Burhill Team News - BGL Company

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Burhill Team News - BGL Company
Burhill Team News

                                             Colin Mayes
                                            Chief Executive

Dear Colleagues,                                       Our golf courses and all the teams associated with
                                                       them have also been busy assisted by the reasonable
We have now ended the September trading period         weather conditions throughout the month. Our
which is normally what we consider to be the close     function/wedding business is also coming back to
of the golfing summer season. Overall, September       life with a number of units being under some real
has been another strong trading period for the BGL     pressure to cope with this demand.
Group with all areas of the business trading well.     I wanted to thank you all for the hard work and
Clearly trading levels have dropped significantly      commitment everyone has made in looking after our
within our Adventure Leisure (AL) business with        business and delivering some great service standards,
the school children going back to their studies. All   we have had some wonderful letters/comments back
three businesses (Mr Mulligans, Bunkers and Ninja      from our customers and guests which is a credit to
Warrior UK) have still traded well, and we do not      you all.
see any reason for this to change in the immediate
future.                                                It is important to mention that due to the pandemic
                                                       nearly all of us couldn’t celebrate Christmas normally
October is normally a strong month for this business   last year. In recognition of this and the wonderful
with the half term period at the end of the month      work everybody has done throughout the year, we
and then we will only have two more months to go       will be closing all our clubs and venues across the
before the end of the year.                            UK on Christmas Day meaning those clubs that in the
Our golf clubs have also continued to trade strongly   past have provided our customers a superb Christmas
throughout September and are ahead of what we          Day will close. All we want for Christmas is for
expected, which is also very positive. All of our      our teams to spend quality time with their family &
teams have been working flat out this month coping     friends wherever they may be.
with many of our student employees returning back      We recently hosted General Managers meetings
to college/university. This has put pressure on the    at Burhill Golf Club with Guy and Andy leading
remaining staff coping with higher-than-expected       discussions with their senior teams about our business
trade through our catering operations.                 objectives and focus for the rest of this winter and
                                                       into 2022.
Burhill Team News - BGL Company
CEO Update
                                                          those that are willing to adapt/change/take on new
                                                          challenges/relocate, they will be there for you.
                                                          After our meetings we had a wonderful dinner
                                                          delivered by the team at Burhill and one of the
                                                          things that really struck home to me was the
                                                          gender diversity we now have within our senior
                                                          management across the 22 businesses we now own
                                                          and operate. Seven of our General Managers are
                                                          females and when we add the number of senior
                                                          female support staff including IT, Training, Marketing
I also took the opportunity to speak with all the         and soon our People, I believe this is something to
General Managers about the business and the               be very proud of. The BGL board of directors also
fact we have weathered the Covid -19 storm                has three female directors, and I am delighted to
considerably better than I could have ever hoped          say our female greenkeepers are on the increase
for when the pandemic first emerged back in March         too. There is no doubt we are a leading business
2020. We should all congratulate ourselves on the         on gender equality within the UK leisure/hospitality
way we have managed to navigate ourselves back to         industry.
near normality. However, I also wanted to make sure
                                                          Sadly, our results at this years Ryder Cup did not go
we keep everyone on their toes in case we suffer a
                                                          our way and we were given a sound beating by the
setback or further unexpected turbulence.
                                                          younger USA team. Over the 3 days of competition,
Only this week we have seen the impact of the             it was clear that the USA team deserved their win.
fuel shortages caused by the lack of skilled drivers      Our European Team must now start the preparation
in the country. I am convinced there will be a few        for the next match back in Europe with Rome being
more twists and turns as we try and manage our            chosen to be the tournament host city for 2023.
business back to normality in the months ahead.
                                                          Thank you for your support and hard work
My message to all our General Managers was to
                                                          throughout this summer and I look forward to
expect the unexpected, try and remain as nimble/
                                                          seeing as many of your as possible on the run up to
flexible as possible and work very hard to retain the
                                                          Christmas. Let’s all hope the weather will be kind
great people we have within our business. Where
                                                          to us and the various economic issues the country
possible, make sure we are all completing and
                                                          is dealing with do not stall our recovery back to
undergoing continuous training either through our
                                                          normality for 2022.
own BGL Academy or through external sources such
as local colleges etc. Making sure we develop our
                                                          Warmest regards.
own skills and our team members and having an
attitude that I am never too old to learn new skills is
very important attribute and one we must all work
on to be the best we can.
Next month our new Head of People & Culture,
Claire Boulden will join us, and you can rest assured     Colin Mayes
we will be putting a greater emphasis through this        Chief Executive
important appointment to how we retain, train and
develop the great talent we already have within the
BGL Group.
I am determined that the business must continue
to grow and with that growth comes opportunities
for our people to progress and develop themselves.
For those that have the desire to progress within
our business we will make sure opportunities will
be available, they may not be on your doorstep but
Burhill Team News - BGL Company
Latest News

I am sure by now you will all know that this year we
had a new addition to the family, Ninja Warrior UK.
We have been delighted to see the success of both
Ninja Warrior UK Southampton and Sheffield and it is
due to this success that we are thrilled to be opening
Ninja Warrior UK, Milton Keynes in Q1 next year.
To add to the excitement and our commitment to
grow and develop the business further, we will also
be opening Mr Mulligans, Bristol and Bunkers!
Cardiff in 2022. We are very much looking forward to
continuing our aggressive expansion plan and equally
creating much needed jobs and opportunities in these
If you see a potential venue that is a minimum of
15,000 sqft, feel free to email
a.scholey@adventureleisureltd.co.uk as you never
know, it could be the perfect fit!

Thornbury Golf Centre is set to embark on an exciting      enjoyed by club members, guests, and visitors.
£600,000 irrigation investment project which is            Tim Good, General Manager said: “We are delighted
designed to amplify the look and playability of both       to have been afforded this opportunity by BGL,
golf courses, while also dramatically improving            to make further enhancements to our facility. We
maintenance efficiency.                                    are committed to delivering the very best golfing
The project represents our unwavering dedication           experience for our members and guests, and this
to facility improvement and enhanced member and            is the next step along our road of continuous
customer experience, while also reflecting a surge in      improvement.”
membership numbers at all 10 clubs in recent years.        This comes immediately after Thornbury has been
The first phase of the project will cost around            officially awarded with the SafeGolf Accreditation
£275,000 and will see the foundations laid across          and has been recognised as a GEO Certified venue.
both golf courses for the installation of a new            These awards reflect the club’s commitment to
high-tech irrigation system that will include tee boxes,   health and safety, the local environment, social
fairways approaches and greens. Crucially, the new         responsibility, and sustainability.
system will allow the club to better manage the
amount of moisture in the ground, making the courses
more playable, all year round.
Once completed, the new irrigation system will be
controlled via mobile device or computer, allowing
maintenance teams to control the conditioning of
the golf courses, 24-hours a day. This will make a
huge difference to staff efficiency and will also help
to deliver an exceptional golf experience that can be
Burhill Team News - BGL Company
Our People
                                      We are studying towards
                                      a certified club managers
                                      qualification through the
                                      Management Development
                                      Program (MDP) with the aim to
                                      become certified club managers            Jessica Carter, Sales Advisor,
                                      (CCM) through the Club                         Wycombe Heights
                                      Managers Association of Europe.      I am currently studying an Events &
   Stuart Perry, General Manager,     We are just over halfway             Business Management Postgraduate
           The Shropshire
                                      through, the final stage being a     Diploma which takes 18 months to
                                      7-hour final exam.                   complete. It entails weekly lectures,
                                      Self-reflection has really helped    live lectures in London, 2 solo & 2
                                      with completing the course           group projects followed by a live
                                      and writing the assignments,         final event & exam.
                                      although adapting to online          This Diploma is giving me an in-
                                      sessions has had its challenges.     depth understanding of the key
                                      With other GM’s from Dublin,         sectors within the Events & Business
                                      Spain, Bermuda and to Saudi          Management industry.
                                      Arabia it’s sometimes been tough     It has also massively helped me
                                      coordinating diaries, but we         expand my knowledge in Sales &
                                      have managed and it’s proving        Marketing.
 Sarah Blunden, General Manager,      very worthwhile.                     I look forward to utilising the
        Wycombe Heights
                                      We cannot wait to become             course to help me progress into a
                                      certified!                           Management role within BGL.

                                       I have witnessed the evolution      As part of the course I will learn
                                       of the hospitality industry from    theories and strategies which will
                                       the community pubs and bars to      enable me to discuss and influence
                                       the merger of leisure and social    actions to continually achieve this.
                                       activity.                           Sustainability and global impact have
                                       Learning strategies and theories    never been more prevalent than it
                                       involving diversity and equality,   is now with areas across the globe
                                       global impact and sustainability    facing devastating impacts from
  Richard Wood, General Manager, Mr    is imperative to making educated    global change. As part of my learning
             Mulligans                 decisions with the businesses.      I would like to be involved with
Adventure Leisure are proud            AL is expanding, and I’d love       decisions which influence our impact
to support Richard Wood, the           to have the opportunity to be       on the environment around us.
General Manager at Adventure           part of the decisions which         My aim is to continue my career
Leisure Newcastle, who is              continue to shape us. Achieving     into a senior role within Adventure
studying Strategic Leadership          a master’s qualification            Leisure, helping to make decisions
Level 7 at Newcastle University.       alongside the knowledge and         which will benefit the company
“I am passionate to develop            experience I have already           financially, and maintain the
my skills and increase my              gained would help me make           company’s core values.
knowledge regarding leadership         these decisions. Assisting in the   I am grateful for the opportunity that
theories and strategies. With          future development of AL and        Adventure Leisure has given me to
a stronger understanding &             BGL. Empowering our people          embark upon this study, and I look
skill set, I can make educated         is essential to growth and          forward to applying what I learn both
decisions which will benefit           expansion, taking learnings from    at Newcastle, and within the wider BGL
myself and BGL.                        all cultures and backgrounds.       Group.
Burhill Team News - BGL Company
Our People
                                       Congratulations to Duncan              Sarah Blunden, General Manager of
                                       Purcell at Wycombe Heights             Wycombe Heights said:
                                       Golf Centre on his promotion           ‘This promotion is very well
                                       to become their new Head               deserved and I am looking forward
                                       Professional.                          to working with Duncan in his
                                       Duncan joined Wycombe                  new role and seeing him progress
                                       Heights in January 2018 as their       our Golf and Pro Shop team even
                                       Junior Academy Manager and             further.’
                                       was promoted to Assistant Head
                                       Professional in October 2020.
                                       He has always enjoyed
                                       interacting with customers,
                                       which shows in his feedback
                                       from lessons and is also very
                                       passionate about Custom Fitting
                                       and ensuring members and
                                       visitors alike have the right
  Duncan Purcell, Head Professional,   equipment for them.
         Wycombe Heights
                                       Duncan has spent the past year
                                       learning more about the Head
                                       Professional role, including
                                       financial control, stocktaking and
                                       leading a team.

                                        high presentation standards           assistance, pace of play, Marshal’s
                                        throughout the golf reception and     travel kit, weather and safety &
                                        first tee.                            finally a quiz.
                                        We realise that the job of            “We are hoping to get the course
                                        Course Marshal is one that            live and assigned to all Course
                                        requires extraordinary tact and       Marshals by the end of October, so
                                        diplomacy, and that superior          watch this space!” said Janice.
                                        interpersonal skills are often
                                        needed. This training covers
Brian Bailey, Course Marshal at         the essential functions and
Ramsdale Park has been assisting        duties of a Marshal, although
Janice Moore, Learning &                each venue will generally have
Development Manager, Support            their own individual additional
Office in creating a training           requirements.
course specifically for Course
Marshal.                                This training resource, and
                                        the customer service module
The Course Marshal is often             accompanying it, is all about
the first point of contact for          excelling as a Golf Marshal
members and visitors to the club,       so that our customers become
and works in tandem with the            ambassadors for the club!
golf services team to ensure all
members and visitors receive a          The course features an
warm welcome, and experiences           introduction, key responsibilities,
                                        basic golf etiquette, player
Burhill Team News - BGL Company
Sustainability & Environment
Some of you may have heard about GEO                          “Each club has developed a unique maintenance
certification and some may not, so, this month we             programme designed to achieve more sustainable
are focusing on this key area for the Golf Division.          and efficient practices, by making improvements to
GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf is an                     the courses and club facilities wherever possible.
international not-for-profit, that helps to inspire,          BGL showed early leadership in sustainability with
support, and reward credible sustainability action            its first facility GEO Certified in 2013.
and to strengthen and promote golf’s social and               They are now one of the most committed
environmental value. The organisation remains                 management groups worldwide – and the only
the only one in the world entirely dedicated to this          group with every facility certified. We look forward
mission.                                                      to working with them on their endeavour to
All of our 10 golf clubs are GEO certified with 3             extend their sustainable practices even further,”
clubs being reverified between now and the end                commented Jonathan Smith, Executive Director
of the year. This underlines the continuation of our          GEO Foundation.
concerted environmental efforts across our clubs              “In a world where it is more crucial than ever to
and solidifies our place as the only major multi              operate in the most environmentally sensitive way
course operator to gain GEO certified status across           possible, to be awarded with GEO certified status
all clubs.                                                    is a testament to the incredible
The accreditation designates a golf facility has              work ethic of every member of
met a credible standard in the areas of Nature,               the team at BGL.” added Colin
Resources, Climate Action and Community                       Mayes, CEO Burhill Group.
continually improving sustainable golf practices.

         Congratulations & thank you to our
   BGL Team celebrating 5+ years with us this month
Kevin Lock, Burhill GC, 5 years                                  Kuljit Tatla, Hoebridge, 11 years
Thomas Holland, Birchwood Park, 5 years                          Adam Dawe, Wycombe Heights, 13 years
Hayden Beebee, The Shropshire, 5 years                           Rob Surgey, Burhill GC, 14 years
Karen Frise, AL Support Office, 5 years                          Philip Jones, The Shropshire, 15 years
Guy Riggott, BGL Support Office, 7 years                         Carol Seamons, Burhill GC, 20 years
Jason Fallon, Thornbury, 7 years                                 Ross Edmonds, Abbey Hill, 20 years

                           Coming Up Next Month...
• World Mental Health Day: Sunday 10th October 2021
• Cyber Security Month: October 2021
• Long Service Dinner: Wednesday 20th October 2021
• Introducing Claire Boulden, Head of People & Culture

                                                          Burhill Golf & Leisure LTD
                                   Burhill Golf Club, Burwood Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 4BX
                                        info@bglcompany.co.uk | 01932 220815 | bglcompany.co.uk
Burhill Team News - BGL Company Burhill Team News - BGL Company Burhill Team News - BGL Company Burhill Team News - BGL Company
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