CCO Forum Case Study - BankWest The Power of Collaboration Between Front and Back Office - Presented by Jill Marks

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CCO Forum Case Study - BankWest The Power of Collaboration Between Front and Back Office - Presented by Jill Marks
CCO Forum Case Study – BankWest
The Power of Collaboration Between Front and Back Office

                                                                 Presented by

                                                                    Jill Marks

                                                           Honorary Mention
                                                           IQPC Best
                                                           Improvement Project
The Problem / Opportunity
  The Retail Mortgages operating model was constrained by fundamental issues resulting in
  customers experiencing unacceptable delays to get their Unconditional offer resulting in
  dissatisfied customers, low conversion rates and a poor rapport between Sales, Operations and
  Risk Departments.
                               The goals of our           Sales colleagues         No clarity on     Services colleagues
                              Sales and Services        do not have access       when ownership        are rewarded to
                                colleagues are           to, or easy means         passes from        action deals – not
                              misaligned causing         of communicating        Sales to Services       focus on the
                                  tension &                with, Services        or how it passes    customer or deliver
                                  frustration                colleagues                                     offers

                               “The current operating model is unsustainable and will not support either our
                                     service aspirations or planned growth due to issues in the end to end
                                  process. These cause delays for our customers, frustration for colleagues
                                            and high levels of re-work and cost for the organisation”

                              We do not always get it      Our processes          There is not an         There is a
                                right at the point of     cannot cope with          accountable      significant drop off
                               sale and this creates       the peaks and          and empowered         in deals from
                               rework and customer           troughs in              end to end         application to
                                   dissatisfaction          demand we              process owner          disbursal

© 2010 Limebridge Australia
The Solution
  The Coffee Program was established to review, redesign and agree the full end to end home loan
  process. Resolving the Customer Experience was the prime driver. Moving from approving 70% of
  applications within 10 days to 85% of applications within 3 days was the goal.

                                        Retail Executives from Sales, Operations, Risk and Products committed to meet weekly in Perth and
                          Executive     Sydney to directly get involved to help identify and provide immediate direction to the Project Team.
                          Ownership     This provided the necessary momentum and support to make things happen in the eyes of the
                                        customer and not just to solve problems for specific Departments.

                                        The first 100 days were an intensive ‘all hands on deck’ focus on Product proposition:
                                        • Process diagnosis & design
                    Setting a 100 day
                                        • IT systems architecture
                          plan          • Organisational Structures and Incentives
                                        • Product design and policies

                                        The Exec team provided a direction that no more then 50% of the solutions should be IT based. The
                         IT / Non IT    level of non-IT initiatives and minor quick wins enabled some early benefit realisation in 2009 and
                        expectations    was
                                        factored into the implementation approach.

                                        The program used work streams with individual accountabilities and scope requirements to deliver
                   Phased approach
                       to learn         Each Coffee phase has built on lessons learned from the previous phase to refine implementation,
                                        communications, training and stakeholder / colleague engagement.

© 2010 Limebridge Australia
The Solution….continued
Implementation of the Operating Model is divided into 6 work streams of activity that address the key
components and its success is proven in the effective running of a pilot period

                               The 6 Coffee Operating Model workstream’s scope

                                                          Customer Stream
                         Scope: Ensure that all streams are creating a coherent and effective customer experience
                              Identify opportunities to exploit Op Model changes into Marketing campaigns

                                     Continuous Improvement and Process Quality Stream
                Scope: Detailed definition of the control environment and associated processes i.e. Continuous feedback loop

               Channel &                                                                                 Technology Stream
                Product                                                                                    Scope: Identification,
               Processes                                                                                      definition and
                                                                                                         implementation of any IT
                Stream                                                                                      changes required to
           Scope: Detailed design               Colleague & Organisation Stream                            support the Op Model
           of the process for each        Scope: Definition of the detailed organisational structure           including the
            channel, per product             and transition plan (including training, leadership,             Coffee IT drops
                    type                recruitment, incentive schemes) to implement the Op Model        Nov 09, Apr 10 & end 2010

                                               Pilot Logistics & Financial Analysis
                                      Scope: Definition and implementation of the pilot Analysis and
                                 definition of the financial impact to Retail of the revised operating model

The Phased Approach
  The changes are being delivered through a series of phases compromising both technical and non-
  technical changes with learning’s from the previous phase taken forward

                                                                                                                              Coffee              Phase 6
                                                                                                         Coffee               Phase 5
                                                                                    Coffee               Phase 4
                                                                 Coffee                                                     Operating Model
                                              Coffee                                Phase 3
                                                                 Phase 2                                  Process              Roll Out
                       Coffee                 Phase 1                                                    Optimisation                            1.System Gate
                                                                                   Operating Model                                                 Enhancements
                      100 Days                                  POS Automation          ‘Pilot’                             1.System Checklist   2.Coffee/Genesis
                                            Data validation @                                                                 (Gate)               Integration
                   End2End process                                                                      1.POS Product       2.Org Design         3.Business/Retail
                                                  POS                              1.System Checklist
                         review                                                                           Selector            Changes              Org Design
                                                                1.Electronic         (Gate)
                   cards & mortgages                                                                    2.Data Validation   3.Control            4.Other channel
                                             1.Income             Identification   2.Org Design
                                                                                                          & Automation        Framework            UPOS e.g.
                   1.Problem Definition        Validation       2.Electronic         Changes
                                             2.Affordability      Valuations       3.Control                                                       Broker, Direct
                   2.Process Diagnosis
                   3.Indicative Solutions      Calculator       3.Broker             Framework
                     & Strategies            3.Data Input         Automation
                   4.Program Charter           Validation
                   5.Change Approach

                                            Coffee Fixes
                                              Non IT Changes
                                               & Quick Wins

                   August 2008                 July 2009          Nov 2009          Dec 2009             Apr 2010           May 2010             Oct 2010

© 2010 Limebridge Australia
The Methodology of the Solution
  Clear and logical illustration of the use of methodology and tools - leveraging an external methodology
  for our process work

                                                                      Continuous Improvement Principles
                                       Strategic Alignment              Customer Focus                  Metrics Driven             Empowered Teams

                               ÎMI reporting                                                                       Î 1st 100 Days plan to develop Program Charter
                               ÎQuality Assurance / Risk reporting                                                   and Business Case
                               ÎContinuous Improvement Board                                                             ÎProject Vision aligned to Bankwest &
                                                                                   Control              Initiate         Retail vision and strategic plan
                               ÎColleague performance
                               measures and incentives

                              ÎNon IT quick wins                                                                          ÎProblem Definition Statement
                              ÎStaged IT releases
                                                                       Implement             Business          Understand ÎPain Point’ workshops with Sales,
                              ÎPilot of the Revised Operating Model                           Needs                       Services, Risk, Marketing & Products
                              ÎColleague Performance / Incentive                                                                 Î Customer feedback forums
                              ÎMI / Continuous Improvement Board

                                                                                                                       ÎRevised Retail Operating Model
                              ÎIT enhancements to existing systems              Develop                 Innovate       ÎHard Gate technology to prevent
                              ÎIT development of new systems                                                           incomplete applications progressing to
                              ÎNon IT process improvements                                                             processing teams
                              ÎColleague behaviours, performance measures                                        ÎCAS (Customer Applications Solutions) team
                              and incentives                                                                     to progress applications to Unconditional
                              ÎMI & Continuous Improvement Board
                                                                                                             ÎOrg Design restructure
                                                                                                             ÎContinuous Improvement Board
                                                                       Continuous Improvement Culture
                                                                Process                 Project                People Change             Benefits
                                                              Management              Management                Management              Management

© 2010 LimeBridge Australia
The Results
  The Customer and Business Impacts have been extremely positive

                                                 Bankwest Direct Channel Turnaround Times (to unconditional)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Customer Experience Impacts


                                                                                                                                                                                   For the direct channels there has been
                                                                                                                                                                                   a marked improvement in turnaround
          % Uncon


                                                                                                                                                                                   times since April which correlates to
                                                                                                                                                                                   improvements in Deal Quality.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Improvements in turnaround times has
                                                                                                                                                                                   been made. While volumes have
                                                                                                                                                                                   decreased the conversion rates have
                           Jan-10       Feb-10       Mar-10       Apr-10         May-10     Jun-10      Jul-10      Aug-10     Sep-10         Oct-10
                                                                                                                                                                                   improved giving a better balance sheet
                                            1 Days or Less       3 Day or Less       5 Day or Less     10 Day or Less     10+ Days
                                                              Application Volumes and Conversion Rates
                    2500                                                                                                                               80%                         The percentage of deals moving to
                                                                                                                                                                                   unconditional after 10 days shows a
                                                                                                                                                                                   downward trend as more of these deals
                                                                                                                                                                                   are converted within 10 days.
                                                                                                                                                             Conversion Rate

                                                                                                                                                                                   Conversion rate shown to be trending

                                                                                                                                                                                   upwards (note that results for
                                                                                                                                                                                   conversion are only up to June to allow
                                                                                                                                                       20%                         for emergence).

                      0                                                                                                                                0%
                               Jan-10               Feb-10                 Mar-10             Apr-10             May-10              Jun-10

                                             Total Unconditional                    Non Converted                Conversion
© 2010 Limebridge Australia
The Results cont…..
The result is a new sales and fulfilment experience for our customers, which reduces operating costs,
manages risk responsibly and drives increased colleague advocacy, through cultural change and
enhanced IT systems.
                                                                                 STRATEGIC                  COFFEE
                                                                                 PRIORITIES                PROGRAM
                                                                                                 9 85% of all unconditional offers to
                                                                                                  9 customers
                                                                                                      85% of allwithin
                                                                                                                        3 days ofoffers to
                                                                                 Customer             customers
                                                                                                 9 Defined       within
                                                                                                             process   so3customer
                                                                                                                            days of application
                                                                                  Customer        9 what
                                                                                                      Defined  processup
                                                                                                         is expected     sofront
                                                                                                                             customer knows
                                                                                 Satisfaction         what is expected    up frontSatisfaction
                                                                                  Satisfaction   9 Improvement     in Customer
                                                                                                  9 scores
                                                                                                           80%       in Customer   Satisfaction
                                      1. Reliable and                                                 scores 80%
                                      controlled                                                 9 FTE reduction in Retail Services
                                      processes with                                              9 through
                                                                                                      FTE reduction
                                                                                                                          Retail Services
                                      the right level                            Cost                 through improved
                                                                                                    efficiency   & reducedprocessing
                                                                                                                            follow up calls to
                                                                                 Efficiency           efficiency & reduced follow up calls to
                                      of support at
                                      the point of                                Efficiency          CHC
                                                                                                 9 Reduction in reworked deals and
                                                                                                  9 ‘more
                                                                                                      Reduction    in reworked
                                                                                                            information          deals
                                                                                                                         required’     and
                                      sale                                                            ‘more information required’ requests
           5. Effective                                        2. Move
           continuous                                          towards a                         9 Reduced levels of front office rework -
           improvement                                         higher level of   Profitable       9 increasing
                                                                                                      Reduced Sales
                                                                                                                levels productivity,
                                                                                                                       of front office rework -
                                                                                  Profitable          increasing  Sales  productivity,
           process              Customer                       unconditional     Growth
                                                                                                               with reduction
                                                                                                                 with reduction
                                                                                                                               in servicing
                                                                                                                                 in servicing
           supported by                                        approval at
           daily MI            Satisfaction                    point of sale
                                                                                                 9 New continuous improvement
                               & Colleague                                                        9 framework
                                                                                                      New continuous
                                                                                                                to driveimprovement
                                                                                                                          improved process
                                                                                 Managing             framework   to drive improved
                               Engagement                                         Managing
                                                                                                    quality and colleague
                                                                                                      quality and  colleague
                                                                                                 9 Implementation of ‘Process  behaviour
                                                                                  Risks           9 and
                                                                                                      Implementation    of ‘Process
                                                                                                         preventative controls        Gates’
                                                                                                                                  at POS
                                                                                 Responsibly          and preventative
                                                                                                 9 Achieve    > 90% dealcontrols
                                                                                                                            quality at POS
                                                                                  Responsibly     9 (combination
                                                                                                      Achieve > 90%     deal  quality
                                                                                                                   of risk incidents, gate
                                                                                                    and              of risk incidents, gate
                                                                                                         minor errors)
                    4. Relationship                                                                   and minor errors)
                    Based Process                   3. Process                                   9 Creation of Customer Application
                    fosters                         enforces                                      9 Solutions
                                                                                                                of Customer    Application
                                                                                                                       Team within   Services
                    teamwork and                    quality through              Our People         – Solutions
                                                                                                      with clear (CAS)
                                                                                                                  points Team   within Services
                                                                                                                         of contact
                    collaboration                   one way                       Our People          – with clear points  of contact
                                                                                                 9 Alignment of Incentives Schemes
                    between Sales                   ‘gates’                                       9 within
                                                                                                           Sales of  Incentives Schemes
                                                                                                                  & Services
                                                                                                      within Sales & Services
                    and Services
                                                                                 Iconic WA &     9 Providing differentiated service
        Ô The ratio of benefits resulting from Non-IT initiatives as             ECIconic WA &    9 proposition
                                                                                                      Providing for
                                                                                                                 differentiated service
                                                                                                                     Bankwest customers
                                                                                 Challenger         forproposition
                                                                                                        both WA andfor Bankwest  customers
                                                                                                                       EC customers
          opposed to IT development is well over 50%                               Challenger         for both  WA  and
                                                                                                    through all Channels EC  customers
                                                                                 Brand                through all Channels

                                                                                     IT          Non-IT
The Imperatives for Success
  Leadership Commitment alongside the provision of resources and visible commitment from senior
  management is paramount to success

                                                                The escalation process for delivering the change

                                                                                                                 Personal attendance
                                                                                                                            attendance at   at Training
                                                                                                                                               Training & & Road-shows
                                                            Strategy   Executive                                 Messages
                                                                                                                 Messages in  in newsletters
                                                                                                                                 newsletters and and intranet
                                                                                                                                                      intranet communications
                                                          & Direction Management                                     Steering
                                                                                                                     Steering Committee
                                                                                                                                 Committee meetings
                                                                                                                 Personal attendance
                                                                                                                            attendance at  at Training
                                                                                                                                               Training && Road-shows
                                                       Structure           Senior                                Weekly
                                                                                                                 Weekly messages
                                                                                                                          messages in   in newsletters
                                                                                                                                           newsletters andand intranet
                                                                      Leadership Group                           Continuous
                                                                                                                 Continuous Improvement
                                                                                                                                 Improvement Board  Board
                                                    & Governance
                                                                     Middle Management                           Stakeholder
                                                                                                                 Stakeholder GroupGroup meetings
                                                                                                                 Manages barriers
                                                                                                                            barriers toto progress
                                                                                                                                           progress by by exceptions
                                                                                                                                                          exceptions reporting
                                                  Progress                                                       Drives
                                                                                                                 Drives implementation
                                                                                                                         implementation acrossacross work
                                                                                                                                                       work streams
                                       & Issue Management          Project Working Group                         Raises
                                                                                                                 Raises and
                                                                                                                          and resolves
                                                                                                                               resolves critical
                                                                                                                                           critical issues
                                                                                                                                                    issues and
                                                                                                                                                            and risk
                                                                                                                 Manages Implementation
                                                                                                                            Implementation activity
                                                                                                                 Personal attendance
                                                                                                                            attendance at   at Training
                                                                                                                                               Training & & Road-shows
                                            Driving the               People Leaders                             Team
                                                                                                                 Team & & One-to-One
                                                                                                                           One-to-One development
                                                                                                                                           development meetings
                                                                       Team Leaders                              Cascade
                                                                                                                 Cascade communications
                                                                                                                            communications from   from mgmt
                                                                                                                                                        mgmt &  & project
                                                                      Team Managers                              Feedback
                                                                                                                 Feedback to to // from
                                                                                                                                   from colleagues
                                                                                                                 Reward &  & recognition
                                                                                                                 Driving behavioural
                                                                                                                          behavioural change
                                         Activity                   Sales Colleagues                             Project
                                                                                                                 Project SMEs
                                                                   Services Colleagues                           Process
                                                                                                                 Process Proving
                        Escalation Path                                                                          Feedback
                                                                                                                 Feedback on on issues
                                                                                                                                  issues // process

                              ƒ Steering Committee provides guidance to the project and makes policy, financial and scope decisions
                              ƒ Stakeholder Group is actively involved in the project, representing the lines of business, approving release of staff for
                                SME, testing and process proving functions
                              ƒ Continuous Improvement Board meets regularly to:
                                     Ì Review MI and feedback from customers and colleagues
                                     Ì Recommend process & IT enhancements and improvements
                                     Ì Ensure effective feedback loop between Sales and Services is in place
                                     Ì Recognise, reward and celebrate success / excellence
                                     Ì Drive the desired behaviours through effective consequence management
                                     Ì Ensure coaching & development provided and is driving the desired
                                                                                                         behaviours / continuous improvement
© 2010 Limebridge Australia
The Imperatives for Success cont….
  Coffee has been a success due to great collaboration and accountability at all levels of the organisation

                              ƒ Responsibility for the customer does not lie with an individual but transfers between
                                colleagues throughout the sales & fulfilment processes. Colleagues are clear on
                                when ownership of the customers is transferred e.g. in Coffee when the deal
                                passes through the ‘hard gate’
                              ƒ Technical changes alone do not deliver benefits – re-education, training and
                                communication was necessary to foster greater engagement between Sales &
                                Services leading to improved customer experiences

                              ƒ Collaboration between Sales, Operations, Risk, Strategy & Products, Change
                                Management and IT throughout the process has been critical to the success of the
                              ƒ Nominated Business Stream Leads were accountable throughout the process,
                                creating ownership in the new model and leading to smooth transition in the rollout

                              ƒ Decision makers engaged at the start of the process to collectively define principles
                                of the new model ensures end product is aligned to Bankwest strategic direction
                              ƒ Visible & vocal Exec support during implementation & ongoing is critical. Program
                                CSFs declined during drops in this visible sponsorship

© 2010 Limebridge Australia
Future Plans / Stages
  Program Coffee continues to rollout and embed the operating model into the remaining sales channels
  and products lines, whilst developing systems which foster greater engagement between Sales &

                  R3 Kick Off               R3 Expand                R3 Embed           R5 Completed (Phase 1 - HLS)
                   Complete                 Complete                 Complete
                                                                                                               Coffee                                               Coffee
                                                                   R4 Completed                               Release 5                                            Release 6

                                                                           Coffee                           1.System                                        1. Hard Gate Automation
                                                                          Release 4                           Checklist
                                                                   1.POS Product                            2.Org Design                                        Analysis Stage
                     Coffee                                          Selector                                 Changes
                    Release 3                                      2.Data                                   3.Control
                                                                     Validation &                             Framework
                   Checklist                                          Process
                                                                     Optimisatio                                                                           (Other Channels & Products)
                   (Gate)                                                                                 Coffee I.C.E
                 2.Org Design                                                                   Operating Model Roll Out to BAU
                   Framework                                                                         (Proprietary Channels)

                     ‘Pilot’                                                                                   Direct
                    Phase 1 -                                              Phase 3 -                                                    Direct                       Network/
                                         Phase 2 - Expand                                         Phase 1                    Stores
                     Kick off                                               Embed                                                       Sales                          CC -
                                             Jan 18th                                              HLS
                    Dec 14th                                               April 16th                                                   (TBC)                        PL(TBC)

           Dec 09               Jan 10   Feb 10     March 10   April 10            May 10         June 10          July 10     Aug 10            Sept 10

© 2010 Limebridge Australia
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