Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra

Page created by Anne Mckinney
Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
Aldinga Bay’s
Coastal Views
           November 2019

               Standing Tall
               Photograph by
               Dayna Beams
Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views
         is brought to you by the
    Aldinga Bay Residents Association
ABRA produces the monthly newsletter “Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views” to help keep residents of the
Aldinga Bay and Willunga Basin areas informed on local community news and events, and on other
matters of interest.
ABRA maintains a local Facebook group “ABRA Aldinga Bay Residents Assoc.” for the purpose of
providing a forum for discussion on items of local interest or concern. ABRA also maintains a Facebook
page for the newsletter “Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views” which provides local news updates.

    ABRA Membership                                      Community Directory
Memberships for ABRA are $10 or $5 for               The ABRA website provides a community
concession holders and are due annually in           directory which is a fantastic source of
August. Whilst non-members are welcome to            information regarding services within the Aldinga
attend our public meetings, you must be financial    Bay area including support services, sporting
to be eligible to vote or to join the committee.     clubs, community groups, church services and
To become a member, you must reside in the           many more. Listing of not-for-profit services is
areas with an Australian Postcode of 5173 or         provided as a courtesy by ABRA.
5174 which includes Aldinga, Aldinga Beach, Pt       To have your organisation listed or to request any
Willunga and Sellicks.                               changes please advise us by email at
    Join up now and have your say.                   It is the responsibility of the service provider to
                                                     ensure that their information is valid and up to

                                         ABRA NEXT
                                   GENERAL MEETING
Meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday of each even numbered month.
Please see our website or Facebook page for details.

            LISTING                                      Front Cover Competition
Opportunities are now available for local                   Submit your best photographs
businesses and service providers in the 5173 and
5174 postcode areas to advertise in our new                         or artwork to
Business & Services Listing. Reach the
growing number of residents and tourists visiting   
our district to advertise your business and
services. Only $25 for a 12 month listing in the           Please submit images in JPEG format
Coastal Views on-line newsletter and the
ABRA Facebook site! We anticipate the Listing               This months image is a photograph
will be a great resource for both existing
residents and new families moving into the area.                     by Dayna Beams
Contact: email                                   Standing Tall
Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                     Page 2       November 2019   
Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
What is ABRA up to                                                  In This Issue
   this month?
                                                          From the Editor                               3
Earlier this month we held a very successful              Business and Services Directory               4
general public meeting at the Aldinga Community
Centre.                                                   Crime Report                                  5
Simon McMahon, one of our local ward
councillors, came and spoke to a number of                Local teachers awarded Prime Minister’s
issues that directly concern our region here at           Science Prize                                 6
Aldinga Bay. These were…
                                                          Main South Road Action Group                  7
   • Expansion of housing in Aldinga Bay
     (Aldinga Structure Plan)                             Christmas Carols coming to Aldinga Beach!     8
   • Duplication of Main South Road to
     Aldinga/Sellicks                                     Willunga Christmas Tree Festival – Your
   • Council’s future ‘Summer Activation’                 Christmas Story                               9
     plans at Port Willunga/Aldinga Beach
                                                          Climate Feelings: Clearing our Minds to Shape
   • Cars on the beach policy                             the Future we Want.                         9
   • Sale of Government land adjacent the
     Aldinga Washpool area                                Day on the Green looking good!               10
The meeting proved to be a great opportunity for
those who attended to be updated and have their           Big Sing returning to McLaren Vale           11
questions or concerns aired. Many questions
were asked and Councilor McMahon responded                Advent Pageant at Aldinga Central            12
with empathy and honesty. We were very
pleased to have had our best attendance this              Councils face growing risk from climate
year at the meeting. Straw votes were taken on            change                                       13
many of the underlying issues, which have
enabled the ABRA committee to gain a                      Fleurieu Folk Festival                       14
perspective on people’s views on these matters.
This will assist us in further/ongoing                    On This Day                                  15
representations and advocacies.
                                                          Local Markets                                16
ABRA committee also had a meeting with
members of the “South Road Action Group”                  Epitaph                                      16
whose activities we auspice and support. We
take this opportunity to say that we are very             Community Group News                         17
impressed with the thoroughness of their work in
planning submissions to DPTI, gaining feedback            Church Services                              23
and opinion from local folk, and in advocating for
their visions and needs. Well done fellows!               Help And Support Services                    24
Be sure to read their update report elsewhere in
this issue of Coastal Views.                              Charter                                      26

       From the Editor
G’day all
Here’s another edition of Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views for your reading pleasure.
Thanks to Tony King for doing such a great job of laying it out again, and thanks to all our contributors.
Cheers, and have a good read.
Kerrod Trott

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                      Page 3         November 2019 
Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
Business and Services Directory

GLASS PLUS                                            ABRA BUSINESS & SERVICES
Glass Replacement, Security Doors,                    Only $25 for a 12 month listing in the Coastal
Shower Doors, Mirrors, Tabletops                      Views on-line newsletter and the ABRA
                                                      Facebook site!
Ph: (08) 8556 6878 or see our website
                                                      Contact: email:
Unit 1/211 Aldinga Beach Rd, Aldinga Beach

Pest control and inspections
Looking after the southern suburbs and Fleurieu
Call Bruce Ogilvy on (08) 8557 4294
or 0417 835 966

                               Advertising Rates

“Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views” is prepared                    Rates per edition will be
and produced by the Aldinga Bay’s
Residents Association.                                               $200 Full page
In September 2018, this publication                                  $100 half page
ceased to be printed and became an
online only publication.                                            $50 quarter page

With an increasing awareness and                           Please forward any enquiries to
acceptance of the new format, we are now
including a limited amount of commercial            
                                                      We may also be able to assist with a basic
Funds from this advertising will largely be                design layout for your advert.
used to support community projects.

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                       Page 4     November 2019
Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
Crime Report

                           ALDINGA BEACH Area 376
                               11/08/19 – 7/10/19

25/08/2019         Pridham Blvd             Theft- theft from shop
03/09/2019         Stewart Avenue           Theft of plant pots
13/09/2019         Pridham Blvd             Theft of jacket

Theft/Damage/Illegal interference of Motor Vehicle
07/08/2019         ST Nicholas Ave,         Fraudulent use of credit card
                   Port Willunga
17/08/2019         Blacker Rd               illegal interference- damage to vehicle
25/08/2019         Dolphin Blvd             Illegal interference- theft ipad from vehicle
26/08/2019         Stirling Cr              Property damage- door handle
12/09/2019         Mckenzie St              illegal use- theft of motor bike
13/09/2019         Elder Pde                Illegal Use- Theft of vehicle
16/09/2019         Blue Bay Av              Property damage- slashed car tyres
20/09/2019         Quinliven Rd             Property damage- Graffiti on sign
20/09/2019         Mcrae St                 Property damage- damage to door
01/10/2019         Aldinga Beach Rd         Fraudulent use of credit card
02/10/2019         Quinliven Rd             Property damage- window smashed
04/10/2019         Toucan Loop              Illegal Interference- theft of wallet

17/09/2019         Irving Rd                SCT- unlocked shed stole property
30/09/2019         Martin Cr                SCT- enter through open rear door
04/10/2019         Martin Cr                SCT- Empty property

Const Richard Haley
You can now get current local police news straight to your email, All you need to do is sign up.

Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 all calls are anonymous

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                 Page 5        November 2019  
Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
Local teachers awarded Prime Ministerʼs
                  Science Prize

       wo teachers from Mayo who have taken out        She encourages her students to take part in the
       the Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science are     Oliphant Science Awards and she has arranged
       an inspiration for young women, local           for astrophysicist Dr Brad Tucker and Dr Karl to
Federal MP Rebekha Sharkie said today after            attend Q&A sessions.
meeting them at Parliament House.                      Dr Samantha Moyle received her award for
Dr Samantha Moyle from Kangarilla, who                 transforming interactive learning beyond the
teaches at Brighton Secondary School, received         classroom.
the Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in
Science Teaching in Secondary Schools on               Dr Moyle hosts a Facebook page to promote
Wednesday night.                                       science and learning. Her YouTube channel
                                                       shows kids how to write science reports,
At the same gala event Mrs Sarah Finney of             calculate statistics, choose the best iPad app and
Bridgewater, who teaches at Stirling East Primary      learn more about science.
School, was presented with the Prime Minister’s
Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in            In addition to her Bachelor of Science and
Primary Schools.                                       Graduate Diploma of Education, Dr Moyle has a
                                                       doctorate in neuroscience and is currently
“It’s clear that Samantha and Sarah are                studying for an associate degree in neuroscience
deserving recipients of these prestigious              and a Masters of Education in Quantifying
awards," Rebekha said.                                 Engagement.
"They are passionate about science and                 Her classroom experiences with inquiry-based
passionate about engaging young people through         learning have given her plenty of quantitative
inquiry-based learning.                                data to use in her Masters' studies.
“They are an inspiration to all young people but at
a time when we know
how important it is for
our young women to
see what they can be,
Sarah and Samantha
are shining examples
of how science can be
a rewarding and
exciting career choice.”
Sarah Finney has
taught at Stirling East
Primary School for 13
years and received her
award for raising
student interest and
participation in science
and advocating for a
strengthened science
curriculum in South
For the past three
years, she has
conducted an in-depth
science inquiry unit for
her students,
encouraging them to
select their own inquiry-based projects and then
giving them the opportunity to present their          Rebekha is pictured at Parliament House with
projects to parents and invited scientists.           Samantha Moyle and Sarah Finney

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                      Page 6       November 2019 
Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
Main South Road Action Group

                                                              The planning study covers both stage 1 and

      ecently the Main South Road Action
      Group met with the planning team for the                stage 2, however, only stage 1 is in the
      Main South Road duplication project for                 budget. Prior to the 2018 SA State Election,
an update. It was great to hear that the                      the Liberal Government stated that they
community has really made their voice known                   would match Labour's budget of $435m to
and kept them on their toes. They have                        complete both stage 1 and stage 2 of the
conducted roughly 1200 interviews with                        Main South Road duplication. After a
businesses, community groups and residents                    question by Tom Koutsantonis to the
backing onto Main South Road building an                      Transport Minister, Stephan Knoll, during the
evidence based study for the final plan of the                budget estimates hearing revealed that the
road. A Lot will be considered for the final plan.            funding for Stage 2 of the Main South Road
The study has highlighted that the majority of                Duplication does not appear to be present,
the community agree that safety is the number                 the Main South Road Action Group
one concern followed by travel times and                      immediately wrote to the Treasurer for some
minimal impact during construction.                           clarification. Unfortunately we were met with
                                                              a few handballs and still do not have an
We hope to see a draft plan of the project within             official answer if Stage 2 of the project will be
the next couple of months. This plan will be                  funded. We will continue to follow up this
presented to the public for consultation and                  matter as it currently looks like a broken
feedback. There has been no clue as to what                   election promise.
the design will look like as yet. We are hopeful              Regards,
that the planning study has presented DPTi with
enough reason to build a safe, non-stop                       Dale Grimmond
roadway from Seaford to Sellicks.                             Main South Rd Action Group
                                                              Follow us on Facebook

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                          Page 7       November 2019  
Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
Christmas Carols coming to Aldinga Beach!

   t is that time of the year again to start putting   with the community choir as they lead us in some
   Christmas dates in your diaries. Get a pen and      well-loved carols. This year, the Aldinga Bay
   circle the 15th December 2019 to come               Community Carols are pleased to welcome
participate and celebrate the Aldinga Bay              Bromham, an eclectic and sprawling folk band
Community Christmas Carols. The event will             from Adelaide. For the little ones, InnHaus Fish
once again be held at Symonds Reserve (next to         returns with their ‘little bit of Wiggles and little bit
the Aldinga Community Centre), Stewart Avenue,         of rock’ music on the stage.
Aldinga Beach.                                         This year, we will continue to work with Fred’s
The FREE Carnival activities will be taking place      Van – Aldinga by having a food donation drop off
from 5.00 till 7.00pm. These activities include a      point. So please bring along a non-perishable
jumping castle for the kids, a chance to pat a         food item and leave at the drop off point which
farmyard animal, ride a pony or even challenge a       will be located at the Aldinga Bay Baptist Church
friend in a bumper ball! You may like to get your      stall.
face painted, or try your hand at one of the craft
activities. Collect your ‘Follow the Star’ booklet     The organising committee would like to thank all
and work your way around the reserve. Once             the sponsors who have supported this community
completed, don’t forgot children to collect a          event. In particular, they wish to acknowledge
goody bag.                                             their Gold Sponsors: The City of Onkaparinga,
                                                       Home Grain Bakery, Jemma Turner – Magain
The carnival activities will be complemented by a      Real Estate and Sign Colour.
range of food stalls. Along with a variety of hot
and cold drinks, stalls will sell sweet treats,        So, circle Sunday 15th December on your
steaming coffee, healthy wraps, donuts and of          calendars and join us this year for this FREE
course no carnival is complete without a super         community event. Who doesn’t enjoy the
sausage sizzle. You may also like to purchase          opportunity to relax with family and friends during
glowsticks for the carols which will begin at          such a busy time of the year?! For updates on
7:30pm.                                                the event (in the event of poor weather) find us
                                                       on Facebook, visit
As the sun sets over Aldinga Bay, set up your          or phone 8556 5570.
chairs or picnic rug and settle in for an evening of
entertainment. Be touched by the items and join

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Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
Willunga Christmas Tree Festival – Your
                 Christmas Story
The Willunga Christmas Tree
Festival returns for its 18th year
and it continues to grow.
The date to put on your calendar
is Saturday 30 November and
Sunday 1 December, 10am to
Open by appointment the
following 4 days for bus groups
and school visits.
This year we will be celebrating
your Christmas stories.
There have been so many
wonderful entries for the 2019
It is inspiring to hear of so many
groups coming together to create
an individual christmas tree.
Come and enjoy an inspirational display of Christmas trees. Indulge in a Devonshire tea and browse
through the Christmas crafts and stalls.
Also featuring kids’ passport trail, popular vote and musical guests the Morris Singers, Willunga
Ukuleles and Puppet plays.
The festival is also on Facebook
Contact Jenny 0447 839 400 for more details

       Climate Feelings: Clearing our Minds to
             Shape the Future we Want.

      his is an afternoon gathering of
      people united by our love for all
      life, a safe space to address
feelings such as grief, fear, anger or
despair. We'll share climate
conversations and creative activities
including seed mandalas, meditation,
and more.
Sunday 10 Nov, 1-4.30pm in Old
Noarlunga Bookings and details here.

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Coastal Views Aldinga Bay's - November 2019 - Abra
Day on the Green looking good!

       oundhouse Entertainment, in conjunction          Chip Tooth Smile (out now through Warner Music
       with Live Nation, is excited to announce         Australia) is Thomas’ fourth solo album –
       ROB THOMAS’ welcome return to                    debuting at Number 3 on the ARIA album chart
Adelaide, performing at a day on the green at           and featuring singles I Love It and One Less Day
Leconfield Wines, McLaren Vale on Sunday                (Dying Young).
November 10, launching our South Australian             Byron Bay singer-songwriter and one of
summer season.                                          Australia’s most-loved musicians, PETE
Last in Adelaide to headline the 2016 Adelaide          MURRAY released his breakthrough record
500 Post-Race concert to an audience of more            Feeler in 2003. It featured the hit single So
than 30,000 people, Rob Thomas also headlined           Beautiful which topped the Aussie charts and
a sold-out Leconfield Wines concert in February         went on to sell more than 450,000 copies and
2010.                                                   earn him 12 ARIA Award nominations. With more
Fans can expect a dynamic show of huge hits             than one million album sales to his name, he has
and favourites plucked from the hugely                  remained one of Australia’s most in-demand
successful solo artist and Matchbox Twenty              touring properties, repeatedly enjoying sold-out
frontman’s 30+ year career, as well as a tasting        tours across the country and abroad. In 2017 he
of new tracks lifted from                               released his sixth studio album Camacho.
his new album Chip
Tooth Smile.
Joining ROB THOMAS at
Leconfield Wines will be
making her debut
appearance at a day on
the green, EMILY
Among his numerous hits
are solo classics like
Lonely No More, This Is
How A Heart Breaks, Her
Diamonds, Streetcorner
Symphony, Little
Wonders and Matchbox
Twenty favourites Push,
3AM, If You’re Gone,
Unwell, How Far We’ve
Come and Bent, as well
as Smooth, his worldwide
smash hit Santana                                       ARIA Hall of Fame inductee, number one selling
collaboration. Smooth celebrates its 20th               Platinum artist, King of Pop, Australian Icon …
anniversary this year and last year the single was      these are a few phrases used to describe Aussie
ranked as the second most successful song of all        legend RUSSELL MORRIS. From his early pop
time on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. In 2017, the       hits The Real Thing, The Girl That I Love, Sweet
Grammy award-winning hit was named by APRA              Sweet Love and Wings of an Eagle, Russell was
as the second-most played song on Australian            reborn in 2012 with the blues/rock album
radio in the last 25 years.                             Sharkmouth, earning his first Top Ten album and
ROB THOMAS is one of the most distinctive               ARIA award at the age of 64! Earlier this year his
artists of this or any other era – a gifted vocalist,   new album Black And Blue Heart (produced by
spell-binding performer and an acclaimed                Nick DiDia and Bernard Fanning) debuted at
songwriter known worldwide as the lead singer           Number 12 garnering rave reviews. As one of
and primary composer with Matchbox Twenty, as           Australia’s finest singer-songwriters, Russell is
well as for his multi-platinum solo work and chart-     indeed The Real Thing!
topping collaborations. As a songwriter and
collaborator, Thomas has racked up global sales
of more than 80 million records.

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                        Page 10     November 2019  
EMILY WURRAMARA is a proud Indigenous
performer from Groote Eylandt in the Northern
Territory. Singing with heart and honesty, Emily
strives to share her stories and experiences                 Glass
through her music in both English and her
traditional language, Anindilyakwa. In 2016 she
stunned listeners around the country with her
debut EP Black Smoke. This was followed up last                                      Plus
year by her acclaimed debut album Mikyakburra,
which reached Number 1 on the AMRAP chart
and was nominated for “Best Blues and Roots             24 Hour Emergency Glass Replacement
Album” at 2018’s ARIA Awards.
Rob Thomas’ ongoing love affair with Australian                  Commercial / Domestic
audiences is set to continue this November with                Aluminium Window / Doors
his very welcome return down under. And with a                    Latches & Flyscreens
stellar line-up of Aussie talent joining Rob, this is
one special show you won’t want to miss.                             INVISIGARD
                                                                    Stainless Steel
             A DAY ON THE GREEN
                                                              Security Doors and Screens
                  Rob Thomas
                  Pete Murray                               * Mirrors * Table Tops * Shelves *
                Daryl Braithwaite
                                                                 * Solar Window Tinting *
                                                                    * Shower Screens *
                 Russell Morris
                Emily Wurramara                                    Glass Cut to Size
                                                             Free Quotes & Prompt Service
                  Sun Nov 10
      Leconfield Wines, McLaren Vale SA                            Phone 8556 6878
                  Facebook                                     Ui/211 Aldinga Beach Rd.
                                                                  Aldinga Breach 5173

            Big Sing returning to McLaren Vale

      his year we present
      Mendelssohn’s Elijah on 1
      December, 2019, at Tatachilla
Lutheran College, McLaren Vale, in
conjunction with the Norwood
Symphony Orchestra.
The massed choir and orchestra will
be led by Michael Milton, with
soloists Jeremy Tatchell as Elijah
with soprano Lisa Cannizzaro,
contralto Charlotte Kelso and tenor
Robert McFarlane.
Big Sing McLaren Vale grows every
year. In 2018, the choir consisted of
200 singers from all over South
Australia. Come, sing with us in
2019, and make this the biggest and
best one yet.
Tickets available at:
Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                       Page 11     November 2019
Advent Pageant at Aldinga Central

       s the Christmas season rushes towards
       us, school children in the Aldinga area
       are getting geared up for the big day of
the Advent Pageant, Tuesday 3rd December.
Once a year, 300 or more children, chosen
from all three schools – Galilee Catholic
School, Aldinga Beach R-7 and Southern
Vales Christian College - meet at the Aldinga
Central shopping centre at about 10.15 am for
a Nativity Play and carols. A regular event for
over ten years, and supported by all the local
churches, several businesses, St John
Volunteers and SAPOL, this has become a
real community tradition in Aldinga.
This year it is Galilee’s turn to put on the play,
and children from all three schools make up
the choir. Celebrating the birth of Jesus, the
play concludes with the cutting of a birthday
cake, and the children share this in the form of
cupcakes baked by church volunteers. Ice
blocks contributed by Foodland and Coles add
to the culinary treats of the day.
Don’t miss it! Make Friday 29th your Aldinga
Central shopping day, and be in for a treat!
Below: 2018: Aldinga Beach R-7 presented the
play, which was written by local playwright
Nigel Camac.

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                          Page 12   November 2019
Councils face growing risk from climate

        EW DATA SHOWING THE CLIMATE risk             “With no credible Federal climate policy in sight,
        profile of Australian local government       this shows why State and local governments
        areas reveals the dangerous exposure of      need to develop an urgent plan for both
many regional communities to climate impacts         adaptation for impacts that are unavoidable, and
including coastal inundation, bushfires and soil     plans to drive down the greenhouse gas
subsidence, says the Cities Power Partnership,       emissions to stop making climate change
Australia’s largest local government climate         worse.”
alliance.                                            Some councils have expressed concern that
Climate hazard mapping released today by risk        without an adequate legal and financial risk
profiling firm Climate Risk reveals the highest      exposure framework, local governments may be
risk suburbs, where many properties may              open to legal challenges from affected property
become very difficult to insure in coming years      owners. Such challenges could potentially
due to the escalating climate impacts.               financially cripple smaller councils and rate-
See the report at                                    payers.          Cr Jess Miller from City of Sydney, who last
suburbs-facing-rising-insurance-costs-from-          week brought forward a motion to develop a
climate-risk/11624108                                New South Wales climate risk framework for all
The extent of risk posed to council-held assets      levels of government, said that councils need to
is not covered by the report, nor how these risks    be able to respond to crucial information about
will be managed at local, State and Federal          climate risks to residents without leaving
government levels.                                   themselves open to legal challenges from
                                                     property owners or developers for affecting the
Cities Power Partnership director David Craven       value of their assets.
says the new data provides much-needed
transparency around the serious climate risks        “People deserve to know about the potential
facing Australian communities.                       climate dangers to their property, and local
                                                     governments need to know the risks to develop
“As this new data shows, many Australian             better regional plans to keep communities safe,
communities are incredibly vulnerable to climate     and ensure a fair transition for the people who
impacts, including bushfires, sea-level rise,        will be most affected. The lack of legal certainty
riverine flooding and property damage caused         is holding back frank conversations about how
by soil subsidence. In many areas, people’s          to prepare for more frequent and severe
homes could soon become effectively                  weather events,” she said.
                                                     “The financial implications of the impacts
                                                     identified to both private and council-owned
                                                                                 property value is
                                                                                 important for all
                                                                                 members of our
                                                                                 communities to
                                                                                 understand and
                                                                                 prepare for. State-
                                                                                 level climate risk
                                                                                 frameworks would
                                                                                 provide greater
                                                                                 transparency and
                                                                                 guidance for all levels
                                                                                 of government to
                                                                                 protect communities
                                                                                 from the very real, and
                                                                                 alarming climate
                                                                                 hazards that lie

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                     Page 13      November 2019  
Fleurieu Folk Festival

        ne of the highlights of
        Fleurieu Folk Festival
        2019 was the spectacular
Purple and Gold - A Musical
Celebration of Women's
Suffrage, which deservedly
received a standing ovation.
In 1894 women achieved the
right to vote in general elections
and to stand for Parliament in
South Australia. This was the
culmination of a long and hard
fought campaign by women and
men from all levels of society.
To celebrate the 125th
anniversary of this
groundbreaking achievement,
Fleurieu Folk Festival brought
together a group of women
recognised for their work as
musicians, poets and
songwriters to develop this
special presentation.
Written and performed by Adrienne Lovelock, Adrienne K Piggott, Bron Lloyd , Caz Williams, Jane
Bower, Jen Lush, Jodie Corfield, and Melanie Dancer, 'Purple And Gold' features new songs and
spoken word pieces along with extracts from reports, letters and speeches of the time. Audiovisuals
provided a backdrop to the story in this sometimes emotional, often humorous, but always heartfelt
celebration of this milestone in our history. The group was joined on stage by special guest guitarist
Kim Brown and Steve Lennox.
This performance was supported by the SA Government’s Office for Women as part of its 125th
Anniversary commemorations: 'Their Triumph, Our Motivation'.
#SASuffrage125 Women's Information Service
Image and text from the Fleurieu Folk Festival Facebook Page

                                                                         hat an absolute pleasure it is
                                                                         was to perform at the Fleurieu
                                                                         Folk Festival on Friday night.
                                                                H\A hugh thanks to the organisers of
                                                                the festival and to Willunga Ukuleles for
                                                                this wonderful opportunity.
                                                                My personal highlight was the Purple
                                                                and Gold performance (see story
                                                                above). Along with so many great
                                                                performances I also enjoyed the
                                                                ukulele workshop and the song writing
                                                                workshop with Daniel J Townsend.
                                                                                Tony King

                                                                Willunga Ukuleles on stage with
                                                                Dustbowl Chic

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                     Page 14        November 2019 
On This Day

                 All Hallows Day, also known as All Saints Day among Roman Catholics,
 1 Nov           commemorating those who have no special feast day.
                 Soviet Russia launched the world's first inhabited space capsule, Sputnik II, which
 3 Nov 1957      carried a dog named Laika.
                 About 500 young Iranian militants stormed the U.S. Embassy in Teheran, Iran, and
 4 Nov 1979      took 90 hostages, including 52 Americans that they held captive for 444 days

 6 Nov 1945      6 The Atom bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, Japan by the U.S.

                 The Great Boston Fire started in a dry-goods warehouse then spread rapidly in
 9 Nov 1872      windy weather, destroying nearly 800 buildings
                 Explorer Henry M. Stanley found missionary David Livingstone at Ujiji, Africa.
                 Stanley began his search the previous March for Livingstone who had been
10 Nov 1871      missing for two years. Upon locating him, he simply asked, "Dr. Livingstone, I
17 Nov 1869      The Suez Canal was formally opened after more than 10 years of construction.

                 The biggest mass suicide in history occurred as Reverend Jim Jones led over 900
19 Nov 1978      followers to their deaths at Jonestown, Guyana. Members of his "Peoples Temple"
                 religious cult were ordered to drink a cyanide-laced fruit drink.

                 Portuguese navigator Vasco Da Gama, leading a fleet of four ships, became the
22 Nov 1497      first to sail round the Cape of Good Hope, while searching for a sea route to India
24 Nov 0079      The infamous Mount Vesuvius eruption buries the city of Pompeii.

25 Nov 1932      Amelia Earhart completes her trans-continental flight.
                 The island volcano of Krakatoa in Indonesia erupts. It was heard over 3,000 miles
27 Nov 1886      away and was one of the biggest natural disasters ever recorded.
28 Nov 1963      Martin Luther King Jr. makes his "I Have a Dream" speech.

  Come November, Celts would decide which animals were strong enough to survive
 winter and see a New year and its light. Animals which could not, would then be killed
             to feed the Celts and their families so that they could endure.

                                                     In the original Roman calendar, November was
Symbols of November                                  the ninth month of the year. It got its name from
                                                     the Latin word "novem" which means nine.
                                                     However, it became the eleventh month when
   Birthstone: Topaz and Citrine                     the Romans added in January and February to
                                                     the start of the year.
   Flower: Chrysanthemum                             Throughout much of history, November has
                                                     often been thought of as a somber month
                                                     because it signaled the start of winter. People
   Zodiac signs: Scorpio and Sagittarius             would spend the month storing up their harvest
                                                     and preparing their food and homes in order to
                                                     survive the winter.

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                  Page 15       November 2019  

        When fate comes to ahead                      If I outlive all those that I’ve known
      would I lay upon deaths bed                         I am bound to pass all alone
      and wonder what will be said                            No tears to be shown
         when my epitaph is read                           My epitaph will be unknown

      As you watch my body burn                          If I do not write without delay
      and my ashes poured in turn                     The words to be spoken on that day
     the words inscribed on the urn                     Others will surely have their say
        my epitaph you will learn                           My epitaph done their way

      Those words are just a token                         In a ward mind cut in half
       of emotions that are awoken                         Words written on my behalf
      in the hearts that are broken                       They will have the last laugh
         As my epitaph is spoken                          My epitaph by dementia staff

     If I pass with years still young                     Penned while in good health
        With my race not fully run                          My stories are my wealth
         what verses will be sung                        reflect upon them for yourself
         my epitaph not yet done                         My epitaph written by myself
                                                                    Tony King

                                 Local Markets

Moana Artisan Market                              Willunga Farmers Market
Moana Foreshore Surf Lifesaving Club              Willunga Town Square
Arts market by the sea.                           Every Saturday 8am-12.30pm.
First and third Friday 6pm-9pm. T 0405 067 943    T 0411 049 570
Moana Market                                      Willunga Green Light Organic Market
Pioneers Memorial Hall, Nashwuak Crescent.        Willunga Recreation Park
Second Sunday each month.                         Every Saturday 9am-1.30pm
T 0412 630 518                                    Willunga Quarry Market
Myponga Market                                    Aldinga Rd, Willunga.
Old Myponga Cheese Factory                        Second Saturday each month.
Weekends and public holidays 9.30am-4pm.          T 0408 897 393
Willunga Artisans Market
Old Show Hall, Main Rd Willunga.
Second Saturday each month 9am-1pm.
T 0414 361 817

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                 Page 16       November 2019
Community Group News
Aldinga Bay Residents Association Inc.             Aldinga Bay Croquet Club
Meets on second Wednesday of each even             New players and visiting players are always
numbered month at the Aldinga Community            welcome.
Centre, Aldinga Beach.                             The club caters for both Association Croquet (the
Meetings start at 700 - 9:00pm                     traditional game), which develops physical skills
Please confirm meetings times at our facebook      and keeps the mind agile and Golf Croquet, a
group “ABRA Aldinga Residents Assoc”               short devious and fun filled game which develops
Everyone welcome.                                  both skill and tactics. Both games are played on
                                                   equal terms between both genders and the first
Aldinga Bay Bowling Club Inc.                      coaching sessions are absolutely FREE.
Come Try Lawn Bowls!                               Ricochet is also played.
Social and Competitive Bowling Tues, Thurs and     The courts are located at the rear of the Aldinga
Sat from 1pm                                       Bay Bowling Club facilities at the Aldinga Sports
Free Introductory Coaching and Club Bowls          Complex, Port Rd, Aldinga.
Available for those interested to learn to bowl.   Playing Times:
Casual Dress and Flat soled shoes are all that’s   Association Croquet
                                                   Wed. and Sat 9.00 am to 12.30 pm.
Friendly welcoming Members and Licensed
Clubrooms.                                         Golf Croquet
Club is also the home of Aldinga Eight Ball Club   Wed. 1:00pm to 4.00pm
Aldinga Sports Complex Port Road, Aldinga          Fri. 9.00 am to 12.00 pm.
Ph 8557 7467                                       Ricochet
For Further Information                            Saturday 1pm for a 1.30pm start
Alan Foster: 0412 411 749                          For further information please contact Ken Taylor
                                                   on 8556 3787.
or Carol Huxtable 0409 582 489
                                                   Aldinga Bay Men’s Group
Aldinga Bay Business and Tourism
Association                                        (Previously Men’s South Talk)
Promoting business and tourism in Aldinga and      Is a group escaping for a couple of hours on a
surrounding areas. We have an extensive social     Tuesday. Meetings are held from 1pm - 3pm and
media presence, hold networking events, offer      discuss various topics of interest, go on outings,
assistance with your events and websites, and      and generally relax in congenial company,
promote your business!                             Sometimes they may listen to politicians or
                                                   leaders of local establishments.
We are a Not For Profit and donate to the
Community monies generated from events and         Aldinga Uniting Church Hall, Old Coach Road
markets in our region.                             Aldinga, PO Box 81 Aldinga Beach 5173
Please join us at 6.00 pm on the last Wednesday    Aldinga Bay Scout Group
of the month, above Louis' Cafe in the Aldinga     Storey Avenue, Aldinga Beach
Central Shopping Centre.
                                                   Monday nights: Joeys 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm; Cubs
Phone 0402 207 559                                 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm; Scouts 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.            Venturers Friday night 7 pm to 9 pm
                                                   Come and try – boys and girls from 6 to 18 years.
                                                   Enquiries phone 8130 6000 or Aldinga Scout
                                                   Group Leader, Michelle on 8557 4359.

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                   Page 17     November 2019 
Aldinga Community Group                            Diabetics Support
Meet weekly on Fridays at the Aldinga Senior       Assistance for diabetics is available from GPs,
Citizens Club, Corner Valiant and Quinliven        GP Plus Health Centres and Nurse Educators
Roads, Port Willunga from 9.30 am – 2.30 pm.       and your local Chemist, throughout the southern
Lunch provided at small cost.                      area.
This group will also provide respite for carers.   Down South Craft Group
Phone Jan Ifould on 8323 8258.                     Meet Thursdays, 9:30am to 11;30am
Aldinga Fred’s Van Site                            At Community Centre, Hastings St. Seaford
Operates weekly on Friday evenings from            Contact Wendy 0417 895 502
Aldinga Community Centre. Seeking team             Or Sandra 8327 3469
                                                   BYO craft or learn something new
Time commitment 5.30 pm – 9pm once every 4
weeks                                              Fleurieu Harmony Chorus
Anyone interested please contact Teresa Branch     Is a male A Capella singing group open to men of
(Coordinator) 0419 857 966                         all ages. We entertain at local retirement villages,
                                                   aged care homes and charities. We meet every
Aldinga Netball Club Inc.                          Friday morning 9.15am to 12 noon at Lifecare
Home of the Aldinga Sharks Netball Club. Any       Community Hall, Pridham Bvd. opposite Aldinga
queries or information about next season please    Central Shopping Centre.
call:                                              No singing experience required, we provide
President – Ellen Ling 0411 590 744                music and learning CD’s. Come and give it a try
Secretary – Jackie Outram 0407 619 309             and enjoy a cuppa with us. Enquiries phone 0459
                                                   299 767 or
                                                   Fleurieu Ladies Probus Club
Aldinga Quilters
                                                   Meets fourth Monday of the month
Meetings start at 10.00 am on 2nd and 4th
Tuesday of every month.                            in the Lifecare Hall,
Held at the Aldinga Institute, Old Coach Road,     Pridham Blvd. Aldinga Beach
Aldinga. For anyone interested in patchwork and    (opposite the Shopping Centre) at 10.00 am.
quilting, friendship and fun. All welcome.         Enquiries: Julie 0437 860 875
For further information call:
                                                   Friends Of Aldinga Scrub
President: Elizabeth Grocke 8386 1182
                                                   We meet at Aldinga Library Community Room,
Aldinga Senior Citizens Club Inc.                  Central Way on the second Thursday of the
Corner Quinliven and Valiant Roads,                month at 7.30 pm.
Port Willunga – Enquiries Phone 8556 5918          Ph. Helen McSkimming, 8556 3166.
Activities include:                                Working bees are held each Tuesday morning
                                                   during the cooler months.
Mon: Bridge @ 11am- 3pm (byo lunch)
                                                   Contact John Edmeades, 0488 552 797.
Wed: Club Day: Pool & Snooker 11:30 am;
                                                   We welcome new members at our meetings and
Carpet Bowls: 1pm; Sausage sizzle last             working bees. Web address
Wednesday of month @ 12:30pm             
Pool & snooker facilities available.               Friends Of Sellicks Inc.
Aldinga & Sellicks Spinners, Knitters &            Working with the Community to make the Sellicks
Weavers.                                           Area an even better place to live. Public Meetings
Meets at Aldinga Institute Hall, Old Coach Road,   every 2 months. Find meeting details, post
Aldinga on first and third Tuesdays 9.30am –       comments and more at
3.00pm and second and fourth Thursday 9.30 -
3.00pm                                             or follow us on Facebook.
A Thursday night group meets at the Aldinga
Library 5.30 till 8.00 pm
Contact Rosemary 0417 823 176

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                   Page 18      November 2019 
Galilee Op Shop                                        Lets South
Quality every day clothes for all the family, plus     LETS South is a simple bartering system using
corporate & special occasion wear                      old methods of exchange and barter in the
- Lots of baby and toddler items                       Southern Suburbs and Fleurieu Peninsula. Now
                                                       in its 19th year it continues to provide a working
- Crockery, glassware, toys, gifts                     alternative to federal reserve money while also
- Bed linen, fabrics, craft items, books, CDs          strengthening the community.
Open Mon, Wed, Thurs, 8.45 -3.00pm                     For more information contact chairperson
                                                       Margaret Beed at 0417 835 884
Cash Only, Thank you
                                                       or email
Quinliven Road end, of How Road, Aldinga
Beach                                                  Visit the LETS South site
For after hours donations Ph 0471 410 694              and the blog at
Grannie Annie’s Drop In Centre                         Lions Ladies Boutique
St Ann’s, 7 Stonehouse Lane Aldinga,                   We are open for business on Wednesday and
                                                       Saturday mornings from 7 am until 1.30 pm
Thursday Mornings 9 - 11:30.
                                                       If you have not visited us as yet, you are missing
Cheerful company, free coffee / tea.                   out on a wonderful time.... do come and see us.
Children welcome.                                      We have so many “specials” you would not
                                                       believe. We look forward to meeting you, our
Group For Mental Health/Personal                       volunteers will surely make you very welcome
Development - Grow
                                                       Margaret Dorton, President.
GROW is a proven national program for mental
well being and is a non for profit organisation with   Mclaren Vale/Willunga & Districts Combined
no fees or dues.                                       Probus Club
A GROW Group meets weekly at 10am                      Meet 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10.00 am in
Tuesdays at Uniting Communities Family                 St. Pauls Lutheran Church Hall, Aldersey Street.
Relationships Centre                                   McLaren Vale.
101/103 Rowley Rd Aldinga Beach SA 5173                A guest speaker each meeting.
GROW offers a 12 Step Recovery-Focused                 3rd Tuesday of the month is an outing/lunch
Program for mental health issues or emotional
coping problems and is delivered in a safe and         Visitors welcome.
caring environment. Meetings last for 2 hours and      Contact Rosalie Atkinson on 8326 1717
are followed by refreshments.
                                                       Mclaren Vale Market
For more information please telephone
                                                       Held at the Institute Hall, Main St, McLaren vale.
Freecall 1800 558 268 or email
                                                       1st Sat of every month 9.00 am - 3.00 pm.
Just Walk It                                           Variety of stalls, hand made personalised cards
Group at Myponga.                                      and easels, Olive oil, plants, chocolates, cakes
If interested in joining, please ring                  and much, much more. BBQ, tea and coffee
Ros Hutchinson, 8558 6274.
                                                       Inside and outside stalls available.
Ladies Probus Club Of The Southern Vales
                                                       Enquiries to Margaret 8323 8426
The Ladies Probus Club of the Southern Vales
meet every 3rd Monday of each month at the
Lutheran Church Hall, Aldersey Street, McLaren
Vale at 10.00am. We usually have a guest
speaker or activity following a short business
Come along and share a cuppa in a friendly
environment, all retirees welcome.
No entry fee. Enquiries (M) 0426 421128.

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                      Page 19       November 2019 
Northern Fleurieu Peninsula Stroke Support           Seaford Community Centre Summer Classes
Meets at Noarlunga Health Village (Teaching              
Room 2), Alexander Kelly Drive, Noarlunga
Centre on 2nd Thursday of each month (except         Ph (08) 8386 3319
January) 10.00 am – 12 noon.                         Summer Singing
Our aim: To help each other over-come and cope       6 weeks of soulful singing with experienced
with the effects of stroke on ourselves and          singing coach Charlotte Robinson. From
carers.                                              beginners through to those with some singing
Visitors and new members welcome.                    experience. Commencing Wed 13/02, 10am-
                                                     11.15am, $60pp. Bookings Essential. Contact the
Phone Jane 8322 2996                                 Centre on 8386 3319
or Brian 8384 2445.                                  Beekeeping
Ochre Coast Poets                                    Learn the basics of backyard beekeeping, in a
Ochre Coast Poets spin and weave words,              friendly, relaxed environment. 6wks commencing
workshop and network with other poets of the         Fri 01/03, 9.30am-1.30am, $25pp or $40 per
south. The Ochre coast poets meet on the             couple. Bookings Essential. Contact the Centre
second Saturday of the month at the Seaford          on 8386 3319
Library, Grand Boulevard, Seaford, from 10.00        Seaford District Residents Association Inc.
am - 12.00 noon.
                                                     Meets on the first Wednesday of each month
For information:                                     (except January) 7.30 pm. at the S.E.M. Centre
David; 8327 2459 or Tess 8556 3816                   (North end of Grand Boulevard). Park and enter
                                                     on the north side of the building.
Out And About Club.
                                                     All welcome.
The Out and About Club provides weekly respite
for carers while members are able to participate     Secretary: Jeff Hiscock 8327 3690.
in outings and activities that promote physical      Sellicks Area Residents Association
and cognitive wellbeing. The club will run from
10.00 am - 3.00 pm each Wednesday at Life            Being part of your community
Cares’ Community Lifestyle Centre Aldinga,           Meetings bi monthly at 7:30 pm first Wednesday
Pridham Boulevard Aldinga Beach.                     of every second month at Sellicks Hall.
A two course lunch is included in the                All welcome.
 cost of $16.00.                                     Meet your neighbours, voice your concerns.
Please contact Jacinta Robertson                     Phone Michael Lee 0451 458 711
to book 8293 5924                                    Sociable Singles Inc.
Rotary Club Of Mclaren Vale                          Sociable Singles provides an opportunity for
The Club supports activities in Aldinga, Willunga,   single, divorced, widowed or separated persons
McLaren Vale and surrounding districts. We meet      to attend functions for the purposes of friendship
Monday nights for a dinner meeting at 6.30 pm        and companionship. Functions include meals at
for 6.45 pm at the Alma Hotel Willunga.              local venues, bbqs in local parks, a
                                                     cabaret/dance at the Port Noarlunga RSL, Port
Visitors and new members welcomed.                   Noarlunga first Wednedsay of the month and also
Contact Kevin 8556 2968                              a cabaret/dance at Wakefield House, Acre
                                                     Avenue, Morphett Vale once a month. For more
School For Dogs Aldinga Bay Inc.                     information please ring Linda on 8184 8427 or
“In the interest of the dog”                         Peter on 8327 6457.
Come along and train your dog with “Love, Trust      Thank you. Linda - Secretary
and Patience” Sunday mornings and Tuesday
No training on long weekends.
All breeds welcome. Dogs must be 12 weeks old
and fully vaccinated.
Symonds Reserve, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga
Heat Rule: 32 degrees Noarlunga. No training!
For class information please phone Club Mobile
0411 473 745

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                    Page 20      November 2019 
Southern AC Run Club                                  The Willunga Farmers Market Choir
Looking for a friendly recreational running group?    (Soulfood)
Join us at the Southern AC Run Club. We meet          The Willunga Farmers’ Market Choir is an A
every Friday night in the Port Willunga - Seaford -   capella choir under the Directorship of James
McLaren Vale area. Suitable for beginners             Moffatt ( which
through to serious runners - new members of all       now meets in the Music Room of the Willunga
levels are always welcome. Training tips and          Waldorf School, 1 Jay Drive north off Aldinga
guidance are provided by our accredited               Road, Willunga. Practice is on Tuesday 7.30
coaches.                                              during school term. The choir is for women of all
Details of our weekly runs are posted in              ages who like to sing and perform at a variety of
                                                      community venues and functions.
                                                      If you would like more information please email
or call Matt on 0415 883 117 for more                 James or contact Margi : 0417 835 884
                                                      It is a joyful, talented choir whose repertoire is
Southern Vales View Club                              wide and varied .
meets at The Alma Hotel, Willunga on the second       Trees For Life, Willunga District
Friday of the month 10.30 for 11.00 start,
followed by a guest speaker and lunch.                Willunga Trees for Life meetings are held on the
Interesting Outings arranged during the year.         first Wednesday of each month except January at
Women of all ages welcome.                            7.30 pm in the Eco Classroom at Tatachilla
                                                      Lutheran College, off Tatachilla Road, McLaren
Supporting three students on The Smith Family         Vale.
Learning for Life program with their educational
needs.                                                All welcome, supper provided.
Contact Secretary Chris Horsman                       Inquiries: Saskia Gerhardy, ph 0412 135 698 or
on Phone: 8556 2897 Mobile: 0438 131 049
                                                      Weight WatchersSA
                                                      Weight Watchers Association meets each
also follow us on Facebook.                           Monday night (except public holidays) at the
Stars - The Southern Region Theatre And Arts          Aldinga Community Centre, Symonds Reserve
Supporters                                            Hall, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach. Weigh in at
                                                      5.00 pm; meeting at 6.00 pm. $30 joining fee,
STARS is based at Rec Park Inc. (Festival Hall        renewal fee $20 plus $3 per week.
and Show Hall) Main Road, Willunga.
                                                      Willunga Basketball
It brings events to the southern region to foster a
vital and diverse arts culture.                       New players are always welcome.
To join STARS, visit the website on                   For adults, there is a men's competitions on and learn what is planned for        Wednesday nights.
this year and next and to make a booking for any      Mixed on Mon/Tues.
event. Great stories and pictures of our
endeavours over the last few year.                    For juniors, competitions are played from 4:00pm
                                                      Mon through to Thurs.
The Aldinga Happy Stitchers
                                                      If you are interested in playing, coaching or
Would you like to come and sew with others?           refereeing ring Petrina 0414 511 572
Join the Australian Sewing Guild branch at    
We meet monthly at the Aldinga Institute on the
1st and 3rd Thursdays; 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
(except December).
Contact Mandy 0422 903 257
or Natalie 0409 692 321
The Southern Vales Wellbeing Group
Meets at the Singing Gallery, 133 Main Road,
McLaren Vale (rear entry) every Wednesday from
1.00 pm to 3:30 pm during school terms.
A guest speaker addresses the meeting at 1:15
pm. Cost: $4.50
Enquiries: Judy 8323 8435 or Lesley 8323 8527

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                     Page 21      November 2019 
Willunga Bowling Club Inc.                           Willunga Garden Club
23 St. Peters Tce. Willunga.                         Meets every 2nd Thursday of the Month (except
Web site:                         January) at the Lutheran Church Hall, Aldersey
                                                     Street, McLaren Vale at 7.30 pm. Membership is
Lawn bowls for everyone. Fun at a friendly place.    $15 per annum. Entrance cost is $5 (members
Social Bowls every Tuesday and Saturday. 12.00       $4) includes lucky door prize and supper. Guest
for 12.30pm start. Casual dress and flat shoes.      speaker. Visitors welcome. Enquiries please
Bowls available from the club if required. Entry     phone Chris 0419 532 545
fee $8.00 (includes jackpot). Raffles. Two games     Willunga & District Lions Club Auction
                                                     Willunga and Districts Lions Club holds an
Night Owls on Wednesday evenings. Club open          auction on the last Saturday of the month at
for light meals at 6.00pm. Games start at 7.00pm.    Centenary Park, cnr Binney and Strout Roads
Coaching and bowls available. Make up a team         Willunga. Country Market, Swap Meet and other
of family, friends, work mates or just come along.   events throughout the year. We're always looking
Flat shoes and casual clothes are all that are       for new members to get involved in the great
required.                                            work we do in our community.
Pennant or competition bowls are played each           
Thursday morning and Saturday afternoon.             Willunga Quarry Market
Willunga has teams at various levels of
competition. A great way to expand your bowls        Second Saturday every month 9.00 am - 1.00 pm
skills and experience.                               Willunga Recreation Park Inc Oval grounds,
                                                     Aldinga Road, WILLUNGA Craft, produce, plants.
The club 8556 2246       David 0417 801 951,
                                                     Willunga Table Tennis Club
Peter 0410 605 541       Judy 0418 891 228
                                                     New players are always welcome, male or
Willunga District Community Bus Inc.
                                                     female, young or mature.Club bats available.
18 Lacey Drive Aldinga Beach 5173.
                                                     Social games are played every Tues. 7pm - 9pm
We transport the frail aged and disadvantaged
door to door Monday to Friday.                       Cost $5
Phone: 8557 7899.                                    Contact Grant Firth 0416 187 870 or
Willunga District Community Bus                      Trevor Bradley 0413 577 304
The AGM of the Willunga District Community Bus       Willunga Tennis Club
is to be held Monday September 9th 2019 at           Willunga Tennis Club offers a variety of activities
10am at 18 Lacey Drive, Aldinga Beach.               as well as a general membership to use the great
If you need further information please contact our   facilities
office 85577899 between 8am - 11.30am or             Social Comp - Tuesdays from 6.30pm rolling
leave a message on our answering service.            entry throughout the season.
Willunga Embroiderers                                Cardio Tennis - Wednesday 8-9pm a fun run
Meets 1st & 2nd Tuesday of the month at "The         around while hitting the ball - all skill levels
Hub" corner of Main Road and St Peters Terrace,      welcome- bookings essential
Willunga. For anyone interested in embroidery,       Hotshots - Saturdays mornings Tennis for the
friendship & fun. All welcome.                       Kids from 5 years old - bookings essential
Beginner's classes available.                        Keep up to date with our Facebook page for
For further information phone Wendy 8323 7475        additional events and programs
Willunga Farmers Market                              For general information and bookings please
                                                     contact us on
Meet the grower - taste the region Every
Saturday, Willunga Town Square. 8 - 12:30 pm         or 0432 526 793
Enquiries 8556 4297

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                    Page 22       November 2019 
Church Services
            Aldinga Bay Baptist Church                                       Kangarilla Uniting Church
                Sundays 10am and 6pm                                  Corner Kangarilla Rd and Sand Rd, Kangarilla.
  Meets Southern Vales Christian College, Gymnasium.                 Worship service 10am, fourth Sunday of the month.
         For further information please contact                                        All welcome
                Andrew – 0416 073 710                                            For more information visit
                                                                         or contact: Joylene Edwards 8383 7122
   Aldinga Community Church of Christ Inc.
                                                                            Seaford Community Church
    10.00 am Worship Service at Life Care, Pridham
                       Boulevard,                                    We are a worshipping caring Church committed to
                  Aldinga Beach 5173                                              Christ and His Mission.
    (opposite the Aldinga Central Shopping Centre).                   Meeting at the Maslin Beach Community Hall,
                      All Welcome                                    Gulf Parade, Maslin Beach Each Sunday at 10.00
 Pastor Randall Lawton Ph. 8556 6132 M. 0423 923 068.

              Aldinga Uniting Church                                 Seventh Day Adventist Church - Aldinga
                  Old Coach Road, Aldinga                              Meet together every Saturday morning at the
  We invite you to join us each Sunday from 10.00am for             Senior Citizens Hall ( corner Quinliven/Valiant Rds)
                    morning tea and chat.                                                  Aldinga.
            Our worship service is at 10.45am                     We commence at 9:30 am with worship/singing/mission
 Holy Communion is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the                              stories/bible study.
                             month,                               At 11:10 am we commence Divine Service with various
             followed by a shared family lunch.                                      guest speakers.
 On Wednesday at 12noon the "Reflections" Bible Study in                    Fellowship lunch once per month.
followed by a BYO lunch and an afternoon of craft, games                    All welcome to our friendly church
                            and chat.                             Contact details- Joe Griffiths 8556-6364/ 0402931476
                         All Welcome
                   For information contact                                  The Salvation Army - Aldinga
          Tina 8556 5287, Kevin 0838 946 560
                   or visit us on Facebook                           Our Mission: Transforming Lives; Caring for People;
                                                                            Making Disciples; Reforming Society.
           Almond Grove Family Church                                         Worship Services: Sunday 5pm,
                                                                              Enquiries ph. Judy 0403175442
 If you’re looking for a vibrant, family-oriented Pentecostal       Personal Development: Positive Lifestyle Program: By
church community, we’d love for you to join with us for our              appointment. All enquiries, Ph. 8382 1600
                  Sunday Worship service –
    10:00 am at ‘The Granary,’ 32 Old Main South Road,                        Willunga Uniting Church
There are a number of ways you can get involved in church                  Worship time 10.30am each Sunday
 life at Almond Grove – if you’re after more details, please    Faith sharing, prayers and a cuppa, Breakfasts gatherings,
      phone our office on (08) 8557 7299, or email us at               meditation and music. Fair Trade goods used.
                                         Come and See! Contact: 0433 389 708
      We’d love to see you soon! Pastor David Busby
                                        Western Fleurieu Anglican Church
                      App Church                                Willunga          Saturday 5.30 pm, St Stephen’s
                                                                                 St Andrew’s Terrace, Willunga
                   Applications for Life                        Aldinga           Sunday 9 am, St Ann’s,
       Cnr of Tongala and Hastings Sts, Seaford                                  7 Stonehouse Lane, Aldinga,
     Sunday Service: 9.30am (Including Kids' Church)                                   (off Main South Rd)
              Wednesday Service: 730pm                                                Activities for children.
               Connect Group Tuesdays                           McLaren Vale Sunday 10 am, Wednesday 9 am
        Youth Co: 1st and 3rd Friday of the month                                 St Margaret’s, 99 Main Rd, McLaren Vale
         Contact: Ps Josh Pitman: 0408 080 822                  Seaford:          Sunday 10.30 am, St Nicholas’,
                                                    Seaford Christian Churches
                                                                              Cnr Main St and Grand Boulevard
            Catholic Parish of Willunga                          refreshments after each service with a shared lunch after
                                                                            the first Sunday Service in the month.
Aldinga.  Mass in Mary of Galilee Catholic Church, Corner            Fifth Sundays in the month at 10.00 am combined
                Quinliven & How Roads                              Ecumenical worship service at Seaford with UCA and
           each Saturday evening at 5:30 pm.                                             Church of Christ
Willunga. Mass 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays at 8.30 am,               For services on the 5th Sunday of any month, see website
2nd & 4th Sundays at 10.30 am. Confession before Mass.                    
               Parish Priest: Father Josy                          For more information, contact Jim and Betty Kennedy
             Parish Centre: Ph. 8556 2132.                                                  8327 2135

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                               Page 23          November 2019   
Help And Support Services

 Ambulance/Fire/Police Emergency                                                     000
 Police assistance                                                                131 444
 Aldinga Police Station                                                         8556 6541
 24 Hour Health Advice                                                       1800 022 222
 Adelaide Metro InfoLine (7am - 8pm daily)                                   1300 311 108
 Adelaide Southern Medical Home Visits GP                                       8381 6161
 Aldinga Community Centre                                                       8556 5940
 Anglicare - Christies Beach
         Financial Counselling
         Emergency Assistance                                                1800 759 707
                                                                             1800 748 149
 (call at 9am for an appointment between 10am-12pm)
 Centacare Southern Counselling Service                                         8557 9050
 City of Onkaparinga                                                            8384 0666
 Communities for Children                                                       8202 5944
 Crime Stoppers                                                              1800 333 000
 Domestic Violence Helpline                                                  1800 800 098
 Drug & Alcohol Info. Service                                                1300 13 1340
 Family & Individual Counselling                                                8186 8900
 Family Relationship Centre                                                     8202 5200
 Flinders Medical Centre                                                        8204 5511
 Gambling Helpline                                                           1800 060 757
 GP Aldinga After Hours Clinic                                               0410 190 291
 GP Plus Aldinga                                                                8557 9500
 Legal Advice Line                                                           1300 366 424
 LifeLine                                                                        13 11 14
 McLaren Vale War Memorial Hospital                                             8323 6600
 Mental Health Emergency Service                                                 13 14 65
 Noarlunga Hospital                                                             8384 9222
 Noarlunga Private Hospital                                                     8384 9372
 Onkaparinga Youth Services - Aldinga                                           8557 7555
 Parent Helpline                                                             1300 364 100
 Poisons Info hotline                                                            13 11 26
 RSPCA SA                                                                    1300 477 722
 Seniors Information Service                                                 1800 636 368
 St Vincent de Paul (Emergency Relief / Financial Counselling)               1300 729 202
 The Salvation Army - Noarlunga Corps
       Community Support 8:45am -12:20 Mon - Thurs                              8384 6014
 Youth Helpline                                                              1300 131 719

Aldinga Bay’s Coastal Views                   Page 24       November 2019
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