Central London Office Development - Savills

Page created by Esther Garcia
Central London Office Development - Savills
UK Commercial – September 2021

                       Central London
Savills Research
                      Office Development

         Development activity   Office Demand        Sustainability   Pre-lets
Central London Office Development - Savills
Central London Offices - September 2021

                                       Development completions are set to hit a
                                       three year high by the end of the year
                                       Development completions are set to hit a peak this year whilst
                                       new starts show little sign of a significant fall
                                          So far this year we have                  Whilst there is still much debate   (180,459 sq ft).
                                       continued to see high levels of           about the longer term impact that
                                       pent up demand as many occupiers          hybrid models of working may              In total, 19% of the 32.6 m sq ft
                                       have continued to adopt a ‘wait           have on office demand, almost half     of the extensive refurbishments
                                       and see’ approach with their              of the pre-lets that have exchanged    and new developments scheduled
       5.5m sq ft of speculative
                                       future office requirements. As            this year are at least 2 years ahead   for completion over the next 5
    space is scheduled for delivery
               this year
                                       a result active Central London            of their scheduled completion,         years, have so far been pre-let.
                                       requirements currently stand at           illustrating the continued
                                       10m sq ft, up 41% on the same             importance occupiers attach to            Peak levels of annual
                                       period last year.                         the office.                            completions are expected over the
                                                                                                                        next 3 years with a record level
                                          Almost half of the overall                This strong appetite for newly      of 7.5m sq ft currently scheduled
                                       quantum of this space is made up          developed product has led to high      for delivery in 2023. Although
                                       of occupiers with lease events into       levels of developer confidence in      there are pricing headwinds ahead
                                       2023 and beyond, giving strong            recent years and we are expecting      particularly with rising building
                                       indication we will continue to see        development completions for this       costs as a result of increased
                                       occupiers considering pipeline            year to hit a 3 year high, with 5.5m   pricing on raw materials, and
                                       options.                                  sq ft scheduled for delivery by the    lower productivity levels. This will
                                                                                 end of this year. Most notably,        likely temper overall development
                                          The continuation of strong             development completions in the         completions over the next few
                                       demand for newly developed or             West End are set to reach their        years.

                                       extensively refurbished space, has        highest level on record with 3.4m
                                       resulted in pre-lets accounting for       sq ft currently forecasted.               The BCIS is currently
                                       22% of space acquired since the                                                  forecasting building cost across
                                       first lockdown in March 2020.                Due to the prevalence of pre-       the board will rise on average by
                                                                                 letting activity, 42% of this year’s   2.7% per annum between 2021 and
                                          The increased polarization             deliveries have been let prior to      2025. This along with the typical
                                       between best in class space               completion. Notable completions        planning and construction delays
     of the pipeline for the next 5    and Grade B space is further              this year include Battersea Power      will further reduce any potential
    years (2021- 2025) has already     illustrated by the fact that 88% of       Station, SW8 (550,000 sq ft), 1        risks of oversupply despite the
             been pre-let              leasing activity over this period         Portsoken Street, E1 (233,000 sq       peak levels of activity anticipated.
                                       has been of Grade A standard.             ft) and 2 Gresham Street EC2,

                                       Chart 1: Central London development pipeline

                                                                 Complete        Speculative        Pre-Let        Average completions



                                          Million sq Ft



     65%                                                  3.00


     of developments starts for this
           year are extensive                                                  of schemes starting this year
            refurbishments                                0.00               are extensive refurbishments

                                                                                                                                      Source; Savills Research

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Central London Offices - September 2021

   Pre-letting analysis            Chart 2: Central London development starts

We have analysed our leasing                                           Complete          Average completions
data over the past five years
looking at occupiers who have                          8,000,000.00
pre-let more than 10,000 sq ft
(excluding transactions to                             7,000,000.00
Serviced Office Providers).

Since 2017, 37% of Central                             6,000,000.00
London occupiers who pre-let

                                       Million sq Ft
10,000 sq ft or more were                              5,000,000.00
occupiers who were relocating
but taking at least an                                 4,000,000.00
additional 10,000 sq ft of
space. Over a third of these
occupiers took an additional
10-20,000 sq ft. 25% of these
occupiers took an additional                           2,000,000.00
50,000 sq ft or more. The
average length of time for                             1,000,000.00
occupiers taking additional
space,at their previous                                       0.00
address, was 11 years.

30% of the occupiers that have
pre-let space over the past 5
years were acquiring                                                                                                                          Source; Savills Research
additional space to their             Continued developer confidence                   Almost two thirds (65%) of              could potentially see, if we were
existing space or were new         in the Central London office                      schemes starting this year are            to see similar levels of demand for
entrants to Central London.        market is further illustrated by                  extensive refurbishments, the             this type of product return, this
                                   the lack of a significant slump to                majority of which are set to              would equate to just over 7m sq
22% of occupiers who pre-let       development starts for this year in               complete by the end of 2022.              ft of annual demand for Grade A
space over this period were
                                   contrast with previous downturns.                                                           space.
relocating to similar sized
                                   New starts are expected to be                       The City Fringe sub-market
space (10,000 sq ft more or
less).                             down by just 9% on the average                    accounts for 29% of this year’s              At this rate of take-up the entire
                                   annual level of starts we have seen               new starts, followed by the City          speculative pipeline for the next 5
Only 8% of pre-lets over the       over the past 5 years.                            Core with 24%, and then by SE1            years equates to around 43 months
past 5 years have consisted of                                                       with 11%.                                 of supply indicating that if similar
occupiers who were                    We are currently anticipating                                                            levels of demand were to return
downsizing.                        around 6.3m sq ft of new                             Over the past decade, prior to         the potential risk of oversupply
                                   developments and extensive                        Covid-19, average annual Grade            of this type of product would be
                                   refurbishments will start by the                  A take-up was typically around            limited.
                                   end of this year. This is up 5% on                8.4m sq ft. Accounting for a 15%
                                   2020, where development starts                    reduction as a result of the fall in
                                   were down 17% on 2019.                            the demand for office space we

                  12                Chart 3: Speculative completions 2021-2025 by sub-market

                years                                                                                                       White City
                                                                   Victoria                                                    3%
 The average length of time for                                      7%
 all relocating occupiers opting                   St James's
                                                       2%                                                                           City Core
      for pre-lets had been in                           Soho                                                                          25%
  occupation at their previous                            2%

                                              Oxford St North
                                                     3%                                                                                             City Fringe
                                          Oxford St North                                                                                               13%
                        30%                     3%                                                                                      Covent Garden
                                                       VNEB                                                                          Hammersmith
                                                        2% Mayfair                                                                       1%
     The Tech & Media sector                                  4% Midtown                          King's cross & Euston
     accounts for 30% of the                                                      Knightsbridge            9%                            Kensington
                                                                                       1%                                                    1%
   pre-lets that have completed
       over the past 5 years                                                                                                                Source; Savills Research

Central London Offices - September 2021

                                       Sustainable office development
                                       The importance of sustainbility is set to remain high-up on the
                                       There has been an increasing focus        At present only 10% of schemes             As more and more businesses
                                       on the need to reduce the                 scheduled for delivery over the           (including investors and
                                       environmental footprint of                next 5 years are currently                occupiers) set their own net zero
                                       commercial developments over              targeting a BREEAM rating of              carbon targets and consider their
                                       recent years which has been               Outstanding, a further 26% are            wider sustainability objectives,
                                       intensified by Covid-19. This focus       targeting Excellent and 3% are            there is increasing incentives for
                                       on sustainability credentials has         targeting Very Good.                      occupiers to consider how these
                                       been driven by planning policies                                                    objectives can be achieved through
                                       and changing expectations across          Over half of the schemes that will        their real estate decisions for
        67% of pipeline schemes
                                       the board from investors and              be delivered over this period that        example by targeting office
     targeting a rating of Excellent
         or Very Good are new
                                       occupiers.                                are targeting a rating of                 schemes with measures that can
             developments                                                        Outstanding or Excellent are in           reduce/eliminate emissions.
                                       Around 44% of this year's new             either the City Core or City Fringe,
                                       starts are known to be aiming to          17% are in SE1, and collectively,         Around 45% (14.3m sq ft) of
                                       achieve a BREEAM rating of Very           West End sub-markets account for          take-up since 2018 has been in
                                       Good or above.                            30% of this total.                        space with a BREEAM rating of
                                                                                                                           Excellent or above. At present just
                                       Whilst the vast majority of               Around 67% of schemes targeting           11m sq ft of speculatively available
                                       schemes starting this year are            a rating of Excellent or above are        schemes in the pipeline are
                                       speculative, when you look at the         new developments, (as opposed to          targeting a rating of Excellent or
                                       space that has already been pre-let       extensive refurbishments). This           Outstanding, which equates to
                                       a stronger preference for space in        reflects the balancing act being          44% of all speculative deliveries.
                                       buildings with good sustainability        struck between sustainability             This gives an indication
                                       credentials is reflected by the fact      considerations(for example,               that future supply of this type of
                                       that 82% of new starts (that have         retaining the embodied carbon)            product will most likely be
                                       already been pre-let) are targeting       and maximising the scheme/site            outpaced by demand.

              82%                      a BREEAM rating of Very Good or

      of the 805,000 sq ft of this     "Investors and occupiers are increasingly looking to refurbished properties over new build, amid
      year's new starts that have
                                       growing awareness of the embodied carbon impact of construction. New development remains
       already been pre-let are
    targeting a BREEAM rating of
                                       necessary but, to compete, these must demonstrate that the improved efficiency they bring
       Excellent or Outstanding        delivers a whole-life carbon benefit, when compared to keeping an existing building in-use."

                                       Chris Cummings, Director
                                       Engineering & Design Consultancy

                                       Chart 4: 2021-2025 Pipeline BREEAM targeting
                                                                   Outstanding          Excellent       Very Good          Other/TBC



                                         sq ft

       of schemes schedules for                  15,000,000
     delivery over the next 5 years
        are currently targeting
          BREEAM rating out
             Outstanding                         10,000,000


                                                                              Development                                       Refurb

                                         *TBC represents schemes that are yet to announce what rating they are targeting                 Source; Savills Research

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Central London Offices - September 2021

Commercial development
                              Chart 5:Pipeline BREEAM Schemes targeting Outstanding or Excellent by
                              sub-market (sq ft)
Investors generally want                                  Covent Garden
the best of the best                     King's Cross          1%
                                                                                  Mayfair            Oxford St North
developments featuring                        1%                                    1%                   (east)
strong connectivity,                                                                                       2%
                                                                                                                    Oxford St North
occupier resilience, with                    Other
the potential for the                         1%
highest ESG, amenity               EC1
and well-being                     13%
                                                                                                                               St James's
Though, there are some                                                                                                             2%
pricing headwinds with                                                                                                  Soho
construction cost                                                                                                        1%
                                     EC2                                                                                        Victoria
inflation starting to creep          19%                                                                                          11%
in and continued
frustrations with                                                                                                        Westminster
London’s planning                                                                                                            2%
The prospects for the                 E1
rest of 2021 look                     2%
promising, as the upward
trajectory of occupier
confidence continues                                            SE1                             EC4
post lockdown. We are                                           13%                             10%
currently tracking
approximately £1.25 bn of                                                                                                  Source; Savills Research

stock available across
central London, with a
                              Going beyond ....
further £1.8bn or so             Areas with good public realm         been able to deliver on place           and outside buildings space (e.g.
under offer.                  offerings, strong transport links       have been able to create more           access to roof terraces, gardens
                              or that have future infrastructure      vibrant locations which attract         and green spaces). But also easier
                              improvement plans for example           occupiers and could act as an           wins that could be made with
                              Victoria, Farringdon, Clerkenwell,      incentive to bring workers into the     improvements to things like air
Oliver Fursdon,               King’s Cross and White City have        office, as well as helping towards      quality and lighting.
Director                      benefited from this in the past and     establishing a community feel.
London Commercial             it has helped these areas attract                                                  Well placed good quality
Development                   strong levels of demand from               The digital aspects of               mixed-use developments that are
                              increasingly footloose occupiers.       placemaking like branding and           well-balanced have the benefit
                              They also rank high in terms of         communication also play a crucial       of being supported by more
                              retaining their existing tenant         role in successful delivery. "Digital   community related elements, as
                              base.                                   place making is particularly            well as attracting the additional
    S.P.E.C Indicators                                                crucial for mixed-use schemes           varied footfall from the different
         Q2 2021                 Additionally, to this we have        for bringing people together            complementary uses and have
                              seen clear evidence on the              across the different uses and           been demonstrated to attract
     Central London           post-delivery success of areas          also with the wider community,          premiums.
         Office               that have delivered on creating a       which is a positive for long-term
                              place vs those that have not. The       success" Katy Warrick, Residential         The recent change in approach
                              integration of ESG considerations       Research Director.                      in the office sector to a more
New Build and
refurbishment                 will continue to make all aspects                                               user/customer focused approach
     costs                    of placemaking, an increasingly           Prior to Covid-19, our "What          has increased the importance
                              important compliment for Central        Workers Want" survey already            of having early vision and clear
                              London offices.                         revealed London workers were            strategy.
New Build and                                                         most dissatisfied with the
refurbishment                   Areas that have successfully          provision of social meeting spaces
                                Mixed-use developments
Occupier fit-out
    costs                       "The true innovators and leaders in mixed-use development are already pushing forward.
                                They are challenging, ‘how can we do better?’, in every sense. How do we go beyond cre-
                                ating not just a great place, but one that is better for the environment, for society, and for
                                every users health and wellbeing? How do we create a place that remains vibrant and fresh,
    Occupier                    but feels like an authentic part of the City fabric? Value will always be there for the best
     fit-out                    schemes, but the ‘best’ will no longer just create a place, they will aim to leave a legacy."
                                Sophie Rosier, Director
                                London Residential Development

Savills Commercial
                              We provide bespoke services for landowners, developers, occupiers and investors across the
                              lifecycle of residential, commercial or mixed-use projects. We add value by providing our clients
                              with research-backed advice and consultancy through our market-leading global research team

Stephen Down                                 Philip Pearce                                 Paul Cockburn                                 Felix Rabeneck                                Peter Thursfield
Executive Director                           Executive Director                            Director                                      Director                                      Director
Central London Investment                    Central London Leasing                        Central London Investment                     Central London Investment                     Central London Leasing
+44 (0) 207 409 8001                         +44 (0) 207 409 8917                          +44 (0) 207 409 8788                          +44 (0) 207 409 8918                          +44 (0) 207 409 8928
sdown@savills.com                            ppearce@savills.com                           pcockburn@savills.com                         frabeneck@savills.com                         pthursfield@savills.com

                                                                                           Sustainability                               Development
Hunter Booth                                 Andrew Barnes                                 Chris Cummings                               Oliver Fursdon                                Sophie Rosier
Director                                     Director -Central London                      Director - Engineering &                     Director - London                             Director - London
Central London Leasing                       Tenant Representation                         Design Consultancy                           Commercial Development                        Residential Development
+44 (0) 207 409 8832                         +44 (0) 207 409 9969                          +44 (0) 207 409 8644                         +44 (0) 207 409 5900                          +44 (0) 207 409 8822
hunter.booth@savills.com                     andrew.barnes@savills.com                     chris.cummings@savills.com                   ofursdon@savills.com                          srosier@savills.com

Mat Oakley                                   Victoria Bajela                                 Will Wilson                                   Emma Mason
Director                                     Associate Director                              Analyst                                       Analyst
Commercial Research                          Commercial Research                             Commercial Research                           Commercial Research
+44(0)20 7409 8781                           +44 (0) 207 409 5943                            +44 (0) 207 409 8791                          +44 (0) 207 409 5903
moakley@savills.com                          victoria.bajela@savills.com                     will.wilson@savills.com                       emma.mason@savills.com

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