JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...

Page created by Luis Herrera
JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
JKE’s “In the Know”
            What’s New and Happening at JKE and in the Community

                                          Principal’s Message
Dear Families of JKE,

Another month has flown by and our JKE community continues to flourish. I’d like to take this opportunity to
thank our parent community for their continued support. We know that student success is a result of a
shared commitment between dedicated teachers and supportive parents. Together at James Kennedy we
continue to strive to build that relationship and we are grateful for our parent community.

Parents, thank you for celebrating our staff throughout Staff Appreciation Week, for volunteering on field
trips, providing hot lunch days and the fruit and vegetable program, supporting your children in their school
work, and for all you do to contribute to the positive relationship with our school. Please know that you are

With appreciation,

Lisa Lainchbury
Principal, École James Kennedy Elementary School
9060 212 Street
(604) 888 - 5257
Langley School District 35

School Appointments Online—Opens Monday, March 4 at 8:00 am
The online booking for Parent/Teacher Conferences or Student-led Conferences opens on Monday, March 4 at 8:00 am
and closes again on Monday, March 11 at 11:00 pm. To sign up for a time slot with your child’s teacher, just follow the
directions below:

     Go to our school appointments web site: http://jke.schoolappointments.com/
     Register for an account by clicking the "REGISTER" menu tab and filling in the on-line form. Choose a user id and
      password for yourself and then click the "Register Now" button.
     Add your children into the system by clicking the "Add a Student" button. Click "Insert New" button to add more
     Click the "date" icon beside each child's name to schedule appointments.
     Select the staff you wish to book appointments with and the "View Calendars" button. Use the "Ctrl" or
      "Command" key to select multiple staff to view at the same time.
     Click on available time slots to book your appointments and then click the "Book Appointments" button to save
      your bookings.
JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
Next Year Students                                               French Film Festival
Parents, if you are not planning to have your child              Parents, due to the snow closure days for the District,
attend James Kennedy next school year, please let the            the students
office know as soon as possible. This will help us               missed the French
forecast our numbers for September 2019, plan for                Film Festival but
class placements and prepare student records for                 good news! The
moving to the new school. Please notify the office of a          Film Festival has
change in schools only after you have been registered            been rescheduled
and accepted at the new school.                                  and will take place
                                                                 on Tuesday, April

The 2018 Terry Fox School Run was a great success!
We are proud to announce that from last year’s Terry Fox Run, James Kennedy
Elementary generously donated $524.99 for cancer research. 39 years ago,
determined to make a difference in the lives of those living with cancer, Terry
ignited a fundraising movement that cannot be stopped. Today, because of schools
like yours, his message of hope echoes loudly in the voices of students and families

The Terry Fox Foundation extends to you a heartfelt thank you for your wonderful generosity to continue Terry’s
legacy. Be proud and know that together, we are making a difference.


                                                                       New Updated Logo!
            FRIDAY, March 8th                        Well James Kennedy, we have taken the plunge and have had a
                                                     new school logo professionally created and we’re getting ready
           DOORS OPEN AT 6PM                         for the big unveiling within the next 2 weeks. You can look for-
                                                     ward to school spirit wear being available to purchase with the
         MOVIE STARTS AT 6:30
                                                                            new updated logo.
       $3/PERSON OR $10/FAMILY


                                                   2019-2020 Proposed Calendar
PRE-ORDER PIZZA BY EMAILING james-                 The Board of Education has passed a motion requesting District
   kennedypac@gmail.com UNTIL 3PM
                                                   staff to begin the consultation process for the District Calendars for
                                                   2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022. The Board of Education
          THURSDAY, March 7th.                     approved these District Calendars subject to minor revisions based
   STUDENTS NEED AN ADULT WITH                     on feedback received as a result of a 30-day consultation period.
                                                   The Board invites members of the public to provide feedback on
                                                   these District Calendars by March 28. Please send comments to
                                                   the Secretary-Treasurer’s office by emailing: lmason@sd35.bc.ca.
                                                   The link to view the calendar is:
JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
Join us on Friday, March 8th as we watch Ralph Breaks the Internet. Doors open at
6pm and the movie begins at 6:30. Wear your PJs, bring your blanket and favourite stuffy and
get ready to enjoy a great family movie.
Concession will be open and selling chips, popcorn, drinks, candy bags, and pizza by the slice

This family fun costs $3 per person or $10 per family. Children MUST be accompa-
nied by an adult.
If you would like to pre-order Panago pizza please contact Valerie at jameskenne-
dypac@gmail.com . Once your email is received you’ll receive confirmation that your pizza
has been ordered, if you don’t receive this confirmation please email again. You can order
large ham and pineapple, pepperoni, or cheese for $15 each. Pizzas are paid for on movie

PIZZA ORDERS ARE DUE BY 2:45 THURSDAY, MARCH 7TH. Movie tickets are pur-
chased at the door.



   ____ Chair set-up 5:00

   ____ Concession prep 5:00-6:00

   ____ Concession ½ hour shift starting at 6:00

Name: __________________________________


Email: __________________________________

          (For volunteer coordination)
JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
The thoughtful touches
                                                   that made our Staff feel
                                                      very appreciated!
                             The entrees
                            were amazing
                            and lots to go

Is it any wonder we put on a few
      extra pounds this week!
                                             It wouldn’t be the same with
JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
In the School
                        PAWS Assembly
                        Our leadership kids lead our Kindergarten to grade 5
                        assemblies last week. We are so proud of their
                        leadership, their hard work, and their ability to
                        improvise when technology backfires! Well done

WGSS Band Night
This was such a fantastic night!! We loved hearing the grade 6 and 7 bands play with Walnut grove bands. Thank you
to all the parents who brought their children out to participate in this event.
JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
A big thank you to our PAC for sponsoring The AquaVan visit from
  the Vancouver Aquarium. Students in grades K to 7 learned so
    much about our ocean creatures and how to contribute to
              maintaining the health of our oceans.


JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
Neufeld Farms Frozen Foods Fundraiser—Round 2!
James Kennedy is having a school-wide fundraiser to help subsidize the cost and
send our grade 7 students to camp in May. Once again we are going to be running a
Neufeld Farms Frozen Foods Fundraiser beginning April 1st. Forms will be sent home
both with students and electronically on April 1st and you will have until Friday, April
19th to submit your orders. Pick-up is scheduled for Wednesday, May 1st. Entrees
and Desserts abound so get ready to salivate and support our grade 7’s!

Spring Carnival
Our Spring Carnival is coming up on Friday, May 10th from 6:00—9:00 pm. We are looking forward to another fun
night! Part of the night includes raffle baskets and we need your help making the raffle baskets amazing! Last year we
had $2000 worth of prizes. You can help in the following ways:
              If you have a personal business you can donate your product or services.
              You can approach the company that you work for and see if they would like to donate a basket.
              If you have brand new items such as board games or toys that you would like to donate, we will gladly
               make up a basket. Last year we had a family donate brand new bikes they weren’t going to use.
              As a family, you can look at Pinterest or Google and see the fun baskets you can make up and donate.
Official donation request letters can be obtained by emailing Yvonne at jamesken-
nedypac@gmail.com. We need the prizes by Wednesday, April 17th but would
like to know as soon as possible if you plan to make a contribution so we can plan
Thank you,

JKE Spring Carnival Committee
** Please note there was a misprint on the prize turn in date in the paper hand-out that was sent
home. The correct date to hand in donations is Wednesday, April 17th as noted above.

                                     Reading Link Challenge
                                     Students participating in the upcoming
                                     reading link challenge on Thursday, March
                                     14 at 9:00 am in the James Kennedy gym,
                                     have been practising with teams during
                                     their lunch hour meetings.
JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
Coins & Cans for Kindness
During our Diversity and Respect week we had a theme day of “Friendship, Love & Kindness”. During this day we collected cans of
  non-perishable food items and coins for the Sources Food Bank. The grand total collected was 426 food items and $212.90 for
                                       Sources Food Bank! So happy with how this went!

                                                       Mountains of
                                                      food collected
                                                       for the food

                                                      Thank you JKE
                                                        for your
JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
Please create a short cut on your phone/computer and check our ever-changing
                     Community Bulletin Board for Community Events and Programs.
  Community Bulletin Board link: https://www.sd35.bc.ca/news-events/community-bulletin-board/

                                                   North Langley Community
                                                  Church is running a basketball
                                                 program this Spring for children
                                                          in grades 1-5.
                                                 Go to the website to register or
                                                   find our more information.

Canadian Parents for French—Summer Camp….it’s not too early!!
There might be snow on the ground, (or not!) but it's not too early to be thinking
about summer plans. If you're looking for a week-long family camping trip to the
Island, the Okanagan, or Central B.C. and some bonus French learning and enter-
tainment to go with, check out the B.C. Family French Camp link at http://
bcffc.com/ Registration for B.C. Family French Camp opened on January 27th.
JKE's "In the Know" What's New and Happening at JKE and in the Community - Langley ...
MARCH 2019
     Sun        Mon              Tue               Wed               Thu                Fri               Sat

31                                                                                1                  2

3          4                5                 6                 7                 8                  9
           School           WGSS Band visit   Gr.7 Boys                           Hot Lunch
           Appointments     for gr.4-7        Basketball Game
           Online booking                     at Alex Hope                        Report Cards
           opens at 8 am    Gr.6 Girls                                            Term 2
                            Basketball game   Gr.7 Girls
                            at Dorothy        Basketball Home                     Movie Night 6pm
                            Peacock           Game

10         11               12                13                 14               15                 16
           School           Class Photos      Early Dismissal at Reading Link     Last day before
           Appointments                       1:45 pm            Challenge 9 am   Spring Break
           Online booking
           ends at 11 pm                      Conferences 2-    Early Dismissal   Spirit Day—Tacky
                                              7:30 pm           at 1:45 pm        Tourist Day

                                                                Conferences 2-
                                                                4:30 pm
17         18               19                20                21                22                 23


24         25               26                27                28                29                 30

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