SUMMER 2021

   CYO/Camp Howard is based on Christian
   principles that reinforce sound human and
   social values. It exists to provide opportunities
   for people of any race, nationality, or religion to
   discover and be reassured of their self-worth as
   individuals and as valuable members of society.
   It provides activities of a social, cultural, and
   recreational nature. From this awareness, people
   will be encouraged to use their talents in service
   to others of their community.


     Sr. Krista von Borstel
       Executive Director                ELSIE FRANZ FINLEY
      Karen von Borstel
                                          WELCOME CENTER
       Property Director      Camp Howard has a new Welcome Center thanks to a $1.8
                              million gift from the late Elsie Franz Finley, The Welcome
        Peggy English         Center has a reception area, the new, larger Camp Store, a
        Camp Director         Health Center complete with an exam room and infirmary,
                              conference room, and camp administrative offices. The
         Shawna King
                              Franz Finley Welcome Center is ready to greet our camp
    Assistant Camp Director
                              guests with a warm reception.

                                     OPEN HOUSE
                                      SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 2021
                                      2PM TO 5PM
                                      We invite families to join us at one of our
                                      Open House events and see for yourself
                                      the fun that is in store this summer at
                                      Camp Howard. You'll receive a tour of
                                      camp, meet camp staff, and even get to
                                      meet our Camp Goats!

                                      Camp Howard
                                      11010 SE Camp Howard Rd.
                                      Corbett, Oregon 97019

                                      Driving directions to Camp Howard can be found on
                                      our website:
It takes all of us to keep camp a place for fun, friendship, and
                                               great memories. Camp Howard's leadership understands kids
CAMP HOWARD                                    and parents have been waiting two years to come back and
                                               enjoy camp. We've missed you, too!

HEALTH & SAFETY                                Camp Howard will be adhering to the Oregon Health
                                               Authority Guidance for Youth Programs. This will help to
                                               ensure we can operate in a safe and healthy manner. We ask
COVID-19 PLAN                                  our participants to be partners in our efforts.
We ask that parents consider if attending camp is right for your camper this summer. Parents are asked to discuss
with their campers all safety protocols at camp: practice washing hands with soap & water for 20 seconds, using
hand sanitizer, wearing a face mask for long periods of time indoors and outdoors, and remaining 6 feet physically
distanced from others. Campers are expected to follow all guidelines in order to participate. Does your camper have
a pre-existing medical condition that may put them at higher risk if they are exposed? Parents may want to discuss
concerns with the camper's pediatrician.
Parents/guardians will receive a link to the 14-Day Wellness Check form online to record daily temperatures and
symptoms their camper(s) may be experiencing. If your camper or household members have been ill in the 14 days
leading up to camp we ask that you contact us to discuss moving their attendance to another session. Campers
who arrive at camp with COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to enter the camp. Please limit your camper's
exposure to people outside your household for the two weeks prior to coming to camp. The 14-Day Wellness
Check form must be completed and submitted online by Noon the day before the camper's session at camp.

All campers will have a camp staff member administer a wellness screening that includes a temperature check.
Only campers that have a completed 14-day Wellness Check online, have no symptoms and no fever will be
admitted into the camp.

  Each morning camp staff will conduct a wellness screening of all campers and staff members. Anyone suspected
  of COVID-19 symptoms will be evaluated by our Camp Nurse, who will contact parents to arrange transportation.
  Face masks will be worn by unvaccinated campers and staff. Mask breaks will be allowed while eating, sleeping,
  swimming, showering, brushing teeth, and when staff determines it is safe to remove masks. Parents are asked
  to pack enough face masks for a clean mask to be worn daily. Please keep clean masks in ziplock bags.
  Approved face masks will have a minimum of 2 layers of fabric and no vents.
  Campers will be assigned to a cabin of up to 10 campers and 1-2 staff members. Cohorts are 2-3 cabins of
  campers (30 campers maximum) and 2-3 counselors. Cohorts will attend program activities together and will not
  interact with other cohorts. Cabin Counselors will keep a daily Contact Tracing log for their campers. Camp
  Howard will retain the logs for 60 days post-camp.
  Cabins will have increased ventilation by opening windows and employing fans. Campers will sleep head to toe
  to increase the distance between heads.
  Handwashing and hand sanitizing will be conducted throughout the day. Signage and staff will remind campers
  throughout the day to be mindful of healthy hygiene. Everyone will wash their hands after each program activity.
  Cleaning and sanitizing of high-touch surfaces will take place throughout the day. Our Health & Safety Manager
  will be inspecting restrooms daily.
  Meals will be served in well-ventilated spaces and outside (weather permitting). Campers will eat in assigned
  areas with their cohort and spaced six feet apart. Meals will be delivered to the campers pre-packaged or served
  No large group activities will take place this summer (i.e. no camp-wide campfires or games).

When the Oregon Health Authority guidelines change, Camp Howard will also update our guidelines to remain in
compliance. This document will be updated on our website. Please refer to the most recent version when preparing
for camp.
PERSONAL VEHICLE                                                 PLEASE BRING WITH YOU:
Drop-off time on the first day: 8:00-8:30 AM                       Camper Medications (see packing list for
Pick-up Time on last day: 5:30 PM                                  instructions on bringing medicine to camp).
Unvaccinated adults are asked to wear a mask and remain in         For campers 13 years and old: a signed
the vehicle while at camp. Campers will need to wear a mask        Zipline & Giant Swing Participation Waiver
and will receive a Wellness Screening before exiting the           (found on our camp website).
vehicle. Staff will help campers with their luggage.
                                                                 COMPLETE THE DAY BEFORE CAMP:
DRIVING DIRECTIONS:                                                The 14-Day Wellness Check online form--            must be completed by noon the day before
Howard                                                             arriving at camp.

CAMP BUS                                                              WHEN ARRIVING AT THE DROP-OFF
Our camp bus will pick up/drop off campers at:                        LOCATION:
Oregon Catholic Press                                                  1. Proceed to the check-in tent for your age
5536 NE Hassalo St., Portland                                             group. Wellness checks will take place
                                                                          here. The drop-off parent/guardian will be
WHEN TO ARRIVE AT THE BUS STOP ON THE FIRST DAY:                          asked for their name and the name of the
7:00 AM: Last name begins with A-M                                        parent/guardian picking up your camper
7:30 AM: Last name begins with N-Z                                        at the end of the week. You may turn in
8:00 AM: Day Campers                                                      any waivers/forms. Your camper will be
8:30 AM: Campers board assigned buses                                     provided a sticker that acknowledges
9:00 AM: Buses depart for Camp Howard                                     they passed the Wellness Check and
                                                                          which bus they are assigned to. They will
WHEN TO ARRIVE AT THE BUS STOP ON THE FINAL DAY:                          board the bus at 2:30 PM.
5:30 PM                                                                2. Campers with medication will need to
                                                                          visit the Camp Healthcare Provider tent.
For the safety of campers and staff, please park across the            3. Finally, relax at the park across the street
street from Oregon Catholic Press. The entire parking lot area            while you wait to board the bus. Parents
is reserved for the camp check-in/check-out process and                   must stay with their campers at all
camp buses. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.                      times until they are loaded onto the
                                                                          buses, at which time Camp Howard will
Due to COVID-19 precautions: only one parent/guardian                     assume responsibility for the campers.
may drop off and pick up campers.                                         Note: at the end of the camp session,
                                                                          Camp Howard relinquishes responsibility
PLEASE BRING WITH YOU:                                                    for all campers upon return to the Oregon
  Camper Medications (see packing list for instructions on                Catholic Press building after campers
  bringing medicine to camp).                                             disembark from the bus and have been
  For campers 13 years and old: a signed Zipline & Giant                  signed out to their
  Swing Participation Waiver (found on our camp website).                 parent/guardian/designee. Camp Howard
                                                                          staff will remain on-site until all campers
COMPLETE THE DAY BEFORE CAMP:                                             are picked up at the bus stop.
  The 14-Day Wellness Check online form-- must be
  completed by noon the day before arriving at camp.                  BUS RULES
                                                                        Face masks will be worn for the entire
We appreciate your patience and adherence to scheduled                  trip.
times during the check-in process. Parents will have the                Windows will be open to allow for
opportunity to relax with their campers at the park across              additional ventilation.
from Oregon Catholic Press until it is time to board the bus.           Food is prohibited on the bus.
Parents must stay with their campers at all times until                 One person per seat.
they are loaded onto the buses, at which time Camp                      Campers may not scream or roughhouse.
Howard will assume responsibility for the campers.                      All aisles must remain free from pillows,
Parents may want to bring extra water and a snack to enjoy              bags, etc.
while waiting. Food will not be permitted on the camp bus.              If a camper needs assistance they may
Restroom facilities are available in the park.                          raise their hand and a staff member will
                                                                        assist them.
Camp Howard has a designated healthcare
CARING FOR YOUR                                              provider and our summer staff is CPR and
                                                             First-Aid trained. All campers are under the
                                                             supervision of trained camp staff 24-hours a day.

If you need to notify the camp and/or your child, in the     Camp Howard strives to provide a safe Christian
event of an emergency, please call the Portland CYO          community for all campers. Campers that are
office at (503)231-9484 during our office hours (9 AM to 5   unwilling/unable to follow the basic Camp Howard
PM, Monday - Friday). You may also call our camp office      rules make it difficult for our staff to provide this
at 503-695-2876.                                             environment for all campers. It is unacceptable for one
                                                             camper to ruin the experience of other campers.
After business hours, you may communicate emergency
messages to Shawna King, our Assistant Camp Director,        Campers are expected to follow all the rules of Camp
via email:                        Howard or they will be sent home. We will make every
                                                             effort to work with the camper and redirect
PARENT NOTIFICATION PARAMETERS                               inappropriate behavior as necessary, but if other
  Parents will be notified if more than basic first-aid      campers are being negatively affected by it, or if their
  is needed. This would include but is not limited to        behavior is putting themselves or others at risk,
  severe cuts, broken bones, ticks, high fever, sore         parents will be contacted to come to camp
  throat, sprains, and bee stings.                           immediately to take the camper home. Campers sent
  Parents will not typically be notified if basic first-     home receive no refund for unused services.
  aid is needed. Basic first-aid includes, but is not
  limited to bug bites, headaches, scratches, slivers,
  stomachaches, and cramps.                                   CAMP HOWARD CODE OF CONDUCT
  If a camper requires medical attention beyond what
                                                                  Respect yourself.
  the camp health service can provide on-site, the
  Camp Nurse will make all possible efforts to notify             Respect others.
  the parents or guardians to make arrangements for               Respect the environment including all wildlife.
  you to pick up the camper at camp to pursue further
                                                                  Respect the buildings and property of Camp
  medical attention at your discretion. In the event
  you cannot be reached to advise you of a priority               Howard.
  medical need for your camper, our Camp                          Respectfully follow directions from all camp staff.
  Administrative Staff will transport the camper to the
                                                                  Use proper language at all times. Profanity of any
  nearest appropriate medical facility for any required
  emergency care until you can be reached.                        kind is unacceptable.
  If the camper requires immediate emergency                      Discrimination, bullying, and other forms of
  medical attention our Camp Administrative Staff will            intimidation or malicious teasing of another
  transport, or arrange for transport of the camper to
  the nearest appropriate medical facility for any                person is unacceptable will not be tolerated.
  required emergency care until you can be reached.               There is an absolute "Zero Tolerance" policy at
                                                                  Camp Howard regarding the use of alcohol, drugs
                                                                  of any type, fireworks, firearms, knives, or other
Rest assured, Camp Howard staff is well-trained in how
to handle homesickness and we will make it our priority           weapons that are brought into camp.
to ensure your camper has a successful and fun week at            Any type of sexual or interpersonal relationship-
                                                                  based activity, which includes open displays of

If your child has never been to camp before, you can              affection such as holding hands and kissing, is
help make their experience successful by talking before           inappropriate Camp Howard behavior and is not
they leave for camp about all the fun activities they are
going to experience. Tell them it is okay to miss you as
long as it doesn't ruin their fun.                                Any violation of this policy will result in the
                                                                  camper being immediately sent home with their
                                                                  parents/guardians and without a refund.
                                 PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS WITH CAMPER'S NAME.

CLOTHING                                                      OTHER GEAR
Please note that clothing must be modest: no thin-
                                                                 Sleeping Bag
strapped tank tops, cropped shirts, tube-tops,
pants/shorts/skirts/skorts that reveal under gar ments or        Pillow
are shorter than mid-thigh, and shirts must cover the            Optional: twin fitted sheet
midriff. No clothing with logos/graphics with slogans of         Face Masks (one for each day)
sexuality, drugs, alcohol, violence, or any other
                                                                 Refillable Water Bottle
inappropriate topics.
                                                                 Flashlight (with extra batteries)
  T-shirts (5-6)                                                 Camp Store Money
  Plain White T-shirt to Tie-Dye                                 Digital or Disposable Camera

  Sweater/Sweatshirt (1-2)                                       (cell phones will not be allowed)
                                                                 Quiet bunk activities such as journals, books
  Jacket (1)
                                                                 w/reading light, or playing cards
  Warm hat, gloves for chilly evenings
                                                                 Stationary for Letter Writing (paper, self-
                                                                 addressed stamped envelope or postcard,
  Pants (2-3)
  Shorts/Skorts (3-4)                                            Medications: Prescribed and Over-the-counter
  Underwear                                                        Prescribed Medications: must be properly
  Socks                                                            labeled by a pharmacy, including its valid and

  One-piece Swimsuit or Tankini that doesn't expose                current physician's prescription and detailed

  the midriff/Swim Trunks (No bikinis or swim briefs)              dosage information. Items with prescription
                                                                   labels affixed to a separate box (i.e. asthma
  Closed-toed shoes* (2 pair: one for everyday wear
                                                                   inhalers, eye drops, etc.) must include the box.
  and 1 for the Slip-n-slide)
                                                                   Over-the-counter Medications: MUST be in
  Shower shoes (flip flops or Croc-type shoes) *
                                                                   their original (prescriptive) container and not
  Western Clothing for Western BBQ Night at Camp                   expired prior to the last day of their session. No

* Open-toed shoes and flip flops are not allowed at                exceptions. Please keep in the original container
camp except for showering.                                         which contains the directions for dispensing. If
                                                                   there are different instructions of dispensing

TOILETRIES                                                         that are not on the bottle, then instructions
                                                                   from your camper's pediatrician must provide
  Lip Balm
                                                                   written instructions on their official letterhead.
  Towels (2- shower and pool)
                                                                   Put all medications in a Ziplock bag with your
                                                                   camper's full name on the bag. Parents will
  Toothbrush & Toothpaste
                                                                   check in all camper medication with the Camp
  Soap & Shampoo                                                   Nurse on the first day of camp.
  Comb/Hair Brush
  Insect Repellant
  Hand Sanitizer
  Feminine Products

WHAT NOT                        ELECTRONIC DEVICES:
                                cell phones, handheld
                                                            WEAPONS OF ANY KIND (including pocket knives)
TO BRING                        gaming systems, iPad,       HAIRDRYERS AND CURLING IRONS

TO CAMP:                        laptops, Apple watches,
                                and other screen devices
                                                            ANY ITEM THAT HAS INAPPROPRIATE SLOGANS OR
                                                            GRAPHICS ON IT.
                            CAMP HOWARD SUMMER 2021

   AQUATIC               TARGET              ACTIVE              CREATIVE              NATURE

    Swimming              Archery            Basketball           Arts & Crafts      Goat Encounter

 Giant Slip-n-Slide       BB Guns            Pickleball             Tie-Dye              Plant ID

                                             Volleyball       Friendship Bracelets    Letterboxing
 Campers under 10                         Campers under 10
                      Campers 11 years+                         Plastic Lanyard      Exploring Nature
       years:             Laser Tag            years:
  Corcl Boating                             Pedal Carts

                                          Campers 13 years+
                                            Giant Swing

                                                              MEAL PROGRAM
A FULL DAY OF FUN IN                                          All units/cabins will be assigned a
THE GREAT OUTDOORS!                                           meal location. Campers will be spaced
                                                              6 feet apart while dining. All campers
DAILY CAMP SCHEDULE                                           and staff will wash their hands with
                                                              soap and water prior and after all
7:30 AM-----Daily Wellness Checks                             meals.
8:00 AM-----Breakfast
                                                              Meals will either be served to the
9:00 AM-----Unit time
                                                              campers prepackaged or campers will
10:00 AM-----Morning programs: Sessions 1 & 2                 wait in a physically distanced line to
12:00 PM-----Lunch                                            be served cafeteria-style.

1:00 PM-----Afternoon Program: Session 3
                                                              Parents who marked specialty
2:00 PM-----FOB (Cabin time)                                  diets/food allergies on their camper's
3:00 PM-----Afternoon Programs: Session 4 & 5                 registration form will be contacted the
                                                              week prior to discuss their camper's
5:30 PM-----Dinner
                                                              specific needs.
7:00 PM-----Unit activity and mail call
9:00 PM-----Get ready for bed/devotions                       Camp Howard provides gluten-free
                                                              and vegetarian options at every meal
10:00 pm-----LIghts out
                                                              for campers who made the request in
                                                              advance on the registration form.

CAMP STORE                                                   Mail
The new Camp Howard Camp Store is located in the             Campers love to receive postcards and letters from
new Welcome Center. It is larger than our previous           home. Please make sure to send them well in advance
Camp Store and well stocked with camper favorites            to ensure your letters arrive while your camper is still
such as:                                                     at camp. Allow a minimum of 4-5 days for letters to
   Postcards & Stamps                                        arrive at camp from the Portland Metro area. Be sure
   Snacks (popcorn, sno-cones, candy, etc.)                  to include a return address on all mail.
   Camp Howard Water Bottles                                 Mail to:
   Sunglasses                                                Camper Name and Session Number
   T-shirts, Sweatshirts                                     Camp Howard
   Hats                                                      11010 SE Camp Howard RD
   Stuffed Animals                                           Corbett, OR 97019
   Flashlights                                               Most campers receive 1-2 pieces of mail a week, but
   Disposable Cameras                                        some campers do not receive any mail.
   And much more!
                                                             Did you forget to mail your letter the week before
Items are priced from $0.50 up to $25. Campers usually       camp? If so, bring it to drop-off on the first day and
bring from $20-$50 per session.                              we'll have a mail collection box.

Parents have the option of pre-paying their camper's         Is email your preferred form of communication? NEW
Camp Store money during the registration process or          THIS YEAR: you may email your camper at Camp
anytime after registering by contacting the CYO/Camp         Howard! Please type your campers name, age, and
Howard Portland office at (503)231-9484. For those who       session number in the subject line and email to:
choose to send cash with their camper, we will collect
camp money upon arrival at camp. For younger
campers, it is safer to pre-pay their Camp Store money
                                                             All emails received by noon will be printed and
as that will ensure it is waiting safely for them at camp.
                                                             delivered to your camper after dinner. Please be
                                                             advised that campers will not be able to email you a
Care packages are a great way to let your camper know
you are thinking of them, even while they are away from      Due to COVID-19 safety protocols, parents are
                                                             prohibited from sending food in any care packages
                                                             from home. Campers will not be permitted to eat in
Camp Howard Care Packages are comprised of a
                                                             the cabins. Also, please do not send anything by
selection of fun, interesting, and unique items not
                                                             Certified Mail, as that requires a signature and will not
available in the Camp Store. Care Packages are
                                                             be delivered to Camp Howard by USPS. If you send
distributed to campers during their camp session.
                                                             something express by USP or Fed-Ex, the package
                                                             must have a signed release form, which allows the
                                                             carrier to leave the package at the Welcome Center,
Each year Sister Krista personally creates the design for
                                                             without a signature.
our Camp Howard T-shirts/Sweatshirts. Campers wear
them with pride throughout the year and wrap
                                                             We strive to ensure that mail that arrives after a
themselves in the wonderful memories of special times
                                                             camper has left is forwarded, whenever possible.
and special friendships formed at Camp Howard. You
may pre-order your camper's Commemorative T-
                                                             LOST AND FOUND
Shirt/Sweatshirt when registering your camper or by
                                                             Camp Howard is not responsible for any items left at
contacting the CYO/Camp Howard Portland office at
                                                             camp. Please label all your camper's items with their
(503)231-9484. Delivery will be during your camper's
                                                             first and last name. Any items found at camp after
session at camp.
                                                             your camper departs will be taken to the CYO
                                                             Portland office one week after their session. Please
                                                             contact the office at (503)231-9484 to make
                                                             arrangements to search lost and found.
COUGAR AWARD                                               CABIN/UNIT ASSIGNMENTS
For almost 60 years, Camp Howard's longest-running         Camp Units have been shuffled for the summer of
tradition, the Cougar Award, has been presented each       2021 only. We have reduced our capacity as a COVID-
session to campers who exemplify generosity, humility,     19 safety precaution.
self-growth, and good citizenship while at camp. It is
awarded to campers who not only try to grow from their     Cougar Den Unit
experience at camp but who help other campers grow         6-10-year-old Boys & Girls Campers
during their stay, as well. When the award is given for
the first time, a camper will get the necklace award as    Aldergrove Unit
well as the respective bead for that season. Each          11-12-year-old Boys & Girls Campers
summer that the camper receives the Cougar Award,
they will earn the respective bead, from a sequence        Sparpole Unit
starting with a Red First Year bead and ending with a      13-14-year-old Boys & Girls Campers
Blue Staff bead.
                                                           CITs (Counselors-in-Training) Unit
Earning a Cougar Award is an achievement that many         15-17-year-old Boys & Girls
campers strive for, and one enthusiastically celebrated
by camper, CITs, and staff alike.
                                                           CABIN BUDDIES
                                                           Parents have the opportunity to request 1-2 buddies
                                                           for their camper during the only registration process.
Camp Howard began our Camper Cross program in              We make every effort to honor all buddy requests.
1997 to help teach Christian values and encourage          Please note that requested buddies must be of similar
campers to employ them in their daily lives. Each          age (in the same Unit).
camper receives a Camper Cross to which a different
bead is added each season. The Cross also serves as a      Occasionally there may be a large group of friends
memento of Camp Howard that each camper takes              attending camp during the same session. Part of the
home with them. If your child attended Camp Howard         fun of camp is meeting new friends. We may split the
in the past, make sure they bring their Camper Cross       large group between multiple cabins so that campers
with them this season to add this year's bead. If their    have the ability to create new friendships.
cross has been displaced, we can replace it upon
request during their camp session.
                                                           Camp Howard's CIT program creates future leadership
                                                           at camp. To be considered for our CIT program,
A decision has been made by Camp Howard's                  campers must apply and provide references. They will
Administration Team to not allow camper cell phones        interview with our Camp Director. Selected CITs will
and electronic devices at camp. All campers and            participate in a 4-week training program over two
parents will continue to have access to each other by      summers. At the conclusion of training, our CITs will
use of the camp office phone and mail service. Cell        be prepared to become Camp Howard Summer Staff.
phones will be used by camp staff as needed in             More information on the program and how to apply is
emergency or safety situations.                            available at:
Campers will be able to fully engage at camp without       elors-In-Training-CIT
the distraction of a cell phone. Consider this a perfect
opportunity for your camper to step away from screens
and be an active participant in camp life.                 THANK YOU, PARENTS AND CAMPERS!
                                                           We thank you for your business and support of our
Camp leadership understands that some campers use
                                                           organization. We appreciate your input. If you have any
their cell phone as a camera, too. We encourage
                                                           questions or concerns, call the Portland Office or email
campers to bring a disposable or digital camera to
                                                           Peggy English at We
camp instead.
                                                           hope your time at Camp Howard is full of fun and
                                                           great memories!
We will confiscate any unapproved cell phones brought
to camp and return them to the parent/guardian
picking up the camper at the end of the week.
You can also read