Changelog - Comms Mundi Wiki

Page created by Ann Gibbs
2021/01/28 13:08                                             1/56                              Changelog


Comms Mundi™ Versions and Changelog.

Minor release 3.3.21

Date: 04 Nov 2020
Summary: This version includes improved attenced app and some other fixes. Please see the

             fix update when connection is interrupted
             fix delete exported recording, faxes and voicemail on huge data records
             add ftp export change to working dir before upload file: compatibility with windows ftp
             add parameter timezone to domain
             contact: add in new mime valid x-fortran by export from program
             contact: add ldap limits (search size and search time)

             fix utf8 encoding in upload data
             fix callcenter outbound export events
             fix recording delete when inline record used
             fix detect connection status change on realtime pages
             add callcenter search events by pause
             add openvpn session time in logs

            fix line monitor event renew 0 or 1
            fix json-rpc install default certificate
            fix sms report in smpp keep tracking after server reboot
            fix start service on boot on slower machines
            fix forward group on multiple calls
            fix ivr allow action for digit 0
            fix callcenter outbound queue not running when disabled
            fix history field userfield on blind transfers
            fix callcenter log on empty queue
            fix history context name when call picked off
            add diaplan variable limit_usage and limit_rate
            add conference video options and live events update
            add allow sip endpoint multiple registration to same account
            add announce caller-id-number in voicemail

            fix detect gateway ip from iface dhcp
            remove incoming traffic shapping

             aaa: fix indexes and duplicated names

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14               documentation:changelog

             openvpn: fix restore not generating ciphers
             openvpn: add option to set tls min and tls max
             openvpn: add extra logs for connection failure

            fix probe event fire after update data
            fix trigger time condition minute and day of week

Minor release 3.3.20

Date: 17 Jul 2020
Summary: This version includes new features such as support for Asus XG-C100F (10Gbps),
improved attenced app and some other fixes. Please see the changelog:

             add vocemail email notification parameter Cc
             contact: fix invalid utf8 chars in import or export actions

             fix play sound on conference room
             add callcenter service level > 10 seconds calls
             add hide delete button when user is not allowed to delete items
             add app to handle network IP list
             fix contact search by home and phone number
             fix callcenter realtime update when more than 10000 events
             fix wakeup call resume parameters
             add record column DNIS

            fix json rpc events
            fix cdr entry on attended transfer: invalida data
            fix cdr entry on intercept
            fix cdr parsing other channel name
            fix cdr caller id number when pickup call
            fix monitor filter account type
            fix chat messages (random block)
            fix profile rport disable when not checked
            fix dialing group hangup cause - continue on error
            fix dialing group respect dialplan timeout
            fix conference name, char @ ist not allowed
            fix callcenter agent call intercept
            fix delete sound in domain
            fix delete dialplan time periods
            fix stream scheduler call
            fix caller id number and name in blind transfer
            fix start json-rpc when first time enabled
            fix callcenter zombie channels duplicate hangup event
            fix callcenter record variables
            fix group timeout when calling multiple groups
            fix callcenter counter on manager hangup calls                                                                 Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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              fix sms cdr when using odbc backend
              fix custom network list when empty data
              fix sangoma codec start after reboot
              add monitor event register variable 'renew'
              add calling contact when new voicemail message exists
              add dialplan variables cc_waited and cc_answered_epoch
              add dialplan inline function record variable userfield and accountcode
              add directory group option follow 302 Moved Temporarily

             openvpn: add helper to download configuracion to import into yealink or grandstream

Minor release 3.3.19

Date: 03 Jun 2020
Summary: This release contains important updates like CommDesk license management page, other
bug fixes and improvements. Please see the change log:

              fix log parsing messages
              fix restore integrity check
              fix internal events with special characters
              fix log rotation increased memory used
              add acl for telephony log access

             add account multiple whith ipsec, openvpn, json-rpc options
             fix export files every hour

             fix auto refresh pages when disabled
             fix custom login page and password validation
             app history fix columns when exporting data to csv
             app callcenter add callcenter report agent total calls per callcenter
             add callcenter agente status when in call outside queue
             add app openvpn - list active connections, accounting
             add app monitor video - list defined cameras
             add conference change video layout in realtime

             fix bios vendor and bios information in home page
             add commDesk licence administracion page

            fix tshape disable in interface
            fix missing openvpn static link routes
            fix monitor public ip address detect per gateway
            fix monitor status iface pppoe

            fix name in system graphs
            fix system selected default graph

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14              documentation:changelog

               add search and order by option in probe sensors
               monitor video: fix connect to camera more than one connection
               monitor video: fix download event

            fix monitor diaplan context name and extension name
            fix dialplan scheduler execute more than once
            fix dialplan check condition expression - don't allow “ character
            fix history search allow wildcard character _
            fix missing cdr for incoming calls without matching rules
            fix stop multicast invalid api
            fix billing rates restore
            fix conference video layout when mux mode selected
            fix blind transfer caller id number and name
            fix missing presence id in incoming calls
            fix random lock when sending chat messages
            fix sms outbox add
            fix eavesdrop in group
            fix negotiate ice candidates and openvpn subnet
            fix record exporting data in channel B
            fix monitor active calls
            fix dialplan app record setting variables
            fix json-rpc restart single profile
            fix opus codec - disable dtx
            fix dialplan play_and_record silence threshold
            fix execute on answer multiples acciones when calling a callcenter agent
            fix dialplan group call failover mode
            fix duplicate callcenter event when hangup zombie channels
            fix voicemail email body time variables
            fix dialplan billing action on low or no credit - allow execute extention
            add conference video default mode to mux
            add history display number in other channel
            add history sms total credit and total sms
            add when uploading new sound when empty name fetch original filename and file
            add json-rpc parameter to select ice candidates to negociate
            add callcenter agent period time - (un)pause automatically
            add dialplan callcenter option to disconnect a different agent
            add dialplan callcenter option to pause a different agent
            add directory option to use same username simultaneous on SIP and JSON-RPC endpoint
            and choose calling preference
            add dialplan variables to fetch different caller id types
            add dialpan add multiple db variables at once
            add json-rcp single domain mode
            add callcenter track agent call outside queue
            add conference video layout parameter
            add sip profile parameter to disable RPORT in server
            add connection with IBM Watson cloud - speech-to-text and text-to-speech
            add dialplan action speech-to-text IBM Watson
            add dialplan action text-to-speech IBM Watson

       Security                                                                Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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              openvpn: fix auto-configuration warning when authentication with directory
              openvpn: fix ssl certificates that use wilcard domains
              openvpn: fix block users with revoked certificates
              openvpn: add accounting and log page
              openvpn: add trigger event on autentitation error
              mail: fix antivirus scan support
              proxy web: fix antivirus scan support
              ipsec: add xauth authentication using directory accounts
              ipsec: add xauth directory restrict connection
              ipsec: add xauth directory set static ip
              ipsec: add trigger event on autentitation error
              certificates: fix delete and revoke certificates

             tftp fix in apply
             radius: fix accounting and log when using directory accounts
             http: fix php conflict from previous version
             http: add allow separated http and https virtual hosts
             ntp: fix start after reboot

Minor release 3.3.18

Date: 21 Jan 2020
Summary: This version contains important updates such new certbot client with support ACMEv2
protocol, other bug fixes and improvements. Please see the changelog:

            fix category parameter

              update certbot client to complain with ACMEv2 protocol
              fix time limit in backup/restore configuration
              fix reload log daemon
              add api method to get full telephony channels and calls

             dir: fix event SMS container when changing account name
             contact: fix import csv and synchronization with ldap server

             app radius fix disconnect all
             app recording fix stop audio play when closing the window
             app sms fix list history
             app callcenter fix realtime graph agent connected
             app monitor-pbx search account by description
             app pbx fix reload chat messages
             fix wrong timezone data

             fix language open in new window
             add home BIOS manufacturer and version information

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14              documentation:changelog

               add in system monitor page search and order by columns

            fix odbc check sql parameter
            fix filter alarm type

            fix history caller id name and number not last configured value
            fix ivr action bridge custom with weighted distribution
            fix missing dialplan actions in log
            fix monitor filter line name
            fix drop calls with INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION when call already answer after IVR action
            fix caller id name in intercept calls
            fix ivr url to context name
            fix callcenter events - agent login, agent pause
            fix audio stream remove static url to external radio
            fix audio stream multicast reproduce remote source
            fix audio stream multicast initial volume
            fix audio stream schedule reproduce
            fix dialplan app multicast announce and end sound
            fix dialplan app multicast transcoding issue with announce sound
            fix callcenter event pause agent
            fix callcenter room update in background
            fix record ftp automatic export for last hour messages
            fix fax ftp automatic export for last hour files
            fix IVR restore menu with invalid flag
            fix callcenter agent simultaneous calls
            fix diaplan application scheduler execute more than one condition/action per call
            add support json-rpc (verto) presence events
            add sms smpp max-pending-submits parameter
            add sms IMATEL operator bulk data
            add sms password parameter 18 chars
            add line parameter prefix caller id name and number
            add conference video parameter and flags to control personal canvas
            add sip profile value to send options between 5 and 15 seconds
            add SIP option to disable DTMF support
            add column description in monitor
            add column transfer_channel in monitor
            add column dialplan context name in monitor
            add column dialplan context extension name in monitor
            add fax end received timestamp
            add IVR option to enable/disable actions
            remove json-rpc (verto) support for non secure sockets (ws:)

             ipsec: core upgrade to newer version v3.30 (disable support for dh2/mod1024)

             dns: fix check RPZ safe zones
             mail: add mta queue display page
             mail: add mta queue action to retry a single message
             radius: add attribute User-Name in radrepply when adding a new user                                                                Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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Minor release 3.3.17

Date: 05 Aug 2019
Summary: This version includes new features such as support for VxLAN, improved attenced app and
some other fixes. Please see the changelog:

              sqlite add escape caraceter _ in like wildcard matches any single character
              fix limit when integer is used
              api add new methods: ivr_*, tel_dp_list_*, tel_history_*

             frontend: add tls version 1.2
             frontend-user: app conference add contact page
             frontend-user: app conference fix invite contact missing name
             frontend-user: app conference fix toggle video option
             frontend-user: app callcenter allow search by uuid
             frontend-user: app callcenter fix in callcenter realtime to name columns
             frontend-user: app callcenter fix report agent graph duration_per_agent
             frontend-user: app callcenter fix total calls hangup by manager
             frontend-user: app recording fix show all parameters in detail information
             frontend-user: app audiostream fix reproduce
             frontend-user: app fax add export multiple pages
             frontend-user: app fax fix delete outbound fax
             frontend-user: app fax fix export sent csv
             frontend-user: app sms fix export with orderby
             frontend-user: app sms fix cli when sending new message
             frontend-user: app sms fix quick filter
             frontend-user: app pbx add time period options
             frontend-user: app wakup add option to add multiple accounts
             frontend-user: app phone add auto-anwser remote header
             frontend-user: app phone add match login json profile based on domain name
             frontend-user: app phone add DND option
             frontend-user: app phone detect if exits funtion request permission in navegador safari
             frontend-user: app list fix apply
             frontend-user: app contact fix import csv contact remove lower case contact function
             frontend-user: app attendance fix time range
             frontend-user: app attendance add custom colors to events
             frontend-user: app attendance fix export events to excel

             fix external check storage
             add import account from csv data freepbx format

            fix detect public ip from using iface name
            fix tclass list ip apply
            fix error with the dhcp interfaces without asigned ip
            fix routing change type and delete gateway
            add default gateway via DHCP
            add “noip” option to use interface in vxlan

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14              documentation:changelog

               add vxlan support
               add pppoe clam mss to mtu option
               add event change services IP when main IP changes

            fix rate formula missing connection charge when billin < minimum time
            fix billing rules ignore connection fee if billsec is 0
            fix callcenter manager logs
            fix export voicemail messages
            fix channel_name and other channel name exchanged in unanswer callcenter
            fix callcenter missing event agent-status-change, fire event when agent is paused
            fix callcenter event call_waiting_time
            fix callcenter log duplicate agent pause
            fix delete zombie list values when parent does not exist
            fix missing log in redirection to new destionation and blind transfer
            fix sms credit and used change to decimal
            fix monitor account expire event
            fix forward keep cli original number
            fix accountname channel variable missing in some events
            fix userfield channel variable missing in some events
            fix history display caller id name and number
            fix setting variables on B channel
            fix apply unregister gateways on remote side, do not sent expires = 0 after register
            fix ivr action bridge weight distribution
            fix cdr colunm types
            fix default hold music when not set on domain
            fix billing action when no accountcode detected
            add cdr ftp export
            add callcenter fire events call waiting time, number of calls, agents connected, agents
            add audiostream prepare remote address, event list and schedule play
            add more flags in conference: vmute
            add dialplan http action send ring_ready
            add rtp timeout and rtp hold timeout user defined data
            add delay 500ms on intercept to fix display-update problem on panasonic, SIP/500
            Internal Server Error
            add dialplan action “echo”
            add dialplan verto_dvar_ variables
            add history variable sip_hangup_disposition

             firewall: add string match module
             proxy: add option to store logs via odbc
             proxy: add option to set accounting limit
             cert: fix default ca to 3650 days
             openvpn: fix restart service
             openvpn: add optional inactive time
             ids: add tls, dns logs and accounting limit
             ipsec: add option to enable or disable sha2-truncbug

            mon: fix support in event data for odbc_, http_response_code, http_response_body and                                                                Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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              http_json- variables
              mon: fix action call with invalid chars in channel_name
              mon: add check to new parameters and new form for Time Segments

             mail: fix missing logs “Unrouteable address” or “TLS Error”
             mail: fix privacy remove received IPs from header
             radius: add parameter to delete radact log - keep N days only
             radius: add accounting limit days
             ftp: add authentication ban and unban triger action on failed attempts

Minor release 3.3.16

Date: 19 Jul 2019
Summary: This version includes a new user app audio stream, as well correction and improvements.
Please see the changelog:

              add net-diagnostic resource and respective acl

             add app audio stream to handle multicast zones

            fix monitor gateway
            fix check for unreachable gateway

            fix accountcode in sms history
            fix cdr missing database column
            fix dialplan http action url encode
            fix line acl and resource
            fix intercept send display update
            add dialplan conference auto-invite members
            add dialplan conference exit-sound parameter
            add conference endconf flag and end period parameter
            add dialplan audio level aplication

Minor release 3.3.15

Date: 26 Jun 2019
Summary: This version includes new pppoe client interface. It also solves issues from previous
version and improvements. Please see the changelog:

              api add conference methods
              api add network list methods

             add app audio stream multicast zones

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14                documentation:changelog

               app conference add invite contact from local directory
               add app white list ips

            add pppoe client interface

            fix dialplan directory list restore
            fix memory pikes
            fix history remove unnecessary indexes
            fix sms restore billing
            add inline features for dialplan app disa
            add dialplan app multicast alert sound
            add dialplan add multicast sound level

               add parameters to set cache ttl for positive and negative answers

       Captive Portal
             add parameter max concurrent sessions

            fix client configuration force “compre-lzo no”
            fix check for network already defined

Minor release 3.3.14

Date: 22 May 2019
Summary: This version includes new Attendance module controlling the time of entrance and exit,
exporting events and resume of working time. It also solves issues from previous version and
improvements. Please see the changelog:

            add new module for labor attendance control - users, domains, register events,…

               add new hp hardrive support
               add smartctl errors to log event

            fix import more than 100000 contacts

               add rpz safesearch support and custom domains blacklist

               fix apply tls certificate

             add pbx monitor realtime extensions and calls dashboard
             add callcenter agent unanswered causes timeout, busy, lose_race, error and other

               add option to select IKE version 1 or 2 - auto purposal not supported anymore                                                                  Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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            fix monitor order routes by priority

            fix auto configuration for MAC OS
            add option for subnet only
            add options for mtu and compression algoritms

            add network configuration for address ip alias
            fix reset firewall rules - default policy to ACCEPT

            billing add option to upload and clear all rules from csv
            fix cdr dialplan trace information
            fix cdr rxfax destination invalid uuid
            fix diaplan list restore
            fix diaplan action http parse and replace variables in the requested url
            add dialplan action http debug information
            fix diaplan action sms
            fix conference invite members with incorrect flags
            add line auth by ip and port to proxy host
            fix cdr caller id number when bleg is present
            fix diaplan action http varibles missing on other leg
            fix billing amount apply only when call is answered
            add monitor full user-agent description
            fix sms sent status information
            add cdr SIP cause colunm
            fix dialplan action schedule transfer and schedule hangup to do it once
            add dialplan action execute on transfer
            add dialplan SIP Diversion header

Minor release 3.3.13

Date: 25 April 2019
Summary: This version includes new OpenVPN service, it also solves issues from previous version
and improvements. Please see the changelog:

             fix restore timeout
             fix missing portuguese words
             add acl for network class
             add module ax88179_178a to load on boot * fix missing usb ethernet ports on reboot
             rescue: fix error message when changing interface address
             fix maximum hostname hash size
             fix apply when ssl certificate not found
             fix webphone ring
             add callcenter data for event pause description
             add radius action disconnect all
Comms Mundi Wiki -
Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14             documentation:changelog

             add webphone use turn (webrtc recommended) instead of stun
             AAA: fix mysql queries when selecting groupname
             Fail2ban: fix path action script
             PPP: fix check empty values
             Antivirus: fix generate md5sum for ids * support for compress and uncompress database
             Cert: fix check common name
             Cert: add extendedKeyUsage parameter
             Proxy: fix export logs to odbc
             OpenVPN: add new service
             fix billing reset monthly used credit
             fix cleanup cdrs already process
             fix dp action voicemail with empty destination
             fix sip profiles when deleting a certificate
             fix sip profile generated tls certificate
             fix intercept call matching uuid format
             fix inline action to callcenter agents type account
             fix dp action playback file path
             fix history dialplan call trace
             fix history creating odbc table duplicated index
             add general allow custom value for cps and max session
             add dialplan callcenter event pause description
             add callcenter allow delay timeout to 0 seconds
             add directory fax option to choose when to send report
             add billing import and export csv
             add billing copy action
             add billing rows reflect colour credit usage

Minor release 3.3.12

Date: 26 March 2019
Summary: This version includes an important fix for CVE-2019-3815: memory leak in systemd also
solves issues from previous version and improvements. Please see the changelog:

               fix CVE-2019-3815: memory leak in systemd
               add support for ! in url fields

             fix quota usage
             fix apply account description when changing account

            fix export cdr to odbc missing new columns
            fix history url open in new tab
            fix monitor callcenter exit on fail to database connection
            add sound when inline transfer to invalid destination
            add dialplan condition list variable with list name : list__                                                               Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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              add dialplan variable for account description, ${description}

             aaa: add atribute Calling-Station-Id
             stun: fix bind to all interfaces on server boot
             stun: add support for turn authentication

             ids: add option to set pkts_process_simultaneously

Minor release 3.3.11

Date: 11 March 2019
Summary: This version includes a new feature to store data in external devices, correction on some
issues and improvements. Please see the changelog:

              fix api helper function
              fix expired default certificate
              add support for external usb devices
              add extra security in login form

              fix music on hold when calling account queue
              fix contact import and export use delimiter and enclosure parameters
              add record storage to external device
              add voicemail storage to external device
              add fax storage to external device
              add fax report on received files
              add fax account option tx and rx request t.38

       Frontend [app]
             fix webphone chat buttons
             fix callcenter real-time display data
             fix pbx add incoming ivr
             add contact escape headers when importing contacts from csv

            fix debug message when changing ip address
            fix restore interfaces
            add tclass ip list expire column

            add restart network option

            fix sms import csv list unique fields
            fix endpoint forward caller id
            fix play and record don't play goodbye message if not set
            fix playback event handler when changing sound filename
            fix callcenter queue internal flags
            fix callcenter queue outbound call timeout

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14                 documentation:changelog

               add voicemail dialplan action ask for account
               add dtmf end parameter to dialplan disa action
               add dialplan action db execute on answer, ring and on hangup
               add history rtp stats (mos, pkt count, jitter)
               add dialplan action rate with limit (hangup call if limit is reached)
               add billing system with credit limit
               add fax request t38 parameter
               add authentication ban and unban trigger action on failed attempts
               add callcenter queue outbound factor to generate new calls

             mail: add authentication ban and unban trigger action on failed attempts
             mail: fix missing event log for CRAM-MD5 failed logins
             dns: fix internal event on apply
             vm: fix create new virtual machine

             fix certificate wildcard name
             fix certificate add external cert and private key

            add to action http use of variables http_response and http_body
            add trigger action IP LIST * add or remove ips from a network tclass list
            fix internal event when apply trigger classes

Minor release 3.3.10

Date: 20 November 2018
Summary: This version includes minor update correcting issues and perform improvements found in
the previous version. Please see the changelog:

       Frontend [app]
             fix onclick events
             fax: add formats docx, xlsx, pptx, ppsx
             pbx history: fix invalid acl filter
             record: add columns aleg_channel_name and bleg_channel_name

            add new shapping algorithm random early detection

            fix diaplan continue with dialplan variable origination_disposition
            fix eveasdrop on huge groups
            fix parsing internal variable with - and . in name
            fix sound acl
            fix json profiles check binding to same ip and port
            fix delete dialplan list associated to deleted domain
            fix diaplan dtmf send inband and rfc2833
            fix in forward when disposition is NORMAL_CIRCUIT_CONGESTION
            add callcenter agent priority to 100
            add playback sound from http source                                                                   Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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              add callcenter agent destination variables ${ani} and ${account_name}

             firewal: fix layer 7 detection

             ntp: fix sync update clock periodically
             mail: add in mail2fax action support to winmail.dat attachments
             vm: fix stop virtual machine

Minor release 3.3.9

Date: 30 September 2018
Summary: This version is a minor update from the previous version including some new features
such as static contact in dynamic callcenter agent. Please see the changelog:

              fix restore timeout for huge databases

       Frontend [app]
             multiple apps: add search in select item
             multiple apps: fix limit list accounts to more than 1000
             record fix orderby
             history add voicemail destination
             pbx phone fix device permission error, allow select devices
             pbx phone fix silence on second call received on chrome browser
             pbx phone add basic chat and extensions presence

             fix quota information in bytes
             add domain and account telephony userfield

            fix detect tdm cards
            fix sms history missing columns
            fix monitor registered endpoint when changing name
            fix monitor endpoint expired endpoints
            fix local calls with outbound call in callee id
            fix announce record store full stop message
            add callcenter joined and cancel epoch
            add sms tech imatel
            add sms new api function
            add playback files in directory secuential or random
            add dialplan voicemail hangup option
            add dialplan db variables page
            add dialplan variable aleg_channel_name
            add endpoint nathack with static contact
            add json *rpc/verto templates
            add json *rpc/verto codec selection: opus,g711,ilbc,g722,isac,vp8,vp9,h264
            add dialplan playback remote location
            add callcenter agent dynamic force account contact

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14                documentation:changelog

               add dialplan conference option second *screem (no video from remote side)
               add record new variables accountcode and userfield

             vpn: fix status connection
             ids: add search by date in log events

             dns: add dnssec auto *validation
             mail: add smtp client security none and ssl/tls

Minor release 3.3.8

Date: 31 July 2018
Summary: This version includes minor update correcting issues found in the previous version. Please
see the changelog:

               fix backup restore
               add access log page
               add json encoded parameters

             fix check endpoint fixed contact ip

       Frontend [user]:
             app: recording fix selected message
             app: callcenter export pdf, print page directly
             app: callcenter fix realtime invalid column time
             app: callcenter add call event manager on overflow actions
             app: pbx_history export pdf, print page directly
             app: fax: allow formats png,jpeg and gif

       Frontend [rescue]:
             add vlan support
             add network diagnostic (ping, traceroute, network scan, host scan)

            fix monitor log events
            fix selected usable ifaces
            fix check vlan parameters
            add traceroute parameters

            fix disable/enable profile based on internal events
            fix inline attended transfer when remote destination is unreachable
            fix init dialplan list
            fix correct mime type in email notification
            fix monitor call state
            fix sms rate count number of chars
            fix check dialplan variables
            fix conference monitor status                                                                  Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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               fix sms xtratelecom send to multiple destinations
               fix eavesdrop on group bad noise
               fix TDM initialization
               fix copy dialplan extension when source name is present on different contexts
               fix h264 fmtp copy from aleg to bleg, resolve issue with different resolutions on GS
               add record variables aleg_uuid , bleg_uuid and call_uuid
               add dialplan conditional hangup action per state
               add callcenter call event logs
               add dialplan condition continue hangup on REQUESTED_CHAN_UNAVAIL
               add dialplan inline announce record start and stop
               add callcenter numeric parameter overflow number of calls
               add dialplan variable originate_disposition
               add sms dialplan action message continue on fail or rejected
               add dialplan play and record inline action record


       radius: fix return error message
       pppoe: fix check zombie connections


       vpn: add ipsec lifetime parameter


       fix trigger action email

Minor release 3.3.7

Date: 20 April 2018
Summary: This version includes minor update correcting issues and perform improvements found in
the previous version. Please see the changelog:

               fix delete filenames with spaces
               fix dependency loop between services
               fix frontend apps http to https automatically

       Frontend [user]:
             add app net monitor
             add app net diagnostic
             add webmail new version
             pbx-phone use hostname instead of ip
             callcenter add column queue_name to campaign
             callcenter add report agent add hour and minutes in search
             callcenter add open new window realtime calls,agents and global status
             callcenter fix realtime action stop/start/pause
             recording improve user interface
             recording add support to download multiple files

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14              documentation:changelog

               pbx phone remove video self view
               pbx add agent priority option
               group add option call type
               account fix quick search

             add SIP restricted IP address
             add SIP restricted user-agent
             add incoming timeout upper limit
             fix delete huge number of files
             fix mapping user and group
             fix missing logs when exporting via ftp
             fix contact import non-utf8 files
             fix ldap export contacts

            add variables ${valX}
            add action UDP
            fix in html addmulti_probe
            fix traffic inbound traffic duplicated
            fix triggers logs and search option

            fix tshape inbound traffic rules

             vpn: add new status page
             vpn: add ipsec ikelifetime=8h (same as windows)
             ids: fix missing rules

             mail: add more logs to mail2fax action
             mail: add mail2fax detection body content, try html and text parts
             mail: fix automatic attachments
             radius: fix bad username in accounting
             radius: fix missing groupname in accounting
             proxy: fix export logs to odbc
             ftp: add FTP passive ports configuration
             vm: fix service
             dns: add type TXT record
             dhcp: add client hostname to leases

            add postgresql backend
            add status ready when endpoint has fixed contact
            add variables ${rec_} ${fax_} time related
            add dialplan app calc
            add smpp system_type parameter
            add smpp coding parameter
            add acl option to allow calling directly from api
            add dialplan app http json parsing, variable are available with prefix ${chan_http_json-},
            ex: ${chan_http_json-name}
            add dialplan app rate                                                                Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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              add variable ${ivr_digits}
              add history column billing and rate
              add SIP option ignore completed elsewhere
              add option to copy extension in same context
              add record limit files in email attachments
              add intercept support for multiple call active in one group
              add SIP options to set video max bandwidth
              add callcenter delay call parameter in outbound queues
              add card sangoma B500
              add sip option to rtp direct between A and B (attention to NAT)
              add record format mp4 now store both sides of the call (left side calling party, right side
              called party)
              add dialplan to app http parameter connection timeout
              add newer doc formats when sending fax
              add dialplan app multicast
              add SIP select priority to negotiation codec
              add forward busy to group
              add SIP max forward parameter
              add sms history more columns
              add sms xtratelecom hangup_code and status_text
              add sms dinahosting hangup_code and status_text
              add sms rate increment on function of number of chars
              fix sms programmed sms
              fix fax missing call id
              fix app playback hangup after playing the file
              fix callcenter outbound call missing answer state
              fix fax,record,sms template invalid characters
              fix tel history missing channel when ivr and forward call present
              fix tel history missing channel when redirect to new extension
              fix sms yeaster connection
              fix delete sent fax
              fix dialplan export callcenter variables
              fix disable voicemail when not enabled
              fix fax detection in account
              fix callcenter keep status of connected users on reboot and restart telephony
              fix delete LCR multiple rules
              fix history html single page limits
              fix recording variables when attended transfer was performed
              fix leave message in shared voicemail boxes
              fix tel line extension in contact
              fix missing display update for Grandstream family
              fix small memory leak associated to register events
              fix sent display update to not supported devices
              fix delay creating record directories
              fix return odbc values
              fix fax filename attachment in email notification
              fix playing wrong music on hold when calling a group
              fix inline transfer when destination not reached
              fix smpp decode dlr and messages with quotes
              fix realtime zombie channels
              fix monitor for expired endpoints

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14                  documentation:changelog

Minor release 3.3.6

Date: 20 April 2017
Summary: This version includes minor update correcting issues and perform improvements, special
not for core php update from 5.5 to 7.0. Please see the changelog:

               upgrade to php7.0
               add api sms feature

            fix import csv force str to utf-8
            fix database integrity issues

             fix delete groups

       Frontend [user]
             pbx_monitor fix filter by last application
             pbx_monitor fix not showing not registered accounts
             app_voicemail add option to set default greeting
             pbx_phone fix default non-video parameter always enabled

            fix traffic shape when using captive portal
            fix missing vlan priority queue
            fix empty mtu when applying traffic shapper rules
            add option to disable link on ethernet interfaces

            fix callcenter invalid agent pause action
            fix fax retries when header is empty
            fix sms list contexts
            fix log filter page
            fix cdr missing last app and last arg values
            fix cdr filter when using CM api
            fix SIP TLS certificate validation
            fix add telefony rate rules
            fix cdr sms filter by accountname
            fix fax queue system on huge number of fax accounts
            fix callcenter agent static contact to allow one digit extensions
            fix fax limit on concurrent and maximum number of pages
            fix dialplan accountcode allow empty values
            fix recording filename
            fix fax outbound and log call uuid
            fix missing callcenter auto-disconnect event
            fix condition list match when value not found
            add callcenter variables witch chan_ to used in dialplan
            add fax,record and voicemail windows filename schema
            add cdr uuid when eveasdrop a call
            add dialplan numeric condition
            add dialplan action bridge weight random or round-robin distribution                                                                    Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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               add sms yeastar gateway
               add sms action send by ftp upload
               add sms dialplan action transfer

             aaa: fix retrieve log information
             aaa: fix add multiple accounts
             mysql: add fast shutdown
             vm: add information about bios virtualization support
             dhcp: fix db releases
             mail: add mda md5 authentication
             stun: add service stun and turn

             cert: fix parsing upload certificate information
             cert: fix alt-name parameter
             proxy: fix add period
             proxy: fix add directory users
             proxy: fix restart service and cleanup cache
             proxy: fix transparent mode not seeing traffic
             vpn: fix support for bug on android 6 and 7
             vpn: fix not allow char @ in psk
             vpn: add column status to check connection current status
             antivirus: add option to set country
             antivirus: fix apply
             ids: add search rules by message

            remove mon device
            fix video install
            fix system traffic shapper graphics
            fix action http typo
            add action to add multiple probes
            add allow multiple destination in app sms separated by ;

Minor release 3.3.5

Date: 2 March 2017
Summary: This version includes minor update correcting issues and perform improvements found in
the previous version. Please see the changelog:

               fix internal scripts priority
               fix locking issue that cause “blackholes” in system graphs
               fix internal log rotation
               add api methods “tel_history_*”

             fix ldap delete domain
             fix auto-remove files
             fix user and group internal events

Comms Mundi Wiki -
Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14              documentation:changelog

       Frontend [user]:
             callcenter: fix missing time in filter period
             pbx history: add filter hangup cause “busy”
             pbx history: fix filter hangup cause “normal”
             pbx history: fix filter hangup cause “other”
             pbx history: fix missing calls with action playback in domain
             recording: fix period quick filter

            fix fire event on sip registration expire
            fix html sms navigation page
            fix cd setting maximum days
            fix sms template unique name
            fix restore dialplan DND option
            fix intercept hangup if invalid call
            fix sms gateway dialoga, invalid username and password
            fix blind tranfer external caller id in same domain
            fix wake up call invalid time format
            fix check action when no sound if found
            fix monitor empty values
            fix dialplan missing variables in b leg
            add callcenter announce position, average and maximum wait time before entering the
            add dialplan variable transferee_destination, transferee_uuid
            add option to limit maximum cpu usage
            add aleg and bleg uuid in history
            add dnis and ani information in monitor call
            add origination_uuid variable in dialplan
            add dialplan option to set digit key for inline actions
            add endpoint caller id type option
            add channel variable isblindtransfer to detect blind transfers
            improvements in conference monitor

             ipsec fix compatibility with > ios 10

             mail: add more log verbose
             mysql: increase innodb files for better performance
             ppp: fix internal variable names
             aaa: fix radius sql transactions
             aaa: fix radius blacklist mac
             aaa: fix radius locking directory backend
             captive portal app: fix setting sms account

Minor release 3.3.4

Date: 21 December 2016
Summary: This version includes minor update correcting issues found from the previous version and
new callcenter options. Please see the changelog:                                                                Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
2021/01/28 13:08                                             23/56                         Changelog

       Frontend [user]:
             app account fix keep settings when changing an account
             app voicemail add option to set greeting message
             app phone update to latest firefox

            fix missing sms rate condition on reboot
            fix sms xtratelecom return message on error
            fix random SIP block on multiple profiles
            fix BLF engine on huge amount of subscribe messages
            fix sms utf8 enconding
            add DND option for directory accounts
            add DND dialplan feature
            add feature remove extension from group if error
            add execute actions ring, answer and hangup on bleg channel
            add callcenter no agents overflow condition
            add callcenter auto pause agent parameters on max reject, not_registrer and busy
            hangup causes
            add callcenter agent type directory account
            add call_uuid and aleg_uuid dialplan variables
            add cdr export debug sql file on failure

             ipsec: add rfc3948 support

Minor release 3.3.3

Date: 14 December 2016
Summary: This version includes minor update correcting issues found from the previous version.
Please see the changelog:

              fix problem with intel driver when traffic is superior to 500Mbits/sec

            fix internal sensor mail

             mail: fix restore default domain
             vm: fix delete all virtual machines

            fix t38 fax interop
            fix t38 fax interop reply with 200 ok empty
            fix callcenter reload action
            fix monitor ring all agents inside the callcenter
            fix restore tls sip profiles
            fix callcenter condition when exit on timeout
            fix sms restore
            add max forward loop account to 5
            add callcenter retry when user/agent not registered

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14                  documentation:changelog

               add callcenter overflow when no agents available

Minor release 3.3.2

Date: 27 October 2016
Summary: This version includes minor update correcting issues found from the previous version and
new SMS dialplan, history and billing features. Please see the changelog:

               fix proxy log events
               fix system logs load usage
               fix install on raid disk setup
               fix acl modify action

             new sms parameters
             fix maximum size support for huge databases
             fix domain limit condition check when loading contact csv

             fix app radius disconnect users
             fix app telephony history invalid call minutes display
             app callcenter report agent when applying filter by status
             app proxy fix missing functions for browser user *agent
             app sms add support for contact lists

            fix sensor fax sent and received counter
            fix sensor telephony calls
            mod show max values instead of average values for long periods
            add sensor telephony sessions per second

            fix ifaces mod event
            fix layer 7 traffic match
            fix duplicated default route (same gateway) when not using multipath
            fix assign ip by dhcp
            add vlan support for qos priority

             dhcp: fix subnet not removed when adding a bridge
             aaa: fix coa return status
             mysql: fix not showing database in administrator page
             vm: fix start, stop and restart actions
             mail: add spam list check
             mail: add action mail2sms

             ids: fix database logs
             firewall: fix apply layer 7 rules
             spam: fix auto-learning folders for spam and ham                                                                    Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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            fix missing quote in monitor
            fix same context in cdr
            fix monitor endpoint delete expire accounts syntax
            fix callcenter agents removing pause when reloading
            fix callcenter set agent status whenever it is not Available
            fix force normal_circuit_congestion uppercase
            fix fax conversion for newer formats
            fix voicemail get variable from dialplan session skip record check ..
            fix limit continue when done by dialplan
            fix fax error handling showing sending
            fix tdm multiple card channel detection
            add fax support for partial received pages even if the communication ends with error
            add list match modes regexp, match only, prefix better performance
            add voicemail notification by ftp
            add recording notification by ftp
            add fax notification by ftp
            add voicemail parameters custom filename
            add sms dialplan
            add sms history
            add sms billing
            add parameters to control options ping and max sessions
            add support to remove HOLD state when having reINVITE without SDP (broken device
            Nortel *CS2K)
            improvements in cdr processing
            improvements in monitor channels and calls

Minor release 3.3.1

Date: 29 September 2016
Summary: This version includes minor update correcting issues found from the previous version.
Please see the changelog:

              fix auto_sync missing logrotate events

            fix accept only UTF8 characters
            fix adding group contacts

             fix email internal mapping accounts

            fix missing gateway routes causing problems routing everything after first packet
            fix apply tclass lists
            fix duplicated ips on same interface
            fix missing original MAC address

            fix restore json rpc profiles

Comms Mundi Wiki -
Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14               documentation:changelog

               fix apply tdm for sangoma cards
               fix conference event on dialplan context deleted
               fix history negative progress time
               fix callcenter auto * pause missing event
               fix callcenter missing default queue
               fix codec g729 software licenses
               fix register event log to authenticate event log
               fix monitor endpoint negative time events
               fix monitor endpoint cleanup expired registers
               fix ivr internal event from directory domain
               add support to delete rows in remote odbc backend
               add callcenter agent login api
               add NORMAL_TEMPORARY_FAILURE hangup cause to limit causes
               add option to ignore SIP 302 Moved Temporarily

             mysql: fix restore old configuration

Major release 3.3.0

Date: 14 July 2016
Summary: This version includes major changes in logs events (now they are display in realtime), a
new ids/ips security engine, telephony video transcoding support, bugfixes and security updates are
also included. Please see the changelog:

               general core software upgrade
               new system service
               new logger, extra information about events and now real time logs

             add exception to allowed char % in password field
             add support for auto-remove fax files from outbox and sent boxes
             contact: fix check when upload csv contacts
             contact: fix export to ldap internal database conflict

             add video support to pbx phone
             add extra fields caller and accountcode to app pbx
             add ivr timeout option to app pbx
             fix in app pbx history graph points
             new app ids

            fix issues with caller id number and caller id name
            fix missing variable channel_type
            fix cdr bill seconds round microseconds to entire second
            fix sent fax with same uuid
            fix inband dtmf detection
            fix hold music per domain
            fix monitor telephony for heavy environments                                                                 Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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              fix attended inline transfer when destination not reached
              fix fax conversion for pdf files version 1.5
              fix not using shared voicemailbox configuration
              fix sip trunk ip lines with hostname * ip detection for providers without dns srv
              fix json-rpc natted profile
              add support for video transcoding
              add support for VP8 video codec
              add support for video conferences
              add support for recording video calls (mp4 format)
              add cdr column progress time
              add fax parameter to set filename
              add option to disable dialplan rules
              add support dialplan condition variables in inline actions such as http and odbc
              add support destination channel in dialplan app dtmf

            fix parsing usage on multiple cpus and with hyperthreading
            fix typo rrt/rtt for ping,hping and arping probes
            add trigger condition variables match
            add trigger action ODBC

            fix net route apply which caused network disconnection

             ids: new html page
             ids: add support for IPS mode. WARNING: invalid connections get dropped * use with
             ids: add support for log HTTP events
             firewall: add to firewall hashlimit feature
             firewall: add option to disable firewall rules
             certificates: fix acl issue when selecting certificates in http

             http: removed captive portal app. Replaced by custom app_portal
             mail: add support into mail2fax for emails sent from
             mysql: fix database dump sql
             mysql: fix monitoring databases and speedup html page
             pppoe: add pppoe keepalive every 30s instead of 60s to make failure detection faster
             (300s instead of 600s)
             pppoe: fix apply routes
             aaa: fix timezone summer/winter time change now the time is stored in utc time

Minor release 3.2.12

Date: 04 March 2016
Summary: This version is a minor release solving bug fixes and security updates. Please see the

              fix register count available domains dir

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Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14               documentation:changelog

               fix internal log

             fix group quota display usage
             fix fax acl permissions
             fix record acl permissions
             fix sms acl permissions
             fix system permissions

             add app pbx_monitor more account information for realtime calls
             app pbx_history add search by account name
             app drive: fix upload huge files > 2GB
             app drive: add support for upload multiple files
             app drive: add progress status on upload

            add to diagnostic page UDP request probe

            fix freezing under specific load with large domains
            fix restart sofia profiles when TLS is enabled
            fix in fax to report file correct to send mail
            fix blind transfer wrong caller id display when transfer outbound calls
            fix callcenter select calling queue when present in multiple callcenters
            fix sending DTMF INFO when forcing DTMF RFC2833
            fix sound mime type detection
            add support for inline actions when in eavesdrop call
            add to conference room extra options to control sound quality
            add to dialplan app limit support for variables
            add endpoint fire event with account description
            add history field user-agent
            add dialplan condition field user-agent

             ftp: fix issue with tls connections
             dns: fix apply when empty zones defined
             aaa: remove username restrict policies
             mysql: add option to recover root password

             vpn: fix ipsec multiple security vulnerabilities
             proxy: fix antivirus scanning content
             proxy: fix uncheck filter by network address

            fix trigger status fire up
            fix internal acl permissions

Minor release 3.2.11

Date: 08 February 2016                                                                 Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
2021/01/28 13:08                                           29/56                              Changelog

Summary: This version is a minor release and it includes some new features as the directory
integration in aaa, new dynamic module registration, base support for hotel products, …. As usually
include bug fixes and security updates. Please see the changelog:

              fix acl check permissions
              fix internal log verbose
              fix backup/restore object owner
              add odbc support for sql transactions
              add improvement register system
              add support for external Comms Mundi applications (app_)

              fix voicemail without password
              fix duplicated groups
              fix apply default domain values for telephony parameters
              fix apply voicemail boxes when more than 3000 accounts
              fix display account quota usage
              fix detecting change on full name account
              add proxy users integration
              add aaa users and groups integration
              add limit for the number of fax pages allowed to send
              add disable auth when endpoint configured with fix contact ip
              add add parameters accountcode for groups

            fix acl resources
            add traffic shapper priority to add new interface and add mensages
            add nat rules support for vlan ifaces
            add new l7 protocols

            fix acl and resources
            fix returning error messages
            fix in tel_ivr_action check digits
            fix delete a dialer engine
            fix unset channel continue variables when multiple bridges
            fix tel_app_scheduler check timeout * when digits only
            fix tel_callcenter_outbound killing valid channels when they are being created
            fix callcenter outbound char ' in custom args from csv contact file
            fix sequential groups
            fix force restart profile when presence parameter change
            fix app callback flip CID when transfer is present
            fix filter last_app for cdr results
            fix tel_history export cdr limited to 5000rows
            fix the spaces parameter in dp_action_content_check
            fix allow empty userfield and accountcode
            fix tel_lcr delete gateway and profiles from html page
            fix disable v17 when sending faxes
            fix tel_sms export data
            fix tel_callcenter agent status when add them
            fix in blind transfer for grandestream avoid hangup

Comms Mundi Wiki -
Last update: 2020/11/11 18:14                 documentation:changelog

               fix call group/account intercept when adding a new group
               fix tel dp condition list matching most significant digit first
               fix issue when trying to capture a call ringing when the account has a fifo
               fix to detect changes in cards bri to nt a te
               fix html tel_history verbose for bridge_custom group
               fix external caller id for incoming calls
               remove parameter expire-seconds in SIP line
               add to record conference (special conf. bridge) the possibility to identify the initial
               account present in the call
               add forward chan variable to be use in dialplan condition channel variable, add other
               variables need for the account
               add tel_app_authenticate options dtmf_end, time_inter_digit and number_of_retry
               add fax new queue engine with priorities support
               add fax limit per number of pages in the document
               add fax simultaneous calls per account, domain or global resource
               add extra log when the call hits dialplan context and rule
               add support for transcode card dahdi TCE400B
               add tel dp condition DNIS
               add condition field network_addr
               add support for multiple variables
               add optimization for endpoint group detection

             fix download engine
             fix list results when to empty data
             fix navigation between multiple results
             add search option in list results pages
             acl: remove auto acl for full directory resource when using app voicemail, fax, recording *
             still need to manual set it when using shared accounts
             automatically trim accountcode and userfield values from html before sending to check

             app radius fix search witch event Access-Accept , Access-Reject
             app dir_group add options forward timeout
             app pbx history: add columns channel_name and other_channel in the export when
             app sms: fix breadcrumb
             app pbx_phone: fix firefox mediaStreamError * invalid permission without asking for micro
             app pbx_phone: add warning to prevent close the window
             add action on continue in ivr actions
             app pbx: add music on hold and ringback in brigde custom
             login: fix don't redirect to home page on each login
             app contact: add extra check to prevent delete all the contacts

             proxy: remove proxy users, now integrated with directory
             aaa: add integration support for directory
             aaa: radius attribute, remove password attribute misused should be use cleartext-
             certificate: fix acl and resources                                                                   Printed on 2021/01/28 13:08
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              certificate: fix expiration date parsing
              antivirus: fix html verbose when update database
              ids: fix parse engine
              ids: fix update engine
              vpn: fix ipsec display status
              vpn: add ipsec support to ikev1 xauth
              firewall: add support for vlan ifaces

             mysql: add cron to check tables, if not in access to html
             mysql: fix del database if not found in system
             mysql: add performance boost for servers with a lot of free memory
             mysql: fix option to disable reverse dns
             mail: fix acl and resource
             mail: fix mailtofax when empty parts and content/type equals to plain/text
             mail: fix mailtofax encoding detection
             mail: add mailtofax support for inline images

            fix trigger multi var condition match
            fix eventa data for cpu usage sensor
            fix graph probe sip options
            fix acl resources
            fix error parsing usage channels for monitor sangoma codec
            fix faster poller and reduce qty of pings, hpings, and arpings to 4
            add multi disk support when parsin disk stats
            add fax system sensor

Minor release 3.2.10

Date: 01 October 2015
Summary: This version is a minor release includes the new module Comms Mundi public API (Usage
CommsMundi Public API). As usually include bug fixes and security updates. Please see the

              fix delay when applying domains, accounts or groups
              fix FTP access rights
              fix hangup cause when fax detect with limits configured
              add sync storage account (record, fax, voicemail) by removing zombie files from database

           add support for login timeout

             fix in html view errors when change tclass network lists
             fix default user preferences
             fix add telephony ivr actions
             fix delete telephony dialers
             fix default site when virtual server on and has ssl activated
             add new public api site application (help documentation usage inline)

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