Effect of weather conditions on the spring migration of Eurasian Woodcock and consequences for breeding

Page created by Tim Bennett
Effect of weather conditions on the spring migration of Eurasian Woodcock and consequences for breeding
Ibis (2018)                                                                                     doi: 10.1111/ibi.12657

  Effect of weather conditions on the spring migration
      of Eurasian Woodcock and consequences for
                                                    YVES FERRAND
         Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage, 8 boulevard Albert Einstein, Nantes, 44300, France
               Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Burgate Manor, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1EF, UK
              Club National des Be cassiers, 105 rue Louis Pergaud, Villeneuve, Champniers, 16430, France

              Migration is a critical period of time with fitness consequences for birds. The develop-
              ment of tracking technologies now allows researchers to examine how different aspects
              of bird migration affect population dynamics. Weather conditions experienced during
              migration are expected to influence movements and, subsequently, the timing of arrival
              and the energetic costs involved. We analysed satellite-tracking data from 68 Eurasian
              Woodcock Scolopax rusticola fitted with Argos satellite tags in the British Isles and France
              (2012–17). First, we evaluated the effect of weather conditions (temperature, humidity,
              wind speed and direction, atmospheric stability and visibility) on migration movements
              of individuals. Then we investigated the consequences for breeding success (age ratio)
              and brood precocity (early-brood ratio) population-level indices while accounting for cli-
              matic variables on the breeding grounds. Air temperature, wind and relative humidity
              were the main variables related to migration movements, with high temperatures and
              northward winds greatly increasing the probability of onward flights, whereas a trend
              towards greater humidity over 4 days decreased the probability of movement. Breeding
              success was mostly affected by climatic variables on the breeding grounds. The propor-
              tion of juveniles in autumn was negatively correlated with temperature in May, but posi-
              tively correlated with precipitation in June and July. Brood precocity was poorly
              explained by the covariates used in this study. Our data for the Eurasian Woodcock indi-
              cate that, although weather conditions during spring migration affect migration move-
              ments, they do not have a major influence on subsequent breeding success.
Keywords: age ratio, Argos transmitter, breeding ground conditions, carry-over effects, early-
brood ratio.

The most common way for birds to cope with sea-               wintering in habitat with higher resources, lower
sonal changes in weather and feeding conditions is            predation risk and/or less competition (Alerstam
to make flights between separate wintering and                 et al. 2003, McKinnon et al. 2010). Undertaking
breeding grounds, a mechanism which has a strong              migration, however, carries potential costs. It
genetic basis (Berthold et al. 1990, Berthold &               encompasses an important part of the annual cycle
Helbig 1992, Pulido et al. 1996, Pulido 2007,                 (up to 40–60% for some long-distance migrants,
Liedvogel et al. 2011, Liedvogel & Lundberg                   Newton 2011) and comprises a period during
2014). The expression of this behaviour in a popu-            which birds cross unknown areas with uncertain
lation is related to the fitness of migrating individ-         food resources, weather conditions and predation
uals vs. resident ones, e.g. by breeding and/or               risk. Conditions experienced during migration may
                                                              thus have major effects on the timing and
                                                              energetic costs of the journey (Jenni & Schaub
*Corresponding author.
Email: lerest.k@gmail.com                                     2003), as well as on individual survival (Klaassen

© 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
2    K. Le Rest et al.

et al. 2014). For instance, food abundance and              This study focuses on the effect of weather con-
availability at stopover sites are known to be          ditions on the pre-breeding migration of a cryptic
important variables influencing the duration of          bird, the Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola
stopovers for refuelling (Newton 2006). Moreover,       (hereafter Woodcock). It is a widespread species
the weather conditions such as wind strength and        living in woodland habitats. It has a broad diet,
direction (Liechti 2006, Shamoun-Baranes et al.         composed mainly of lumbricids, myriapoda and
2017) experienced during the trip strongly influ-        arthropods. The spring migration of the Woodcock
ence migration progress, depending on the flight         alternates between flights of several hundred kilo-
strategy of the species, i.e. soaring or flapping        metres at night and stopovers for one or several
flight, fuel deposit capacity and altitude of flight      days (https://Woodcockwatch.com; http://www.
(Alerstam 2011).                                        becassesmigration.fr; Crespo et al. 2016). Food
   Pre-breeding migration has profound conse-           abundance and availability play an important role
quences for the breeding season. Indeed, it sets        in habitat selection during winter (Duriez et al.
important characteristics for breeding, such as the     2005) but are not expected to influence migration
date of arrival at the breeding ground and body         movements because most of the habitats crossed
condition on arrival. The latter determines the         during migration are suitable for Woodcock (Cre-
capacity of the bird to invest energy directly in       spo et al. 2016). However, weather conditions are
breeding activity (Sandberg & Moore 1996) and           expected to have a large influence on stopover
the former constrains the timing of breeding, e.g.      duration during Woodcock migration and, conse-
breeding success may depend on the relationship         quently, on the duration of the complete spring
between hatching date and seasonal availability of      migration.
food for chicks (Both et al. 2005, Møller et al.            To test this, we linked satellite tracking data
2008, Saino et al. 2011). The energetic cost of         from 68 individuals with remote sensing datasets
migration is especially important for species using     available daily at a global scale. The effect of
stored resources for breeding, i.e. capital breeders    14 climatic variables expected to affect bird
(Stephens et al. 2009), but the timing of migration     migration, related to wind, temperature, visibil-
has consequences for breeding whatever the breed-       ity, humidity and atmospheric conditions
ing strategies of the species (Both & Visser 2001,      (Richardson 1990a, Shamoun-Baranes et al.
Newton 2006).                                           2017), and when relevant their trends over a
   The study of bird migration has been revolu-         few days, were first tested to explain the migra-
tionized by the miniaturization of geolocation          tion movements of Woodcock at the individual
technologies, which now enable the tracking of          level. We then investigated the consequences of
most birds throughout their travels. The large          weather conditions experienced during migration
amount of geolocation data recorded has revealed        on the breeding success (proportion of juve-
unexpected migration routes and behaviours (Bur-        niles) and brood precocity (proportion of juve-
ger & Shaffer 2008, Klaassen et al. 2014,               niles having completed their post-juvenile
Weimerskirch et al. 2015). This technology also         moult) during the subsequent breeding season
offers new opportunities to study the mechanisms        at the population level. However, because the
and factors driving migration strategy at the indi-     energetic needs of breeding are thought to be
vidual level. One of the main challenges lies in        gained mainly from local resources, especially
linking these geolocation data to relevant informa-     for an income breeder such as Woodcock (see
tion on the factors expected to influence bird           Stephens et al. 2009), the timing and success of
movements at relevant spatial and temporal scales       breeding will also depend on climatic variables
(e.g. meteorology, Shamoun-Baranes et al. 2010).        on the breeding grounds (Guzman & Arroyo
Remote sensing data appear to be the best solu-         2015). Temperature and precipitation on the
tion, because it is almost impossible to realize        breeding grounds were thus calculated and
field surveys at each bird position (Gordo 2007).        included in the analyses. We discuss the impli-
Worldwide data are now easily available from            cations of our findings for Woodcock population
public datasets, e.g. land cover classification, vege-   dynamics and, more generally, for our under-
tation indices and climate datasets, which offer        standing of carry-over effects of spring migration
valuable information on parameters affecting bird       conditions on the reproductive success of migra-
migration.                                              tory birds.

© 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
Weather conditions and Woodcock migration         3

                                                     Appendix S1 for details) and, when relevant, their
                                                     trends over 4 days were extracted. The accuracy of
                                                     these variables was not available, which may have
Migration movements
                                                     introduced additional uncertainty into the analysis
From 2012 to 2017, 87 Woodcock were fitted            (see Baker et al. 2017). All weather variables were
with Argos satellite tags (solar PPT Microwave       available four times daily, but only information at
Telemetry, Inc., Columbia, MD, USA; 9.5 g) in        18 h (UTC) was extracted because Woodcock
February–March in Western Europe (63 in the Bri-     migration movements started at dusk. Moreover, all
tish Isles in 2012–17 and 24 in France in 2015–      altitude-dependent      weather      variables   were
16). Tags were attached to the birds using a leg-    extracted near the ground surface because GPS log-
loop harness (Rappole & Tipton 1991) composed        gers fitted on Woodcocks showed that they mainly
of 1.6-mm-diameter, UV-resistant, marine-grade       migrate at low altitude (A. Hoodless unpubl. data).
rubber cord (EPDM cord; Polymax Ltd, Bordon,         Weather variables were averaged over 3 days (time
UK) passed through biomedical tubing (Silastic       t, t + 1 and t + 2) to fit the tracking data time reso-
tubing; Cole Palmer, St Neots, UK). The tag          lution (time t corresponded to the first 10-h ON
schedule alternated between a 10-h ON period         period; time t + 1 and t + 2 to the 48-h OFF per-
(Argos messages transmitted every 60 s) and a 48-    iod) and their trends were assessed over 4 days
h OFF period (no messages transmitted). Some of      (adding the previous day, t     1).
the 87 tags failed prematurely and some others
failed to transmit any signal during spring migra-
                                                     Age and early-brood ratios
tion. Moreover, several Woodcock were resident in
the UK (no migration data) and some others died      The effect of weather conditions experienced dur-
(hunted or unknown causes). Consequently, only       ing spring migration on subsequent breeding ide-
68 tags from the 87 used provided meaningful         ally would be investigated at the individual level.
data for studying spring migration.                  However, tracking data did not provide reliable
    The spring tracking data were converted to a     information about breeding success. Frequent
binary variable indicating whether the bird had      movements of females during the breeding period
continued its migration (1) or not (0) between       indicated incomplete incubation, but this was
two ON periods (first 10 h ON + 48 h OFF +            insufficient to assess breeding success confidently.
next 10 h ON, i.e. 68 h elapsed time). A buffer of   However, the proportion of juveniles (hereafter
50 km was defined to assess whether the distance      age ratio) and the proportion of juveniles hav-
travelled between the two ON periods corre-          ing finished their post-fledging moult before migra-
sponded to local movement or a migration flight.      tion (hereafter early-brood ratio) were available
The threshold of 50 km was chosen according to       each year from French and Russian monitoring
the home-range of Woodcock during the breeding       schemes.
period, when movements were typically < 50 km            Hunting of Woodcock wintering in Western
(mean  sd = 14  23 km, n = 12). Such binary        Europe is popular, especially on the wintering
data thus described the probability of migration     grounds and during autumn migration. In France,
movement where at least two accurate locations       a non-profit organization of Woodcock hunters
were transmitted during a 68-h period. In total,     (Club National des Becassiers) collected wings of
729 spring locations from 68 individuals were used   hunted Woodcock in order to determine the age
(Fig. 1). Spring migration movements in more         and progress of moult (8000–10 000 wings col-
than 1 year were recorded for 31 individuals, with   lected each year). At the same time, a ringing pro-
some birds yielding data for up to five consecutive   gramme was managed by a governmental
years.                                               organization (Office National de la Chasse et de la
    Weather variables were extracted from the        Faune Sauvage – ONCFS) and hunter organiza-
NCEP Reanalysis (Kalnay et al. 1996) 2.5° 9 2.5°     tions (Federation Nationale des Chasseurs – FNC,
gridded data provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL           Federations Departementales des Chasseurs – FDC).
PSD (Boulder, CO, USA) website (http://www.          Thousands of birds (5000–7000) were ringed in
esrl.noaa.gov/psd/). Fourteen weather variables      France each year through this programme and the
related to wind, temperature, humidity, visibility   age and moult of individuals were assessed. Tens
and atmospheric conditions (see Table S1 in          to a few hundred Woodcock were also caught in

                                                                                 © 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
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Figure 1. The 729 locations from 68 individuals where spring migration movement of Woodcock could be assessed in a 68-h
elapsed time.

autumn near their breeding grounds in Central                 extracted from 1996 to 2017 for each location and
Russia, thanks to a partnership between ONCFS                 date. As in the migration movement analysis,
and a Russian organization (BirdsRussia).                     weather variables were averaged over 3 days (time
   Age (juvenile or adult) can be assessed easily             t, t + 1 and t + 2) and their trends assessed over
for Eurasian Woodcock using plumage characteris-              4 days (adding t     1). All values were then aver-
tics (Clausager 1973, Ferrand & Gossmann 2009),               aged yearly, which resulted in a unique set of
and age ratio (proportion of juveniles) provided an           weather conditions each year and enabled a correl-
index of breeding success at the population level.            ative analysis with the breeding indices. We con-
The age ratio of birds caught in Central Russia in            sidered three scenarios of change in migration
early autumn was especially valuable because it               phenology from 1996 to 2017: (1) no change; (2)
gave a measure of breeding success at the start of            a linear shift of ¼ day per year (based on mean
autumn migration. However, the number of indi-                spring passage at Helgoland; H€   uppop & H€   uppop
viduals caught was low in comparison with the                 2003); and (3) a non-linear shift driven by spring
thousands of birds collected each year in France.             precocity. Scenario (2) was evaluated by retrospec-
The moult stage of juveniles in autumn/winter                 tively shifting migration dates by 1 day every
gave important information on their hatching                  4 years because weather conditions were only
date because early-hatched juveniles (early                   extracted in the evening. Scenario (3) was
broods) moulted all their secondary coverts,                  achieved using air temperature data extracted for
whereas late-hatched juveniles (late broods)                  scenario (1) to give an index of rise in spring tem-
showed some juvenile coverts (autumn migration                perature at the flyway scale. An annual delay or
stops moult of the wing feathers, Ferrand & Goss-             advancement in spring temperatures was then cal-
mann 2009). The proportion of early-brood juve-               culated. This variable was scaled, as the overall
niles therefore provided information on breeding              trend from 1996 to 2017 corresponded to a gen-
phenology and its possible consequences for                   eral shift of ¼ day per year, as in scenario (2). The
breeding success, e.g. higher mortality rate in               difference in temperature values was then con-
chicks reared later.                                          verted into a number of days, which allowed a
   To link such population-level indices with                 non-linear shift of dates to be considered.
spring migration weather, the tracking data loca-                 Age and early-brood ratios were also expected
tions and dates were used as a sample to represent            to be influenced by weather on the breeding
Woodcock flyway movements. Important weather                   grounds. If so, failing to account for these vari-
variables found to affect migration movement were             ables may lead to fallacious results due to

© 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
Weather conditions and Woodcock migration         5

spurious correlations between weather during         during migration on age and early-brood ratios,
spring migration and the breeding period.            were investigated using linear models with normal
Monthly mean temperature and precipitation in        errors. Model residuals were visually checked for
May, June and July from 1996 to 2017 were            normality. A linear model accounted for overdis-
therefore extracted from known breeding loca-        persion due to the independent variance parame-
tions of 63 tracked Woodcocks. Total precipita-      ter r of the error term, whereas the use of a
tion from January to April was extracted as an       binomial model would imply that variance was a
index of pre-breeding soil–water conditions each     function of the mean, which ignores overdisper-
year.                                                sion. An alternative would be to use quasi-bino-
                                                     mial models, but AIC could not be strictly
                                                     evaluated with such an approach. Note that the
Statistical analyses
                                                     results remained equivalent using either quasi-
The effect of weather conditions on spring           binomial or linear models. The source of data
migration movements was examined using gener-        (birds ringed in Russia, ringed in France or hunted
alized linear mixed models, with a binomial          in France) was used as a factor to account for the
error term and a logit link function. Weather        differences between these sources, ensuring that
variables were added as fixed effects and the         covariates explained relative changes. Results
individual bird was specified as a random effect.     remained unchanged whether data source was
Candidate covariates (fixed effects) were chosen      considered as a random or a fixed effect. Parame-
according to prior knowledge or their expected       ters were estimated by weighted least squares to
effect on migration movements. It was not possi-     account for the differences in the number of indi-
ble to consider all subsets of these candidate       viduals ni used to calculate age and early-brood
covariates (2k possibilities with linear effects).   ratios.
Covariate selection was thus done in several            Candidate climatic variables were those
steps starting from a model including only tem-      selected in the migration movement analysis
perature and wind effects (strong support from       (eight variables from the best model selected)
prior knowledge). In total, about 150 subsets of     and conditions at the breeding grounds (seven
covariates were considered (weather conditions       variables, see above). These covariates could not
and individual-based variables, e.g. age and         all be considered in the same model because the
breeding location) while avoiding collinearity       number of covariates considered was high rela-
between covariates (cross correlation < 0.7, see     tive to the number of observations, and because
Dormann et al. 2013). All subsets of covariates      of collinearity between some of them. The analy-
were then classified according to Aka€ıke’s infor-    sis was thus carried out considering two main
mation criterion (AIC) and we retained the best      potential drivers of variation in observed index
model and alternative models having DAIC < 2,        values: (1) the climatic variables extracted on
i.e. those having ‘substantial support’ according    the breeding grounds and (2) the weather condi-
to Burnham and Anderson (2002). Row coeffi-           tions experienced during migration. The second
cients of the models and their uncertainty are       potential driver of variation was investigated by
provided in Appendix S2 (see Table S2) and           testing the three scenarios detailed above on the
averaged parameters were calculated from this        changes in migration phenology since 1996, i.e.
subset of models (Symonds & Moussali 2011).          (scenario 1) no change in migration dates,
Model selection was performed on a subsample         (scenario 2) a shift of ¼ day per year and
of 668 observations for which there were no          (scenario 3) an annual change in migration dates
missing values for any of the covariates. How-       depending on air temperature. Covariate selection
ever, coefficients were estimated from the maxi-      was done independently for each of these four
mum number of observations with no missing           sets of covariates (see Tables S3 and S7, in
value in the set of covariates considered (from      Appendices S3 and S4, respectively). Model selec-
668 to 729 depending on the covariates consid-       tion was carried out using a corrected AIC (AICc)
ered). Model residuals were checked for spatial      with n = 23 (number of studied years). AICc was
correlation.                                         compared between the different scenarios, which
    The effects of climatic variables extracted on   allowed assessment of the main cause of variation
the breeding grounds, and the weather conditions     in age ratio and early-brood ratio.

                                                                                © 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
6    K. Le Rest et al.

                                                                  wetness. Precipitation rate had a skewed distribu-
                                                                  tion, which prevented a good evaluation of its
                                                                  effect on migration movements.
Migration movements
                                                                      Migration movements more frequently occurred
Variable selection based on AIC resulted in reten-                in the presence of positive air surface temperatures
tion of 15 models with DAIC < 2. The models                       (> 3 °C), stable atmospheric conditions (positive
had from 10 to 15 parameters (Table 1,                            best four-layer lifted index) and favourable winds
Appendix S2). Air surface temperature, winds                      (especially northward winds, Fig. 2). A quadratic
(especially northward wind), atmospheric stability                effect was fitted to atmospheric conditions, such
and relative humidity trend were the main                         that the highest values resulted in a decrease in
weather variables associated with migration move-                 movement probability, but the number of observa-
ments (Table 1, Fig. 2). These variables were pre-                tions with such extreme conditions was small and,
sent in all of the 15 competing models, and their                 hence, the uncertainty was high. Conversely,
coefficients were very similar across them (see                    migration movements occurred less frequently in
Appendix S2). Air pressure and relative humidity                  the presence of an increasing trend in relative
were selected in most of the alternative models,                  humidity. Movements were most frequent in the
but the estimated coefficients showed high uncer-                  presence of a slightly decreasing or stable relative
tainties. Neither cloud cover nor cloud ceiling                   humidity trend. Uncertainty was very high for
height (visibility) were selected in the models. The              conditions with a strongly decreasing relative
same was true for vertical wind speed and soil                    humidity trend (Fig. 2). Bird breeding origin (lon-
                                                                  gitude and/or latitude of breeding area, linear
                                                                  migration distance; Table 1) also showed weak
Table 1. Averaged parameters from the best set of models          positive correlations with probability of migration
(15 models with DAIC < 2, see Table S2 in Appendix S2) on         movement. Longitude of the breeding area (Fig. 2)
the probability of migration movement.
                                                                  was the variable which best highlighted this corre-
                                                                  lation, with reduced uncertainty in most of the
Covariates                     Averaged     standard              models considered (Table 1, Appendix S2).
(scaled)                      coefficients     errors   t-values   Selected interactions (lifted index 9 air pressure
                                                                  trend and eastward 9 northward wind) enhanced
Intercept                         0.60        0.15       3.95
                                                                  AIC values, but coefficient estimates showed high
Longitude of                      0.23        0.11       2.03
 breeding area                                                    uncertainty.
Air temperature                   0.74        0.13       5.73
Eastward wind                     0.15        0.09       1.66
 (u-component)                                                    Age and early-brood ratios
Northward wind                    0.50        0.10       4.90
                                                                  The proportion of young among late autumn
Air pressure                      0.15        0.10       1.46     and winter birds collected in France was lower
Air pressure trend                0.14        0.10       1.40     than that of Russian birds caught in early
Best four-layer                   0.23        0.12       1.90     autumn. Moreover, age ratio differed between
 lifted index                                                     ringed and hunted individuals in France, but
(Best four-layer                  0.25        0.07       3.55
                                                                  both showed synchrony over time (Fig. 3a,
 lifted index)²
Relative humidity                 0.15        0.12       1.27     r = 0.79, n = 21 years). All the models consid-
Relative humidity                 0.14        0.09       1.53     ered accounted for these differences through
 trend                                                            inclusion of the factor ‘type of data’. Variable
(Relative humidity                0.16        0.06       2.71     selection showed that the lowest AIC was
                                                                  achieved by a model accounting for the climatic
(Eastward wind                    0.13        0.09       1.55
 9 Northward wind)                                                variables during the breeding period (Table 2,
Best four-layer lifted            0.14        0.10       1.44     Table S3 in Appendix S3). The alternative best
 index 9 Air pressure                                             model, accounting only for weather conditions
 trend                                                            during spring migration, was that of the non-
Latitude of breeding              0.12        0.11       1.03
                                                                  shifted migration hypothesis, but it performed
Migration distance                0.17        0.12       1.42     very poorly (DAIC > 30, Table S4). The most
                                                                  important variables correlating with age ratio

© 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
Weather conditions and Woodcock migration           7

Figure 2. Effect of air temperature (°C), atmospheric stability (best four-layer lifted index), wind speed (m/s), relative humidity trend
and longitude of breeding area (decimal degree) on migration movements. The grey line with shaded area represent the mean and
its 95% confidence interval. The dashed horizontal line corresponds to a probability of migration movement of 0.5.

were temperature in May and precipitation in                            positively related and stabilized in the presence
July. The former was negatively related to the                          of high precipitation (Table 2, Fig. 4). Age ratio
proportion of juveniles, whereas the latter was                         was also higher in the presence of high

                                                                                                        © 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
8    K. Le Rest et al.

Figure 3. Trends in (a) age ratio and (b) early-brood ratio from 1996 to 2017. Each source of data is drawn using a different colour
(see key).

temperature and precipitation in June. Overall,                      n = 21 years). Values in the Russian data were
climatic variables on the breeding grounds                           slightly higher (Fig. 3b) but between-year variation
explained 65% of the observed variation in age                       was high, so selection based on AIC favoured
ratio (calculated from the deviance ratio of the                     models without the factor ‘type of data’
model including only the factor ‘source of                           (Table S4_1 in Appendix S4). The lowest AIC in
data’). In contrast, the models accounting for                       the models examining early-brood ratio was
weather conditions during migration only                             achieved by a model accounting for weather con-
explained 10% (non-linear shifted migration),                        ditions under the hypothesis of non-shifted migra-
15% (linear shifted migration) and 37% (non-                         tion. Air pressure and relative humidity showed
shifted migration) of the variation in age ratio                     negative correlations with early-brood ratio
(Tables S3_1 to S3_3 in Appendix S3). More                           (Table 3), but their effects on migration move-
importantly, the main weather variables corre-                       ments      had     high     uncertainty   (Table 1,
lated with age ratio were not the ones that                          Appendix S2). The models evaluated under the
were strongly related to migration movements.                        alternative hypotheses of linear and non-linear
In particular, coefficients estimated from air                        shifted migration phenology performed poorly
pressure and air pressure trend exhibited high                       (Appendix S4). Of the climatic variables extracted
uncertainties (Table 1).                                             at the breeding grounds, only temperature in May
   Early-brood ratio was quite similar between                       was selected. Early-brood ratio was higher in the
hunted and ringed individuals in France (r = 0.48,                   presence of higher temperatures in May.

© 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
Weather conditions and Woodcock migration         9

Table 2. Estimated parameters of the best model fitting age     correlated with spring migration movements of
ratio to the climatic variables at the breeding grounds (see   Woodcock (Fig. 2), with individuals logically tak-
Appendix S3 for other models, all having DAIC ≫ 2).
                                                               ing advantage of tailwinds. Intriguingly, the effect
                                                               of northward wind was much stronger than the
                         Estimated    standard                 effect of eastward wind, although there was no
Covariates (scaled)     coefficients     errors      t-values   apparent advantage to Woodcock in heading north
                                                               faster. Wind speed and direction may not only
Intercept                 59.27          0.83        71.41
                                                               facilitate migration flights but may also provide
Source: ringed            16.94          3.40         4.98
 in Russia                                                     some information on conditions at the following
Source: hunted              7.35         0.73        10.07     stopover sites. In particular, northward winds may
 in France                                                     give important information about temperature
Temperature May             2.50         0.41          6.10    trend (and snowmelt) at a broad scale, whereas
Precipitation July          2.89         0.40          7.22
                                                               eastward winds are associated with rainy weather
Precipitation June          1.69         0.41          4.12
Temperature June            0.75         0.45          1.67    and atmospheric instability (which may generate
(Temperature June)²         1.57         0.37          4.24    snow when reaching cold areas). Another explana-
(Precipitation July)²       1.54         0.46          3.35    tion might be related to the structure of winds in
R²: 0.80                                   AICc: 397.2         the different layers of the atmosphere. Indeed,
                                                               birds may adapt their flight altitude by a compro-
                                                               mise between wind support and air temperature
                                                               (Kemp et al. 2013). We need reliable data on the
                                                               flight altitude of tracked Woodcock to investigate
                                                               this hypothesis.
Migration movements
                                                                   Atmospheric conditions have not often been
Spring migration movements of Eurasian Wood-                   shown to influence non-soaring bird migration
cock were clearly associated with particular                   (Richardson 1990b). Yet, in theory, stable atmo-
weather conditions. Air surface temperature                    spheric conditions could also be advantageous for
showed the strongest positive correlation, but                 flapping-flight migration by reducing turbulence in
wind, atmospheric stability and relative humidity              the air and the risk of encountering storms, thus
trend were also highly related to migration move-              encouraging the bird to migrate. Atmospheric sta-
ment probability (Fig. 2). Many studies of bird                bility was evaluated here by the best four-layer
migration have shown that temperature has a                    lifted-index and was the third most important vari-
major role in migration schedules (e.g. Marra et al.           able (after temperature and wind) explaining
2005, H€  uppop & Winkel 2006, Gordo 2007,                     Woodcock spring migration movements (based on
Tøttrup et al. 2010). Woodcock in particular                   estimated coefficients, Table 1). Moreover, as
avoided moving when temperatures were below or                 expected, Woodcock migration movements were
near 0 °C, and migration movement frequency                    lower when relative humidity increased. We were
reached 50% above 4 °C and 80% above 11 °C.                    unable to find any study in which this variable has
Temperature may have an indirect effect on                     previously been related to migration movements.
migration movements, i.e. increasing food abun-                Both atmospheric stability and relative humidity
dance and availability at new sites along the migra-           trend should thus be given greater consideration in
tion route, which consequently stimulates birds to             future studies modelling bird migration movements.
continue their travel. This would be analogous to                  Migration movements of Woodcock still
the green wave hypothesis for goose migration (Si              occurred when weather conditions were not opti-
et al. 2015, and references therein).                          mal. Indeed, the movement probability was rarely
   Wind is also known to be an important factor                lower than 0.2 for each single effect (Fig. 2). Thus,
influencing migration movements (Liechti 2006,                  it seems that only a combination of unfavourable
Sinelschikova et al. 2007). Biologging technologies            elements could drastically reduce migration move-
permitting the tracking of birds throughout their              ment probability towards zero and, conversely, just
migration travels have recently highlighted the                a few favourable factors could encourage some
importance of this variable at the individual level            birds to continue spring migration. A large amount
(Conklin & Battley 2011, Safi et al. 2013). In our              (88%) of the observed variance (evaluated from
study, wind direction and strength were strongly               the null model with only the individuals

                                                                                          © 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
10    K. Le Rest et al.

Figure 4. Effect of temperature (°C) in May and June and precipitation (mm) in June and July on age ratio. The grey line with
shaded area represent the mean and its 95% confidence interval.

Table 3. Estimated parameters of the best model fitting early-     accuracy according to the density of weather sta-
brood ratio to the weather conditions under the hypothesis of     tions, which may create additional variance or
non-shifted migration phenology (see Appendix S4 for other        even bias in analysis (Baker et al. 2017). Another
models, all having DAIC > 2).                                     part of this unexplained variance results from vari-
                                                                  ables and processes unaccounted for in the models.
                                                                  For instance, energy expenditure and body condi-
Covariates                 Estimated    standard
(scaled)                  coefficients     errors      t values    tion could affect the decision of Woodcock to stop
                                                                  or fly on at the individual level throughout the
Intercept                    63.89        0.47        135.94      migration. Variables related to visibility (cloud
Air pressure                  1.98        0.45           4.4
                                                                  cover and cloud-ceiling height) were not shown to
Relative humidity             1.56        0.47           3.32
(Air pressure)²               0.97        0.30           3.23     affect Woodcock migration movements.
R²: 0.33                                    AICc: 379.01             We found no difference in migration move-
                                                                  ments between juvenile (second calendar year)
                                                                  and adult Woodcock (third or more calendar
considered as a random effect) remained unex-                     year). However, Woodcock breeding further east
plained by the best model. A part of this unex-                   had a higher rate of migration movements than
plained variance may be related to the accuracy of                birds breeding closer to the wintering grounds
the variable used in the model. In particular, some               (Table 1). This is mainly related to the migration
variables may have spatial variation in their                     distance the birds have to cover, as the longitude

© 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
Weather conditions and Woodcock migration         11

of the breeding area is highly correlated with the        thus increase post-fledging mortality. Guzman and
distance between the wintering and breeding areas         Arroyo (2015) also showed a negative effect of tem-
(r = 0.97, n = 82 spring travels, DAIC of the alter-      perature in July and a positive effect of precipitation
native model = 1.1, see Appendix S2). Woodcock            on relative Woodcock abundance in Spain during
breeding further east and undertaking longer              the following winter, which would be partly related
migrations thus compensate for their long-distance        to the breeding success that summer. However,
travel by increasing their rate of migration move-        they also found a positive effect of precipitation in
ment. Migration will have a greater impact on the         May, but did not provide interpretation of this
fitness of these individuals, and they may need to         result.
be more efficient at finding resources at stopover             We evaluated breeding success using the age
areas and/or their breeding grounds might be              ratio, which only gave the proportion of young
expected to be of higher quality.                         Woodcock in the population a few months after
                                                          the breeding period. The limitations in the inter-
                                                          pretation of results on age ratio must be borne in
Age and early-brood ratios
                                                          mind because, although breeding productivity will
Age ratio was higher among hunted Woodcock                have a strong influence on age ratio values, condi-
than those captured for ringing, but both trends          tions during autumn migration may affect adults
across years were very similar. The higher age ratio      and juveniles differently, e.g. differential mortality
among hunted birds is likely to be due to differen-       and/or migration routes. The abundance of Wood-
tial distribution of young birds according to hunt-       cock in Western Europe in a given winter is likely
ing pressure, such that young birds reaching              to depend strongly on weather conditions (espe-
wintering areas for the first time are more likely to      cially frost) in northern and eastern countries,
settle in hunted areas by accident than are adults,       which push Woodcock towards southern areas
which almost always returned to the same winter-          such as Spain (Peron et al. 2011). Unfortunately,
ing location (Fadat 1991). Once accounting for the        this was not taken into account by Guzman and
factor ‘source of data’, annual age ratio was mostly      Arroyo (2015), and hence the relative importance
related to climatic variables on the breeding             of breeding ground conditions and autumn/winter
grounds. Conversely, weather conditions during            weather (and their correlations) on the abundance
spring migration were unlikely to influence the pro-       of wintering Woodcock still need to be evaluated.
portion of juveniles. Temperature in May and June            In contrast to age ratio, the early-brood ratio was
and precipitation in June and July showed strong          poorly related to the covariates studied. The weather
correlations with age ratio. In May, most female          variables during spring migration that were
Woodcock on the Russian breeding grounds are              correlated with early-brood ratio were not those cor-
incubating, so a higher temperature might be con-         related with migration movements. Such inconsisten-
strued as good for breeding. However, temperature         cies were probably due to multicollinearity between
and precipitation were positively correlated in May       the covariates measured during spring migration and
(r = 0.43, n = 23 years) and heavy precipitation          other important variables unaccounted for in our
might reduce hatching success. The negative corre-        models. Of the variables extracted on the breeding
lation between age ratio and temperature in May           grounds, only temperature in May may have a weak
suggests that unstable weather in May (high tem-          positive influence on early-brood ratio. This is plausi-
peratures and precipitation) was detrimental to           ble, as high temperatures in May advance spring phe-
hatching success. Conversely, in June, most young         nology and hence hatching date (Hoodless &
would have hatched and would benefit from high             Coulson 1998). However, because temperature in
temperatures and precipitation, which was consis-         May was negatively correlated with age ratio, it
tent with the correlations we found. In July, dry         might produce antagonistic effects on breeding suc-
weather will probably drive earthworms deeper into        cess and breeding precocity.
the soil and make it harder for Woodcock to probe,
which could prevent them from feeding on soil
                                                          Implications for population dynamics
invertebrates (Peach et al. 2004, Hoodless & Hirons
2007). Low rainfall in July could particularly affect     In a recent review, Shamoun-Baranes et al. (2017)
Woodcock chicks, most of which will be full grown         provided an overview of the effect of atmospheric
by July but still relatively na€ıve foragers, and could   conditions on bird migration at the individual level

                                                                                      © 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
12    K. Le Rest et al.

and gave some insights into the consequences of           by the Shooting Times Woodcock Club. ONCFS and
these conditions at the population level. The             CNB financed the tags in France. CNB financed the
authors highlighted that the feedback of weather          tags thanks to a membership fee as well as private
                                                          donations. We would like to thank Bruno Meunier
conditions experienced during migration on popu-
                                                          (President of CNB) and all the members of CNB for
lation dynamics has not yet been sufficiently inves-       their input since the first stages of this project. Owen
tigated. We have shown that the weather                   Williams (The Woodcock Network) and Luke Harman
conditions experienced during spring migration            (University College Cork) helped to fit tags in Wales
had little influence on breeding success (age ratio        and Ireland. Pierre Launay (CNB), Damien Coreau and
after the breeding period) or breeding phenology          Francßois Gossmann (ONCFS), as well as many ringers
(early-brood ratio) of Woodcock. Breeding success         from Reseau Becasse (ONCFS/FNC/FDC) helped to
                                                          catch Woodcock and fit tags in France. One anony-
was mainly correlated with climatic variables on
                                                          mous reviewer, the associate editor, James Pearce-Hig-
the breeding grounds, which could influence both           gins, and the editor, Dan Chamberlain, provided
hatching success and the survival of juveniles. Pop-      valuable comments and corrections which greatly
ulation dynamics of Eurasian Woodcock wintering           improved the manuscript.
in Western Europe are thus more likely to be
related to the conditions on the breeding grounds
than to conditions experienced during the spring
migration, which is consistent with the income
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© 2018 British Ornithologists’ Union
Weather conditions and Woodcock migration            13

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Stephens, P.A., Boyd, I.L., McNamara, J.M. & Houston, A.I.
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