Christmas     The city is getting dressed up and its streets and squares are being filled with lights, decorations and
                  Christmas cheer, so you can enjoy this time of year while taking in the shops. We hope the magic of this
 has arrived in
                  festive season will accompany you all over the city, and that you enjoy its food, its shops, its people, its
San Sebastián     cultural programme and the city itself, wrapped up in Christmas spirit.

                                                         4TH DECEMBER

                                                         Turning on the Christmas lights
                   Magical                               On 4th December, the San Sebastián Christmas lights will be
                                                         switched on. You can’t miss the huge tree at the Palacio de
                   moments                               Miramar, the ball on the Paseo de La Concha or the illuminated
                                                         boxes on the Urumea river. The Christmas lights will be switched
                                                         on at the Paseo de Francia, next to the CHRISTMAS MARKET,
                                                         which will be open until the festive season ends. A place with real
                                                         Christmas flavour, filled with gift ideas in the 30 stalls set up on
                                                         the banks of the Urumea river, including a sled track, a big wheel,
                                                         performances and fireworks.
Further information:                         CHRISTMAS
                                                        PROGRAMME                                        moments

21ST DECEMBER                            24TH DECEMBER                                  5TH JANUARY

Santo Tomás Fair                         Olentzero &                                    Arrival of the Three
San Sebastián transforms into a rural    Mari Domingi                                   Kings with parade
market for the Santo Tomás Fair, with    parade                                         Arrival of the Three Kings in the city,
chistorra sausage taking centre stage.   Olentzero arrives on Christmas Eve,            and a parade through different districts.
A wonderful party atmosphere, with       accompanied by Mari Domingi, to hand           Reception with the children at the
stalls offering handicrafts, farming     out presents to all the children. He will      Town Hall at 3:30 p.m. and a parade
produce, animal displays, scarecrow      arrive in San Sebastián at 3:00 p.m. where     through the city from 6:00 p.m.
competitions, to name but a few.         there will be a reception with the children
Plaza de la Constitución, Parte Vieja,   at the Town Hall. Later, the parade will
Boulevard, Plaza de Gipuzkoa.            pass through the streets of the city centre.
From 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
                Have fun shopping at over a hundred
Christmas       stores that are taking part in the
                city’s Christmas campaign, and
activities      where a red carpet and Christmas
                decorations await you.
                                                           14TH DECEMBER

                                                           Gastropote New
                                                           Year’s Eve Special
                                                           There will be a Gastropote
                10th Christmas                             Christmas special at the San Martín
                Window Competition                         market, including a chance to
                                                           celebrate the end of the year. Live
                From the 4th of December, the shop
                                                           music, pintxos and traditional end-
                windows put on their Christmas sparkle.
                                                           of-year grapes. From 7:00 p.m. to
                You can see them all, each one original
                                                           10:00 p.m. Free .
                in its own way, and you can vote for the
                one you like best, between 7th and 14th
                December, on our web page:

  shopping at
San Sebastian   HemenGO Shopping
                Guided tours organised by San
       shops    Sebastián Shops to show you the finest
                shops in the city over Christmas.
Further information:                             CHRISTMAS
                                                            PROGRAMME                                     activities


Christmas decorations                              Gabonak Artekon                             Special Christmas
at Koisi Hostel                                    From 13th December to 13th January          Market
At Paseo de Hériz 38, we would like to invite      at the Arteko gallery (calle Iparragirre    Textile designs, jewellery, paper,
you to take part in decorating our hostel’s café   4), an opportunity to find the perfect      furniture and ceramics. From 15th
for Christmas. Join us for Christmas carols and    gift for art lovers. Free admission.        December 2017 until 15th January
hot chocolate. From 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.                                                     2018. Ekain Arte Lanak, calle Iñigo 4.
Free admission. From 18th to 22nd December,                                          
we would also like to invite you to try our        Plaza de Gipuzkoa
Christmas cards and biscuits workshop.             Nativity Scene                              16TH DECEMBER
From 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
                                                   Generations of San Sebastián locals         WINE Market
                                                   have grown up with this Christmas
Merry Mallorca Pop-Up                              classic. Open-air nativity with different   In Goñi Ardoteka, calle Aldamar 3.
                                                   scenes. Asociación Belenista de             This Wine Market is an opportunity
This Christmas, MIMO brings a piece of the                                                     to meet wine producers in person,
Mediterranean to San Sebastián. There will be a                                                taste wines from different zones
pop-up on the first weekend in December, with                                                  and different varieties of grape.
gifts, handicrafts, wines and other produce from                                               An ideal setting to organise your
                                                   BEHARKO NATIVITY
the Balearic Islands. On 1st December, Perrier                                                 Christmas shopping. Opening times:
Jouet champagne tasting (6:30 p.m.) at calle                                                   10:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. / 5:00 p.m.-
Camino 1. Free.                                    LOIOLA NATIVITY                             7:30 p.m. Admission 5€ including a                          (Atari Eder gardens)                        drink and complementary glass.
3                              Gipuzkoa Autism           Txiki, Orfeoi Gazte.     SKY BEATS PIANO
                                                       Association. 21st         28th December, Kursaal   TAPES FEAT. PAUL SAN
     Christmas shows                                   December, Kursaal
                                                       auditorium, 8:00 p.m.
                                                                                 auditorium. 7:00 p.m..   MARTÍN. 30th December,
                                                                                                          Teatro Victoria Eugenia
            and cultural                                                         AMATEUR, DEBUT!          Club. 8:00 p.m. - 8€
              events                                   JORGE DREXLER             28th December, Teatro
                                                       “Salvavidas de hielo”.    Victoria Eugenia, 8:00
                                                       22nd December, Kursaal    p.m. - 20€
                                                       chamber hall, 8:00 p.m.
                                                                            MIKEL ERENTXUN
Concerts                    “THE MESSIAH” DE G.F.      LOU TOPET. “PETE     “El hombre sin sombra”
                            HAENDEL. The King’s        SEEGER GOGOAN”. 27th 29th December at 8:00
                            Consort. 16th December,    December, Teatro Victoria p.m. at the Teatro Victoria
CONCERT FOR                 Kursaal auditorium. 8:00   Eugenia, 8:00 p.m. - 12€ Eugenia - 22€                EUSKAL HERRIKO
FRIENDS AND                 p.m.                                                                          GAZTE ORKESTRA.
ASSOCIATES OF                                          CHOIR, BALLET AND         GREATEST FILM            Teatro Victoria
THE ORFEÓN                  “CARMINA BURANA”           ORCHESTRA OF THE          SOUNDTRACK HITS.         Eugenia, 3rd January at
DONOSTIARRA                 AND “BEETHOVEN’S           RUSSIAN ARMY OF           30th December, Kursaal   8:00 p.m. - 10€
Basque National             NINTH SYMPHONY”.           ST PETERSBURG, 23rd       auditorium, 9:00 p.m.
Orchestra. 14th             Ukrainian State Choir and December, Kursaal                                   JOHANN STRAUSS
December, Kursaal           Symphony Orchestra.       auditorium, 9:00 p.m.                               GRAND NEW YEAR
auditorium, 8:00 p.m.       18th December, Kursaal                                                        CONCERT. 4th January,
                            auditorium, 8:00 p.m.     INDIA MARTÍNEZ:                                     Kursaal auditorium. 8:00
SUPER AMARA                                            “TOUR SECRETO”.                                    p.m.
CHARITY CHRISTMAS           EL DIARIO VASCO    27th December, Kursaal
FESTIVAL                    CHRISTMAS CONCERT. auditorium, 8:00 p.m.                                      WELCOME TO
With El Consorcio and       Basque National                                                               BROADWAY. Broadway
La Kuadrilla. 15th          Orchestra and Orfeón       20TH UNICEF                                        Symphony Orchestra.
December, Kursaal           Donostiarra. For the       CONCERT – ORFEÓN                                   7th January, Kursaal
auditorium. 8:00 p.m.       benefit of Gautena,        DONOSTIARRA Orfeoi                                 auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
Further information:                              CHRISTMAS
                                                             PROGRAMME                               shows and
                                                                                                   cultural events

                                                                                                    CALE, CALE, CALE!
                                                                                                    Open up until 4th February.

                                                                                                    HOT IRON MARGINALIA
                                                                                                    Adrià Julià. Open up
                                                                                                    until 4th February.
Gospel                             Ballet                           Theater
ALABAMA GOSPEL                     “THE NUTCRACKER”                 “OLEANNA” Pentación - El        MALAS MADRES, LIVES
CHOIR. 29th December,              Solo stars from the Bolshoi      Cuervo - Txalo Producciones.    HANGING BY A STRING
Kursaal auditorium. 9:00 p.m.      Theatre, Moscow State            30th December, Teatro           Intervention on the balcony
                                   Ballet and Grand Symphony        Principal, 8:00 p.m.            overlooking the square.
Magia                              Orchestra. 26th December,        Price: - 18€ / 10€
                                   Kursaal auditorium, 8:00 p.m.                                    EXHIBITION
DONOSTIA VIVE LA                                                    STAND-UP at the                 MAÑANA GOODBYE.
MAGIA “THE BEST                    “SWAN LAKE” Solo stars           Ametzagaña Gastro Bar,          A GROUP OF WOMEN
MAGICIANS IN THE                   from the Bolshoi theatre,        camino de Uba 61. Saturdays     WHO WORK TOGETHER
WORLD”                             Moscow State Ballet and          2nd and 16th December at
6th January, Kursaal               Grand Symphony Orchestra.        8:00 p.m. Free admission.       THE WALL
auditorium, 7:00 p.m               2nd January, Kursaal                 Intervention during the
                                   auditorium, 8:00 p.m.                                            month of December.
Traditions   4th Sagardo Apurua                              Pelota Jaialai
 Culture     From 6th to 10th December, in the San
             Sebastián Boulevard, an old traditional         A great opportunity for the whole
 Folklore    farmhouse will be recreated, with a press       family to discover the pelota court
             from which you can try some cider that          and its history, to learn the sport from
             comes via the Urumea river, just like it used   a professional pelota player, and to
             to in a bygone age. There will, of course, be   see how the baskets and balls used
             no shortage of pintxos, processions, bertsos    in Basque pelota are made using
             [poetry], rural sports and the presence of      traditional methods. To finish, you
             Albaola (San Juan whaleship), the Zerain        can sit back and enjoy a festival of
             Ethnographic Museum and Gastromuseum            professional pelota. Frontón Galarreta
             workshops. Opening hours: 11:00 a.m.-2:00       Jaialai. Barrio Jauregui 25, Hernani.
             p.m./5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.                        Every Thursday and Saturday at 3:00
                                                             p.m. Price: 30€, children are free.
             This year, there will also be:
             Pintxos and Designation of Origin cider
             tasting (6th December at 6:30 p.m. - 5€).
                                                             Final of
             Pintxos and special cider tasting and pairing
             session (7th December at 6:30 p.m. - 5€).       remonte* pairs.
             Food & cider pairing meal with local Basque     23rd December at 5:00 p.m.
             produce and special ciders (9th December at     Frontón Galarreta Jaialai. Price:
             2:00 p.m. - 35€).                               35€ adults, 15€ young people,
                                                             children under the age of 18 free.

                                                             * Type of basque pelota.
Further information:                               CHRISTMAS

                                   “PinoXXio”                         “The Legend of Swan Lake”
   Plans with                      Ananda Dansa. Teatro Victoria      La Factoría de Cuentos. Teatro Victoria Eugenia,

   children                        Eugenia. 23rd December at
                                   5:30 p.m. Prices: 9€-7€-5€.
                                                                      4th January at 5:30 p.m. Prices: 9€-7€-5€.

                                                                      HAUR PARKEA KUTXA EKOGUNEA        EUREKA ZIENTZIA MUSEOA
                                   “Treasure map”
                                   Albaola Factory, Ondartxo          Animaliak                         Science Workshops
                                   Ibilbidea, Pasai San Pedro.        neguan zer?                       From 26th December
                                   Solve the secret hidden in         Dramatized tale                   to 5th January.
                                   the map you will be given at       (4th January).
                                   the entrance, and let yourself                                       A RANGE OF ACTIVITIES
                                   be guided by our cabin             Xylophone                         aimed at children and young
Christmas                          boy, Txo. From 26th to 30th        with glass jars                   people. Science Txoko,
Playground                         December, and from 2nd to          workshop (23rd, 27th              Winter Technology Camps.
From 22nd December to 4th          7th January. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00     and 30th December).               New at the Planetarium, now
January at the Kursaal centre      p.m. / 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. 5€                                           in 3D. Guided tours of the
(closed on 24-25-31 December       children over the age of 7,                                          Animalia hall. There will also
and 1st January) Opening           free for children between 0-6
                                                                      + ACTIVITIES:                     be simulators, shows and
                                                                      Winter camps (26th
hours: 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. /      years.                                               entertainment at the museum.
                                                                      to 29th December and
4:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Prices:                                                                   
                                                                      2nd to 5th January).
6€ children, 5.50€ adults.         Pirritx, Porrotx                   Día de los Inocentes                 eta Marimotots                     [Spanish Fool’s Day]
                                   3rd January, Kursaal auditorium,   (28th December).
                                   4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
6      Saint Sylvester Road                        Plans near
         Race, San Sebastián                         San Sebastián
Sports   31st December at 4:00 p.m. Distance:
                                                     F R O M 8 T H TO 1 0 T H D EC E M B E R
         8.2 km. Starting point: Avenida de
         Zarautz, Finish: Calle Easo.                Steak Festival             Tingladillo de Tolosa. Lunch on
                                                     8th, 9th and 10th December at
                                                     2:00 p.m. Dinner on 9th December
                                                     at 9:00 p.m. Price: 45€.
            2nd Kia Novocar
            Askatuak Cup
            On 27th, 28th and 29th December,
            Benta Berri and Pío Baroja sports

                                                     23RD DECEMBER

                                                     Christmas Market
                                                     Plaza del Triángulo de Tolosa,
                                                     from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

                                    Mariano Martos

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