College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW

Page created by Dennis Turner
College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
Year 11 and 12
Independent Senior
Secondary College
College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
A message from
our Principal
SEDA College is an independent,
co-educational Year 11 to Year 12 school
which provides HSC programs in a
hands-on, industry-based environment.

SEDA College provides an            We believe the key component        The College has a strong
exciting and positive alternative   of an engaging education is         pastoral care model which is led
to traditional senior schooling,    interest-based learning. The        by our teachers. Our teachers
with an HSC course designed         College promotes a model of         are educators, mentors, career
to engage students with their       learning that places students       advisors, workplace supervisors
learning, and empower them          and their life choices at the       and frontline mental and
to achieve personal growth          centre of everything we do.         physical health advocates for
and success during and beyond                                           our students.
school. The College’s aim is to     At SEDA College hands-on
develop an engaging and caring      learning happens both inside        Our students, their families
learning environment which          and outside of the classroom,       and their teachers work
fosters the holistic growth of      so that students have a deeper      collaboratively to find
each young person, and provides     connection to their education.      productive ways to resolve the
pathways to lifelong learning.      Students also undertake             challenges that arise during the
                                    industry placement and              student’s time at school.
At SEDA College, students           community work throughout
benefit from being exposed to       their time at the College, to       On behalf of the SEDA College
high standards and a range of       develop their work readiness        Council, and our teaching and
learning opportunities, allowing    and community awareness.            administrative staff, I welcome
them to reach their personal                                            you to join us in 2022. We look
and career goals. It is our         SEDA College promotes strong        forward to working with you
intention to produce graduates      relationships between students      and watching our students
who are confident learners, care    and staff. The ‘one teacher, one    grow in confidence and skills
for and about others, and are       class’ model allows the teacher     over the final years of their
optimistic about their future.      to really get to know students,     secondary education.
Our hope is that they will be       their personal circumstances
well-rounded individuals who        and their career aspirations, and
want to make a difference on        to help them develop confidence     Kate O’Donnell
both the local and global stage.    and lifelong learning skills.       Principal

College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
Why choose
           SEDA College

4   SEDA College
College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
SEDA College is an Independent Senior
High School where students complete
the Higher School Certificate (HSC)
program. We aim to bring out the best
in our students by taking a unique
approach to senior schooling.

SEDA Students experience a          Our ‘one teacher, one class’
unique education experience         approach allows our teachers
thanks to our relationship with     to take on a true mentoring
some of NSW’s leading sporting      role, where they get the time
organisations. You will be          to know you and your individual
involved in industry experiences    aspirations.
you will not find anywhere else.
                                    Teachers take the time to
We develop the curriculum in        support you as you learn
conjunction with our industry       through your own experiences
partners so that you can develop    and define your own journey.
the knowledge, skills and
attributes required of industry

You will learn in real workplaces   We know from our connection
and directly from industry          to industry the key personal
experts. You’ll have the chance     qualities and transferable skills
to get out of your comfort          that employers are looking for.
zone, try new things and make       We place as much importance
mistakes; this is where real        on developing these skills as
learning takes place.               academic progress. Through a
                                    tailored, individual approach
We’ll equip you with transferable   known as MyPlan, your teacher
skills that will help you to be     will support you as you develop
successful outside of school.       these skills.

College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
Sports Development Program

    SEDA College partners with major sporting            Students are provided with a range of peak
    brands and organisations that facilitate real life   experiences including:
    industry experiences and student opportunities.
    The program integrates HSC and Vocational            ›	Match day assistance at game days and major
    Education and Training (VET) where students are         events
    immersed in industry through unique inductions,      ›   Delivery of community and holidays programs
    community events and work placements. This
    combination enables our students to acquire          ›	Coaching and officiating at schools,
    the skills to support future educational and            competitions and community events
    employment pathways.
                                                         ›	Event management at state tournaments
    We are excited to offer the following programs:         and competitions
    ›   AFL NSW HSC Program                              ›	Opportunities to secure work placements
                                                            across a variety of departments within sports
    ›   Cricket Australia HSC Program                       organisations including game development,
    ›   Netball NSW HSC Program                             administration, events and fan development

    ›   Parramatta Eels HSC Program
                                                         Year 11
    ›   South Sydney Rabbitohs HSC Program               ›   Preliminary HSC
    ›   Sydney Kings Basketball HSC Program              ›   VET Certificate III in Sport and Recreation
    ›   Sydney FC HSC Program                                (partial)

    ›   Western Sydney Wanderers HSC Program             ›   VET Certificate II in Business (partial)

6   SEDA College
College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
Year 12                                              into the Year 12 HSC course. Applicants for Year
                                                     12 must start in term 4 of Year 11. We are not
›   HSC                                              able to accept students into the Year 12 course
›   VET Certificate III in Sport and Recreation      later than October of the year preceding Year 12
    (full)                                           graduation.

›   VET Certificate II in Business (full)
Upon successful completion of the two years at       Fees
SEDA College, students will achieve the following:   The current College fee has been set at $6,100
›   HSC                                              per annum. This all-inclusive fee includes:

›   Certificate III in Sport and Recreation          ›   Full uniform on enrolment

›   Certificate II in Business                       ›   Chromebook computer

›   Sport specific coaching qualifications           ›   Coaching qualifications

›	Outdoor recreation experiences in canoeing,       ›   Vocational Education qualifications
   navigating and bushwalking                        ›   Industry experiences
›   Advanced First Aid Certificate                   ›   First Aid Certificate
                                                     ›   Tuition costs
Please note:                                         ›   Outdoor education costs

›   Positions at SEDA College are limited            ›   Small group support in Year 12

›	Selection for the sport program is not based      ›   Welfare support
   on sport skill or ability                         ›   Inter-school sport competitions
Students must currently be completing Year 10        ›   Excursions
or equivalent to apply for Year 11 entry. Students
who have a non-traditional or different schooling    Payment plans are available to all families.
history should contact our admissions staff to
                                                     Information on fee reductions is available in our Fee Policy and
determine their eligibility for the College.         our Admissions Team can provide information on any available
Students must have completed Year 11 for entry       scholarships.

College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
SEDA College operates across two campuses,
    Glebe and Sydney Olympic Park. Students study at
    the campus that aligns with their sporting partner.

    54 Parramatta Road, Forest Lodge NSW, 2037

    Cricket NSW/Australia               Sydney FC
    South Sydney Rabbitohs              Sydney Swans

    Our city campus is located opposite Sydney University on Parramatta Road in Forest Lodge.
    Buses stop less than 100m from the front door and run directly from Central Station every 2
    minutes in the morning. The campus features:

    ›	Large open learning spaces and              ›	Fully equipped gym
                                                   ›   Walking distance to Victoria Park
    ›	High speed internet
                                                   ›	Across the road from Sydney University
    ›	Kitchen and sunny internal eating area         sports grounds

    2   Sydney Olympic Park
    QuayCentre, Olympic Boulevard, Sydney Olympic Park NSW, 2127
    Netball NSW                         Sydney Kings
    Parramatta Eels                     Western Sydney Wanderers

    Our Olympic Park campus is located inside the QuayCentre and is directly adjacent to the
    International Hockey Centre at Olympic Park. A short walk from Olympic Park station and
    accessible by bus, the campus features:

    ›	Large classrooms overlooking the           ›	Bicycles for student use
       hockey field
                                                  ›	Access to the ACPE university campus
    ›	High speed internet                           basketball courts and learning spaces
    ›	Kitchen                                    ›	Access to Netball NSW courts

8   SEDA College
College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
College Prospectus - SEDA College NSW
The SEDA College
           The number one factor attributed to
           positive student outcomes is the teacher.
           Our ‘one teacher, one classroom’ model
           enables our teachers to take on a true
           mentoring approach.

           Each core teacher is a Physical     All staff are invested in
           Education specialist who is         unlocking each student’s
           trained and qualified by SEDA       potential as they guide them
           to deliver other core subjects      on a pathway to success. Our
           including Sport and Recreation,     teachers develop a professional
           Work Studies and Business.          relationship with their students,
           They take the role of teacher,      giving them the skills and
           mentor, career advisor and          guidance required to realise
           workplace supervisor for the        their full potential.
           students in their class.
                                               At the heart of the SEDA
           Our staff are experts in their      College Program is a
           field, helping students to          fundamental belief in the
           develop their individual passions   capacity of all students to learn
           and achieve outstanding             and grow and improve.
                                               Students graduate from SEDA
           Our teachers also have a broad      College as mature, resilient,
           range of professional skills        independent and capable young
           and excellent theoretical and       adults with the ability to both
           practical grounding and work in     lead and work within teams.
           close collaboration with
           industry experts delivering         Our students are well placed
           hands-on learning and               to make informed choices
           creating meaningful workplace       about their next step towards
           connections.                        employment or further study.

10   SEDA College

MyPLAN is a digital portfolio
system to help students track
their goals, achievements,
experiences and growth while
they are at SEDA. Development
of the portfolio and the
associated work skills and
personal habits is supported
with regular class sessions and
twice yearly MyPLAN meetings
between parents, teachers and
students. Your first MyPLAN
meeting happens before the
start of classes for Year 11.

Five core skills that are
developed and tracked through
the MyPLAN process are:

›   Problem Solving
›   Personal Organisation
›   Self-Awareness
›   Communication
›   Teamwork

Student learning
     SEDA College students engage in an interesting
     and relevant curriculum that enhances learning
     through its connection to sport and recreation,
     work and life skills.
     PDHPE                               Work placements undertaken           Work Studies
                                         over the two years at SEDA
     All SEDA students study             contribute to learning in this       Studied in Year 12, this
     Personal Development, Health        area. Business Services also has     course provides invaluable
     and Physical Education in           the option of sitting an external    opportunities for students to
     Years 11 and 12. Covering           HSC exam in Year 12.                 develop their confidence and
     health, performance, anatomy,                                            skills related to professionalism,
     physiology, nutrition and sports                                         job application and interview
     medicine, this is a crucial study   Sport and Recreation                 technique. Aligned with our
     area for students interested in                                          MyPLAN process, students
     their own development as an         and Coaching                         work on attributes that will help
     athlete and for anyone wanting      Students qualify as grass roots      them succeed in a competitive
     to work in the health and           coaches and referees in their        job market.
     sports industries. PDHPE has a      own sport. They develop the
     compulsory external HSC exam        skills and attributes needed
     at the end of Year 12.              to teach sport to a wide             SLR
                                         variety of people and ages.          Sports, Lifestyle and Recreation
                                         They access industry experts         is studied in Year 11. This course
     English Studies                     and sport partners to gain an        provides an opportunity for our
     All students study English as       understanding of coaching            students to engage actively in
     part of the HSC. As well as         principles and developing and        sport activities outside of the
     having practical and interesting    delivering sports coaching           classroom every week.
     topic choices, English Studies      sessions.
     also has the option of sitting an
                                         Students complete the Sport          Work Placement
     external HSC exam in Year 12.
                                         and Recreation Certificate III
     Students may also apply to          over 2 years.                        and MyPLAN
     study Standard English if they                                           Our students explore career
     have shown high level results in    Numeracy and                         pathways and a variety of work
     Year 10. Standard English has a     Mathematics                          settings to acquire valuable
     compulsory external HSC exam                                             and transferable work skills
     at the end of Year 12.              All students complete a stage 6      that employers value. Students
                                         Numeracy course in Year 11 as        have to complete placement
                                         part of the process of ensuring      opportunities with industry
     Business Services                   they meet the Numeracy               partners and build their
     Studied as part of our Year 11      Minimum Standard required            resumes, while also creating a
     and 12 curriculum, Business         to gain the HSC. Students are        network of professionals in their
     Services allows students to gain    also eligible to enrol in Standard   chosen industry.
     the Certificate 2 in Business       Mathematics 1, and study that
     on graduation. This subject         course in both Years 11 and 12.
     provides many practical skills      Standard Mathematics has a
     for success in the workplace.       compulsory external HSC exam
                                         at the end of Year 12.

12   SEDA College
Sample student timetable
Students attend SEDA five days a week, completing a timetable
that will look similar to the one shown below. Students complete
the classroom-based component of their qualifications up to three
days a week. The other two days of the week focus on practical,
and industry-based learning activities.

             Monday       Tuesday   Wednesday Thursday     Friday

             Work      Numeracy/               Sport & Rec MyPLAN/
Session 1                        PDHPE
             Placement Maths                   Coaching    Business

             Work                              Sport & Rec
Session 2              PDHPE        Business               English
             Placement                         Coaching

             Work                              Sport & Rec Numeracy/
Session 3              English      SLR
             Placement                         Coaching    Maths

Example 2022 Year 11 Timetable

Develop your skills
     for an exciting career
     SEDA students develop transferable skills,
     which lead to a variety of exciting career
     options. Students who have graduated
     from SEDA are studying and working
     in a broad range of industries including:

     ›   Strength and         ›   Sport Management        ›   Business
                              ›   Personal Training       ›   Trade Apprenticeships
     ›	Overseas College
        Scholarships          ›   Event Management        ›   Defence Forces

     ›   Game Development     ›	Fan and Community        ›   Policing
     ›   Sport and Exercise                               ›   Special Education
         Science              ›   Teaching
                                                          ›   Marketing and Media
     ›   Sport Coaching       ›   Childcare Services

                                  “My greatest achievement at SEDA was coming first
                                  in the state for Standard Maths. I believe the small
                                  class size and ability to work one-to-one with my
                                  teacher propelled me to succeed. Thanks to SEDA, I’m
                                  now studying a double degree in Exercise and Sports
                                  Science and Nutrition Science at Australian Catholic

                                  Lilly Thomas
                                  SEDA College Graduate 2020

14   SEDA College
“SEDA College caters for both
academic and sporting students.
The teachers helped me achieve a
lot academically through one-on-one
learning. I found a real passion for the
mechanics of the body which led me
to pursue a Bachelor of Exercise and
Sports Science at the University of
Western Sydney.”

Isaac Papalii
SEDA College Graduate 2020


                         “Before coming to SEDA, I never
                         thought a school could provide
                         those sorts of opportunities.”

                         Hannah Massey
                         Casual Football Coach, Sydney FC
                         SEDA College Graduate 2020

16   SEDA College
At SEDA College, students engage in key school
activities, as well as a variety of experiences and
events in conjunction with our Industry Partners.

Peak Experiences                  Student Experiences                Wellbeing
›   Coaching qualifications       ›   Interschool sport leading to   ›   International Women’s Day
                                      CIS level                          Celebration
›   Industry Partner induction
                                  ›   SEDA Cup interstate            ›   NAIDOC week events
›   Game day experiences              competition
                                                                     ›   Whole school mental health
›   Outdoor recreation skills     ›   Graduation ceremonies              program
›   Work placement                ›   Careers expo attendance        ›   Active sports sessions in SLR
    opportunities with partners
                                  ›   Intercampus competition        ›   Caring and supportive staff
                                  ›   Year 12 formal
                                                                     Events may change year to year.

Enrolment Process

                    Apply online
              1     Complete an online application form at

                    Attend an information session
              2     Information sessions are a great way to learn more
                    about SEDA and hear from our Principal.

                    Attend an interview
              3     Once you have applied our Admissions Team will contact
                    you to book an interview with our teaching staff.

                    If accepted

                    Pay the offer acceptance fee and
              4     complete the admissions form
                    To secure a place, families pay a $200 offer acceptance fee
                    and complete an admissions form online.
                    The SEDA College admissions team is happy to discuss the admissions process with
                    you further. Please contact us on 9518 4888 or for more

18   SEDA College
Scan this QR code to
apply with SEDA
College NSW.

                       “I had always shone on the netball court,
                       so studying at SEDA was the perfect fit.
                       Our Principal Kate and my teacher were
                       really supportive, which you don’t find
                       at other schools. But the thing I loved
                       most about SEDA was the freedom and
                       independence; you choose your path.”

                       Kaitlyn Sapienza
                       Metro Development Officer, Netball NSW
                       SEDA College Graduate 2019
PO Box 529
Broadway, NSW 2007
P: 02 9518 4888
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