COASTAL TIDINGS Updates from The Grove | May 2020

Page created by Brian Acosta
COASTAL TIDINGS Updates from The Grove | May 2020
Updates from The Grove | May 2020

Re-Opening The Grove at Level 2                    With a reminder from the Government that
Jo Robertson – Village Manager                     moving to level 2 comes with big
                                                   responsibilities, we have opened the lounges
                          Lockdown has been        to our residents and look forward to firing up
                          an interesting time      the coffee machine and other services so
                          for everyone as          residents can once again enjoy catching up
                          residents, along with    for morning coffee and evening drinks once
                          the rest of the          again. We must still remain vigilant around
                          country, adjust to       inviting guests into the village and holding
                          being isolated from      events to ensure that all our residents and
                          friends and family. It   staff are as safe as they can be. We will
                          has been heartening      monitor this and continue to adjust
                          to see the interaction   restrictions when appropriate
                          between residents as     Our offices are now fully staffed, the
                          they keep an eye on      gardeners are back to normal hours and we
                          their neighbours and     look forward to business as usual with the
assist us in keeping an eye over the village       hope that we will never see such an
while staff work from home. This highlights just   unprecedented situation ever again.
one of the benefits of retirement village living
in that there is always someone to talk to or      As we begin our return to some semblance of
interact with – there is no need to feel           normality under level 2, we are thankful that
lonely. Staff have been able to help out with      Covid-19 has not infiltrated our village and
grocery shopping or any concerns residents         this is a testament to residents and staff
have had and lend a helping hand.                  efforts in staying home and staying safe.
As we wander through the village we see a lot      We look forward to seeing you soon!
of residents walking every day, which is such a
benefit in terms of fitness of body and
mind. We recognize that this has been
challenging time for everyone in some way and
we are looking forward to seeing residents
move around the village and enjoy a bit more
social activity.
This brings me to a very exciting time at The
Grove as we await the arrival of our specialised
HUR gym equipment with residents being able
to use it daily to maintain strength and
balance. As a Village Manager, one of the
things I worry about is residents being safe in
the gym. Individual programs will be set up by
an Exercise Physiologist and residents will be
monitored to ensure they have the best
possible program as they progress. Our goal
here is to ensure residents maintain physical
strength and independence in their retirement,
as well as have some fun doing it.
COASTAL TIDINGS Updates from The Grove | May 2020
We Are Back!
Michael Kelly – Sales Manager

                      Hello again,
                      I know you will all be
                      looking forward to Covid-
                                                            LEVEL TWO:
                      19 Level 2 as much as we
                      are. Level 4 was a
                      complete lockdown at The              At last you will all be able to visit The Grove under
                      Grove, however, residents             Level 2 and we will be following Ministry of Health
                      still enjoyed coffee                  protocols to keep us all safe. We don’t envisage
                      mornings and Friday drinks            holding any larger Open Days at this point but
                      via video link in order to            encourage you to make an appointment to view
keep in touch. Everyone remained very safe and              so that I can give you a personal tour of the village
well as staff made regular checks on each resident          and apartments.
to make sure they had everything they needed. I             Hand sanitiser, gloves and face masks are
visited the village to chat to residents, from the          available on request to keep you safe during your
safety of my car bubble, and spirits remained high          tour – even though our residents are all glowing
throughout. It was great to see many of our
                                                            with health and jumping out of their skins with
residents enjoying the safety, security and
companionship within the village through the level          pent-up energy.
4 lockdown.
                                                            The big advantage is to now be able to physically
Level 3 has allowed us all to relax a little bit more       see what you are buying , rather than trying to
with residents going shopping, walking on the               imagine what it may look like off the plan.
beach (we are just 200m flat walk from the beach            To help with this we have a filmmaker at The
so a change of scenery was very welcome) and staff
starting to revert back to more regular hours and           Grove this week filming apartment and village
operations.                                                 walk-throughs which will be loaded on our
                                                            website and can be emailed to you if you need
Interest in The Grove throughout Levels 3 and 4 has         them. This should give you a far better viewing
remained very strong with over 40 new enquiries as          experience that will feel like you are in the village.
well as emails from old friends.
We currently have “options” on 2 further                    Interestingly, I have had quite a few calls in the
apartments that the pending residents are yet to            last couple of weeks from sons and daughters
physically see. We were also able to move new               who are worried about their parents living alone
residents into two apartments just this last week. It       in their older family homes and wondering if it
was all done with strict COVID-19 safety protocols          might be time to move once COVID-19 has freed
in place and was such a joy to see the smiling faces        up our lives a little more.
as we welcomed them into their new homes.
A further resident moves into their brand new               If you’re thinking the same, please do give me a
apartment at the end of this month, with more               call so I know you’re looking and I can invite you
planned for future weeks. The Grove has been truly          to see for yourself what make The Grove so
discovered and is proving very popular.                     special.

                                                            In the meantime, please stay safe – and if you
                                                            ever need to chat through the option of moving to
                                                            a retirement village, I’m always available and love
                                                            being busy or having a chat! My phone number is
                                                            021 929049, or you can easily ring the village
                                                            direct on 09 553 8970.

COASTAL TIDINGS Updates from The Grove | May 2020
Leading HUR Exercise Equipment
Coming to The Grove

Wellness and core strength is fast becoming an
important focus for ageing well, especially as a way
of avoiding injury and maintaining independence.
For example, after 3–5 weeks of bedrest (or 7
weeks of lockdown!) almost half of the normal
strength of a muscle is lost so it is easy to see that
many older New Zealanders are going to be a bit
weaker and less mobile post this lockdown.
Despite recent events there is growing demand
from Baby Boomers for exercise solutions that suit
them not younger people. Progressive resistance
training is becoming the best intervention to slow
or reverse Sarcopenia, the generalised and
progressive loss of skeletal muscle mass as we age.      simply swipe each machine with your access card
                                                         and it welcomes you and fully adjust to your
HUR equipment is a Finnish based company (click
                                                         sitting position, dimensions and amount of
here for more) that is leading the way in
developing both equipment and programmes                 resistance needed. Each programme is set up for
specifically for the older person. The Selwyn            you by Selwyn’s Clinical Physiologist.
Foundation is the New Zealand agent for these
wonderful machines and The Grove is very proud           The Grove’s machines have now landed in the
to announce that we are going to be their first          country and we are looking to have them
village to install the equipment, outside of Selwyn,     installed in June with classes, led by Selwyn’s
in NZ.                                                   Clinical Physiologist starting soon after. What
The machines and exercise programme are fully            better way to bust out of your Lockdown and get
automated and personalised to you and your               some strength back!
needs with the machine leading you through each
exercise so there is no guesswork…
COASTAL TIDINGS Updates from The Grove | May 2020
Don & Maureen Hurst
Retirement from Northcote Point, to Russell, then
Orewa & The Grove.

                                                         As Don's two sons (live in Auckland and are keen
                                                         fishers and divers) also had access to the cottage
                                                         and were now producing new family members
                                                         we needed more room so we decided to rebuild
                                                         in the Russell area at Orongo Bay and instead of
                                                         making our new home 4 bedrooms we kept it at
                                                         3 with one doubling as an office and as it was a
                                                         large section we built a separate self-contained
                                                         one bedroom cottage on the property again for
                                                         the tourist market. This new cottage also
                                                         proved very popular with tourists as the outlook
                                                         provided for expansive sea views across the Bay
                                                         to the Te Wahapu Peninsula and Waitangi.

                                                         After 14 very enjoyable years living in the Bay of
                                                         Islands, time, tide & age waits for nobody ...It
                                                         became physically difficult for us to maintain our
                                                         Bay property, plus in 2011 we had added a 36ft
                                                         launch to the maintenance burden (& cost).

                                                         Maureen was keen to move closer to Auckland
                                                         and children/grandchildren so we started
                                                         another home base hunt. During this search we
On January 1st 2004 we "retired" ( Don had his own       became interested in Orewa as an attractive
NZ Tourist business & Maureen managed a ladies
fashion store in Takapuna Auckland).                     prospect. One day we drove past a development
                                                         called The Grove with a new 3 level building
We sold our restored old villa on Northcote Point        under construction with some older 'Villas'
and purchased a new custom built 5 berth                 situated in the attractive grounds. We arranged
motorhome and departed for 2 wonderful years of          a meeting with Jo - the Village Manager and it
touring the length & breadth of New Zealand.             came to be that on 19 Dec 2019 we moved to a
We already had a small waterfront holiday cottage        villa at the Grove.
at Te Wahapu Bay, 10 minutes drive from Russell
Village and we used this cottage as a base for           Unfortunately, in spite of considerable 'down
touring the far north to Cape Reinga and all the         sizing' of furniture and gear we had under
fabulous beaches and coastal highlights of that          estimated the effects of a smaller living space
area.                                                    and storage space for our needs. After further
We also rented out the cottage to short stay NZ &        discussions with the Grove management they
overseas visitors (max 2 guests only). Don obtained      very kindly formulated an arrangement whereby
and processed all the bookings and actioned all          we could move to a larger apartment in the new
maintenance of the cottage & grounds. Maureen            block so on the 4th of May we moved into our
took care of the cottage cleaning & guest linen          new apartment.
requirements. When we had guests due we would
drive off in our motorhome to explore another area       So we are now two 'happy chappies' living at the
(average tourist stay was 3 nights). Our                 Grove Retirement Village!
motorhome was very livable with gas cooking &
heating, shower, toilet, tv, solar panels for interior
lighting & tv, and our living costs were funded by       .
the tourists... it was a good life!

For any queries please email at or call Michael on 021 929 049
COASTAL TIDINGS Updates from The Grove | May 2020 COASTAL TIDINGS Updates from The Grove | May 2020 COASTAL TIDINGS Updates from The Grove | May 2020 COASTAL TIDINGS Updates from The Grove | May 2020
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