Common farmland birds in Italy - Update of population trends and Farmland Bird Indicator for the National Rural Network - Rete Rurale Nazionale

Page created by Clara Robertson
Common farmland birds in Italy - Update of population trends and Farmland Bird Indicator for the National Rural Network - Rete Rurale Nazionale

Common farmland birds in Italy
Update of population trends and Farmland Bird Indicator
            for the National Rural Network
Common farmland birds in Italy - Update of population trends and Farmland Bird Indicator for the National Rural Network - Rete Rurale Nazionale
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3

                                         These publications are dedicated to Paolo
                                         Boldreghini, Sergio Frugis, Gaspare Guerrieri,
                                         Helmar Schenk and Giuseppe Tormen
                                         Document produced by the Ministry of
                                         agriculture, food and forestry (Ministero delle
                                         politiche agricole, alimentari e forestali) as
                                         part of the activities of the National Rural
                                         Network (Rete Rurale Nazionale).                                                                                                                                          Since 1994 Lipu is the Italian partner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of BirdLife International - a global
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       partnership of more than 100
                                         Editorial coordination                                                                                                                                                      indipendent organisations with a
                                         Laura Silva (Lipu)                                                                                                                                                         special focus on birds and nature.
                                         Mattia Brambilla; Laura Silva (Lipu)

                                         Ottavio Janni, Laura Silva (Lipu)

                                         Thanks also                                                                                         Design and layout                                  Recommended citation
                                         Paolo Ammassari, Giuseppe Blasi, Emilio           From Lipu, thanks to AFNI (Association            Andrea Ascenso                                     Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2020).
                                         Gatto (MiPAAF); Antonella Trisorio (CREA);        of Italian Naturalist Photographers) and                                                             Common breeding farmland birds in Italy.
                                         Rossana Bigliardi, Claudio Celada, Marco De       to all the authors of the beautiful pictures      Related web sites                                  Update of population trends and Farmland
                                         Silvi, Marco Dinetti, Giorgia Gaibani, Marco                                               |                        Bird Indicator for National Rural Network
Eurasian tree sparrows by Carlo Fietta

                                                                                           that enrich this brochure and which were
                                         Gustin, Federica Luoni, Andrea Mazza,             taken according to an idea of photography                                                            2000-2020.
                                         Silvia Maselli, Greta Regondi, Elena Rossini,     inspired by ethics, respect for nature and full   The English and Italian versions of this
                                         Massimo Soldarini e Danilo Selvaggi (Lipu);       responsibility of the photographer towards the    brochure, with the technical reports in Italian,   Cover photo
                                         Simona Tedesco; Alessandro Magrini (AFNI);        subjects represented.                             can be downloaded from:                            Common starling by Lorenzo Magnolfi
                                         Tommaso Campedelli, Simonetta Cutini,                                                     
                                         Guglielmo Londi, Guido Tellini Florenzano                                                           The english version of this brochure can be
                                         (soc. D.R.E.Am. Italia); Paolo Bonazzi, Lia                                                         downloaded from
                                         Buvoli (studio FaunaViva); Gianpiero Calvi                                                
                                         (studio Pteryx).
Common farmland birds in Italy - Update of population trends and Farmland Bird Indicator for the National Rural Network - Rete Rurale Nazionale
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                                                     The Farmland Bird Index                                                                                                of heavy machinery, the construction of pro-        of the Farmland Bird Index - calculated on a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Farmland Bird Index
The Farmland Bird Index

                                                                                                                                                                            cessing plants or the building of pens for inten-   national and regional scale for ten years now
                                                                                                                                                                            sive livestock farming also encouraged inten-       - which unequivocally paints a dramatic pic-
                                                                                                                                                                            sification.                                         ture of the health of our countryside, we hope
                                                                                                                                                                            Adequate funds for specific dedicated mea-          that the new Common Agricultural Policy, and
                                                                                                                                                                            sures, together with rules and incentives to        especially the National Strategic Plan Italy will
                                                                                                                                                                            encourage a transition towards “green” agri-        have to draft, can become the engine of an

                                                            he Farmland Bird Index (FBI) has again                      its initial value in 2000. There are 28 species
                                                                                                                                                                            culture would have provided more impetus for        agriculture that is more respectful of health and
                                                            been confirmed in the next plan of the                      that are used to calculate the indicator (table
                                                                                                                                                                            initiatives to reverse the biodiversity loss cau-   the environment.
                                                            Common Agricultural Policy (2021-2027)                      on page 10). Of these, 18 are decreasing while
                                                                                                                                                                            sed by intensification.
                                                     as a context indicator that can represent the                      5 are stable and 5 are increasing.
                                                                                                                                                                            On the basis of the above and a careful analysis
                                                     health of European and national agricultural                       When the Farmland Bird Index is calcula-
                                                     habitats. Composite or aggregate indicators                        ted for lowland areas only, it is far worse
                                                     measure multi-dimensional concepts such as                         than that for Italy as a while, with a decline
                                                     environmental quality, which cannot be captu-                      of -46,3%. For the current planning period the
                                                     red by individual indexes.                                         EU and Italy had scheduled actions and a de-
                                                     The requisites of composite indicators are spa-                    dicated budget to contribute to environmental
                                                     tial and temporal comparability, the non-repla-                    goals and reverse biodiversity declines, both
                                                     ceability of elementary indicators - such as in                    under the second pillar of the CAP (rural deve-
                                                     our case, the population indexes of the bird                       lopment) and the first pillar, with the introduc-
                                                     species that make up the composite indicator                       tion of greening obligations, and with regards
                                                     -, simple and transparent calculations, the im-                    to conditionality rules as well.
                                                     mediate accessibility and interpretation of the                    Nevertheless, as the European Court of Au-
                                                     results obtained, and finally their robustness.                    ditors pointed out, the CAP remained strongly
                                                     The indicators obtained to evaluate population                     oriented towards intensive agriculture, with
                                                     trends for bird of farmland areas and birds of                     a limited impact on environmental and social
                                                     open montane habitats are respectively the                         components.
                                                     Farmland Bird Index (FBI) and the Index of                         Many measures (to which a high budget was
                                                     montane grassland birds (FBIpm).                                   allocated) were defined as “perverse”, a term
                                                     Within the framework of the rural development                      used by the Convention on Biological Diversity
                                                     policy, the FBI is used by the National Rural                      to indicate environmentally-damaging subsi-
                                                     Network to describe the context within which                       dies. Almost three-quarters of the funds (€ 293
                                                     the National Rural Development Plan (PSRN)                         billions for 2014-2020) are destined for direct
                                                     operates. Since 2009, the FBI has been calcu-                      payments, which are disbursed on the basis of
                                                     lated for each region as well; regional technical                  surface area regardless of sustainable practi-
                                                     reports are available at                 ces or standards, in order to favour the produc-
                                                     farmlandbirdindex.                                                 tion of cereals and livestock, among the most
                                                     Farmland Bird Index trends continue to de-                         intensive and harmful practices of all1. Many
                                                     cline, as they have over the last 10 years.                        resources under the second pillar destined
                                                     In 2020 the FBI value amounted to 71,2% of                         for “investment aid”, such as the purchase


                                                                                                                                                                                          FBI                  FBI pm

                                                            80                                                                                                                        2                       1     1
                                                                                                                                                               71,2                             5                                         steep decline         moderate decline
            European goldfinch by Lorenzo Magnolfi

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                stable           moderate increase             strong increase
                                                            40                                                                                                                                      5     5             6
                                                                                                                                                                                 16                                             Population trends for the species used to calculate the aggregate

































                                                                 Farmland Bird Index (FBI) and Index of montane grassland birds (FBIpm)   FBI                                                                                                                           1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Atlante della PAC - Dati e fatti della
                                                                 trends in 2000-2020.                                                     FBIpm                                                                                                                             Politica Agricola Comune UE, 2019
                                                                 The green line represents the FBI calculated only in the plains.         FBI in lowlands
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              7
                                                        The Farmland Bird Index

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Farmland Bird Index projects
                                                                                                                                                                     for mountain and hilly areas. This is confirmed                    complex environmental degradation process.
The Farmland Bird Index projects

                                                                                                                                                                     by FBI values calculated at the regional scale                     Birds are high up on the food chain and serve as
                                                                                                                                                                     and by population trends for individual species,                   excellent indicators thanks to their environmen-

                                                        12 years of research on birds breeding                                                                       which are doing far worse in the Po Plain (Lom-
                                                                                                                                                                     bardy, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto) compared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        tal sensitivity; the fact that they are doing poorly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        indicates that the entire ecosystem is suffering.

                                                        in farmland areas in Italy
                                                                                                                                                                     to the south. The flipside to this is the widespre-                As birds disappear, so do wild plants, seeds, and
                                                                                                                                                                     ad abandonment of farming and shepherding in                       invertebrates, including those that live in the soil
                                                                                                                                                                     mountain areas, leading to a loss of meadows                       and those that serve as pollinators, which are
                                                                                                                                                                     and grasslands and the gradual return of wo-                       crucial for soil health and for agriculture itself. It
                                                                                                                                                                     odlands, to the detriment of typical species of                    is only by working together with farmers to chan-
                                                                                                                                                                     open areas, which are once again losing habitat                    ge the current agricultural paradigm that we will

                                                                 kylarks, Barn Swallows, Goldfinches,         base of knowledge and skills acquired during the       and resources.                                                     be able to reverse the current decline in the bio-
                                                                 and Italian Sparrows are all species         MITO2000 project, which was exclusively based          The disappearance of birds from our countrysi-                     diversity of farmland, which covers one-third on
                                                                 that were once abundant but that have        on volunteers. The project, which is coordina-         de, which is still ongoing, is the most evident and                Italy’s territory and hosts a significant proportion
                                                        seen their populations decline by more than half      ted by Lipu, involved a number of local orni-          tangible aspect of a much broader and more                         of the national population.
                                                        between 2000 and 2020. In the same timefra-           thological associations and a wide network
                                                        me, the Wryneck has declined by 68%, as the           of field ornithologists, many of whom with
                                                        Stonechat (-68%), the Tawny Pipit by 70% and          decades of experiences, organized at a local
                                                        the Red-backed Shrike by 65%. These numbers           scale under the supervision of regional or
                                                        are frightening and leave no room for doubt,          provincial coordinators. It is a one-of-a-kind
                                                        as they are underpinned by a sound database           example in Italy in terms of its duration and
                                                        collected through field surveys, initially through    geographic scope.
                                                        the MITO2000 project between 2000 and 2008,           The final data, after 12 years of the Farmland
                                                        and in the twelve subsequent years by the FBI         Bird Index project, indicate a general crisis affec-
                                                        project. As many as 310 professional ornitho-         ting agricultural habitats, which are quite diver-
                                                        logists and Lipu volunteers participated in this      se in Italy, ranging from extensive monoculture
                                                        second part of the project, which was suppor-         in the Po Plain to habitat mosaics dominated
                                                        ted and funded by the National Rural Network          by vineyards and olive groves in hilly areas, to
                                                        and monitors common breeding birds in Italy1.         mountain pastures, where various and someti-
                                                        Since 2000, the total number of people invol-         mes opposing processes have created an ex-
                                                        ved is 526. The continuity of the surveys, which      tremely negative situation for biodiversity. One
                                                        has been guaranteed over time by an extensive         of the most important such causes is the emer-
                                                        network of field ornithologists and by the funds      gence of an increasingly intensive form of indu-
                                                        made available by the Ministry of Agricultural,       strial agriculture, which has taken over most of
                                                        Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF) has made          the fertile lowland areas (and some of the most
                                                        it possible to collect a robust set of data that is   suitable hilly areas). This has reduced the availa-
                                                        comparable over time and to achieve a nearly          bility of food resources and suitable
                                                        complete historical series2. This field work resul-   habitats, together with possible
                                                        ted in the most valuable data base on Italian         nesting and roosting sites. In-
                                                        birds, which currently contains 1,533,956 re-         deed, the worst situation is
                                                        cords resulting from 143,000 ten-minute point         in the lowlands, where the
                                                        counts, for a total of 23,884 hours of field obser-   decline in the value of the
                                                        vations covering a surface area of nearly 10%         indicator (-46%) is quite
                                                        of Italy’s entire territory. The complex team that    worrying and much worse
                                                        supports the programme has been able to im-           than the indicator calcula-
                                                        prove and renew itself over time, augmenting the      ted at the national level or

                                                        Bird monitoring activities create an essential database for nature conservation. Data from
                                                        monitoring programmes are crucial in order to calculate population trends in the subset of
                    Eurasian hoopoe by Franco Fratini

                                                        species used for synthetic indicators such as the Farmland Bird Index (FBI) and the Index of
                                                        montane grassland birds (FBIpm). These data also provide important information on presen-
                                                        ce/absence, population density, distributions, conservation status, and population trends for
                                                        other species as well. In fact, the project’s database was also used for the reporting effort
                                                        under article 12 of the Birds Directive, to draft the 2019 Red Data List of birds breeding in Italy,
                                                        for the Italian Breeding Bird Atlas, and for the European Breeding Bird Atlas (EBBA2). The
                                                        project’s contributions to other important initiatives enhance the value of the database itself,               1
                                                                                                                                                                         except in Umbria, where an excellent project funded by the Region is in place that has a higher sampling effort compared to the present
                                                        whose use was granted by MiPAAF, while improving the efficacy and robustness of conserva-                        project, to whose database it contributes.
                                                        tion tools and policies in the service of the public good.                                                     2
                                                                                                                                                                         in some region the historical series is missing one or more years between 2004 and 2008, but has then resumed every year from 2009 to 2020.
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    9

                                                         Population trends

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Population trends between 2000 and 2020
Population trends between 2000 and 2020

                                                 between 2000 and 2020

                                                         he table on the following page shows po-        per confidence limit of the slope 1.05        analyses.                                           tat appears to be insufficient with the species’                         to species at concrete risk of qualifying for a th-
                                                 (an increase of more than 5% per year), with            The Indicator column divides bird species on        long-term survival;                                                      reat category in the near future; DD is applied
                                                 the lower confidence limit of the slope >1.05;          the basis of their habitat preferences at the       • Poor conservation status                                               of species for which there is not enough data to
                                                 • moderate increase       a trend slope between         national scale:                                     The population or range has declined signifi-                            evaluate their risk of extinction; LC is applied to
                                                 1.00 and ≤1.05 (an increase of no more than             - birds of farmland habitats whose popula-          cantly, or have fallen by more than 10% in the                           species that are not under immediate threat of
                                                 5% per year), with the lower confidence limit of        tion trends are used to calculate the Farmland      last ten years, or the population is significantly                       extinction (but they can still be slowly declining
                                                 the slope between 1.00 and 1.05;                        Bird Index (FBI),                                   lower that the favourable population reference                           and/or relatively rare). For more information on
                                                 • stable a trend slope where the confidence             - species used to calculate the Index of            values, and/or their habitat has been significan-                        the categories and criteria used to compile the
            Black redstart by Lorenzo Magnolfi

                                                 intervals overlap 1 (no significant change), with       montane grasslands birds (FBIpm).                   tly degraded or reduced.                                                 national Red List please see the relevant pu-
                                                 the lower confidence limit of change >0.95 and          In order to provide as exhaustive a picture as      For more information on the methodology used                             blication3.
                                                 upper confidence limit of change
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              11

                                                                                                                                           Trend classification
                                                                                                                       Annual change


                                                                                                                          ± SE (%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Red List

                                                                Species name               Scientific name
Population trends between 2000 and 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The conservation of farmland birds in Italy
                                                           Barn Swallow                     Hirundo rustica         -1.51 (±0.16)                                  1263         FBI                           NT
                                                           Black Redstart                Phoenicurus ochruros        1.49 (±0.29)                                  580         FBIpm                          LC
                                                           Calandra Lark                Melanocorypha calandra      -3.30 (±0.99)                                   77          FBI                           VU
                                                           Carrion Crow                      Corvus corone           0.21 (±0.52)                                  223         FBIpm                          LC
                                                           Common Kestrel                  Falco tinnunculus         0.38 (±0.22)                                  1139         FBI                           LC
                                                           Common Nightingale           Luscinia megarhynchos        0.09 (±0.13)                                  1045         FBI                           LC
                                                           Common Redpoll                  Acanthis flammea         -7.27 (±0.90)                                   92         FBIpm                          EN
                                                           Common Starling                  Sturnus vulgaris         0.03 (±0.22)                                  896          FBI                           LC
                                                           Corn Bunting                    Emberiza calandra         0.97 (±0.19)                                  825          FBI                           LC
                                                           Crested Lark                     Galerida cristata       -1.03 (±0.20)                                  522          FBI                           LC
                                                           Dunnock                         Prunella modularis       -0.75 (±0.49)                                  181         FBIpm                          NT
                                                           Eurasian Golden Oriole            Oriolus oriolus         2.10 (±0.19)                                  877          FBI                           LC
                                                           Eurasian Hoopoe                    Upupa epops           -0.66 (±0.23)                                  861          FBI                           LC
                                                           Eurasian Magpie                      Pica pica            2.05 (±0.13)                                  1059         FBI                           LC
                                                           Eurasian Skylark                 Alauda arvensis         -3.28 (±0.21)                                  739          FBI                           VU
                                                           Eurasian Tree Sparrow           Passer montanus          -2.48 (±0.21)                                  1017         FBI                           LC
                                                           Eurasian Wryneck                  Jynx torquilla         -6.09 (±0.39)                                  592          FBI                           EN
                                                           European Goldfinch              Carduelis carduelis      -2.80 (±0.12)                                  1322         FBI                           NT
                                                           European Greenfinch               Chloris chloris        -3.22 (±0.15)                                  1205         FBI                           VU

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The conservation of farmland
                                                           European Serin                   Serinus serinus         -0.40 (±0.12)                                  1267         FBI                           LC
                                                           European Stonechat               Saxicola rubicola       -6.58 (±0.24)                                  930          FBI                           EN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           birds in Italy:
                                                           European Turtle Dove            Streptopelia turtur      -1.38 (±0.15)                                  1030         FBI                           LC
                                                           Fieldfare                         Turdus pilaris         -3.45 (±0.77)                                  104         FBIpm                          VU

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             challenges, research,
                                                           Garden Warbler                     Sylvia borin          -5.85 (±0.93)                                  101         FBIpm                          EN
                                                           Greater Short-toed Lark      Calandrella brachydactyla   -0.17 (±0.87)                                  141          FBI                           LC
                                                           Hooded Crow                       Corvus cornix           0.80 (±0.12)                                  1235         FBI                           LC
                                                           Italian Sparrow
                                                           Lesser Whitethroat
                                                           Northern Wheatear
                                                                                              Passer italiae
                                                                                             Sylvia curruca
                                                                                           Oenanthe oenanthe
                                                                                                                    -3.15 (±0.15)
                                                                                                                     1.52 (±0.79)
                                                                                                                    -0.48 (±0.47)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and practical applications
                                                           Ortolan Bunting                 Emberiza hortulana       -1.02 (±0.97)                                  110          FBI                           DD
                                                           Red-backed Shrike                 Lanius collurio        -4.46 (±0.27)                                  804          FBI                           VU

                                                           Ring Ouzel                       Turdus torquatus        -0.50 (±0.96)                                  101         FBIpm                          LC                he general collapse of bird populations     recent years. This has help build an invalua-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in farmland habitats is a major cause       ble base of knowledge to draft conservation
                                                           Spanish Sparrow               Passer hispaniolensis      -2.54 (±0.36)                                  167          FBI                           VU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for concern for European conserva-          strategies, propose measures, and evaluate
                                                           Spotless Starling                Sturnus unicolor         4.43 (±0.58)                                  149          FBI                           LC         tionists. This decline, which is catastrophic      action plans, thus offering a glimmer of hope.
                                                           Tawny Pipit                     Anthus campestris        -4.31 (±0.57)                                  218          FBI                           EN         under certain aspects, has been ongoing            Although there have been several excellent
                                                           Tree Pipit                        Anthus trivialis        0.64 (±0.38)                                  292         FBIpm                          LC         for decades and shows no sign of slowing           recent examples of research results being
                                                           Water Pipit                     Anthus spinoletta        -1.16 (±0.48)                                  141         FBIpm                          LC         down. Italy hosts a significant percentage         applied in Rural Development Programmes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of the population of many of these species,        and local or regional projects to improve habi-
                                                           Western Yellow Wagtail            Motacilla flava        -2.04 (±0.31)                                  324          FBI                           NT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and thus plays a key role in their conserva-       tats for farmland birds, the implementation of
                    European goldfinch by Marco De Silvi

                                                           Whinchat                         Saxicola rubetra        -2.53 (±0.80)                                  121         FBIpm                          VU         tion. In spite of this, until recently Italy was   research findings into conservation policies
                                                           White Wagtail                     Motacilla alba         -1.16 (±0.21)                                  1071         FBI                           LC         lagging far behind much of Europe in terms         and measures remains at an early stage.
                                                           Yellowhammer                    Emberiza citrinella      -2.99 (±0.51)                                  225         FBIpm                          VU         of research on the ecology and conservation        Below we will explore the most relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of farmland birds. Limited research translates     aspects of farmland bird conservation in Italy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         into limited knowledge and a narrow scope          Looking at the conservation status of bird spe-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of action. Fortunately, this trend has rapidly     cies that nest in agricultural habitats (not just
                                                           MODERATE           STRONG    MODERATE        STEEP
                                                           INCREASE          INCREASE    DECLINE       DECLINE      STABLE             UNCERTAIN                  FAVOURABLE               POOR             INADEQUATE   reversed itself, and while farmland bird po-       those used to calculate the FBI), we see that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         pulations sadly continue to decline, research      birds that live in grassland habitats are tho-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         on birds and farmland has grown quickly in         se most at risk, while generalist species that
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13

                                              can occupy a variety of habitats are generally     while the effects of pesticides on birds are       lability of nesting sites, and limiting disturban-                    The coming decades will be as dynamic as

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The conservation of farmland birds in Italy
The conservation of farmland birds in Italy

                                              doing better. This snapshot of conservation        potentially very significant, they remain little   ce during the breeding season.                                        they will be crucial. A new CAP, a changing
                                              status as related to habitat agrees with the       known. The species potentially most at risk        The efforts to be made are thus manifold, in-                         climate, pressure arising out of the production
                                              trends identified by the FBI, and immedia-         are those tied to orchards and those that do       volving both farmers and institutions, and fo-                        of renewable energy, an increased awareness
                                              tely suggests that the habitats that have          not nest in cavities.                              cusing not only on birds but also on the other                        of the impacts of industrial agriculture and
                                              undergone the most profound changes in             Many birds that nest in cultivated areas have      advantages arising out of environmentally-                            climate change, a renewed need for contact
                                              recent decades - many grassland habitats           low breeding success, often due to the im-         friendly management.                                                  with nature will all have major repercussions
                                              have indeed been converted, abandoned,             pact of farming practices – ground-nesting                                                                               on the birdlife of our countryside. As with any
                                              or subjected to agricultural intensification       birds often have their nests destroyed due to                                                                            challenges, with risks come opportunities: we
                                              - are also those associated with the most          mowing and reaping, which affects larks, har-                                                                            all must work towards a healthy future filled
                                              critical situations.                               riers, Quails and Whinchats – or due to the                                                                              with life, for farmland birds, for ourselves, and
                                              The threats against birds of croplands exist       low quality of nesting and foraging habitats                                                                             for the planet.
                                              mainly at the landscape and management le-         (as is the case for Wrynecks in certain vi-
                                              vels. The former include changes in soil use       neyards and Red-backed Shrikes in intensive
                                              and vegetation, which affect habitat compo-        farmland). This creates potential “ecological
                                              sition and configuration at a wide scale, whi-     traps”, where a species occupies seemingly
                                              le the latter include farming practices such       suitable tracts of habitat but struggles to nest
                                              as pesticide and fertilizer use, pollarding,       successfully due to limiting factors that are
                                              mowing, the use of machinery and crop pro-         not immediately apparent.
                                              tection systems.                                   This is exacerbated by the effects of a pro-
                                              Agricultural intensification and land aban-        foundly changing climate. In mountain
                                              donment are two diametrically opposed              grasslands, the effects of climate change and
                                              processes, yet they both result in a loss of       land abandonment work in tandem to signi-
                                              diversity, with a transition from landscape        ficantly decrease the availability of suitable
                                              mosaics to landscapes dominated by a sin-          habitats for species such as the Tawny Pi-
                                              gle habitat (monoculture in the former case,       pit, Water Pipit and Northern Wheatear. The
                                              and woodland in the latter). The geographical      different speeds at which birds and farming
                                              and environmental contexts in which these          practices adapt to climate change have an
                                              processes take place are different, yet the        impact on numerous species, and crops once
                                              root cause is the same: the attempt to ma-         limited to lower elevations, such as vineyards,
                                              ximize profits, which leads to intensifying        are rapidly advancing upslope.
                                              production in the most suitable areas and to       Our increase in knowledge has not yet led
                                              the abandonment of marginal ones. The loss         to an equally clear speeding up of conser-
                                              of habitat diversity implies the loss of micro-    vation initiatives. The contrasting effects of
                                              habitats and key resources for many species:       agri-environmental payments on the avifau-
                                              hedgerows for nesting, meadows for foraging,       na highlight the need for measures that are
                                              trees from which to sing. Bird communities         custom-made for the needs of wild birds. A
                                              thus change, with population collapses for         degree of progress in this direction has been
                                              species that require habitat mosaics, such as      achieved, but much remains to be done. Se-
                                              shrikes and Ortolan Buntings. Agricultural in-     veral recent projects have seen farmers and
                                              tensification can degrade habitat quality: the     researchers work together to define manage-
                                              increasing use of chemicals, more frequent         ment protocols that could combine produc-
                                              mowing, the use of nets or all-out efforts to      tion and conservation. Additionally, farmland
                                              contain anything that is not the crop itself can   birds provide ecosystem services, both in
                                              make an habitat that may superficially ap-         cultural terms and with regards to regulating
                                              pear unchanged inhospitable for many spe-          the populations of pests, and promoting ideal
                                              cies. On the other hand, the lack of grazing       conditions for birds means improving many of
                                              or mowing due to abandonment has negative          the ecosystem services in the countryside.
                                              effects on species that live in open areas, in-    Although many aspects remain poorly ex-
                                              cluding many insectivores such as the Black-       plored (demographic aspects, effects of pe-
                                              eared Wheatear, Common Redstart or Tree            sticides, links with the non-breeding period),
                                              Pipit.                                             a few key steps to take are clear: planning
         Barn swallows by Marco Mattei

                                              The use of pesticides is a key factor. It can      measures at the proper scale, conserving
                                              have both direct impacts (toxicity and long-       (and restoring) grasslands through adequate
                                              term effects) and indirect ones (reduced food      management, protecting habitat diversity and
                                              supply, nest disturbance). Differences due to      edge habitats, properly managing ground ve-
                                              pest management approaches (conventio-             getation in perennial crops, integrating con-
                                              nal, integrated or organic) vary between dif-      servation and ecosystem services aspects in
                                              ferent types of crops and depending on the         strategies that must also be evaluated from
                                              surrounding landscape. Generally speaking,         an economic standpoint, increasing the avai-       For more information: Brambilla M. 2019. Six (or nearly so) big challenges for farmland bird conservation in Italy. Avocetta 43: 101-113.
14                National financial supporters 2009-2020 - Italian Ministry of agriculture,
                  food and forestry (Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali)
                                                                                                      Reginato, Cesare Rovelli, Massimo Sacchi, Jacopo Tonetti, Andrea Viganò,
                                                                                                      Severino Vitulano
                                                                                                      Financial supporter: 2009-2013 Regione Lombardia - D.G. Agricoltura
                                                                                                                                                                                        Arno Schneider, Cesare Sent, Giacomo Sgorlon, Giacomo Sighele, Maurizio
                                                                                                                                                                                        Sighele, Giancarlo Silveri, Emanuele Stival, Giuseppe Tormen, Danilo
                                                                                                                                                                                        Trombin, Mauro Varaschin, Emiliano Verza, Corrado Zanini
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Capelli, F. Cecere, F. Ceresa, S. Colaone, P. Cucchi, R. Facoetti, F. Farina, M. Favaron,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A. Ferri, I. Festari, L. Fornasari, A. Galimberti, A. Gargioni, G. Gottardi, N. Grattini, W.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Guenzani, M. Guerrini, R. Leo, R. Lerco, D. Longhi, L. Longo, G. Lucia, L. Maffezzoli, S.
                  Local financial supporters, regional coordinators and counters for FBI                                                                                                                                                                                              Mantovani, L. Marchesi, M. Marconi, C. Martignoni, A. Micheli, S. Milesi, C. Movalli,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A. Nevola, M. Nova, F. Ornaghi, F. Orsenigo, E. Perani, V. Perin, G. Piotti, S. Ravara, G.
                  project 2009-2020 (in alphabetical order):                                          MARCHE Coordinator: Riccardo Santolini and Fabio Pruscini (2009-2015),            Thanks to all those who contributed to the MITO2000 project 2000-2008:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Redaelli, S. Riva, A. Rossi, C. Rovelli, D. Rubolini, M. Sacchi, R. Sacchi, C. Sbravati,
                                                                                                      Paolo Perna (2016-2020)                                                           MITO2000 Board:                                                                               C. Scandolara, M. Sighele, J. Tonetti, M. Valota, A. Viganò

                  ABRUZZO Coordinator: Mauro Bernoni (2009-2020)                                      Counters: Jacopo Angelini, Simonetta Cutini, Federico Fanesi, Nicola Felicetti,   Lorenzo Fornasari - chair (FaunaViva); Mattia Brambilla (CISO); Claudio Celada -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Financial supporter: 2001-2008 Regione Lombardia - D.G. Agricoltura
                  Counters: Antonio Antonucci, Carlo Artese, Mauro Bernoni, Sante Cericola,           Fabrizio Franconi, Mauro Furlani, Maurizio Fusari, Pierfrancesco Gambelli,        vicechair (Lipu); Guido Tellini Florenzano - vicechair (D.R.E.Am. Italia); Elisabetta de
                  Mirko Di Marzio, Mauro Fabrizio, Davide Ferretti, Giorgio Lalli, Marco              Paolo Giacchini, Guglielmo Londi, Giorgio Marini, Mauro Mencarelli, Federico      Carli - vicechair, Sergio Fasano, Giuseppe La Gioia, Riccardo Santolini, Alberto Sorace
                                                                                                                                                                                        (Coordinatori regionali) Technical team: Paolo Bonazzi, Gianpiero Calvi, Elisabetta           MARCHE Coordinator: Paolo Perna (2000), Riccardo Santolini (2001-2008)
                  Liberatore, Antonio Monaco, Lorenzo Petrizzelli, Eliseo Strinella                   Morelli, Niki Morganti, Francesca Morici, Mina Pascucci, Giovanni Pasini,                                                                                                       Counters: J. Angelini, S. Brambilla, E. Cordiner, N. Felicetti, M.E. Ferrari, A. Ferri, D.
                                                                                                      Paolo Perna, Danilo Procaccini, Fabio Pruscini                                    de Carli (FaunaViva); Tommaso Campedelli, Simonetta Cutini, Guglielmo Londi, Guido
                                                                                                                                                                                        Tellini Florenzano - chair (D.R.E.Am. Italia); Claudio Celada (Lipu)                          Fiacchini, M. Furlani, G. Pasini, P. Perna, M. Sacchi, A. Sorace, N. Tonolini
                  BASILICATA Coordinator: Egidio Fulco (2009-2020)
                  Counters: Tommaso Campedelli, Pietro Chiatante, Simonetta Cutini, Egidio            MOLISE Coordinator: Lorenzo De Lisio (2009-2020)                                  Organization secretary: Lia Buvoli - chair (FaunaViva); Simonetta Cutini (D.R.E.Am.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Italia); Laura Silva (Lipu)                                                                   MOLISE Coordinator: Massimo Pellegrini (2000), Lorenzo De Lisio (2001-2008)
                  Fulco, Cristiano Liuzzi, Guglielmo Londi, Donato Lorubio, Fabio Mastropasqua,       Counters: Rosario Balestrieri, Marco Carafa, Andrea Corso, Lorenzo De Lisio,                                                                                                    Counters: F. Aceto, P. Brichetti, A. Corso, L. De Lisio, M. Pellegrini
                                                                                                                                                                                        Validation team: Paolo Bonazzi (FaunaViva); Simonetta Cutini, Guido Tellini
                  Simone Todisco                                                                      Davide De Rosa, Giancarlo Fracasso                                                Florenzano – chair (D.R.E.Am. Italia)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PIEMONTE Coordinator: Giovanni Boano (2000-2001), Roberto Toffoli (2002-2008)
                  PROVINCIA DI BOLZANO Coordinator: Oskar Niederfriniger (2009-2011),                 PIEMONTE Coordinator: Roberto Toffoli (2009-2020)                                 National financial supporters:                                                                Counters: G. Aimassi, P. Alberti, P. Beraudo, R. Bionda, G. Boano, L. Bordignon,
                  Erich Gasser (2012-2015), Patrick Egger (2016-2020)                                 Counters: Giacomo Assandri, Andrea Battisti, Giovanni Boano, Stefano              Anno 2000 – 2000 – Ministry of the Environment (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della               A. Boto, F. Carpegna, G. Cattaneo, B. Caula, S. Fasano, M. Favaron, A. Ferri, L.
                  Counters: Paolo Bonazzi, Tommaso Campedelli, Tanja Dirler, Patrick                  Boccardi, Enrico Caprio, Franco Carpegna, Stefano Costa, Dario Di Noia, Ivan      Tutela del Territorio e del Mare)                                                             Fornasari, G. Gertosio, L. Giraudo, P. Grimaldi, P. Marotto, C. Movalli, M. Pavia, C.
                  Egger, Alessandro Franzoi, Erich Gasser, Christian Kofler, Leo Hilpold,             Ellena, Sergio Fasano, Luca Giraudo, Davide Giuliano, Marco Pavia, Claudio                                                                                                      Pulcher, D. Reteuna, G. Roux Poignant, D. Rubolini, R. Toffoli, S. Tozzi
                  Andreas Lanthaler, Guglielmo Londi, Oskar Niederfriniger, Iacun                     Pulcher, Giovanni Soldato, Roberto Toffoli, Simone Tozzi                          Local financial supporters, regional coordinators and counters for                            Financial supporter: 2001-2004 Regione Piemonte, Settore Pianificazione Aree
                  Prugger, Arnold Rinner, Francesca Rossi, Udo Thoma, Leo Unterholzner                Financial supporter: 2009-2018 Regione Piemonte, Assessorato Agricoltura,         MITO2000 project 2000-2008 (in alphabetical order):                                           Protette, Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime. 2007-2008 Regione Piemonte, Assessorato
                  Financial supporter: 2009-2020 Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Vogelkunde und               Istituto Piante da Legno and Ambiente IPLA                                                                                                                                      Agricoltura, Istituto Piante da
                  Vogelschutz – Südtirol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Legno and Ambiente IPLA
                                                                                                                                                                                        ABRUZZO Coordinator: Mauro Bernoni (2000-2008)
                                                                                                      PUGLIA Coordinator: Giuseppe La Gioia (Ass. Or.Me) (2009-2020)                    Counters: A. Antonucci, C. Artese, M. Bernoni, M. Carafa, M. Cirillo, E. Cordiner, V.
                  CALABRIA Coordinator: Francesco Sottile (2009-2020)                                 Counters: Giuseppe Albanese, Michele Bux, Tommaso Capodiferro,                    Dundee, G. Guerrieri, G. Lalli, M. Liberatore, M. Miglio, A. Monaco, M. Pellegrini, P.        PUGLIA Coordinator: Antonio Sigismondi (2000), Giuseppe La Gioia (Ass. Or.Me)
                  Counters: Rosario Balestrieri, Domenico Bevacqua, Paolo Bulzomì, Giovanni           Tommaso Campedelli, Michele Cento, Pietro Chiatante, Vincenzo Cripezzi,           Plini, B. Santucci, E. Strinella                                                              (2001-2008)
                  Capobianco, Gianluca Congi, Giuseppe Camelliti, Manuel Marra, Giuseppe              Filippo D’Erasmo, Egidio Fulco, Mirko Galuppi, Lorenzo Gaudiano, Vittorio                                                                                                       Counters: G. Albanese, M. Bux, M. Caldarella, T. Capodiferro, G. Capone, G.
                  Martino, Eugenio Muscianese, Manuela Policastrese, Mario Pucci, Francesco           Giacoia, Giuseppe Giglio, Anthony Green, Rocco Labadessa, Giuseppe La                                                                                                           Chiatante, P. Chiatante, A. Corso, V. Giacoia, G. Giglio, M. Gioiosa, G. La Gioia, M.
                                                                                                                                                                                        BASILICATA Coordinator: Giovanni Palumbo (2000),
                  Sottile, Pierpaolo Storino, Salvatore Urso, Maurizio Vena                           Gioia, Cristiano Liuzzi, Manuel Marra, Fabio Mastropasqua, Giuseppe Nuovo,                                                                                                      Laterza, C. Liuzzi, G. Marzano, G. Nuovo, V. Rizzi, A. Sigismondi, S. Todisco
                                                                                                                                                                                        Ass. FaunaViva (2001-2004), Egidio Fulco (2005-2008)
                                                                                                      Simone Todisco, Severino Vitulano, Fabrizio Zonno                                 Counters: M. Bernoni, P. Bonazzi, S. Brambilla, F. Canonico, E. Fulco, G. Miapane,
                  CAMPANIA Coordinator: Rosario Balestrieri (2013-2018), Danila Mastronardi                                                                                             G. Palumbo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SARDEGNA Coordinator: Sergio Nissardi and Danilo Pisu (2000-2008), Ass.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FaunaViva (2004)
                  (2009-2020) and Giovanni Capobianco (2019-2020)                                     SARDEGNA Coordinator: Sergio Nissardi and Danilo Pisu (2009-2020)
                                                                                                                                                                                        PROVINCIA DI BOLZANO Coordinator: Oskar Niederfriniger (2000-2008)                            Counters: M. Aresu, N. Baccetti, L. Bassu, P. Cosa, C. Fiesoli, A. Fozzi, C. Fresi, A.
                  Counters: Rosario Balestrieri, Ilaria Cammarata, Camillo Campolongo, Silvia         Counters: Jessica Atzori, Fabio Cherchi, Roberto Cogoni, Davide De Rosa,                                                                                                        Locci, N. Marras, P.F. Murgia, S. Nissardi, D. Pisu, H. Schenk, G. Spano, J. Tonetti, M.
                  Capasso, Giovanni Capobianco, Vincenzo Cavaliere, Costantino D’Antonio,             Ilaria Fozzi, Pier Francesco Murgia, Sergio Nissardi, Riccardo Paddeu,            Counters: O. Danay, E. Gasser, E. Girardi, J. Hackhofer, L. Hilpold, R. Hitthaler, C.         Zenatello, C. Zucca
                  Davide De Rosa, Elio Esse, Salvatore Ferraro, Alfredo Galietti, Marcello            Stefania Piras, Danilo Pisu, Giampaolo Ruzzante, Angelo Sanna, Carla Zucca        Kofler, A. Leitner, M. Moling, M. Moling, O. Niederfriniger, K. Niederkofler, M. Obletter,
                                                                                                                                                                                        P. Pedrini, J. Riegel, A. Rinner, U. Thoma, L. Unterholzner, G. Volcan, J. Waschgler, T.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Financial supporter: 2001 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna. Assessorato della
                  Giannotti, Silvana Grimaldi, Ottavio Janni, Mario Kalby, Marilena Izzo, Claudio                                                                                                                                                                                     Difesa dell’Ambiente
                  Mancuso, Danila Mastronardi, Alessandro Motta, Stefano Piciocchi, Andrea            SICILIA Coordinator: Lipu (2009), Amelia Roccella (2010-2020)                     Wilhalm, J. Winkler
                  Senese, Alessio Usai, Mark Walters, Davide Zeccolella                               Counters: Salvatore Bondì, Barbara Bottini, Emanuela Canale, Carlo                Financial supporter: 2000-2008 Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Vogelkunde und
                                                                                                                                                                                        Vogelschutz - Südtirol                                                                        SICILIA Coordinator: Renzo Ientile (2001-2004), Ass. FaunaViva (2000, 2005-2008)
                  Financial supporter: 2012-2013-2017 Assessorato all’Agricoltura - Regione           Capuzzello, Michele Cento, Fabio Cilea, Giovanni Cumbo, Simonetta Cutini,                                                                                                       Counters: P. Bonazzi, E. Canale, A. Corso, L. Fornasari, R. Hewins, R. Ientile, G.
                  Campania                                                                            Graziella Dell’Arte, Paolo Galasso, Egle Gambino, Gabriele Giacalone, Elena                                                                                                     Leonardi, F. Lo Valvo, M. Lo Valvo, G. Marzano, M. Sacchi, M. Siracusa
                                                                                                      Grasso, Renzo Ientile, Giovanni Leonardi, Guglielmo Londi, Flavio Lo Scalzo,      CALABRIA Coordinator: Toni Mingozzi and Francesco Sottile (2000), Ass. FaunaViva
                  EMILIA-ROMAGNA Coordinator: Stefano Gellini and Pier Paolo Ceccarelli               Maurizio Marchese, Amelia Roccella, Angelo Scuderi                                                                                                                              TOSCANA Coordinator: Guido Tellini Florenzano (COT) (2000-2002), Luca Puglisi
                                                                                                                                                                                        Counters: P. Bulzomì, G. Camelliti, S. De Bonis, R. Facoetti, M. Kalby, A. Mancuso,
                  (St.E.R.N.A) (2000-2020) and Marco Gustin (Lipu) (2011-2020)                                                                                                          G. Marzano, M. Sacchi, N. Sills, F. Sottile, P. Storino, S. Urso, M. Walters                  (COT) (2003-2008), Guido Tellini Florenzano (D.R.E.Am. Italia) (2006-2008)
                  Counters: Davide Alberti, Mattia Bacci, Luca Bagni, Simone Balbo, Mario Bonora,     TOSCANA Coordinator: Guido Tellini Florenzano (D.R.E.Am. Italia) (2009-                                                                                                         Counters: E. Arcamone, N. Baccetti, G. Battaglia, M. Bonora, T. Campedelli, A. Chiti-
                  Fabrizio Borghesi, Francesco Cacciato, Maurizio Casadei, Lino Casini, Pier Paolo    2016), Simonetta Cutini (D.R.E.Am. Italia) (2017-2020), Luca Puglisi (COT)        CAMPANIA Coordinator: Giancarlo Moschetti (Province CE, BN: 2000-2001), Mario                 Batelli, L. Colligiani, I. Corsi, B. Cursano, S. Cutini, L. Favilli, A. Fontanelli, A. Gaggi,
                  Ceccarelli, Carlo Ciani, Massimiliano Costa, Simonetta Cutini, Paolo Gallerani,     (2009-2020)                                                                       Milone (Province NA, AV, SA: 2000-2002) and Maria Filomena Caliendo (2000-2008)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      P. Giovacchini, M. Giunti, G. Guerrieri, G. Londi, E. Meschini, L. Mini, D. Occhiato,
                  Marco Gustin, Giorgio Leoni, Guglielmo Londi, Massimo Sacchi, Maurizio              Counters: Emiliano Arcamone, Giancarlo Battaglia, Tommaso Campedelli,                                                                                                           F. Pezzo, S. Piazzini, L. Puglisi, A. Sacchetti, M. Sacchi, M. Salvarani, R. Savio, P.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Counters: R. Balestrieri, M. Bruschini, M.F. Caliendo, C. Campolongo, F. Canonico, F.         Sposimo, G. Tellini Florenzano, M. Valtriani, L. Vanni, U. Veken, F. Velatta, A. Vezzani
                  Samorì, Fabio Simonazzi, Stefano Soavi, Cristiano Tarantino, Luigi Ziotti           Alberto Chiti-Batelli, Iacopo Corsi, Barbara Cursano, Simonetta Cutini,           Carpino, P. Conti, G. De Filippo, F. Finamore, M. Fraissinet, D. Fulgione, L. Fusco, M.
                  Financial supporter: 2011-2013 Regione Emilia-Romagna D.G. Agricoltura,             Michele Giunti, Marco Lebboroni, Guglielmo Londi, Angelo Meschini, Ewa                                                                                                          Financial supporter: 2000-2008 Regione Toscana, Direzione Generale dello
                                                                                                                                                                                        Giannotti, R. Guglielmi, S. Guglielmi, O. Janni, M. Kalby, C. Mancuso, E. Manganiello,
                  economia ittica, attività faunistico venatorie, Servizio Programmi,                 Oryl, Francesco Pezzo, Sandro Piazzini, Luca Puglisi, Alessandro Sacchetti,                                                                                                     Sviluppo Economico, Settore Politiche agroambientali, attività faunistica-venatoria
                                                                                                                                                                                        D. Mastronardi, M. Milone, G. Moschetti, S. Piciocchi, D. Rippa, C.E. Rusch, S.
                  Monitoraggio and Valutazione                                                        Roberto Savio, Guido Tellini Florenzano, Marco Valtriani, Lorenzo Vanni,                                                                                                        and pesca dilettantistica. Beneficiario COT
                                                                                                                                                                                        Scebba, A. Vitolo, M. Walters
                                                                                                      Ursula Veken, Andrea Vezzani
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PROVINCIA DI TRENTO Coordinator: Paolo Pedrini (Museo Tridentino di Scienze
                  FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Coordinator: Roberto Parodi (2009), Fabrizio Florit           Financial supporter: 2009-2013 Regione Toscana, Direzione Generale dello          EMILIA-ROMAGNA Coordinator: Stefano Gellini and Pierpaolo Ceccarelli                          naturali, Zoologia dei vertebrati) (2000-2008)
                  (Reg. aut. Friuli Venezia Giulia – Osservatorio biodiversità) (2010-2020)           Sviluppo Economico, Settore Politiche agroambientali, attività faunistica-        (St.E.R.N.A) (2000-2008)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Counters: V. Cavallaro, F. Ceresa, P. Laimer, L. Marchesi, A. Micheli, O. Negra, O.
                  Counters: Marco Baldin, Enrico Benussi, Antonio Borgo, Silvano Candotto,            venatoria and pesca dilettantistica. Beneficiario COT                             Counters: F. Aceto, M. Allegri, A. Ambrogio, G. Arveda, L. Bagni, M. Bonora, L.               Niederfriniger, S. Noselli, M. Obletter, P. Pedrini, D. Prevedel, F. Rizzolli, F. Rossi, M.
                  Renato Castellani, Matteo De Luca, Bruno Dentesani, Fabrizio Florit (Reg. aut.                                                                                        Bontardelli, F. Cacciato, M. Casadei, L. Casini, P.P. Ceccarelli, C. Ciani, I. Corsi, M.      Segata, F. Torben Bach, G. Volcan
                  Friuli Venezia Giulia, Uff. studi faunistici), Gino Gobbo (Carabinieri forestali,   PROVINCIA DI TRENTO Coordinator: Paolo Pedrini (MUSE Sezione Zoologia             Costa, M.E. Ferrari, M. Finozzi, M. Gustin, L. Melega, M. Salvarani, G. Sardella, G.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Financial supporter: 2000-2008 Museo Tridentino di Scienze naturali, Sezione
                  Uff. terr. biodiversità di Tarvisio), Carlo Guzzon, Kajetan Kravos, Francesco       dei vertebrati) (2009-2020)                                                       Tellini Florenzano, S. Volponi, F. Zanichelli
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Zoologia dei Vertebrati: Progetto BIODIVERSITA’ (Fondo per la Ricerca - PAT 2001-
                  Mezzavilla, Roberto Parodi, Michele Pegorer, Remo Peressin, Francesco               Counters: Giacomo Assandri, Tommaso Campedelli, Francesco Ceresa,                                                                                                               2005); Provincia Autonoma di Trento: Dipartimento Ambiente, Territorio and Foreste,
                  Scarton, Valter Simonitti, Pier Luigi Taiariol, Matteo Toller (Reg. aut. Friuli     Alessandro Franzoi, Guglielmo Londi, Luigi Marchesi, Giuseppe Martino,            FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Coordinator: Roberto Parodi (2000-2008)                                 Servizio Conservazione della Natura - Ufficio Rete Natura 2000
                  Venezia Giulia, Serv. Foreste and Corpo forestale, St. for. di Resia), Michele      Stefano Noselli, Paolo Pedrini, Franco Rizzolli, Francesca Rossi, Michele         Counters: A. Borgo, S. Candotto, R. Castellani, M. De Luca, B. Dentesani, U. Fattori,
                  Toniutti (Reg. aut. Friuli Venezia Giulia, Serv. Foreste and Corpo forestale,       Segata, Gilberto Volcan                                                           F. Florit, F. Genero, C. Guzzon, K. Kravos, R. Parodi, R. Peressin, V. Simonitti, P.L.        UMBRIA Coordinator: Giuseppina Lombardi and Francesco Velatta (Osservatorio
                  St. for. di Udine), Paul Tout, Paolo Utmar, Tarcisio Zorzenon (Reg. aut. Friuli     Financial supporter: 2009-2020 Museo delle Scienze di Trento, Provincia           Taiariol, M. Toniutti, P. Tout, P. Utmar                                                      Faunistico Regionale) (2000-2008)
                  Venezia Giulia, Serv. Foreste and Corpo forestale, St. for. di Duino-Aurisina)      Autonoma di Trento: Dipartimento Agricoltura, Turismo and Commercio and           Financial supporter: 2002-2008 Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Direzione              Counters: R. Casalini, E. Cordiner, L. Cucchia, E. Fulco, A. Gaggi, D. Iavicoli, S.
                                                                                                                                                                                        centrale risorse rurali, agroalimentari and forestali, Servizio caccia, risorse ittiche and   Laurenti, S. Marini, A. Masci, A. Meschini, M. Montefameglio, A.M. Paci, R. Papi, F.
                  Financial supporter: 2010-2012 Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia,              Promozione (2010-2013); Accordo di Programma per la Ricerca PAT                   biodiversità, Ufficio studi faunistici
                  Direzione centrale infrastrutture and territorio, Servizio paesaggio and                                                                                                                                                                                            Renzini, F. Velatta
                  biodiversità, Ufficio studi faunistici                                              UMBRIA Coordinator: Giuseppina Lombardi and Francesco Velatta                                                                                                                   Financial supporter: 2000-2008 Osservatorio Faunistico Regione Umbria
                                                                                                                                                                                        LAZIO Coordinator: Loris Pietrelli (2000), Massimo Brunelli, Stefano Sarrocco,
                                                                                                      (Osservatorio Faunistico Regionale) (2009-2020)                                   Alberto Sorace (2000-2008)
                  LAZIO Coordinator: Alberto Sorace (Ass. Parus), Massimo Brunelli, Stefano           Counters: Enrico Cordiner, Laura Cucchia, Nicola Felicetti, Egidio Fulco,                                                                                                       VALLE D’AOSTA Coordinator: Massimo Bocca (2000-2001), Ass. FaunaViva (2004-
                                                                                                                                                                                        Counters: C. Battisti, M. Belardi, M. Bernoni, M. Biondi, A. Boano, M. Brunelli,              2006), Roberto Toffoli (2007-2008)
                  Sarrocco (2009-2020)                                                                Angela Gaggi, Daniele Iavicoli, Sara Marini, Angelo Meschini, Monica              A. Castaldi, C. Catoni, M. Cento, F. Corbi, L. Corsetti, E. De Santis, F. Fraticelli, P.
                  Counters: Mauro Bernoni, Massimo Brunelli, Michele Cento, Ferdinando                Montefameglio, Andrea Maria Paci, Carmine Romano, Francesco Velatta,                                                                                                            Counters: M. Bocca, P. Bonazzi, G. Bosio, G. Cattaneo, D. De Siena, A. Ferri, M.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Fusacchia, G. Guerrieri, L. Ianniello, G. Landucci, M. Liberatore, E. Lorenzetti, M.          Grosa, G. Maffei, M. Nicolino, L. Ramires, L. Ruggieri
                  Corbi, Simonetta Cutini, Gaia De Luca, Emiliano De Santis, Marianna Di Santo,       Martina Zambon                                                                    Melletti, A. Meschini, M. Miglio, A. Montemaggiori, R. Papi, L. Pietrelli, F. Pinos, P.
                  Luigi Ianniello, Daniele Iavicoli, Emanuela Lorenzetti, Mario Melletti, Angelo      Financial supporter: 2009 and 2011-2020 Osservatorio Faunistico Regione           Plini, S. Roma, M. Rossetti, F. Rossi, M. Sacchi, B. Santucci, S. Sarrocco, E. Savo, S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      VENETO Coordinator: Mauro Bon (2000-2008), Maurizio Sighele (Provincia VR:
                  Meschini, Sergio Muratore, Roberto Papi, Loris Pietrelli, Stefano Sarrocco,         Umbria                                                                            Sciré, A. Sorace, D. Taffon, C. Teofili, M. Trotta
                  Enzo Savo, Sara Sciré, Alberto Sorace, Daniele Taffon, Marco Trotta                                                                                                   Financial supporter: 2006-2008 Agenzia Regionale Parchi del Lazio - Regione Lazio             Counters: M. Baldin, K. Bettiol, R. Bonato, M. Bonetti, F. Borgo, L. Boscain, E.
                                                                                                      VALLE D’AOSTA Coordinator: Roberto Toffoli (2009-2020)                                                                                                                          Boschetti, S. Bottazzo, M. Bovo, R. Cappellaro, L. Carlotto, M. Cassol, E. Cerato, F.
                  LIGURIA Coordinator: Sergio Fasano (2009-2020)                                      Counters: Andrea Battisti, Stefano Boccardi, Franco Carpegna, Vittorio            LIGURIA Coordinator: Luca Baghino (2000-2006), Ass. FaunaViva (2007), Sergio                  Ceresa, L. Cogo, A. Costa, A. De Faveri, V. Dini, I. Farronato, M. Fioretto, L. Fornasari,
                  Counters: Luca Baghino, Massimo Campora, Renato Cottalasso, Sergio                  Fanelli, Sergio Fasano, Lorenzo Petrizzelli, Roberto Toffoli                      Fasano (2008)                                                                                 G. Fracasso, S. Lombardo, L. Longo, G. Martignago, C. Martignoni, F. Mezzavilla, A.
                  Fasano, Roberto Toffoli, Rudy Valfiorito                                            Financial supporter: 2009-2011 and 2013 Servizio Aree protette, Assessorato       Counters: G. Accinelli, C. Aristarchi, L. Baghino, S. Brambilla, M. Campora, P.               Nardo, S. Noselli, M. Paganin, L. Panzarin, P. Parricelli, R. Peressin, M. Pesente, G.
                  Financial supporter: 2009-2013 Regione Liguria, Dipartimento Ambiente,              Agricoltura and Risorse naturali, Regione autonoma Valle d’Aosta                  Canepa, R. Cottalasso, S. Fasano, C. Figoni, L. Fornasari, L. Galli, C. Galuppo, M.           Piras, L. Piva, F. Rizzolli, F. Rossi, G. Sgorlon, M. Sighele, G. Tiloca, R. Ton, A. Tonelli,
                  Servizio Parchi, Aree protette and Biodiversità; coordinamento: Ente Parco del                                                                                        Giorgini, N. Maranini, M. Oliveri, M. Ottonello, C. Peluffo, S. Spanò, R. Toffoli, R.         G. Tormen, S. Valente, E. Verza, G. Volcan, M. Zenatello
                  Beigua. 2014-2020 Ente Parco del Beigua                                             VENETO Coordinator: Francesco Mezzavilla (2009-2014), Andrea Favaretto            Valfiorito, A. Verner                                                                         Financial supporter: 2001-2008 Ass. Faunisti Veneti (ASFAVE)
                                                                                                      (2015-2020), Maurizio Sighele (Provincia VR: 2009-2020)                           Financial supporter: 2008 Regione Liguria, Dipartimento Ambiente, Servizio Parchi,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Aree protette e
                  LOMBARDIA Coordinator: Lia Buvoli (Ass. FaunaViva) (2009-2020)                      Counters: Marco Basso, Paolo Bertini, Katia Bettiol, Renato Bonato, Luca          Biodiversità; coordinamento: Ente Parco del Beigua
                  Counters: Giuseppe Agostani, Davide Aldi, Gaia Bazzi, Mauro Belardi, Roberto        Boscain, Michele Cassol, Michele Cento, Elvio Cerato, Carla Chiappisi, Lorenzo
                  Bertoli, Paolo Bonazzi, Sonia Braghiroli, Gianpiero Calvi, Stefania Capelli,        Cogo, Vittorio Fanelli, Andrea Favaretto, Cristiano Izzo, Roberto Lerco,          LOMBARDIA Coordinator: Ass. FaunaViva (2000-2008)
                  Gianpasquale Chiatante, Felice Farina, Massimo Favaron, Lorenzo Fornasari,          Alessandro Mazzoleni, Francesco Mezzavilla, Andrea Mosele, Aronne Pagani,         Counters: G. Agostani, M. Allegri, F. Baccalini, L. Bani, R. Barezzani, E. Bassi, G.
                  Arturo Gargioni, Nunzio Grattini, Daniele Longhi, Giuseppe Lucia, Alessandro        Michele Pegorer, Davide Pettenò, Giulio Piras, Luigi Piva, Fabrizio Reginato,     Bazzi, M. Belardi, R. Bertoli, M. Biasioli, P. Bonazzi, M. Bonetti, L. Bontardelli, P.
                  Mazzoleni, Mariella Nicastro, Mattia Panzeri, Alessandro Pavesi, Fabrizio           Franco Rizzolli, Fabio Sabbadin, Alessandro Sartori, Francesco Scarton,           Bonvicini, S. Brambilla, R. Brembilla, M. Caffi, E. Cairo, G. Calvi, M. Canziani, S.

Italian sparrow by Roberto Beccucci
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