Board of Governors: External Member Vacancies

Page created by Neil Woods
Board of Governors: External Member Vacancies
Board of Governors:
External Member Vacancies
About Coventry University
‘A dynamic, global and transformational university group’
Coventry University Group (the Group) is a leading provider of innovative
education and impactful research in the UK and internationally. We were
awarded university status in 1992 and in 2018 we celebrated 175 years
of providing education in the city. We have grown into a dynamic, modern
university with a tradition of teaching excellence, research with impact, bold
international initiatives and transformational partnerships with business.

Our momentum and impact has grown significantly. From our base in the
West Midlands, we were the first provincial university to open a London
venue and the first to open a university college offering ‘life-shaped learning’
to students wanting something different from the typical full-day, three-year
higher education experience.

We are committed to being world-leading in all that we do and offer
academic and professional learning across a range of disciplines including
health, design, engineering, performing arts, media, business and
computing. The Group also includes companies and social enterprises
which provide a platform for innovation, engagement with the community,
and provision of professional services and consultancy.

We have made considerable progress in recent years and have ambitious
plans. We have continued to rise in university league table positions and
in the last five years, we have spent over £400m on developing state-of-
the-art facilities across our campuses for our students. The university is
particularly proud of the levels of student engagement and attainment, and
of the rich diversity of our student body. We are one of the fastest growing
universities in the UK, with more than 30,000 students across our four
faculties, over 4,000 employees and a turnover of £428m. Our intake of
overseas students is one of the largest in the UK, with 7,700 international
students from over 100 countries studying across our four faculties.
Board of Governors: External Member Vacancies
Corporate strategy –
‘Creating Better Futures’
The university is currently finalising its Corporate
Strategy to 2030, which sets out transformational
targets for performance, quality and growth across the
organisation. The strategy will be delivered through the
following key pillars:

ƒ   Education and student experience
ƒ   Research
ƒ   International
ƒ   Enterprise and innovation
ƒ   People
ƒ   Digital
ƒ   Corporate social responsibility
ƒ   Estates
ƒ   Finance and investment.

Charitable status
The university has charitable status as an exempt charity,
and complies with its charitable objectives for the public
benefit. We do this primarily through the advancement of
education and research.

     About the Board                                         Governance structure
     of Governors                                            Due to the nature and complexity of the Board of
                                                             Governors’ responsibilities, it has delegated some of
     The Board of Governors is responsible for ensuring      its powers and responsibilities to sub-committees and
     the effective management of the Group and for           advisory committees. These consider and determine
     planning its future development. It is entrusted        specific matters on behalf of the board. All committees
     with public and private funds. It has responsibility    and boards are formally constituted with terms of
     for determining the university’s strategic direction,   reference. The committees currently comprise:
     approval of major developments and the review of
     regular executive reports on the operations of its      ƒ   Academic Affairs
     businesses and subsidiary companies. It also has        ƒ   Audit and Risk
     oversight of risk assessment and risk management,       ƒ   Human Resources
     and helps to create an environment in which the         ƒ   Remuneration
     potential of students is maximised.                     ƒ   Strategy, Finance and Resources
                                                             ƒ   Governance and Nominations
     The Board of Governors is currently made up of 24       ƒ   ‘Business Continuity Governance Committee (not
     members. Thirteen of the governors are independent          currently operational).
     members, six are co-opted lay members, one is the
     vice-chancellor, and two are elected staff governors    There are currently four advisory committees which review
     appointed from amongst university staff. Two are        and support the commercial, educational, charitable
     student governors, appointed as ex-officio members      and international activities of the Group. These provide
     under the constitution of Coventry University           assurance to the Board of Governors that such activities
     Students’ Union.                                        support the relevant pillar of the university’s corporate
                                                             strategy and other related commercial, educational,
                                                             charitable and international activities.
About the role                                             Commitment
                                                           External members are appointed on either an annual
Duties and responsibilities                                basis or for a fixed term of three years, with the
External members of the Board of Governors and             option to serve for a further term. The role is not
its sub-committees and advisory committees play a          remunerated, but the university will meet all reasonable
vital role in the governance of the Group. The duties      expense claims.
and responsibilities of the role are set out in the
                                                           For governors, the annual time commitment is
role description overleaf. We are currently recruiting
                                                           approximately 25 days, to include attendance and
external members to the Board of Governors, its sub-
                                                           preparation time for formal Board meetings, briefing
committees and advisory committees.
                                                           sessions, strategy sessions and other formal and
                                                           informal events by invitation. This will increase if a
Expertise                                                  governor is also appointed to a sub-committee. The
We are keen to appoint individuals who have significant    annual time commitment for an external member not
skills and executive experience on a similar, or larger    appointed as a governor is approximately 15 days.
scale, than the university with substantial expertise in
the education sector.                                      As part of our commitment to equality, diversity and
                                                           inclusion, we endeavor to provide a welcoming and
We are particularly interested in the following areas      inclusive university community, recognising and
of expertise:                                              respecting all individuals’ differences. Therefore
ƒ Commercial/corporate law                                 we would particularly welcome applications from
ƒ Estates/facilities management                            black, Asian and minority ethnic individuals, women,
ƒ Research and development                                 LGBTQ+ and disabled candidates, as these groups
ƒ Academic research                                        are under represented.
ƒ Human resources/organisational development.

If you are interested in becoming an external member       T: 024 7765 2192
of the Board of Governors or sub-committee and             E:
joining a dynamic and collegiate working culture at
Coventry University, please contact Helen Fulford for      Closing date for applications:
an informal conversation:                                  Friday, 12 February 2021
                                                           Please note that interviews for prospective candidates
                                                           will take place in March.
The role
1. Overview                                               3. Sustainability
According to the Committee of University Chairs’          a. Governors shall contribute to the definition of the
(CUC) Code of Governance for Higher Education,               mission, character and reputation of the Group,
the Board of Governors is made up of individuals             setting the values and standards that underpin
drawn from outside the Group, who have                       the Group’s strategy and operation.
experience in the areas of business, industry,            b. Governors shall monitor, evaluate and
education and commerce*. It is responsible for:              constructively challenge performance against the
a. determining, driving and delivering the Group’s           strategic plan.
   mission and success in a sustainable way               c. As a governor, you must be satisfied that the
   (financial, social and environmental);                    Board of Governors is in receipt of the necessary
b. protecting and promoting the collective student           assurance that academic governance is robust
   interest and the importance of a high-quality             and effective.
   student experience;
c. ensuring student outcomes reflect good social,         4. Reputation
   economic and environmental value;
d. effectively managing opportunities and mitigating      a. Governors shall make a full and timely personal
   risks to protect the reputation of the Group,             disclosure of their interests in order that the
   ensuring financial sustainability and accountability      integrity of Board of Governors’ business shall
   for public funding;                                       be, and shall be seen to be, maintained.
e. promoting and developing a positive culture which      b. Governors should be satisfied that the Board
   supports ethical behaviour and equal, diverse and         appropriately engages with stakeholders in
   inclusive practices;                                      decision making, publishes information and
f. promoting excellence in learning, teaching and            reports performance to stakeholders.
   research, monitoring institutional and governing
   body performance;                                      5. Inclusion and diversity
g. publishing accurate and transparent information        a. As a governor, you must be satisfied that the
   which is widely accessible;                               Board of Governors receives assurance that the
h. leading by example, being flexible and adaptable          Group is compliant with equality and diversity
   to create a resilient future; and                         legislation, and that there are arrangements
i. ensuring arrangements are in place for meaningful         in place for the elimination of discrimination,
   engagement with relevant stakeholders (especially         harassment and victimisation,
   students and staff) locally, regionally, nationally       the equality of opportunity and the promotion of
   and globally.                                             an inclusive culture.

2. Accountability                                         6. Effectiveness
a. As a governor, you must be satisfied that the Board    a. Governors shall contribute to a culture where
   of Governors receives the appropriate assurance           all members can question intelligently, debate
   that the Group meets all legal and regulatory             constructively and challenge rigorously, and
   requirements imposed on it, complies with                 ensure that the culture reflects the articulated
   Instrument and Articles of Government, and                values and culture of the Group as a whole.
   meets the requirements falling upon the institution    b. Governors will be invited to participate in regular
   in respect of public funding issued by bodies.            reviews of governance effectiveness.
b. Governors should discharge their duties in line        c. Governors should be satisfied that the Board
   with the accepted standards of behaviour in               of Governors is able to focus on strategic risks
   public life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity,        and emerging opportunities for the Group and
   accountability, openness, honesty and                     has flexibility to respond to these quickly and
   leadership) and values in the CUC Code of                 effectively.
   Governance for Higher Education, accepting
   individual and collective responsibility for the
   affairs of the Group.
7. Engagement                                           9. General Information
a. As a governor, you should be satisfied that          a. The performance of governors will be periodically
   the Board has the necessary assurance that              reviewed by the Chair and Deputy Chair of the
   the activities of the Group are in the interests        Board of Governors.
   of students (current and future), and other          b. The expected overall time commitment required
   stakeholders, and that regular and effective            of a governor for the effective conduct of the
   two-way communication with students, staff and          duties of the post is a minimum of 25 days per
   other stakeholders takes place.                         year. This will increase if governors are also
b. Governors shall contribute to the promotion of          appointed as members of sub-committees.
   the social, cultural, economic and environmental     c. Governors will be expected to attend all Board
   impact of the Group, ensuring that the Group            and Committee meetings of which they are a
   is accessible, relevant and engaging with local         member, or give timely apologies if absence is
   communities to deliver public/community benefit,        unavoidable, and to attend induction/training
   its civic duties and economic, cultural and social      events organised by the university or other
   growth.                                                 appropriate bodies.
                                                        d. Governors are not remunerated, but are
8. Personal attributes                                     encouraged to reclaim all reasonable
                                                           travelling and similar expenses incurred
a. A strong personal commitment to higher                  during university business, via the clerk to the
   education and to the values, aims and objectives        board of governors.
   of the Group.                                        e. Governors are formally appointed by the Board
b. A proven track record of leadership, change             of Governors following recommendation by the
   management and personal achievement                     Governance and Nominations Committee. The
   in a complex environment whether in the                 initial term of office is three years renewable for
   private or public sector, with a demonstrable           a maximum of one further term subject to the
   understanding of governance good practice.              continued support of the Board.
c. A commitment to act fairly and impartially in
   the interests of the Group as a whole, using
   independent judgement and maintaining
   confidentiality as appropriate.
d. The ability to analyse and review complex issues
   and evaluate conflicting opinions.
e. The highest standards of integrity, honesty and
   demonstrable commitment to equality, diversity
   and inclusion.
f. A clear interest in or connection to Coventry and
   the wider region, together with regional, national
   or international networks of contacts.
Coventry University
Priory Street
T: +44 (0)24 7765 7030       J2293_20 © Coventry University.
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