Ciudadanos / Citizenship (K) - Adapted by Cynthia Bell and Rafaela Albiter

Page created by Darren Hudson
Ciudadanos / Citizenship (K) - Adapted by Cynthia Bell and Rafaela Albiter
Project GLAD
                                          Adapted by Cynthia Bell and Rafaela Albiter
                                        Ciudadanos / Citizenship (K)

I. Temas de la Unidad/ Unit Themes
Actividades incluidas en el documento original por Sucu pero no van a ser utilizadas por el Distrito Delavan Darien/ Activities include in the
original document by Sucu but not at the Delavan Darien School District.
                ● Los buenos ciudadanos actúan de maneras específicas/ Good citizens act in
                  certain ways.
                ● Las reglas son diferentes dependiendo del lugar y la situación (comportamiento)/
                  Different locations and settings require different rules (situational behavior).
                ● Los ciudadanos presentan características diferentes dependiendo del lugar dónde
                  están/ Citizens have specific characteristics in relation to the setting.
                ● Las acciones de los ciudadanos conllevan consecuencias (estudiantes)/ Actions
                  lead to specific consequences for citizens (students).
                ● Varios individuos se asocian a diferentes lugares en la comunidad/ Various
                  individuals are associated with different community locations.

II. Actividades de enfoque- Motivación/ Focus -Motivation
    ● Reconocimiento Super Científico/Scientist Awards- Reconocimiento concreto de la
       conducta científica basada en el estudio de la recompensa intrínseca de aumento de los
       conocimientos/ concrete recognition of scientific behavior based on intrinsic reward of
       increased knowledge
    ● Observation charts, Exploration reports-desarrolla habilidades que se usan en la
       investigación, como la observación, hacer preguntas, seleccionar y utilizar las
       herramientas adecuadas, de medida, descripción de imágenes y palabras y el uso de
       tablas y gráficos para mostrar los datos.//Develops skills used in inquiry such as
       observation, asking questions, selecting and using appropriate tools, measuring,
       describing in pictures and words and using charts and graphs to display data.
    ● Mapa semántico de los conceptos/conocimiento; Gráfica de Observaciones, Reporte
       exploratorio/ Inquiry Charts, Observation charts, Exploration reports-desarrolla
       habilidades que se usan en la investigación, como la observación, hacer preguntas,
       seleccionar y utilizar las herramientas adecuadas, de medida, descripción de imágenes y
       palabras y el uso de tablas y gráficos para mostrar los datos.//Develops skills used in
       inquiry such as observation, asking questions, selecting and using appropriate tools,
       measuring, describing in pictures and words and using charts and graphs to display data.
    ● Archivo de Imágenes/ Picture File Cards- Representación visual del vocabulario y
       conceptos claves/ non linguistic representation of key vocabulary and concepts
    ● Realia
    ● Paseo a varios lugares de la comunidad/ Observation walk (field trip to community
    ● Libro Grande/ Big book-Introducir el vocabulario y conceptos claves/ frontloading
       vocabulary and key understandings
    ● Invitados especiales de la comunidad/ Guest speaker(s) of citizens
    ● Videos, películas y cortos / Videos, movies, & filmstrips
III. Actividades de Cierre/ Closure
    ● Diagrama de Proceso/ Process Charts
    ● Arte/Art
    ● Murales activos /Living Wall (student generated)
    ● El libro grande (creado por los estudiantes) / Important Big Book (student generated)
    ● Investigaciones individuales/ Personal Exploration
    ● Diario de Aprendizaje- Portafolios/ Learning Logs-Portafolios
    ● Teatro/ Role play

IV. CONCEPTS: Wisconsin Standards History-Social Science

Wisconsin State Standards for Social Studies: Kindergarten

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are
working on expanding this.To view all matching titles click here.
WI.A. Geography: People, Places and Environments: Students in Wisconsin will learn about geography
through the study of the relationships among people, places, and environments.
A.4.8. Identify major changes in the local community that have been caused by human beings, such as a
construction project, a new highway, a building torn down, or a fire; discuss reasons for these changes; and explain
their probable effects on the community and the environment. 85
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard A.4.8.
WI.B. History: Time, Continuity, and Change: Students in Wisconsin will learn about the history of
Wisconsin, the United States, and the world, examining change and continuity over time in order to develop
historical perspective, explain historical relationships, and analyze issues that affect the present and the
C.4.1. Identify and explain the individual's responsibilities to family, peers, and the community, including the need
for civility and respect for diversity. 64
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard C.4.1.
C.4.3. Explain how families, schools, and other groups develop, enforce, and change rules of behavior and explain
how various behaviors promote or hinder cooperation. 24
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard C.4.3.
C.4.5. Explain how various forms of civic action such as running for political office, voting, signing an initiative,
and speaking at hearings, can contribute to the well-being of the community. 21
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard C.4.5.
C.4.6. Locate, organize, and use relevant information to understand an issue in the classroom or school, while taking
into account the viewpoints and interests of different groups and individuals. 20 Suggested Titles for Wisconsin
Social Studies State Standard C.4.6.
WI.E. The Behavioral Sciences: Individuals, Institutions, and Society: Students in Wisconsin will learn about
the behavioral sciences by exploring concepts from the discipline of sociology, the study of the interactions
among individuals, groups, and institutions; the discipline of psychology, the study of factors that influence
individual identity and learning; and the discipline of anthropology, the study of cultures in various times and
E.4.1. Explain the influence of prior knowledge, motivation, capabilities, personal interests, and other factors on
individual learning. 77
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard E.4.1.
E.4.2. Explain the influence of factors such as family, neighborhood, personal interests, language, likes and dislikes,
and accomplishments on individual identity and development. 70
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard E.4.2.
E.4.3. Describe how families are alike and different, comparing characteristics such as size, hobbies, celebrations,
where families live, and how they make a living. 116
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard E.4.3.
E.4.4. Describe the ways in which ethnic cultures influence the daily lives of people. 19
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard E.4.4.
E.4.5. Identify and describe institutions such as school, church, police, and family and describe their contributions to
the well being of the community, state, nation, and global society. 75
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard E.4.5.
E.4.6. Give examples of group and institutional influences such as laws, rules, and peer pressure on people, events,
and culture. 18
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard E.4.6.
E.4.7. Explain the reasons why individuals respond in different ways to a particular event and the ways in which
interactions among individuals influence behavior. 97
Suggested Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard E.4.7.
E.4.8. Describe and distinguish among the values and beliefs of different groups and institutions. 93 Suggested
Titles for Wisconsin Social Studies State Standard E.4.8.
E.4.9. Explain how people learn about others who are different from themselves. 112
V. Vocabulario/ Vocabulary

    Ciudadanía/        Salón de clases/           Baño/              Juegos/
    Citizenship          Classroom              Bathroom           Playground

lugar/              puerta/               algunas veces /     tobogán o
setting             door                  sometimes           resbaladilla/

ubicación/          ventana/              lavar/              arriba/
location            window                 wash               top

situaciones/        piso/                 manos/              abajo/
situations          floor                 hands               bottom

individuos/         paredes/              personas/           arriba/
individuals         walls                 person              above

regla de oro/       armario/              tiempo/             abajo/
golden rule         cubby                 time                below

obligaciones/       escritorio/           basura/             trozos de madera/
obligations         desk                  garbage             bark

characterísticas/   silla/                servilletas/        tierra/ dirt
characteristics     chair                 napkins

ciudadano/          mesa/                 toallas de papel/   suelo/
citizen             table                 paper towels        soil

acción/             estudiantes/          papel/              concreto/
action              students              paper               concrete

consecuencia/       maestros/ teachers    esperar/            jugar juntos/
consequence                               wait                play together

emociones/          voluntarios/          silenciosamente/    jugar/ play
feelings            volunteers            quietly

roles/              invitados/            modesto/            amigos/
roles               guests                modest              friends

que haceres/        estraños/             cómodo/             pasamanos/
duties              strangers             comfortable         monkey bars

    Ciudadanía/        Salón de clases/           Baño/              Juegos/
    Citizenship          Classroom              Bathroom           Playground
escuchar/         cortez/            dirección/
                        listening         courteous          direction

                        compartir/        comprometido/      espacio personal/
                        sharing           comprise           personal space

                        seguir/           limpio/            límites/
                        follow            cleanliness        boundaries

                        direcciones/      pies/              cara feliz/
                        directions        feet               happy face

                        honestidad/       inodoro/           brincar o saltar/
                        honesty           toilet             Jump

                        decisión/         baño/              comunicarse/
                        decision          restroom           communicate

                        turnos/           jalar la cadena/   hablar/
                        turns             flush              talk

                        votar/            cerrar/            conversar/
                        vote              close              speak

                        respeto/          abrir/             compartir/
                        respect           open               share

                                          adentro/           útil/
                                          inside             helpful

                                          afuera/            bienvenido/
                                          outside            welcoming

                                          gérmenes/          ára de permiso/
                                          germs              permission area

                                          sano/              divertido/
                                          healthy            fun


Hospitales, Actos religiosos y         Hogar/                   Tienda/
    Actos cívicos/Civic                Home                      Store
   Assemblies Masjid
niños/          mamá/              oficinista
children        mom                clerk

adultos/        papá/              cajero
adults          dad                cashier

familias/       madre/             conserje
families        mother             janitor

adentro/        padre/             vecinos
indoor          father             neighbors

afuera/         hermanas/          compradores
outdoor         sisters            shoppers

voz/            hermanos/          compras
voice           brothers           shopping

silencio/       hermanos/          vigilante
silent          siblings           caretaker

orar            abuelos/           pago
praying         grandparents       pay

calcetines      juguetes/          articulos
socks           toys               items

bare            ropa/              estantes
                clothes            shelves

hijab (scarf)   doblar/            salir
                fold               leave

kufi (hat),     hacer la cama/     amable
                make bed           gentle

humilde/        padres/            paciente
humble          parents            patient

serio/          responsabilidad/   verdad
serious         responsibility     truthful

pacífico/       gentileza/         sonreir
peaceful        kindness           smile

caminando/      lealtad/           disfruta
walking         loyalty            enjoy

sentado/        obedecer/
sitting                                 obey

línea hombro a hombro/                  escuchar/
shoulder line                           listening

disruptivo/                             leer/
disruptive                              reading

enfocado/                               ancianos/
focused                                 elders

distraído/ distracted                   amor/

blessed                                 necesidades/


Kindergarten – English Language Arts (ELA)
1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development
Concepts About Print
          1.1 Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
          1.2 Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on the printed page.
          1.3 Understand that printed materials provide information.
          1.4 Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words.
          1.5 Distinguish letters from words.
          1.6 Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Phonemic Awareness
          1.7 Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent the number, sameness/difference, and
          order of two and three isolated phonemes (e.g., /f, s, th/, /j, d, j/).
          1.8 Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent changes in simple syllables and words
          with two and three sounds as one sound is added, substituted, omitted, shifted, or repeated (e.g., vowel-
          consonant, consonant-vowel, or consonant-vowel consonant).
          1.9 Blend vowel-consonant sounds orally to make words or syllables.
          1.10 Identify and produce rhyming words in response to an oral prompt.
          1.11 Distinguish orally stated one-syllable words and separate into beginning or ending sounds.
          1.12 Track auditorily each word in a sentence and each syllable in a word.
          1.13 Count the number of sounds in syllables and syllables in words.
Decoding and Word Recognition
          1.14 Match all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters.
          1.15 Read simple one-syllable and high-frequency words (i.e., sight words).
          1.16 Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds (i.e., the alphabetic principle).
Vocabulary and Concept Development
          1.17 Identify and sort common words in basic categories (e.g., colors, shapes, foods).
          1.18 Describe common objects and events in both general and specific language.
2.0 Reading Comprehension
Structural Features of Informational Materials
        2.1 Locate the title, table of contents, name of author, and name of illustrator.
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
        2.2 Use pictures and context to make predictions about story content.
        2.3 Connect to life experiences the information and events in texts.
        2.4 Retell familiar stories.
        2.5 Ask and answer questions about essential elements of a text.
3.0 Literary Response and Analysis - Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
        3.2 Identify types of everyday print materials (e.g., storybooks, poems, labels).
        3.3 Identify characters, settings, and important events.

Kindergarten – English Language Arts (ELA) continued
Organization and Focus
        1.1 Use letters and phonetically spelled words to write about experiences, stories, people, objects, or events.
        1.2 Write consonant-vowel-consonant words (i.e., demonstrate the alphabetic principle).
        1.3 Write by moving from left to right and from top to bottom.
        1.4 Write uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently, attending to the form and proper
        spacing of the letters.
Sentence Structure
        1.1 Recognize and use complete, coherent sentences when speaking.
        1.2 Spell independently by using pre-phonetic knowledge, sounds of the alphabet, and knowledge of letter

Listening and Speaking Strategies - Comprehension
        1.1 Understand and follow one- and two-step oral directions.
        1.2 Share information and ideas, speaking audibly in complete, coherent sentences.
Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics)
        2.1 Describe people, places, things (e.g., size, color, shape), locations, and actions.
        2.2 Recite short poems, rhymes, and songs.
        2.3 Relate an experience or creative story in a logical sequence.

Kindergarten – English Language Development (ELD)
Word Analysis
Concepts About Print, Phonemic Awareness, and Vocabulary and Concept Development
    ● Recognize English phonemes that correspond to phonemes students already hear and produce in their
        primary language.
Early Intermediate:
Decoding and Word Recognition and Vocabulary and Concept Development
    ● Produce English phonemes that correspond to phonemes students already hear and produce, including long
        and short vowels and initial and final consonants.
    ● Recognize English phonemes that do not correspond to sounds students hear and produce, (e.g., a in cat
        and final consonants).
        ● 1.7 Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent the number, sameness/difference,
and order of two and three isolated phonemes (e.g., /f, s, th/,/j, d, j/).
         ● 1.10 Identify and produce rhyming words in response to an oral prompt.
Phonemic Awareness
        ● 1.7 Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent the number, sameness/difference,
             and order of two and three isolated phonemes (e.g., /f, s, th/,/j, d, j/).
Decoding and Word Recognition and Vocabulary and Concept Development
        ● Recognize sound/symbol relation-ships and basic word-formation rules in phrases, simple sentences,
             or simple text.
Concepts About Print
    ● Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
        ● Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
        ● Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on the printed page.
        ● Understand that printed materials provide information.
        ● Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words.
        ● Distinguish letters from words.
Early Advanced:
Phonemic Awareness and Decoding and Word Recognition
    ● Use common English morphemes to derive meaning in oral and silent reading (e.g., basic syllabication
        rules, regular and irregular plurals, and basic phonics).
        ● 1.8 Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent changes in simple syllables and
             words with two and three sounds as one sound is added, substituted, omitted, shifted, or repeated (e.g.,
             vowel-consonant, consonant-vowel, or consonant-vowel-consonant).
        ● 1.9 Blend vowel-consonant sounds orally to make words or syllables.
        ● 1.11 Distinguish orally stated one-syllable words and separate into beginning or ending sounds.
        ● 1.12 Track auditorily each word in a sentence and each syllable in a word.
        ● 1.13 Count the number of sounds in syllables and syllables in words.
Phonemic Awareness and Decoding and Word Recognition
    ● Recognize sound/symbol relationship and basic word-formation rules in phrases, simple sentences, or
        simple text.
        ● 1.14 Match all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters.
        ● 1.15 Read simple one-syllable and high-frequency words (i.e., sight words).
        ● 1.16 Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds (i.e., the alphabetic principle).
Decoding and Word Recognition
    ● Apply knowledge of common morphemes to derive meaning in oral and silent reading (e.g., basic
        syllabication rules, regular and irregular plurals, and basic phonics).
        ● 1.14 Match all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters.
        ● 1.15 Read simple one-syllable and high-frequency words (i.e., sight words).
        ● 1.16 Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds (i.e., the alphabetic principle).
Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development
Vocabulary and Concept Development
    Respond appropriately to some social and academic interactions (e.g., simple question/ answer, negotiate play)
    ● Read aloud simple words (e.g., nouns and adjectives) in stories or games.
● 1.17 Identify and sort common words in basic categories (e.g., colors, shapes, foods)
Vocabulary and Concept Development (These standards are also addressed in Listening and Speaking)
    ● Demonstrate comprehension of simple vocabulary with an appropriate action.
    ● Retell simple stories by using drawings, words, or phrases.
    ● Produce simple vocabulary (single words or short phrases) to communicate basic needs in social and
        academic settings (e.g., locations, greetings, classroom objects.)
Early Intermediate:
Vocabulary and Concept Development
    ● Produce vocabulary, phrases, and simple sentences to communicate basic needs in social and academic
    ● Read simple vocabulary, phrases, and sentences independently.
    ● Read aloud an increasing number of English words.
    ● Demonstrate internalization of English grammar, usage, and word choice by recognizing and correcting
        some errors when speaking or reading aloud.
Vocabulary and Concept Development
    ● Demonstrate internalization of English grammar, usage, and word choice by recognizing and correcting
        errors when speaking or reading aloud.
    ● Use decoding skills to read more complex words independently.
Vocabulary and Concept Development (The standards are also addressed in Listening and Speaking.)
    ● Use more complex vocabulary and sentences to communicate needs and express ideas in a wider variety of
        social and academic settings (e.g., classroom discussions, mediation of conflicts).
        ● 1.18 Describe common objects and events in both general and specific language.
        ● Apply knowledge of content-related vocabulary to discussions and reading.
Vocabulary and Concept Development and Decoding and Word Recognition
    ● Recognize simple prefixes and suffixes when they are attached to known vocabulary (e.g., remove,
Early Advanced:
Vocabulary and Concept Development
    ● Recognize simple antonyms and synonyms (e.g., good, bad; blend, mix) in stories or games.
    ● Use decoding skills and knowledge of academic and social vocabulary to begin independent reading.
Vocabulary and Concept Development
    ● Read aloud with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression narrative and expository texts.
Decoding and Word Recognition
        ● 1.14 Match all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters.
        ● 1.15 Read simple one-syllable and high-frequency words (i.e., sight words).
        ● 1.16 Understand that as letters change, so do the sounds (i.e., the alphabetic principle).
Reading Comprehension
    ● Respond orally to stories read aloud, using physical actions and other means of nonverbal communication
        (e.g., matching objects, pointing to an answer, drawing pictures).
    ● Respond orally to stories read aloud, giving one- or two-word responses (e.g. brown bear) to factual
        comprehension questions.
    ● Draw pictures from one’s own experience related to a story or topic (e.g., community in social studies).
    ● Understand and follow simple one-step directions for classroom activities.
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
● Identify, using key words or pictures, the basic sequence of events in stories read aloud.
Early Intermediate:
    ● Respond orally to simple stories read aloud, using phrases or simple sentences to answer factual
        comprehension questions.
    ● Draw and label pictures related to a story topic or one’s own experience.
    ● Understand and follow simple two-step directions for classroom activities.
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
    ● Orally identify, using key words or phrases, the basic sequence of events in text read.
    ● Draw logical inferences from a story read aloud.
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
    ● Read stories and respond orally in simple sentences to factual comprehension questions about the stories.
    ● While reading aloud in a group, point out basic text features, such as the title, table of contents, and chapter
    ● Draw inferences about stories read aloud and use simple phrases or sentences to communicate the
    ● Write captions or phrases for drawings related to a story.
    ● Understand and follow some multiple-step directions for classroom-related activities.
Early Advanced:
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
    ● Read text and use detailed sentences to identify orally the main idea and use the idea to draw inferences
        about the text.
    ● Read stories and orally respond to them by answering factual comprehension questions about cause-and-
        effect relationships.
    ● Write a brief summary (three or four complete sentences) of a story.
    ● Read and use basic text features, such as the title, table of contents, and chapter headings.
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text and Expository Critique
    ● Read stories and texts from content areas and respond orally to them by restating facts and details to clarify
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
    ● Prepare an oral or a written summary by using various comprehension strategies (e.g., generate and respond
        to questions, draw inferences, compare information from several sources) with literature and content area
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text and Expository Critique
    ● Locate and use text features, such as the title, table of contents, chapter headings, diagrams, index..
Literary Response and Analysis
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text (These standards are also addressed in Reading
    ● Listen to a story and respond orally in one or two words to factual comprehension questions.
    ● Draw pictures related to a work of literature identifying setting and characters.
Early Intermediate:
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text (These standards are also addressed in Reading
    ● Respond orally to factual comprehension questions about stories by answering in simple sentences.
    ● Recite simple poems.
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
    ● Identify orally the setting and characters by using simple sentences and vocabulary.
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text (The standards are also addressed in Word Analysis,
Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development.)
    ● Use expanded vocabulary and descriptive words in oral and written responses to simple texts.
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text (The standards are also addressed in Reading
    ● Read simple poetry and use simple sentences in answering factual comprehension questions.
Early Advanced:
Structural Features of Literature
    ● Read short poems and orally identify the basic elements (e.g., rhythm and rhyme).
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text and Literary Criticism
    ● Read a literary selection and orally identify the literary elements of plot, setting, and characters.
    ● Read a story and identify the beginning, middle, and end.
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text (The standards are also addressed in Reading
    ● Read a variety of children’s literature and respond to it both orally and in writing.
Structural Features of Literature
    ● Describe the elements of poetry (e.g., rhythm, rhyme, alliteration).
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text and Literary Criticism
    ● Compare and contrast different authors’s use of literary elements.

Strategies and Applications
    ● Copy the English alphabet legibly.
Penmanship and Organization and Focus
    ● Copy words posted & commonly used in the classroom (e.g., labels, number names, days of the week).
Organization and Focus
    ● Write a few words or phrases about an event or character from a story read by the teacher.
    ● Write a phrase or simple sentence about an experience generated from a group story.
Early Intermediate:
Organization and Focus
    ● Write simple sentences about events or characters from familiar stories read aloud by the teacher.
    ● Write simple sentences by using key words posted and commonly used in the classroom (e.g., labels,
        number names, days of the week, and months (e.g., Today is Tuesday.)
Organization and Focus, Evaluation and Revision
    ● Write one to two simple sentences. (e.g., I went to the park.).
Organization and Focus
    ● Write short narrative stories that include the elements of setting and characters.
    ● Produce independent writing that is understood when read but may include inconsistent use of standard
        grammatical forms.
    ● Following a model, proceed through the writing process to independently write short paragraphs of at least
        three lines.
    ● Write simple sentences appropriate for language arts and other content areas(e.g., math, science, social
Organization and Focus
    ● Write a friendly letter of a few lines.
Early Advanced:
Organization and Focus
● Write short narratives that include elements of setting, characters, and events.
    ● Proceed through the writing process to write short paragraphs that maintain a consistent focus.
    ● Use complex vocabulary and sentences appropriate for language arts and other content areas(e.g., math,
        science, social studies).
    ● Write a formal letter.
Organization and Focus, Evaluation and Revision
   ● Produce independent writing with consistent use of standard grammatical forms. (Some rules may not be
Organization and Focus
   ● Write short narratives that include examples of writing appropriate for language arts and other content areas
       (e.g., math, science, social studies).
   ● Write short narratives that describe the setting, characters, objects, and events.
Organization and Focus, Evaluation and Revision
   ● Produce independent writing by using correct grammatical forms.
   ● Proceed through the writing process to write clear and coherent sentences and paragraphs that maintain a
       consistent focus.
English Language Conventions
    ● Use capitalization when writing one’s own name.
Early Intermediate:
    ● Use capitalization to begin sentences and for proper nouns.
    ● Use a period or question mark at the end of a sentence.
Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling
    ● Edit writing for basic conventions (e.g., capitalization and use of periods) and make some corrections.
Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling
    ● Produce independent writing that may include some inconsistent use of capitalization, periods, and correct
Sentence Structure, Grammar, and Spelling
    ● Use standard word order but may have some inconsistent grammatical forms (e.g., subject/verb without
Early Advanced:
Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling
    ● Produce independent writing that may include some periods, correct spelling, and inconsistent
Sentence Structure, Grammar, and spelling
    ● Use standard word order with some inconsistent grammar forms (e.g., subject/verb agreement).
         ● Edit writing to check some of the mechanics of writing (e.g., capitalization and periods).
    ● 1.8 Spell three-and four-letter short-vowel words and grade-level-appropriate sight words correctly.
Sentence Structure and Grammar
    ● Use complete sentences and correct word order.
    ● Use correct parts of speech, including correct subject/verb agreement.
Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling
    ● Edit writing for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
Sentence Structure, Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling
    ● Produce writing that demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English.

    ● Begin to speak a few words or sentences by using some English phonemes and rudimentary English
        grammatical forms (e.g., single words or phrases).
    ● Begin to speak a few words or sentences by using some English phonemes and rudimentary English
        grammatical forms (e.g., single words or phrases.)
    ● Answer simple questions with one- to two-word responses.
    ● Respond to simple directions and questions by using physical actions and other means of nonverbal
        communication (e.g., matching objects, pointing to an answer, drawing pictures).
Comprehension and Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication
    ● Orally identify types of media (e.g., magazine, documentary film, news report).
Early Intermediate:
    ● Orally identify types of media (e.g., magazine, documentary film, news report).
    ● Begin to be under-stood when speaking but may have some inconsistent use of standard English
        grammatical forms and sounds (e.g., plurals, simple past tense, pronouns such as he or she).
    ● Ask and answer questions by using phrases or simple sentences.
Comprehension and Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication
    ● Retell familiar stories and short conversations by using appropriate gestures, expressions, and illustrative
    ● Orally communicate basic needs (e.g., May I get a drink?)
    ● Recite familiar rhymes, songs, and simple stories.
    ● Ask and answer instructional questions by using simple sentences.
    ● Listen attentively to stories and information and identify important details and concepts by using both
        verbal and nonverbal responses.
Comprehension and Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication
    ● Make oneself under-stood when speaking by using consistent standard English grammatical forms and
        sounds; however, some rules may not be followed (e.g., third-person singular, male and female pronouns).
    ● Participate in social conversations with peers and adults on familiar topics by asking and answering
        questions and soliciting information.
    ● Retell stories and talk about school-related activities by using expanded vocabulary, descriptive words, and
Early Advanced:
    ● Listen attentively to stories and information and orally identify key details and concepts.
Comprehension and Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication
    ● Retell stories in greater detail by including the characters, setting, and plot.
    ● Make oneself under-stood when speaking by using consistent standard English grammatical forms, sounds,
        intonation, pitch, and modulation but may make random errors.
    ● Participate in and initiate more ex-tended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by
        asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
    ● Recognize appropriate ways of speaking that vary according to the purpose, audience, and subject matter.
    ● Ask and answer instructional questions with more extensive supporting elements (e.g., Which part of the
        story was the most important?)
● Listen attentively to stories and information on new topics and identify both orally and in writing key
        details and concepts.
    ● Demonstrate an understanding of idiomatic expressions (e.g., Give me a hand.) by responding to such
      expressions and using them appropriately.
Comprehension and Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication
   ● Negotiate and initiate social conversations by questioning, restating, soliciting information, and
      paraphrasing the communication of others.
   ● Consistently use appropriate ways of speaking and writing that vary according to the purpose, audience,
      and subject matter.
   ● Narrate and paraphrase events in greater detail by using more extended vocabulary.
   ● Speak clearly and comprehensibly by using standard English grammatical forms, sounds, intonation, pitch,
      and modulation.

        No ficción - Ficción/ Non-Fiction-Fiction
        ● HMR

        Sitios en línea /Web Sites
        ● (Free Encyclopedia)

        Excursiones/ Field Trips
        ● Park
        ● Local store
        ● Supermarket
        ● Places of worship (Masjid/Church/Synagogue/Temple)
        ● Homes of students
        ● Another School
        ● Other Classrooms
Project GLAD
             Silicon Valley Academy and Delavan Darien School District
                          By Aylin Sucu, Noshaba Afzal, & Jabbar Beig.
                     Spanish interpretation by Cynthia Bell and Rafaela Albiter.
                  Buenos Ciudadanos(K)/ Citizenship (K)
                         Hojas de Planeamiento/ Planning Pages
I. Actividades de Enfoque- Motivación/ Focus-Motivation
    ● Reconocimiento Supercientífico 3 estándares (Tomo buenas decisiones, resuelvo
        problemas, Muestro respeto). /Superscientist awards
    ● Palabra Clave del día/Signal Words
    ● Diccionario de Contenido Cognitivo con la “Palabra clave del día” /Cognitive Content
        Dictionary (CCD)
    ● Diccionario pictórico/ Picture Dictionary
    ● Libro grande (hecho por la maestra)/Big Book (teacher generated)
    ● Gráfica de observaciones/ Observation Charts
    ● Reporte exploratorio/ Exploration report
    ● Mapa semántico de los conceptos y conocimientos/ Inquiry chart
    ● Archivo de imágenes/Picture File Cards
    ● Realia
    ● Excursiones dentro de la escuela: Observa y dibuja/School walk (field trips): observe &
    ● Invitado especial (un maestro o alguien que trabaje en la escuela)/ Guest speaker(s) –
        staff at the school
    ● Videos, películas y cortos/ Videos, movies, & filmstrips

II. Estrategias de introducción/ Input
    ● Presentación Ilustrada de la escuela con los lugares y personal de la escuela/ School
        Input Chart with the locations and staff members
    ● Presentación ilustrada comparativa del salón y del baño/ Comparative Pictorial Input
        Chart of the classroom and bathroom
    ● Presentación Narrativa//Narrative Input
    ● Grupos expertos/ Expert Groups

III. Práctica Guiada de destrezas de Lenguaje Oral/ Guided Oral Practice
    ● Poesía, raps, canciones, cantos/ Poetry, raps, songs, chants
    ● Tabla de patrones de oraciones/ Farmer-in-the-Dell/Sentence Patterning Chart (SPC)
    ● Gráfica T de habilidades sociales (ciudadanía)/ T-graph for social skills (citizenship)
    ● Trabajos de Equipo/ Team Tasks
    ● Farmer-in-the-Dell (Sustantivo: estudiantes/ Noun: students)
    ● Volver a contar la narrativa/ Retelling Narrative
    ● Grupos separado por lenguaje primario (L1)/ Primary Language Groups
    ● Revisar las tarjetas de vocabulario y de presentación ilustrada/ Word card review with
       input charts
● Conexiones Escuela - Hogar/ Home School Connections
   ● Interacciones personales/ Personal Interactions
   ● Suzy

IV. Actividades de lectura y escritura/ Reading and Writing Activities
          A. Todo el salón/ Whole Class
                 ● Mapa del cuento / Narrative story map
                 ● Párrafos cooperativo de tiras de oración con respuestas, notas de edición y
                     revisiones (use pocket chart)/ Group Frame paragraph with responding,
                     revising, and editing (use pocket chart)
          B. Equipos-Grupos- Cooperativo/ Team-Group-Cooperative
                 ● Tareas en Equipos/ Team tasks
                 ● Grupos expertos/ Expert Groups
                 ● Mapa mental/ Mind mapping
                 ● Cuadrícula para procesar la información/Process Grid
                 ● Grupos flexibles de lectura con estudiantes que van a escribir un texto/
                    Flexible Group reading with student generated text
          C. Individual/Individual
                                 ● Diario Interactivo / Interactive Journals
                                 ● Taller de escritura con la Silla del Autor/ Writer’s
                 Workshop with Author’s Chair
                                 ● Diario de Aprendizaje/ Learning logs

V. Actividades de extensión/ Extended Activities
          ● Caminata dentro de la escuela para observar lo que tiene la escuela/ Observation
             School Walk
          ● Crear un mapa o modelo de la escuela con sus diferentes lugares, personal de la
             escuela y reglas/ Create a model of the school with locations, staff, and rules
          ● Teatro mostrando actos de ciudadanía/ Creative Drama-Plays to demonstrate

VI. Cierre y Evaluación/ Closure-Evaluation
    ● Diario de aprendizaje-Portafolio/ Learning logs-Portfolios
    ● Proyectos artísticos/ Art-Projects
    ● Murales activos/Living Walls
Project GLAD
                                 Silicon Valley Academy
                          By Aylin Sucu, Noshaba Afzal, & Jabbar Beig
                    Spanish interpretation by Cynthia Bell and Rafaela Albiter.
                 Buenos Ciudadanos (K)/ Citizenship (K)
                          EJEMPLOS DE LECCIONES (5 DIAS)
                         SAMPLE DAILY LESSON PLAN (5-Day)
Día 1 /Day 1

     ● Reconocimiento Supercientífico 3 estándares (Tomo buenas decisiones, resuelvo
       problemas, Muestro respeto). (BUENOS CIUDADANOS)/Super Scientist
       Reinforcers (Citizenship)
     ● Palabra clave del día procesada con el diccionario de contenido cognitivo/ Signal
       Word processing w/Cognitive Content Dictionary
     ● Gráfica de observaciones/ Observation Charts
     ● Realia
     ● Mapa semántico de los conceptos y conocimientos/ Inquiry Chart
     ● El libro grande/ Important Big Book

  ● Presentación pictórica de la escuela (con fotografías y 10/2)/ School Input Chart
     (w/picture file cards & 10/2’s)
            ● Diario de aprendizaje/ Learning log
            ● Recuento para los estudiantes de inglés-español como segunda lengua/ ELD

  ● Poemas/ Poem

     ● Presentación Narrativa/ Narrative Input

    ● Lluvia de ideas sobre ciudadanía/Brainstorm on citizenship
    ● Gráfica T de habilidades sociales/ T-graph on citizenship
    ● Reporte Exploratorio con fotografías para los equipos/ Exploration Report with
       Picture File Cards in Teams
    ● Poemas/ Poem

     ● Diario Interactivo/ Interactive Journal
     ● Cuadrícula para procesar la información/ Process Inquiry Chart
     ● Conección Escuela-Hogar/ Home/School Connection
Project GLAD
                                 Silicon Valley Academy
                          By Aylin Sucu, Noshaba Afzal, & Jabbar Beig
                    Spanish interpretation by Cynthia Bell and Rafaela Albiter.
                 Buenos Ciudadanos (K)/ Citizenship (K)
                          EJEMPLOS DE LECCIONES (5 DIAS)
                         SAMPLE DAILY LESSON PLAN (5-Day)
Día 2/Day 2

     ● Reconocimiento Supercientífico (Buenos ciudadanos)/ Super Scientist Reinforcers
     ● Conexión Escuela- Hogar. Compartir en grupo/ Home/School Connection share out.
     ● Procesar la palabra clave del día con el diccionario cognitivo de materia/ Signal Word
       processing w/Cognitive Content Dictionary
     ● Realia

    ● Agregar palabras y notas al Mapa de la Escuela/ Review with words cards – School
    ● Diario de aprendizaje/ Learning logs
    ● Poesía/ Poetry

  ● Presentación pictórica comparativa del salón de clases y el baño (agregar fotografías,
     TPR y 10/2)/ Comparative Pictorial Input Chart Classroom/Bathroom (w/picture file
     cards, TPR, & 10/2’s)
  ● Diario de aprendizaje/Learning log
  ● Grupos separado por lenguaje primario (L1) para repasar y re-enseñar/ Primary Language
     Groups ELD Review-Retell

    ● Agregar palabras y notas a la presentación pictórica /Review with words cards –
       Comparative Input Chart
    ● Diario de aprendizaje/ Learning logs

     ● Mapa mental/ Mind Map
     ● Trabajos en equipo: Presentación ilustrada de la escuela, Presentación pictórica
       comparativa del salón de clases y el baño./ Team Tasks: School Input, Comparative
       Pictorial Input Classroom/Bathroom
     ● Grupos Expertos/ Expert Groups
    ● Agregar palabras y notas a la presentación Narrativa/ Review with words cards –
       Narrative Input
    ● Tabla de patrones de oraciones /Sentence Patterning Chart (Farmer-in-the-Dell)
    ● Juego de lectura/Read Game
    ● Juego de intercambiar/ Trade Game

     ● Procesar gráficas y poemas/ Process charts-poems
     ● Diario interactivo/ Interactive Journals
     ● Conexión Escuela- Hogar/ Home-School Connection
Project GLAD
                                 Silicon Valley Academy
                          By Aylin Sucu, Noshaba Afzal, & Jabbar Beig
                    Spanish interpretation by Cynthia Bell and Rafaela Albiter.
                 Buenos Ciudadanos (K)/ Citizenship (K)
                          EJEMPLOS DE LECCIONES (5 DIAS)
                         SAMPLE DAILY LESSON PLAN (5-Day)
Día 3 / Day 3

     ● Reconocimiento Supercientífico (Buenos ciudadanos)/ Super Scientist Reinforcers
     ● Conexión Escuela- Hogar. Compartir en grupo/ Home/School Connection share out
     ● Procesar la palabra clave del día con el diccionario cognitivo de materia/ Signal Word
       processing w/Cognitive Content Dictionary

    ● Trabajos de equipo agregar “The Farmer in the Dell” Mapa Mental/ Team Tasks –
       add Farmer-in-the-Dell, Mind Map
    ● Grupos Expertos/ Expert Groups
    ● Trabajos de equipo - agregar diccionario ilustrada / Team Tasks – add picture
    ● Grupos Expertos/ Expert Group

    ● Poesía-Cantos/ Poetry-Chants
    ● Revisar la presentación narrativa con palabras, con imágenes y con burbujas de
       diálogo/ Review of Narrative Input with word cards and conversation bubbles

    ● Mapa del cuento/ Story Map of Narrative

     ● Diario Interactivo/ Interactive Journals
     ● Procesar las gráficas/ Process Charts
     ● Connexión Escuela-Hogar/ Home-School Connection
Project GLAD
                                 Silicon Valley Academy
                          By Aylin Sucu, Noshaba Afzal, & Jabbar Beig
                    Spanish interpretation by Cynthia Bell and Rafaela Albiter.
                 Buenos Ciudadanos (K)/ Citizenship (K)
                          EJEMPLOS DE LECCIONES (5 DIAS)
                         SAMPLE DAILY LESSON PLAN (5-Day)

Día 4/ Day 4

     ● Reconocimiento Supercientífico (Buenos ciudadanos)/ Super Scientist Reinforcers
     ● Procesar la palabra clave del día con el diccionario cognitivo de materia/ Signal Word
       processing with Cognitive Content Dictionary

    ● Los grupos expertos comparten en voz alta/ Expert Group share out

     ● Cuadrícula para procesar la información/ Process Grid
     ● Párrafo cooperativo de tiras de oración/ Cooperative Strip Paragraph

    ● Recuento para los estudiantes de inglés-español como segunda lengua/ Narrative
       Input L1 review & ELD story retell
          -Trabajos de equipo-agregar al Reporte Exploratorio/ Team Tasks add to list
          Exploration Report
          -Tareas individuales - Mapa de la escuela,Presentación pictórica comparativa,
          Diccionario de contenido cognitivo, Diccionario de imágenes, subrayar y dibujar
          en los diarios de poesía/ Individual tasks – School Map, Comparative Pictorial
          Input, Picture Dictionary, Highlight & sketch in poetry books

    ● Escucha y dibujo/ Listen and Sketch
    ● Taller de escritura/ Writer’s Workshop
      ● Mini lección- Organizador gráfico y dibujar (en la hoja de planeamiento) Mini-
          lesson – Graphic Organizers and sketching (Planning Page)
      ● Escritura/ Writing
      ● La silla del autor/ Author’s Chair

     ● Procesar las gráficas/ Process charts
● Procesar Mapa semántico de los conceptos/conocimientos/ Process Inquiry Chart
● Diario Interactivo/ Interactive Journals
Project GLAD
                                 Silicon Valley Academy
                          By Aylin Sucu, Noshaba Afzal, & Jabbar Beig
                    Spanish interpretation by Cynthia Bell and Rafaela Albiter.
                 Buenos Ciudadanos (K)/ Citizenship (K)
                          EJEMPLOS DE LECCIONES (5 DIAS)
                         SAMPLE DAILY LESSON PLAN (5-Day)

Día 5/ Day 5

     ● Reconocimiento Supercientífico (Buenos ciudadanos)/ Super Scientist Reinforcers
     ● Procesar la palabra clave del día con el diccionario cognitivo de materia/ Signal Word
     ● Conexión Escuela-Hogar/ Home/School Connection
     ● Realia

  ● Repasar el Libro grande/ Review Big Book
  ● Repasar los poemas/ Review poems

    ● Párrafo cooperativo de tiras de oración en grupos /Group Frame (Cooperative Strip)
  - Responder, revisar, editar la lista/ Respond, revise, edit checklist
  - Agregar lenguaje a la poesía/ Add language from Poetry, SPC
    ● Grupos de lectura guiada con el párrafo cooperativo de oración/ Leveled Reading
       Group of Coop Strip Paragraph
          -Trabajos en equipos/ Team Tasks
          -Tareas individuales/ Individual tasks
    ● Writer’s Workshop – mini-lesson on types of writing
          ● Author’s Chair

     ● Procesar todas las gráficas/ Process all charts
     ● Procesar el Mapa semántico de conceptos yconocimientos/ Process Inquiry Chart
Project GLAD
                                  Silicon Valley Academy
                           By Aylin Sucu, Noshaba Afzal, & Jabbar Beig
                                    Citizenship (K)
                           SAMPLE DAILY LESSON PLAN (4-Day)

Day 1:

      ● Super Scientist Reinforcers (Citizenship)
      ● Signal Word processing w/Cognitive Content Dictionary
      ● Observation Charts
      ● Inquiry Chart
      ● Big Book

   ● Input Chart of the School Map
            Learning Log
            ELD Review/Retell

Guided Oral Practice
   ● Poetry
   ● T Graph
   ● Exploration Report

   ● Narrative input chart

   ● Interactive journal
   ● Listen and sketch

Guided Oral Practice
   ● Poetry

   ● Process inquiry chart
   ● Home-School Connection (HSC)
Day 2

      ● Super Scientist Reinforcers (Citizenship)
      ● Home School Connection
      ● Signal Word processing w/Cognitive Content Dictionary

Guided Oral Practice
   ● Review with word cards the School Map input chart
      -Learning logs
   ● Poetry

   ● Comparative Pictorial input chart Classroom/Bathroom
      -Learning logs

Guided Oral Practice
   ● Poetry
   ● Review with word cards the Comparative Pictorial Input
      -Learning logs

   ● Mind Map
   ● Expert Groups
      - Team tasks: School Map Input Chart, Comparative Pictorial Input Chart

Guided Oral Practice
   ● Team evaluation
   ● Narrative input review with word cards
   ● Sentence Patterning Chart (SPC) or Farmer-in-the-Dell
      -Read & Trade game
   ● Poetry

   ● Interactive journal writing

   ● Process charts
   ● Home-School Connection
Day 3

   ● Super Scientist Reinforcers (Citizenship)
   ● Home School Connection
   ● Signal Word processing w/Cognitive Content Dictionary w/VSS
   ● Big Book

Guided Oral Practice
   ● Poetry

   ● Expert Groups
      - Team tasks: add Mind Map, SPC, CCD
   ● Process Grid

Guided Oral Practice
   ● Expert share out

   ● Process Grid
   ● Group Frame/Cooperative Strip Paragraph

Guided Oral Practice
   ● Poetry
   ● Narrative review with conversation bubbles

   ● Interactive journal writing
   ● Process charts
   ● Home/School Connection
Day 4

   ● Super Scientist Reinforcers
   ● Home School Connection
   ● Signal Word processing w/Cognitive Content Dictionary w/VSS

   ● Cooperative Strip Paragraph editing
          o Respond, revise, edit checklist
          o Poetry, SPC
   ● Flip Chantl
   ● Flexible (struggling) reading group of Cooperative Strip Paragraph
      - Team tasks: add Process Grid, Flip Chant, Team evaluation
   ● Ear to Ear reading
   ● Story Map

Guided Oral Practice
   ● Narrative input primary language retell
      - Individual Tasks: highlight/sketch in poetry booklets, add to learning logs, SPC,
      personal dictionary

   ● Listen and Sketch
   ● Writer’s Workshop
             Mini-lesson: Planning page, flip chant, strip book
             Author’s Chair

   ● Interactive Journal Writing
   ● Review Inquiry Charts
   ● Metacognition of learning
Buenos ciudadanos
                                  El libro Grande
                                       Por, Jabbar Beig
                           Traducido e interpretado por Cynthia Bell

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comportan de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.

   ● Los buenos ciudadanos siguen las reglas del lugar donde están. .
   ● En todos los lugares donde hay reglas.
   ● Algunos lugares son el salón de clases , baño , hogar, y la tienda .

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comportan de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comportan de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.

   ●   Los buenos ciudadanos comparten .
   ●   Compartir es dejar que otros utilicen lo que está utilizando .
   ●   Compartir es esperar pacientemente para que otros puedan terminar.
   ●   Compartir es dar, recibir tomando turnos .

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comportan de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comportan de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.

   ●   Los buenos ciudadanos son honestos y muestran coraje.
   ●   La honestidad es decir la verdad .
   ●   Coraje es hacer algo bueno, incluso cuando tengas miedo.
   ●   Los buenos ciudadanos toman buenas decisiones .

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comporta de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comportan de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.
●   Los buenos ciudadanos son responsables .
   ●   Ellos siguen las reglas y confían en las personas .
   ●   Ellos tienen la determinación de hacer lo correcto, aunque sea difícil .
   ●   Los buenos ciudadanos resuelven problemas.

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comportan de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comportan de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.

   ●   Los buenos ciudadanos se encuentran hoy en día y en la historia .
   ●   Las historias tienen buenos ciudadanos.
   ●   Cada acción tiene una reacción o efecto .
   ●   Estos efectos se denominan consecuencias .

Pensé que te gustaría saber que los buenos ciudadanos se comportan de acuerdo con el lugar y a
la ocasión.

                                Citizenship Big Book
                                         By, Jabbar Beig

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

   ● Good citizens follow the rules of a setting.
   ● Settings are different places.
   ● Some settings are the classroom, bathroom, home, and the store.

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

   ●   Good citizens share.
   ●   Sharing is allowing others to use what you are using.
   ●   Sharing is waiting patiently for others to finish before you use it.
   ●   Sharing is giving and receiving by taking turns.

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

   ●   Good citizens are honest and show courage.
   ●   Honesty is telling the truth.
   ●   Courage is doing something even when you feel scared.
   ●   Good citizens make good decisions.

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

   ●   Good citizens are responsible.
   ●   They follow the rules and are trusted more.
   ●   They have determination to do right even if it is hard.
   ●   Good citizens solve problems.

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

   ●   Good citizens are found today and in history.
   ●   Stories have good citizens.
   ●   Every action has a reaction or effect.
   ●   These effects are called consequences.

I just thought you might like to know that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.
Presentación Pictórica de la escuela #1 / Input Chart #1   School
Pictorial Input Chart   Classroom
Si esta haciéndo 3 grupos expertos entonces hacer la presentación pictórica del baño. Si no
hacerlo para el 4to grupo experto/ if doing 3 expert groups then do this Pictorial Input Chart Bathroom as a
comparative with the classroom.
   Otherwise this input chart is not done and becomes the 4th expert group.
Buenos Ciudadanos
     Cuaderno de Poesía

              Poetry Booklet

El Rap de los buenos ciudadanos.
                         por :Noshaba Afzal (Versión en español por Cynthia Bell)

Esta es la historia de los buenos ciudadanos
Escucha con atención de antemano.

Los personajes en la historia son un buen ejemplo
Ciudadanos modelo yo contemplo

La Madre Teresa cuido a los necesitados
Abe Lincoln ayudó a los exclavizados.

Martin luchó para poder votar.
Franklinnos llevó a la luna a volar.

Una persona con responsabilidad
No importa cuál sea tu edad.

Reglas de oro debemos seguir
Buenos ciudadanos vamos a sobresalir

                                    Citizens Rap
                                By: Noshaba Afzal (adapted by Jabbar Beig)

There is a story in this citizen’s rap,
So you better listen up because there’s lots of facts.
You can also read