Building Projects - Highgate School

Page created by Jerry Moss
Building Projects - Highgate School
Building Projects
Building Projects - Highgate School
Table of Contents

                                                                          Introduction                             1
                                                                          Rationale                                2
                                                                          Progress Since 2003                      3
                                                                          Forthcoming Projects 2020–2035           5
                                                                          Pre-Prep Dining Hall & Classrooms        7
                                                                          Far Field                                8
                                                                          Science Building                         9
                                                                          Dyne House                              11
                                                                          Sixth Form Campus                       13
                                                                          Drama Centre                            14
                                                                          Mallinson Sports Centre                 15
                                                                          Finances                                17
                                                                          Building Partnerships & Opportunities   18
                                                                          Frequently Asked Questions              19
                                                                          Get Involved                            19

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Building Projects - Highgate School
Introduction                                                                                       Rationale

    We are excited for the next
    phase of building projects at
                                    The School's facilities and estate have
                                    significantly evolved since our foundation to
                                    meet our changing needs. More recently, since
                                                                                      In addition to improving the working
                                                                                      environment for pupils, parents and the local
                                                                                      community, the strategy is mindful of our
                                                                                                                                       The capital programme is rooted in our
                                                                                                                                       educational requirements. The key ones are:
                                                                                                                                                                                          The capital programme also needs to address
                                                                                                                                                                                          our extensive, mixed stock of buildings and
                                                                                                                                                                                          facilities on several sites of hugely varying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             We are committed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             promoting sustainable
                                                                                                                                       1.   Creation of a Sixth Form Campus
    Highgate; the educational       around 2003, the School has been investing in     need to continue to strengthen our charitable         There is a need to enhance our Sixth Form     quality and fitness for purpose. Additionally,     construction and
                                    an improvement programme to address both          partnerships and opportunities to work with           facilities to provide a communal area         in many of the School’s properties, the
    impact of the new facilities    our educational and charitable requirements,      local schools and community groups.                                                                 mechanical and electrical systems are old and      delivering energy efficient
                                                                                                                                            tailored to our eldest pupils' needs, as an
    will be considerable both       and the need to improve our ageing buildings.     We are also mindful of our environmental              appropriate stepping stone to university      no longer cost or energy efficient. In assessing   buildings to the Estate
                                    Substantial progress, involving significant       responsibilities and are committed to                 as opposed to being a two-year extension      the opportunities for the educational
    within the school community                                                                                                                                                           requirements above, we have carefully              John Pheasant, Bursar
                                    investment, has been made in this time:           promoting sustainable forms of construction           of school life.
    and beyond                      examples include the new Junior School,           that limit the negative impact on the            2. Senior School Drama Provision
                                                                                                                                                                                          considered those buildings and areas of the
                                    the new Charter Building, the new Pre-Prep        environment during the construction process                                                         estate that need substantial improvement.
    Adam Pettitt, Head                                                                                                                    Drama has only quite recently been
                                    Dining Hall (currently underway), and the         and deliver higher performing energy efficient                                                      The following buildings and areas require
                                                                                                                                          introduced as a fully-fledged curriculum
                                    restoration and conversion of the Chapel, Big     buildings to the estate.                                                                            significant investment:
                                                                                                                                          subject from Year 7 to Year 13, at GCSE
                                    School, Central Hall, the Pre-Prep, the Mills     This estates strategy will be part of public        and at A-Level. We need dedicated,              1.   The Science Block and the entire Dyne
                                    Centre, Field House and, very recently, the       consultation in the coming months in two            flexible, purpose-built facilities to meet           House site on the Senior School campus;
                                    School's swimming pool.                           ways: (1) a Council's Supplementary Planning        the School’s ambitions both for drama           2.   The Mallinson Sports Centre and
                                    Whilst these projects have been part of           Document and (2) a number of separate               teaching and for productions.                        associated buildings, the Rifle Range, the
                                    an ongoing, long-term strategy, planning          planning applications.                           3. Senior School Music Provision                        Richards Music Centre, the Dining Hall
                                    applications and communications have              This booklet is aimed at providing an overview      The number of pupils who either wish to              and, at some stage, Caen Wood Hall on
                                    generally focussed on individual projects.        of our exciting strategy to parents, staff and      study academic music and/or learn to                 the Bishopswood Road campus.
                                    Over the last few years our focus has shifted     pupils.                                             play instruments and collaborate as part
                                    to develop and engage the School and local                                                            of ensembles or orchestras has increased
                                    community on our estate’s strategy for the                                                            by circa 33% over the last seven years.
                                    next 10 year period.                                                                                  This means that more practice rooms and
                                    This has involved a number of public                                                                  a larger performance space are required.
                                    exhibitions over the last 5 years or so to help                                                    4. Internal and External Sports Facilities
                                    develop this strategy, sharing our master plan                                                        The Sports Centre requires significant
                                    which addresses (a) the need to continue                                                              maintenance in terms of both upkeep
                                    our programme of improving buildings and                                                              and investment to modernise and
                                    facilities that are no longer ideal-for-purpose                                                       substantially improve the offering and
                                    for modern educational environments and                                                               quality of space provided. The outdoor
                                    (b) our academic requirements and priorities.                                                         facilities also require improvements to
                                                                                                                                          optimise their use in term time.

1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2
Building Projects - Highgate School
Progress Since 2003                                                                                                                                                           Internal and external
                                                                                                                                                                                  refurbishment and restoration
                                                                                                                                                                                  of Field House (largely empty
                                                                                                                                                                                  since Years 7 and 8 were
                                                                                                                                                                                  transferred to the Senior
                                                                                                                                                                                  School) to enable the co-
                                                                                                                                                                                  location of support functions
                                                                                                                                                                                  on one site.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Internal and external
                                                                                                                                                                                  refurbishment and restoration
                                                                                                                                                                                  of Chapel completed.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Additional classrooms
                                                                                                                                                                                  provided on Garner
           Internal and external refurbishment                                                                                                                                    Building roof and internal
           and restoration of a former                                                                                                                                            refurbishment of that teaching        New Junior School completed
           boarding house, School House, to                                                                                                                                       building completed.                   incorporating all teaching
           provide specialist teaching for the                                                                                                 Charter Building, a new            A temporary Junior School             classrooms and specialist
           Art and the Design, Technology and                                                                                                  accessible teaching                erected to provide teaching           facilities on one site.
           Engineering Departments. The ‘Mills                     New Entrance Lodge to               Internal and external                   building with classrooms           facilities during the building        Rear classroom extensions
           Centre’ also provides for external                      provide meeting room and            refurbishment and restoration           and one science                    of a new Junior School on             and refurbishment of the Pre-
           exhibition and meeting facilities.                      additional office space.            of Central Hall completed.              laboratory opened.                 Bishopswood Road.                     Preparatory School.
           2003 - 2005                                             2006/07                             2009                                    2012                               2014                                  2016

    2003                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2020

                                                 Additional classrooms,                                          Refurbishment of Dyne                          Restoration of Big School            Former Senior School                               Replacement of swimming
                                                 including laboratories,                                         House Auditorium and                           and conversion to a library          library, located in the Baptist                    pool roof, upgrade to
                                                 on Science Block roof.                                          provision of teaching                          at the heart of the Senior           Church on Southwood Lane,                          services and refurbishment
                                                 2005/06                                                         practise rooms and creation                    School completed.                    converted to School museum                         of pool area completed.
                                                                                                                 of Rothenberg Recital Room                     2013                                 to enable history and                              New dining hall started for
                                                                                                                 in basement of Dyne House.                                                          archives of School to be more                      Pre-Preparatory School.
                                                                                                                 2009/10                                                                             accessible to community.
                                                                                              Synthetic sports pitch
                                                                                              on Junior Field.

3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            4
Building Projects - Highgate School
Forthcoming Projects 2020–2035
    Indicative start dates: dependent on planning process and the School’s operational
    considerations and available financial resources.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Phases 2 to 4 of the Mallinson Sports Centre
                                                                                                   Science Quad tunnel project                                                                    Phase 2: provision of second sports hall and
                                                                                                   to provide accessibility to                                                                    relocation of Fives Courts;
                                                         Temporary decant building
                                                         constructed on part of                    tunnel under Southwood Lane                                                                    Phase 3: provision of additional performance
                                                         current synthetic pitch                   and to improve accessibility                              New building on the site of the      spaces as part of infill between current hall and
                                                         on Junior Field; building                 to Central Hall.                                          current Richards Music Centre to     swimming pool, and;
                                                         will provide suitable                     Dyne House site project to                                provide suitable Senior School       Phase 4: reconfiguration of reception and final
                                                         accommodation during                      provide accessible sixth form                             drama facilities (two classrooms     improvements to accessibility to Sports Centre;
                                                         Senior School Science                     campus and upgraded and                                   and studio theatre) and additional   enhancements to the Orchard and pathway
                Substation upgrading on                  Block and Dyne House                      enhanced Senior School                                    changing facilities with direct      project around current synthetic pitch on Junior
                Bishopswood Road.                        projects.                                 music facilities.                                         access onto the synthetic pitch.     Field to start.
                2020                                     2022                                      2024                                                      2028                                 2031+

    2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2035

                                     Internal upgrade to the Dining          Science Block                                         Removal of decant
                                     Hall, kitchen and servery.              refurbishment to upgrade                              building and
                                     Synthetic surface/sports                services in that building,                            reinstatement of part
                                     pitches on Far Field.                   reconfigure and improve                               of synthetic pitch used
                                                                             accessibility to laboratories                         to house this building
                                     Creation of additional,                 and classrooms.                                       on Junior Field.
                                     accessible classrooms in Pre-
                                     Preparatory School following            2023                                                  2026
                                     move to 4+.

5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            6
Building Projects - Highgate School
Pre-Prep Dining Hall & Classrooms                                                                    Far Field

    The Pre-Preparatory School accommodates           The vacated old Pre-Prep Dining Hall will then     Far Field is regularly used by many pupils for     will allow a wider range of sports to use the
    children aged 3-7 years, with the main entry      be used to improve the capacity of the current     various sports sessions. Unfortunately, due to     facility with year-round access. In addition
    year being Nursery. Our intention is to provide   kitchen. In addition, the newly built space will   poor drainage at the site, it is often unable to   to improvements to the playing surface, the
    two new classrooms to facilitate a change to      be able to be used as an additional assembly       be used following poor weather.                    on-site amenity building will be replaced with
    the main entry year being Reception.              and performance space for younger pupils,          The School intends to undertake a series of        a building that meets the School’s increasing
    The existing Pre-Prep Dining Hall is located      as well as to create a smaller function and        engineering works that will improve drainage       demands.
    at the furthest point of the Dining Hall from     amenity space for use by the whole School.         and reduce the risk of flooding, as well as
    the Pre-Prep and is served from the main                                                             covering the main playing field areas with a
    kitchen area. The new Pre-Prep Dining Hall                                                           permeable green artificial surface. The result
    will reduce the travel distance for pupils and
    better separate the youngest and oldest pupils
    of the school.

7                                                                                                                                                                                                            8
Building Projects - Highgate School
Science Building

    The Science Block, located within the Island       The proposals for the Science Block include
    Site campus of the Senior School, has been         small-scale expansions into the Science
    an integral part of the school since it was        Quad and Garner Quad, which will result
    built in the early 20th century. Over the years,   in significantly improved accessibility.
    the School has updated these facilities in a       The current plans include some additional
    piecemeal fashion to keep pace with evolving       classrooms, fully refurbished laboratories and
    curriculum and teaching requirements, but a        a small-scale observatory on the roof of the
    substantial refurbishment and reconfiguration,     building. The finished project will enhance the
    particularly for the laboratories, is now          external appearance of the current building
    required to ensure that the facilities continue    and will be to the same standard as the other
    to be fit for purpose.                             work undertaken across the Senior School.

9                                                                                                        10
Building Projects - Highgate School
Dyne House
     The Dyne House site forms an integral part       to play instruments and collaborate as part
     of the Senior School in the heart of Highgate    of ensembles or orchestras has increased at
     Village. The main building (Dyne House)          Highgate by circa 33% over the last seven
     was opened in 1967; behind it is a two-storey    years.
     classroom building, completed in 1904 and        Additional and improved space is required
     currently housing the Learning Support           throughout the Dyne House site to increase
     Department, and the Gymnasium, built in          the adaptability of the spaces and meet the
     1950, which is currently used by the Drama       increased academic requirements on the
     Department as a teaching space and regularly     Senior School.
     for plays and musicals. Unfortunately,
                                                      The redevelopment aims to provide additional
     the small audience numbers that can be
                                                      teaching classrooms including designated
     accommodated limit its use.
                                                      spaces for keyboard teaching and for music
     The 2010 Dyne House refurbishment                technology, a number of practice rooms,
     provided an auditorium, a medium-size recital    ensemble practice rooms, a band practice
     room and five small music practice rooms.        room, a large practice room for orchestra and
     The refurbishment works helped drive up          choir, a music library, office spaces and storage
     interest in music, such that pupils who either   areas.
     wish to study academic music and/or learn

11                                                                                                        12
Building Projects - Highgate School
Sixth Form Campus                                  Drama Centre

     In addition to Music, the Dyne House site          Currently occupied by the SpEx Department        It is only quite recently that Drama was          Improved facilities at the site, including
     will house the majority of the School’s Sixth      and IT team, the existing building, found at     introduced as a fully-fledged curriculum          a purpose-designed studio theatre and
     Form provision. Current Sixth Form facilities      the southern end of Junior Field, is a single-   subject from Year 7 to 13, including at GCSE      associated classrooms, will allow the School
     have evolved over the years and include three      storey building that was built originally        and at A-Level. Highgate’s facilities, however,   to create more opportunities for its pupils to
     small, separately located, common rooms on         for the School as a sports pavilion. The         lag behind the School’s ambitions both for        engage in an important part of school that has
     the Island Site which do not provide adequate      age of the existing building, along with its     teaching and for productions, such that the       been under-resourced in recent years.
     space for independent study or for social          layout, severely compromises its use for any     current Drama facilities do not allow us to
     interaction. In addition, there are no specific    educational purpose.                             provide each child in each part of the Senior
     Sixth Form seminar rooms.                                                                           School with an opportunity to be in a play.
     The key facilities required for the Sixth Form
     provision include seminar rooms, a common
     room, quiet study area and computer study
     area both allowing seating for students,
     assembly space, higher education and careers
     space, indoor and outdoor recreational areas,
     toilets and academic and supporting office
     Dyne House itself is only partially accessible
     for those with mobility issues from Southwood
     Lane; it is not accessible for pupils with
     mobility issues from the Island Site due to
     narrow steep stairs at either end of the tunnel.
     Much of the rest of the site has significant
     accessibility issues. Improvement at the
     basement level of Dyne House (especially at
     the end of the tunnel) will enhance pupil flow
     between the two parts of the School, improve
     safety, provide full accessibility and create an
     informal assembly area.

13                                                                                                                                                                                                          14
Building Projects - Highgate School
Mallinson Sports Centre

     The Mallinson Sports Centre, located towards
     the north end of Bishopswood Road, has been
     developed over the years on a piecemeal basis.
     The swimming pool, recently refurbished,
     was built in the 1960s and the main sports
     complex in the 1980s for what was then only
     a boys’ school. The site includes a sports hall,
     squash courts and Fives Courts, in addition
     to the pool. The Centre does not provide
     step-free/disabled access to the majority of
     facilities, only allowing disabled access into
     the main reception area and mezzanine hall.
     The co-educational nature of sport and the
     growth of individual team sports alongside
     the continuing popularity of traditional
     team sports have resulted in additional
     requirements for sports facilities. A full
     development of the Mallinson Sports Centre
     and the wider site, including the neighbouring
     Orchard and Tatham’s Field, is required in
     order to continue to provide high quality
     sporting facilities. A crucial aim of the works is
     to ensure that the site is accessible to all.

15                                                        16
Finances                                                                                                                                                   Building Partnerships & Opportunities

     Since 2003, the School has invested in the               As with previous capital investment, the                                                          As we have been investing in our facilities       2019 were named Independent School of the
     region of £98M into improving its facilities             intention is to fund this from a mix of                                                           and environment, so we have been building         Year for Social Mobility. We partnered with
     and teaching capabilities. This has been                 income sources: with the pupil numbers                                                            in other ways, as we are committed to giving      Tottenham Hotspur FC to open the London
     funded over the 17 years from the sale of                now at a steady state (c.1,900), we forecast                                                      children – at Highgate and beyond – the           Academy of Excellence, Tottenham, in 2017,
     non-academic properties (c.£17M), borrowing              an investment surplus over this period of                                                         broadest platform for a happy, successful life.   a successful and academically rigorous
     (£20M) and the balance (c.£61M) from our                 c.£90M, balance of long-term borrowing (in                                                        Highgate was founded as an educational            sixth form free school, meaning that bright
     investment surplus which has been possible               the region of 30 years) secured last year as a                                                    charity as well as a school, and in the           young people with academic aspirations can
     due to our increasing pupil numbers over that            Private Placement (which will provide £40M),                                                      twenty-first century, we interpret this as        continue their education near home and
     time period largely due to the introduction of           and additional funds raised from alternative                                                      a commitment to extending educational             achieve places at top universities in the UK
     co-education.                                            sources (c.£15M).                                                                                 opportunity. We do this within Highgate by        and abroad.
     The second part of this improvement                      It is not anticipated that pupil numbers will                                                     offering substantial means-tested bursaries       We also play a full part in our local
     programme, as set out in this booklet, is                increase significantly in the coming years. Nor                                                   to bright children for whom Highgate is the       community: through volunteering, we
     forecast to require investment in the region of          are fee increases anticipated beyond the level                                                    right school, but who would not be able to        encourage our pupils to take an active
     £145M over the next 15 years or so. The Dyne             of those seen in recent years (subject of course                                                  attend without financial assistance. Around       part in the world in which they live. This
     House site is, in particular, a complicated and          to any unforeseen increases to our cost base                                                      90 children currently receive bursaries at        community service fosters our pupils’ sense
     challenging site to develop but an absolute              that are beyond the School’s control).                                                            Highgate, the vast majority for upwards of        of responsibility and self-esteem, whilst
     must for the long-term needs of the School.                                                                                                                90% of the fees, and over two-thirds for          providing an important insight into the world
                                                                                                                                                                100%, and thanks to the support of generous       beyond Highgate. We do this because we
                                                                                                                                                                donors, we plan to introduce bursaries into       believe in it: in a world where loneliness and
                                                                                                                                                                the Junior School for the first time.             polarisation are on the increase, we want our
                                                                                                                                                                Beyond our walls, we work in partnership          pupils to gain a true understanding of the
                                                                                                                                                                with over 50 state schools in London, sharing     value of community, of the creative power
                                                                                                          Investment forecast over                              our teachers and resources, and working           of diverse perspectives, and of the vital
                      Investment since 2003
                                                                                                           the next 15 years or so                              together for mutual benefit. We are nationally    importance of mutual understanding through
                                                                                                                                                                recognised for our leadership in the field of     shared experience.
                                                                                                                                                                state-independent school partnerships, and in

                                                       Sale of non-academic                                                     Alternative sources of income
     Investment surplus                                properties                                                               £15M
     £61M                                              £17M
                                                                                         Investment surplus                                                                                   pupils
                                  Total                                                                             Total                                                                     currently

                           £98M                                                                                  £145M
                                                       Borrowing                                                                     £40M

17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 18
FAQs                                                                              Get Involved

     How much will the new buildings cost?                                             We have a tremendous opportunity to
     The building programme set out in this document is forecast to require            transform our learning environment for
     investment in the region of £145M over the next 15 years or so.                   current and future Highgate pupils. The
                                                                                       generosity of previous generations of parents,
     Will the fees increase?
                                                                                       OCs and friends of the school has helped
     It is not anticipated that fees will increase beyond the level of those seen in   build, develop and enrich the fabric of our
     recent years (subject of course to any unforeseen increases to our cost base      School. We have already begun to engage
     that are beyond the School’s control).                                            potential supporters to help us achieve our
     Will the work disrupt my child's education?                                       vision for the future, and we intend to give
     We have an experienced team who have delivered large projects whilst              every member of the Highgate community
     the educational offering has been maintained. We are confident that the           the chance to learn more about our plans and
     disruption will be less than might be imagined and are excited about the          to pledge their support, should they wish.
     forthcoming projects which will transform Highgate’s estate.                      Multi-year pledges, gifts of capital or shares,
                                                                                       and legacy pledges will all help make this
     Will the work effect the local residents?
                                                                                       vision a reality. Naming opportunities are
     We are committed to continuing our engagement with the community to               also available.
     minimise disruption wherever possible and to be a considerate neighbour
                                                                                       To find out more, please contact the
                                                                                       Development office:

     Find out more
     For more information on Highgate School
     building projects please email:
     or visit our website:


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