Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster

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Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster
Friday 19th February 2021 • £2.40 • €2.70                                                       Subscribers only pay £1.94

‘Care not
camps for
– cardinal
Insensitive and cruel accommodation
behind wire fences risks traumatising
people who fled from persecution
Nick Benson                                persecution. To make such people
Cardinal Vincent Nichols has joined        ‘then live behind wire fences is simply
Christian leaders in calling on the        insensitive’ to the ordeals they have
Home Office to stop the use of disused     been through.
military barracks as accommodation            The letter states: ‘As you know, in
for asylum seekers.                        the absence of safe and legal routes
   The cardinal, together with Bishop      to apply for refugee status outside
Paul McAleenan, the Catholic Bishops’
Conference of England and Wales’
(CBCEW) Lead Bishop for Migrants
and Refugees, joined other Church
                                           the UK, many have no choice but to
                                           make a dangerous and perilous jour-
                                           ney to seek safety from conflict, per-
                                           secution, and violence.
                                                                                      are becoming
leaders in writing to Home Secretary          ‘After such a traumatic journey, hav-
Priti Patel to stress that the use of      ing had to often spend time behind
such facilities, even as a temporary       wire fences in refugee camps, it is
measure, is ‘entirely inappropriate’.      simply insensitive to house people in
   Using the example of Napier Bar-        such environments. In a global pan-
racks in Folkestone, Kent, the signa-
tories point out that the strategy is at
odds with the restrictions in place to
combat the spread of Covid-19. Mem-
bers from different households living
                                           demic it is nothing short of irrespon-
                                           sible and risks the lives of residents
                                           and staff alike.
                                              ‘Even as a temporary measure, ex-
                                           military barracks are unfit for purpose
                                                                                      a habit...
in shared facilities suffer an increased   and entirely inappropriate. Requiring      Carmelite Sr Patricia of the Immaculate Heart of       The landmark paves the way for an easing of
risk of infection and residents cannot     members from different households          Mary is pictured receiving her Covid-19 vaccine at     restrictions, with Johnson preparing to set out a
be held responsible for virus trans-       to use and live in shared facilities       St Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing             roadmap to normality on Monday evening.
mission rates when social distancing       greatly increases the risk of infection    in London. Her jab came as the UK reached the          • Anyone aged over 70 in England who hasn’t
is not possible.                           and residents cannot be held respon-       target set by Prime Minister Boris Johnson to          received a first dose of the vaccination can go book
   But they also point out the deeply      sible for virus transmission rates when    administer 15 million vaccinations by mid-             an appointment by calling 119 or going online:
worrying psychological impacts such        social distancing is not possible.’        February, covering the four highest priority groups,
accommodation can have on refugees,                                                   an achievement hailed as “a significant milestone”     19/coronavirus-vaccination/
many of whom have fled conflict and        Continued on page 2                        by the PM.                                             Photo: Hannah McKay, Reuters.

     £2.40       €2.70
Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster
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                                                                                      Catholics urged to back Lord’s
                                                                                      plan to tackle ‘crime of crimes’
                                                                                      Nick Benson
                                                                                      Prominent Catholic politicians are
                                                                                      calling on the support of Catholic
                                                                                      Universe readers as they have vowed
                                                                                      to continue their battle to provide
                                                    Protesters pictured at            justice for victims of genocide after
                                                    Liverpool’s Beatles               the UK Government was branded
                                                    statue offer their                ‘shameful’ for blocking a vote on the
                                                    support for refugees
                                                                                      ‘crime of crimes’.
                                                    Photo: Care4Calais
                                                                                         Catholic peer Lord David Alton of
                                                                                      Liverpool has urged readers of The
Continued from page 1                      seekers from Napier barracks, with         Catholic Universe to contact their
   Leaning on the shared Christian         both rulings citing the ‘prison-like’      MPs, encouraging them to “vote with
                                                                                                                                 Rohingya Muslims protest against
teaching that upholds all human be-        conditions. A recent fire at the site      their conscience” on the issue when
                                                                                                                                 their treatment in Myanmar
ings as equal and deserving of respect,    resulted in a lack of electricity and      they have another chance to do so.
dignity and welcome, the leaders pro-      hot water.                                    The call comes after Prime Minister    “chicanery” in obstructing a straight    question of providing a judicial deci-
mote a model in which asylum seekers         Refugee groups have long con-            Boris Johnson narrowly avoided a          vote on the issue by arranging it so     sion on whether a genocide is under-
are housed within communities.             demned the Government’s use of the         Tory rebellion over signing trade deals   that any Conservative rebels who vot-    way.
   ‘We have witnessed at first hand,       disused barracks as asylum accom-          with countries suspected of commit-       ed in favour of Lord Alton’s amend-        “It is deplorable that such a vote
the generous welcome provided by           modation, branding it “intentionally       ting genocide. MPs narrowly voted         ment would also be backing a separate    has been denied by machinations and
civic and faith groups to those seeking    cruel” following revelations that Home     to remove two Lords amendments            Labour-sponsored amendment.              chicanery.”
protection. When asylum seekers are        Office officials intentionally deployed    from the Trade Bill, including one          Catholic Tory MP Sir Iain Duncan         He said if a competent Court was
housed within communities, it allows       substandard asylum accommodation           tabled by Lord Alton, which would         Smith said: ‘Parliament should have      to be given this power it would force
for better integration and access to       to manage public opinion.                  have forced ministers to withdraw         had an historic opportunity to end       Government to fulfil its duties under
support services.                            Sarah Teather, Director of JRS UK,       from any free trade agreement with        decades of dither over the ‘crime of     the 1948 genocide Convention, putting
   ‘Asylum seekers are often no longer     said: “People who have been forced         any country which the High Court          crimes’ – genocide – and provide a       genocide prevention at the heart of
seen as ‘other’ but as neighbours and      to flee their homes have been sub-         ruled is committing genocide.             meaningful avenue for justice and        foreign policy.
friends. It is in this environment that    jected to unsafe, undignified, and in-        It was replaced by a Government-       accountability.’                           He urged Catholic Universe readers
asylum seekers physical and mental         humane conditions in barracks ac-          backed compromise amendment                 Lord Alton confirmed to the Uni-       and the public to “contact MPs and
wellbeing can be protected, and they       commodation. It is intentionally cruel     aimed at giving Parliament a vote on      verse that he will table a further       urge them to vote with their con-
are also able to better engage with        and part of a wider strategy: the Gov-     whether to pursue agreements with         amendment next week. “I will be lay-     sciences and to back Sir Iain Duncan
their asylum application.’                 ernment is risking the lives of the        such countries.                           ing a further amendment before the       Smith, who will be leading the House
   The letter comes a week after judges    most vulnerable in order to make a            However, politicians called this op-   House of Lords; if passed it will give   of Commons campaign to provide
ordered the relocation of two asylum       political point.”                          tion ‘parliamentary gameplay’ and         MPs the chance to vote on the central    justice for victims of genocide.

UK arms sales accused of fuelling Yemen civil war
Peace campaigners have urged the           Biden has committed to end arms            lated incidents’, despite the fact that
UK Government to stop fuelling the         sales while the conflict continues. The    hundreds of attacks on residential ar-                                              A worker stands on the wreckage
civil war in Yemen as “shocking” figures   UK-made equipment used in the war          eas, schools, hospitals, civilian gath-                                             of a vehicle oil and tyres store hit
revealed the true extent of arms sales     includes Typhoon and Tornado air-          erings, and agricultural land and fa-                                                 by Saudi-led airstrike in Yemen
to Saudi Arabia.                           craft, Paveway bombs and Brimstone         cilities have been documented.
   The UK Government licensed £1.4         and Stormshadow missiles.                      Sarah Waldron, of CAAT, branded
billion worth of weapons sales to             In June 2019, the Court of Appeal       the new figures “shocking” and said
Saudi Arabian forces in the immediate      ruled that the Government acted un-        they illustrate the Government’s de-
aftermath of its decision to renew         lawfully when it licensed the sale of      termination to keep supplying arms
arms sales in July 2020. The majority      arms to Saudi-led forces without as-       at any cost.
are ML4 licences which cover bombs,        sessing whether they would be used            “UK weapons have played a devas-
missiles and countermeasures. The          in ways that would breach humani-          tating role in Saudi attacks in Yemen,
deal brings the total cost of UK-made      tarian law. This followed a case brought   yet the UK Government has done
weapons sold to the Saudi forces since     by the Campaign Against Arms Trade         everything it can to keep the arms
the bombing of Yemen began in 2015         (CAAT). The government was ordered         sales flowing,” she said.
to £6.8 billion.                           not to approve any new licences, but          “The arms sales are immoral, and
   The UK is one of Saudi Arabia’s         in July 2020 it resumed arms sales,        we believe that the decision to renew
leading arms suppliers, along with         claiming any violations of Interna-        them was illegal. They must change
the US, but crucially President Joe        tional Humanitarian Law were ‘iso-         course work to support peace.”
Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster
The Catholic Universe        |   Friday 19th February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                03

Cardinal calls on Mary to help                                                                                                                                                                 New warning
                                                                                                                                                                                               of ‘DNR’ notes
us see out the Covid pandemic                                                                                                                                                                  on disabled
Nick Benson                                                                                                                                                                                    Disability campaigners in the UK have
As the Covid-19 pandemic rages on,                                                                                                                                                             warned again that Covid-19 patients
Cardinal Vincent Nichols has urged                                                                                                                                                             with learning disabilities may be hav-
the faithful to bring their needs to                                                                                                                                                           ing do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders
Our Lady, “asking her to intercede for                                                                                                                                                         imposed on them, with one doctor
us with her son”.                                                                                                                                                                              branding it ‘eugenics’.
   She already knows “the longings of                                                                                                                                                             Charity Mencap said it was receiving
our hearts and the despair that some-                                                                                                                                                          reports that people with learning dis-
times touches them”, he said: “We                                                                                                                                                              abilities were being told they would
ask, fervently. Like many a mother,                                                                                                                                                            not be resuscitated if they were taken
she is there before us. But the asking                                                                                                                                                         seriously ill with Covid-19.
is so important.”                                                                                                                                                                                 It comes after the Care Quality Com-
   The cardinal’s call came during his                                                                                                                                                         mission (CQC) reported in December
homily at the Mass in honour of Our                                                                                                                                                            that some people had received DNR
Lady of Lourdes in Westminster Cathe-                                                                                                                                                          orders last year without their knowl-
dral on Saturday, 13th February.                                                                                                                                                               edge or consent.
   Recalling how live pictures were                                                                                                                                                               Edel Harris, Mencap’s chief execu-
streamed from the Shrine of Our Lady                                                                                                                                                           tive, said “many people with a learning
of Lourdes to mark her feast on Thurs-                                                                                                                                                         disability have faced shocking dis-
day, 11th February, the cardinal noted                                                                                                                                                         crimination and obstacles to accessing
how the faithful were able to “be with                                                                                                                                                         healthcare, with inappropriate Do Not
people gathered at the Grotto, quietly                                                                                                                                                         Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resusci-
moving around, praying peacefully”                                                                                                                                                             tation (DNACPR) notices put on their
and “take part in Mass in the Under-                                                                                                                                                           files. It’s unacceptable. The Govern-
ground Basilica”.                                                                                                                                                                              ment must act to save the lives of
   “These moments brought comfort                                                                                                                                                              some of society’s most vulnerable by
and encouragement to many who                                                                                                                                                                  urgently prioritising all people with a
love the Shrine and look forward to                                                                                                                                                            learning disability for the vaccine.”
visiting in the future,” he said.            Cardinal Nichols invited the faithful    someone who had been in an intensive       Cardinal Nichols celebrates Mass in                              Responding to the reports, US vi-
   He asked Our Lady to “stream to us     to pray for the sick, the dead and          care unit had told him of the vast         honour of Our Lady of Lourdes, in                             rologist Angela Rasmussen tweeted:
not images of Lourdes but her gifts of    those who are suffering in hospital         amounts of rosary beads there. “In         Westminster Cathedral                                         ‘This is eugenics and it is revolting.’
compassion and hope”.                     or at home. He prayed for those await-      our hour of need we turn to her who        Photo: Mazur/                                    See Caroline Farrow, pg 10
   “The Gospel reminds us that we         ing treatment, as well as perseverance      is always close,” the cardinal said.
are right to do so,” he said. “The Wed-   and deep resilience, an inner strength         “The instinct to pray is deep within
ding Feast in the village of Cana gives   of spirit and all those standing on the     us. At times of need it cannot be easily     YOUR GIFT CAN HELP BRING MEDICINE
us real insight into the relationship     front line during the pandemic.             resisted. Indeed, we know that the
between the mother and her divine            The cardinal also asked for prayers      fabric of faith is so important to our
                                                                                                                                   TO SOME OF INDIA’S POOREST PEOPLE
son. As only a mother can, she knows      for all priests, that they “may be stead-   daily living, and we can give a re-         Children under the age of five are dying from malnutrition and vitamin deficiency
his heart. She understands his deepest    fast in our ministry”.                      minder of this truth to others simply       The Sisters of Charity of St Vincent
                                                                                                                                  De Paul write to The Little Way
longing to redeem his people,. And           Noting that it is not surprising how     by saying that we are going to pray         Association from north-eastern
she is utterly confident that he will     in the midst of the pandemic there is       for them. It is an offer that is rarely     India: “Covid means that people are
answer her requests.”                     a revival of prayer, he recalled how        rejected!”                                  completely depending on the St
                                                                                                                                  Vincent Health Centre which we
                                                                                                                                  established in 2015 in Darenchigre.

Lent pledge to open hearts to
                                                                                                                                  Patients are suffering from anaemia,
                                                                                                                                  jaundice, typhoid, diarrhoea,
                                                                                                                                  malnutrition, calcium and iron
                                                                                                                                  deficiency, and many children below

sick and cultivate kindness
                                                                                                                                  the age of five are dying. We are
                                                                                                                                  unable to provide better medical                           One of the Sisters of Charity and grateful patients
                                                                                                                                  care and treatment due to the lack                         at St Vincent Health Centre, north-eastern India.
                                                                                                                                  of finance and the other issues like lack of medical equipment and oxygen supply monitors
                                                                                                                                  in emergency situations.”
Nick Benson                                                                           for others, once kindness becomes a                                        “Please can you help us?”
This Lent, as the UK marks the first                                                  culture within society it transforms        The sisters work in one of India’s poorest regions, where the people scrape a living from
anniversary of Covid-19, Catholics                                                    lifestyles.’                                subsistence-agriculture. The health centre was intended just to provide first aid but people
must open their hearts to the sick                                                       Bishop Mason said: “The pandemic         from 20 villages have come to use it as their principal medical facility. The sisters urgently
                                                                                      has brought an urgent need for society      ask for funds for vitamins, diagnostic equipment and treatment for those suffering from
and love them as brothers and sisters,                                                                                            various dietary deficiencies.
the Catholic Bishop for Healthcare                                                    to take up this call to cultivate kind-     The sisters conclude their letter: “We earnestly ask you to participate in this humble effort
has said.                                                                             ness, particularly for the sick.                                          to offer our medical support to the people in need.”
   Bishop Paul Mason said the pan-                                                       “The last year has generated tragic                                    Your donation to the Little Way Association’s fund for the
demic has taught the faithful to “cul-                                                scenarios in which heart-breaking de-                                     sick, hungry and deprived will go, without deduction, to
tivate kindness” in their treatment of                                                cisions have had to be made about                                         help hard-pressed establishments such as the St Vincent
                                                                                                                                                                Health Centre.
the sick. “Today, we bring to mind all                                                who receives urgent care. These de-
those who are suffering, including                                                    cisions must now prompt us as a so-                                         Crossed POs and cheques should be sent and made
those afflicted with Covid-19, those                                                  ciety to reflect on how we view and                                         payable to: THE LITTLE WAY ASSOCIATION
for whom treatments and therapies                                                     value the lives of the sick.                                                Sacred Heart House, 119 Cedars Rd, Clapham Common,
have been delayed or postponed, the                                                      “We are bound to the ill, suffering                                      London SW4 0PR (Registered Charity No. 235703)

mentally ill, the lonely and isolated,    which people are living. Remembering        and dying by their vulnerability,” he                                       Tel. 020 7622 0466.
those working on the frontline, and       those who have died, as well as their       said. “Their trust in us is a gift which                                    I enclose £ be allocated for:-
the countless thousands of others         loved ones in mourning, Bishop Ma-          we must cherish, honour.”                                                   £............. SICK, HUNGRY AND DEPRIVED
who have made quiet and selfless acts     son said: “The fact of our fraternity          Bishop Mason pointed out that dur-                                       £............. NEEDS OF MISSIONARIES
of sacrifice,” Bishop Mason, the          reminds us that we are social beings,       ing the season of Lent, Christians                                          £............. MASS OFFERINGS (Please state no.…......…)                       The Little Way
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Eng-      and Jesus’ warning against hypocrisy        recall the suffering, death and glorious                                    £............. LITTLE WAY ADMIN. EXPENSES                                         Association
land and Wales’ (CBCEW) Lead Bishop       is an encouragement to kindness.”           Resurrection of our Lord. “I invite you                                     Name (Rev. Mr. Mrs. Miss)
                                                                                                                                                                  (Block letters please)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Please tick if you would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     like an acknowledgement
for Healthcare, said in his message          He cited Pope Francis’s encyclical       to join me in making a commitment                                           Address
for the World Day of the Sick.            Fratelli Tutti, in which he wrote: ‘Kind-   to open our hearts to an encounter
   This year’s day was given special      ness ought to be cultivated; it is no       with the human face of Christ in the
significance, he said, by the extraor-    superficial bourgeois virtue. Precisely     sick, to judge them worthy and valu-
dinary and challenging times through      because it entails esteem and respect       able no matter their state.”                   !                           To donate online go to:
Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster
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Council criticised for
vigil ban extension
                                                                                       Pro-lifers divided on
Pro-lifers have branded plans to ex-
tend for another three years a buffer
zone banning vigils outside an abor-
                                           for women and democracy and
                                           marked the first time “a council has
                                           banned peaceful public acts of witness
                                                                                       abortion proposals
tion clinic in Ealing as a “disingenuous   and freedom of expression”.                 A DUP MLA has proposed a new law          against those with such disabilities.           “Maybe people are even told that
decision”.                                    SPUC commented that the exten-           that would prevent abortions being           “The current law tells those with         living with Down syndrome is too
   Ealing Council first imposed the        sion “vilifies life-saving actions found-   carried out in Northern Ireland in        disabilities that they are worth less        hard, but research confirms that peo-
Public Space Protection Order (PSPO)       ed most of all on love. Far from pro-       cases of non-fatal disabilities.          than other people, their contribution        ple with the condition and their fam-
of 100 metres around a Marie Stopes        tecting pregnant women, a PSPO robs            Paul Givan, Northern Ireland As-       is less valuable, their lives less im-       ilies are happy with their lives!”
clinic on Mattock Lane in April 2018.      vulnerable women considering an             sembly Member for Lagan Valley, in-       portant, less full,” he said. “It invites       However, Philip Lynn, the Society
   It was the first buffer zone of its     abortion of any other alternative.          troduced the Severe Fetal Impairment      us to view those with disabilities as        for the Protection of Unborn Children’s
kind in the UK and censors any pro-           “As we have reported in the past,        Abortion (Amendment) Bill for its first   less deserving of the protection of the      (SPUC) Northern Ireland development
life witness, as well as offers of pro-    there are numerous instances when           reading into the Stormont Assembly.       law.                                         officer, has said his organisation is
life services to pregnant women com-       a pro-life vigil could have, and some-         If passed it would no longer allow        “The idea that Down syndrome              not backing Mr Givan. He warned
ing to the clinic, thereby taking away     times did, provide a woman with ‘a          unborn babies with a ‘serious fetal       should be addressed by abortion is           that the Bill could lend democratic
any real choice from them.                 ray of hope’. This disingenuous deci-       impairment’ (SFI) to be aborted to        chilling. You don’t have to look far to      legitimacy to abortions that would
   The Society for the Protection of       sion has nothing to do with hope, but       term. The Bill would not amend the        see the full lives those with disabilities   fall outside its scope – “which is 99.993
Unborn Children (SPUC) said at the         instead libels pro-lifers in order to       law in cases of ‘fatal fetal abnormali-   lead; they enrich our communities            per cent” – and undermine the
time that the move was “a bad day”         forward a pro-abortion agenda.”             ty’ (FFA).                                and families.”                               chances of repealing the radical leg-
                                                                                          Currently abortion is legal under         The Bill is produced in association       islation imposed by Westminster by

Plans to criminalise rows
                                                                                       the Northern Ireland regulations up       with leading disability campaign             creating the false impression that it
                                                                                       to birth based solely on a primary di-    group Don’t Screen Us Out and cam-           is less extreme than it really is.
                                                                                       agnosis of disabilities such as Down’s    paigner Heidi Crowter has been work-            SPUC is urging the public to write

in the home shelved
                                                                                       syndrome, cleft palate, cleft lip or      ing alongside Mr Givan in support.           to politicians calling for legal protec-
                                                                                       clubfoot. Mr Givan’s Bill proposes that      “This Bill that allows abortion up        tion for all unborn children and the
                                                                                       non-fatal disabilities are not grounds    to birth in Northern Ireland makes           repeal of Section 9 of the Northern
The Law Commission has ditched             chairman, wrote: ‘The criminal team         for abortion in Northern Ireland and      me feel that I am not as valued as           Ireland (Executive Formation) Act
controversial plans to criminalise con-    is looking at alternative ways in which     that the current law is discriminatory    anyone else,” said Ms Crowter.               2019.
versations in private homes in England     the law might be reformed in order
and Wales.                                 to ensure that these laws, which crim-
  The commission had proposed ex-          inalise only the most serious forms
tending hate crime laws into private       of incitement, are compatible with
homes, which could have resulted in        both the right to freedom of expression
people being prosecuted for ‘hate          and respect for one’s home and private
speech’ in a private dwelling.             and family life.’
  However, the plan has now been              The Law Commission will present
dropped following a consultation on        a 500-page legal review to ministers
the matter, which saw concerns raised      later this year.
over people being prosecuted for caus-        In England and Wales, speech stir-
ing offence during dinner party de-        ring up hatred is only considered a
bates on controversial topics.             potential offence when said in public,
  In a letter seen by The Telegraph,       or in a private place where it can be
Lord Justice Green, the commission’s       heard outside.

  The Universe                             Health locums
   – Contacts –
                                           need vaccines
                                           The Government has been urged to
                                           ensure that non-NHS nursing staff
                                           are not “left behind” in the Covid-19
                                           vaccine roll-out.
                                             The call comes in response to a
      To contact a member                  Royal College of Nursing (RCN) survey,
     of The Catholic Universe              which found 85 per cent of 24,370
                                           nursing staff members polled between
            team, call:                    29th January and 2nd February had
                                           received a vaccine.                          Photo: ADF International.
     ADVERTISING SALES:                      Of the 15 per cent who had not, 70
       07984 616950                        per cent work in non-NHS settings.          Amid growing attempts to censor           of human rights organisation ADF             for myself, but for the vulnerable
                                             RCN Chief Executive & General Sec-        pro-life groups across Europe, local      International, ishas taken the               women contemplating abortion,
                                           retary Dame Donna Kinnair said:             authorities in Pforzheim, Germany         decision to court to “restore my             and for their unborn children,” she
         CIRCULATION:                      “Temporary and agency staff face the        have been challenged for being the        fundamental rights to freedom of             said.
         07375 397312                      same level of risk as their NHS col-        latest to prohibit pro-life prayer        religion, assembly and speech. ”               “Every life is valuable and
                                           leagues. Every effort must be made          and demonstrations outside an               The case will be heard in the              deserves protection. Surely a
          ACCOUNTS:                        to ensure all nursing staff have the        abortion advisory centre.                 country’s national court.                    simple prayer for the vulnerable
         07984 616949                      same level of protection.”                    Pavica Vojnovic, with the support         “I want to be there to pray, not           cannot be banned?”

         07949 987771
                                           Care home failures over PPE must not be repeated, says MP
                                           Catholic MP Meg Hillier has urged           the Government chose to prioritise        out tendering, but acting fast did not         The committee said care homes
     GENERAL ENQUIRIES:                    the Government to acknowledge its           the NHS over the social care sector.      give it license to rip up recordkeeping      only received a fraction of the PPE
       0161 820 5722                       personal protective equipment (PPE)           It also criticised the lack of trans-   on decisions,” said Ms Hillier, Labour       needed compared with the health
                                           failures, as she called for better prepa-   parency around the procurement            Co-operative MP for Hackney South            service and were only taken seriously
                                           ration in the future.                       process, particularly pointing out how    and Shoreditch and PAC chair.                after high mortality rates became ap-
  Supporting Catholic journalism              Her comments came as the Com-            orders had been placed with compa-           “Frontline workers were left without      parent. It said frontline staff in both
                                           mons Public Accounts Committee              nies based on recommendations from        adequate supplies, risking their own         health and social care experienced
   www.thecatholic                         (PAC) said care home staff were left        politicians rather than experts.          and their families’ lives. The Govern-       shortages of PPE, with some forced
                                           without adequate PPE during the first         “Government had permission to           ment needs to acknowledge the errors         to reuse single-use items as stocks                           months of the Covid-19 pandemic as          procure equipment at pace and with-       and be better prepared.”                     ran ‘perilously low’.
Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster
The Catholic Universe         |   Friday 19th February 2021                                                                                                                                                      05

Bishops label suicide
bill as failure of society                  this Bill should not be passed’.                 This, they say, runs ‘radically counter
Nick Benson
Catholic Bishops in Ireland have urged        Pointing out that the Bill does not         to the common good, the promotion
politicians to reject moves to introduce    make use of the term ‘suicide’, except        of which is a particular responsibility
assisted suicide and euthanasia, warn-      with reference to amendments to the           of the State’.
ing that not to do so would ‘reflect a      Criminal Law (Suicide) Act 1993, they            The bishops urge legislators to ‘hon-
failure of compassion on the part of        note that is ‘essentially about making        estly recognise’ the difference and
society’.                                   provision for a person who wishes to          ‘call things by their proper name’.
   The Council for Life and the Con-        end his or her life, to make a formal            The bishops say their submission
sultative Group on Bioethics, part of       declaration to that effect and to seek        is rooted in the Church’s conviction
the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference      medical assistance in doing so’.              ‘that we have a moral responsibility
(ICBC), made their remarks in a sub-          ‘It is therefore appropriate to refer       to care for our neighbour according
mission to the Oireachtas Committee         to the Bill as an ‘assisted suicide’ bill,’   to the Gospel image of the Good
on Justice regarding the Dying with         they add.                                     Samaritan’.
Dignity Bill 2020, which is currently         Noting that palliative care already            They warn that the Bill fails to re-      are under emotional and social pres-     thing they know to be gravely immoral
being assessed by politicians.              provides assistance to those who are          quire care givers to provide adequate        sure.                                    and utterly incompatible with their
   The bishops state that ‘the Com-         dying, they say the Dying with Dignity        palliative care for the terminally ill         The bishops also voiced concerns       vocation to heal.
mittee would best serve humanity            Bill instead provides for the medical         person, nor does it recognise the vul-       that the Bill would coerce the con-        ‘This burdening of conscience is
and the common good of society by           endorsement and facilitation of sui-          nerable patient’s state-of-mind or as-       sciences of objecting healthcare         unnecessary, disproportionate and
recommending to the Oireachtas that         cide.                                         sess whether they may feel like they         providers in order to facilitate some-   seriously unjust,’ they add.

  The Dancing
  Couple sculpture
  in Stardust
  Memorial Park,
  Coolock, Dublin

The Archbishop of Dublin has paid           horror of the tragedy, which, he
tribute to the victims of the               said, “is seared into the hearts and
Stardust nightclub fire, as he              memories of a generation”.
marked the 40th anniversary of the            “As your bishop, I stand in
“dreadful night”.                           solidarity with your inexpressible
   Forty-eight people died and              grief and sadness, to pray both for
more than 200 were injured in the           the victims of this awful tragedy
fire in Artane, Dublin, in the early        and for healing for the families who
hours of St Valentine’s Day 1981.           suffered such loss. ”
   Archbishop Dermot Farrell told a           All of those who died in the fire
memorial Mass that so many                  were aged between 16 and 28.
families have endured enormous                A fresh inquests is to be held into
suffering and are now re-living the         the causes of the fire.

Faith alliance unites
against Hate Crime bill
An unprecedented alliance of Catholic       ‘transgender identity has been subject
and Evangelical Church leaders are          of ‘extensive and emotional public
urging the Scottish Government to           discussion. Such free discussion and
drop part of its proposed Hate Crime        criticism of views is vital as society
and Public Order (Scotland) Bill.           wrestles with these ideas.’
   The Bill would potentially crimi-           They warn however, that they ‘can-
nalise any criticism of transgender         not accept that any position or opinion
ideology and has been criticised by         at variance with the proposition that
the Catholic Church, the Free Church        sex (or gender) is fluid and changeable
of Scotland and the Evangelical Al-         should not be heard’.
liance. Church leaders have told Cab-          The letter marks the first time
inet Secretary Humza Yousaf that            Catholic, Free Church and Evangelical
greater protections are needed for          Alliance leaders have jointly petitioned
freedom of expression.                      the Scottish Government.
   The leaders say they welcome ‘open          Supporting ‘open and honest de-
debate’ on any issue, but are con-          bate’ the letter ends with an assertion,
cerned that any disagreement with           that ‘a right to claim that binary sex
or criticism of transgender identity        does not exist or is fluid must be
could fall foul of the new law, if passed   matched with a right to disagree with
in its current form.                        that opinion; and protection from
   The Church leaders point out that        prosecution for holding it’.
Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster
06                                                                                                                                               For extra news go to


     The Universe
      – Comment –
 We’re still here for
                                          Covid has reopened sectarian
 you every week!
                                          tensions over NI policing
Last weekend the Prime Minister
hailed hitting the target of 15 million   Kevin
Covid vaccinations as “an unbeliev-
able effort.” But the true test of this   Hearty
achievement must surely be what
it allows us to do as a consequence.      The problem of enforcing coronavirus
   Now that the most vulnerable           restrictions without coming into
groups in the population have re-         conflict with significant parts of the
ceived the jab, that accounts for         population has afflicted many police
more than 80 per cent of the likely       forces during the pandemic. Reports,
hospitalisations and fatalities. New      unimaginable a year ago, of weddings,
cases are falling rapidly and will        christenings and other social gather-
lead to a reduction in Covid patients     ings being broken up have led to
on wards, which remain high.              concerns about police overreach.
   But the conversation has switch-          In Northern Ireland, however, this
ed from saving the NHS from being         problem comes with historic baggage.
overwhelmed to getting cases right        During the years of conflict, the
down to reduce the risk of new            police force (the Royal Ulster Con-
variants. That makes the road back        stabulary) was associated with the
to normality much longer.                 British state. It enjoyed a close rela-
   There are now under 10,000 new         tionship with the largely Protestant
infections a day, much reduced            unionist community but a fractious
from the 60,000 at the start of the       one with the largely Catholic nation-
year. Modellers predict this num-         alist community, who didn’t recog-
ber will halve every 17 days, which       nise its authority. Cases of unfair
gives 5,000 by the beginning of           treatment made it worse.
March. Is that low enough? Or                Post-conflict police reform in
does the Government want it to            Northern Ireland was aimed at rem-
zero? At what point are mutations         edying this. Symbolic changes were                                                                                                on social media, PSNI chief consta-
controlled?                               made – like renaming the force the                                                                                                ble Simon Byrne was forced into a
   Matt Hancock said we would             Police Service of Northern Ireland                                                                                                panicked Saturday night apology.
have to live with Covid as we do          (PSNI) and attempting to recruit                                                                                                  This, however, has done little to
with flu, yet no-one suggests the         more Catholics. This was meant to                                                                                                 dampen disquiet over the PSNI’s ac-
entire adult population must be           build support for the new police                                                                                                  tions.
vaccinated against that virus or          force from all communities.                                                                                                          Not only has the arrest left a very
that normal interactions must be          Whether it involved too little or too                                                                                             bad taste in the mouths of victims
forbidden while any cases exist.          much change remains contested.                                                                                                    and survivors of the 1992 attack, it
The rationale is hard to discern.            Even before the pandemic, many                                                                                                 has also immeasurably damaged the
   Mr Johnson wants this lockdown         working-class communities felt they                                                                                               PSNI’s attempt to reach out to ex-
to be the last; who could possibly        were unfairly targeted by the PSNI                                                                                                cluded working-class nationalist
disagree with that? But if that           when it came to policing political                                                                                                communities in the hopes of in-
means cases must be reduced to a          protests yet, at the same time, were                                                                                              creasing its legitimacy.
level at which there is no longer         receiving a sub-standard service                                                                                                     The force has been attempting
the slightest risk of an upsurge          from the force when it came to in-        policing. The PSNI stands accused          public-safety regulations quickly            to recruit people from these com-
even among age groups for whom            vestigating crime and anti-social be-     of failing to prevent mass gatherings      gave rise to claims that the PSNI was        munities in order to ensure that its
Covid is overwhelmingly a mild ill-       haviour.                                  at a number of high-profile funerals       turning a blind eye to what looked           officers better represent the areas
ness, the collateral cost of doing so        In the north of Ireland, policing is   in both Irish republican and Ulster        like loyalist paramilitary activity. Still   they are policing. Unfortunately, the
will be enormous.                         interpreted through what happens          loyalist communities. Complaints           reeling from the criticism of its mis-       PSNI’s actions throughout the pan-
   Are we seeing too much caution         in other communities and areas as         that some grieving families were           handling of this incident, by the end        demic are unlikely to encourage
and not enough optimism? We               much as it is by what happens in          above the law while others are sub-        of the same week, things went from           prospective recruits to join and,
need to hear more about the vac-          one’s own community. The PSNI has         jected to it soon followed.                bad to worse for the force.                  therefore, could set back progress
cine’s potential to let people live       therefore been under constant                Likewise, the decision to issue            A number of people gathered for a         towards resolving this longstanding
normally again and as soon as             scrutiny over its handling of the         fines to protesters at Black Lives         socially distanced wreath-laying at a        problem.
possible.                                 pandemic. Every move the police           Matter protests, while failing to take     bookmaker’s shop on the Ormeau                  An apology after the fact does lit-
                                          have taken, or not taken, has been        similar action against those who had       Road where, 29 years previously,             tle to convince already sceptical au-
 The Universe                             closely observed by those in ‘hard-
                                          to-reach’ communities that have tra-
                                                                                    gathered to ‘protect’ statues in
                                                                                    Belfast, was also heavily criticised.
                                                                                                                               loyalist gunmen had shot dead five
                                                                                                                               patrons. There are conflicting accounts
                                                                                                                                                                            diences. Seeing is believing, as they
                                                                                                                                                                            say, and what ‘hard-to-reach’ com-
 – Direct Contacts –                      ditionally had a difficult relationship      But two more recent incidents           of the exact numbers involved and            munities have seen during the pan-
                                          with the police.                          have caused even greater tension.          whether the event breached Covid             demic has only reinforced, rather
      To contact a member
                                             Since March 2020 there have been          In the first, footage emerged of        restrictions. But as the event came          than challenged, their misgivings
     of The Catholic Universe             various restrictions on gatherings        PSNI officers failing to stop dozens       to a close, PSNI officers intervened         about the PSNI.
            team, call:                   like weddings and funerals, which         of masked loyalists taking to the          and, as matters escalated, they ar-
     ADVERTISING SALES:                   have also extended to other social        streets of east Belfast as part of a lo-   rested one attendee. This attendee,          Kevin Hearty is a Research Fellow,
       07984 616950                       and public gatherings in Northern         cal dispute there.                         it transpired, was a survivor who            School of Law, Queen’s University
                                          Ireland. Acting in one situation, but        The sight of PSNI officers failing      had lost his brother-in-law in the           Belfast
        CIRCULATION:                      not in another, has led to renewed        to make any attempt to arrest those        1992 attack.                                 This article first appeared on
        07375 397312                      claims of over-policing and under-        contravening coronavirus-related              As footage of the arrest emerged
       07984 616949                                                                                                           Supporting Catholic journalism
         EDITORIAL:                                                          Universe Media Group Limited,                                                                                   Subscription rates:
        07949 987771                           Editor: Joseph Kelly                                            News and feature items:                   All enquiries:
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     GENERAL ENQUIRIES:                         Email: joseph.kelly@               76 Talbot Road,                   Email: pool@                   Tel: 0161 820 5722           To subscribe, please use the order form
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       0161 820 5722
Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster
The Catholic Universe         |   Friday 19th February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                              07

Adams calls for
action after                                Granny Nancy keeps the faith as
death threat
Nick Benson
A banner that appeared at Belfast City
                                            she sets off on global Mass tour
Hall containing an apparent death           Nick Benson                                                                                                                                                         “I have a great faith and it has
threat aimed at former Sinn Féin            A      107-year-old         great-great-                                                                                                                         helped me keep positive throughout
leader Gerry Adams is being investi-        grandmother has used the pandemic                                                                                                                                the struggles I’ve met,” said Granny
gated as a hate crime by police.            to tour churches around the world                                                                                                                                Nancy. “I thank you for keeping your
   The banner, which appeared at the        from the comfort of her home in Co.                                                                                                                              faith and for keeping your resilience
front railings of the building earlier      Meath.                                                                                                                                                           strong, through this hard time.”
this month, included an image of Mr            Nancy Stewart, affectionately known                                                                                                                              For those who may be feeling low
Adams under the title ‘Tick-Tock’.          as ‘Granny Nancy’, has chalked up-                                                                                                                               during this challenging time, Ms Stew-
   It also contained abusive and sec-       online Mass in all 32 counties of Ire-                                                                                                                           art suggested phoning a relative or a
tarian language, as well as an apparent     land during the Covid-19 pandemic                                                                                                                                friend, or even going for a walk.
threat to kill Mr Adams.                    and has now embarked on a new vir-                                                                                                                                  “I also ask God to help me if I’m
   A solicitor acting for Mr Adams          tual spiritual journey – attending on-                                                                                                                           feeling low,” she said. “This is a hard
made a formal complaint about the           line Mass across the globe.                                                                                                                                      time for everyone but please make
banner to the PSNI Chief Constable             Ms Stewart, the oldest person in                                                                                                                              sure you keep yourself well and wear
and to the Legal & Civil Services of        Ireland still living in their own home,                                                                                                                          your mask. If you keep healthy, your
Belfast City Council. The solicitor said:   has been shielding in Clonard with                                                                                                                               mind will stay healthy too.
“The image on the banner can only           her granddaughter Louise Coghlan,                                                                                                  Louise and                       “Keep talking to one another,” she
be construed as a threat to kill and a      37, since last March.                                                                                                           Granny Nancy.                    said. “All my life I have always believed
hate crime.”                                   The pair have been kept busy drink-                                                                                           Photo: Living                   in chatting and drinking tea and saying
   The PSNI and Belfast City Council        ing plenty of Barry’s Tea, baking and                                                                                            and Laughing                    a prayer or the Rosary and it has got
confirmed they are investigating.           video-calling friends as well as at-                                                                                                 with Lou/                   me through. This is our moment to
   Chief Inspector Gavin Kirkpatrick        tending Mass. They have shared their                                                                                                Facebook.                    keep our faith and to keep believing
said: “Inquiries are ongoing into this      adventures through their Facebook                                                                                                                                that everything will turn out okay.”
matter, which is being investigated         page, Living and Laughing with Lou,        New York; the Irish Pontifical College            demics, having been an infant during                                   Granny Nancy also called on people
as a hate crime.”                           as they attend online Masses through-      in Rome; and St Anthony’s Church in               the 1918 Spanish ‘flu outbreak.                                     to make sure their neighbours are
   Mr Adams (below) said: “There is no      out the country.                           London.                                             She has 84 grandchildren, great-                                  looked after. “Try to make sure we
place for hate crime or public threats.        Granny Nancy has now become                “We always planned to complete                 grandchildren and great-great-                                      leave nobody behind and we don’t
The PSNI has a responsi-                    something of a celebrity, with her         the nationwide 32 county virtual tour             grandchildren, three daughters, Kath-                               lose sight of each other,” she said.
bility to confront those                    Facebook page boasting thousands           by January and then go international              leen, Mary and Olive, and one son,                                     “This is a moment for humanity to
responsible for such                        of followers.                              from St Bridget’s day,” Ms Coghlan                Finian.                                                             step forward to take care of the other.
offences when they                             Her story has also led to online        said.                                               Her husband, Bob, died in a car                                   We must mind ourselves but we must
appear and to pursue                        Mass invitations from a host of church-       Born on 16th October 1913, Granny              crash in 1989 and she lost her twin                                 also mind all those around us. Look
those responsible                           es, including Old St Pat’s in Chicago;     Nancy has had an eventful life, wit-              daughters Margaret in 2007 to motor                                 up and smile even if you have your
through the courts.”                        St Barnabas’ Church in the Bronx,          nessing two world wars and two pan-               neurone disease and Anne in 2010.                                   mask on.

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Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster
08                                                                                                                                           For extra news go to

Comment                                                                                                                                       Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

Eat out to help
out misses the
point that many
                                       When it comes to vaccines,
cannot afford
food at all                            we know it’s good to share
You would think that this year         Robin
Lent is being cancelled. The take-     Cohen
away app Deliveroo is urging the
Government to reinstate the
Chancellor’s ‘Eat Out to Help Out’     In a number of wealthy countries,
scheme to encourage people back        the number of Covid-19 vaccines or-
into pubs and restaurants when         dered vastly exceeds what’s needed,
they reopen. Their appeal is           while many poorer countries
backed among others by the own-        will have to wait – possibly for years
ers of Itsu and Pizza Hut UK.          – for vaccines to become widely
   Last August a 50 per cent Gov-      available.
ernment discount up to £10 a              If these rich countries’ orders are
head led to 160 million meals being    fulfilled, what will happen to the ex-
claimed at a cost to the taxpayer      cess vaccines? Will they be wasted,
of £849m in subsidised eating out.     traded to the highest bidder, or allo-
Of course, it was aimed at boost-      cated free or at cost to those poorer
ing the hospitality sector but not     countries where Covid-19 is still rag-
everyone could afford to eat out at    ing?
even subsidised meals. One-in-            Lamenting many countries’ lack
four adults in the UK have been        of access to vaccines, the director-
left financially vulnerable, driving   general of the World Health Organi-
14.2 million into serious debt         zation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom                  Redistribution could
according to the Financial Con-                                                      focus on giving vaccines
                                       Ghebreyesus, has described the
duct Authority and redundancies                                                      to those who aren’t able
                                       world as being “on the brink of a cat-
are rising at the fastest rate on                                                    to socially distance, such
                                       astrophic moral failure”. Wasting             as displaced people.
record with the end of furlough        these over-ordered doses would
still to come. In other words, mil-    compound this accusation many
lions are forced to cut back on        times over.                                    Of course, these surpluses will
essentials and are among the 5.6          Ordering so many vaccines is not         change as fresh data emerges. New
million now turning to foodbanks.      in itself immoral. It was completely        orders will be placed, some may be
   The Joseph Rowntree Founda-         reasonable that those in charge of          cancelled, and vaccines still in de-
tion estimates that some two mil-      procurement in countries such as            velopment could fail during testing.
lion families are now struggling to    the UK and Canada ordered a wide               Note that I’ve focused on Canada,
afford to feed themselves, stay        portfolio of vaccines. There was no         the UK and the EU for a few reasons.
warm or keep clean.                    way of knowing which would meet             While they aren’t the only nations to
   In other words while some are       regulatory approval.                        have over-ordered, this group of
saving and an estimated 14 per            The speed of development, as well        countries engages significantly with
cent of adults have had an im-         as the relatively low number of fail-       the WHO and with international de-
provement in their financial situa-    ures, has also been unexpected, pro-        velopment issues more generally.
tion and can afford to eat out,        ducing a good number of potentially         Civil society organisations in the        including the WHO, Gavi and               surpluses to Covax, a more positive
many others are far from being         viable vaccines in a short space of         field of global justice are also active   the Coalition for Epidemic Prepared-      approach would be for redistribu-
able to afford to eat at all.          time. Nonetheless, Covid-19 vaccine         in holding these governments to ac-       ness Innovations. But perhaps the         tion to be led by need. If this were
   While campaign pressure is          development cannot be considered            count, so there’s a much greater like-    most obvious redistribution route is      the case, the next step would be to
building to support extending the      a success until this redistribution is-     lihood that they will develop policies    the Covid-19 Vaccine Global Access        identify where vaccines should be
emergency £20 a week added to          sue is resolved.                            for redistribution.                       Facility – better known by its            sent. Two targets suggest them-
Universal Credit, which is due to                                                                                            acronym, Covax. This was set up           selves: places where infection is high
end in March, it is important to       Assessing the size of the problem           How redistribution could happen           specifically to share Covid-19 vac-       and places home to displaced peo-
spell out that the income of the          The Duke Global Health Innova-              Much will rest on the goodwill of      cines fairly around the world. It has     ple, such as in Yemen, Syria, South
bottom tenth in society has fallen     tion Center in the US is tracking how       governments and the nature of their       already made progress in ordering         Sudan and Bangladesh, where it
by about £1,800 a year since the       many vaccine doses each country             contracts with vaccine makers.            new vaccines and planning their           is difficult to socially distance and
Conservative Government im-            has ordered. Calculating the number            It could be argued that vaccine        initial distribution, but it has yet to   medical supplies, hand sanitiser and
posed a benefit freeze in 2016.        of surplus vaccines requires making         hoarding is sensible, considering the     clarify how it would redistribute any     PPE are often lacking.
   Meanwhile, how do we make           some assumptions – for instance             possibility that annual or periodic       surplus vaccines donated to it.              Finally, surplus vaccines
sense of a time of fasting and re-     that every adult will get vaccinated –      vaccinations may be needed. How-             Covax also has no power to com-        requiring intense cold storage will
pentance under Covid?                  so these are quite rough estimates.         ever, the expiration dates on vaccines    pel states to share their surpluses       be harder to distribute, as not all
   Theologian Fr Jon Sobrino, in a        The EU has ordered 1.6 billion           and the likelihood that vaccines          with it. The decisions of individual      countries will have the necessary in-
Lenten reading, writes: ‘Solidarity    doses for its adult population of           will need to be tweaked to handle         governments will therefore be crucial.    frastructure. One innovative idea
is another name for the kind of        roughly 375 million. As these vac-          new variants suggests that hoarding       It appears that the European Com-         could be to use international air-
love that moves feet, hands,           cines require two doses to provide          is irrational.                            mission has decided to leave redis-       ports in recipient countries as ‘cool-
hearts, material goods, assistance     full protection – except for the 200           Some contracts may also allow for      tribution to individual countries.        ports’, with freezers installed and all
and sacrifice towards the pain,        million single-shot vaccines from           over-ordered batches to be deferred       Outside the EU, Norway has com-           approved vaccines administered
danger, misfortune, disaster or        Johnson & Johnson – the bloc’s or-          or cancelled, but this is unlikely to     mitted to sending its surpluses to        from there. However, it might be
death of other persons or of a         ders will cover just under 900 million      make the problem of excess vaccines       Covax, and Canada has said it will        easier to simply redeploy vaccines
whole people.                          people. If all orders are fulfilled, this   disappear completely. Also, unused        do likewise. Other decisions are in       with easy storage requirements to
   ‘The aim is to share with them      is a surplus of around 525 million          vaccines that have nearly expired, or     the balance. It’s possible that vac-      countries where cold storage is diffi-
and help them rise up to become        full vaccinations.                          those less effective in some parts of     cine surpluses may be used instead        cult. To some extent, redistribution
free, claim justice, rebuild.             Similarly, the UK has ordered 219        the world in the face of mutated          to placate near neighbours or to ad-      may end up being driven not by
   ‘In the pain, misfortune, op-       million vaccinations for its 54 million     variants of the virus, might suddenly     vance foreign-policy goals. Spain,        need or politics, but by logistics.
pression and death of the people,      adults; that is a surplus of 165 million.   become available for redistribution       for example, announced that it will
God is silent. God is silent on the    Canada has ordered 188 million full         in large quantities.                      sell 30,000 excess doses to Andorra       Robin Cohen is an Emeritus
cross, in the crucified and this si-   vaccinations for its 32 million adults         Several international agencies         at cost.                                  Professor, Development
lence is God’s word, God’s cry’.       (an excess of 156 million).                 could help with the redistribution,          For countries that don’t hand their    Studies, University of Oxford
Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster Care not camps for refugees' - cardinal - Diocese of Westminster
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