Caffeine Produces Neutral Effects on Extraverts' and Introverts' Performance of Fundamental Motor Skills

Page created by Chad Conner
Journal of Human Kinetics volume 78/2021, 229-237 DOI: 10.2478/hukin-2021-0038                            229
                   Section IV – Behavioural Sciences in Sport

             Caffeine Produces Neutral Effects on Extraverts’
        and Introverts’ Performance of Fundamental Motor Skills

         Ana Carolina Gomes¹, Laura Tosini¹, Dalton Oliveira¹, Guilherme Lage²,
                        Emerson Franchini³, Cassio Meira Jr¹

        Extraverts are active and talkative, while introverts are quiet and calm. This difference has been attributed to the
cortical activation level (arousal), which is low in extraverts and high in introverts. Thus, to reach an optimal level of
arousal, extraverts seek stimulation and introverts avoid it. As caffeine increases arousal levels, our primary aim was to
investigate the effect of caffeine on the performance of extraverted and introverted university students in the execution
of stability, manipulative, and locomotor tasks. Considering the above, we evaluated side effects, such as restlessness
and trembling of hands, we also analyzed the individual's perception regarding caffeine intake and the placebo. Forty
two volunteers were classified as 21 extraverts and 21 introverts by the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.
Participants performed three tasks on two different days, having previously ingested caffeine and a placebo in
counterbalanced order. A double-blind technique was employed. The dependent variable was the execution time to
perform the tasks. The analyses of variance [2 (extraversion/introversion) x 2 (caffeine x placebo)] for each task did not
show significant differences. Regarding the secondary aim, the chi-square test showed that introverts had a better
perception of the substance they had ingested than did extraverts. Our findings indicate that in the execution of
stability, manipulative, and locomotor tasks, either caffeine or the placebo produced the same effect, regardless of the
participants' extraversion score. In addition, introverts were more sensitive to perceive which substance was ingested,
caffeine or the placebo, than extraverts.
Key words: personality, coffee, motor control, motor skills.

Introduction                                                          surrounding environment are determinants for
       Personality is a concept that considers                        behavior (John et al., 2010). The concept of the
people in their totality, as individuals and                          trait presupposes that the individual carries with
complex beings (Eysenck, 2017; John et al., 2010;                     her/him all traces, but with varying degrees of
Weinberg and Gould, 2018), because it takes into                      significance and generality, that is, a trait is not
account the inherited and acquired character,                         necessarily expressed in all situations of the
temperament, and intellect. Personality traits are                    everyday life, yet it is considered consistent to
relatively stable, long-lasting, and represent                        characterize people in most of their time (Eysenck,
tendencies or predispositions to feel, behave, act,                   2017; John et al., 2010; Weinberg and Gould, 2018).
and think in a certain way in a variety of                            The focus of the present work is on the
situations (Eysenck, 2017; Flores-Mendoza and                         extraversion trait, which is related to how active,
Colom, 2006). Personality theories recognize that                     communicative, and assertive people are.
the individual’s internal factors and the                             Knowledge about this trait has been pointed out

1 - University of Sao Paulo – School of Arts, Science and Humanities, Sao Paulo - Brazil.
2 - Federal University of Minas Gerais - School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Belo Horizonte -
3 - University of Sao Paulo – School of Physical Education and Sport, Sao Paulo - Brazil

Authors submitted their contribution to the article to the editorial board.
Accepted for printing in the Journal of Human Kinetics vol. 78/2021 in April 2021.
230            Caffeine produces neutral effects on extraverts’ and introverts’ performance of fundamental motor skills

as an important tool to understand motor                       20 and 100 min after ingestion (Goldstein et al.,
behavior of individuals so that to adjust                      2010; Sawyer et al., 1982). It is known to show
pedagogical procedures regarding speed-accuracy                positive results in arousal alteration, given the
tradeoff (Meira et al., 2018), practice schedule               change in the activation area (e.g. the prefrontal
(Meira et al., 2015), and feedback provision                   cortex, initiated by the change in the reticular
(Kaefer et al., 2014).                                         activation). Consequently, due to caffeine intake,
       Individual differences associated with                  psychological and physiological behaviors might
extraversion       reflect     contrasts    in    the          change, for instance, mood swings and an
neurophysiological         functioning,   specifically         increased heart rate (Eysenck, 2017; Liguori et al.,
cortical activation (arousal), which is the energy             1999; Smillie and Gökçen, 2010). Smith (2014)
required for basic cortical processes to occur, such           found enhanced working memory performance in
as perception, memory, and reasoning. Extraverts               extraverts after caffeine intake, when compared to
are typically sociable and talkative because they              introverts. Smillie and Gökçen (2010) examined
bear low levels of cortical activation. Introverts, in         the effects of ingesting 200 mg of caffeine and a
turn, have predispositions to be quiet and                     placebo in extraverted and introverted adults,
withdrawn due to their high levels of arousal                  who were instructed to respond "target" or "non-
(Eysenck, 2017; Flores-Mendoza and Colom,                      target" on a standard keyboard; the task was
2006). For these particular characteristics,                   performed in three consecutive blocks of 20
extraverts tend to seek high-intensity stimuli,                targets and 40 non-targets and the study
whereas introverts prefer lower intensity ones.                confirmed the hypothesis that extraverts would
The level of arousal is influenced by the                      improve memory performance after caffeine
environment and other external factors (Flores-                ingestion. Liguori et al. (1999) investigated the
Mendoza and Colom, 2008; Liguori et al., 1999;                 effects of caffeine intake on task performance of
Meira et al., 2015, 2018; John et al., 2010), thereby          extraverts and introverts who consumed a
extremely high or low arousal levels may provoke               caffeine dosage of 4 mg/kg twice a day, divided in
discomfort. This pattern has been explained by                 morning and afternoon shots; participants
the inverted-U principle: extraverts are infra-                completed the Profile of Mood States, a battery of
activated, thus they seek stimulating factors to               self-report visual analog scales and the Digit
achieve pleasant cortical activation levels, while             Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) 180 min after
introverts are hyper-activated and, as a result,               drinking caffeine; despite extraverts being more
they tend to select places or situations to reduce             willing, no differences were detected in the
arousal to the optimal level (Flores-Mendoza and               performances of extraverts and introverts and the
Colom, 2008; Liguori et al., 1999; Pervin et al.,              authors claimed that the dose of caffeine
2010; Weinberg and Gould, 2018). These extreme                 consumed was not sufficient to increase the
levels of arousal might lead extraverts and                    individuals’ level of arousal.
introverts to have different reactions to the same                    Several studies have investigated the intake
stimuli or situation. For example, extraverts tend             of caffeine, irrespective of personality traits.
to prefer speed over accuracy, while introverts are            Annunciato et al. (2009) investigated the
more inclined to accuracy over speed (Meira et al.,            supplementation of caffeine and a placebo in the
2018; Sawyer et al., 1982; Wakefield, 1979).                   performance of strength exercises with one
         Caffeine has been shown to be capable of              maximum repetition in the flat bench press and
increasing arousal for both extraverts and                     leg press 45º exercises; there were three test
introverts (Doyle et al., 2016). Thus, caffeine                sessions performed in a 72-hour interval; sessions
intake seems to potentiate extraverts to reach the             were randomly selected: A - no supplementation,
optimal point of performance (Smith, 2014), but it             B – a placebo, C - caffeine (6mg/kg)
may lead introverts to become even more hyper-                 supplementation; no differences were found
activated, leading to a potential drastic decrease             between caffeine and placebo groups, suggesting
in performance (Nehlig et al., 1992; Smillie and               that caffeine was ineffective in providing
Gökçen, 2010). Caffeine is the most consumed                   increases in maximum strength. Improvements in
stimulant in the world (Annunciato et al., 2009)               cycling time were detected by Brietzke et al.
and reaches its peak in the bloodstream between                (2017) in a study with random and

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by Ana Carolina Gomes et al.                                                                           231

counterbalanced administration of caffeine, a           manipulative, and locomotor performance of
placebo, and no supplementation; their findings         extraverted and introverted individuals. We
indicated that caffeine and a placebo improved          expected that caffeine would potentiate extraverts'
participants' performance in the tests, in              motor performance (longer stability time and
comparison to the control group.                        shorter manipulative and locomotor times), when
       High doses of caffeine may lead individuals      compared to introverts. As we used a double-
to deal with collateral effects, such as, trembling     blind technique of substance administration, the
hands, insomnia, restless, nervousness, irritability,   secondary objective was to analyze the perception
and anxiety nausea. These effects are commonly          of the individuals with regard to the substance
described after the intake of 10-15 mg/kg of            ingested i.e., caffeine or a placebo. Our
caffeine (Barban et al., 2010). Given that the level    expectation was that introverts would perceive
of cortical activation in the introverted group is      more precisely which substance they ingested in
higher, and caffeine would possibly increase it         comparison to extraverts.
even more, introverts would have a better
perception of what substance was ingested,
considering that these side effects would be more       Participants
intense in this group in particularly. More                    The study had an intentional final sample
interestingly, even in lower doses, caffeine may        of 42 (21 in each group) university students of
cause a considerable discomfort, especially in          both sexes, aged between 18 and 35 years (22.14 ±
introverts, since it leads to high arousal levels       3.88 years). According to Santos (2017), in order to
(Flores-Mendoza and Colom, 2008; Liguori et al.,        reach the final intentional sample proposed in this
1999; John et al., 2010).                               study, the sample estimate was that 144 students
       Several studies reported differences             answered the EPQ. However, 186 questionnaires
between introverts and extraverts in motor              were applied to reach the proposed final
behavior. Meira et al. (2008) found that                intentional sample, exceeding the initial estimate
extraverted children committed fewer errors than        of 144 people.
introverted ones while performing a dart-                      Participants    were     non-smokers     and
throwing task. Kaefer et al. (2014) concluded that      declared absence of any neuromuscular or
self-controlled practice enhanced learning of a key     cardiopulmonary disorder. None of the
depressing task in introverts and extraverts. The       participants reported consuming caffeine in levels
same task was employed by Meira et al. (2015),          higher than 50 mg per day. The mean score in the
who indicated that the contextual interference          extraversion trait was 12 ± 4. Considering the
effect i.e., random practice which degraded             division of the groups, the mean score was 16 ± 1
acquisition performance compared to blocked             for extraverts and 8 ± 2 for introverts. The
practice, but enhanced subsequent retention and         extraverted group was composed of 12 males and
transfer performance, was more pronounced for           9 females (age 21 ± 3 years) and the introverted
introverts than extraverts. Meira et al. (2018)         group was also composed of 12 males and 9
determined in a speed-accuracy tradeoff task that       females (age 22 ± 4 years). All participants
elderly introverts fell short of the target more        declared no previous experience with the tasks.
often and committed more overall errors than the               The study was approved by the Ethics
elderly extraverts.                                     Committee of the university. We excluded from
       Given that introverts, unlike extraverts,        the sample any person with cognitive, physical or
avoid excessive stimulation sources (Eysenck,           cardiac restriction that could affect performance
2017) and taking into account that caffeine might       of the experimental tasks or which presented a
constitute a source of stimulation because it           risk to the participants’ health.
enhances working memory and motor functions             Instruments and tasks
(Mahdi et al., 2019), the aim of this study was to               In order to classify participants as
investigate how caffeine would influence motor          extraverts and introverts, we used the EPQ,
performance of extraverts and introverts.               translated and validated to the Brazilian
Specifically, our primary objective was to examine      population under the name of “Questionário de
the effect of caffeine intake on stability,             personalidade de Eysenck” (Tarrier et al., 1980).

© Editorial Committee of Journal of Human Kinetics
232            Caffeine produces neutral effects on extraverts’ and introverts’ performance of fundamental motor skills

The       instrument      evaluates     extraversion,          trial, and then the two main trials. The time of
neuroticism, and psychoticism. The EPQ also                    each trial was recorded with a stopwatch (Léger et
provides a quantifiable control scale which detects            al., 1988).
falsification in the responses of the questionnaire.            Design and procedures
The extraversion range score varies from 0 to 18                       The three tasks were performed under two
points, therefore, for allocation to the                       different conditions (caffeine and a placebo), on
experimental groups, it was necessary to obtain                two consecutive days. Substance ingestion
scores between 0-12 points for the introverted                 occurred 30 min before the start of the
group and 14-18 points for the extraverted one.                experiment. The      order     of   caffeine/placebo
We excluded from the sample participants who                   administration respected a counterbalancing
scored 13 on extraversion or who scored above 12               technique, as it can be seen in Figure 1.
on the control scale. These cut-off values were                        The double-blind method was used in the
defined based on previous studies with similar                 designation of conditions. A master student was
samples from the same geographic region,                       responsible for this double-blind procedure. Only
according to which the average score in the                    at the end of data analysis the author learned
extraversion trait was between 12 and 13 points                which symbol represented each substance. The
(Kaefer et al., 2014; Meira et al., 2015,                      order of accomplishment of the three tasks was
2018). Owing to the principle of independence of               also            counterbalanced             between
traits (Eysenck, 2017; Flores-Mendoza and Colom,               participants. Within the same participant, the
2006), the other traits were not considered for the            order of accomplishment of the three tasks was
purposes of this study.                                        identical under both conditions. A one-minute
         Participants performed three tasks:                   interval was respected between the trials and
stability, manipulative, and locomotor. We chose               knowledge of results was provided after the end
these tasks to address the three main categories of            of the trial.
fundamental motor skills (Gallahue et al., 2012).                      Since caffeine ingestion improves overall
The stability task was performed with the subject              performance (e.g. Doyle et al., 2016), our
in the upright position and trying to keep the                 participants were instructed to restrict their
stabilometer on the horizontal axis for as long as             caffeinated products intake within 24 hours prior
possible. Three 30-s trials were executed. The                 to the execution of the tasks. Caffeine levels above
stabilometer is a platform which measures the                  6 mg/kg may lead performance to decline
balance skill (Lafayette Instrument, 2004).                    (Goldstein et al., 2010), possibly because of hyper-
Performance in each trial was recorded using the               activation, especially for individuals who already
device's own software, which captured the                      have high cortical activation (Doyle et al., 2016).
equilibrium time, besides that, the device was                 Thereby, we adopted the dose of 5 mg/kg.
programmed to operate within a five-degree                     Caffeine and the placebo had similar appearance,
deviation to the left and to the right. The                    thus avoiding sensory stimulation of smell or
Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test which measures                 vision.
the levels of accuracy and control, was used as the             Data analysis
manipulative task (Lafayette Instrument, 1998).                        Regarding the primary objective, the
The test measures how fast the individual places               variables of interest considered for analysis were
the 60 discs in the columns of four and rows of 15             the following: personal variable - extraverts x
holes of the board. After performing a                         introverts; experimental variable - caffeine x
familiarization trial, the participant executed two            placebo; observed variable - time to complete the
trials handling the discs with the dominant hand.              task. An exploratory analysis of the variable
The time of each trial was recorded with a                     observed was performed within each of the three
stopwatch. The shuttle run test was employed as                tasks, followed by a descriptive analysis by
the locomotor task, the test consists of running 80            groups and conditions. Subsequently, after
m, as fast as possible, on a court with the pre-               checking for normality and homoscedasticity, for
demarcated area of 20 m, so that the person had to             each task, a two-way factorial ANOVA with
run 20 m from side to side, four times to complete             repeated measures was executed, per group:
the 80 m distance. There was a familiarization                 extraverts x introverts, and per condition: caffeine

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x placebo; the group variable was considered as                           Table 1 shows the descriptive values of
between-subjects, while the condition variable                     each task according to groups (extraverts x
was considered as within-subjects. Partial eta                     introverts) and conditions (caffeine x placebo).
squared values (ω) were reported to indicate the                          In Table 2, ANOVA variables are displayed
magnitude of the effect for significant results.                   for stability, manipulative, and locomotor tasks.
When necessary, the F statistics were adjusted for                 No significant differences were found for
degrees of freedom. With respect to the secondary                  condition and extraversion factors, nor the
objective, the descriptive analysis involved the                   interaction extraversion x condition.
frequency of responses on the ingested substance,                         Regarding the secondary objective, Table 3
organized by the two groups. The frequencies                       presents chi-square statistical variables and
were then compared inferentially by chi-square                     frequencies of correct and wrong answers of the
tests. The level of significance was set at 5%.                    groups concerning the perception of caffeine and
                                                                   placebo intake. There were significant differences
Results                                                            between yeses and noes in the group of introverts,
      The exploratory analysis indicated no                        however, no significant differences were detected
missing data, normality of the distributions, and                  for extraverts.
absence of extreme outliers.

                                                                                       Table 1
                Time of extraverts and introverts during stability, manipulative, and locomotor tasks
                                                                Extraverts                     Introverts
                  Tasks            Condition
                                                               (mean ± SD)                    (mean ± SD)

                                    Caffeine                   19.76 ± 3.25                   18.42 ± 3.91
                                    Placebo                    18.79 ± 3.54                   18.11 ± 4.31
                                    Caffeine                   19.76 ± 2.63                   19.96 ± 1.92
                                    Placebo                    19.56 ± 2.62                   19.89 ± 2.17
                                    Caffeine                   75.30 ± 7.86                   73.47 ± 8.17
                                    Placebo                    76.31 ± 10.45                  75.16 ± 10.32

                                                                                        Table 2
                      Stability, manipulative, and locomotor tasks statistical values regarding
                  condition factor, extraversion factor and the interaction extraversion x condition
                                                   Stability                   Manipulative            Locomotor

                                    F               0.337                         0.337                      0.064
              Condition             p               0.565                         0.565                      0.805
                                    ω               0.009                         0.009                      0.002
                                    F               0.956                         0.308                      0.336
             Extraversion           p               0.334                         0.582                      0.566
                                    ω               0.024                         0.008                      0.009
                                    F               0.346                         0.092                      0.267
       Extraversion X Condition     p                0.56                         0.763                      0.608
                                    ω               0.009                         0.002                      0.007

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234            Caffeine produces neutral effects on extraverts’ and introverts’ performance of fundamental motor skills

                                                                                        Table 3
           Absolute, relative frequencies, and chi-square values of correct answers on ingested substances

                                       Yes (absolute             No (absolute
                 Group       Yes (%)                   No (%)                    X²     DF        P
                                         values)                   values)

                Introverts    90.48         19          9.52          2         30.86    1     0.0001

                Extraverts    57.15         12         42.85          9         3.429    1     0.0640

                                            Extraverts and

                     Placebo                                                Caffeine

             Locomotor                            Stability                      Manipulative

                Figure 1
                                                  Design flowchart.

Discussion                                                      introverted      women.     Although      it   was
        Under both the caffeine and placebo                     hypothesized that caffeine would improve
conditions, the time values of extraverts and                   surveillance performance of extraverts and impair
introverts were statistically similar in the three              introverts’, there were no differences between the
tasks. These findings corroborate previous studies              groups. Those authors claimed that the amount of
by Amir et al. (2001) and Doyle et al. (2016). Amir             caffeine was not sufficient to increase the
et al. (2001) inspected the effects of two-day                  participants' arousal. In turn, Doyle et al. (2016)
caffeine intake of 140 mg in extraverted and                    found no significant difference regarding the

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by Ana Carolina Gomes et al.                                                                            235

accuracy of fencers who discontinued caffeinated        sensitivity, it had not yet been clearly determined
products four days prior to testing, even with          how it affects accuracy, efficiency, endurance, and
doses of 7.5 mg/kg, which is 50% higher than the        stress levels. The central nervous system does not
dose ingested by participants of the present study.     appear to develop large tolerance for caffeine
Wilk et al. (2019) also indicated that high acute       effects and, despite symptoms of dependence and
doses of caffeine, such as 9 and 11 mg/kg, also did     withdrawal being reported, caffeine intake seems
not improve muscle strength nor muscle                  to improve endurance during repetitive task
endurance in athletes habituated to this substance.     performance (Nehlig et al., 1992).
That may occur possibly because caffeine levels                  Our participants may not have benefited
above 6 mg/kg may lead to hyper-activation,             from caffeine action. It is known that caffeine
especially for individuals who already have high        potentially changes arousal levels and, as a result,
cortical activation (Doyle et al., 2016).               performance levels of extraverts and introverts
         Also, a couple of studies have identified      would differ. In this way, we conjectured that the
differences between extraverts and introverts with      findings could have been different if the tasks had
respect to caffeine intake. Smillie and Gökçen          been longer and more intense. We call for
(2010) and Smith (2014) observed that caffeine          upcoming studies to investigate this issue. Also,
intake enhanced performance of extraverts and           due to the extremely uncomfortable arousal
hindered that of introverts. However, participants      levels, introverts may have used compensatory
performed a sequence of three blocks in a discrete      strategies or processing alternatives to maintain
short-time task (N-Back) on a computer in the first     task performance. The Attentional Control Theory
study and several tasks of working memory in the        (ACT) proposed by Eysenck et al. (2007) upholds
second one.                                             that cognitive compensatory strategies take place
         Our findings are in line with the              when a facet of personality - anxiety is raised to
expectation that introverts would perceive more         extreme levels. In accordance with the ACT, the
precisely which substance they ingested in              cognitive task performance of anxious individuals
comparison to extraverts. Introverted participants      is similar to that of non-anxious ones because
spontaneously reported feeling very agitated,           performance is offset by psychophysiological
trembling,       de-concentrated       during     the   responses, such as increased cortical activation,
experiment, even with some of them having               physical and mental exertion, and observable
reported trouble with sleeping after ingesting          symptoms, such as tremors, sweating, flushing,
caffeine. Nehlig et al. (1992) accounted that           and an increased heart rate. Although formulated
caffeine intake induced increased levels of             to explain differences in the context of anxiety, the
alertness     and     tremors,      which    affected   ACT is a train of thought which could explain the
performance. In the present study, these reactions      findings of the present study, particularly for
were spontaneously declared by several                  introverts, who, after caffeine ingestion, are
participants by the end of the experiment. In           theoretically driven to extreme uncomfortable
contrast, our extraverted participants stated that      cortical activation levels. Even under these
on the very night they had ingested what they           arousal      hyper-activation     conditions,    our
thought being caffeine, they felt either more           introverts seemed to be capable of sustaining
focused and willing or not affected whatsoever.         performance as a consequence of compensatory
Also, some extraverts revealed feeling inattentive      strategies (e.g. reported processing alternatives
and tired after having ingested what they thought       associated to increased physical and mental
being the placebo. These reports are in agreement       exertion, tremors, sweating, and agitation).
with the findings of Liguori et al. (1999),                      We recognize some limitations which
according to which the intake of 4 mg/kg caffeine       were treated as rigorously as possible to minimize
increased vigor and disposition levels, yet cortical    interference in the findings: (1) self-reported
activation levels were not measured and no              measurement of personality (EPQ); (2) although
significant differences were identified between the     individuals were asked to abstain from caffeine in
performance of introverts and extraverts. Even          the 24 hours prior to testing, it was not possible to
though Sawyer et al. (1982) indicated that caffeine     guarantee this caffeine withdrawal; (3) we did not
intake was related to mood, performance, and            measure psychophysiological variables, such as

© Editorial Committee of Journal of Human Kinetics
236            Caffeine produces neutral effects on extraverts’ and introverts’ performance of fundamental motor skills

the heart rate, perceived exertion, and arousal                What Does This Article Add?
levels; (4) although it was asked whether the                          This study extends the knowledge about
volunteer had prior knowledge of any of the                    the perspective of individual differences in
tasks, the participants' prior physical activity level         caffeine and placebo offsets in extraverts and
was not measured.                                              introverts performing fundamental motor skills.
Conclusions                                                    Either caffeine or placebo intake produced the
        Following either caffeine or placebo                   same effects in stability, manipulative, and
intake, the time to accomplish the stability,                  locomotor performance of extraverts and
manipulative, and locomotor tasks was similar for              introverts. Our findings can help support
extraverts and introverts.                                     decisions on the intake of a stimulant substance
        Introverts were more sensitive to perceive             (caffeine) for extraverts and introverts within the
the ingested substance - caffeine and placebo -                scope of fundamental motor skills. Also, our
than extraverts.                                               findings report that introverts are more sensitive
                                                               to perceive caffeine than extraverts.

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Corresponding author:

Ana Carolina Gomes
University of Sao Paulo – School of Arts, Science and Humanities
141 Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
+55 11 910967681
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© Editorial Committee of Journal of Human Kinetics
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