Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive

Page created by Shirley Bailey
Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
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                       Smart Fleet
Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
How to Make
your Fleet
                                                                          FOR NO EMISSION!

Dear Reader!

Change is the only constant:        New strategies are required in
                                    times of change. Flexibility is the
Society and mobility are under-     name of the game - especially
going radical changes as inno-      when it comes to moving peop-
vation cycles are getting shorter   le, as in fleet management, whe-
and processes more complex, as      re the industry through electric
electromobility is steadily gai-    cars and connectivity is being
ning market dominance.              redefined. In this white paper,
                                    we are giving you the tools to
Digital transformation is one of    make key strategic decisions to
the major challenges that SMEs      assist you dynamically shape
need to overcome in order to        your fleet.
remain competitive moving into
the future.
                                    Andreas Mutter & Philipp Halla
                                     Founder & Managing Director

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Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
When does an EV fleet make                                                                                 1. Range of the electric car
                                                                                                             and distance to be
sense for my company?
                                                                                                          2. Area of use and driving
More    and   more    companies     Whether EVs are suitable for         The following points should be      speed
around the world are getting into   use in the company fleet de-         taken into account when consi-
electromobility. The main reason    pends on several factors that        dering equipping the company     3. Plannability of Trips
is a growing awareness of sustai-   differ from company to compa-         fleet with electric cars:
nability and the associated moti-   ny. It therefore makes no sense                                       4. Charging Options
vation to improve the company’s     to make general statements ab-
carbon footprint.                   out the suitability and economic                                      5. Financial Benefits
                                    viability of electric cars as com-
                                    pany vehicles.

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Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
1.                                                               3.
                                    Range of the Electric                                            Plannability of Trips
                                    Car and Distance to be                                           The use of electric cars is easiest
                                                                                                     with plannable and consistent
                                    Covered                                                          routes.
                                    On average, 95% of all daily
                                    journeys area maximum of

2.                                                                 4.
Area of Use and                                                    Charging Options
Driving Speed                                                      A specially fused car socket
                                                                   (Type2) is the preferred option
For driving in cities and short
                                                                   for a continuous charging.
distances, the switch to electric
cars is advantageous

                                                                                                     Financial Benefits
                                                                                                     Electric cars are more expen-
                                                                                                     sive to buy, but their running
                                                                                                     costs are much lower. Operating
                                                                                                     costs are significantly lower than
                                                                                                     those of petrol and diesel cars.

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Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
                                                                        Tesla Model 3 LR   360 mi

                                                                        Tesla Model Y LR   314 mi
1. Range of the Electric Car and
                                                                        Hyundai KONA       300 mi
Distance to be Covered                                                  VW ID.3 1ST        260 mi

                                                                        Audi e-tron        249 mi

                                                                        Renault ZOE R135   245 mi
Since electric cars used to have    However, since EV range has in-
a limited range and needed to       creased dramatically on average     Peugeot e-208      217 mi
be recharged often, an all-elec-    95% of all daily business journe-
                                                                        BMW i3s 120Ah      175 mi
tric fleet was sometimes percei-    ys are no more than 25 miles the
ved by businesses as not a viable   issue of range does not apply in    VW e-up!           160 mi
option when used for long           the corporate sector. The ran-
distances on a daily basis.         ge of electric cars currently on    MINI Cooper SE     145 mi
                                    the market is up to 250 miles
                                    in winter and up to 310 miles in

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Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
Power Consumption
                                                                        VW e-up!           12,7 kWh/100 km

                                                                        Hyundai KONA       14,7 kWh/100 km

2. Area of Application and                                              VW ID.3 1ST        14,8 kWh/100 km

Driving Speed                                                           MINI Cooper SE     15,5 kWh/100 km

                                                                        Tesla Model 3 LR   16 kWh/100 km
The actual range depends on        In addition to speed and gradi-
the driving profile (speed, gra-   ent, the efficiency of each elec-      BMW i3s 120Ah      16,2 kWh/100 km
dient, etc.) the EV is driven on   tric car and the drag coefficient
and which additional energy        (cd value) also play a role in the   Peugeot e-208      16,3 kWh/100 km

consumers (e.g. heating) are       range.
                                                                        Tesla Model Y LR   17,1 kWh/100 km
switched on.
                                   Since energy is recovered during     Renault ZOE R135   17,7 kWh/100 km

                                   braking (recuperation effect), an
                                                                        Audi e-tron        23,2 kWh/100 km
                                   electric car achieves a particu-
                                   larly high level of efficiency in
                                   city traffic.

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Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
The rapid expansion of fast-char-
                                                                        ging stations (Bp Pulse and Tesla
                                                                        Supercharger) makes it possible
                                                                        to charge greater amounts of
                                                                        energy in even shorter periods
                                                                        of time.

3. Planning of Journeys
Regarding the range, it can be       But even with longer routes, li-
thought to be less advantageous      mited planning or occasionally a
to use solely electric cars, as      larger proportion of motorways,
company cars, if the routes are      environmentally friendly mobili-
difficult to plan. However, if the     ty does not have to be comple-     Route planning + charging statuses:
same routes are taken everyday       tely ruled out. In these cases,
or if they are within a plannable    the EV fleet can then simply be
range, it can be mapped out ea-      supplemented by one or more
sily in advance making the use of    internal   combustion   vehicles
electric cars a great option for a   as a pool vehicle, which can be
companies.                           used at any time.

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Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
Combo plug (Combined
                                                                                                              Charging System CCS)
                                                                                                              Complements the Type 2 plug
                                                                                                              charging up to 350 kW

                                                                                                              Type 2 (Mennekes)

4. Charging Options                                                                                           Charging capacities of up to
                                                                                                              3.7 kW – 7 kW (230 V, 16 A)

The availability of charging sta-     If the electricity can be drawn
tions or the possibility of instal-   from a photovoltaic system, you
ling them is also a key factor for    even benefit from an additional
a company deciding to move to         cost advantage. Some employ-
                                                                                                              CHAdeMO –
an e-car fleet.                       ers offer their employees the
                                      opportunity to charge their EVs                                         Charging Connector
In theory, an electric car can be     during working hours.                                                   Charging capacities of up to
charged at any household socket                                                                               50 kW (500 V, 125 A)
(three-pin   household     socket)    Otherwise, a public charging
However, a specially protected        station would have to be used.
car socket (Type 2) is preferable     The possibilities for this should
for safety reasons in the event       be checked in advance. Current-
of continuous charging.               ly, charging is possible at over
                                      42,000 publicly accessible char-    Available Charging Networks: ZAP-MAP charging network
                                      ging points.                        Supercharger (Tesla)

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Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
How My Company Saves
                                                                            Money With EVs

                                                                            In order to achieve the climate      Here    are   all   the   relevant
                                                                            targets, the UK government           questions     and   answers     on
                                                                            wants to put significantly more      Federal funding:
5. Financial Benefits                                                       electric vehicles on the road.
                                                                            Since 2011, the plug-in car          What is eligible for funding?
When considering equipping the       It is not only charging with elect-    grant has been in place to make
company fleet with electric ve-      ricity that is significantly cheaper   e-mobility more accessible to all.   Eligible is the acquisition
hicles, the cost factor also plays   than conventional refuelling at                                             (purchase or leasing) of a new,
a role. Here, too, it is necessary   around £3.30 per 100 mi. Main-                                              first-time registered electrically
to calculate precisely in order to   tenance and repair costs are also                                           powered vehicle.
obtain realistic savings poten-      much lower for an electric car.
                                     In addition, there are tax ad-
Although electric cars are more      vantages for electric cars and
expensive to buy than compa-         the abolition of the non-cash
rable combustion engines, their      benefit, which represents an
operating costs are significantly    enormous added value for emp-
lower than those of petrol and       loyees and is thus equivalent to
diesel cars.                         an immediate salary increase.

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Smart Fleet Management - 2021 InstaDrive
How much funding is available?          Which vehicles are eligible?               For small vans, weigh “less than     It must be a new vehicle with
                                                                                   2.500 kilograms (kg) gross vehi-     a gross list price for the base
The grant amounts to 35%                Every electric vehicle that has            cle weight, have CO2 emissions       model of up to a maximum of
of the purchase price of the            been approved by the UK gov-               of less than 50g/km & can travel     £35.000 and must be registered
vehicle, a max. of £2.500 for           ernment                                    at least 96km (60 miles) without     in UK.
electric cars, £3.000 for small                                                    any emissions at all”.
vans & £6.000 for large vans.           For cars, they must “have CO2
                                        emissions of less than 50kg/km             An for large vans, weigh “be-
                                        & can travel at least 112km (70            tween 2.500kg and 3.500kg
                                        miles) without any emissions at            gross vehicle weight, have CO2
                                        all”.                                      emissions of less than 50g/km
                                                                                   & can travel at least 96km (60
                                                                                   miles) without any emissions at

Good purchasing conditions for the vehicles             Good fleet conditions with service providers             Efficient business process thanks to high
        thanks to large quantities                                  such as workshops                                        digitial automation

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They also pay no BIK this year
Advantages for Companies                                                 Depending on the CO2 emis-
                                                                         sions of your current combus-      but this will increase to £5 &
                                                                         tion vehicle, your employees       £10 a month in the following 2
For companies there are many        The acquisition costs that are
                                                                         can save money per month in        years as the BIK rates for EVs
advantages in the use of electric   decisive for the appropriateness
                                                                         non-cash benefits with salary      increases to 1% & 2%.
cars:                               limit include VAT and additional
                                                                                                            This gives them an average
Value Added Tax & Benefit in                                             Savings can amount to several      monthly net payment of £303
                                    These apply equally for pur-
Kind – (VAT & BIK)                                                       thousand pounds per EV every       per month, a saving of £4,896
                                    chase, leasing and rentals for all
                                                                         year. For example, an employ-      over the 3 years. Over the
                                    electric cars.
                                                                         ee who pays 20% in taxes and       term of the lease, their employ-
Input tax deductibility
                                                                         earns £40,000 a year takes out     er saves an average £57 in NI
                                    Example:                             a Nissan Leaf for over a three     each month, which is a total of
As an entrepreneur, you can
                                    In 2019, a new car will be leased,   year period.                       £2,052.
make the down payment and
                                    the price basis for the calcula-
the monthly instalment as an ex-
                                    tion of the lease instalment is      Each month they “sacrifice”

pense and the VAT. Also, from                                                                               policy/salary-sacrifice-is-perfect-for-elec-
                                    £51,677.10.                          £439 from their gross salary for   tric-vehicles
April 2021 to 2022, you will only
                                                                         the car, which would save them
have to pay 1% tax on BIK for
                                    Non-cash Benefit                     £141 in income tax and NIC for
electric company vehicles.
                                                                         each pay packet in 2020/2021.
                                    Vehicles with CO2 emissions of
                                    0g/km are completely exempt
                                    from the benefit in kind and you
                                    thus also save the ancillary wage
                                    costs on the benefit in kind.

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Our Partners

Just a few minutes to
your electric car

  1.                                      2.                                    3.
  Select                                  Order                                 Drive
  Find Your Car                           Configure Now                         Enjoy the Freedom                   NOW!
  What is important to you in your new    Choose your equipment, your desired   Torque without end and save CO2
  car? Choose the right vehicle for you   term and your annual mileage.         at the same time!
  from our fleet.

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What is included in                                         MOT
                                                            Regularly MOT tests ensure, that your vehicle is in
INSTADRIVE EASING?                                          perfect technical condition.

       Maintenance                                          Breakdown cover
       Services and repais according to                     In the event of a breakdown, roadside
       manufacturer‘s specifications.                       assistance is at your service.

       Warranty                                             Registration and Contract Fees
       Your vehicle is covered by a full warranty for the   There are no hidden costs with us. Registration,
       entire duration of the contract, even if the manu-   number plates and delivery to retailer are included.
       facturer‘s warranty has expired.

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          Bristol                 London

12th Floor, Broadgate Tower,
  London, EC24 2EW, UK

Free Phone: 0800 04 88 314
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