Page created by Roberto Klein
trends 2019
Transformation and sustainability
may be the new watchwords

Part of PwC’s 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey trends series

2   |   Chemicals trends 2019   Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

                                                                             optimism over
                                                                             the longer term
                                                                             Just a short time ago, there was a notable dose of optimism
                                                                             evident in the chemicals sector. Having confronted
                                                                             extraordinary pressures for more than a decade — chiefly from
                                                                             product commoditisation, raw materials volatility, fluctuating
                                                                             markets and rapidly expanding competition — 2018 initially
                                                                             delivered some strong results. Profits were up, capacity was
                                                                             tight and global demand was on a positive trajectory.
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                                                                             EXHIBIT 1                                                      QUESTION

With these results in hand it is perhaps not
surprising that, according to PwC’s 22nd
                                                                             CEOs’ optimism shrinks for                                     How confident are you about your company’s
                                                                                                                                            prospects for revenue growth over the next 12
Annual Global CEO Survey, more than                                          longer-term outlook                                            months, and over the next three years?
90% of chemicals companies’ CEOs said
                                                                                                                                            (Showing only those who responded ‘very/somewhat confident’)
they were bullish about their organisation’s
12-month revenue growth prospects, the
highest level in five years (see Exhibit 1).

But when CEOs were asked to consider their                                   Confidence in short-term growth (next 12 months)               …but the longer-term three-year
company’s position over a longer period                                      is at its highest level in five years…                         growth outlook is at its lowest level
of time, their enthusiasm markedly waned.
According to the survey, the CEO three-                                                                                              92%                91%
                                                                                                                                             90%                    90%
year growth outlook is actually at its lowest                                                                                                                                              85%
                                                                              84%                84%                81%
point in five years. Indeed, it would seem
that it is hard to maintain an upbeat attitude
when economies around the world are
signalling a slowdown and trade tensions are
worsening. According to the Financial Times,
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development has flagged the risk that
the interaction of a sharp deceleration in
China’s economy, volatility in oil prices,
Brexit uncertainties and the fragility of some
eurozone banks could lead to “a harder
than expected landing.” And already some
                                                                                                                            Base                                               Base
chemicals companies are cutting earnings                                                                                   too low                                            too low
outlooks in the face of retreats in key
markets, such as automotive.                                                  2015               2016               2017    2018     2019   2015        2016        2017       2018        2019
                                                                             Source: PwC’s 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey
                                                                             Base: Chemicals CEOs (48)
4   |   Chemicals trends 2019   Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

                                                                             EXHIBIT 2                                             QUESTIONS

                                                                                                                                   A. How concerned are you,
Strikingly, these global headwinds are not
the primary reason for the longer-term
                                                                             Sustainability impacts                                if at all, about each of these
                                                                                                                                                                          B. Of the following potentially
                                                                                                                                                                          transformational impacts on
wariness of chemicals company CEOs.                                          outweigh macroeconomic                                potential economic, policy,            the way you do business
Instead, concerns about a number of wider                                                                                          social, environmental                  and deliver growth, please
‘sustainability trends’ surpass nervousness                                  concerns                                              and business threats to                rate their expected impact
about economic conditions. Among                                                                                                   your organisation’s                    on your business over the
these worries: the impact of resource and                                                                                          growth prospects?                      next five years.
materials substitution, decarbonisation,
                                                                                                                                   (showing only ‘extremely concerned’)   (showing ‘very high/high’ impact)
renewable energy and waste elimination
(see Exhibit 2). These are serious issues,
particularly for the chemicals industry,
which is at the tip of the spear of questions
surrounding the role that fossil fuels and                                   A. Top four macroeconomic concerns                             B. Top four transformational factors
new forms of energy will play in the future,
including in the mitigation of climate
change and pollution. How chemicals                                          Trade conflicts                                                       Resource and
                                                                                                                             44%                                                                     54%
                                                                                                                                            materials substitution
companies address these concerns will
ultimately affect their licence to operate,
their marketplace status, their relationships                                                                                                 Decarbonisation of
                                                                               Protectionism                               40%                                                               46%
with customers and, as the CEOs seem to                                                                                                            the economy
be keenly aware, their ability to grow over
the coming years.                                                                   Exchange                                                   Use of renewable
                                                                                 rate volatility                           40%                                                         40%
                                                                                                                                                energy sources

                                                                                     Volatile                                                         Elimination
                                                                                                                           40%                           of waste                    38%
                                                                                energy costs

                                                                             Source: PwC’s 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey
                                                                             Base: Chemicals CEOs (48)
5   |   Chemicals trends 2019   Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

The greater focus on sustainability trends                        and in the development of electric cars     to replace plastic in packaging with
presents new growth opportunities for                             and trucks. Reducing the average weight     alternative materials and move closer to
chemicals companies that were not                                 of passenger cars from 1,380kg currently    so-called cradle-to-cradle manufacturing,
possible before. The industry can be a                            to 1,000kg by 2050 could lower emissions    in which every ingredient in the process
significant player in developing materials                        by 40%, according to a 2017 study by the    is recyclable. As products emerge to
that contribute to energy efficiency and                          International Transport Forum. SABIC and    satisfy recycling requirements, chemicals
greenhouse gas reduction in other sectors,                        BASF are among the chemicals companies      companies engaged in traditional plastic
improving the sustainability of downstream                        that are targeting this potential revenue   packaging value chains could find that       The greater focus on
energy chains.                                                    stream by developing high-performance
                                                                  polymers to replace metal parts and trim
                                                                                                              a big part of their cash flow is affected.
                                                                                                              In fact, nearly one in three chemicals
                                                                                                                                                           sustainability trends
In the energy sector, for example,
chemical products are commonly used
                                                                  back vehicle weight.                        company CEOs expects cradle-to-cradle        presents new growth
                                                                                                              developments to have a high or very high
in solar generation, and in new lighter                           And although strides are being made in      impact on their business within the next     opportunities for
and longer thermoplastic blades that
offer the promise of greater wind power
                                                                  industrial materials, packaging remains a
                                                                  conundrum for chemicals companies —
                                                                                                              five years.                                  chemicals companies
stability and efficiency. In transportation,                      and another potential revenue channel if    To avoid haemorrhaging revenue in the        that were not possible
lightweight materials could be critical for                       addressed correctly. Pressure is growing    plastic packaging side of their business,
improvements in vehicle fuel efficiency                           in many of the world’s largest markets      chemicals companies should begin to          before.
6   |   Chemicals trends 2019   Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

rethink the types of plastics that they
are using and the production processes
                                                                  two chemicals companies — Borealis and
                                                                  LyondellBasell — have made strides in this
                                                                                                                  Our survey indicates that chemicals
                                                                                                                  executives have not yet fully embraced
                                                                                                                                                                To drive
employed to manufacture packaging.                                direction primarily by acquiring companies      the idea of open innovation. We found         sustainability
New additives, such as antioxidants, can                          with advanced recycling expertise. Demeto,      that although chemicals CEOs are
produce higher yields of plastics from                            a European consortium of 13 chemicals           slightly more focussed on new products        initiatives, chemicals
less material with less waste and fewer
carbon emissions. Although much research
                                                                  and non-chemicals companies, is working
                                                                  on a technique for depolymerising plastics
                                                                                                                  than CEOs globally, they are less likely
                                                                                                                  to be collaborating with startups and
                                                                                                                                                                companies will have
is still needed to develop and perfect                            to break them down into biodegradable           entrepreneurs. And they are much less         to collaborate with
these new additives, companies that can                           components for recycling. And more than         likely to be pursuing new strategic
pioneer improvements in the financial                             25 global companies, including four of the      alliances and joint ventures. Indeed, only    their customers.
and environmental costs of plastics                               five largest chemicals makers, have pooled      27% of chemicals CEOs are planning
manufacturing will find themselves in a                           US$1bn in the Alliance to End Plastic           such initiatives within the next 12 months
strong position in the coming years.                              Waste to reduce the amount of plastic that      as a route to growth, compared with 40%
                                                                  ends up as garbage in the environment.          of CEOs globally.
Also leading the industry will be companies
that take an active role in expanding the                                                                         Making the move from ‘solution providers’
reach of recycling, in part by helping                            An innovation path                              to ‘transformation deliverers’ requires
develop new methods for mechanical                                Chemicals companies have long accepted          CEOs to be sure their company has a
and chemical recycling programs that at                           the need to shift from being ‘product           clear and realistic lens through which
their zenith reprocess plastic items back                         sellers’ to being ‘solution providers’ in the   to assess which markets offer the
to raw material, or feedstock. At least                           customer-facing aspect of their business.       greatest potential for transformation. A
                                                                  But this is easier said than done. To           disciplined portfolio approach is needed
                                                                                                                  by which expansion into new areas

                                                                  drive sustainability initiatives, chemicals
                                                                  companies will have to collaborate              can be weighed against returns from
                                                                  with their customers. Purchasers will           current activities. In turn, this will help
                                                                  increasingly demand bespoke and                 companies articulate coherent portfolio
                                                                  innovative answers that transform their         strategies that can be readily explained
                                                                  products to meet specific weight, waste         to investors and that can drive merger,
Chemicals CEOs pursuing a new product                             and functionality metrics.                      acquisitions and divestments, research
or service to drive revenue growth                                                                                and development, and other growth
7   |   Chemicals trends 2019   Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

strategies. Many companies already use                            use of a mixture of fertilisers, herbicides
portfolio management to inform investment,                        and pesticides from different chemicals
but they don’t necessarily incorporate all                        providers to more precisely address each
the external forces, including sustainability                     farmer’s unique growing needs.
trends, that will drive future transformation
of target markets. Such transformation
may be key to determining priorities for                          Work to be done
investment and divestment.                                        As chemicals companies become central
                                                                  figures in sustainability initiatives for their
Delivering transformation also entails that
                                                                  customers, they will have to clean up their
chemicals companies become materials-
                                                                  own act as well. In order to burnish their
agnostic. This is particularly the case in
                                                                  reputations as true innovators in a world of
the specialty segment of the market. In
                                                                  advanced materials and ecologically sound
this segment, companies don’t necessarily
                                                                  solutions, chemicals companies must
have to own the plastics they put together
                                                                  prove that they take the issue seriously
and assemble into composites. Instead, the
                                                                  enough to transform themselves. Just
focus should be on having the capabilities,
                                                                  as there is already increased public and
insight and relationships to provide a best
                                                                  government focus on, for instance, single-
fit for the customer’s needs. For example,
                                                                  use plastics and recycling, similar scrutiny
UK-based Ineos recently announced a
                                                                  could turn to the industry’s role in fossil fuel
new thermoplastic composite, called
StyLight, that combines the company’s
traditional high-tensile product line with                        A recent analysis by the International
proprietary glass or carbon fibre from                            Energy Agency (IEA) points out that
external chemicals industry sources to                            petrochemicals are rapidly becoming the
meet higher requirements for strength and                         largest driver of global oil consumption.
durability in design and performance. In the                      They are set to account for more than a
agrochemicals arena, materials-agnostic                           third of the growth in oil demand to 2030,
partnerships are developing around the                            and nearly half to 2050, ahead of trucks,
8   |   Chemicals trends 2019   Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

aviation and shipping. But the picture is a                       that come from renewable resources. And it     renewable energy falls, there are signs that    sustainability measures. The good news for
bit more complicated than that data point                         has committed itself to decoupling organic     companies are recognising the advantage         CEOs is that the window of opportunity will
lets on. The same IEA analysis points out                         growth from greenhouse gas emissions           of supplementing fossil fuel sources with       remain open for some time for companies
that despite being the largest industrial                         with an ambition to become stronger than       renewable generation. In early 2018, for        to show they are part of the solution, rather
energy consumer, the chemicals sector                             the market in the period to 2030 while         example, Shell began the development of a       than the problem. As many companies
ranks third among industrial CO2 emitters.                        keeping its emissions flat at 2018 levels.     solar power plant at its Moerdijk chemicals     are beginning to demonstrate, there is
This is because the carbon contained in                           And recently biodegradable plastics            site in the Netherlands. Once complete, the     considerable opportunity for innovation
chemicals feedstocks is mostly locked into                        received a shot in the arm when Bill Gates     project will provide an approximate peak        — rather than regulation — dictating the
final products such as plastics and released                      invested $US14m in Renmatix, whose             capacity of 20 MW of renewable power.           pace, and the future.
only when the products decompose or are                           Plantrose technology converts biomass to       In the US, Johnson Matthey’s platinum
burned.                                                           cellulosic sugars, which in turn can be used   group metals refinery and chemicals plant
                                                                  to produce biochemicals and biofuels.          at West Deptford, New Jersey, sources
The considerable store of CO2 from                                                                               17% of its electricity from an adjacent solar
feedstocks contained in products                                  Given that much of the industry’s CO2          photovoltaic plant.
highlights the importance of the increasing                       emissions come from energy rather than
attention being paid by chemicals CEOs                            feedstock inputs, decarbonisation of           The strategic direction for the chemicals
to renewable or green feedstocks and to                           energy sources presents the greatest           industry is clear but the roadmap to
waste and recycling strategies. As part of                        opportunity to reduce CO2 impact. Moves        navigate it is uncertain. The coming
its annual reporting, for example, BASF                           to decarbonise energy inputs on a large        decade is likely to see the sector come
publishes the proportion of its raw materials                     scale are some way off but, as the cost of     under increasing pressure on a range of
9   |   Chemicals trends 2019   Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

Strategy                                                                     In the past, chemicals companies have relied on
                                                                             spin-offs, mergers and acquisitions and, when
                                                                                                                                       Perhaps the most important thing chemicals
                                                                                                                                       companies can do in this environment is a bit

made real
                                                                             possible, product innovation to deal with big             contrarian: rather than reacting to today’s shifting
                                                                             challenges. That was fitting for the challenges           conditions, think more broadly and more long term.
                                                                             of recent years, which primarily have been the            Simply put, take a ‘true north’ approach to strategy
                                                                             commoditisation of products or competition from           development. Start with a clean slate and imagine
                                                                             lower-cost players in emerging nations.                   how customer needs and the value of products that
                                                                                                                                       serve these needs will change in the coming years.
                                                                             But today’s greatest challenge is an economic and         Understand the driving forces behind these changes,
What concrete steps should                                                   geopolitical business environment that is out of the      and most important, answer the question of what
                                                                             normal range and defies normal responses. This
chemicals companies undertake                                                environment combines thorny elements that much
                                                                                                                                       factors will remain relevant in any future scenario.
                                                                                                                                       Then, critically reflect on what few critical capabilities
to prepare for the future’s                                                  of the industry has not had to deal with before: trade    will be necessary for success and be honest about
                                                                             wars, perplexing regulatory policies, demand shifts
increasingly unfamiliar business                                             in huge markets like China, the weakening of the
                                                                                                                                       the gaps. Only then can the company start the
                                                                                                                                       transformation journey of, for example, establishing
environment — and to exist in a                                              European Union, increasing risks to global supply         new business models, developing products and
volatile present?                                                            chains and the accelerating impact of digitisation. All   services, restructuring business units, and building
                                                                             of this is forcing chemicals companies to reconsider      talent pools and innovation teams to target these
                                                                             their approaches to growth obstacles and how they         new potential revenue streams.
                                                                             formulate strategy for the short and long term — not
                                                                             knowing from which direction and when the next
                                                                             challenge will arise.
10   | Chemicals trends 2019   Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

For instance, agrochemicals should focus on                                 From this process, likely outcomes for chemicals
secure and sustainable food supplies and a new                              companies include:
type of farmer persona; infrastructure materials
on smart cities; and packaging on zero-carbon                               • complementary existing business models with
footprint protection. In other words, determine                               new customer-centric or data-driven ones
what you want your company’s identity to be when
                                                                            • more localisation of operations and reconfigured
the volatility becomes less imposing and even
                                                                              supply chains to be nearer to customers
transforms into an opportunity.
                                                                            • drastic reduction in product volumes to be
This approach affords chemicals companies the
                                                                              compensated with new monetisation models
chance to revisit their operating models with
the benefit of imagination. By visualising the                              • more partnerships and a larger ecosystem of
organisation in a market with different contours and                          companies to share developmental risk and to
requirements than today’s, the company examines                               add technological capabilities and bridge the
its ability to operate in that unfamiliar landscape.                          gap in the value chain with end-users
Its capability shortcomings are highlighted and
the coherence of its product portfolio is revealed.                         • greater leveraging and adoption of technology —
In turn, the skills, behaviours and processes                                 particularly AI
supporting legacy assets that may be valuable
                                                                            • a transformative shift in identity and culture to
down the road as the market shifts can be nurtured.
                                                                              realise the new set of opportunities.
11   | Chemicals trends 2019   Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

Authors and
Germany                                                                     Japan                                United States
Iris Herrmann                                                               Kenji Mitsui                         Peter Bertone
Partner, PwC Strategy& Germany GmbH                                         Partner, PwC Japan                   Principal, PwC US
+49-170-2238-695                                                            +81-3-6250-1200                      +1-703-682-5719                                     

Dr. Nils Naujok                                                             Middle East                          Chris Cardinal
Partner, Energy, Utilities & Resources                                      Frederic Ozeir                       Director, PwC US
(EUR) Leader EMEA                                                           Partner, Strategy& Middle East       +1-267-330-1489
PwC Strategy& Germany GmbH                                                  +961-1-985655              
                                                                            United Kingdom
Ruirui Zong-Rühe                                                            Adrian Del Maestro
Manager, PwC Strategy& Germany GmbH                                         Director, PwC UK
+49-151-26248-445                                                           +44-79-0016-3558                          
About PwC’s           PwC conducted 3,200 interviews with CEOs in more than 90 territories.
                      There were 48 respondents from the chemicals sector, and 33% of
                      chemicals CEOs reported an annual revenue greater than US$1bn.

22nd Annual Global    Notes:

CEO Survey            • Not all figures add up to 100%, as a result of rounding percentages
                        and exclusion of ‘neither/nor’ and ‘don’t know’ responses.

                      • We also conducted face-to-face, in-depth interviews with CEOs and
                        thought leaders from five continents over the second half of 2018. The
                        interviews can be found at

                      • Our global report (which includes responses from 1,378 CEOs) is
                        weighted by national GDP to ensure that CEOs’ views are fairly
                        represented across all major regions.

                      • The research was undertaken by PwC Research, our global centre
                        of excellence for primary research and evidence-based consulting

                      You can find other CEO Survey reports here:


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