Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet - CA.gov

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Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet
DF-46 (REV 09/19)

Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet
Fiscal Year: 2020/21
Business Unit: 2740
Department: Department of Motor Vehicles
Priority Number: 3
Budget Request Name: 2740-035-BCP-2020-GB
Program: ALL
Subprogram: Click or tap here to enter text.

Budget Request Description: DMV Oxnard Field Office Swing Space

Budget Request Summary: The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is requesting
resources to seek a temporary swing space facility near Oxnard, California. This
request corresponds to the FY 2020/21 DMV Oxnard Field Office Reconfiguration/
Renovation Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposal (COBCP). This funding for swing
space will allow DMV to continue serving the general public, which would otherwise be
negatively affected due to redirected customers overcrowding the surrounding field
offices. Additional funding is identified in the BCP for subsequent years to pay the lease
costs for the temporary swing space.

Requires Legislation: ☐ Yes ☒ No

Code Section(s) to be Added/Amended/Repealed: Click or tap here to enter text.

Does this BCP contain information technology (IT) components? ☐ Yes ☒ No
If yes, departmental Chief Information Officer must sign.
Department CIO Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Department CIO Signature:
Signed On Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
For IT requests, specify the project number, the most recent project approval document
(FSR, SPR, S1BA, S2AA, S3SD, S4PRA), and the approval date.
Project Number: Click or tap here to enter text.
Project Approval Document: Click or tap here to enter text.
Approval Date: Click or tap here to enter text.

If proposal affects another department, does other department concur with proposal?
☐ Yes ☐ No
Attach comments of affected department, signed and dated by the department director
or designee.
Prepared By: Olga Lutsenko
Date: 08/09/2019
Reviewed By: Lee Scott
Date: 08/09/2019
Department Director: Kathleen Webb
Date: 08/12/2019
Agency Secretary: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.

Department of Finance Use Only

Additional Reviews: Capital Outlay:☐      ITCU:☐        FSCU:☐        OSAE:☐
       Department of Technology:☐
PPBA: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date submitted to the Legislature: Click or tap here to enter text.
A.     Budget Request Summary
The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is requesting $60,000 one-time costs in FY
2020/21, $1,369,000 in FY 2021/22, $518,000 in FY 2022/23, and $433,000 in FY
2023/24 to seek a temporary swing space facility near Oxnard, California. The field
office needs to close while repairs to the building exterior, corrections to walkway, and
curb ramp accessibility is in process. It is imperative that the department establish a
temporary field office swing space to continue serving customers and collecting
revenues at the current service level while continuing to address the federal REAL ID
Act impact. The surrounding field offices (Santa Paula, Thousand Oaks, and Ventura)
cannot accommodate redirected customers as all surrounding offices experience
parking lot and lobby congestion that cannot support additional customers. Additionally,
the surrounding facilities will likely experience higher wear and tear that would further
deteriorate the conditions of these offices and increase the maintenance costs to DMV.

B.     Background/History
The Oxnard renovation project consists of two phases. Phase I consists of repairing the
building exterior siding, correct walkways, curb ramp accessibility, and path of travel.
Phase II consists of a capital outlay project to address Fire/Life/Safety, seismic,
mechanical, electrical, plumbing system upgrades, ADA barrier removals, new flooring,
lights, paint, furniture, and to rework lobby space. DMV received approval for a FY
2017/18 Reconfiguration/Renovation COBCP for the Oxnard Field Office located at
4050 South Saviers Road in the County of Ventura.

While the office is closed for construction, DMV will need temporary leased swing space
in the Oxnard area. Without a temporary swing space, the Oxnard Field Office’s closure,
anticipated to last for over two years, will result in the redirection of approximately 400
customers each day to surrounding DMV field offices. This office currently has 14
production terminals and will reduce the transaction processing capacity by about
190,000 transactions per year if swing space is not obtained. The surrounding field
offices to be impacted include: Ventura (10.5 miles away), Santa Paula (18.4 miles
away), and Thousand Oaks (24.9 miles away). Currently, each of these three
surrounding offices continues to have their own facility challenges, which are detailed in
the Justification section below. These existing challenges would be exacerbated if
Oxnard swing space is not available and additional customers are redirected to these
surrounding offices during the Oxnard Field Office closure.

When DMV closed the Ventura Field Office for lengthy repair and maintenance issues
2.5 years ago, DMV encountered daily overcrowding of lobbies and parking lots in the
surrounding field offices. DMV anticipates that major problems, including unacceptable
excessive customer wait times, will take place at the field offices surrounding Oxnard if
temporary swing space is not acquired to continue servicing the community.
C.     State Level Considerations
DMV’s Strategic Goals drive the direction of future facility needs for DMV operations:
•      Provide superior customer service – the new project will improve customer
service and program delivery.
•      Optimize our processes and update our technology – the new MSF and
configuration, coupled with new technology will improve DMV’s processes and delivery
of program services.
•      Equip our employees with the tools and facilities to meet DMV’s current and
future responsibilities – the reconfiguration will greatly improve the facilities workflow
and address code deficiencies.

This request will impact the workload of the Department of General Services (DGS),
Office of the State Architect (OSA), and State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFM).

D.     Justification
Without a swing space for Oxnard Field Office, the field offices in Santa Paula,
Thousand Oaks, and Ventura would experience higher customer volumes. These
surrounding offices are between 20-30 years old and do not have the infrastructure to
accommodate the projected higher customer volumes and workload. Santa Paula,
Thousand Oaks, and Ventura Field Offices would experience increased wait times and
higher wear and tear which will accelerate scheduled maintenance.

The Santa Paula Field Office serves approximately 334 customers per day and is
currently space deficient by 4,317 square feet. In addition, the Santa Paula Field Office
has 40 chairs for public seating. Furthermore, there are 32 parking spaces available at
an office that should have 61. With only half as many parking spaces as the field office
needs for the existing service capacity, the addition of redirected customers would
further exacerbate the already space deficient Santa Paula office space and parking.

The Thousand Oaks Field Office serves approximately 379 customers per day and is
currently space deficient by 5,896 square feet. In addition, the Thousand Oaks Field
Office has 60 chairs in its lobby. With such limited public lobby space, customers often
wait outside in the ‘Start Here’ line, even in inclement weather conditions. Furthermore,
there are 95 parking spaces available at an office that requires 110 spaces. The
redirection of Oxnard customers would exacerbate current parking lot and lobby
congestion and office space deficiencies.

The Ventura Field Office serves approximately 400 customers per day and is currently
space deficient by 6,021 square feet. In addition, the Ventura Field Office has 53 chairs
for public seating. Furthermore, there are 104 parking spaces available at an office that
should have 136. The redirection of Oxnard customers would exacerbate current
parking lot, lobby congestion, and office space deficiencies.

At the peak of the Ventura Field Office closure, the Thousand Oaks office saw their wait
time increase to up to four hours, which led to an extremely congested lobby and
several verbal altercations. Previous negative impacts due to the Ventura Field Office’s
renovation and the redirection of customers on the surrounding field offices have shown
the necessity of acquiring a swing space when a field office is closed for an onsite

E.    Outcomes and Accountability
Approval of a temporary swing space in Oxnard during the approved DMV Oxnard Field
Office Capital Outlay project will allow DMV to continue providing similar levels of
services to the customers in the Oxnard area. This will enable the Department to
continue servicing customers at an acceptable wait time and collecting revenues for the
State of California without interruption, and without further exacerbating the long wait
times and long lines, crowded lobbies, and parking lots at nearby offices.

F.    Analysis of All Feasible Alternatives
Alternative 1: Lease temporary swing space for the Oxnard Field Office for continued
customer service during the field office’s closure for the Oxnard
reconfiguration/renovation project.

Total Estimated Costs: $2,380,000: $1,514,000 one-time and $866,000 in temporary
lease costs.
•      Avoids increased customer wait times in the surrounding field offices.
•      Avoids increased overcrowding at surrounding field offices.
•      Avoids increased parking lot congestion.
•      Provides continued customer service and revenue collection in the Oxnard
•      Resolves health, accessibility, seismic, and Fire/Life/Safety deficiencies.
•      Resolves critical space deficiencies.

•     Temporary funding would be required for the swing space.

Alternative 2: Do not lease temporary space during the proposed Oxnard Field Office

•     Minimal expenditure of state funds.

•      Increased customer wait times at the surrounding field offices.
•      Increased overcrowding in lines outside at the surrounding field offices.
•      Increased overcrowding in the lobbies at the surrounding field offices.
•      Increased parking lot congestion at the surrounding field offices.
•      Increased backlog of appointments.
•      Increased impact in wear and tear to the surrounding facilities leading to
increased repair, maintenance and utility costs.

G.     Implementation Plan
It is imperative that funding for swing space be funded as DGS and DMV need a
minimum of 18-24 months to locate space and negotiate a lease to meet the needs of

 Project Phases                                    Project Schedule
 Initiation                                                   November 1, 2020
 Site Search                                                   January 1, 2021
 Lease Negotiation                                              June 1, 2021
 Construction                                                 November 1, 2021
 Occupancy                                                    September 1, 2022

H.     Supplemental Information
DMV would enter into a temporary lease to establish the field office until construction is

I.     Recommendation
Alternative 1 is the recommended solution. This alternative would allow DGS to start a
site search for a leased temporary swing space for the Oxnard Field. Current customer
service level at the Oxnard Field Office will be maintained, while the already space
deficient conditions of the Santa Paula, Thousand Oaks, and Ventura Field Offices will
not be further taxed.
Ongoing Estimated                            BY             BY+1           BY+2         BY+3
             Expenditures                              20/21           21/22          22/23        23/24
 Rent                                                         $0                 $0   $304,100    $304,100
 DGS Lease Fees-Rent                                          $0                 $0     $7,600      $7,600
 Utilities                                                    $0                 $0    $50,870     $50,870
 Recurring Maintenance                                        $0                 $0    $11,060     $11,060
 Security                                                     $0                 $0    $58,630     $58,630
 Telecom                                                      $0                 $0    $32,630     $32,630
 Less cost for existing office                                $0                 $0   ($32,050)   ($32,050)
 Total Ongoing Funds Required                                 $0                 $0   $432,840    $432,840

          One-Time Estimated                            BY       BY+1                   BY+2       BY+3
             Expenditures                              20/21     21/22                  22/23      23/24
 Existing Modular Systems Furniture                         $0    $33,750                    $0         $0
 DGS Planning Fees                                     $50,000    $50,000               $20,000         $0
 State Fire Marshal                                    $10,000    $10,000               $10,000         $0
 Moving                                                     $0    $11,000                    $0         $0
 Equipment                                                  $0    $60,000                    $0         $0
 Q-Matic System                                             $0    $30,000                    $0         $0
 Security System                                            $0    $30,000                    $0         $0
 Telecom                                                    $0    $38,451                    $0         $0
 Construction Contingency 5%                                $0         $0               $55,290         $0
 Tenant Improvement                                         $0 $1,105,800                    $0         $0
 Total One-Time Funds Required                         $60,000 $1,369,001               $85,290         $0
*Oxnard Field Office Swing Space will be utilizing existing surplus furniture.

                                                        BY       BY+1                   BY+2       BY+3
 Total Estimated Expenditures
                                                       20/21     21/22                  22/23      23/24
 Total BCP Request                                     $60,000 $1,369,001              $518,130   $432,840
BCP Fiscal Detail Sheet
BCP Title: Oxnard Field Office Swing Space
BR Name: 2740-035-BCP-2020-GB
Budget Request Summary
Operating Expenses and Equipment
Operating Expenses and Equipment                          FY20       FY20     FY20     FY20     FY20     FY20
                                                         Current    Budget    BY+1     BY+2     BY+3     BY+4
                                                          Year       Year
5301 - General Expense                                          0         0      105       0        0           0
5304 - Communications                                           0         0       39      32       32           0
5324 - Facilities Operation                                     0        60    1,225     436      351           0
5326 - Utilities                                                0         0        0      50       50           0
Total Operating Expenses and Equipment                        $0        $60   $1,369     $518     $433      $0
Total Budget Request
Total Budget Request                                      FY20       FY20     FY20     FY20     FY20     FY20
                                                         Current    Budget    BY+1     BY+2     BY+3     BY+4
                                                          Year       Year
Total Budget Request                                          $0        $60   $1,369     $518     $433      $0
Fund Summary
Fund Source
 Fund Source                                              FY20       FY20     FY20     FY20     FY20     FY20
                                                         Current    Budget    BY+1     BY+2     BY+3     BY+4
                                                          Year       Year
State Operations - 0044 - Motor Vehicle Account, State          0        60    1,369     518      433           0
Transportation Fund
Total State Operations Expenditures                           $0        $60   $1,369     $518     $433      $0
Total All Funds                                               $0        $60   $1,369     $518     $433      $0
Program Summary
Program Funding
Program Funding                                             FY20      FY20     FY20     FY20     FY20     FY20
                                                           Current   Budget    BY+1     BY+2     BY+3     BY+4
                                                            Year      Year
2130 - Vehicle/Vessel Identification and Compliance              0        29      655      248      208       0
2135 - Driver Licensing and Personal Identification              0        22      508      193      162       0
2140 - Driver Safety                                             0         7      145       54       45       0
2145 - Occupational Licensing and Investigative Services         0         2       61       23       18       0
9900100 - Administration                                         0         6      118       44       37       0
9900200 - Administration - Distributed                           0        -6     -118      -44      -37       0
Total All Programs                                              $0       $60   $1,369     $518     $433      $0
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