CLASS- VIII SUMMER TIME - PIET Sanskriti Senior Secondary School, NFL

Page created by Marcus Cortez
CLASS- VIII SUMMER TIME - PIET Sanskriti Senior Secondary School, NFL
Nfl Township, panipat

                        CLASS- VIII






CLASS- VIII SUMMER TIME - PIET Sanskriti Senior Secondary School, NFL
विषय – हहदी

1   छु टियो में विद्यालयों के बच्चों के घूमने के वलए पहाड़ी स्थान हेतु विज्ञापन वलवखए|
2   रे हसग साईककल के वलए विज्ञापन बनाए|
3   नए स्कू ल ‘ पाईि संस्कृ वत सीवनयर सेकेंडरी स्कू ल ,एन . एफ .एल ’.में दावखले के वलए एक आकषषक
    विज्ञापन तैयार कीवजए|
4   दो औपचटरक तथा दो अनौपचाटरक पत्र वलखें            ( विषय स्ियं चुने )
5   मेधा पािकर तथा मदर िरे सा समाज सेविकाओं में से ककसी एक के बारे में जानकारी एकवत्रत कीवजए और
    वलवखए कक इन्होंने ककस– ककस क्षेत्र में क्या– क्या काम ककये –सम्बवन्धत वचत्र भी अिश्य लगाए|

महत्िपूर्ष वनदेश .1 – पटित अध्यायों की पुनरािृवत मौवखक ि वलवखत दोनों रूपों में अिश्य
करे |

2 . कदए गए कायष क्रमांक – 1, 2, 3, 4               को उत्तर – पुवस्तका पर करे |

3 . के िल क्रमांक 5 –के कायष को ए 4 –साईज पृष्ठ पर करे |
1. Design an English magazine which should have the following contents:
   a. An attractive cover page
   b. Name of the magazine
   c. An article on “ Importance of discipline in the life of students”
   d. A small story with a moral of “Sharing and Caring”
   e. Four or five good jokes in English
   f. English riddles (five)
   g. Two advertisements
   h. Five idioms and five proverbs with their meaning
   i. Ten famous quotes of eminent personalities
   j. A poster on any one of the following topics:
       (i)    Keep the earth clean
       (ii)   Save water
       (iii)  Save girl child
       (iv)   Stop violence against women
2. Prepare a chart of tenses in your notebook. Give example of each tense.
3. Imagine there is no power for continuous two days due to a technical problem. It‘s a total
   black out. Write a paragraph describing how you spent the two days without electricity.
4. Write a diary entry describing your first encounter with fear.
विषय – संस्कृ त

1. पटित पािों का अभ्यास कीवजए |
2. राम ,मुवन ,पवत ,साधु – शब्द रूपों को कं िस्थ ( याद) कीवजए तथा वलखें |
3. गम ,कृ धातु ,अस् – धातु रूपों को लि् लकार में कं िस्थ ( याद) कीवजए तथा वलखें |
4. ‘मम पटरचय ‘ अथाषत संस्कृ त में अपना पटरचय दस िाक्यों में वलखें |
5. महीनों के नाम संस्कृ त में वलखें |
6. विद्या के महत्ि पर पाच श्लोक संस्कृ त में वलखें तथा उनके अथष भी वलखें |

महत्िपूर्ष वनदेश – कदए गए ग्रीष्मािकाश को विद्याथी अपनी उत्तरपुवस्तका पर करे |
Subject: Mathematics

 Make cubes using a sheet of paper. Further using these cubes create a 3-D model of
  your choice ( for eg a car, a house , a boat or a furniture item etc) by sticking them
  togetherwith the help of cellotape or glue. Now calculate the volume of you model
  in separate holiday homework notebook.
     Volume of a cube = Side X Side X Side
  Keep practicing, keep learning

 Create a number line and represent the following product of Rational numbers on
  an A3 size paper by drawing horizontal/vertical lines and shading.

     2    5
   a) X
     3    6

     7    3
   b) X
      9  8
 Take any two Rational numbers less than 100 and show the property given below
  using 10X10 grid on an A3 size coloured sheet.

  a) To verify that Addition is commutative for Rational numbers by paper cutting and
 pasting two different coloured strips for representing the two different Rational
 numbers in the grid.

 b) To verify that Multiplication is commutative for Rational numbers by paper cutting
 and pasting two different coloured strips for representing the two different Rational
 numbers in the grid.

   Solve all the sums mentioned in boxes “ try these” from chapter 1, chapter 6,
  chapter 7 and Chapter 16 in a separate holiday homework notebook.
 Learn tables 2 to 30

 Note: The assigned task shall be considered for Periodic assessment 2.
                                   HAPPY HOLIDAY

Use A4 sheets to do the homework.

   1. Make a list of at least twenty new words that you have learnt in Social Science. Also write
      down their meanings in your social studies notebook.

   2. Prepare a model on rain water harvesting or soil profile.(Choose any one).

   3. Learn History lesson -3,Geography lesson -2

   1. Read chapter 4 and complete its back exercise (Question/Answer also) in book only.

Burn a CD for these:
   2. Make a power point presentation on the topic “Networking in Computer”. Your PPT
       should be attractive. It should contain 10-15 slides. Use Smart Art graphics, transition
       effects; give attractive borders to pictures, Clip Art, sound transitions. Pictures and text
       should be relevant to the topic.
   3. Do activity (lab session) given on pg no. 52 and 53 in your text book.
*Science work should be done in Note book.


1. Prepare a powerpoint presentation on “Different Zones of a Candle
   Flame”.(min 20 slides)
2. Make a model/poster on „Global Warming‟.
3. Research on the devastating effects of acid rain and prepare a project file for this.
4. Write an activity to show that air is essential for burning. Also draw the required
   diagram for this.
5. What is a fire extinguisher? Which chemical is stored in the fire extinguisher
6. CNG is a cleaner fuel. Comment on this.


1. Collect different kind of cloth samples both synthetic and natural types. Also
   write their properties and uses. Prepare a project file for this.
2. Mention the names of any five chemicals with pictures you use in your daily life
   and mention their uses.(Use Chart, thermocol or scrapbook)
3. What are polymers? Give examples.
4. Give two uses of nylon fibres.
5. What is 4 R principle? Explain.
6. How plastics affect our environment? How can we avoid the use of plastics?

   Q.1 Differentiate between rabi and kharif crops.(5 points)
   Q.2 Define eutrophication.
   Q.3 Differentiate between harvesting and threshing.
   Q.4 Enlist precautions to be taken before storage of grains.
   Q.5 Name any five states where modern methods of irrigation are used
   Q. 6 make a model on drip irrigation.

   Collect the pictures of plough, harrow seed drill levelers, sickle, trowel and
   thresher and paste them on a chart under the heading agricultural implements.
Collect information about any five plants:
Plant Report Template                                           Your Name:
Plant Common name:                 Paste Plant leaf or take impression of a leaf
Scientific name:
Native Habitat/ Climatic zone:

Important Adaptations:

Ideal Growth Conditions (light, water, soil needs, spacing, companion plants):
Diseases and care problems associated with the plant:
Medicinal uses (if any):
Citing Your References:
1. Make a PowerPoint presentation on French industries with pictures based
       Famous for
       Who ruled France
       Perfume industries
       Cheese industry
       Automobiles industry

    And bring it in your USB.

2. Make a list of 5 “er”, “re”, “ir” ending verbs and make phrases with the help
   of these verbs in your notebook.
3. Do worksheets.
4. Translate the text from French to English and English to French as given in
   worksheet no-1
Worksheet -1

                                         Texte no.1

                                      Traduisez en anglais

A. Je m‘appelle John. Comme je suis vegetarian, je prefere les legumes verts. Ils
   contiennent beaucoup de vitamin C et E. J‘aime beaucoup les fruits. Chaque jour ,
   je prends des fruits. Je bois regulierement du lait. Je ne mange pas de gateaux car
   ils contiennent des o ufs. Apres l‘ecole, je prends au moins tranches de pain et une
   boisson chaude. J‘aime bien le chocolat.
B. Moi, Je m‘appelle Linda. J‘aime sortir avec mes amis et manger au restaurant. Je
   prefere le fast-food. Je mange souvent des frites et du hamburger. Je bois du coaca.
   Je deteste le lait. Pour le diner, je prefere le poulet. Je n‘aime pas les legumes.
   J‘aime bien les repas de fete. Ils sont delicieux

                                         Texte no.2

                                   Traduisez en Francais:

    In France, there are many means of transport like bus, the cycle, aeroplane,
    motorbikes, boats , metro etc. For going to far away places we can choose the train
    or the aeroplane. And, if we stay in the centre of the city we can easily take metro
    because the French metros are very convenient.

    The French people prefer walking on foot or taking the cycle in place of travelling in
    the car. This physical exercise is good for the health. We can save the money in this
    manner. In addition, this is a very cheap means of transport. We can also avoid the
    traffic jams.

   Traffic jam- Embouteillage
   Convinient- Commode
   Health- Sante
   To avoid- Eviter
Worksheet no. 2

                            Lisez le texte et repondez aux questions:

        Bonjour! Je m‘appelle Claire Bonnet. J‘ai quatorze ans. Je suis Francaise, mais j‘habite en
Londres en Angleterre a cause du travail du mon pere.

  Je suis assez haute, mince, jpli. J‘ai les cheveux longs, frisses et blonds, mes yeux sont marrons. Je
suis tres sincere , hereuse et gentile. J‘aime le sport.

Je joue au tennis tous les samedis et je fais aussi du patinage sur glace. Je n‘aime pas beaucoup

J‘adore Britney Spears. C‘est ma chanteuse prefere. J‘ai deux posters d‘elle dans ma chamber et j‘ai
aussi tous ses CD.

Je suis fille unique mais j‘ai beaucoup de copains et des copines. Jenny et ma meilleure amie. On
s‘entend bien ensemble. Jenny est anglaise, elle est petite , un peu grosse mai pas trop. Elle a les
cheveux frisses et roux. Ses yeux sont verts. Elle a aussi une tache de rousseur. Elle est tres amusante,
sympathique et aimable.

Comme moi, elle deteste les personnes menteuses, egoistes, arrogantes et hypocrites. A l‘ecole on
est souvent ensemble parce que nous sommes dans la meme classe. Je parle anglais avec mes amis a
l‘ecole, mais On parle francaise a la maison. 2

Repondez aux questions:

Dites vrai ou faux:

    1.   Claire Bonnet parle deux langues                     ____________
    2.   Claiore a deux frères et une soeur.                  ____________
    3.   Claire faire du tennis deux fois par une semaine.    ____________
    4.   Claire adore etudier.                               _____________
    5.   Chez Claire, on ne parle pas le francais              ____________

Repondez aux questions de la forme complet:

    1. Claire n‘habite pas en France. Ou habite-t-elle?
    2. Quelle chanteuse Claire prefere?


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