
    Terminations: Behavior 3       4,423    1,232    823      1,377    1,305     203      260      103   24
    TOTAL TERMINATIONS            21,363   12,096   11,441   11,293   10,180    6,399    5,583    3,422 646
              2017                 SOL     SATF      CAL     KVSP     PVSP      VSP       CIW    CCWF     FWF
         Visitors - adult         16,105   18,020   14,788   12,544   12,608    8,747    9,341    5,505   1,122
        Visitors - minor          17,181   18,477   17,034   11,297   14,214    8,730   10,308    6,025   1,262
      TOTAL VISITORS              33,286   36,497   31,822   23,841   26,822   17,477   19,649   11,530   2,384
        Inmates visited           15,482   14,831   14,610    9,235   11,507    7,102    7,732    4,562   1,032
     Terminations: Need 2         15,133   12,162   10,571    9,731    9,128    5,280    5,727    3,519    795
    Terminations: Behavior 3       3,293    2,512    882      1,624    1,502     214      302      169      46
    TOTAL TERMINATIONS            18,426   14,674   11,453   11,355   10,630    5,494    6,029    3,688    841
 Data range January 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019
 Due to visiting room capacity limitations
 Resulting from inappropriate behavior prior to or during visit with inmate
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