Page created by Dwayne Lindsey

 1ST HALF 2018

In contrast to the previous election year in 2013,
when market activity slowed considerably, the
real estate sector continued to attract sizeable
investment during H1 2018
                                                                                                    LY HAKIM
                                                                                                    Consultancy & Research
The main focal point for 2018 is                      of further trade sanctions being placed
certainly the General Election, to be                 on Cambodia by the US and EU.
                                                                                                   “oil extraction is expected to
held in July. However, compared with
                                                      As the cost of labour in the region          commence in 2019 which
the previous election year in 2013, the
run up to this year’s election has been
                                                      is on the rise, and with improving           will have knock on effects
                                                      infrastructure and connectivity in           across a number of real
somewhat more muted and, whilst
                                                      Cambodia, in addition to its strategic
FDI has moderated compared with                                                                    estate sectors and provide
                                                      location, the Kingdom is becoming an
the first half of 2017, market activity
                                                      increasingly attractive alternative for
                                                                                                   further diversification to
remained buoyant.
                                                      international manufacturing and logistics    Cambodia’s economy”
According to the Ministry of Land                     companies to set up operation.
Management, Urban Planning and
                                                      Furthermore, with the recent rebound
Construction, a total of US$2.15 billion
                                                      in the price of oil and Kris Energy
was invested in Cambodia’s construction
                                                      reaching a ‘final investment decision’
sector during the first six months of                                                             In line with previous GDP growth
                                                      to proceed with the first phase of
2018, with construction licenses granted                                                          forecasts for Cambodia, the World
                                                      development for the Apsara oil field
for 1,643 projects.                                                                               Bank and the Asian Development
                                                      in the Gulf of Thailand, oil extraction
                                                                                                  Bank maintained their projections for
The key source countries for                          is expected to commence in 2019
                                                                                                  2018, ranging between 6.9% to 7.0%
investment into the Kingdom were                      which will have knock on effects
                                                                                                  (figure 1). This will be underpinned by
China, South Korea and Japan,                         across a number of real estate sectors
                                                                                                  export diversification, the continued
however, we are starting to see                       and provide further diversification
                                                                                                  expansion of the construction sector,
growing interest from European and                    to Cambodia’s economy over the
                                                                                                  increasing consumer spending and the
American companies despite the risk                   medium and long-term
                                                                                                  growing number of tourist arrivals to
                                                                                                  the Kingdom.







                NBC                    ADB                    WB                 IMF

Source: National Bank of Cambodia, Asian Development Bank,
         World Bank, International Monetary Fund

                                  PHNOM PENH
                                  OFFICE SECTOR
 The recent completions of        The looming Cambodia election is the current trending
 Oval Office Tower, Vanguard,
 Vanda Tower and The
                                  topic but the Phnom Penh office sector remains
 Link Office contributed an       buoyant. Supply and demand are noted to be moving
 aggregate of 30,185 sq m to
                                  in tandem showing a continuous upward trend in
 total office supply in
 Phnom Penh.                      Phnom Penh during the first half of 2018.

                                  Supply and Demand
 By 2020, Phnom Penh will have
                                                                                     Kong Centre and the removal of Alpha
 a cumulative office supply of
                                                                                     Tower, which has ceased operation as
 approximately 552,391 sq m,
                                  The influx of Foreign Direct                       an office building.
 an increase in the existing
 supply of 46%.
                                  Investment (FDI) and MNCs                          An additional 175,202 sq m of office space
                                  looking to expand operation                        is due for completion between H2 2018
                                  in Cambodia has seen the                           and 2020; an increase in the existing
 With rising demand and greater
 flexibility of landlords, the
                                  need for additional Grade                          stock of 46%, bringing the total NLA up to

 average occupancy rate of        A and B office buildings in                        552,391 sq m if completed on schedule.

 prime office space increased     Phnom Penh.                                        Four newly proposed projects planned for
                                                                                     completion, WTC Phnom Penh (WTCPP),
 to 73%.
                                  The existing office stock in Phnom Penh            Sino Plaza, Olympia City and Chief Tower,
                                  was recorded at 377,189 sq m of net                will contribute a further 165,683 sq m of
 A slow down in sales of          lettable area (NLA) as at H1 2018 as               office space to the supply post 2020.
 high-end condominiums in         compared with 330,085 sq m during
                                                                                     During H1 2018, four office buildings,
 Phnom Penh is encouraging        the same period in 2017, equating to an
                                                                                     namely; The Vanguard, Vanda Tower,
 developers to construct more     increment of 14% Y-o-Y.
                                                                                     The Link Office and Oval Office Tower,
 prime grade office space.        The adjusted NLA has taken into                    added 30,185 sq m to the existing stock.
                                  consideration the removal of 9,075 sq m
                                                                                     The Vanguard, developed, wholly owned
                                  stemming from the demolition of Hong
                                                                                     and occupied by Shukaku Inc, is located
                                                                                     within the award winning Phnom Penh
                                                                                     City Centre mixed use development, while
                                  FIGURE 2                                           Oval Office Tower, The Link Office and
                                  EXISTING SUPPLY BY DISTRICT                        Vanda Tower are small-scale projects
                                                                                     constructed by local developers.

                                                                                     By location, the majority of office buildings
                                                                                     are still concentrated in Daun Penh District
                                                                                     representing 39% of existing supply.
                                                                                     This is followed by Chamkarmon (31%),
                                                                                     7 Makara (20%), Toul Kork (4%), Sen
                                                                                     Sok (4%), Mean Chey (1%) and Chroy
                                                                                     Chongvar (1%).

                                                                                     Despite the demolition of Hong Kong
                                                                                     Centre and the closure of Alpha tower,
                                                                                     the majority of existing office supply is still
                                                                                     dominated by Grade C space representing
                                                                                     51% of the overall supply. This is followed
                                                                                     by Grade B buildings at 35% and Grade A
                                             Daun Penh 39%        Chroy Changva 1%
                                                                                     buildings at 14%.
                                             7 Makara 20%         Sen Sok 4%
                                             Chamkarmon 31%       Meanchey 1%
                                             Toul Kork 4%

Oval Office
                                  Source: Knight Frank Cambodia

CAMBODIA REAL ESTATE HIGHLIGHTS                                                      PHNOM PENH

Developers to provide                        A slight increment in the overall monthly                    In line with the global trend, the
additional Grade A                           asking rent was recorded for Grade A                         serviced office industry has also started
office space.                                offices, ranging between US$28 and                           to swell. Regus, the global serviced
                                             US$40 per sq m per month (excluding                          office operator, recently opened their
Grade A space forms the majority (72%)       service charges and tax).                                    second co-working space in Casa
of future office supply, of which 31% is                                                                  Meridian and are now eying their
                                             Grade B and C asking rentals remained
stratified office space. The remaining                                                                    third location, in addition to several
                                             unchanged ranging between US$18 to
28% of total supply is Grade B                                                                            newcomers to the market including
                                             US$25 per sq m per month and US$8 to
office space.                                                                                             The Factory Phnom Penh located to the
                                             US$15 per sq m, respectively.
                                                                                                          south of the city centre.
61,440 sq m (18%) is scheduled to come       Prices of stratified office units remained
online in H2 2018, with a further 75,986                                                                  Additional facilities and parking
                                             flat, ranging from US$2,000 for Grade B
sq m (22%) to completed by 2019.                                                                          spaces are vital in a prospective
                                             units to as high as US$4,500 per sq m
                                                                                                          tenant’s consideration for office
37,776 sq m (11%) and 165,683 sq m           for Grade A units.
                                                                                                          space. Hence, the outlook for existing
(49%) will be completed in 2020 and                                                                       Grade C office buildings is not as
                                             Office Sector
post 2020, respectively.                                                                                  optimistic, and we expect to see

                                                                                                          more landlords plan for refurbishment
                                                                                                          to keep pace with the market or
A gradual increment                                                                                       redevelop into alternative uses.
recorded in existing                         Grade A and B offices
office space occupancy                       remain the preferred choice                                  Occupancy rates are expected to

in H1 2018.                                  as more MNC’s are looking                                    remain stable at 80% and 90% for
                                                                                                          Grade A and Grade B buildings
                                             to expand operation in                                       respectively over the short-term whilst
The overall occupancy rate was
                                             Cambodia.                                                    rentals are likely to remain flat despite
recorded at 88.5% during H1 2018, a
Y-o-Y increase of one percentage point,                                                                   the increasing demand, due to the
                                             The increasing FDI and an influx of
despite an additional 30,185 sq m of                                                                      large incoming supply.
                                             MNC’s looking to expand operation
incoming supply to the existing stock.       in Cambodia has led to an increase                           Landlords are also likely to provide
The occupancy rates for Grade B and C        in demand for Grade A and B office                           additional incentives such as rent free
offices were recorded at 96.0% and           buildings in Phnom Penh.                                     periods, stepped rents and free totems
87.4% as at H1 2018, a slight increase                                                                    or signages in order to maintain or
                                             In view of the above, coupled with the
from 94.8% and 86.6%, respectively,                                                                       increase occupancy.
                                             high occupancy rate (average of 88.5%
over the same period in 2017.                as at H1 2018), developers are starting
However, the occupancy rate for Grade A      to tap into the commercial market, and
office rose significantly from 59.8%         more specifically the office sector.
during H1 2017 to 73.4% as at H1 2018,
an increase of 13.6 percentage points YoY.
Currently, there are only two Grade          FIGURE 3
A offices in Phnom Penh, Exchange            CUMULATIVE PHNOM PENH OFFICE SUPPLY
Square and Vattanac Capital. Both
located in the CBD area of Phnom Penh,
Exchange Square commands a higher                  Sq m
occupancy rate largely due to the strong     800,000
regional reputation of the developer,
Hongkong Land.

Prices and Rental

Prices and rentals of Grade                  300,000
A offices are likely to remain               200,000
flat due to increasing supply.
Despite the surge in occupancy rates               0 2
                                                       008    200    201      201     201    201    201     201      201    201    201     201             Pos
                                                                 9      0        1       2      3      4       5        6      7      8f      9f   202
recorded during the first half of 2018,                                                                                                               0f      t 20
rentals for office space across all grades                                 GRADE A           GRADE B              GRADE C          TOTAL
and locations are expected to remain
flat over the short to medium-term, as
supply will almost double by 2020.           Source: Knight Frank Research

                                        PHNOM PENH
                                        RETAIL SECTOR
 Cambodia’s second AEON Mall            AEON Mall Sek Sok City, Cambodia’s largest
 was officially inaugurated in H1       shopping centre, officially opened its doors in June
 2018, adding further supply to
 the Kingdom’s retail sector.
                                        2018. However, the retail outlook will be of cautious
                                        optimism due to significant incoming supply albeit
 An estimated 392,476 sq m              supported by a growing population, rising consumer
 of retail NLA is due to come           spending and Cambodia’s emerging middle class.
 online post 2020, bringing the
 total retail supply to 643,718 sq m,
 an increase of 156%.
                                        Supply and Demand                                        bringing the total cumulative supply
                                                                                                 to 251,305 sq m as at H1 2018. The

 Following the completion of            The Phnom Penh retail                                    additional retail space equated to a YoY

 AEON Mall Sen Sok City, 70,500         sector is set to expand by                               growth of 39% in the existing supply.

 sq m was added to the existing         an estimated 296,213 sq m                                In 2018, five on-going projects are
 supply, increasing to 251,305          within the next 2 years.                                 scheduled for completion, contributing
 sq m as at H1 2018.                                                                             a further 115,013 sq m to the retail stock;
                                        As the retail industry in Phnom Penh                     these include Downtown 93 (6,994 sq m),
                                        continues to thrive, AEON Mall Sen                       Parkson Phnom Penh City Centre (70,200
 The average occupancy rate             Sok City opened its doors in Q2 2018.                    sq m), The Lane (9,000 sq m) and The Park
 reached new heights as at H1           As Cambodia’s second stand alone                         Community Mall (10,000 sq m).
 2018 at 92.1%, a YoY increase of       international mall, AEON Mall Sen Sok
 4.7 percentage points over the                                                                  Downtown 93, Parkson Phnom Penh City
                                        City is currently the largest shopping
                                                                                                 Centre and The Lane are all located within
 same period.                           centre in Phnom Penh boasting a
                                                                                                 the city centre whilst the others are located
                                        NLA of 70,500 sq m, equipped with
                                                                                                 in suburban areas. Should all the projects
                                        Cambodia’s first IMAX cinema, an
 CapitaLand, Asia’s largest                                                                      complete as scheduled, 2018 will see the
                                        indoor theme park and a water park,
 mall operator, has inked an                                                                     largest incoming retail space supply on
 agreement to manage an on-             AEON Mall Sen Sok City is a standout                     record; a total increase in supply of 113%
 going shopping centre slated           amongst its competitors in Phnom                         (including AEON Mall Sen Sok City).
 for completion post 2020,              Penh, achieving an occupancy rate of
                                                                                                 An estimated 392,476 sq m of retail NLA
 which forms part of The Peak.          approximately 95% upon opening, and
                                                                                                 will come online post 2020, accumulating
                                        is following the global trend of malls
                                                                                                 a total retail space of 643,781 sq m
                                        becoming an entertainment and leisure hub
 There has been a noticeable                                                                     post 2020; an increase of 156%. With a
                                        rather than purely a shopping destination.
 shift toward the development                                                                    significant incoming supply in the pipeline,
 of Community Malls as local            AEON Mall Sen Sok City added 70,500                      rental rates over the medium to long term
 developers seek to enter the           sq m to the existing stock of retail space               are likely to face downwards pressure.
                                        FIGURE 4
                                        PHNOM PENH SUPPLY AND DEMAND OF RETAIL SPACE

                                                Sq m                                                                                                      %
                                        700,000                                                                                                               35

                                        600,000                                                                                                               30

                                        500,000                                                                                                               25

                                        400,000                                                                                                               20

                                        300,000                                                                                                               15

                                        200,000                                                                                                               10

                                        100,000                                                                                                               5

                                               0    20      20     20     20     20       20      20        20     20       20       20       Po              0
                                                       10     11     12     13     14       15      16        17     18       19       20       st
                                                                                                                        f        f        f          20
AEON 2                                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                           SUPPLY (LHS)                VACANCY RATE (RHS)

                                        Source: Knight Frank Research

CAMBODIA REAL ESTATE HIGHLIGHTS                                                          PHNOM PENH

The overall occupancy rate reached new         During H2 2018, there will be an                                    retailers. The latest in the pipeline slated
heights during H1 2018 at 92.1%, a YoY         additional 115,013 sq m of NLA coming                               for completion this year is The Park,
increase of 4.7 percentage points over         online and this will likely impact rents                            located in Chbar Ampov, south-east of
the same period. Prime shopping malls          as mall operators seek to retain both                               Phnom Penh city centre.
recorded an occupancy close to 97%             existing tenants and anchor tenants as
                                                                                                                   Also in the pipeline for completion in 2018
whilst Secondary retail malls recorded         well as attracting new tenants.
                                                                                                                   is the Parkson City Centre and The Bridge
an occupancy of 85%. Vattanac retail
                                                                                                                   retail podium. Parkson is a major mall
                                               Retail Sector Outlook
podium, one of the prime shopping
                                                                                                                   operator originating from Malaysia with
malls, is now 96% occupied with the
                                                                                                                   extensive mall networks spanning across
new arrivals of upscale international
                                               Much of 2018’s anticipation was focused                             the South East Asia region and will be the
brands such as L’Occitanne, Stefano
                                               on the opening of AEON Mall Sen Sok                                 first international competition for AEON.
Ricci, Santomi and Jimmy Choo.
                                               City. Equipped with the country’s
                                                                                                                   As Cambodia’s rapid growth
With the significant supply of retail space    first IMAX cinema, this shopping mall
                                                                                                                   continues unabated, along with rising
coming online post 2020, the overall           has brought Cambodia’s cinematic
                                                                                                                   disposable incomes, we anticipate
vacancy is forecast to increase to 20%.        experience to a new level.
                                                                                                                   to see more European and American
However, with Cambodia’s emerging
                                               H1 2018 also saw the opening of Circle                              brands gradually entering the market
middle class driving consumption
                                               K, a new US-based convenience store.                                increasing the retail offer.
growth, more international Asian brands
                                               Originating from the US and now Canadian-
are entering the market, leading to                                                                                However, due to a potential oversupply
                                               owned, Circle K is a 24-hour convenience
robust demand for international standard                                                                           situation by 2020, the retail sector outlook
                                               store. With a planned expansion of an
shopping centres and higher occupancy                                                                              is one of cautious optimism. The future
                                               additional 300 stores nationwide, it will
rates in prime shopping malls.                                                                                     incoming supply will likely place downwards
                                               be interesting to see how Circle K will
                                                                                                                   pressure on rental and occupancy rates.
CapitaLand, one of Asia’s largest mall         differentiate itself to compete with current
                                                                                                                   Mall operators in Cambodia will be required
operators, recently inked an agreement to      offerings such as Kiwi Mart, Smile, AEON
                                                                                                                   to develop more creative marketing
manage a luxury retail mall in The Peak.       Max Value and other local stores.
                                                                                                                   strategies and promotional events to
Currently an on-going project, it is a joint
                                               We anticipate the food & beverage                                   increase traffic to the retail malls.
venture project undertaken by Singapore-
                                               segment to continue to witness an upward
based Oxley Group and local developer,                                                                             Notwithstanding the above, with limited
                                               trend due to Cambodia’s emerging middle
Worldbridge Land. Upon completion, it will                                                                         good quality and well-managed shopping
                                               glass and increasing popularity amongst
comprise a five-storey retail podium (24,154                                                                       centres in the capital city, coupled with
                                               younger generation consumers.
sq m NLA) with high-rise condominiums,                                                                             improvements in the standard of living and
office space and the Shangri-La Hotel atop     The buoyant trend for community malls                               public infrastructure, as well as growing
of the retail podium                           are favoured by the younger generation                              purchasing power amongst its population,
                                               whom are more “brand conscious” as they                             there is potential for the development of
Notwithstanding the data indicators,
                                               feature mainly food & beverage, fashion                             more international standard shopping
which bode well in the near future for the
                                               and entertainment retailers. Community                              centres in Phnom Penh, however, new
retail market, it is anticipated to become
                                               malls generally command a lower rental                              malls will need to differentiate from
increasingly challenging for mall operators
                                               due to them being located in a more                                 the existing offering in order to ensure
as the retail space per capita in Phnom
                                               decentralised area, which is beneficial for                         sustainable foot traffic to attract retailers.
Penh is set to almost triple by 2020.

Community malls in Cambodia are
currently trending with food & beverage        FIGURE 5
and entertainment retailers being              AEON SEN SOK VS OVERALL PHNOM PENH TENANT MIX
the major driver. The most recent
inauguration in 2018 is Eden Garden
which is fully occupied.

Prices and Rental                               OVERALL
                                                                                                                                                                  SEN SOK
Average rents for retail units (below
100 sq m) in prime shopping centres
remained flat between H1 2017 and H1
2018. However, a slight increment was
noted with the completion of Hongkong                F&B (33%, 38%)                 Automobile (6%, 1%)              Banking (1%, 1%)                       Travel (1%, 0%)
                                                     Wholesale FMCG (0%, 1%)        Health (1%, 0%)                  Books/Stationery/Toys/Misc. (0%, 1%)   Sportswear (2%, 3%)
Land’s Exchange Square.
                                                     Entertainment (5%, 6%)         Beauty/Cosmetics (11%, 3%)       Electronics (2%, 1%)                   Education (2%, 2%)
                                                     Fashion (30%, 41%)             Children's 2%, 0%)               Homeware (3%, 3%)
Secondary mall asking rentals remained
unchanged at an average rent of US$18          Note: percentage based on number of units and not net floor area.

per sq m per month as at H1 2018.              Source: Knight Frank Research

                                    PHNOM PENH
                                    HOTEL SECTOR
 The existing supply of hotels      Since our last report on Phnom Penh’s hotel sector
 with 50 rooms and above was
 recorded at 10,347 rooms
                                    in 2015, the tourism and hospitality landscape has
 across 80 hotels as at H1 2018.    evolved rapidly, in line with Cambodia’s strong GDP
                                    growth, and will be a key driver of the economy in the
 The most notable completion
                                    years to come.
 during H1 2018 was the opening
 of the much anticipated Luxury
 Rosewood Phnom Penh, adding
 175 keys to the existing supply.
                                    Supply                                       Upper Upscale segment, followed by
                                                                                 Upscale and Upper Midscale hotels

 Average Daily Rates and            The much anticipated                         (37%) and Midscale & Economy hotels
                                                                                 (25%), providing a clear indication of the
 RevPar for Luxury & Upper          opening of the Luxury                        evolution of the market, shifting away
 Upscale hotels in Cambodia         Rosewood Phnom Penh, as                      from the traditional ‘backpacker’ image
 recorded nominal YoY               well as the Upper Midscale                   of Cambodia to one of an up and coming
 growth of 1.8% and 1.9%            Le Castle River Hotel,                       tourism destination attracting more high-
 respectively between 2016
                                    added 263 rooms to the                       value tourists looking for a wider range
 and 2017.
                                    existing stock.                              of accommodation options.

                                                                                 Occupancy rates
 The average occupancy rate         The total supply of hotel rooms was
 during the same period and         recorded at 10,347 as at the end of
 within the Luxury & Upper          H1 2018, reflecting an increase of
                                    21% compared with the same period
                                                                                 and room rates
 Upscale category remained flat
 at 52% for Cambodia.               in 2017, largely attributable to the         Despite the optimistic
                                    completion of Naga 2, providing and          outlook for Phnom Penh’s
                                    additional 902 keys.                         hotel sector, room rates
                                    263 keys were completed during H1            have remained relatively
                                    2018, all of which were located within the   flat since 2011 whilst the
                                    city centre District of Daun Penh. The       average occupancy rate has
                                    majority (67%) of the newly completed
                                                                                 faired a little better
                                    keys were categorised within the Luxury
                                    & Upper Upscale segment, with the            Tourist arrivals to Cambodia recorded
                                    remaining keys within the Upscale &          an average annual growth rate of 10.8%
                                    Upper Midscale category.                     between 2007 and 2017, and a YoY
                                    Whilst Midscale & Economy hotels             growth of 11.7% to 5.6 million in 2017
                                    continue to dominate supply (49%),           (figure 7). However, whilst Cambodia
                                    developers have seized the opportunity       has continued to record strong growth
                                    to fill the gap that once existed in the     in tourist arrivals and expenditure, and
                                    market for internationally branded           despite a relatively modest increase in
                                    hotels within the Upscale & Upper            the supply of hotel rooms between 2016
                                    Midscale segment, as well as the             and 2017, the average occupancy rate
                                    Midscale & Economy segment, with             remained flat YoY at 52%.
                                    several local developers teaming up          Analysing the performance of the sector
                                    with international brands including          over a longer timeframe goes some
                                    Courtyard Marriott, Novotel, Fairfield       way to understanding why the average
                                    Marriott and Ibis Styles.                    daily rates and RevPar have remained
                                    Between H2 2018 and Post 2020,               relatively flat since 2011 (figure 8), with
                                    an additional 2,452 hotel rooms are          the supply of hotel rooms increasing by
                                    scheduled for completion, the majority       more than 145%, equating to a supply of
                                    of which (38%) are within the Luxury &       just over 1,000 rooms per annum.

CAMBODIA REAL ESTATE HIGHLIGHTS                                                               PHNOM PENH



EXISTING (%):                                                                     FUTURE OPERATORS (%):
EXISTING (%):                                                                     FUTURE OPERATORS (%):

    37%             32%               17%                14%                        50%                 20%               16%               14%
    37%             32%               17%                14%                        50%                 20%               16%               14%

FRENCH            JAPANESE          CHINESE            MALAYSIAN                  AMERICAN            CHINESE           JAPANESE          FRENCH
Accor             Toyoko inn        Rosewood           Sunway                     Marriott            Shangri-la        Starts            Accor
FRENCH            JAPANESE          CHINESE            MALAYSIAN                  AMERICAN            CHINESE           JAPANESE          FRENCH
Sofitel, Raffles                                                                    Courtyard, Fairfield                   Emion              Novotel
Accor             Toyoko inn        Rosewood           Sunway                     Marriott
                                                                                  Hyatt               Shangri-la        Starts            Accor
Total beds:
Sofitel,     376
        Raffles    Total beds: 328   Total beds: 175    Total beds: 138            Courtyard, Fairfield Total beds: 300   Total beds: 240
                                                                                                                        Emion             Total beds: 200
                                                                                  Hyatt Regency
Total beds: 376   Total beds: 328   Total beds: 175    Total beds: 138
                                                                                  Hyatt               Total beds: 300   Total beds: 240   Total beds: 200
                                                                                  Hyattbeds: 739

                                                                                  Total beds: 739

EXISTING (%):                                                                     FUTURE OPERATORS (%):
EXISTING (%):                                                                     FUTURE OPERATORS (%):

                                                       32%                                                  37%                       20%
                                                       32%                                                  37%
                                                      14%                                                                          43%
                                                      14%                                                                          43%

                                                                         Luxury & Upper Upscale
                                                                         Midscale&&Upper Midscale
                                                                         Midscale & Economy

Furthermore, within the Luxury &
                                                        FIGURE 8
Upper Upscale segment, foreign
                                                        ANNUAL ADR, REVPAR & OCCUPANCY RATE
tourists make up more than 95% of
                                                        (LUXURY + UPPER UPSCALE)
hotel guests, with limited historical
demand from domestic tourists for the
more luxury accommodation options in                           US$                                                                                            %
the capital, adding further pressure to                 200                                                                                                       54
occupancy and room rates.
Hotel sector outlook

The recent acquisition of                               100
the two Raffles hotels in
Phnom Penh and Siem                                       50

Reap, the increasing                                                                                                                                              42
number of international                                    0
                                                                     20             20            20                20           20           20       20
operators entering the                                                 11             12               13             14           15             16     17

market and the improving
connectivity to Cambodia
                                                                                    ADR                         REVPAR                OCCUPANCY

are all pointing in one
direction                                               Source: STR / Knight Frank Research

The pace of development in Cambodia                     strong economic growth, booming                                    has led to an increasing need for more
since its recovery from the global                      construction industry and idyllic leisure                          suitable accommodation options for a
financial crisis has been mind-blowing;                 destinations have placed Cambodia on                               more diverse market segmentation.
having once been a ‘sleepy backwater’                   the world map.
                                                                                                                           The recent acquisition of the Raffles
attracting predominantly low value
                                                        Whilst Angkor Wat in Siem Reap has                                 hotels by Lodgis Hospitality Holdings, a
backpacker and thrill-seeking tourists,
                                                        long been consistently ranked as one                               joint venture between VinaCapital and
the shackles have been well and truly
                                                        of the world’s top tourist destinations,                           Warburg Pincus, as well as the slew of
                                                        the improving regional and global                                  internationally operated hotels either
The misconception that people                           connectivity, as well as domestic                                  under construction or in the development
once had toward Cambodia is                             infrastructure, is opening up the rest of                          pipeline, gives a clear indication that
slowly changing as Cambodia’s                           Cambodia for tourists to enjoy which                               the hospitality sector in Cambodia has
                                                                                                                           tremendous growth potential over the
                                                                                                                           short, medium and long-term.

                                                                                                                           None more so than Phnom Penh,
                                                                                                                           the capital city and economic hub
                                                                                                                           of Cambodia. Whilst historically the
                                                                                                                           performance of the sector has deterred
                                                                                                                           international operators from entering
6,000,000                                                                                                   4,000          into the market, the tremendous
                                                                                                                           growth prospects in both domestic
5,000,000                                                                                                                  and international tourism, across the
                                                                                                            3,000          leisure, business and MICE segments,
4,000,000                                                                                                                  has led to intense competition among
                                                                                                                           operators vying for developers’
3,000,000                                                                                                   2,000
                                                                                                                           attention and eager to sign hotel
                                                                                                            1,500          management agreements across a
                                                                                                            1,000          range of brands and segments.
                                                                                                            500            With Six Senses, Alila, Courtyard
         0                                                                                                  0
                                                                                                                           Marriott Phnom Penh and Shinta Mani
               20      20     20     20     20     20       20         20      20          20     20
                 07      08     09     10     11     12        13         14     15          16     17                     Wild, owned and designed by world
                                                                                                                           renowned resort designer, Bill Bensley,
             INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ARRIVALS (LHS)                   TOURIST RECEIPTS (US$ MIL) (RHS)                       all set to open in H2 2018, the future
                                                                                                                           looks bright for Cambodia’s tourism
Source: Ministry of Tourism                                                                                                industry.

CAMBODIA REAL ESTATE HIGHLIGHTS                                              PHNOM PENH

                                        PHNOM PENH SERVICED
                                        APARTMENT SECTOR
     The cumulative supply of           An abundant supply of incoming condominiums is
     serviced apartments in Phnom
     Penh was recorded at 5,050
                                        likely to weigh down on the historically well-performed
     units as at H1 2018.               serviced apartment sector which is being impacted by
                                        increasing competition.
     Approximately 54% of the
     existing supply is concentrated
     in Chamkarmon District,
     followed by Daun Penh (13%)
                                        Supply                                              The View Residence is slated for
                                                                                            completion during H2 2018. The majority
     and Toul Kork (12%).               Notable launches in H1                              of units within The View Residence will
                                        2018 in the serviced                                be operated as serviced apartments,
     An additional 990 serviced         apartment sector included                           managed by the developer, Grand
     apartments are due to              The View Residence, a                               Richfortune Company Ltd. Located in
                                                                                            BKK 1, The View Residence will be a
     complete by the end of 2018,       high-end luxury hotel-style                         high-end luxury hotel-style serviced
     of which 82% are located in        level of serviced residence                         residence.
     Chamkarmon, 15% in Daun
                                        in BKK 1, Phnom Penh
     Penh and 3% in Toul Kork.                                                              As at H1 2018, Chamkarmon continued
                                        The cumulative supply of serviced                   to dominate more than half of the market
                                        apartments in Phnom Penh was                        share with 54% of serviced apartments,
     Chamkarmon remains the top
                                        recorded at 5,050 units as at H1 2018;              followed by Daun Penh at 13% and
     location and most sought after,
                                        an increase of approximately 11%                    Toul Kork (12%). The remaining units are
     particularly amongst foreigners,
                                        compared with the same period in 2017.              distributed around Sen Sok, 7 Makara,
     due to its close proximity to
                                                                                            Chroy Chongvar and Meanchey.
     eateries, entertainment outlets,   Newcomer, Queen Mansion, providing
     retail and tourist attractions.    an additional 24 mid-tier units,                    Of the total 5,050 units, 2,940 units
                                        completed during the first half of 2018.            (58%) are mid-tier, 938 units (19%) are
                                        Located in the most desirable residential           high-end whilst 1,172 units (23%) are
     In view of the incoming supply                                                         mass market. In the foreseeable future,
                                        neighbourhood in Chamkarmon District,
     and a glut in the condominium                                                          we expect growth in the supply trend of
                                        Toul Tom Pong area, it comprises only
     sector, we anticipate downwards    1-bedroom units.                                    serviced apartments to moderate due
     pressure on asking rentals as                                                          to the significant incoming supply of
     well as occupancy rates.           During H2 2018, an additional 990
                                        serviced apartments are expected to
                                        complete and be ready to move in to,
                                        reflecting an increase of 20%.

                                        FIGURE 9
                                        CUMULATIVE SUPPLY OF SERVICED APARTMENTS (2009 - 2019F)

                                            No. UNITS

                                            0      20        20     20        20     20     20      20     20     20       20       20
                                                        09     10       11      12     13     14      15     16       17     18       19
                                                                                                                                f        f
                                                                         EXISTING SUPPLY           NEW/ADDED SUPPLY

                                        Source: Knight Frank Research

                                             Location wise, 7 Makara has overtaken               rates dropped by 12%, whilst the mid-
                                             Chamkarmon at 86% in terms of                       tier and mass-market remained flat.
                                             occupancy rate, due to its centralised              We anticipate to see further downward
As at H1 2018, the average                   location compared with other districts              pressure as serviced apartment
rental rate for high-end                     and lower rental rates. Following closely           operators compete to maintain
units was recorded at                        behind is Chamkarmon district at 84%                occupancy rates.
US$22 per sq m, a 12%                        and Daun Penh at 81%.
drop from US$25 per sq m                                                                         Demand for serviced apartments relies
                                                                                                 heavily on expatriates and will continue
in H2 2017.
                                             Serviced Apartment                                  to be sustained by such demographic

                                             Sector Outlook
We started seeing a gradual decrease                                                             over the short-term. With growth in the
in rental rates for high-end serviced                                                            expatriate population expected to be
                                                                                                 moderate, operators will need to target
apartments during 2017 and we                Occupancy rates have                                other market segments
expect this trend to continue. With the
                                             shown an increase
increasing competition of serviced
apartments, and further incoming supply
                                             despite growing supply.                             However, This sector is increasing

of condominiums, rental rates will           However, the serviced                               supported by Cambodia’s tourism

continue to face downwards pressure.         apartment sector may                                industry, and as tourist arrivals continue
                                                                                                 to record positive growth, we will see
                                             become saturated due to                             the entry of more international serviced
The above not withstanding, the
                                             the abundant supply of                              apartment operators.
average rental rates for mid-tier and
mass-market segments remained flat           condominiums coming
from H1 2017, recorded at US$13 per          online in H2 2018.                                  Landlords and serviced apartment
                                                                                                 operators of older buildings will need
sq m and US$7 per sq m, respectively.
                                             Despite condominium supply swelling,                to undertake refurbishment, works and
                                             the average occupancy rate across                   conduct regular maintenance of their

Occupancy                                    the serviced apartment sector was not               properties as competition intensifies
                                             adversely affected during H1 2018. It               with upcoming new condominiums and
Despite the increase                         does, however, come at a cost, where                service apartments.

in supply of both                            serviced apartment operators need to be
                                                                                                 Traditionally, landlords and service
                                             more flexible when negotiating tenancy
condominiums and serviced                    terms and rents.
                                                                                                 apartment operators have been able
apartments, the average                                                                          to command high rental rates based
occupancy rate across                        With increasing competition and supply,             on the lack of supply. However, we
                                                                                                 are already seeing a shift towards
all segments for serviced                    rental rates are expected to face
                                                                                                 a tenant’s market due to incoming
                                             further downwards pressure. During
apartment increased to                       H1 2018, the high-end segment rental                condominium supply.
75% as at H1 2018.
In contrast to the high end segment which
recorded an average of 54% occupancy,        FIGURE 10                                           FIGURE 11
the mid-tier and mass-market segments        EXISTING SUPPLY BY DISTRICT                         QUARTERLY MONTHLY ASKING
recorded average occupancies of 80%                                                              RENTS FOR HIGH-END UNITS
and 84%, respectively.
The high-end segment average occupancy
rate dropped from 61% recorded in H2                                                             3,500
2017, whilst the mid-tier and mass-market
increased marginally, despite the increase
of supply for these two segments.

The main market for serviced
apartments in Phnom Penh continues to
be expatriates and foreign workers from                                                          1,000
neighbouring countries. To cope with
declining demand, serviced apartment                                                                 0
                                                       Chamkarmon 54%        Daun Penh 13%
operators are increasingly flexible in                                                                   3Q16 4Q16 1Q17 2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 2Q18
                                                       Toul Kork 12%         Chroy Changvar 8%
terms of stay duration, offering rentals               Sen Sok 2%            Mean Chey 1%
for short term tenants ranging from                                                                       1 BED          2 BED         3 BED
                                                       7 Makara 10%

monthly to daily stays.

                                             Source: Knight Frank Research                       Source: Knight Frank Research

CAMBODIA REAL ESTATE HIGHLIGHTS                                                         PHNOM PENH

                                                      PHNOM PENH
                                                      CONDOMINIUM SECTOR
     Existing supply in Phnom Penh                    Despite a moderation in sales of high-end
     currently stands at 44 projects
     (11,675 units) following the
                                                      condominiums, developers remained optimistic with
     completion of 10 new projects                    seven new launches in H1 2018
     during H1 2018.

     The sales rate of monitored                      Supply and Demand                               Despite the high number of on-going
                                                                                                      projects coming online in 2018,
     stock continued to moderate,                     As at H1 2018, following                        developers remained active with seven
     recorded at 11% as at H1
                                                      the completion of 10 new                        new off-plan launches identified during
     2018, a 1 percentage point
     drop from H2 2017 as further
                                                      projects, the number of                         H1 2018 adding 7,823 units to the future

     supplies accumulate to the                       existing projects stood at                      supply. They comprised Urban Village
                                                                                                      (840 units), Residence Bel Air (82 units),
     existing stock.                                  44 with an accumulated                          Residence L Bueng Tapon (600 units),
                                                      11,675 units; an increase                       R&F Properties (5,232 units), East
     Due to the sluggish sales                        of 57% from H2 2017.                            Sen Sok (500 units) Yue Tai Garden
     rate for high-end units, new                                                                     (420 units) and L’Attrait BKK (149 units).
                                                      Of the 11,675 units, 4,569 units were mid-
     launches in H1 2018 were                         tier whilst 7,106 were high-end. H1 2018        Post 2021, assuming all the identified
     predominantly within the                         saw the completion of 10 new projects,          projects are completed, the total number
     mid-tier segment.                                namely Diamond One, The Bhumi Emerald,          of units will stand at approximately 43,337;
                                                      Bellavita, Residence L BTB, J Tower             resulting in an increase of 274%.
     For mid-tier projects targeting                  Condominium, The Bridge, Prince Plaza,
                                                                                                      Location wise, as at H1 2018, the
     domestic purchasers,                             Appennines, Residence L Olympic and
                                                                                                      existing condominiums were mostly
     developers are providing                         Infinity 28. Also completed were parts
                                                                                                      concentrated in Chamkarmon District
     additional incentives to home                    of Olympia City, Block C3 and C4 which
                                                                                                      (49%), a highly sought after location
                                                      contributed 500 and 300 units to the existing
     buyers such as discounts,                                                                        for both residential and commercial
                                                      stock, respectively.
     flexibility in down payment                                                                      properties. This is followed by 7 Makara
     terms, longer tenure loans                       An additional 33 on-going projects are          (16%), Chroy Changvar (15%) and
     and increasingly competitive                     slated for completion by the end of 2018,       Toul Kork (6%). The rest are distributed
     interest rates.                                  providing an additional 11,129 units,           around Sen Sok, Daun Penh, Chbar
                                                      almost doubling the existing supply. Of         Ampov, Russey Keo and Meanchey.
                                                      the 11,129 units, 3,340 units are mid-tier
                                                                                                      It is worth noting that Sen Sok will
                                                      whilst 7,789 are high-end units.
                                                                                                      comprise a larger share in the near
                                                                                                      future, making up 31%, as its location
                                                                                                      is near the recently inaugurated AEON
                                                                                                      Mall Sen Sok City which has attracted
                                                                                                      developers to the area.
SALES OF NEWLY LAUNCHED CONDOMINIUMS BY QUARTER                                                       In contrast to previous years, future
                                                                                                      incoming supply is moving towards mid-tier
                                                                                                      as opposed to high-end units. Assuming all
8,000                                                                                         2,500
                                                                                                      launched projects complete on schedule,
                                                                                              2,000   in 2019, mid-tier units comprise 3,556 units
                                                                                                      (81%) and high-end units comprise 822
                                                                                              1,500   units (19%). In 2020, mid-tier units comprise
                                                                                                      2,406 units (66%) whilst high-end units
                                                                                                      comprise 1,239 units (34%).
                                                                                                      Although the overall sales rate moderated
      -                                                                                       -       during H1 2018, the number of units
            Q3 2016    Q4 2016   Q1 2017   Q2 2017    Q3 2017   Q4 2017   Q1 2018   Q2 2018           sold increased by 9% to 2,020. This is
                      Units Launched           Units Sold          Average Price US$/psm              primarily contributed by the sale of
                                                                                                      mid-tier units.
Source: Knight Frank Research

Prices and Rental                                            to US$25 per sq m in prime locations
                                                             while outer areas commanded rents of
                                                                                                                                                       suburban areas because land prices in
                                                                                                                                                       Phnom Penh city are increasingly costly
Prices across all segments                                   between US$8 to US$12 per sq m.                                                           and it is no longer viable for developers to
remained largely flat between                                                                                                                          provide mid-tier condominiums at afford-
H2 2017 and H1 2018,                                         Condominium                                                                               able pricing within the city centre.
whilst the high-end segment                                  Sector Outlook                                                                            As for high-end condominiums, we
recorded a slight decrease                                                                                                                             expect to see stagnation in terms
from an average of US$3,000                                  As supply outpaces                                                                        of pricing as the supply outpaces
to US$2,944 per sq m during                                  demand for high-end                                                                       demand. However, the inflow of foreign
the same period.                                             condominiums, affordable                                                                  investments and increasing Chinese
                                                             mid-tier condominiums are                                                                 investors has helped underpin property
Notable launches during H1 2018                              still sought-after by domestic                                                            demand, some of whom are investing
included Urban Village, located in the                       purchasers due to the                                                                     on en-bloc basis (whole block). Phnom
                                                                                                                                                       Penh Harbour, a large-scale development
suburban areas south of Phnom Penh city
centre, which is a combination of mid-tier
                                                             emerging middle class and                                                                 undertaken by Yuetai Group, has started
condominiums, co-working space, retail                       rapid urbanisation rate.                                                                  pre-sales for their riverside development
and an entertainment hub, with asking                                                                                                                  for sale on an en-bloc basis.
                                                             Developers are increasingly required to de-
prices starting from US$59,500 for one
                                                             vise creative marketing strategies to entice                                              To conclude, despite the concerns of a
bedroom units.
                                                             domestic buyers. Attractive incentives such                                               condominium glut, we do not foresee a
East Sen Sok, another mid-tier project                       as no down payment, special discounts,                                                    significant impact on the overall sector.
located in an up and coming suburban                         lucky draw, free electrical items,, competi-                                              The rental market, however, will be
area close to AEON Mall Sen Sok City,                        tive interest rates and longer loan tenure are                                            more competitive due to the significant
recorded asking prices of between                            provided to attract first time home buyers.                                               increase in supply, hence landlords will
US$39,620 to US$47,540 for smaller units.                                                                                                              be required to be more flexible in lease
                                                             To cater to the local market, we continue
                                                                                                                                                       terms and rental pricing.
The overall average asking price                             to see developers launching projects in
of mid-tier units as at H1 2018 was                          outside city districts, enabling them to                                                  Most foreign buyers of high-end
recorded at US$1,582 per sq m, a                             target the domestic market by offering                                                    condominiums are cash investors in
slight decrease from US$1,600 during                         more affordable units.                                                                    Cambodia, therefore the short-term
H2 2017. High-end units also saw a                                                                                                                     oversupply is unlikely to have any significant
                                                             The condominium market in Phnom Penh is
slight decrease to US$2,944 per sq m,                                                                                                                  adverse effects on the wider market as
                                                             still in its infancy, largely due to limited local
both due to the swelling condominium                                                                                                                   investors are able to hold on to their units
                                                             demand. As with any developed market,
supply and stunted sales rate.                                                                                                                         until the market shows improvement, or
                                                             demand needs to be driven predominantly
                                                                                                                                                       until we see the gap between asking prices
As the supply has doubled since H2                           by the domestic market to be sustainable
                                                                                                                                                       and domestic incomes narrow. It will be
2017, and with more units to come online                     over the medium and long-term.
                                                                                                                                                       interesting to see the robustness of the
by the end of 2018, we anticipate asking                                                                                                               secondary sub-sale market as purchasers
                                                             The growth from domestic buyers for
rents to face downward pressure. The                                                                                                                   of off-plan units now look to sell the
                                                             affordable mid-tier units has prompted
asking rental currently stands at US$15                                                                                                                properties and realise their profits.
                                                             developers to shift new launches to

FIGURE 13                                                    FIGURE 14
(2009 - POST 2021)                                           (3Q2015-2Q2018)

60,000                                                         No. UNITS                                                                                                                                                          %

                                                                             22%                                                   21%                                                                                                25
                                                                                                                                                18%                    19%
                                                             10000                                       17%
40,000                                                                                                                                                   15%
                                                              8000                                                    13%
                                                                                                                                                                                                11%                         12%       15
                                                              6000                                                                                                                                              9%
20,000                                                        4000

      0                                                          0                                                                                                                                                                    0
                                                         f           Q3           Q4          Q1           Q2           Q3           Q4           Q1            Q2          Q3           Q4          Q1          Q2
            09     11     13     15     17     19     21                   201
          20     20     20     20     20     20     20

                                                                                  UNITS AVAILABLE AND MONITORED (LHS)                                        UNITS SOLD (LHS)                        SALES RATE (RHS)

Source: Knight Frank Research                                Source: Knight Frank Research

CAMBODIA REAL ESTATE HIGHLIGHTS                                                      SIEM REAP

Located approximately 231 kilometres          However, there has been a noticeable                       With the announcement of a new airport
northeast of Phnom Penh, Siem                 increase in investment activity during                     – now under construction and due for
Reap is the capital city of Siem Reap         the past two years, particularly within                    completion by 2023 – as well as the
Province and is Cambodia’s top tourist        the retail sector to cater to the growing                  completed improvement works to National
destination. Covering an area of 10.3         number of tourist arrivals, as well the first              Road 6, we anticipate significant growth in
square kilometres the population              large-scale borey development, Borey                       investment into the province with numerous
is estimated to be in the region of           The Angkor Royal Palace.                                   projects already touted, including a water
1,000,000, whilst Siem Reap City                                                                         park and theme park providing more varied
accounts for approximately 20% of the                                                                    tourism offerings and opportunities across
total population at 200,000.                                                                             a number of real estate sectors.

Often voted as one of the world’s top
tourist attractions, Siem Reap Province
is home to the Angkor Archaeological
Park, a UNESCO world heritage site
located in Angkor Thom District,
attracting millions of international and
domestic tourists annually (figure 16)
who flock to see the iconic Angkor Wat
and the surrounding ruins and remnants
of art, culture and architecture with well
preserved murals, stone carvings and
religious statues creating a depiction of
life in the Khmer Empire during the 9th to
15th century.

Just south of Siem Reap City is the
Tonle Sap lake, the largest fresh water
lake in Southeast Asia, which plays a
major role in the province’s ecosystem         PROPOSED SIEM REAP AIRPORT (ARCHITECT RENDERING)

and biodiversity, as well as an abundant
supply of fresh water fish meeting more
than half of the country’s demand.            FIGURE 16
                                              NUMBER OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS TO ANGKOR WAT AND TOTAL
The above notwithstanding, Siem Reap
                                              REVENUE (2010-2016)
has attracted nominal FDI as compared
with Phnom Penh and, more recently,
Sihanoukville. This is largely attributable                   US$                                                                No. of Tourists
to three factors; firstly, development        80,000,000                                                                                   2,500,000
within the Apsara Zone restricts the
height of building to 4 storeys – no                                                                                                       2,000,000
buildings should be higher than Angkor                                                                                                     1,500,000
Wat. This makes Siem Reap a less              40,000,000
attractive investment proposition as                                                                                                       1,000,000
developers are restricted in terms of         20,000,000
permissible projects. Secondly, Siem
Reap’s economy is largely driven by the                   0                                                                                0
                                                                    2010   2011         2012         2013     2014        2015   2016
tourism industry and lacks diversification.
Lastly, at 200,000, the population of Siem                                        TOTAL INTL. VISITORS        TOTAL REVENUE
Reap is relatively small.
                                              Source: Knight Frank Research / Apsara Authority


CAMBODIA REAL ESTATE HIGHLIGHTS                                                             SIEM REAP

With the Cambodian tourism industry                        Seeing great potential in the Siem Reap           Between 2005 and 2010, the supply of
only opening back up after the 1991                        tourism market, several global hotel              hotel rooms in Siem Reap more than
Paris Peace Treaty, the tourism sector                     operators entered the market and the              doubled (figure 18), with the hotel sector
in the Kingdom recorded nominal                            city now boasts more Luxury and Upper             becoming increasingly competitive
growth during the early 1990s and early                    Upscale hotels than the country’s                 which has negatively impacted on
2000s, with Cambodian tourist arrivals                     capital, Phnom Penh. The most recent              average daily rates and occupancy rates.
and receipts recorded at 786,235 and                       addition of international operators was
                                                                                                             This is evident by the limited number
US$379 million respectively in 2002.                       the 233 key Courtyard Marriott Siem
                                                                                                             of hotels scheduled for completion
                                                           Reap, which opened its doors during H1
Hampered by poor infrastructure                                                                              between H2 2018 and 2020. As at the
                                                           2018 and marked Marriott International
and connectivity, as well as a lack of                                                                       end of H1 2018, the existing supply
                                                           Inc’s first foray into Cambodia.
promotional campaigns undertaken                                                                             of hotel rooms was record at 11,596.
by key stakeholders, Cambodia                              Other Luxury and Upper Upscale hotels             The majority (63%) of which were
remained a predominantly low-value,                        include Raffles Grand d’Angkor, Park              within the Upscale & Upper Midscale
backpacker destination with the majority                   Hyatt, Sofitel, Anantara and the luxury           category, followed by the Luxury &
of hotel accommodation being hostels,                      Amansara Resort, part of the exclusive            Upper Upscale category (24%) and the
guesthouses and boutique hotels.                           Aman Resorts group. Once a residence              Midscale & Economy category (13%).
                                                           for guests of the king, the 1960s New
However, driven by the world heritage                                                                        541 rooms across four hotels have been
                                                           Khmer Architecture residence was
site of Angkor Wat, Siem Reap has                                                                            identified within the future supply and
                                                           meticulously restored and opened as
developed into Cambodia’s premier                                                                            due for completion by 2020, comprising
                                                           Amansara Resort in 2002. Now offering
tourist destination with Angkor Wat                                                                          Luxury & Upper Upscale hotels (50%),
                                                           24 suites, the resort commands some of
often entering into ‘Top 10’ lists of the                                                                    Upscale & Upper Midscale Hotels (29%)
                                                           the highest room rates in Cambodia.
world’s leading tourist attractions.                                                                         and Midscale & Economy hotels (21%).

FIGURE 17                                                                          FIGURE 18

       No Arrivals                                                      %             No. Rooms
2,600,000                                                                    15    14,000

                                                                             10    12,000
2,400,000                                                                          10,000
2,200,000                                                                    0
                                                                             -10     2,000

1,800,000                                                                    -15         0   20   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2    2    2
                2012     2013      2014         2015    2016     2017                          05 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018f 019f 020f

         INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ARRIVALS (LHS)          ANNUAL GROWTH (RHS)                               CUMULATIVE SUPPLY           NEW SUPPLY

Source: Ministry of Tourism                                                        Source: Knight Frank Research

With increasing connectivity between the three main cities in Cambodia, the construction of the new Siem Reap airport and pending
entry of additional passenger airlines to Siem Reap, the medium and long-term outlook for the Siem Reap hotel sector is positive,
and the market continues to capture the interest of international luxury hotels catering to a rapidly evolving tourist market.

However, whilst the Angkor Archeological Park should be on everyone’s ‘bucket list’; there is a need for more tourism offerings in
the province to encourage tourists to stay longer and to also target repeat visitation; typically, a large percentage of international
tourists to Siem Reap never return once they have visited Angkor Wat.

There is also an excellent opportunity for Siem Reap to tap into the growing Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions (MICE) market,
and there should be a concerted effort between key stakeholders to actively promote Cambodia and Siem Reap on the global stage.

Notwithstanding that Siem Reap
continues to retain its position as the
main tourist destination in Cambodia,
the local resident population is
comparatively small and there has
been limited development of purpose-
built shopping malls. Whilst tourists
contribute towards foot traffic at
shopping malls in major cities, they
alone cannot support a large-scale
shopping mall development.

Thus, the current retail offering in Siem
Reap is dominated by shop-houses
and local markets, particularly around
the area surrounding Pub Street,
providing boutique shops, a plethora                          KOULEN SHOPPING MALL (ARCHITECT RENDERING)
of restaurants, and souvenirs and
handicrafts at the local markets.
                                                         the existing retail supply is located                   Despite the small population size of
It is only within the past few years that
                                                         in the District of Siem Reap and the                    Siem Reap, there are several larger-scale
purpose-built retail malls have started to
                                                         malls are all below 10,000 sq m, which                  retail malls that are under construction
be developed, albeit on a relatively small
                                                         would classify them as Community or                     and due to open in 2018 and 2019,
scale, more akin to department stores as
                                                         Neighbourhood shopping malls.                           including The Heritage Walk which will
opposed to shopping malls.
                                                                                                                 provide a gross area of 40,000 square
                                                         Two out of the eight existing malls
These include Lucky Mall, Angkor Trade                                                                           metres and has already secured several
                                                         are categorised as prime retail space,
Centre, Thai Hout supermarket, Angkor                                                                            anchor tenants, many of which are food
                                                         being the Angkor Duty Free Store and
Fashion Plaza, King’s Road Angkor, the                                                                           & beverage retailers.
                                                         T-Galleria, however, they are both duty
Angkor Duty Free, T-Galleria and the
                                                         free outlets and, technically, Cambodian                With the official opening of The Heritage
recently opened Asia Plaza Supermarket.
                                                         residents cannot purchase goods                         Walk expected during H2 2018 and
As at the end of H1 2018, the total                      from these malls as you are required                    the scheduled completion of Koulen
cumulative supply of retail space in                     to provide travel documentation                         Shopping Mall by 2020, the total supply
Siem Reap was recorded at 28,125                         confirming that you are visiting                        of retail space is Siem Reap will more
sq m of net lettable area (NLA). All of                  Cambodia on holiday.                                    than double to approximately 73,000
                                                                                                                 square metres of NLA

CUMULATIVE SUPPLY OF RETAIL SPACE IN SIEM REAP                                                                   OUTLOOK:
                                                                                                                 Although the trade area demographics in
         Sqm                                                                                                     Siem Reap are not as appealing to retailers
80,000                                                                                                           as compared with Phnom Penh, we are
                                                                                                                 beginning to see increasing investment in
                                                                                                                 the retail sector, underpinned by a growing
                                                                                                                 population, increasing consumer spending
                                                                                                                 and the projected growth in tourist arrivals
                                                                                                                 over the medium and long-term, with 2017
                                                                                                                 registering the highest number of arrivals
                                                                                                                 on record.

     0                                                                                                           Whilst the retail sector will grow at a
            201    201      201     201         201      201        201         201     201      201     202
               0      1         2      3           4          5        6           7        8f      9f      0f   slower pace compared with Phnom
                                          CUMULATIVE SUPPLY               NEWLY COMPLETED                        Penh, there is still room in the market
                                                                                                                 to sustain additional retail formats and
                                                                                                                 several large scale regional shopping
Source: Knight Frank Research                                                                                    malls are believed to be in the workings.

CAMBODIA REAL ESTATE HIGHLIGHTS                                                  SIEM REAP

Largely attributable to the height               Kramaeuk, Siem Reap and Sronger                development has also been launched,
restrictions in force within the Apsara          communes, providing 263 serviced               Borey Angkor Palace located, in close
Zone, the small size of Siem Reap city           apartment units.                               proximity to one of Cambodia’s top golf
and the large availability of land on                                                           clubs, the Nick Faldo designed Angkor
                                                 The serviced apartments available within
the city outskirts, the development of                                                          Golf Resort.
                                                 the city have 4 levels or less due to the
condominiums has been non-existent;
                                                 strict height restrictions implemented         Covering an area of approximately 13.5
low-rise development has generally been
                                                 as part of the Apsara Zone protection          hectares, Borey Angkor Palace provides
in the form of shop houses, apartment
                                                 scheme. These buildings typically offer        a combination of shop houses, link
blocks, small-scale, locally-owned
                                                 30 units or below.                             houses, twin houses and queen villas,
serviced apartments and private villas.
                                                                                                as well as leisure facilities. Due to the
                                                 The above notwithstanding, 2016
Furthermore, Siem Reap is mainly                                                                project’s success, the developer will
                                                 saw the announcement of a new
seen as a tourism hub and is not yet                                                            soon launch a second project in the
                                                 development proposed for Siem Reap,
on the radar of many holiday home                                                               province.
                                                 Les Bijoux D’Angkor, undertaken by
purchasers or retirees so the market
                                                 RGL Equity (Siem Reap). The project will       As well as the larger scale projects,
for condominiums historically has
                                                 provide 84 apartments within a gated           there are also a number of smaller scale
been limited.
                                                 community, comprising one bedroom              projects, such as Phum Barang which
As at the end of H1 2018, there were no          and three bedroom duplex units located         won Best Residential Development
completed condominium developments               along the Siem Reap River on the way to        (Siem Reap) at the 2017 Cambodia
in Siem Reap.                                    the Anchor Archeological Park.                 Property awards.
We have identified 14 purpose-                   To cater to growing demand for
built serviced apartment buildings               residential accommodation in the
within Sla Kram, Svay Dangkum, Sla               province, the first large scale borey


Whilst condominium development has generally been confined to Phnom Penh, we see a gap in the residential market in Siem
Reap, which has the potential to attract both foreign and domestic investors looking to invest in the condominium market but are
wary of the oversupply situation in Phnom Penh’s residential sector. An increase in the number of investors taking interest in Siem
Reap can be expected due to recently completed infrastructure providing greater accessibility from overseas destinations and from
other major cities such as Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville.

At present, quality residential accommodation is lacking, predominantly due to limited historical demand. However, there is
growing demand from wealthy Cambodians in Siem Reap as well as those based in Phnom Penh and we anticipate more borey
developments to be launched in the coming years.

Sihanoukville, the capital of Sihanouk               the on-going road widening of National      expressway linking Phnom Penh to
Province, is situated in the south-                  Road 4 by the Japanese International        Sihanoukville. This new expressway,
west coastal region of Cambodia,                     Corporation Agency (JICA).                  expected to begin construction in H2
approximately 230 kilometres from the                                                            2018, will improve travelling time and
                                                     Additionally, the growth of Sihanoukville
City of Phnom Penh. Renowned for its                                                             facilitate goods transportation. The
                                                     will benefit from the new multi-purpose
coastal beaches and tropical islands,                                                            announcements of the abovementioned
                                                     terminal addition to the Sihanoukville
the province is becoming a major tourist                                                         infrastructure improvements has further
                                                     Autonomous Port (SAP). Launched in Q2
destination and a growing industrial hub.                                                        contributed to the rapid growth of the
                                                     2018, this new terminal can handle more
Sihanoukville is an emerging market in                                                           Sihanoukville real estate market, despite
                                                     than twice the current capacity.
Cambodia, currently experiencing a real                                                          the upcoming election.
estate boom fuelled and supported by                 SAP, Cambodia’s only operational deep-
                                                                                                 Land pricing in central city and seafront
rising Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)               sea port, is the main gateway by sea into
                                                                                                 locations has increased two to three-
and diversified economic drivers.                    Cambodia and acts as the key economic
                                                                                                 fold during the past two years due to the
                                                     path for import and export between
During 2017, Sihanoukville welcomed                                                              recent influx of Chinese investors. This
                                                     Cambodia and other countries.
approximately 2.5 million visitors,                                                              has prompted not only the development
of which 470,000 comprised foreign                   With support from JICA, a new Japanese      of high-rise residential projects on
tourists. Sihanoukville’s sudden spike               Official Development Assistance (ODA)       the coast of Sihanoukville, but also
in tourist arrivals – by 120% since                  was executed last year for additional       international hotel chains and casinos.
2016, has prompted investors’ interest,              terminal extensions to cope with
with a particular focus on gaming and                increasing logistics traffic in Cambodia.
                                                     As part of China’s One Belt, One
Supported by the government,                         Road initiative, a toll-road concession
Sihanoukville is set to benefit                      agreement was signed between
from numerous infrastructure and                     Cambodia and a Chinese state-owned
transportation improvements, including               company to construct a new four-lane

What’s needed to sustain economic growth ?

         Commitment to                     Reduction in the                     More
           spending on                      cost of doing                   transparency
          infrastructure                      business,                     and improved
             projects                        particularly                       market
                                             utility cost                     regulation

                       Investment in the                A comprehensive
                       education system                 master plan and
                           to address                    land use zoning
                          the skill gap                  for the province

CAMBODIA REAL ESTATE HIGHLIGHTS                                               SIHANOUKVILLE

Prior to the tourist industry boom, high-        Meanwhile, Grand Lion Group                         Sales of newly launched projects
rise residential projects in Sihanoukville       announced its first project in                      during H1 2018 was recorded at 50%,
were non-existant. The first high-rise           Sihanoukville; Lyon D’Or, a mixed                   whilst the overall sales rate of all
residential project was launched in 2015         development comprising 888 residential              monitored developments was recorded
and was a pioneer in the market.                 units, a Marriott branded hotel and                 at approximately 60% indicating
                                                 luxury retail podium. The project is                healthy demand.
As at Q2 2018, there were no completed
                                                 expected to launch during 2019.
condominiums in Sihanoukville.                                                                       The sudden influx of developers has seen
However, 2,866 units are expected to             An additional 15 projects were identified           some offering special incentives to buyers.
be delivered by the end of 2018 across           providing an additional 8,383 units                 Phase 1 of Sunshine Bay was fully sold,
three projects, namely, Sunshine Bay,            to the future condominium stock due                 largely due to developers providing a
D’Seaview and Blue Bay.                          for completion between 2018 and                     strong rental guarantee. Other incentives
                                                 post 2020, These condominiums will                  offered include loans for foreigners and
During H1 2018, two smaller scale
                                                 dramatically change the skyline of                  flexible repayment schemes.
projects were launched; The 28
Mithona and The New Nordic,                                                                          Pricing for the first two projects launched
contributing 350 units and 136 units             All of the proposed and on-going                    in 2015 started from US$1,800 per sq m
respectively to the supply pipeline.             developments are located in Mittapheap              of net saleable area. As at H1 2018, newly
The first phase of a larger scale                district. Most of the projects are focused          launched projects recorded selling prices
project, Sihanouk City View                      in Sangkat Bei (76%, 6,399units), followed          from US$1,100 per sq m to US$2,300 per
undertaken by BS Group, was also                 by Sangkat Boun (16%, 1,336 units) and              sq m. The average selling price of mid-tier
launched adding 1,200 units to the               Sangkat Pir (8%, 648 units). 51% of the             units started from US$1,000 per sq m to
future supply.                                   units are within the high-end segment               US$1,800 per sq m whilst high-end units
                                                 whilst 49% are in the mid-tier segment.             ranged between US$2,000 to US$3,000
                                                                                                     per sq m as at H1 2018.

FIGURE 20                                                                   FIGURE 21
SIHANOUKVILLE (2015- 2Q2018)                                                SUPPLY (2018F-POST 2020)

Sangkat 1

Koh Rong

Sangkat 2

Sangkat 4

Sangkat 3
                                                                                          2018f             2019f       2020f         post 2020f

            0         2,000       4,000         6,000        8,000                                CUMULATIVE SUPPLY      NEW SUPPLY

Source: Knight Frank Research                                               Source: Knight Frank Research

Foreign investors first started to acquire land in Sihanoukville back in the early 2000s, seeing its great potential and believing it
would be the next Phuket. However, with limited investment in infrastructure, as well as the onset of the global financial crisis,
the development of Sihanoukville ground to a halt and it is only since 2016 that the market has seen significant investment into
Sihanoukville’s real estate sector.

Unlike Siem Reap, Sihanoukville is more than just a tourist destination; it is an economic hub, home to Cambodia’s only operational
deep sea port as well a numerous industrial zones and agricultural opportunities, providing Sihanoukville with excellent long-term growth
potential. As the city continues to grow, so too will demand for residential accommodation and we see good medium to long-term
potential in this sector.

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