Page created by Bradley Mcgee
Sydney, Australia                                   Paper of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Network 50c
Vol.37 No.2 (225) Aug -Sept. 2019




      EDGARD LEUENROTH 1881-1968 P18 BULGARIA P18;
2                                                                                                                     Rebel Worker

                                               line database that ICE agents use to track    Items arrive already packaged from fa-
 Rebel Worker is the bi-monthly                immigrants they are trying to deport. The     cilities further up the supply chain, in-
 Paper of the A.S.N. for the propa-            New York City rally was held at CEO Jeff      cluding fulfilment centres like the one in
 gation of anarcho-syndicalism in              Bezos’s $80 million mega-penthouse.           Minnesota. Workers in delivery centres
 Australia.                                              Minneapolis to Chicago              sort the packages and load them into
                                               The fulfilment centre in Shakopee, a          vans for delivery. These facilities have
 Unless otherwise stated, signed                                                             proliferated in major urban centres as
 Articles do not necessarily represent         suburb of Minneapolis, has been the site
                                               of some of the most confrontational and       part of the push for one-day and
 the position of the A.S.N. as a whole.        successful organizing so far. Twice in the    same-day delivery.
 Any contributions, criticisms, letters        past year, Amazon warehouse workers           Workers in this Chicago warehouse nor-
 or                                            there have walked off the job to protest      mally make $15 per hour. As an incentive,
 Comments are welcome.                         management’s ever-increasing productiv-       managers had promised to pay $18 per ex-
 REBEL WORKER                                  ity goals and discrimination against Mus-     tra hour worked on top of a regular
                                               lim workers.                                  shift—but the higher rate applied only for
 P.O. BOX 92
                                               Those actions backed by the Awood             the extra hour, not the whole shift.
                                               Center, a worker center based in Min-         Many workers are not scheduled for
 E-m ail : V i a      o u r w eb s i te                                                      enough hours to qualify for the company’s
                                               nesota’s East African community, led to
 www.rebelworker.org                                                                         health insurance.
                                               the first negotiations between Amazon
 SUBSCRIPTION RATES:                           and a U.S. labor organization. Workers        The warehouse can get intensely hot, since
 AUSTRALIA: $12 a year                         affiliated with the center have orga-         its walls and roof are metal. Amazon pub-
 OVERSEAS                                      nized under the slogan “We Are Hu-            licized that it was installing air condition-
 $25 (Aus.) by Air                             mans, Not Robots,” and are also               ing in its fulfillment centers in 2012 after
 $20 (Aus.) by Sea mail                        campaigning against retaliation and           public scrutiny and high-profile incidents,
                                               health and safety problems.                   but air conditioners have not been installed
 Free to Prisoners                                                                           in other facilities this one.
                                               Bolstered by the Minneapolis example,
 Supporters Subs. $40 pa                       workers in an Amazon delivery center in                     Small walkout
 Receives copies of RW & ASN                   Chicago on July 16 took Prime Day action      At the Minnesota facility, workers
 Pamphlets as published.                       of their own. They surveyed co-workers to     walked off the day shift July 15 to join a
 Send to the above. Cheques should be          develop demands, and settled on three: air    community picket. Workers said manag-
 made out to Black Cat Media.                  conditioning, health insurance, and $18 an    ers and police were staked out at the front
                                               hour throughout Prime Week.                   of the warehouse, keeping track of who
                                               Thirty workers on the night shift             was exiting, which had a chilling effect on
                                               packed the shift manager’s office dur-        participation.
                                               ing a 2:30 a.m. break to deliver the de-
    International Amazon                       mands. After a lively back and forth,
                                                                                             Organizers had hoped that 100 workers
                                                                                             would walk out. In the end, far fewer
                                               they secured a commitment to meet             did. Nonetheless, workers and commu-
        Workers’ Strike                        with the warehouse’s top manager.             nity supporters picketed, danced, and
                                               “Our goal today was to get a meeting with     rallied until rain and flash flood warn-
                                               the person who has the ability to make the    ings ended the action.
By Joe DeManuelle-Hall                         decisions around the things that we’re de-    Several Amazon tech workers from Seat-
Amazon’s biggest shopping days of              manding,” said Terry Miller (a pseud-         tle flew in to join the rally. They are part of
2019 so far —”Prime Days,” July                onym), who participated in the action.        a group called Amazon Employees for Cli-
15-16— saw walkouts and protests by            “We knew the best-case scenario was           mate Justice, which has organized an open
workers in the U.S. and Germany. The           meeting with the site manager, and that’s     letter signed by 8,000 employees demand-
protests were semi-coordinated, target-        what we got.” (Read his firsthand account     ing that the company expand its commit-
ing Amazon when its warehouses are             of warehouse conditions here.)                ment to renewable energy and stop
running at full clip and the company is                 Co-workers abuzz                     providing technological support for oil
in the media spotlight.                                                                      and gas extraction. Dave Kamper contrib-
                                               After the meeting, the delegation re-
In Germany, Amazon workers organizing          turned to work and finished out the           uted reporting to this article. This article
with the Ver.di union struck over the          shift. Workers who hadn’t participated        was first published by Labor Notes.
course of two days in an ongoing struggle      were buzzing about what had hap-              Thanks to Rank & File. Ca Edited
over pay. The union claimed that 2,000         pened.
workers participated across seven facili-
                                               “[Other workers] saw
                                               that we were able to
                                                                                            A.S.N. APPEAL
Meanwhile in the U.S., a small group of        make the company pay
workers walked out at a fulfilment cen-        attention to us,” said
tre near Minneapolis. Others in a Chi-
                                                                            The Anarcho-Syndicalist Network requires suit-
                                               Miller, who sorts pack-      able cost effective premises. $750,000 is urgently
cago warehouse marched on their boss           ages for delivery. “Peo-
with demands. Workers and commu-                                            sought to buy premises for the proposed Rebel
                                               ple w ere as king m e        Worker Anarcho-Syndicalist Network Media
nity supporters marched and rallied at         questions, catching up
two warehouses in Portland, Oregon.                                         Centre.
                                               with me after the action.
Simultaneously, immigrant rights organi-       It elevated our visibil-     Please make out Cheques to Black Cat
zations led protests in eight U.S. cities to   ity.”                        Media & Send to P.O. Box 92 Broadway
denounce Amazon’s collaboration with           Delivery centres are         2007 NSW.
the U.S. Immigration and Customs En-           the last stop in the Am-
forcement agency. Amazon hosts the on-         azon warehouse chain.
3                                                                                                                    Rebel Worker

                 N.S.W. RAILWAYS NEWS
                                                                                               up to 300 meters during mining opera-
    THE FIGHT FOR                              The current crisis of populism, politics and
                                               democracy, springs from the same source
                                                                                               tions. Besides that, local rivers will be
                                                                                               drained of 100’s of gigalitres of water. The
      OUR LIVES                                as the environmental crisis. The elites that
                                               control over 90% of the wealth also are the
                                                                                               mine itself is expected to add 128 million
                                                                                               tonnes of CO2 P.A. to the atmosphere,
                                               same ones that have access to the earth’s       that’s more than the amount produced by a
Crimson Coconut                                natural resources, often for free. The profit   country with a mid-sized economy, such
                                               motive which drives environmental de-           as Vietnam.
While the fight for living standards and       struction benefits the few and not the
working conditions is still real, urgent,      many. Exploitation of nature and workers        Why does this matter for workers?
and ongoing, one issue that is confront-       in a workplace is of the same dynamic. The
ing all people is about to overshadow          elites only care about the wealth than they
any other fight that we’ve been involved       can extract, not about the people or nature     Because it really will affect us all in
in. That is the fight for survival and the     that is left as collateral damage.              multiple ways.
prospect of human and life extinction.         For example the Adani coal mining project
Everyday we hear and see new scientific        in central Queensland will provide few          Firstly the uncertain future caused by the
reports that point to the grave danger         jobs in reality, yet the multinational com-     ecological crisis will without doubt end
that we are all in.                            pany has almost unlimited access to natu-       life as we know it. The cliche “there are no
This summer in Europe heat records have        ral resources for a pittance. Australian        jobs on a dead planet” really rings true.
been broken across the continent. Temper-      Governments are pouring billions of dol-        Fighting for better working conditions still
atures of 46 degrees centigrade have been      lars into providing infrastructure for the      does make sense in such a predicament
experienced in the South of France                                                             though. Working conditions also means a
while the Netherlands has recorded                                                             plentiful planet for all, not a world with
temperatures over 41 degrees C, an                                                             shortages of food, water and scarcity. Eco-
all time record. This heat wave was                                                            logical devastation usually means the end
extensive, moving finally to the Arc-                                                          of jobs, quality of life and alienation from
tic Circle causing the biggest ice                                                             nature itself. Traditional trade unions
melt in human history and destabi-                                                             won’t exist if life itself becomes precari-
lising the permafrost that has existed                                                         ous, instead we will probably be involved
for thousands of years.                                                                        in perpetual wars over scarce resources
Just a review of a few recent head-                                                            with all the misery that will bring.
lines should have us all waking up                                                             Secondly, in the short term, our govern-
and taking notice:                                                                             ments are not addressing the issues of
                                                                                               the environmental crisis, so we have to
Drought and climate change                                                                     be actively involved in changing the po-
blamed for the death of centu-                                                                 litical debate, even if that means chang-
ries-old sandalwood trees                                                                      ing the political and economic system.
                                                                                               At the moment funds are being diverted
                                                                                               away from our needs and towards the fos-
Europe’s heat wave is about to                                                                 sil fuel industry. Huge tax concessions al-
bake the Arctic                                                                                ready exist (or no tax at all) for the miners
                                                                                               and loggers etc who are provided these
Today’s Climate Change Is Worse                                                                natural resources for free. They also have
Than Anything Earth Has Experi-                                                                infrastructure built for them at public ex-
enced in the Past 2,000 Years                                                                  pense. This impoverishes us, the workers,
                                                                                               while those creating the crisis are profiting
The world’s largest king penguin col-          project which will have negligible benefits     at the expense of the environment and our
ony has collapsed, losing nearly 90 per-       for the majority of Queenslanders and           living standard. The environmental crisis
cent of its population                         other Australians. This is money that is be-    and global warming is a union issue that
                                               ing deferred from hospitals, schools, pen-      will take all the work of human solidarity
                                               sions, public transport and all manner of       to overcome.
The accelerating climate crisis due to in-     public infrastructure that forms part of the
creasing CO2, and other harmful gases in       social wage for workers.
the atmosphere, leading to global warming                                                      As public transport workers what can
                                               The gigantic mining project (447 square         we do?
is but one of the catastrophes that we face.   kilometers) will perpetuate climate
Species extinction, war, water scarcity and    change by continuing the carbon fuel
river destruction, logging and removal of      cycle that pumps greenhouse gases into          Public transport is a small part of the green
native vegetation all threaten our survival.   the biosphere. At the same time the Adani       solution that reduces our dependence on
                                               Carmichael Mine will have unlimited ac-         fossil fuels. Working in the industry
But why should this be of concern for          cess to one of the largest underground          should make us proud that we can be part
unionists and workers?                         aquifers in the world, the Great Artesian       of the solution. However, governments in
                                               Basin. The water table is expected to drop      Australia don’t fully appreciate the bene-
4                                                                                                                       Rebel Worker

fits of public transport so massive expen-       way to survive while the poorest are al-        Climate Change. See if you can have some
ditures, $10’s billions, continue to be          ready on the front lines of climate change      effect on persuading your union officials
was t ed o n p ro j ects s u ch a s t he         and environmental degradation. For              to organise in the workplace and attend
WestConnex Motorway in Sydney or the             equality and solidarity alone these are un-     this important rally for the future.
North East Link in Melbourne.                    ion issues.
To get people using public transport the         The fact that the elites are perpetuating       Unions such as the RTBU and ASU have
fight against privatisation has to be            climate change denial and that these            “endorsed” the School Strike but so far
won. We should examine the possibility           people are the same ones bankrolling            have failed to call out their members for
and feasibility of providing public              our politicians and suppressing our             the Global Climate Strike. This has to
transport for free. Private for-profit ser-      working conditions makes these issues           change.
vices usually are less efficient despite gov-    Union matters. Climate change and en-           A list of unions endorsing the School
ernment propaganda that tells us that it is      vironmental devastation is a Class issue.       Strike can be found here:
necessary to increase efficiencies.              It’s the poor that have no say, it’s the
Privatisation is purely geared towards           poor that will suffer the consequences of
profits and will often provide the mini-         climate change first and foremost.              https://www.schoolstrike4climate.com/p
mum service. The privatisation of New-           In a public transport industry we are in a      artners
castle buses, and Sydney’s inner west            privileged position compared to other in-
buses and now the Adelaide Trains Metro          dustries as we can offer part of the solution   Let’s get out and support the students
shows so clearly that services are not run       to avert the inevitable catastrophe. We can     that have organised this rally on Sep-
for convenience but purely for profit and at     only realise the full potential of the indus-   tember 20, they have asked for our sup-
great public expense.                            try we work in if we are prepared to stand      port. We have let them down in the past,
So far public transport union officials have     u p fo r a fu ture i n th e ind u s t ry.       we can’t let them down anymore, they
not been up to the challenge of mounting         Privatisation will bring about the destruc-     are fighting for their own futures. We
an effect iv e c amp ai gn ag a in st            tion of public transport as we know it.         all have a world to win.
privatisation. We have to convince them          Political activists such as Extinction Re-
that the battle for the future must also in-     bellion are blocking traffic to draw at-        More info about the Global Strike for
clude, not just a fight against privatisation,   tention to the ecological emergency, yet        the Climate can be found at:
but it’s reversal. Where our leadership          our union leaders fail to grasp the
takes no heed we need to replace them            metal. Political allegiances certainly
with people who will listen and act.                                                             https://www.facebook.com/StrikeClimat
                                                 would be one reason for the inaction on be-
We simply have to get cars off the roads         half of unions. The ALP does not have a
and people into public transport. This           viable policy at this stage to combat cli-
would of course mean pressure for a
massive investment program in sustain-
                                                 mate change. It is the Queensland Labor
                                                 Government that have bent over back-
                                                                                                 Sydney Trains
able public transport. Public transport          wards to accommodate the Ad ani,                Cleaners’ News
unions have to change their neutral stance       Carmichael Mine project. Meanwhile the
on privatisation and their complacency at        Federal ALP, during the last election, also
                                                                                                 Sydney Trains are using cleaners for
getting coverage of private employees. In        supported the project even though the pub-
                                                                                                 Customer Service in time of disruption
general, employees in the public sector of-      lic throughout Australia was positively
                                                                                                 despite having removed the duties of
ten have far worse working conditions and        against it going ahead.
                                                                                                 customer service from the designated
wages than public employees.                     As union members we need to support the         ta sks a nd ou tsourc ing c leaning .
As the reality of climate change and envi-       Global Climate Strike in September 20th         Cleaners are employed on a lower wage
ronmental destruction bite in the very           2019. The School Strike organisers are          than Customer Service staff. So Sydney
short time that we have left to act we must      calling unions and union members on that        Trains can strip back the number of Cus-
convince those in our unions and our lead-       day to down tools and join rallies organ-       tomer Service staff to the minimum and
ership that the fight for the environment is     ised around the world to bring attention to     cut costs.
a union issue. The rich will always find a

                                                                                                 NSW State Sec. and the NSW Transport
                                                                                                 Minister way back in 2018 or much ear-
     The ‘Trojan Horse’ of the New Interurban Trains                                             lier. Only direct action, can put a spoke in
                                                                                                 the wheels of this Constance/Claassens
                                                                                                 express to the dole queue!
Some of the most important news in the           quite duplicitous and an expedient for the
NSW Railways is the new interurban
trains to be introduced next year,
                                                 union hierarchy in the elections. As the
                                                 Govt. is still wanting to change the guard
                                                                                                   SOUTH AUSTRALIA RAIL
originally scheduled for last March              role to customer service and undermining             PRIVATISATION
2019, due to alleged ‘technical’ reasons.        the job’s safe working role on these trains
At the time of the 2018 RTBU elections,          and the industrial muscle of the guards.        The Privatisation of the SA Train Network
NSW State Secretary Claassens pro-               With the ‘facilitation clause’ in EBA
claimed triumphantly that a deal had             2018, needless to say, this changed role
                                                                                                 p o r t _ w o r k e r s _ l a u n c h _ c a m-
been made with the Berejiklian Govt. to          would be ‘facilitated’ to the Millenniums
                                                                                                 p a i g n _ t o _ k e e p _ o u r _
retain guards on these trains. Subse-            and Waratahs. The sell out of the
quently the corporate media reported             interurban guards and the ‘charade of
‘vaguely’ on this deal. However, accord-         keeping the guard job’ is likely to have        Unfortunately this will be similar to the
ing to recent reports from the union hierar-     been approved at one of those ‘top secret’      failed campaign of the ACTU during the
chy and the media, this deal appears to be       weekly meetings between the RTBU                last election. The RTBU don’t know how,
5                                                                                                                      Rebel Worker

or they don’t want to, run a campaign           An article in the Guardian today says          Train crews faced with this scenario have
against privatisation. This is a very weak      that the train crews in SA are not guar-       nothing to lose, they need to walk out now.
statement from the RTBU SA Secretary. It        anteed their jobs under the new owner,         Such a course of action would not be sup-
promises nothing except a campaign up           which someone has suggested to be              ported by the union as bus drivers in Syd-
until the next election. By that time the is-   SERCO.                                         ney were quick to discover.
sue will be over. And if Labor doesn’t win
you are stuck with the LNP again just like
we are federally.

       NEAR RAIL DISASTER                       flagged her train to stop. As it was appar-
                                                ent another train was coming from Central
                                                                                               ago, two unpopular Inner West track main-
                                                                                               tenance supervisors were apparently
          COVER-UP?                             and heading on the same line. She recalls      sacked. Is it connected with the cover-up?
                                                the date as Monday 23rd Easter of this         We appeal to our readers for any further in-
According to a passenger on an inward           year between 1pm and 3pm. One train had        formation on this potentially very serious
train to the City caught at Stanmore            to back out. Whilst the NSW Govt. has          incident.
Station, in the Newtown area, track             outsourced track maintenance and safety
main tenance wo rkers franti cally              to avoid law suits. Intriguingly 2-3 months

                                                                                               includes laws that transfer public assets
                        Fair Game (part 1)                                                     (i.e. the Commonwealth belonging to the
                                                                                               people) to private corporations, called
                                                                                               “privatisation” and/or “public/private
                                                                                               partnerships” and selling water rights to
Following on from A Tale of a Cover Up          tions Act 1945, allowing the UN to             private corporations while denying farm-
(RW Vol.37 No.1(224), a brief a story of        implement it’s created laws to override the    ers the use of their own dams, claiming that
how inept management have been given            Constitution. This was in addition to poli-    farmers don’t own the water, the govern-
a virtual free hand to do as they will, in-     ticians and government creating laws with-     ment does! However, without a referen-
cluding falsifying their timesheets, as         out a referendum. For those that ask how       dum it’s theft by any other name!
long as they toe the line and regurgitate       the UN can tell us what to do, that’s how!     Government, the servant of the people has
the “we’re running a business” mantra.          The plot thickens, we have international       now become their master!
Today your editor asks the rhetorical           treaties like the Lima agreement signed
question, is the game fair? And of                                                             Government now claims the right to create
                                                in 1 9 7 5 , a del ibe ra te pla n to          smaller clones of itself, because it claims to
course, the answer is a resounding NO!          deindustrialise Australia amongst oth-
The deeper question then is, how did the                                                       not need the permission of the people to do
                                                ers. In effect a deliberate plan to destroy    anything and it creates local government
game become so unfair and this is where
it gets a little more interesting. It’s all                                                    (councils) and ever-increasing govern-
part of a greater plan, let me explain.                                                        ment “autocracies”, like transport, police,
                                                                                               courts, hospitals, environment, human ser-
You see, it all started about 100 years ago,                                                   vices, etc, etc. These “autocracies” are ef-
when politicians began implementing new                                                        fectively laws onto themselves and
laws without asking the people. This of                                                        essentially create their own laws, that are
course was in direct violation of the Con-                                                     simply rubber stamped by whatever politi-
stitution, that requires that before a new                                                     cian happens to be in office at the time. Po-
law can be created it must first be the will                                                   litical parties of course play a role in this as
of the people, confirmed via a referendum.                                                     a whole, however the individual politician
The politicians used the turmoil and hard-                                                     in most cases is simply the sales person,
ships of the world wars to pass “emer-                                                         selling a predetermined agenda, creating
gency” laws like taxation to help fund the                                                     the façade of “democracy” and if they have
wars. (did you know that taxation was vol-                                                     the sales drive to delude and a capacity for
untary? No? well the politicians and the                                                       spin they are well rewarded for their ef-
so-called government know.) These laws                                                         forts, as with all sales people.
never got repealed and over time people
accepted them as simply a necessary evil or                                                    The heads of these government “autoc-
something that was always there because                                                        racies”, however are a different breed.
that’s how it all works, right! Wrong! The                                                     These are the professional suck-ups, the
constitution requires that any changes to       industries, jobs and of course your stan-      deceitful yes men and now women. The
how the country is run must be put to a ref-    dard of living, without a referendum and       ones who will swallow and regurgitate
erendum for a vote by the people. This was      all for some alleged utopian greater good!     anything, back stab and betray anyone
never done and because no one chal-             The creation of the Australia Act 1986 ef-     and anything to get up the next rung of
lenged the politicians and the govern-          fectively put an overlay of sorts on the le-   the ladder. These are the ones who play
ment, they simply continued to create           gitimate Constitution, by ignoring it and      the long game of “debasement” to get to
more and more new laws and with each            your constitutional rights in the process,     the top and are predominantly concerned
new law they gradually transferred              again illegally, without a referendum.         with expanding their power and therefore
more and more power from the “people”           To put it simply. We now have a situation      their capacity to gorge themselves from the
to the government. Politicians and Gov-         where parliament can create any law it         public trough. These are the types who tell
ernments then began to sign international       likes, when ever it likes and for what ever    you they are running a business by spend-
treaties and signing the “people” into          purpose it likes without going to a referen-   ing bigger and bigger amounts of your
membership of the United Nations with the       dum. Laws that “override” Common law           money. These are the swap creatures of the
enactment of the Charter of the United Na-      and individual Common law rights. These        “deep state”, (yes, we have them here too)
6                                                                                                                     Rebel Worker

the permanent heads of government “au-          people by way of a referendum, as men-         Look out for “Fair Game” part 2, in the
tocracies” no matter who gets “voted” into      tioned earlier. These created laws are used    next edition, where your editor explains
parliament. These glorified, pretentious        as precedent by government “autocracies”       how the union movement has been
and arrogant suck-up don’t like their ac-       and their management to presume to have        co-opted to complete the betrayal of the
tions questioned or to be held to account       “management prerogative”. By claiming          people and the worker. We might even
and so claim to have “management prerog-        “management prerogative”, management           give you a hint at a solution!
ative”, in other wards the ability to do as     are effectively empowering themselves to       Regards,
they wish. This of course is not the case       interpret and apply law based on their sub-
since their authority is delegated by parlia-   jective view and even apply the same laws
ment and parliament’s authority is dele-        subjectively to different individuals. This
gated by the people. At least that’s the way    includes exempting themselves from the
it was meant to work before the creation of     same laws they would use against others!
all those laws, without the authority of the    The game is not fair!

    The 6 Emotions the boss uses against you!
                                                                                               terest at heart! Many of us doubt the
                                                                                               hard-fought struggles of the past, doubt
                                                                                               that in times gone by our workplace rights
                                                                                               pay and conditions were won by workers
What can destroy our workplace                  given to you by the boss they always had to    paying the ultimate price, their life. We
rights, pay and condition, our lives? The       concede these rights to workers who had        doubt that the boss could be so cruel, doubt
emotions lurking inside us, the ones the        the courage to overcome their indiffer-        that the government would allow and even
boss relies on to intimidate and bully you      ence.                                          support violent action against workers,
into accepting less then you’re entitled to,    3. Indecision                                  doubt the possibility that workers died
we’ve got to conquer these emotions be-                                                        fighting for workplace right, pay and con-
                                                Indecision allows the boss to steal our        ditions we have today. Worst of all, we
fore the boss uses them to destroy us. Here     opportunity. The boss will steal our
they are:                                                                                      doubt ourselves. Doubt will empty both
                                                chances for a better workplace, better pay     our bank accounts and our hearts. Doubt is
1. Fear                                         and better conditions at every opportunity     an enemy.
We are not born with courage, but nei-          and our indecision gives them this oppor-
                                                                                               5. Worry
ther are we born with fear. Maybe some
of our fears are brought on by our own                                                         We’ve all got to worry a little, but we
experiences, by what someone has told                                                          can’t let it conquer us. Instead, let it
us, by what we’ve read and heard                                                               alarm us. Worry can be useful. If the
about. Some fears are valid, like going                                                        boss suddenly announces that a major
alone for “just a quick chat” with the boss!                                                   change is coming, we’ve got to worry.
A bad move and you feel fear for good rea-                                                     But we can’t let the boss loose like a mad
son, your fear is trying to warn you of dan-                                                   dog that drives us into a small corner.
ger. You know it’s not just an innocent                                                        Here’s what we’ve got to do: Drive the
chat! But once we learn to always insist on                                                    boss into a small corner. Whatever is out to
our right to a support person, that flips the                                                  get us, we’ve got to get it. Whatever is
situation, the boss now feels the fear be-                                                     pushing on us, we’ve got to push back.
cause they’re now on the spot of having to                                                     6. Timidity
justify their actions. We don’t need to live                                                   Over-caution is the timid approach.
in fear of it.                                                                                 Timidity is not a virtue (unlike humil-
2. Indifference                                                                                ity); in fact, it can and is used to our det-
What a tragic disease indifference is.                                                         riment, by the boss. If we let it go, it’ll be
Some will say, “It doesn’t affect me why                                                       used to conquer us. If we’re timid, we
should I get involved. I’ll just drift                                                         won’t get better workplace rights, pay and
along.” But here’s one problem with                                                            c o n d it i on s . We’v e g o t to av o id
drifting: We can’t drift our way to                                                            over-caution.
                                                tunity. We have to purge this enemy.
better workplace right, pay and condi-                                                         So, we must battle with the boss, battle
tions. The boss relies on your indifference     4. Doubt                                       with fears, build our courage to fight for
when they incrementally encroach on             Sure, there’s room for healthy skepticism.     what’s rightfully and lawfully ours,
your workplace right, pay and conditions.       We can’t believe that the boss is all bad or   what’s keeping us from a secure and safe
Don’t be indifferent to these allegedly         that all bosses are all bad. But we also       workplace. We have to be courageous in
“minor changes”. Your rights were never         can’t let doubt take over and delude us        our pursuit of the things that matter."
                                                into thinking that the boss has our best in-
                                                                                               follow their request as it is a “reasonable
                                                                                               direction”, however, you direct them to the
      The Perception Of Workers Rights                                                         relevant clause in the Enterprise Agree-
                                                                                               ment which clearly shows that their re-
                                                                                               quest is in fact “unreasonable” as it
Most workers feel that their rights are         real world. Say, your manager asked you        breaches your workplace rights. Let’s say,
protected by certain instruments such           to do something that breached your condi-      that for now, management have decided
as a Workplace Policy, an Enterprise            tions under your Enterprise Agreement, so      that they would let this episode slide.
Agreement, an Award, or even the basic          you politely decline the request. Your
law. But let’s see how this plays out in the    manager then tells you that you have to
7                                                                                                                       Rebel Worker

A couple of weeks later, they again ask         for support as the matter is simple and           amount of compensation you could re-
you to follow a “reasonable direction”,         clear cut and you know your rights. They,         ceive, as opposed to a 6 month cap for an
which in fact is another breach of your         on the other hand, have a team of lawyers         “Unfair Dismissal” claim. You decide that
workplace rights, so once again you point       on their side and apart from your manager,        justice must be served, truth is on your side
out to your manager that their request is       your manager’s manager also decides to            so justice will prevail!
again “unreasonable” and again, politely        show up, all with the intent to intimidate        You start legal proceedings, what
decline their request and refer them to the     you. But you hold strong, you present your        should have taken several months is
appropriate clause in your Enterprise           case, you respond to their false accusa-          now into its second year and no end in
Agreement. This time, your manager says         tions against you and you expose their lies.      sight until well into the third year. In the
that your interpretation of the Enterprise      Everything is going your way. The hearing         meantime, your legal fees are piling up,
Agreement is incorrect and insists that you     is adjourned for a later date and the Com-        your barrister wants to get paid and is
follow their request. Knowing your rights       missioner advises you to get representa-          asking for his money. You manage to
and knowing that your interpretation is         tion from your Union. You go back to              find another job, it is worse than your pre-
correct, you escalate the matter to higher                                                        vious job and pays a lot less too, it is too
management. The higher manager, know-                                                             much and you resign. You are now going
ing that you are correct, responds back by                                                        from job to job to try to keep your head
saying that they agree with your manager                                                          above water so you can pay your bills and
but to not allow the matter to escalate fur-                                                      your legal team too. All this is placing a
ther, they withdraw your manager’s re-                                                            heavy strain on you and your family and
quest.                                                                                            for what? All you did was exercise a work-
Now your manager decides that they                                                                place right, that’s what the laws are there
cannot allow this behaviour to go un-                                                             for, that’s why you have an Enterprise
punished, so they continue to ask you to                                                          agreement, that’s why your employer has
do things that breach your workplace                                                              their policies and procedures, so that ev-
conditions. Again, knowing your rights,                                                           eryone plays by the same rules… Right!?!
each time you politely decline and clearly                                                        The problem is, if you have enough
state which condition would be breached,                                                          money behind you, you don’t need to
however, as it is now clear that the man-                                                         play by the rules. Yes, you may get
ager wants to make your life as difficult as                                                      caught out, but who will hold you to ac-
possible, so you escalate the issue to                                                            count? An internal investigation? Cer-
higher management who simply side with                                                            tainly not. What about our laws? Well if
your manager. You see that escalating the                                                         you can prolong the matter long enough,
matter through the chain of command gets        work, all of a sudden your manager wants          your accuser will eventually run out of pa-
you no-where, so you submit an official         to place you on a performance plan, you           tience, if not, then they are sure to run out
complaint to be investigated internally.        question their reasons, their response is a       of money before you do. So it’s just a wait-
The investigation consists of referring the     load of nonsense, and you place the matter        ing game now. So if you knew from the
complaint to your management who re-            in dispute via your Union. The matter gets        start that exercising your rights would lead
spond by saying no breach has been com-         escalated through the dispute process, in         to this, would you speak up? Naturally the
mitted. The investigation is now closed         the meantime, the Union declines to repre-        vast majority of people would not and this
and no action taken against your manager.       sent you at the Fair Work Commission as           is why management do not have to follow
As a result, this now emboldens your            you did not seek their permission when            the rules. But what would happen if some-
manager who reverts back to asking              you initiated the Stop Bullying claim. You        one actually decided to follow through?
you to follow requests which would              ask the Commissioner to delay the hearing         How would our scenario end??? I’ll let
make your day difficult and breach              while you find a Solicitor. You then re-          you know once my court case finishes.
your workplace conditions, quite sim-           ceive a “Show Cause” letter from your em-
ply, they are now trying to “manage you         ployer and are stood down. You reply to           Optional: If you would like to support
out”. You, however, are quite aware of          the letter, it is decided that your response is   me and perhaps make a difference to
this but realise that any action taken inter-   not good enough and you are dismissed!            our working conditions, so no-one else
nally would not have a positive outcome.        As you are now dismissed, your Stop               needs to find themselves in a similar sce-
So you decide that the only course of ac-       Bullying claim is immediately ceased as           nario, please donate by following this
tion which should have a positive result        there is no longer a threat of bullying.          link https://www.gofundme.com/f/un-
would be to take the matter to an external      Management have succeeded in their                l            a            w-
body. So you decide that you will submit a      goal. Or so it seems. Your new found so-          ful-dismissal-legal-fees&rcid=r01-1562
“Stop Bullying” order against your man-         licitors advise you that you can now take         05011274-637cd49f23854476&pc=ot_c
ager with the Fair Work Commission. You         your former employer to court for “Un-            o_campmgmt_w
attend a pre-hearing, you decide to defend      lawful Dismissal”. They entice you by ad-
yourself with a work colleague with you         vising you that there is no cap on the

                                                                                                  for “private enterprise” doing things
                      Sydney Buses News                                                           better. In regard to the 445, this route is
                                                                                                  coming back to Leichhardt Depot. Is the
                                                                                                  reason the constant late running in the
        Leichhardt Depot News                   now goes via Leichhardt Market Town.              Kingsgrove Depot area due to bottle necks
                                                Drivers say it’s a waste of time as no one is     with often 15 drivers at the depot waiting
RW: What’s the latest at the depot?
                                                getting on for this leg. Most commuters           for their buses? Route 389 which starts at
Leichhardt Driver1: In regard to the runs, a                                                      the Maritime Museum at Pyrmont and
new leg has been added to route 470. Be-        going to Market Town are catching the
fore starting and ending at the Terminus, it    445 Campsie to Balmain route. So much
8                                                                                                                     Rebel Worker

goes to Bondi Junction is now running out        Waverley Busie: We are likely to be fac-       where a driver who got into some trouble
of Leichhardt instead of Waverley depot.         ing a new vicious attack by the bosses.        at the depot, was presented with the ‘op-
We have now plenty of spare drivers at           There is a proposal by them to impose          tion’ of a transfer to Transit Systems, to
Leichhardt.                                      block rosters for taking our holidays. As a    avoid the sack.
The most juicy news has been the sud-            result we wouldn’t be able to take holidays    RW: What is the situation with the de-
den appearance at the depot in recent            when we want anymore. It’s looking grim.       pot fleet?
weeks of a “talent scout” from State             It seems not about saving money, but           WB: The depot is to receive shortly 9 to 10
Transit. The scout was distributing flyers       showing they are in control and softening      new buses to replace the old gas buses. The
and trying to encourage Leichhardt drivers       up drivers to accept privatisation.            depot’s fleet has been steadily getting
to resign from Transit Systems, join the         RW: How is ‘Madam Lash’ these days?            older and older over the years. There has
STA and come to Waverley depot to                WB: Again she is upsetting people. She is      been only a very slow upgrade of buses.
work. It appears the STA is no longer            coming into the meal room to hold de facto     However, in the case of the Railways, the
training its own drivers, but gearing up for     “staff meetings”. However drivers are not      old Silver Set trains are being retired and
a big cull when the Light Rail opens in the      being paid for the 15 minutes attendance at    replaced with modern trains such as the
Eastern Suburbs next year. Will the East-        these meetings. Is anyone attending? She       Waratahs and new interurban trains built
ern Subs STA drivers made redundant be           is definitely not liked. She seems more of a   in South Korea.
offered positions on the Light Rail or will      ‘figurehead’ for the STA, than a real boss.    RW: What are the latest developments
they be put out to pasture? There is also        RW: I understand the STA CEO                   with the tramway extensions?
coming up new Timetables in July. We are         Steffen Faurby held a meeting at the de-
all awaiting what the changes will be.                                                          WB: I was recently speaking to a driver
                                                 pot?                                           from Randwick depot. He mentioned that
RW: What is the situation with the un-           WB: In early June, he held a staff meeting     the bosses have developed a new mad cap
ions at the depot?                               at Waverley. He was urging drivers to take     plan for buses operating along Anzac Pa-
LD1: We have not seen any RTBU offi-             all their entitlements such as Long Service    rade when the tramway will be finished at
cials for many months. However some              Leave. He was also worried that many           the end of the year. There will be 19 stops
woman has become the TWU rep. Other              drivers could leave the job. However, he       for the trams, stopping at each stop. All
news is that Ryde is being tipped for the        wouldn’t raise the major reason many           buses are to go along the roadway. The
next STA depot for privatisation.                would leave such as the looming threat of      buses are to run parallel to the trams on the
RW: What is the situation since                                                                   bus roadway. In one section, the buses
privatisation?                                                                                    can operate up to 70 kmph. On one stop
Leichhardt Driver 2: Since the Transit                                                            there will be no access for wheelchairs.
Systems takeover of Region 6, of the                                                              The driver shook his head. Safety was
1200 drivers employed in the region                                                               paramount and he didn’t think there was
prior to privatisation, 500 have left the                                                         a very high degree of safety. In the past
job. They have either resigned, taken a                                                           people have been injured and killed on
golden handshake or transferred.                                                                  the bus roadway.
There is definitely a push by manage-                                                             RW: What is your impression of the
ment to replace the RTBU by the                                                                   ‘union’?
TWU in the workforce. They are using                                                              WB: Its presence at the depot has greatly
all manner of dirty tricks. At Tempe                                                              declined in recent years. With many see-
depot where drivers are complain-                                                                 ing no purpose in joining. In the past
ing of missing overtime, the real                                                                 those interested in becoming the union
reason is that only TWU drivers are                                                               rep could attend union training courses
being given it. As according to the                                                               at TUTA (Trade Union Training Au-
TWU Enterprise Agreement, TWU                    the privatisation of the Eastern Suburbs         thority). This has all gone by the way-
members receive a lower rate of OT, than         depots and the Light Rail. Interestingly I     side. It has become quite lethargic in
RTBU members. Currently before the Fair          was recently speaking to a commuter. She       regarding to assisting us with on the job
Work Australia Court, there is a dispute         mentioned that on a bus she was travelling,    problems and to fight the attacks of the
between Transit Systems and the RTBU             the driver appeared confused about the         bosses and the Liberal Govt. using the ex-
over the issue of payment for Easter Satur-      route and explained to her that he had been    cuse of restrictive industrial relations
day. Under the RTBU EBA, drivers who             recruited to the STA from Adelaide to          laws.
are aren’t driving on that day also are paid     make up for staffing shortfalls.               RW: How is the job over recent years?
for it as a public holiday. In the case of the
TWU EBA, payment for this day is only            Whilst according to Media Reports, the         WB: In recent years there has been a cer-
made to those working that day. Transit          propaganda spread by Transport Min-            tain ‘disconnect’ developing amongst
Systems wants to cease the payment of            ister Constance that Region 6 STA              drivers. With the introduction of the Opal
this entitlement of RTBU members.                needed to be sold off because of poor          system, there is now little opportunity to
                                                 running times has proved to be a pack of       talk with commuters. Whilst there is a
I have also noticed that the management          lies. As a Transport for NSW survey has        growing ‘Stasi Climate’ with the bosses
style of Transit Systems at Leichhardt is        shown Transit Systems Region 6 buses are       constantly emphasising the message ‘we
quite different from the STA. They don’t         much slower, than when the STA was op-         control you’ with intimidating notices
seem to have to answer to higher-ups and         erating them. The two groups running the       they put up around the depot. As part of
can get away with mistakes affecting driv-       buses in the city private and public aren’t    this strategy, they are also trying to ‘micro
ers and the public. STOP PRESS: The              working together. Whilst the division is       manage’ drivers creating a ‘nanny state
new timetable changes have led to a cut          restricting the opportunities for drivers to   climate’ whereby the excuse of OH&S
in bus services.                                 transfer in STA and Transit System de-         concerns is used to cut back on various so-
         Waverley Depot News                     pots. However there is a case recently         cial aspects of the job, such as clamping
RW: What is the latest with manage-                                                             down on indoor sports. With the loss of
ment at the depot?                                                                              many iconic Waverley runs due to
9                                                                                                                      Rebel Worker

privatisation of Region 6, the work has be-     Burwood Driver2: Things have gone                RW: What are your impressions of the
come drab and ‘dead’. Many years ago a          downhill in many respects. Now there are         new timetables changes as of 28/7/19?
bus driver had the status close to a pilot,     no mechanics at the depot on the week-           Tempe Driver2: I have noticed the bosses
now that status has greatly declined.           ends. We currently have 25 buses in the          have cut many lines of work and running
          Burwood Depot News                    shed booked off. The bosses are cracking         times have been tightened. Whilst there is
RW: What is the latest with the “Union”         the whip at the new drivers. If they have        a growing and big division at the depot be-
at the depot?                                   two accidents they are sacked. There is no       tween the new and older drivers. Currently
                                                retraining. Overall there is a high rate of      there are approx. 50% of the workforce
Burwood Driver1: We have heard nothing          accidents on the road. This shows the poor
from the union about repaying the 4% loss                                                        each, with the older drivers getting higher
                                                standard of training for new drivers. Un-        pay than the new drivers.
in wages which we have suffered since           like the STA, the new bosses don’t seem
privatisation. The union officials never                                                                 Kingsgrove Depot News
                                                too worried about late running. If your bus
come out to the depot. It is rumoured that      is late to the terminus they just cut the re-    RW: What is the latest at the depot?
one of the newly elected officials had pre-     turn run. In the case of the run being cut be-   Kingsgrove Driver: We are being hard hit
vious TWU connections and since being           ing your last for the shift, the bosses can      with unrealistic running times. The bosses
elected has been orchestrating things for       save money. In the case of the 420 Bur-          are seriously screwing us with the rosters.
Region 6 drivers to be encouraged to join       wood to Eastgardens, due to the distance         In the case of the 492, it’s always running
the TWU. They appear to be handicapped          and the traffic, there is always late running    late. Whilst there are often 15 drivers a
in doing anything to assist us.                 with runs cut.                                   day waiting for their buses for the second
RW: What are your thoughts on the               From 28th July, there is a new timeta-           half of their shifts due to late running. An-
closure of Randwick?                            ble. We are being kept completely in the         other concern of ours is that drivers from
BD1: When we were privatised, we re-            dark regarding the changes. The bosses           Kingsgrove who are transferred to Leich-
ceived no redundancy payments as we             are still employing casuals and new              hardt aren’t being given training for
were just “transferred” to the private com-     drivers. They are being favoured with our        Parramatta Road. There continues to be a
pany “Transit Systems”. In the case of the      overtime and shifts, as they are paid at a       “divide and conquer” situation at the depot
Govt’s plan to close Randwick depot, un-        lower rate than old time/full time drivers.      between the RTBU and TWU.
der the law, the STA will have to pay re-       Consequently our wages are cut and ca-           RW: What are the latest developments
dundancy payments to Randwick drivers           reer progression is being undermined. We         with privatisation?
as their positions will be abolished. Conse-    also have a shortage of drivers. Our RTBU        KD: There has been some “privatisation
quently, the STA bosses are doing what-         union rep claims to be powerless and is a        by stealth” occurring with the transfer of
ever they can to encourage Randwick             waste of time regarding assisting us to          STA operated runs to Transit Systems. In
drivers to accept transfers or leave the job.   fight these attacks.                             the case of the 389, which goes from the
RW: How is the staffing situation Re-                     TEMPE DEPOT NEWS                       National Maritime Museum at Pyrmont to
gion 6 Transit Systems?                         RW: What is that latest at the depot?            Bondi Junction, in the past it was operated
BD1: Officially we are supposed to be                                                            from Waverley. Now it has been taken
                                                Tempe Driver1: There is a difference of          over by Leichhardt. A rumour is circulat-
over staffed. Recently at Tempe depot, on       opinion amongst us over whether we are
one day there were 18 spare drivers. How-                                                        ing that Pt. Botany is next on the list for
                                                worse off since privatisation. However           tendering as part of privatisation.
ever I have noticed at Burwood often a          most of us are up in arms over hours. We
driver shortage, due to many leaving the                                                         TransDev has been noticed sniffing
                                                are only getting the minimum without             around it.
job.                                            overtime. This is supposed to be corrected
RW: What’s the situation at the depot           with the new timetable coming up later in
since privatisation?                            July.

                                         VICTORIAN RAILWAY NEWS
Over the last six months, Human Re-             Roscoe: That is why contributors to              Penelope: The train was terminated at an
sources have been stepping up their ef-         Sparks change their names.                       outer suburban station due to a disruption
forts to sack employees who are on their        Ichabod: Regarding Conductors and Sta-           closer to Melbourne. Before the run
hit list. Once again Drivers, Conductors,       tion Staff it is known that certain Staff who    around the Conductor checked the train
Head Office and Station Staff come to-          stand up to CSM’s, Station Managers and          and no one was in the train and he gave the
gether to discuss these events. As in previ-    Staff in Human Resources are on the hit          all clear to the Driver to run around.
ous issues names have been changed.             list. Also standing for your fellow work-        Rastus: The Driver was stood down and at
RW: What makes you a candidate for              mates by refusing to ‘dob’ them in.              the enquiry the Conductor said there was
the hit list?                                   RW: What do you know about a Driver              no wheelchair passenger on the train when
Rastus: You can make the hit list for a         who certain Managers tried to set up?            the run around was taking place. As a re-
number of reasons:                              Rastus and Roscoe: Human Resources               sult the Driver was cleared.
(1) Standing up to a Manager over Rosters       tried to set up a Driver with the help of a      RW: It was obvious Human Resources
and Bullying.                                   SKID (Drivers Supervisor) who is hated           wanted to hang the Driver.
(2) Applying for internal positions within      by a number of Drivers saying that when          Abner: There was an incident at a Country
V/Line and when you are unsuccessful,           running around a train at a suburban sta-        location where a driver misjudged the
expressing your opinion about the selec-        tion that the Locomotive hit the carriages       length of a train and part of the rear car-
tion process.                                   too hard, whilst coupling up to the train. It    riage overhanging the platform.
(3) Contributing to Sparks.                     was alleged a passenger in a wheelchair
                                                was injured.
10                                                                                                                  Rebel Worker

Rastus: The train was locomotive hauled        Sheona: The hearing was held at Fair           Abner: What disgusts the Conductor
and when the train stopped on the plat-        Work Australia and the Solicitors ap-          grade is that Human Resources expect
form, the Conductor released the doors. It     pearing for the Clerk had to fight six         Conductors to ‘dob in’ Drivers and fel-
was an honest mistake.                         charges. A number of employees from            low Conductors.
Penelope: The train departed and contin-       V/Line appeared at the Commission to           Roscoe: The trainee who was sacked ob-
ued its journey. On return to the Country      give evidence in support of the Clerk.         tained a position with another train
location, the Conductor was stood down         Sadly they faced lawyers from V/Line.          company and became a qualified
and drug and alcohol tested.                   Ichabod: At the conclusion of the hearing      driver.
Rastus: They went overboard over the           the case was adjourned for a couple of         Penelope: Most of the staff at V/Line
matter, but some manager at the location       weeks.                                         thought the trainee was treated unfairly
did not have guts to stand up to Human Re-     Sheona: A decision was handed down in          by V/Line and were pleased when he ob-
sources and support the Conductor.             favour of V/Line and the sacked Clerk lost     tained the position as a driver with the
Roscoe: When the train arrived at the sta-     his case. Legal costs were awarded to          other company.
tion due to a rule, the Conductor was not      V/Line.                                        Rastus: Due to a Driver shortage at
allowed to look out the van door to see if     Abner: We do not know who is to pay            V/Line due to retirements over the last
the rear carriage was on the platform. If      V/Line but knowing V/Line they will go         twelve months there has been a large
they had have, they would have been dis-       after the lawyers for their costs.             scale recruitment of Drivers both inter-
ciplined.                                      Sheona: Within an hour the other Clerk         nal and external.
Abner: Due to a stupid rule that a Con-        who was stood down was terminated.             Roscoe: In the last intake of trainees the
ductor is not allowed to observe the           Ichabod: What concerns V/Line employ-          trainee who had been sacked was in the
train when arriving or departing the           ees is will V/Line go after the employees      class.
platform.                                      who appeared at Fair Work Australia in         Penelope: When the Conductors heard the
Rastus: It has since been heard another        support of the Clerks.                         trainee was in the class they were glad to
Conductor was stood down over a simi-          Rastus and Roscoe: It would not surprise       welcome him back to V/Line. They were
lar incident but a third Conductor who         us if they do. They do not give up.            of the opinion he had suffered enough.
was a management favourite was not             Penelope: The other Clerk has been sacked      Rastus: The trainee was back in the class
                                                                    has engaged lawyers       but after a few weeks Human Resources
                                                                    to fight V/Line.          got wind he was in the job they conducted
                                                                    RW: What is the           a witch hunt within their department.
                                                                    story about a shake       Sheona: As a result of this witch hunt the
                                                                    up at Human Re-           HR employee who recruited him was re-
                                                                    sources?                  moved.
                                                                    Sheona: Two H.R.          RW: Once again we have run out of
                                                                    employees have been       space. The way V/Line is going with
                                                                    removed. We do not        stand downs the hearing may resemble
                                                                    know why the first        a court of law but there is one thing
                                                                    emp loyee was re-         missing, a judge and jury but the way
                                                                    moved but the other       things are heading, it may happen.
                                                                    emp loyee was re-         Rastus and Roscoe: In having the final say
stood down over another incident.
                                               moved over the hiring of a trainee driver      both Drivers and other V/Line staff are
Sheona: The Union got involved and the         who was sacked by V/Line five years ago.       pleased to welcome the Sacked Trainee
matter was sorted out and the Conduc-          Rastus and Roscoe: We will not discuss         back on the job and we give Human Re-
tors were reinstated.                                                                         sources a Message. LAY OFF THE
                                               the incident but the reason he was sacked
Penrod: This is correct but some clown         was that when he was a trainee driver he       TRAINEE! As for the H.R. employee who
had to be kept in a job. Think of the stress   refused to ‘dob in’ his workmates but we       was removed, we Drivers say the H.R. em-
the Conductors were put through. They          do know that the incident had nothing to       ployee was removed for SPITE.
just don’t care who they hurt but think of     do with breaches of Rules and Regula-          STOP PRESS
the stress the Conductors were under. In       tions.                                         As this issue goes to Press, word has
all my years as a Conductor, these stand
                                               Sheona: Human Resources hate the driv-         reached our Correspondents that em-
downs have never happened before.              ing grade and they have set out to dismiss a   ployees have been ‘dobbing in’ their fel-
RW: What about the Booking Clerk               number of drivers to put fear into the         low employees. This being prevalent
who lost his case at Fair Work Austra-         grade.                                         around Southern Cross Station. More
lia?                                                                                          details in our next issue.

                                                                                              iconic Royal Parks are among the employ-
                       BRITAIN TODAY                                                          ers that could be hit by the forthcoming
                                                                                              walk-outs, bringing disruption to every
                                                                                              corner of the capital.
                                               United Voices of the World trade union         “I have a huge responsibility, keeping
                                               (UVW) announced that staff in seven            wards clean and protecting patients from
  SUMMER OF STRIKES                            different workplaces are set to strike in      infection,” said one UVW member who is
                                               protest at poverty wages and unfair condi-     employed as a cleaner at St Mary’s, a NHS
Some of London’s most prominent in-            tions.                                         hospital in Paddington. “But my salary is
stitutions are bracing themselves for a        Government departments, city skyscrap-         below the living wage, and really poor. I
summer of labour struggle, after the           ers, top universities and even Britain’s       don’t get proper sick pay, or fair holidays.
11                                                                                                                    Rebel Worker

Our managers discriminate between staff         In a maj o r emb arras s men t for            Other outsourcing firms that will be tar-
members, keeping everyone unhappy. We           Buckingham Palace, among those walking        geted by the forthcoming actions include
are going on strike to change things for the    out will be cleaners from London’s Royal      Sodexo, which made a net profit of nearly
better - for us, for everyone.”                 Parks, responsible for some of Britain’s      £ 6 00 mi ll io n in 2 0 1 8 , O C S, an d
The workers currently balloting for             most famous green spaces including Hyde       Baxterstorey.
strik e action include cleaners,                                                                 “Many of the leading outsourcing com-
baristas, security guards, chefs and                                                             panies that manage our members have a
till operators, and hail from dozens of                                                          woeful reputation when it comes to re-
different countries – ranging across                                                             specting workers, including their legal
the UK, Latin America, West Africa,                                                              right to join a union,” said Elia. “But it is
Asia and Eastern Europe. Despite be-                                                             the major organisations that contract
ing employed by prestigious organisa-                                                            these companies – including the UK
tions in both the public and private                                                             government and the NHS – that are ulti-
sector, including the British govern-                                                            mately responsible for their workers’
ment’s Ministry of Justice and 200                                                               pay and conditions. The days when
Grays Inn Road – home to the produc-                                                             powerful employers could hide behind
tion company behind ITV and Channel                                                              outsourcing firms to excuse the exploi-
4 News – many of the workers receive                                                             tation of their staff are over: UVW is
less than the London Living Wage and                                                             calling them out by name, and we won’t
are denied basic forms of security like                                                          rest until these injustices are halted.”
occupational sick pay.                                                                           UVW is an independent, mem-
“Low-pay London has had enough of                                                                bers-led trade union that represents
exploitation and is fighting back,”                                                              outsourced and low-paid workers in
said Petros Elia, an organiser with                                                              London and beyond. It has racked up
UVW, the union behind the planned                                                                a series of high-profile victories
strikes. “There are incredible riches in        Park, St James’s Park, and Kensington         against prominent employers in recent
this city, and yet the hard-working peo-        Gardens. The parks are hereditary posses-     years, including Topshop, Chanel,
ple who we all depend upon to keep it           sions of the Crown and managed by the         Sotheby’s, Harrods, and the Royal Bor-
running are often living impossibly pre-        UK government on behalf of the Queen,         ough of Kensington and Chelsea.
carious lives, struggling to feed their         and yet workers who maintain the public       Two-thirds of those in poverty in Britain –
families and keep a roof over their             facilities in them are paid only £8.21 per    a total of seven million people – have jobs,
heads.”                                         hour, substantially below the London Liv-     but are not paid enough to stay above the
“Most Londoners will be outraged that the       ing Wage.                                     breadline. UVW has demanded that as a
workers who clean their toilets, sweep          “I have worked at the Royal Parks for 24      minimum, all workers should be paid the
their office floors, prepare their meals and    years, but these poverty wages mean that,     independently-calculated living wage,
ensure their safety are not even paid the       like many of my colleagues, I’m living a      which is currently £10.55 in London and
minimum amount needed to survive in the         hand-to-mouth existence,” commented           £9 in the rest of the UK, reflecting the
capital,” he added. “These are the silent,      Genevive Boohene, a Ghana-born Royal          amount needed to afford life’s basic neces-
invisible individuals we all rely on – and      Parks cleaner. “We are denied occupa-         sities.
they are refusing to stay silent or invisible   tional sick pay, many of us do not receive    The workplaces where strike ballots of
any more.”                                      our legal entitlement to holidays, and man-   UVW members will take place in the com-
Other workplaces affected include the           agers ignore our suffering and concerns.      ing weeks are as follows:
White Chapel building, which houses the         Now we are coming together to change          The Ministry of Justice
UK government’s digital services opera-         things for ourselves.”
                                                                                              The Royal Parks
tion and the London Museum of Photogra-         In common with most of the UVW
p h y, an d t wo famo u s acad emic             members planning on strike action this        The University of Greenwich
institutions: the University of Greenwich,      summer, the Royal Parks cleaners are          St George’s, University of London
on the banks of the River Thames, and St        employed by an outsourcing company –          St Mary’s Hospital
George’s, a medical school that forms part      in their case the French construction         The White Chapel Building
of the University of London. All UVW            and facilities giant VINCI, which oper-       200 Gray’s Inn Road
members at the relevant sites will be for-      ates in more than a hundred countries
mally voting on strike action in the coming     and has been accused of a wide range of
weeks.                                          corruption scandals and labour abuses.

 BRITISH BUS & FERRY NEWS                       29th June, 13th July and 16th July. Mean-          Stagecoach drivers in Lancashire
                                                while Stagecoach made a pre-tax profit of      16/7/19 Stagecoach, the transport com-
                                                £95 million in 2018.                          pany, recently offered the insulting 3p an
14/6/19 300 Stagecoach bus drivers
based at Chorley and Preston depots in                  Woolwich Ferry strike                 hour rise over three years to its bus and
Lancashire went on strike for two days          Workers on the Woolwich Ferry in Lon-         coach drivers. A strike followed with 150
on May 31st -June 1st. They had already         don went on strike on 3rd June over health    drivers and their supporters gathering at
been out on strike for four days in May.        and safety and pay. The 31 workers went       Preston bus station on 25th June., with a
These bus workers are demanding a 50p an        on strike in May for five days, with new      similar number at Chorley bus station.
hour pay rise and the decision to strike was    strikes set for June 7th, 10th, 14th and      They are prepared to strike for another 15
backed overwhelmingly. Further strikes          17th. The Ferry bosses have refused to        days this July.
are planned for 12th June, 18th June,           grant a 6 % pay rise and in addition have           Arriva bus drivers in London
                                                imposed new duties and have failed to deal     Arriva operates a fifth of London buses in
                                                with health and safety concerns.              the greater London area. It is increasingly
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