CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile

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CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile

-   Preparedness, response and lessons -

                     Arturo Fermandois
                    Ambassador of Chile
                         March, 2011
CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile
-   Preparedness, response and lessons -

     First Impacts
     Government response

     What we have done

     Lessons learned
CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile
One of the Strongest Earthquakes on
        Loca%on            Date         Magnitude
        Chile              5/22/1960    9.5
        Alaska             3/28/1964    9.2
        Northern Sumatra   12/26/2004   9.1
        Kamchatka          4/11/1952    9.0
        Chile              02/27/2010   8.8
        Ecuador            01/31/1906   8.8
        Alaska             4/02/1965    8.7
        Indonesia          03/28/2005   8.6
        Assam‐Tibet        08/15/1950   8.6
        Alaska             09/03/1957   8.6
    Source: USGS
CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile
First Impact of Earthquake

 Impact                                                  Ac%ons
    At 3:34 a.m. on Saturday, February                  The Government developed:
     27TH, 2010, an earthquake of
     magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale hit
                                                             – A complete diagnosis of the
     Chile.                                                    damage and a financing program,
    It lasted almost two minutes and
     altered Earth’s axis.                                   – A legisla_ve agenda, and

    The quake affected:                                      – A reconstruc_on plan
         The central zone of Chile from the Region of
          Valparaiso to the Region of Araucanía
          (147,392 Km2)

         12,880,000 inhabitants (75% of the whole

         375 miles of linear costal

    Hours later, successive tsunamis
     devastated wide coastal zones, ci_es
     and towns of Central Chile
CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile
Chile´s most Affected Area
CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile
CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile
CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile
CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile
Summary of Damages

      Es_mated cost
      of losses and


      of GDP
CHILE AND ITS EARTHQUAKE - Preparedness, response and lessons - Arturo Fermandois Ambassador of Chile
Summary of Damages
1,415 aftershocks above 4 degree on Richter Scale
Economic Damages of the
 Earthquake and the Tsunami

                                    The damages have three
                      US$     %     distinctive features:
                      bn     GDP
                                    They affect a large geographical
Total losses          29.7   18     area;
Infrastructure loss   20.9   12.7   They are present in virtually all
                                    sectors of the economy; and
GDP loss              7.6    4.6
                                    They come in different levels of
Macroeconomic Effects of the
 • The earthquake reduced economic growth in the first
   semester of 2010. By the second half of the year
   output exceeded the levels prior to the earthquake.
 • Reconstruc_on efforts gave a strong boost to the
   economy later on.
 • Most relevant reconstruc_on projects started in the
   second half of 2010 and will last un_l 2012.
 • Infla_onary effects have not been significant. The
   economy remained on a growth trend and infla_on
   has been below expecta_ons.
-   Preparedness, response and lessons -

     First Impacts
     Government response

     What we have done

     Lessons learned
Triple Response Plan by the

 Immediate                                                                     Re‐
              33 days              emergency      4 months                 construc%on
                                                                                           4 years

                                      March 29th - July                  The Plan has three pillars:
   February 27 - March 31st                                              Permanent replacement and
                                      The measures were related to:
                                                                          improvement of buildings and
   The government declared Zone              Normalization of the       infrastructure.
    of Catastrophe in 5 regions                school system
   On February 28th, it was                  Emergency housing,
                                               (80.000)                   Recover the productive capacity in
    declared State of Emergency                                           affected areas.
    Maule y Bío-Bío                           Assurance of access to
                                               health care in time
                                              Creation of 60,000         Make Chile a better prepared country
                                               reconstruction jobs        for future disasters.

                                              Repairment of roads and              Early Warning System is
                                               bridges                               being reformulated.

                                              removal of debris in the             Buildings standards
Key Players during the Immediate Emergency

 •   Government
      –   Crea_on of two commihees. The first one
          to respond the emergency and the second
          one to start working in the Reconstruc_on
      –   Coordinate the response with armed
          forces, ONEMI and regional governments

 •   Armed Forces (Navy and Army)
      –   Key importance in three stages of the
            •   Restoring the public order
            •   Building emergency houses and removing
                debris from streets.
            •   Channeling humanitarian aid

 •   Na%onal Emergency Office (ONEMI)

 •   Civil Society
      –   Responsible for collec_ng and distribu_ng
          basic necessi_es:
            •   bohled water, non‐perishable foods, medicines,
                baheries, matches, candles, flashlights,
                bedding, insula_ng plas_c, coal, cardboard
                boxes, toilet ar_cles, and building materials

 •   Customs
Armed Forces:
Humanitarian Relief Operations

 •   Humanitarian Relief Force belong   Number of Military force deployed
     to the Army.                         during Winter Emergency Stage

 •   In each region a “ General
     Brigadier ” was in command of
     the Regional Military Command
     of Humanitarian Relief, which
     relied on a central military
     authority who coordinated this
Government Reaction to the Emergency:

 Emergency and reconstruc_on efforts started simultaneously.

 Two Commihees were created:

   Emergency Commi\ee: Appointed by the President, it operated under his supervision. The
   main objec_ve was to give priority to the Reconstruc_on Plan giving the basic living
   condi_ons to the people.

   •This commihee also recruited people from private sector to work temporarily in the
   management of part of the opera_ons.

   Reconstruc%on Commi\ee: Created to be the formal and permanent instance to lead and
   coordinate the Reconstruc_on process. It is lead by Minister of Public Works.

   •It works with regional governments in the design and implementa_on of the recovery
Emergency Alterna%ves: Housing

Reconstruction Financing

  The cost of the damages from the earthquake totaled US$30
     – 10.6 billions were public infrastructure
      Finance Minister iden%fied the following sources of financing:
     – Economic growth (US$2.5 billions per year)
     – Austerity measures and realloca_ons of $ 730 millions
     – Dona_on Act
     – Sales of dispensable assets
     – Issue of internal and external debt
     – Use of Economic and Social Stabiliza_on Fund and use of Reserve Copper Law.
       U.S. $ 300 Millions (per year)in 2010 and 2011.
     – Tax increases
          • Transitory Corporate tax
          • Permanent increase in Tobacco tax to 62.3%
          • Transitory increase of real estate tax during 2011 and 2012
          • Royalty
Financing Sources
U.S. billions
Reconstruction Balance after a year:
International Aide: US$73 millions

                    2.1                United
                                       11.4                                                      South
          United States
                                                                                                 Corea Japan 10.7
               14                        Spain
                                                        Italy                         China 3.1 3.9
                                          1.9           6.2              India
                          Trinidad y                                           Thayland
                           Tobago                               Kuwait         0.1         0.2
                             1.0                                 2.0


 UN dona_on US$10         0.4
      millions                                                                                          New Zealand
-   Preparedness, response and lessons -

     First Impacts
     Government response

     What we have done

     Lessons learned
What did work?

 Building regula%ons
   – Chile has had a strict Seismic Code since 1972, so that all high‐risk buildings
     are made from seismically sound materials such as concrete, steel and
     reinforced concrete.
   – Chile’s construc_on codes required developers to face a 10 year liability
     that proved to be an incen_ve to build civil infrastructure that was able to
     resist earthquakes.
 Popula%on knowledge
   – Chile’s coastal popula_on have a very good understanding of the need to
     evacuate lower zones, close to the beach, in the event of any big

 Lack of fires
   – Chile’s energy network shuts down automa_cally in the event of any mayor
Modernization of National Emergency Office

 Le\er of intent to Collaborate between the Government of Chile and
  The US Federal Emergency Management Agency ( April 12, 2010)
    – Establish a process for informa_on sharing and exchange of exper_se.

 Memorandum of Understanding between the US Department of
  Homeland Security and the Ministry of Interior of Chile
    – To assist in strengthening disaster resilience and reducing disaster risk in
      American and Chilean communi_es, bearing in mind the need for con_nuous
      improvement in emergency management; and

    – To enhance response and recovery capability in both the United States and
      Chile through informa_on sharing and knowledge exchange.
Reconstruction Balance after a year

 Residen%al
   – 135.000 subsidies will have been paid out (61% of the total number to be
     awarded) by February 27th, 2011,
   – 74.000 works are under way or have already been completed
   – 47 out of 100 Reconstruc_on Master Plans are considered completed with an
     investment pornolio
 Health
   – 84% of the opera_ng theaters which were destroyed are now working
   – 90% of medical and industrial equipment is opera_ve
   – 19 field hospital were set up to deal with the emergency. 14 of them were
     dismantled on December 2010.
   – 100% hospitals bed are been restored using temporary and permanent
Reconstruction Balance after a year
 Public Infrastructure
    – 99,1% of the public infrastructure has been par_ally or wholly restoared:
        •   100% of 1,554 kilometers
        •   100% of ports infrastructure
        •   98,6% bridges that were damaged
        •   100% airports and aerodromes
        •   98.9% of hydraulic facili_es
        •   100% rural drinking water systems
 Educa%on
    – School system normalized aoer 45 days.
    – 100% of students came back to the school.
    – The rebuilding and repairs of the 70% of the buildings affected by the
      earthquake have been supported through different programs:
        • Earthquake Program 1 and 2: 594 schools and colleges were repaired
        • Minor Repairs Plan 1: US$166.6660 benefit 601 buildings and 300.000 students.
          Finished by February 2011
        • Minor Repairs Plan 2: US%125.000 benefit 333 buildings and 167.680 students.
          Finished by April 2011
        • Repairs Plan for 12 tradi_onal schools
-   Preparedness, response and lessons -

     First Impacts
     Government response

     What we have done

     Lessons learned
Lessons Learned

                         Problems observed                        What we are working on
                        Communica_ons were down for             Investment in real _me monitoring
Seismological and        more than 12 hours.                      process and robust
telecommunica%ons                                                 telecommunica_ons systems with
infrastructure          Sensors took more than 2 hours           mul_ple backups.
                         to provide informa_on
2                       Alert System:                           Streamlined process with:
                                                              –   Clear communica_on protocols,
    Issuing alarms        –   Unclear communica_ons
                                                              –   Single responsibility for decision, and
    process                                                   –   Use of mass communica_on channels.
                          –   Mul_ple unnecessary decisions
                              points, and
                          –   No use of mass communica_on
                                                                 Development of an army
                                                                  emergency task force specialized in
3                          No special force in place for         emergency procedures
                            helping in early evalua_on
    Emergency task          of damages and not
    force                   specialized in emergency
Lessons Learned

                 Problems observed                         What we are working on
                    No clear chain of command                Crea_ng a clear chain of
Chain of             in place:                                 command:
Command                                                         –   No more than 8 direct reports
                      –   Too many direct reports
                      –   Organized by ins_tu_on instead        –   Organized by func_ons and
                          of roll in the emergency.
                                                                –   Single leadership
                      –   leadership duplicity
5                      Unrestricted access,                     Restricted area access.

    “War room”         Everybody sipng around                   Decision makers in one
    Dynamics            the same table                            table separated from
                        randomly, and                             support staff in separate
                                                                  tables grouped by
                       Press with direct access
6                       to everything.

    Loo%ng                                                       Procedures to deploy
                       Heavy loo_ng began 18                     armed forces to ensure
                        hours aoer the                            safety in the first hours of
                        earthquake.                               the emergency
Chile is Better Prepared

Suffered, managed, reacted
        and learned

-   Preparedness, response and lessons -

                     Arturo Fermandois
                    Ambassador of Chile
                         March, 2010
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