Come and taste the freedom - 3 Years of - Royal Commission for the ...

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                                       3               Years of

Awarded to
graduates with the
potential to make
an outstanding
to industry, for
research supported
by a company,
leading to a patent,   Come and taste
product or process
improvement and a        the freedom
postgraduate award     Peter Higgs, 1851 Research Fellowship 1953-1955
Industrial Fellowships encourage          Gain new IP whilst minimising
profitable innovation and creativity      R&D costs
in British Industry – to the mutual       Applicants can pursue a PhD whilst
benefit of the Fellow and his or her      working, allowing companies to
sponsoring company.                       conduct innovative research that
                                          furthers their business objectives, and
Funding                                   accelerates the creation of IP.
- 50% of the Fellow’s salary, including
  the employer’s share of national        Pursue a PhD whilst working
  insurance and superannuation paid,      Fellows receive significant funding
  up to a limit of £25,000 p.a.           towards their fees and salary, enabling
- University fees paid up to normal       employers to offer exciting personal
  levels for UK students.                 development opportunities for their
- Travel allowance of £3,500 p.a.         brightest employees.
- Honorarium of £10,000 paid to the
  University research department          Collaborative relationships
  on completion to support the            Fellows and their sponsoring
  department’s research programme.        companies will work closely with
                                          the PhD institution, developing a
The Royal Commission lays no claim        mutually beneficial relationship,
on intellectual property rights or        undertaking research that delivers
commercial-in-confidence                  tangible impact to industry.
Eligibility                                                                    Applications                                                Apply
The applicant must have a good first
degree in engineering, science or
                                       Applicants must have identified a
                                       research and/or development topic
                                                                               Applications are accepted via
medicine, and normally be within       potentially leading to a patent,
five years of degree graduation.       product or process in conjunction       Supporting documentation
                                       with a higher academic award, usually
Applicants must be employed by, or     a PhD or EngD.                          -     Description by the candidate         -   Industrial Supervisor and
have an offer of employment from a                                                   of the proposed programme of             Academic Supervisor
company in the UK.                     Full Terms and Conditions                     work including milestones and
                                                                                     deliverables                         -   Company profile and information
Applicants must demonstrate a link
between their employing company                                                -     Letters of endorsement for the
and appropriate staff at a UK                                                        project expressing support for the
University.                                                                          candidate from the intended

                                                                                            29                                 Fellowships
                          1                             Deadline for                        Mar                                commence
                         Oct                            applications
                                                                                       Shortlisted                                  Oct
                   Applications                                                    candidate interviews                            2022
                      open                                   Feb

Industrial Fellow                                                                University Partner
I can say that without the support of the Commission this project would not      It provides a fantastic platform for bright young individuals to develop their
have gone ahead. I am grateful that it did as this project has allowed me to     independent careers. I have found the process of being a supervisor of an
develop a process and product from the initial concept through to lab scale      Industrial Fellow most fulfilling. As an academic engineer, and Whitworth
testing, something I don’t believe I would have been able to do at this stage    Scholar, I think it is so essential that schemes such as this fellowship continue
in my career without the support of the Commission. The support from the         to facilitate the engagement of academia and industry and it is only through
Commission I believe has been very valuable, especially to a small company. To   schemes such as this that creativity and innovation in British industry will
be able to train a PhD in the company’s core subject matter is something that    continue to propagate.
most SMEs would not be able to dowithout external support.                       Professor Karl Dearn, University of Birmingham
Andrew Anderson, Industrial Fellow 2017

Industry Partner
The Fellowship allowed a small start-up (3 people when the Fellowship first
started) to give the Fellow the potential to develop a completely new product
range from scratch and increase his knowledge and future capability. This
would not have been possible without the support of the Fellowship during the
Dr Alex Reip, Oxford nanoSystems
DZP Technologies                                                                  Commercially beneficial
                                                                                     In addition to process improvements
                                                                                                                             High-calibre employees
                                                                                                                             The Industrial Fellowship is an
   Company Size			         2-10 employees                                            related to our existing products, the   invaluable tool for attracting and
   Company Founded		       2008                                                      R&D resulting from the Fellowship       retaining high-calibre employees and
   Industry Type			Chemicals                                                         has opened up an entirely new           pursuing early-stage research goals
   Industrial Fellow		     Harry Cronin 2015 - 2018                                  product line. It is currently in        that would otherwise be out of reach.
   Industrial Supervisor		 Zlatka Stoeva, Managing Director                          commercial development for our
   University Partner		    University of Surrey                                      customers.

                                                                                                                         “     The Industrial
                                                                                     International networks
                                                                                     We are fostering the strong
Rare opportunity                           Flexibility
The Royal Commission’s Industrial          Through the flexibility provided by the
                                                                                     relationship we have built with the
                                                                                     university department, with funding
                                                                                                                                expanded our
Fellowship gave our small company,         Commission, the funding continued
                                                                                     from the Fellowship supporting visits
DZP Technologies, the rare                 for one year after the EngD had
                                                                                     and cooperative, mutually beneficial
opportunity to do extensive research       finished, allowing us to continue to
                                                                                     research. The Fellow’s presentations            product

in one area over several years. The        employ the Fellow while letting him
Industrial Fellow was able to start with
a broad research brief, investigating
                                           conduct further open, low technology
                                           readiness level (TRL) research. It
                                                                                     at conferences, also supported by the
                                                                                     Royal Commission, has allowed us to             offering
                                                                                     extend our network internationally,
manufacturing techniques for a new         was during this year that the most
                                                                                     with new research and commercial
class of materials, and explore new,       promising experimental results
tangentially related avenues in detail.    emerged.
KP Technology                                                                  experience that contributed to her
                                                                                  research and she further developed
                                                                                                                              Susanna Challinger, 1851 Industrial
   Company Size			                 2-10 employees                                 with us.                                    “The industrial fellowship has had a
   Company Founded		               2000                                                                                       very positive impact on my project
   Industry Type			                Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing          Broad collaboration                         and career. While my PhD studies
   Industrial Fellow		             Susanna Challinger 2016 - 2019                 The research also involved                  were started ~9 months prior to
   Industrial Supervisor		         Professor Iain Baikie, CEO                     collaboration with external agencies        the industrial fellowship start, I do
   University Partner		            St. Andrews University                         including Police Scotland and the           not think that this project would
                                                                                  National Crime Agency, and the Royal        have continued to thesis submission
                                                                                  Commission even purchased new               without the fellowship support.”
                                                                                  equipment for us to help our Fellow
Links with academia                     Industrial Fellow had a central role in
                                                                                  explore new areas of commercial
The Industrial Fellowship programme     strengthening this link. Additionally,
                                                                                  development as part of her research.

provided lasting commercial             our CEO was appointed as an
benefit for our company, as well
as strengthening the relationship
                                        Honorary Professor, formalising and
                                        extending the existing link.
                                                                                  Further research impact                     The Fellowship
between us and the academic partner,
                                                                                  The research performed under the
                                                                                  Industrial Fellowship with us has
St. Andrews University, leading to      Travel to international conferences
                                                                                  resulted in seven peer-reviewed            our relationship

broader collaboration between the       Our Industrial Fellow’s PhD project
                                                                                  publications, with five as first author.
two institutions.                       would not have been able to continue
                                        without the Royal Commission’s
                                                                                  Work from the research project              with academia
                                                                                  continues to be submitted for
Our company provided advice,            support. The Fellowship facilitated
                                                                                  publication after the Fellowship.
support and training for researchers,   travel to international conferences
while St. Andrews supported us          and helped her collaborate with
with fabrication of samples, and the    other scientists working in the field;
Industrial Fellows 2021
Daniya Aynetdinova                   Liam Bussey                               Isobel Gordon                           Daniel Pybus
Vertex Pharmaceuticals and           BT and University of Birmingham           Perspectum and University of            Mersen Teesside and Teesside
University of Oxford                 Investigating faster, better 5G through   Oxford                                  University
Creating new bonding processes to    new quantum optical techniques            Optimising MRI methods to improve       3D printing graphite from
drive 3D drug development                                                      breast cancer detection and diagnosis   manufacturing waste using AI
                                     Thomas Corner
Shefali Bhumbra                      GlaxoSmithKline and University of         Daire O’Dubhthaigh                      Andrei-Claudiu Roibu
Adaptate Biotherapeutics and         Oxford                                    Interface and Queen’s University        F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and
Imperial College London              Investigating and enzyme-                 Belfast                                 University of Oxford
Developing a medicine designed to    suppressing drug to fight multiple        Smart green manufacturing for mass      Mapping brain network activity
modulate cancer patients’ immune     cancers, including liver and              customisation in the textile industry   using deep learning
system to selectively eliminate      pancreatic
cancerous cells                                                                Amelia Markfort                         Elliott Smyth
                                     Augusto Bartolome Diaz de                 Photek Ltd and Leicester University     LifeArc and University of Leeds
Kyle Bowman                          Budalles                                  AI technologies for the next            Finding new anti-viral drugs to fight
WASE and University of               Oxford nanoSystems and University         generation of quantum imaging           human coronaviruses
Westminster                          College London
Development of autonomous reactors   Development of a multi-level              Parijat Patel
to turn wastewater into energy       nanocoating for enhanced efficiency       Caristo Diagnostics Ltd and
                                     of commercial Hydrogen gas                University of Oxford
                                     production                                Using artificial intelligence to
                                                                               improve detection of cardiometabolic
Come and Taste the Freedom
with an 1851 Royal Commission Fellowship
In addition to Industrial Fellowships, the 1851 Royal Commission also
offers the following fellowships and awards:

Research Fellowships in                    Industrial Design Studentships            RAEng 1851 Enterprise
Science and Engineering                    For outstanding engineers or scientists   Fellowships
Intended to give early career scientists   to undertake Masters degrees in           A package of tailored mentoring,
or engineers of exceptional promise        industrial design, for up to two years.   training and grant-funding
the opportunity to conduct a research                                                for graduates to pursue
project of their own instigation.          Closing Date 3 May 2022                   commercialisation of their
                                                                                     technological ideas.
Closing Date 19 January 2022               Fellowship in Design
                                           Fellowship in the Built                   Sir Misha Black Awards
Brunel Fellowship in Engineering           Environment                               Given for distinguished services to
Aimed specifically at researchers in       Awarded in alternate years for mid        design education.
the core subjects of Civil, Mechanical,    career professionals to explore
Electrical and Aeronautical                important current issues identified by
Engineering seeking to address the         the Commissioners.
primary infrastructure needs of
modern society.                            The next Fellowship in Design will
                                           open in 2022
Closing Date 19 January 2022
Helen Harris
Fellowship Programme Manager

Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
453 Sherfield Building
Imperial College
London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8790
Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 8794


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