Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University

Page created by Claude Andrews
Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
Choosing and
                            using your plan
                            Your guide to open enrollment and
                            making the most of your benefits

                                                 Harris Stowe State
                                                Effective January 1st

115324MUMENMUB Rev. 05/19
                            This guide is for information purposes only. You must enroll in a plan for your benefits to start.
Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
It’s time to choose your plan

            Your trusted health partner
            Anthem is committed to being your trusted health care partner. We’re
            developing the technology, solutions, programs and services that give
            you greater access to care. We also work with doctors to make sure you
            get affordable, quality health care.

      Save this guide
      You’ll find tips on how to make the most of your benefits and save
      on health care costs throughout the year.

                                            2                                  Choosing your plan
Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
It’s time to choose your plan
                 Let’s get started

This is the perfect time to think about your health — where you are right now and where you want to
be tomorrow. It’s your opportunity to check out the benefits, programs and resources that can
support your health and well-being all year long.

This guide will help you understand our plans. It’s also full of tips, tools and resources that can help
you reach your health and wellness goals when you become a member. So keep it handy to make the
most of your benefits throughout the year.

Table of contents
Choosing your plan                                                                                   Using your plan

The basics explained .........................................................................4      How to use your plan ..................................................................... 36

Explore your plan options .................................................................5         Make the most of your pharmacy benefits ................................ 42

What you’ll pay when you get care .................................................6                 Plan extras that support your health ......................................... 51

Your pharmacy benefits .................................................................40           The legal stuff we’re required to tell you ................................... 71

Dental benefits ................................................................................45

Vision benefits ................................................................................48

                                                                                        3                                                                Choosing your plan
Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
Anthem® Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Your Plan: Harris Stowe State University-Harris Stowe State University-Anthem Blue Access Choice PPO $0 / 0%
Your Network: Blue Access Choice

                                                                                                    Cost if you use a
                                                                          Cost if you use an In-
Covered Medical Benefits                                                                            Non-Network
                                                                          Network Provider

Overall Deductible                                                        $0 person /               $1,000 person /
                                                                          $0 family                 $2,000 family

Out-of-Pocket Limit                                                       $1,500 person /           $3,000 person /
                                                                          $3,000 family             $6,000 family

The family deductible and out-of-pocket maximum are embedded meaning the cost shares of one family member will be applied
to both the individual deductible and individual out-of-pocket maximum; in addition, amounts for all covered family members
apply to both the family deductible and family out-of-pocket maximum. No one member will pay more than the individual
deductible and individual out-of-pocket maximum.

Preventive Care / Screening / Immunization                                No charge                 30% coinsurance after
                                                                                                    deductible is met

Doctor Home and Office Services

Primary Care Visit                                                        $20 copay per visit       30% coinsurance after
When Allergy injections are billed separately by network providers, the                             deductible is met
member is responsible for a $10 copay. When billed as part of an office
visit, there is no additional cost to the member for the injection.

Specialist Care Visit                                                     $40 copay per visit       30% coinsurance after
When Allergy injections are billed separately by network providers, the                             deductible is met
member is responsible for a $10 copay. When billed as part of an office
visit, there is no additional cost to the member for the injection.

Prenatal and Post-natal Care                                              0% coinsurance after      30% coinsurance after
                                                                          deductible is met         deductible is met

Other Practitioner Visits:
Retail Health Clinic                                                      $20 copay per visit       30% coinsurance after
                                                                                                    deductible is met
Preferred On-line Visit                                                   $10 copay per visit       30% coinsurance after
Includes Mental/Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse                                               deductible is met

Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
Cost if you use a
                                                            Cost if you use an In-
Covered Medical Benefits                                                             Non-Network
                                                            Network Provider

Other Participating Provider On-line Visit                  $20 copay per visit      30% coinsurance after
Includes Mental/Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse                                deductible is met

Chiropractic Services                                       50% coinsurance          Not covered
Coverage is limited to 26 visits per benefit period.

Other Services in an Office:
Allergy Testing                                             0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                            deductible is met        deductible is met
Chemo/Radiation Therapy - PCP                               $20 copay per visit      30% coinsurance after
                                                                                     deductible is met

Chemo/Radiation Therapy - Specialist                        $40 copay per visit      30% coinsurance after
                                                                                     deductible is met

Dialysis/Hemodialysis                                       $40 copay per visit      30% coinsurance after
                                                                                     deductible is met

Prescription Drugs - Dispensed in the office                0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                            deductible is met        deductible is met

Diagnostic Services
Office                                                      No charge                30% coinsurance after
                                                                                     deductible is met

Outpatient Hospital                                         0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                            deductible is met        deductible is met


Office                                                      No charge                30% coinsurance after
                                                                                     deductible is met

Outpatient Hospital                                         0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                            deductible is met        deductible is met

Advanced Diagnostic Imaging:
Office                                                      0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                            deductible is met        deductible is met

Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
Cost if you use a
                                                                          Cost if you use an In-
Covered Medical Benefits                                                                           Non-Network
                                                                          Network Provider
Freestanding Radiology Center                                             0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                          deductible is met        deductible is met

Outpatient Hospital                                                       0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                          deductible is met        deductible is met

Emergency and Urgent Care
Urgent Care                                                               $50 copay per visit      30% coinsurance after
When Allergy injections are billed separately by network providers, the                            deductible is met
member is responsible for a $10 copay. When billed as part of an office
visit, there is no additional cost to the member for the injection.
Emergency Room Facility Services                                          $200 copay per visit     Covered as In-Network
Copay waived if admitted.

Emergency Room Doctor and Other Services                                  No charge                Covered as In-Network

Ambulance                                                                 0% coinsurance after     Covered as In-Network
                                                                          deductible is met

Outpatient Mental/Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse
Doctor Office Visit                                                       $20 copay per visit      30% coinsurance after
                                                                                                   deductible is met

Facility Visit:
Facility Fees                                                             0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                          deductible is met        deductible is met

Doctor Services                                                           0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                          deductible is met        deductible is met

Outpatient Surgery
Facility Fees:
Hospital                                                                  0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                          deductible is met        deductible is met

Freestanding Surgical Center                                              0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                          deductible is met        deductible is met

Doctor and Other Services:

Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
Cost if you use a
                                                                                Cost if you use an In-
Covered Medical Benefits                                                                                 Non-Network
                                                                                Network Provider
Hospital                                                                        0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                                deductible is met        deductible is met

Freestanding Surgical Center                                                    0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                                deductible is met        deductible is met

Hospital (Including Maternity, Mental / Behavioral Health, Substance
Facility Fees                                                                   0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                                deductible is met        deductible is met

Human Organ and Tissue Transplants                                              0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
Kidney and Cornea are treated the same as any other illness and subject         deductible is met        deductible is met
to the medical benefits.
Doctor and other services                                                       0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
                                                                                deductible is met        deductible is met

Recovery & Rehabilitation
Home Health Care                                                                0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
Coverage is limited to 100 visits per benefit period. Limits are combined for   deductible is met        deductible is met
all home health services.

Rehabilitation services:

Office                                                                          $20 copay per visit      30% coinsurance after
Coverage for Occupational Rehabilitation services is limited to 40 visits                                deductible is met
per benefit period. Coverage for Physical Rehabilitation and Manipulation
Therapy services is limited to 40 visits per benefit period. Limit does not
apply to manipulation performed by a Chiropractor. Speech Therapy has
no visit limit. Benefit limit does not apply to Applied Behavioral Analysis.
Benefit limit does not apply when performed as part of Early Intervention.

Outpatient Hospital                                                             0% coinsurance after     30% coinsurance after
Coverage for Occupational Rehabilitation services is limited to 40 visits       deductible is met        deductible is met
per benefit period. Coverage for Physical Rehabilitation and Manipulation
Therapy services is limited to 40 visits per benefit period. Limit does not
apply to manipulation performed by a Chiropractor. Speech Therapy has
no visit limit. Benefit limit does not apply to Applied Behavioral Analysis.
Benefit limit does not apply when performed as part of Early Intervention.

Cardiac rehabilitation
Office                                                                          $40 copay per visit      30% coinsurance after
Coverage is limited to 36 visits per benefit period.                                                     deductible is met

Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
Cost if you use a
                                                                               Cost if you use an In-
Covered Medical Benefits                                                                                  Non-Network
                                                                               Network Provider
Outpatient Hospital                                                            0% coinsurance after       30% coinsurance after
Coverage is limited to 36 visits per benefit period.                           deductible is met          deductible is met

Pulmonary rehabilitation                                                       $40 copay per visit        30% coinsurance after
Office                                                                                                    deductible is met
Coverage is limited to 20 visits per benefit period.

Outpatient Hospital                                                            0% coinsurance after       30% coinsurance after
Coverage is limited to 20 visits per benefit period.                           deductible is met          deductible is met

Skilled Nursing Care (facility)                                                0% coinsurance after       30% coinsurance after
Coverage for Skilled Nursing, Outpatient Rehabilitation and Inpatient          deductible is met          deductible is met
Rehabilitation facility settings is limited to 150 days combined per benefit

Hospice                                                                        0% coinsurance after       30% coinsurance after
                                                                               deductible is met          deductible is met

Durable Medical Equipment                                                      50% coinsurance after      50% coinsurance after
                                                                               deductible is met          deductible is met

Prosthetic Devices                                                             0% coinsurance after       30% coinsurance after
                                                                               deductible is met          deductible is met

                                                                                                          Cost if you use a
                                                                               Cost if you use an In-
Covered Prescription Drug Benefits                                                                        Non-Network
                                                                               Network Provider

Pharmacy Deductible                                                            Not applicable             Not applicable

Pharmacy Out of Pocket                                                         Combined with medical      Combined with medical

Prescription Drug Coverage

Essential Drug List
No coverage for non-formulary drugs.

Tier 1 - Typically Generic                                                     $10 copay per              50% coinsurance,
30 day supply (retail pharmacy). 90 day supply (home delivery).                prescription, deductible   deductible does not
                                                                               does not apply (retail)    apply (retail) and Not
                                                                               and $20 copay per          covered (home
                                                                               prescription, deductible   delivery)

Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
Cost if you use a
                                                                             Cost if you use an In-
Covered Prescription Drug Benefits                                                                      Non-Network
                                                                             Network Provider

                                                                             does not apply (home

Tier 2 – Typically Preferred Brand                                           $25 copay per              50% coinsurance,
30 day supply (retail pharmacy). 90 day supply (home delivery).              prescription, deductible   deductible does not
                                                                             does not apply (retail)    apply (retail) and Not
                                                                             and $50 copay per          covered (home
                                                                             prescription, deductible   delivery)
                                                                             does not apply (home

Tier 3 - Typically Non-Preferred Brand                                       $50 copay per              50% coinsurance,
30 day supply (retail pharmacy). 90 day supply (home delivery).              prescription, deductible   deductible does not
                                                                             does not apply (retail)    apply (retail) and Not
                                                                             and $100 copay per         covered (home
                                                                             prescription, deductible   delivery)
                                                                             does not apply (home

Tier 4 - Typically Specialty (brand and generic)                             25% coinsurance up to      50% coinsurance,
30 day supply (retail pharmacy). 30 day supply (home delivery).              $350 per prescription,     deductible does not
                                                                             deductible does not        apply (retail) and Not
                                                                             apply (retail and home     covered (home
                                                                             delivery)                  delivery)

    Dependent age: to end of the month in which the child attains age 26.
    Members are encouraged to always obtain prior approval when using non-network providers. Precertification will help
       the member know if the services are considered not medically necessary.
    All medical and prescription drug deductibles, copayments and coinsurance apply toward the out-of-pocket maximum
       (excluding Non-Network Human Organ and Tissue Transplant (HOTT) Services).
    No charge means no deductible/copayment/coinsurance up to the maximum allowable amount. 0% means no
       coinsurance up to the maximum allowable amount. However, when choosing a Non-network provider, the member is
       responsible for any balance due after the plan payment.
    If your plan includes out-of-network benefits, In-network and out-of-network deductibles, copayments, coinsurance and
       out-of-pocket maximum amounts are separate and do not accumulate toward each other.
    If you have an office visit with your Primary Care Physician or Specialist at an Outpatient Facility (e.g., Hospital or
       Ambulatory Surgical Facility), benefits for Covered Services will be paid under “Outpatient Facility Services” which is
       generally coinsurance or coinsurance after your deductible is met.

    This summary of benefits is a brief outline of coverage, designed to help you with the selection process. This summary
    does not reflect each and every benefit, exclusion and limitation which may apply to the coverage. For more details,

Choosing and using your plan - Your guide to open enrollment and making the most of your benefits - Harris-Stowe State University
important limitations and exclusions, please review the formal Evidence of Coverage (EOC). If there is a difference
between this summary and the Evidence of Coverage (EOC), the Evidence of Coverage (EOC), will prevail.

The basics explained
           Before we dive into the plan details, it may be helpful to review some
           health benefit basics.

What you pay and what your plan pays
                         Deductible                       Out-of-pocket
                          reached                         limit reached

                                                                                                                        What you pay
    You pay your                      You and your                         Your plan pays
    deductible                        plan share cost                      the cost
                                                                                                                        What we pay

This chart is only an example. Your actual cost share will depend on your plan, the service you
get and the doctor you choose. Check your plan details to see your actual share of the cost.

Words that are helpful to know
We can help you crack the code of health insurance lingo. Here are the meanings of some common terms:

   Deductible:                            Copay:                                   Coinsurance:
   A set amount you pay each year         A flat fee you pay for covered           Once you’ve met your deductible,
   for covered services before your       services like doctor visits.             you and your health plan share
   plan starts to pay for covered                                                  the cost of covered health care
   health care costs.                                                              services. The coinsurance is your
                                                                                   share of the costs, usually a
                                                                                   percent of the cost of care.
                                                                                   Your plan details show what
                                                                                   portion of the cost you’ll pay.

                      Out-of-pocket limit:                      Premium:
                      This is the most you have to pay          The premium, also called a
                      out of your own pocket each year          monthly payment, is what you
                      for covered services. This amount         pay for the plan. It’s the money
                      may include your deductible and           that comes out of your paycheck.
                      your percentage of the costs,             Think of it like a membership fee
                      depending on your plan. And some          that’s separate from what you
                      plans may still have you pay a            pay when you get care.
                      copay at the time of service.

                                                           11                                                    Choosing your plan
Take care of yourself
Use your preventive care benefits

Getting regular checkups and exams can help you stay healthy and catch problems early — when they’re easier to treat.

That’s why our health plans offer all the preventive care services and immunizations below — at no cost to you.1 As long as you see
a doctor or use a pharmacy or lab in the plan, you won’t have to pay anything for these services and immunizations. If you want to
visit a doctor or pharmacy outside the plan, you may have to pay out of pocket.

Not sure which services make sense for you? Talk to your doctor. He or she can help you figure out what you need.

Preventive vs. diagnostic care
What’s the difference? Preventive care helps protect you from getting sick. If your doctor recommends you have services even though
you have no symptoms, that’s preventive care. Diagnostic care is when you have symptoms and your doctor recommends services to
determine what’s causing those symptoms.
Adult preventive care
Preventive physical exams
Screening tests:
  }}Alcohol misuse: related screening and behavioral counseling                                                                                   }}Hearing screening
  }}Aortic aneurysm screening (men who have smoked)                                                                                               }}Height, weight and body mass index (BMI)
  }}Behavioral counseling to promote a healthy diet                                                                                               }}HIV screening and counseling

  }}Blood pressure                                                                                                                                }}Lung cancer screening for those ages 55-80 who have a

  }}Bone density test to screen for osteoporosis                                                                                                    history of smoking 30 packs per year and still smoke, or quit
  }}Cholesterol and lipid (fat) level                                                                                                               within the past 15 years3
  }}Colorectal cancer, including fecal occult blood test, barium                                                                                  }}Obesity: related screening and counseling*

    enema, flexible sigmoidoscopy, screening colonoscopy and                                                                                      }}Prostate cancer, including digital rectal exam and

    related prep kit, and computed tomography (CT)                                                                                                  prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
    colonography (as appropriate)3                                                                                                                }}Sexually transmitted infections: related screening

  }}Depression screening                                                                                                                            and counseling
  }}Hepatitis C virus (HCV) for people at high risk for infection and                                                                             }}Tobacco use: related screening and behavioral counseling

    a one-time screening for adults born between 1945 and 1965                                                                                    }}Tuberculosis screening

  }}Type 2 diabetes screening*                                                                                                                    }}Violence, interpersonal and domestic: related screening

  }}Eye chart test for vision2                                                                                                                      and counseling
    }}Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough)                                                                                          }}Meningococcal (meningitis)
    }}Hepatitis A and hepatitis B                                                                                                                 }}Pneumococcal (pneumonia)
    }}Human papillomavirus (HPV)                                                                                                                  }}Varicella (chickenpox)
    }}Influenza (flu)                                                                                                                             }}Zoster (shingles)

    }}Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)

Women’s preventive care:
 }}Well-woman visits                                                                                                                              }}Counseling related to genetic testing for those with a
 }}Breast cancer, including exam, mammogram, and genetic                                                                                            family history of ovarian or breast cancer
   testing for BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 when certain criteria are met4                                                                                   }}HPV screening

 }}Breastfeeding: primary care intervention to promote                                                                                            }}Screening and counseling for interpersonal and

   breastfeeding support, supplies and counseling5,6,7                                                                                              domestic violence
 }}Contraceptive (birth control) counseling                                                                                                       }}Pregnancy screenings, including gestational diabetes,

 }}Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved contraceptive                                                                                        hepatitis B, asymptomatic bacteriuria,
   medical services, including sterilization, provided by a doctor                                                                                  Rh incompatibility, syphilis, HIV and depression6
 }}Counseling related to chemoprevention for those with a high                                                                                    }}Pelvic exam and Pap test, including screening for

   risk of breast cancer                                                                                                                            cervical cancer
These preventive care services are recommendations of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or health care reform law). They may not be right for every person, so ask your doctor what’s right for you.
This sheet is not a contract or policy with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. If there is any difference between this sheet and the group policy, the provisions of the group policy will rule. Please see
your combined Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure Form or Certificate for exclusions and limitations.
* CDC-recognized Diabetes Prevention programs are available for overweight or obese adults with abnormal blood glucose or who have abnormal CVD risk factors.

43199MUMENABS VPOD Rev. 9/18
Child preventive care
Preventive physical exams
Screening tests:
  }}Behavioral counseling to promote a healthy diet                                                                                                        }}Lead testing
  }}Blood pressure                                                                                                                                         }}Newborn screening
  }}Cervical dysplasia screening                                                                                                                           }}Screening and counseling for obesity

  }}Cholesterol and lipid level                                                                                                                            }}Counseling for those ages 10–24 with fair skin about lowering

  }}Depression screening                                                                                                                                     their risk for skin cancer
  }}Development and behavior screening                                                                                                                     }}Oral (dental health) assessment when done as part of a

  }}Type 2 diabetes screening                                                                                                                                preventive care visit
  }}Hearing screening                                                                                                                                      }}Screening and counseling for sexually transmitted infections

  }}Height, weight and BMI                                                                                                                                 }}Tobacco use: related screening and behavioral counseling

  }}Hemoglobin or hematocrit (blood count)                                                                                                                 }}Vision screening when done as part of a preventive care visit2

    }}Chickenpox                                                                                                                                           }}MMR
    }}Flu                                                                                                                                                  }}Pneumonia
    }}Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib)                                                                                                                   }}Polio

    }}Hepatitis A and hepatitis B                                                                                                                          }}Rotavirus

    }}HPV                                                                                                                                                  }}Whooping cough

    A word about pharmacy items
    For 100% coverage of your over-the-counter (OTC) drugs                                                                                              Child preventive drugs and other pharmacy items —
    and other pharmacy items listed here, you must:                                                                                                     age appropriate:
      }}Meet certain age requirements and other rules.                                                                                                    }}Dental fluoride varnish to prevent the tooth decay of primary

      }}Get prescriptions from plan providers and fill them at                                                                                              teeth for children ages 0-5
        plan pharmacies.                                                                                                                                  }}Fluoride supplements for children ages 6 months to

      }}Have prescriptions, even for OTC items.                                                                                                             16 years old
    Adult preventive drugs and other pharmacy items —                                                                                                   Women’s preventive drugs and other pharmacy items —
    age appropriate:                                                                                                                                    age appropriate:
      }}Aspirin use (81 mg and 325 mg) for the prevention of                                                                                              }}Contraceptives, including generic prescription drugs,

        cardiovascular disease, preeclampsia and colorectal                                                                                                 brand-name drugs with no generic equivalent and OTC
        cancer by adults less than 70 years old.                                                                                                            items like female condoms and spermicides6,8,9
      }}Colonoscopy prep kit (generic or OTC only) when                                                                                                   }}Low-dose aspirin (81 mg) for pregnant women who are at

        prescribed for preventive colon screening                                                                                                           increased risk of preeclampsia
      }}Generic low to moderate dose statins for members that                                                                                             }}Folic acid for women ages 55 or younger who are planning

        are 40-75 years and have 1 or more CVD risk factors                                                                                                 and able to get pregnant
        (dyslipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, or smoking)                                                                                              Breast cancer risk-reducing medications, such as tamoxifen
      }}Tobacco-cessation products, including all FDA-approved                                                                                          and raloxifene, that follow the U.S. Preventive Services Task
        brand and generic OTC and prescription products, for                                                                                            Force criteria3
        those ages 18 and older
                                                                                                                                                        For a complete list of covered preventive drugs under the
                                                                                                                                                        Affordable Care Act, view the Preventive ACA Drug List flier
                                                                                                                                                        available at
1 The range of preventive care services covered at no cost share when provided by plan doctors is designed to meet state and federal requirements. The Department of Health and Human Services decided which services to include for full coverage based on U.S. Preventive Services Task
  Force A and B recommendations, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and certain guidelines for infants, children, adolescents and women supported by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
  Guidelines. You may have additional coverage under your insurance policy. To learn more about what your plan covers, see your Certificate of Coverage or call the Member Services number on your ID card.
2 Some plans cover additional vision services. Please see your contract or Certificate of Coverage for details.
3 You may be required to get preapproval for these services.
4 Check your medical policy for details.
5 Breast pumps and supplies must be purchased from plan providers for 100% coverage. We recommend using plan durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers.
6 This benefit also applies to those younger than age 19.
7 Counseling services for breastfeeding (lactation) can be provided or supported by a plan doctor or hospital provider, such as a pediatrician, obstetrician/gynecologist or family medicine doctor, and hospitals with no member cost share (deductible, copay, coinsurance). Contact the
  provider to see if such services are available.
8 A cost share may apply for other prescription contraceptives, based on your drug benefits.
9 Your cost share may be waived if your doctor decides that using the multisource brand is medically necessary.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of: In Colorado: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc. Copies of Colorado network access plans are available on request from member services or can be obtained by going to In Connecticut: Anthem Health Plans, Inc. In Georgia: Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. In Indiana: Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. In Kentucky: Anthem Health Plans of Kentucky, Inc. In Maine: Anthem Health Plans of Maine, Inc. In Missouri
(excluding 30 counties in the Kansas City area): RightCHOICE® Managed Care, Inc. (RIT), Healthy Alliance® Life Insurance Company (HALIC), and HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates administer non-HMO benefits underwritten by HALIC and HMO benefits underwritten by HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT
and certain affiliates only provide administrative services for self-funded plans and do not underwrite benefits. In Nevada: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc., dba HMO Nevada. In New Hampshire: Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire,
Inc. HMO plans are administered by Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. and underwritten by Matthew Thornton Health Plan, Inc. In Ohio: Community Insurance Company. In Virginia: Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, and its service
area is all of Virginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route 123. In Wisconsin: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin (BCBSWI), underwrites or administers PPO and indemnity policies and underwrites the out of network benefits in POS policies offered by
Compcare Health Services Insurance Corporation (Compcare) or Wisconsin Collaborative Insurance Corporation (WCIC). Compcare underwrites or administers HMO or POS policies; WCIC underwrites or administers Well Priority HMO or POS policies. Independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue

Shield Association. ANTHEM is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

Skip the ER
                                                                                          When it’s not an emergency, get
                                                                                          quick care with these options

When you need care right away and your doctor isn’t available, the emergency room (ER) might be your first choice. But did you
know many ER visits are unnecessary? ERs aren’t the best choice in every situation, especially when you can save about $1,100
by going somewhere else when it’s not an emergency.1,2,3, And you probably won’t have to wait as long.

Here’s what to do when you need care fast

                       Step 1: Call your primary care doctor or 24/7 NurseLine
                       Your doctor can help you decide where to get care, whether it’s a visit to his or her office, going to the ER or
                       somewhere else. If your doctor isn’t available, you can call the 24/7 NurseLine at the number on the back of your
                       ID card to help you decide what to do.

                       Step 2: If it’s not an emergency, choose one of these options to save you time and money
                       Depending on your needs, you’ve got these choices:
                            Retail
                                   health clinic — Usually in a major pharmacy or retail store where you can get basic health care services
                             from a health care professional.
                            Walk-in   doctor’s office — No appointment is needed for routine care and common illnesses.
                            Urgent    care center — For conditions that need care right away such as stitches, lab tests or X-rays.
                            LiveHealth Online — Have a video visit in minutes with a board-certified doctor 24/7 on your smartphone, tablet
                             or computer with a webcam. No appointment is needed. Just go to or download the free app
                             to register and get started.

                       These options are more convenient than the ER. They’re often open at night and on weekends, so you don’t have to
                       wait to get treated.

                       When to head to the ER                                           Remember
                       When you think it’s a true emergency,                            If you go to the ER when it’s NOT an emergency, you
                       call 911 or go to the nearest ER.                                could be responsible for the full cost of treatment.

235433MUMENABS Rev. 3/18
                                                                                               See the other side for examples of when to go
                                                                                               to the ER or if you should consider other options.
Where to get care3
                                                                              Who usually provides care                                                   Estimated average costs2                                                                              When to go
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Coughing up or vomiting blood
               Emergency room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Symptoms feel life-threatening or disabling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Chest pain or severe shortness of breath
                                                                                      Doctors trained in                                                   For non-emergencies:                                               Major injury or broken bones
                                                                                     emergency medicine                                                           $1,404                                                      Sudden or unexplained loss of consciousness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Severe pain that cannot be controlled
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              If you’re pregnant and having labor pain

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Allergic reactions (minor)
             Retail health clinic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bumps, cuts, scrapes, rashes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Burning with urination

                                                                                   Physician assistants or                                                                                                                    Burns (minor)

                                                                                     nurse practitioners
                                                                                                                                                                               $72                                            Cold, cough and sore throat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sinus pain and fever (minor)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Eye or ear pain or irritation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Shots

        Walk-in doctor’s office                                                                                                                                                                                              Same as retail health clinic plus…
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Asthma (mild)

                                                                                  Family practice doctors                                                                     $124                                            Back pain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Nausea or diarrhea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Headache (minor)

             Urgent care center                                                                                                                                                                                              Same as walk-in doctor’s office plus…
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Animal bites
                                                                        Doctors who treat conditions that
                                                                         should be looked at right away
                                                                                                                                                                              $143                                            Sprains and strains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Stitches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              X-rays

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Allergic reactions (minor)
               LiveHealth Online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Headache (minor)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Nausea or diarrhea

                                                                                  Board-certified doctors                                                             $59 or less                                             Cold, cough and sore throat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sinus pain and fever (minor)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Eye or ear pain or irritation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Burning with urination

                                Need care fast?
                                Rather than waiting at the ER, you can save time by going to one of the quick care options shown above.

                                Be prepared
                                      Get   the right care. Whether that’s finding the right doctor, specialist, therapist or something else altogether.
                                          Just use the Find a Doctor tool at or call the Member Services number on your ID card and we’ll
                                          guide you somewhere that’s part of your plan.
                                      Find    care near you whenever you need it. Download the Anthem Anywhere app to find an urgent care center,
                                          retail health clinic or walk-in doctor’s office quickly and get driving directions. Just search for “Anthem Anywhere”
                                          at the App Store® or Google Play.™

                                                                                                                                                                         Money-saving tip
                                                                                                                                                                         Visit hospitals and doctors that are in your plan. If you don’t,
                                                                                                                                                                         you’ll often pay much more out of pocket for your care.

1 If you get care from a health professional or facility that is not in your health plan, you may have much higher out-of-pocket costs.
2 National averages of the total cost, not what members paid, based on Anthem members’ commercial paid claims from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016.
3 If you use the ER and it’s not a true emergency, your claim could be denied and you may be responsible for the full cost of your ER care.

LiveHealth Online is the trade name of Health Management Corporation, a separate company providing telehealth services on behalf of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of: In Colorado: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc. In Connecticut: Anthem Health Plans, Inc. In Indiana: Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. In Kentucky: Anthem Health Plans of Kentucky, Inc. In
Maine: Anthem Health Plans of Maine, Inc. In Missouri (excluding 30 counties in the Kansas City area): RightCHOICE® Managed Care, Inc. (RIT), Healthy Alliance® Life Insurance Company (HALIC), and HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates administer non-HMO benefits underwritten by HALIC and HMO benefits
underwritten by HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates only provide administrative services for self-funded plans and do not underwrite benefits. In Nevada: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc., dba HMO Nevada. In New Hampshire: Anthem Health
Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. HMO plans are administered by Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. and underwritten by Matthew Thornton Health Plan, Inc. In Ohio: Community Insurance Company. In Virginia: Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, and its
 service area is all of Virginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route 123. In Wisconsin: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin (BCBSWI), underwrites or administers PPO and indemnity policies and underwrites the out of network benefits in POS policies offered by Compcare
Health Services Insurance Corporation (Compcare) or Wisconsin Collaborative Insurance Corporation (WCIC). Compcare underwrites or administers HMO or POS policies; WCIC underwrites or administers Well Priority HMO or POS policies. Independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ANTHEM is
a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

                                                MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE HUB
                                                During this time, it’s normal if you want a little extra support to help you with the way you’re feeling.
                                                Our partners at PsychHub are here to help you through social isolation, job loss and mental health
                                                issues from the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                COVERAGE OPTIONS FOR DISPLACED EMPLOYEES
                                                If you’ve been displaced from your job, you have coverage options available during this challenging
                                                time. No matter what your budget or care needs are, the COVID-19 Coverage Option Hotline can help
                                                support you. Call 1-888-832-2583 between 8:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. Have your
                                                current income level and ZIP ready, and a representative will assist you.

                                                FIND LOCAL SOCIAL SUPPORT SERVICES
                                                Right now, many people need help with food, housing, job training, transportation and social services.
                                                Aunt Bertha, a social care network, can help you find free and reduced-cost programs providing
                                                COVID-19 support and resources in your area.

                                                SYDNEY CARE COVID-19 SUPPORT
                                                We have created support tools to help you quickly understand your potential risk for COVID-19. The
                                                Sydney Care mobile app’s new Coronavirus Assessment tool gives you a quick and easy way to assess
                                                your symptoms and find a testing facility in your area. Sydney Care is free and available on your
                                                mobile device through Google PlayTM or the App Store®, and works together with your Sydney Health
                                                or Engage Wellbeing apps.

                                                SYMPTOM ASSESSMENT
                                                It’s normal to wonder about symptoms you may be experiencing. This tool asks you five simple
                                                questions based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help you
                                                understand what your symptoms mean.

                                                LOCATE A COVID-19 TESTING FACILITY
                                                Not everyone needs to be tested for COVID-19. Testing is still mostly reserved for people who likely
                                                have the disease. Priority is given to people displaying symptoms; anyone at high risk for
                                                complications, as well as essential workers, particularly those in health care. If your doctor orders a
                                                test for you, you can easily find your nearest test facility just by entering your state and county.

Sydney Health and Sydney Care are service marks of CareMarket Inc., ©2020. Sydney Care is offered through an arrangement with CareMarket, Inc.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of: In Colorado: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc. In Connecticut: Anthem Health Plans, Inc. In Georgia: Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. In Indiana:
Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. In Kentucky: Anthem Health Plans of Kentucky, Inc. In Maine: Anthem Health Plans of Maine, Inc. In Missouri (excluding 30 counties in the Kansas City area): RightCHOICE® Managed Care, Inc. (RIT), Healthy Alliance® Life Insurance Company (HALIC), and
HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates administer non-HMO benefits underwritten by HALIC and HMO benefits underwritten by HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates only provide administrative services for self-funded plans and do not underwrite benefits. In Nevada: Rocky
Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc., dba HMO Nevada. In New Hampshire: Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. HMO plans are administered by Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. and underwritten by Matthew
Thornton Health Plan, Inc. In Ohio: Community Insurance Company. In Virginia: Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, and its service area is all of Virginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route
123. In Wisconsin: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin (BCBSWI), underwrites or administers PPO and indemnity policies and underwrites the out of network benefits in POS policies offered by Compcare Health Services Insurance Corporation (Compcare) or Wisconsin Collaborative Insurance
Corporation (WCIC). Compcare underwrites or administers HMO or POS policies; WCIC underwrites or administers Well Priority HMO or POS policies. Independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

123325MUBENABS Rev. 04/20
Using your plan

 How to use your plan
 Once you’ve chosen a plan, explore how to make the most of your benefits. Here you’ll
 learn simple ways to make using your plan easy. Plus, you’ll discover tools and resources
 that can help you reach your health and wellness goals. With Anthem, supporting your
 healthiest self is all part of the plan!

                                             17                                              Using your plan
How to use your plan

Use your ID card right from                              Register for online tools
your phone                                               and resources
Introducing the Sydney Health mobile app. With           Accessing your health plan on your mobile phone or
Sydney Health you can find everything you need to        computer makes life so much easier. Register on the
know about your benefits – all in one place. You’ll      Sydney Health mobile app and to get
have a custom experience that’s based on your plan,      personalized information about your health plan and
your specific health care needs and lots more. And       more. You can:
you can quickly access your digital ID card to show it        Quickly access your digital ID card.
to your doctor or pharmacy. You can even use
Sydney Health to track your health goals, find care,
                                                              Find a doctor and estimate your costs before
compare costs, and manage your claims.                         you go.
                                                              Look at your prescription drug benefits, check the
Have a question? Sydney Health acts like a personal            price of a drug and find a pharmacy near you
health guide, answering your questions and                     that’s in your plan.
connecting you to the right resources at the right            View your claims, see what’s covered and what
time. And you can use the chatbot to get answers               you may owe for care.
quickly. Sydney Health makes it easier to get things
                                                              Get support managing your health conditions and
done, so you can spend more time focusing on your
                                                               tracking your goals.
health. Get started by downloading the Sydney
Health mobile app.                                            Update your email and communication

                                              18                                               Using your plan
How to use your plan

Find a doctor in your plan                                Schedule a checkup
The right doctor can make all the difference — and        Preventive care, like regular checkups and
choosing one in your plan can save you money, too.        screenings, can help you avoid health problems
So you’ll be happy to know your plan includes lots of     down the road. Your plan covers these services
top-notch doctors. If you decide to get care from         at little or no extra cost when you see a doctor
doctors outside the plan, it’ll cost you more and         in your plan:
your care might not be covered at all.                         Yearly physicals
It’s easy to find a doctor in your plan. Simply use the        Well-child visits
Find a Doctor tool on the Sydney Health mobile app             Flu shot
or at to search for doctors, hospitals,
labs and other health care professionals.
                                                               Routine shots
                                                               Screenings and tests

                                                          Check your plan details on the Sydney Health mobile
                                                          app or to confirm what preventive care
                                                          is covered.

                                               19                                            Using your plan
How to use your plan

See a doctor from home
You can have a video visit with a doctor using your
mobile phone, tablet or computer with a webcam,
whether you’re at home, at work or on the go.
Doctors are available around the clock for advice,
treatment and prescriptions.1 Just go to or download the LiveHealth
Online mobile app to get started.

         Where to go for care when you need it now
         When it’s an emergency, call 911 or head to the nearest emergency room.
         But when you need nonemergency care right away:
                  Check to see if your primary care doctor can see you.
                  Search for nearby urgent care — and avoid costly emergency room
                   visits and long wait times.
                  See a doctor anytime using LiveHealth Online. It works on your mobile
                   phone, tablet or computer with a webcam.
                  Call the 24/7 NurseLine and get helpful advice from a registered nurse.

1 Online prescribing only when appropriate based on physician judgment.
  LiveHealth Online is the trade name of Health Management Corporation.

                                                                          20                 Using your plan
Your pharmacy benefits

What your plan will cover                                    How your pharmacy benefits work
It’s easy to get what you need, whether you take medicine    You pay your deductible
every day or only once in a while.
                                                             Before a plan starts to help pay for medicine, you
Your pharmacy plan includes:                                 may first pay a set amount out of your pocket. This is
     One or more drugs lists. Be sure to check for your     your deductible. You’ll want to check the plan details
      medications – the brand-name drugs and the generics    to see if it has a:
      that are included in your plan.                             Pharmacy deductible: You first pay a set amount
       — You can find out if the drug you take is included         of drug costs out of your pocket and it’s separate
         on the Essential 4-tier Drug List by visiting             from a medical deductible. You have to pay your                         full pharmacy deductible before your plan starts
                                                                   to share the cost of your medicine.
                                                                  Combined deductible: You first pay a set
                                                                   amount for both covered medical care and drug
                                                                   costs out of your pocket.
                                                                  No pharmacy deductible: Your plan helps pay
                                                                   for medicine before you reach your deductible.

                                                             You and your plan share the costs
                                                             After you meet your deductible, your plan will share
                                                             the cost of medicine. Your options include plans with
                                                             different ways of sharing the cost:
                                                                  Copays: You pay a set amount, or copay, for
                                                                   medicine. Your copay will be based on which tier
                                                                   the drug is on. See Save money with Tier 1 drugs
                                                                   to learn more.
                                                                  Coinsurance: You pay a certain percentage of
                                                                   the drug’s cost, which can be different based on
                                                                   the pharmacy you use.

                                                   21                                       Choosing your plan
Your pharmacy benefits

Save money with Tier 1 drugs
Prescription medicines or drugs are listed in groups called tiers. Your cost is based on which tier the drug
is in. Tiers 1 and 2 usually include low-cost and generic drugs. You’ll save the most money when you use
Tier 1 drugs.

Once you’re a member, you can check the price of a drug at different pharmacies at and
see if there are lower-cost drugs.

                  Drug type                                                           Cost

  Tier 1          Preferred generic                                                  $

  Tier 2          Preferred brand name and newer, more expensive generic drugs       $$

  Tier 3          Nonpreferred brand name and generic drugs                          $$$

  Tier 4          Preferred specialty drugs (brand name and generic)                 $$$$

     Simple ways to save money on medicine
             Find a pharmacy in your plan.
             Talk to your doctor about generic medicines.
             See if an over-the-counter option is available.

                                                     22                                   Choosing your plan
Make the most of your pharmacy benefits

You can manage your prescriptions and costs at Simply log in and explore the following ways to save:

  1. Search the drug list. Find out if your drugs are
     covered and which tier they’re in. Lower-cost
     drugs and generics are usually in Tiers 1 and 2.
     You’ll save the most money when you use
     Tier 1 drugs.

  2. Price a medication. See how much a medicine
     costs. You can compare retail drug costs at local
     pharmacies and see the price of generic
     options. Results will include the cost of up to
     a 90-day supply and home delivery pricing.

  3. See if there are generic options. If you’re
     taking a brand-name drug, you can find a list
     of generic options that cost less, or ask
     your doctor.

  4. Choose a pharmacy that’s in your plan.
     You have many retail pharmacies to choose from.
     Use a pharmacy that is in your plan to get the
     best price. To find a pharmacy in your plan, visit networks
     and choose your network list.
     Your plan uses the National network list
     of pharmacies.

     Call the Pharmacy Member Services phone number on your
     member ID Card – we're available 24/7.

                                               23                                            Using your plan
Mail Service
                                 Order Form

                                                                       Mail this form to:

                                                                                 IngenioRx Home Delivery
                                                                                 PO BOX 94467
                                                                                 PALATINE, IL 60094-4467
  Member ID # (if not shown or if different from above)

Prescription Plan Sponsor or Company Name
 Please use blue or black ink and print in capital letters. Fill in both sides of this form.
 New Prescriptions – Mail your new prescriptions with this form.                                Number of New prescriptions:
 Refills – Order by Web, phone, or write in Rx number(s) below. Number of Refill prescriptions:
 TO RECEIVE YOUR ORDER SOONER request refills or new prescriptions online or by phone at the
 website/phone number on your member ID card.
A    Shipping Address. To ship to an address different from the one printed above, enter the changes here.

 Last Name                                                                  First Name                                  MI       Suffix (JR, SR)

 Street Address                                                                       Apt./Suite #
                                                                                                                   Use shipping address
                                                                                                                   for this order only.
 City                                                                                 State                ZIP Code

 Daytime Phone #:                       -           -                    Evening Phone #:                           -              -

B    Refills. To order mail service refills, enter your prescription number(s) here.

1)                                 2)                                  3)                                    4)

5)                                 6)                                  7)                                    8)

  getting a new prescription, be sure to ask your doctor to write it for the maximum amount allowed by your
  plan, usually a 90-day supply. Make sure your doctor SIGNS and DATES all new prescriptions. We want
  to provide you with high quality medicines at the best possible price. In order to do this, we will substi-
  tute equivalent generic medicines for brand name medicines whenever possible. If you do not want us to
  section of this form.
We may package all of these prescriptions together unless you tell us not to.

©2018 All rights reserved. P13-N
C   Tell us about the people ordering prescriptions. If there are more than two people, please complete another form.

     First person with a refill or new prescription.                                                Spanish forms and labels

                                    Gender:     M       F    Date of birth:
     E-mail address:                                                 Date new prescription written:

     Doctor’s last name                       Doctor’s first name                     Doctor’s phone #
    Tell us about new health information for 1st person if never provided or if changed.
    Allergies: None        Aspirin     Cephalosporin       Codeine      Erythromycin                    Peanuts           Penicillin
       Sulfa               Other:
    Medical conditions: Arthritis     Asthma      Diabetes    Acid reflux                     Glaucoma     Heart problem
      High blood pressure        High cholesterol    Migraine     Osteoporosis                Prostate issues     Thyroid
     Second person with a refill or new prescription.                                               Spanish forms and labels

                                    Gender:     M       F    Date of birth:
     E-mail address:                                                 Date new prescription written:

     Doctor’s last name                       Doctor’s first name                     Doctor’s phone #
    Tell us about new health information for 2nd person if never provided or if changed.
    Allergies: None        Aspirin     Cephalosporin      Codeine       Erythromycin                    Peanuts           Penicillin
       Sulfa               Other:
    Medical conditions: Arthritis     Asthma      Diabetes    Acid reflux                     Glaucoma     Heart problem
      High blood pressure        High cholesterol    Migraine     Osteoporosis                Prostate issues     Thyroid
D   Special instructions:

E   How would you like to pay for this order? (If your copay is $0, you do not need to provide payment information.)
       Electronic check. Pay from your bank account. (You must first register online or call Customer Care.)

       Credit or debit card. (VISA®, MasterCard®, Discover®, or American Express®)
         Use your card on file.
         Use a new card or update your card’s expiration date.
                                                                                 Credit card holder signature/Date
       Check or money order. Amount: $                    .
                                                                          Regular delivery is free and takes up to 5
     • Make check/money order out to IngenioRx Home Delivery.             days after your order is processed.
     • W������������������������                                          If you want faster delivery, choose:
       check or money order.                                                    2nd business day ($17)        Faster delivery
                                                                                                               can only be
     • If your check is returned, we will charge you up to $40.                                                            sent to a
                                                                                 Next business day ($23)                street address,
                                                                                                                         not a PO Box
     Payment for balance due and future orders: If you choose             Expected processing time from receipt of this form:
     electronic check or a credit or debit card, we will use it to pay    • Refills: 1-2 days
     for any balance due and for future orders unless you provide         • New/renewed prescriptions: Within 5 days unless additional
     another form of payment.                                               information is needed from your doctor
                                                                                          (Charges subject to change)
       Fill in this oval if you DO NOT want us to use this payment
       method for future orders.
     49-MOF 0316 INGENIORX
Plan extras that support your health
          Learn more by registering on the Sydney Health app or at

Your plan comes with great tools and programs to help you reach your health goals and save money on health
products and services. Plus, most of them come at no extra cost. Learn more by registering on the Sydney
Health app or at

Apps                                                       decide where to go for care and find providers in your
                                                           area. All you have to do is call 1-800-337-4770.
Introducing the Sydney Health mobile app. With
                                                           Case Management — If you’re coming home after
Sydney Health you can find everything you need to
                                                           surgery or have a serious health condition, a nurse
know about your benefits – all in one place. You’ll have
                                                           care manager can help answer your questions about
a custom experience that’s based on your plan, your
                                                           your follow-up care, medicines and treatment options,
specific health care needs and lots more. And you can
                                                           coordinate benefits for home therapy or medical
quickly access your digital ID card to show it to your
                                                           supplies, and find community resources to help you.
doctor or pharmacy. You can even use Sydney Health
                                                           Your nurse care manager will probably call you, but
to track your health goals, find care, compare costs,
                                                           you also can call the Member Services number on
and manage your claims.
                                                           your ID card.
Have a question? Sydney Health acts like a personal
                                                           ConditionCare — Get support from a dedicated
health guide, answering your questions and
                                                           nurse team to manage ongoing conditions like
connecting you to the right resources at the right
                                                           asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
time. And you can use the chatbot to get answers
                                                           (COPD), diabetes, heart disease or heart failure.
quickly. Sydney Health makes it easier to get things
                                                           Work with dietitians, health educators and
done, so you can spend more time focusing on your
                                                           pharmacists who can help you learn about your
health. Get started by downloading the Sydney
                                                           condition and manage your health.
Health mobile app.
                                                           Future Moms — This program can help you take
Where to get care                                          care of yourself and your baby before, during and
                                                           after pregnancy. You can talk to registered nurses
24/7 NurseLine — You can connect with a registered         24/7 about your pregnancy, newborn care and more.
nurse who’ll answer your health questions wherever         Plus, you’ll have access to dietitians and social
you are — anytime, day or night. They can help you         workers, as needed.

    Want healthy advice?
    Follow our Better Care Blog for helpful information about health
    benefits, living healthy and the latest member news.

                                                26                                             Using your plan
Plan extras that support your health
                      Learn more by registering on the Sydney Health app or at

LiveHealth Online — At home, at work or on the go,
you can have a video visit with a doctor using your
smartphone, tablet or computer with a webcam.
Doctors are available 24/7 for advice, treatment and
prescriptions if needed.* The cost is usually $59 or
less, depending on your health plan. Register at
* Online prescribing only when appropriate based on physician judgment. LiveHealth Online is the trade name of Health
  Management Corporation, a separate company, providing telehealth services on behalf of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue

Healthy living
Anthem Health Rewards — Get rewarded for living
healthier every day. It can be as simple as getting
preventive care or taking a class on healthy eating.
You earn rewards when you complete the programs
and activities. Check with your Benefits Administrator
for more details.

                                                                                                     27                 Using your plan
Say hi to Sydney
                                                                                                                               Anthem’s new app is simple,
                                                                                                                               smart — and all about you

                                                                                                                               With Sydney, you can find everything you need to know about your Anthem
                                                                                                                               benefits -- personalized and all in one place. Sydney makes it easier to get
                                                                                                                               things done, so you can spend more time focused on your health.

                                                                                                                                                       Get started with Sydney
                                                                                                                                                       Download the app today!

             Ready for you to use quickly, easily,                                                          Sydney acts like a personal health                                                             Get alerts, reminders and tips
             seamlessly — with one-click access                                                             guide, answering your questions                                                                directly from Sydney. Get doctor
             to benefits info, Member Services,                                                             and connecting you to the right                                                                suggestions based on your needs.
             wellness resources and more.                                                                   resources at the right time. And                                                               The more you use it, the more
                                                                                                            you can use the chatbot to get                                                                 Sydney can help you stay healthy
                                                                                                            answers quickly.                                                                               and save money.

             With just one click, you can:                                                                                                                                                                 Already using one of our apps?
                      Find care and check costs                                                                  Get answers even faster with                                                            It’s easy to make the switch. Simply
                      Check all benefits                                                                          our chatbot                                                                             download the Sydney app and log in
                                                                                                                  View and use digital ID cards                                                           with your Anthem username and password.
                      See claims

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of: In Colorado: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc. In Connecticut: Anthem Health Plans, Inc. In Georgia: Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. In Indiana:
Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. In Kentucky: Anthem Health Plans of Kentucky, Inc. In Maine: Anthem Health Plans of Maine, Inc. In Missouri (excluding 30 counties in the Kansas City area): RightCHOICE® Managed Care, Inc. (RIT), Healthy Alliance® Life Insurance Company (HALIC), and HMO
Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates administer non-HMO benefits underwritten by HALIC and HMO benefits underwritten by HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates only provide administrative services for self-funded plans and do not underwrite benefits. In Nevada: Rocky Mountain
Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc., dba HMO Nevada. In New Hampshire: Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. HMO plans are administered by Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. and underwritten by Matthew Thornton Health
Plan, Inc. In Ohio: Community Insurance Company. In Virginia: Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, and its service area is all of Virginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route 123. In Wisconsin:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin (BCBSWI), underwrites or administers PPO and indemnity policies and underwrites the out of network benefits in POS policies offered by Compcare Health Services Insurance Corporation (Compcare) or Wisconsin Collaborative Insurance Corporation (WCIC).
Compcare underwrites or administers HMO or POS policies; WCIC underwrites or administers Well Priority HMO or POS policies. Independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

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Shop smart – compare now, save later
Did you know doctors and hospitals may charge different amounts for the same services? As an Anthem member, you can
use the Estimate Your Cost tool on our app or website to compare costs based on your benefits. You can also use the tool
to find and compare quality of care information, so you know you’re getting the best care available.

                                          Hospital 1                                                                                                                                               Hospital 2

                            Examples of procedures you can compare with the Estimate Your Cost tool
                                                 $4,500                                                                                                                                                                $7,900
                                                                                                                  (Average cost $6,200)
                                                                                                                        Chest CT scan
                                                    $700                                                                                                                                                               $1,000
                                                                                                                     (Average cost $800)
                                                                                                                    Hip replacement
                                                $31,600                                                                                                                                                               $37,900
                                                                                                                 (Average cost $34,700)
                                                                                                                    Knee replacement
                                                $31,700                                                                                                                                                               $37,700
                                                                                                                 (Average cost $34,700)
                                                                                                         Sample cost comparison*

                                                                                       Know your costs before you get care
                                                                                       For quick and easy cost comparison, use the Sydney app.
                                                                                       You can also go to and log in to use the Estimate Your Cost tool.
                                                                                       Search for the procedure you need and the tool will guide you.

*These rates are national averages for the services listed. Your experience may be different depending on your specific plan, the services you receive and the health care provider.
 Rates as of 2018.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of: In Colorado: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc. Copies of Colorado network access plans are available on request from member services or can be obtained by going to In Connecticut: Anthem Health Plans, Inc. In Georgia: Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. In Indiana: Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. In Kentucky: Anthem Health Plans of Kentucky, Inc. In Maine: Anthem Health Plans of Maine, Inc. In
Missouri (excluding 30 counties in the Kansas City area): RightCHOICE® Managed Care, Inc. (RIT), Healthy Alliance® Life Insurance Company (HALIC), and HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates administer non-HMO benefits underwritten by HALIC and HMO benefits underwritten by HMO
Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates only provide administrative services for self-funded plans and do not underwrite benefits. In Nevada: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc., dba HMO Nevada. In New Hampshire: Anthem
Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. HMO plans are administered by Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. and underwritten by Matthew Thornton Health Plan, Inc. In Ohio: Community Insurance Company. In Virginia: Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and
Blue Shield in Virginia, and its service area is all of Virginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route 123. In Wisconsin: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin (BCBSWI), underwrites or administers PPO and indemnity policies and underwrites the out of
network benefits in POS policies offered by Compcare Health Services Insurance Corporation (Compcare) or Wisconsin Collaborative Insurance Corporation (WCIC). Compcare underwrites or administers HMO or POS policies; WCIC underwrites or administers Well Priority HMO or POS policies.
Independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.
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