COMMONWEALTH BANK TREASURERS' AWARDS 2015 - Not-for-Profit Sector Banking

Page created by Clara Peterson
Sector Banking



Like you, CommBank a
are committed to buildi
wellbeing and sustaina
600,000 not-for-profit
And we know that the w
treasurers plays a vital
those groups hum.
Most treasurers are untiring,                          That’s why it’s our pleasure to put our names to
                                                       such a worthwhile initiative as the Not-for-Profit
painstaking and efficient. They
                                                       Treasurers’ Awards.
work long hours to keep the books
balanced and ensure accountability,                    These awards emphasise how much work
                                                       is being done behind the scenes of our
allowing community members and
                                                       not-for-profit organisations; but it’s about more
volunteers to get on with working                      than recognition. We also sought to uncover
for the causes they believe in                         key barriers to the efficient and effective
and the work they love doing.                          keeping of the books, and highlight solutions
                                                       for overcoming those barriers.
They sacrifice time with their families and friends,
                                                       The judging of these awards made for exciting
their leisure time, time they’d probably rather
                                                       reading. We heard of treasurers taking their
spend on the ground with their community
                                                       groups from the red to the black, from the
group than in the back office, to pay the bills,
                                                       dark ages to the internet age, from struggling
chase money, do the books and prepare the
                                                       to thriving.
reports. All too often the work of the treasurer
goes unrecognised.


 nd Our Community
 ng the strength,
ability of Australia’s
work of not-for-profit
 role in making

   We also read many excellent suggestions
   of initiatives we can undertake that will make
   treasurers’ lives across Australia easier and
   their groups safer, more effective and more
   efficient. It’s invaluable information: we’ve heard
                                                              Vanessa Nolan Woods
   from the horse’s mouth exactly what barriers
                                                              General Manager,
   are impeding our nation’s treasurers, and
   exactly what can be done to remove them.                   Sector Banking
   We can’t wait to get started.                              Commonwealth Bank

   Congratulations to all the treasurers who were
   peer-nominated for the awards this year, and
   a huge thank you to all those who shared their
   wisdom. And to all the treasurers and volunteers
   who help make our community organisations
   so great – we applaud you.                                 Denis Moriarty
                                                              Group Managing Director
                                                              Our Community


THE 2015
The response to the Commonwealth Bank
Not-for-Profit Treasurers’ Awards 2015
was overwhelming. We received well
over 1000 submissions, accompanied
by inspiring and glowing endorsements
of our community treasurers.


The Commonwealth Bank Not-for-Profit Treasurers’
Awards 2015 were split into two parts to allow a
celebration of all treasurers across the nation, as well
as an opportunity for those treasurers to contribute
their ideas for reforming the role.

PART A:                                                PART B:
People involved in not-for-profit groups were          Treasurers were invited to spread their wisdom
invited to let their treasurer know how much they      by providing their ideas for removing barriers to the
are valued by nominating them to receive an            role of the treasurer. The three best entries were
official Commonwealth Bank Not-for-Profit              chosen to win one of three $5000 donations for their
Treasurers’ Awards 2015 Certificate of Appreciation.   not-for-profit group, plus an iPad for themselves.

OUR 2015
Nominations for Part A of the awards were drawn        This year’s nominees are of exceptional quality,
from all corners of every state and territory of       demonstrating great leadership, teamwork
Australia – from major cities, regional centres and    and enthusiasm.
tiny towns; from large organisations and small,
and everything in between; and from all areas of       Nominees were a mix of full- and part-time
the not-for-profit sector.                             workers and retirees, fitting their treasury role
                                                       among other commitments. They included
The entries showed just how amazing the work           trained accountants and complete novices.
that is being undertaken in the community sector is.
They showed how much time and thought treasurers       The judges were inspired to read about treasurers
put into their voluntary work and highlighted that     taking on huge challenges, learning new skills,
their work involves much more than simply balancing    donating vast amounts of their time – some
the books.                                             quite literally saving their organisation from going
                                                       under. They have read about people who form
                                                       the backbone of their community organisation,
                                                       often going above and beyond the call of duty.


HERE’S JUST                                “Kylie is effective, efficient, reliable,
                                           trustworthy, intelligent, competent
                                                                                       “For consistently going above
                                                                                       and beyond the role of book-
A SMALL                                    and caring. She manages to                  keeper, banker, accountant, asset
SELECTION OF                               communicate complex ‘money talk’
                                           to the committee in layman’s terms.
                                                                                       manager, financial planner, treasurer,
                                                                                       committee member and all round
THE COMMENTS                               We appreciate her incredibly!”              great bloke! We thank you!”
                                                                                       “Before Erin was treasurer, we
“Marion has been a strong and

                                                                                       were stressed about our financial
steady voice of reason over many                                                       situation. Erin has not only bought
years advocating for financial                                                         us out of the red, but well into the
sustainability. She consistently
goes above and beyond in the               She counts                                  green! She’s a fantastic asset to
                                                                                       the organisation.”
time and energy she puts into
her involvement.”                          the notes,
                                                                                       “Amanda, our treasurer, works
                                           she counts the                              tirelessly for the good of our centre,
“Cathy volunteered when no one
else would. Calm when faced with           coins – she                                 helping us to fund a large renovation
                                                                                       for our centre, all while having a
waves of receipts and invoices,
she has streamlined processes              always balances                             toddler and newborn twins.
                                                                                       She’s supermum and treasurer!”
while keeping us to budget.”
                                           the books on
                                                                                       “For being a rock of stability
“Mel has amazing energy and                time. Words                                 and security during a time
commitment to the volunteer
treasurer role - 130 members               can’t describe                              of change.”

means monthly fees come in daily
so she does an incredible amount           how much we                                 “Canteen closure was a reality.
                                                                                       Tan took stock, made changes,
of work in her own time and never
lets us down.”
                                           appreciate your                             communicated with everyone, kept

                                           contribution.                               guard and now it is transformed
                                                                                       from $7000 loss to > $7000 profit.
“Not only has Rob has been
treasurer for many years, he has           Thank you!                                  Tan is our champion!”

stood in for any committee position
when it became unexpectedly                                                            “For being Australia’s leading
vacant. He is more than the
treasurer, he is the backbone.”            ”                                           bookkeeper and balancing the
                                                                                       best books in the Commonwealth.”

“Olwen brought fresh air and               “I am nominating Sam for staying            “Thank you, Edith, for your
new ideas when she took over               back late at work to keep the club          unfailing support, your passion
the treasurer’s job. She has also          financially up to date. And for the         for excellence, and your eye for
started our society with catering          consistent positive attitude he has         detail. As a result our finances and
and grant writing.”                        towards the club and its welfare.           organisation are going from ordinary
                                           And to say thank you.”                      to extraordinary!”

“Kathy has devoted many years
to our club and still continues even       “We would like to nominate Kate             “After 40 years of involvement
though her children no longer play.        for all her patience, diligence and         in volunteer dog clubs (showing,
Kathy is great with the numbers and        initiative. But mostly for being so         breeding, obedience and agility),
makes the best coleslaw.”                  amazing and for showing us that             Annette is easily the best treasurer
                                           tax time doesn’t have to be difficult       I have ever seen. Easy as that!
                                           but can also be fun.”                       And you can’t have her!!”
“Rod would rather be working on
the fire grounds or volunteering to
relieve exhausted ‘firies’, yet he finds   “Lisa is readily available with             See page 18 for the
                                                                                       full alphabetical list
the time to pay the bills, submit our      advice and suggestions on how               of all 878 honourees.
paperwork and tally our accounts.”         we can work more efficiently and
                                           transparently. Lisa’s fine tuning has
                                           helped to produce extraordinarily
                                           detailed financial reports.”


No one knows the trials and            Hundreds of treasurers from
                                       across the country answered the
tribulations of any particular task    call. The best applications were:
quite like the people currently
engaged in carrying it out.            GROUNDED:
                                       Entrants described barriers drawn
As part of the Commonwealth            from real-life experiences that
Bank Not-for-Profit Treasurers’        apply to many groups of varying
                                       sizes across the country.
Awards 2015, we set out to extract
treasurers’ ideas about what could     THOUGHTFUL:
be done differently in order to make   Entrants proposed solutions
                                       that were innovative and creative.
their roles easier and improve
the financial wellbeing of their       REALISTIC:
organisations.                         Entrants’ proposals were
                                       achievable and implementable.


CELEBRATING                                            SAMANTHA
OUR 2015                                               Treasurer,
AWARD                                                  Women’s
                                                       Health In
WINNERS                                                the North,

We would like to           Samantha has been Treasurer for Women’s
                           Health In the North (WHIN) Inc. since
congratulate our three     mid-2013. A chartered accountant by
winners who have           training, Samantha is the first qualified
made a huge contribution   accountant to serve in this role at WHIN.
to their not-for-profit    Key tasks have been to bring financial
organisations.             rigour and processes into WHIN by applying
                           an accountant’s lens to the role of financial

                           In her day job, Samantha is Director
                           Academic Administration at The University
                           of Melbourne, overseeing a budget of more
                           than $180m. She seeks to apply the same
                           rigour to her voluntary role as a treasurer
                           as she does to her paid role.

                           “This is great news for Women’s Health
                             In the North – we look forward to putting the
                             prize money towards a program to improve
                             the financial literacy of migrant women.
                             From a personal perspective, I am humbled
                             that my financial skills are being recognised
                             as adding value to my organisation and
                             I strongly believe that all not-for-profit
                             organisations should have access to
                             these skills.”


                            BOYLE                                             RHONDA
                            Mallee                                            Treasurer,
                            Neighbourhood                                     Central Coast
                            House Network,                                    Kids in Need,
                            Victoria                                          NSW

The Mallee Neighbourhood House Network            Rhonda has served as the treasurer of
supports the 13 neighbourhood houses in           Central Coast Kids in Need for 12 years.
the northern region of Victoria. The network      The organisation provides assistance with
employs one part-time coordinator; in addition,   accommodation expenses to families of
the houses work together voluntarily.             children with cancer or other prolonged
                                                  illnesses while in Sydney or Newcastle
Whitney has served as the network’s treasurer     hospitals.
for three years. When she took on the role
she had no financial training or experience       Prior to taking up the role of treasurer,
whatsoever, and had never used MYOB (the          Rhonda had no previous experience as a
network’s software).                              treasurer. She was taught how to do the role
                                                  by the outgoing treasurer, and is also blessed
Whitney is the part-time manager of one of        by having a friendly neighbour who checks
the network’s neighbourhood houses, which         her books monthly to make sure they’re
all work to create inclusive, supportive and      correct and backed up.
vibrant communities.
                                                  A self-professed one-finger typist, Rhonda
Her approach to being an effective treasurer is   spends at least two hours a day carrying out
to be open and honest with the organisation’s     her duties as treasurer.
members. She aims to be approachable so
that committee members feel comfortable to
ask the tough questions.
                                                  “As a volunteer treasurer I rely upon my
                                                    relationship with and assistance from staff
                                                    at our local branch of the Commonwealth
“It is humbling and inspiring to be a              Bank and upon assistance from the Board
 representative of the thousands of                 and Committee of Central Coast Kids
 not-for-profit treasurers in Australia             in Need. To win this prestigious award
 and to have the responses provided                 means we are all doing something right.”
 in the award application considered
 seriously by Our Community and the
 Commonwealth Bank.”


SECTION OF             A.


A.                     The other board
                       members don’t
                       understand the finances
                       Treasurers are concerned about
                       the level of knowledge and skills
                                                             Lack of confidence
                                                             in their own abilities
                                                             It takes great courage to take on
                                                             a task that’s very important but for
                                                             which one has limited experience
                       of their fellow board members.        to offer, yet this is what so many
Identify the biggest
                       They find it hard to make complex     treasurers have done. We read
barriers to their      financial reports simple enough       again and again of treasurers
work as treasurers.    for others to understand. They        thrown into the deep end, without
                       say there is no money and little      a background in finance, with no
                       enthusiasm for training. They fear    training, with limited handover,

                       their fellow board members lack       with basic computer skills, and
                       the confidence or knowledge           with no prior knowledge of what
                       they need to properly interrogate     the role would entail.
                       the numbers.
                                                             “As a lay person, with no formal
                       “People often cite other board        accounting, legal, HR, (or) project
                       members’ lack of financial            management qualifications, it can
Provide ideas of       understanding as a barrier to         be very frustrating, time consuming
how those barriers     working as an effective not-          and at times a scary prospect
                       for-profit treasurer. Personally      when asked to take on and manage
could be removed.
                       though, I think that it is more       projects that you feel totally out
                       people’s confidence in their own      of your comfort zone with.”
                       understanding that is lacking.
                       This generally means that very few,
                       if any, questions are asked about
                       my reports, due to fear of saying
                       something obvious or silly.”


Some barriers identified in the entries were
particular to one organisation only but many
were repeated over and over again.

We’ve highlighted some of the common replies below:

Too much trust in                     Succession                                 Too much to do and
or reliance on the                    Difficulties                               too little time to do it
                                      A major theme that ran through             It’s the lament of the modern
Many entrants described an            the entries was a feeling of being         age, and treasurers feel the pull
assumption among their fellow         press-ganged into the treasurer’s          especially – amid work, family
board members that treasurers         job and then feeling trapped there         and social commitments, and
have all the answers and that         in the absence of anyone else              general involvement in the cause
therefore all other board members     willing or able to take over. Several      (playing the game, fighting the
can switch off their brains when      spoke of fears that the job was            fires), how can one find the
the finances are discussed. They      becoming so complex amid the               time to focus on the numbers?
put this tendency down to lack        move to electronic record-keeping          Just doing the minimum, such
of interest, lack of understanding    and more demanding reporting               as getting to the bank, is hard
and lack of confidence among          regimes that fewer and fewer               enough for those who work
their fellow board members. They      volunteers would be capable of             full-time. Treasurers reported
described a range of results:         carrying it out.                           feeling troubled that they were
board members not reading or                                                     not able to find the time to do
                                      “Our club has a large percentage           proper planning; to fulfil all of their
interrogating financial reports;
                                      of members over the age of 60              reporting requirements; to learn
complacency around fundraising;
                                      and as such has limited to no              about changes in the regulatory
and a lack of unity around the
                                      experience with the ever-changing          and funding environments that
setting of and keeping to budgets.
                                      technology and finance industries.         might affect their organisation;
Interestingly, not one single entry
                                      This makes our succession                  to make sure the numbers were
complained about board members,
                                      planning ever more difficult as            properly connected to the mission;
group members or staff asking too
                                      many of our members no longer              to streamline their systems; and
many questions of the treasurer.
                                      have the skills or confidence to           to keep up with technological
“I haven’t yet discovered how to      undertake these positions.”                changes that could make their
generate enthusiasm in listening                                                 work easier. Burnout seems a key
to the treasurer’s report at each                                                risk for many of our treasurers.
meeting, but am thinking
a rap routine might help.”                                                       “People who volunteer as
                                                                                 treasurers are often people who
                                                                                 generally ‘put their hand up’. This
                                                                                 means they often need to juggle
                                                                                 many priorities across home, work
                                                                                 and community time.”

Poor financial                         Difficulties                           Sector-wide
management                             balancing the budget                   problems
and control systems
                                       It’s probably no surprise to anyone    Many treasurers looked outside
Many treasurers wrote of having        who’s had any dealings with the        their own organisation’s four
inherited unsophisticated and          not-for-profit sector that it can      walls in identifying key barriers
chaotic record-keeping and             be hard to balance the budget.         to their work. A large number
financial management systems.          Treasurers are, of course, on the      talked about a lack of standards
They felt this was leaving their       frontline of this task. They spoke     for book-keeping procedures
organisation exposed to risks.         in their entries about inheriting      for not-for-profits; a lack of
They were worried about poor           deficits; having to deal with lumpy    standards for reporting; no
internal procedures and frustrated     cashflow; grants being suddenly        information about best practices;
by external systems. Where good        withdrawn; sponsors not following      and no not-for-profit benchmarks.
systems were in place, treasurers      through on promises; spiking           They want compliance and
often had difficulties convincing      costs of insurance premiums;           reporting to be centralised
others to follow them. The             demanding overheads; and               and streamlined.
changing nature of not-for-profit      debtors unwilling to pay. They
boards appears to be one factor        also spoke of board members            “As a brand new treasurer for
that is making it difficult to embed   and other stakeholders ignoring        a brand new rugby club there
good systems.                          all of this in their demands for       was only a blank page to start
                                       more spending on the mission           from. What is best practice?
“The previous treasurer did            (alongside an unwillingness to         [You have] a sudden feeling you
not maintain any book-keeping          participate in fundraising).           are re-inventing the wheel.”
records. I have had to start all
over in terms of record keeping        “Having to chase up member fees
and producing reports for              to continue to provide services        Accounting for
general meetings.”                     means you are at times more of a       more than the dollars
                                       debt collector than a treasurer.”
                                                                              A growing area of concern for a
Inadequate technological                                                      number of treasurers is the need
infrastructure                                                                to account for more than just
                                       Cultural barriers                      the dollars and cents involved
Information technology systems –       Resistance to change was one           in running an organisation. They
or, rather, a lack of them – were a    key cultural barrier identified by     talked about the need to take
key concern for a large number of      treasurers. Many are frustrated        proper account of the voluntary
treasurers. They talked of having      by their inability to introduce new    inputs into their organisations, and
to use “clapped out” computers,        financial management systems.          their difficulties in accounting for
having to do too much unnecessary      A number feel their role in            outcomes (and to connect those
manual handling of cash (affordable    balancing the budget is viewed         outcomes to allocation of funds).
EFTPOS machines and electronic         negatively by many of their board
                                                                              “Treasurers are tasked with
payment collection facilities are      colleagues. They feel undervalued
                                                                              the financial accountability
in great demand), and a pressing       and misunderstood. Some feel
                                                                              of an organisation which is
need for software that was both        their fellow board members are
                                                                              demonstrated in dollars and
simple and affordable.                 unwilling to take on risks that
                                                                              cents. However, this fails to truly
                                       could open up new opportunities
“Using just an Excel spreadsheet                                              reflect the organisation’s value.
                                       for the organisation; that they
and Word documents to generate                                                Treasurers need help in developing
                                       don’t understand the need to
invoices is a challenge, given an                                             Social Statements that include
                                       invest in capacity (systems,
annual spend of approximately                                                 items such as volunteer in-kind
                                       training) in order to allow the
$80k and reasonably high                                                      contributions and the social return
                                       organisation to perform better.
numbers of transactions, given                                                on investment. Community groups
we have over 200 members in            “Some of the biggest barriers are      provide at least 200% more value
the club.”                             the perception of a treasurer’s role   than the dollars indicate.”
                                       by others. Often you are seen as
                                       a naysayer; squashing spending
                                       or asking to see business cases
                                       and budgets.”


But enough of the negative! Our analysis
of the Treasurers’ Awards entries revealed
a number of realistic, achievable solutions
to many of the barriers identified.

                                                                                    Education for treasurers
Some of the ideas put forward are relatively obvious, things that                   Ideas put forward include online
really should already be happening in practically every not-for-profit              and face-to-face training for new
organisation in Australia (the need for proper induction for new                    treasurers, refresher courses,
board members is one example).                                                      starter kits and manuals. Topics
                                                                                    ranged from software/technology
Still, their inclusion in this list keeps us focused on how we                      to book-keeping for beginners, to
can help to ensure these practices become embedded and                              a Certificate IV in financial services.
more widespread.

Some treasurers have put forward ideas for products or services
that are, in fact, already available from CommBank or Our                           Education for the board
Community, which tells us that we need to do more to ensure
                                                                                    There’s a pressing need for
people know these things exist and where to find them. Our
                                                                                    board members to become more
Community’s comprehensive grants database, the Our Community
                                                                                    knowledgeable about financial
publications Damn Good Advice for Treasurers and Damn Good
                                                                                    management and governance.
Advice for Board Members, and the Community Financial Centre,
                                                                                    Some even suggested that
a website designed to provide practical information about financial
                                                                                    training be compulsory for all new
management, are a few such examples.
                                                                                    board members. Others were
What was most exciting in reading the award entries was the new                     less prescriptive, but put forward
thinking that was uncovered – a laundry list of ideas and solutions                 interesting ideas for how more
for Our Community and CommBank to explore.                                          people could be encouraged into
                                                                                    training – subsidised costs, a train-
                                                                                    the-trainer model, online training,
                                                                                    or a travelling band of face-to-
Some of the main themes are                                                         face trainers fanning out across
highlighted on the following pages:                                                 every municipality in the country.
                                                                                    Several treasurers suggested that
                                                                                    employers be encouraged to offer
                                                                                    volunteer board members paid
                                                                                    leave to attend such training.


Promoting a better                      Practical support                     Peer support
understanding of the                    for treasurers
                                                                              Treasurers also believe that
role of the treasurer                                                         there’s much they can learn
                                        Many, many ideas were put
As well as promoting financial          forward for resources that would      from each other. They believe
training for board members, some        assist treasurers to do their job     there would be great value in the
treasurers put forward the idea         more efficiently and effectively.     creation of an online treasurer’s
that board members should be            Examples include: a register          forum, networking groups,
briefed on what’s involved in being     of pro bono auditing services;        meet-ups, and mentoring.
a treasurer. This, it is believed,      an online treasurers’ knowledge
would give all board members            centre; a monthly bulletin
more sympathy for the role and          highlighting key legislative,         Technological
more opportunity to offer support.      regulatory and economic               solutions
                                        developments; a support
As one of our award winners,            helpline or portal; specific          There is great demand for the
Samantha Winter, put it, “All           resources for new treasurers          development of a cloud-based
directors need to understand the        and new board members; and            finance software package specific
financial governance role that          a pool of accountants who have        to not-for-profit organisations
ALL directors play and how much         volunteered to provide end-of-year    that’s affordable and simple to
work the treasurer is actually          assistance to treasurers finalising   use, but also powerful enough to
doing. A best practice of acting        their annual reports.                 provide a sophisticated overview
as ‘shadow-treasurer’ or proxy                                                of how an organisation is tracking.
director for a period of time                                                 Other technology solutions put
would be a great way to ensure                                                forward by treasurers include
all directors have a grounding
                                        Specific checklists
                                        and templates                         apps, portals, and more affordable
in the role of the treasurer and                                              online payment systems.
its importance. Let’s have              Many treasurers provided ideas
Treasurer for a Week as part            for specific tools and resources
of Not-for-Profit Finance Week,         that would make their jobs (and       Create more time
and award those directors who           the jobs of all new treasurers)
step up and are involved!”              easier. Examples include:             Ideas put forward by treasurers
                                        ideas on how to present an            for creating more time in
                                        organisation’s financial position     a treasurer’s day included
Better succession                       in a more interesting fashion;        encouraging employers to
planning                                flow charts for various tasks;        allow paid time off to voluntary
                                        template policies (Our Community      treasurers of not-for-profit groups,
Several ideas for improving             has some in the Policy Bank but       and splitting the role between
succession planning and                 there’s clearly more that can be      two parties (job sharing).
improving the induction of new          done); templates for common
treasurers were forthcoming.            documents such as agendas,
They included having new                minutes, profit and loss reports,     Incentives for
treasurers take on a ‘shadow            and balance sheets; and business      new treasurers
treasurer‘ role for a time to upskill   development plans, compliance
them before they take up the            checklists, and forecasting tools.    Ideas for encouraging more
role, and facilitating a move to                                              people to become treasurers
skills-based recruitment to ensure                                            included lobbying for voluntary
incoming treasurers have the skills                                           treasurers to get tax breaks (as
they need, to avoid a situation                                               one award entrant put it, “money
where the organisation turns                                                  is tax deductible, why not time?”),
to the last person standing.                                                  and the creation of a prestigious
                                                                              national register to recognise
                                                                              long-serving volunteers.


Sector-wide reform
Many treasurers identified            We would like
                                      to thank all of
structural, sector-wide reforms
that could make their jobs easier.
Ideas put forward included:

                                      the treasurers
the creation of accounting
principles or agreed basic
standards of financial practice for

                                      who generously
small not-for-profit organisations;
standard centralised reporting
systems; creation of benchmarks;
and development of a universal
set of best practice policies
for management of funds.
Suggestions for other structural      provided their
                                      expert thoughts
changes included: making
deductible gift recipient (DGR)
status more widely available;

                                      on financial
multi-year funding; new
investment and insurance
options; and outsourced or

shared back-end financial
management services.

A full list of entrants
is provided on page 18.
                                      and reforms.



The Hon.                       The Hon.                    The Hon.                      The Hon.
Andrew Barr                    Gladys Berejiklian          Dave Tollner                  Tom Koutsantonis
MLA, CHIEF MINISTER            MP, TREASURER               MLA, TREASURER                MP, TREASURER
AND TREASURER                  OF NEW SOUTH WALES          OF NORTHERN                   OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA
OF THE ACT                                                 TERRITORY
                               “These awards go some                                     “These awards act
“Every year, hundreds of       way in recognising and      “As the Northern Territory    to highlight the untiring
community groups in the        thanking the tens of        Treasurer, I know how         efforts and commitment
ACT rely on the voluntary      thousands of volunteers     hard it is to keep the        of treasurers whose work
work of treasurers in their    serving as treasurers for   books balanced and the        allows their not-for-profit
organisations.                 community groups across     money delivered to            organisations to continue
                               NSW. Not-for-profit         the right spot at the right   supporting and caring for
The Treasurers’ Awards
                               groups simply would not     time. It’s a tough job, but   their communities.”
are a great way of
                               survive or thrive without   someone’s got to do it!”
recognising this work
in our community.              their contribution.”
These individuals are
responsible for the
financial operations
of their organisations,
playing an important
role in ensuring that
community groups
meet their obligations.”


The Hon.                          The Hon.                  The Hon.                       The Hon.
Peter Gutwein                     Dr Michael Nahan          Tim Pallas                     Curtis Pitt
MP, TREASURER                     MLA, TREASURER            MP, TREASURER                  MP, TREASURER
OF TASMANIA                       OF WESTERN                OF VICTORIA                    OF QUEENSLAND
“Tasmania’s 130,000                                         “Volunteers are an integral    “We cannot recognise
volunteers make an                “As a patron of           part of the Victorian          enough the thousands
invaluable contribution           the Riverton RSL,         community and none             of Queensland volunteers
to our communities and            I understand the          more so than those who         who actively support
many volunteer and                value of community        balance the books of our       community groups and
community organisations           organisations and the     community organisations.       organisations around
rely on the hard work and         significant role of the                                  the state, nationally
                                                            The work that
skill of their treasurers. It’s   treasurer within these                                   and internationally.
                                                            treasurers of community
difficult work and these          organisations.”
                                                            organisations do in            Volunteer treasurers
dedicated Tasmanians
                                                            managing their finances        are often at the heart of
do a magnificent job.
                                                            is one of the key reasons      those groups – making
I encourage all not-for-
                                                            we have such a strong          sure the finances of the
profit organisations and
                                                            community sector               organisation are strong
the broader Tasmanian
                                                            in Victoria.                   and healthy to support
community to get behind
                                                                                           their vital cause.
the 2015 Commonwealth                                       I commend all
Bank Treasurers’ Awards.”                                   treasurers of community        The standards expected
                                                            organisations for their        of the administrators
                                                            contribution to Victoria.”     of our community
                                                                                           organisations are high,
                                                                                           particularly because
                                                                                           people usually hold
                                                                                           down a full-time job
                                                                                           as well. So awards
                                                                                           such as the Treasurers’
                                                                                           Awards are an essential
                                                                                           acknowledgement of
                                                                                           the determined efforts
                                                                                           of volunteers who give
                                                                                           tirelessly of their time.”



It is our pleasure to
congratulate all nominees
of the Commonwealth Bank        CERTIFICATE OF
Treasurers’ Awards 2015.        APPRECIATION
These treasurers have           Recognising the contribution to the
                                Australian community made by:

been peer-nominated,            JOLENE
that is, recognised by the      as the valued Treasurer of:
                                Goodville Inc

people in their organisation,   Commonwealth Bank
                                Treasurers’ Awards 2015                                                 N W E A LT H B

which highlights the great
                                                                                                 MO                          AN


esteem in which they


                                                                                             r -P                                  w
                                                                                                    ro f i                    ’A
                                                                                                             t T r e asur er s

are held. Many were
                                Vanessa Nolan Woods          Denis Moriarty
                                General Manager,             Group Managing Director
                                Education & Not-for-Profit   Our Community
                                Sector Banking
                                Commonwealth Bank

nominated multiple times.


NAME                 ORGANISATION                                    NAME                 ORGANISATION
Adams, Bill          Kapunda Business Alliance Inc, SA               Bigwood, Carolyne    Glenorchy Rugby Union Football Club, TAS
                     Winnam Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander      Birch, Robyn         Baldivis Archery Club Inc, WA
Adams, Denise
                     Corporation, QLD
                                                                     Blacker, Peter       The Surf Club Coolangatta, QLD
Adamson, Kelly       Parramatta Junior Eels, NSW
                                                                     Blacksell, Flo       The Sheep's Back Museum, Naracoorte, SA
Alievski, Jo         Woodvale Secondary College P&C, WA
                                                                     Blight, John         Victor Harbor Church of Christ, SA
Allott, Michael      Friends of the Theatre Royal, TAS
                                                                     Blundell, Melanie    Playford Aquatic Club Inc, SA
Amiel, Libby         Marymead Auxiliary, ACT
                                                                                          Learning and Attentional Disorders Society
                                                                     Boden, Graeme
Anderson, Gennifer   KidsFest Shellharbour Inc, NSW                                       of WA (Inc), WA
Andrews, Luke        Ocean Grove Neighbourhood Centre, VIC           Bolles, Simon        Road Trauma Support Services Victoria, VIC
Armstrong, Linda     Hills Outside School Care Association Inc, WA   Bomford, Kate        Boggabri Public School P&C, NSW
Ashworth, Neil       Triple H 100.1 FM, NSW                          Booker, Carolyn      Palais Management Committee, TAS
Atkinson, Alana      Rotary Club of Berrima District, NSW            Booker, Patrick      2MNO Monaro Community Radio, NSW
Audcent, Justin      Ardross Junior Cricket Club, WA                 Booley, Craig        Manifold Heights Cricket Club, VIC
Aydogan, Ahmet       Australian Relief Organisation, NSW             Borg, Aleisha        VICSES Maryborough, VIC
Baccon, Karen        Park Ridge State High School, QLD               Borg, Christine      Gembrook Market, VIC
Badger, Keith        Port Phillip EcoCentre Inc, VIC                                      Northern Beaches Business Education
                                                                     Borg, Sylvia
                                                                                          Network Inc, NSW
Bagnati, Lisa        North West 4 Inc, VIC
                                                                                          New Lambton South Public School P&C
Baldry, Korrin       Longreach Recreational Fishing Club Inc, QLD    Bosworth, Peta
                                                                                          Association, NSW
Ball, Cheryl         Milton Ulladulla Dog Training Club Inc, NSW     Bowler, David        Anglican Parish of Bateau Bay, NSW
Ball, Peter          Norman Park Dolphins, QLD                       Boyd, Dianne         Wentworth Historical Society Inc, NSW
Ball, Tara           Norman Park Dolphins, QLD                                            West Coast Youth & Community
                                                                     Boylan, Cherie
Bandara, Indira      Sudbury Community Association Inc, WA                                Support Inc, SA

Banner, Jan          Marsh Foundation Limited, VIC                   Boyle, Patrick       Project Youth Inc, NSW

Barford, Enid        Graham House Community Centre Inc, QLD          Boyle, Ruth          Melville City Football Club Inc, WA

Barnett, Jan         Bellinger Valley Historical Society, NSW        Brabets, Barb        Gippsland Acoustic Music Club, VIC

Barrow, Marlene      Linton and District Progress Association, VIC                        Surf Life Saving Queensland North Barrier
                                                                     Braddick, Steven
                                                                                          Branch, QLD
Bartley, Carhleen    Circular Keys Chorus, NSW
                                                                     Bradley, Neil        Western Australian Genealogical Society, WA
Basire, Julie        YStriders, WA
                                                                     Brammer, Rachelle    University of WA Volleyball Club, WA
Batt, Alan           Lions Club of Broome Inc, WA
                                                                     Bratley, Crystelle   Mount Isa Agricultural Show Society Inc, QLD
Bayliss,             Bendoc Resource Centre & Neighbourhood
Christopher          House, VIC                                      Bray, Tim            The Rotary Club of Bayswater, VIC

                     Kyvalley Community Park & Pool and              Breene, James        Moreton Bribie Bridge Club Inc, QLD
Beale, Debbie
                     Kyvalley Swimming Club Inc, VIC                 Brammer, Rachelle    University of WA Volleyball Club, WA
                     Riding for the Disabled Association             Bratley, Crystelle   Mount Isa Agricultural Show Society Inc, QLD
Beardmore, Wayne
                     WA Inc (RDAWA Inc), WA
                                                                     Bray, Tim            The Rotary Club of Bayswater, VIC
Beauchamp, Vida      Boulia Country Women's Association, QLD
                                                                     Breene, James        Moreton Bribie Bridge Club Inc, QLD
                     TenFM Tenterfield District &
Bell, Robyn
                     Community Radio, NSW                                                 Murrumba State Secondary College P&C
                                                                     Bretton, Lisa
                                                                                          Association, QLD
Bellamy, Des         BayFM Community Radio Inc, NSW
                                                                     Briggs, Peter        Murdoch University Rowing Club, WA
Bellamy, Jim         Dalby Broadcasting Association Inc, QLD
Benfield, Linda      Penrith Touch Association, NSW                  Broad, Spencer       Asthma Foundation WA, WA

Benson, Jarrad       Coromandel Valley Ramblers Cricket Club, SA     Broom, Bernard       RDA St Andrews, VIC
Beutel, Eric         National Servicemen's RSL Sub Branch
OAM                  (INC), QLD                                                           Lithgow Community Transport (Translinc)
                                                                     Brown, David
                                                                                          Inc, NSW
Bhat, Asha           Southern Aboriginal Corporation, WA
                                                                     Brown, Diane         Urban Seed, VIC
Biggs, Robert        Assistance Dogs Australia, NSW

 NAME                 ORGANISATION                                       NAME                ORGANISATION
 Brown, Jody          West Australian Team Penners Association           Clegget, Minna      Collie Family Centre Inc, WA
                      Inc, WA
                                                                         Clevedon, Robyn     Temora Public School Canteen, NSW
 Brown, Lisa          Cowra Early Childhood Services, NSW
                                                                         Coad, Lynette       Boronia Trefoil Guild Girl Guide Association,
 Browne, Jeremy       Pichi Richi Railway Preservation Society Inc,                          TAS
                                                                         Cogger, Sue         Friends of Eurobodalla Regional Botanic
 Bruce, Donna         Hermit Park State School P&C Association,                              Gardens, NSW
                                                                         Cole, Paula         Lions Club of Blackburn North Inc, VIC
 Bruce, Robert        Lions Club of Port Macquarie Tacking
                      Point Inc, NSW                                     Cole, Peter         Bathurst Community Transport Group Inc,
 Buckman, Sharon      Delegate Progress Association, NSW
                                                                         Coleman, Eileen     Darlington Theatre Players Inc, WA
 Buerckner, Phil      Yackandandah Community Centre, VIC
                                                                         Coleman, Vicky      Darwin Film Society (DFS), NT
 Button, David        Hunters Hill Ryde Community Services, NSW
                                                                         Collard, Tracy      Gingin District Community Resource Centre
 Button, Prue         Longreach Netball Association, QLD                                     Inc, WA
 Byrne, Ross          Salamanca Arts Centre, TAS                         Collins, Dale       Mentone and St Bedes Old Collegians
                                                                                             Amateur Football Club, VIC
 Cameron, Cathy       Life Church ACC (Mooroopna), VIC
                                                                         Conte, Gloria       Pines Learning Inc, VIC
 Cameron, Tim         Coleraine Football Netball Club, VIC
                                                                         Cooke, Ciaran       Beaufort Street Network, WA
 Camesi, Marita       Palmerston Game Fishing Club Inc, NT
                                                                         Cooke, Eileen       Preterm Infants' Parents' Association Inc, QLD
 Campbell, Tanya      Eidsvold State School P&C Association, QLD
                                                                         Coombs, Karleen     Emu Park State School P&C Association, QLD
 Carter, Courtney     Wynyard BMX Park, TAS
                                                                         Coon, Tony          Mernda Rural Fire Brigade, VIC
 Casey, Kaye          Australian Aphasia Association Inc, QLD
                                                                         Cooper, Sandra      Hutt Street Precinct Association, SA
 Casey, Leslie        The Rotary Club of Woolgoolga Inc, NSW
                                                                         Copley, Brenda      Arawang Primary School P&C, ACT
 Casimaty, Maria      Polish Welfare Office, TAS
                                                                         Corbett, Charles    Centenary Heights State High School P&C
 Cavanagh, Vicki      Community Development Services Inc, QLD                                Association, QLD
 Chaaya, Sonia        Salisbury State School P&C, QLD                    Cordingley, Nicol   Bayswater Little Athletic Centre, WA
 Chamberlain, Amie    Regents Park State School P&C, QLD                 Corrie, Ralph       Ballina Naval and Maritime Museum, NSW
 Chambers, David      Cairns Maritime Museum Inc, QLD                    Corry, Michael      Palliative Care Victoria, VIC
 Chambers, Joyce      Patonga Beach Progress Association Inc,            Cosham, Glen        Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation
                      NSW                                                                    Society, VIC
 Chan, Jamie          Northern Suburbs Touch Association, NSW            Costa, John         Nabiac Pool Committee, NSW
 Chandler, Cindy      Kanwal Public School P&C, NSW                      Costello, Jacqui    Capalaba State College P&C Association,
 Chapman, Tania       Canning Vale Primary School Campus P&C,
                      WA                                                 Cotton, Bob         Carers ACT Ltd, ACT
 Chappell, Jo         Moana and Seaford Community Association            Cottrell, Alex      Meridan State College P&C Association, QLD
                      Inc, SA
                                                                         Cowie, Jennifer     Cairns Photographic Society, QLD
 Chase, Bob           VMR Mornington, VIC
                                                                         Craig, Jane         Harrow Discovery Centre, VIC
 Chesworth, Hilary    Glebe Youth Service Inc, NSW
                                                                         Croker, Selwyn      Coffs Harbour, Bellingen & Nambucca
 Child, Kerry AO      Camp Creative Inc, NSW                                                 Community Transport, NSW
 Choi, Felix          The Medical Benevolent Association of NSW,         Crowe, Jan          Avondale Heights Community Garden Inc, VIC
                                                                         Curnow, Vanessa     Parramatta State School P&C committee,
 Christie, Greg       Geelong Softball Association, VIC                                      QLD
 Christoforou, John   Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre, NSW                Cursio, Francine    William Duncan State School P&C, QLD
 Christopher, Brian   Williamstown Literary Festival, VIC                D’Arcy, Robyn       Wynnum and Manly District Meals on Wheels
                                                                                             Association Inc, QLD
 Church,              Lilydale & Yarra Valley Netball Association, VIC
 Jacqueline                                                              Daish, Margaret     Golden Memories Karaoke Inc, VIC
 Clark, Frank         Kyvalley Progress Association, VIC                 Dalton, Matt        Gerringong and District Historical Society,
 Clarke, James        Belgium Avenue Neighbourhood House Inc,
                      VIC                                                Daniel, Alex        Park Towers Housing Tenants
                                                                                             Association Inc, VIC
 Clay, Iris           Kariong Neighbourhood Centre, NSW
                                                                         Darragh, Ruth       RLOA, QLD


NAME                 ORGANISATION                                   NAME                ORGANISATION
Davidson, Lee        Rockingham City FC, WA                         Dyson, Robert       Eat Well Tasmania Inc, TAS
Davie, Richard       Phillip Island Football Netball Club, VIC      Edson, Gerry        Kwinana Bowling Club, WA
Davies, Greg         Youth Connect, VIC                             Edwards, Donna      Esperance Junior Cricket Association, WA
Davies, Jennifer     Chinchilla Family Support Centre Inc, QLD      Edwards,            Perth Soapbox Club, WA
Davies, Lisa         Albert State School P&C Association, QLD
                                                                    Edwards, Neal       Rotary Club of Kenwick (WA) Inc, WA
Davis, Donna         Gladstone & District Christian Broadcasting
                     Association Inc, QLD                           Edyvean, Melinda    Silkstone State School, QLD
Davis, Geraldine     Friends of the Australian Arid Lands Botanic   Elderfield, Peter   South West Orienteering Trekkers, WA
                     Garden, Port Augusta Inc, SA
                                                                    Eliaba, Tia         Sydney Cook Islands LMS Church, NSW
Davis, James         Olinda Rural Fire Brigade, VIC
                                                                    Ellens, Hugh        Transition Sydney Inc, NSW
Davison, Erin        Blacktown Theatre Company, NSW
                                                                    Ellens, Hugh        Transition Bondi, NSW
Davison, Phil        Tweed Shire Seniors Committee, NSW
                                                                    Ellery, David       Queen of Hearts Community Foundation,
Dawes, Lynne         The Valley and East Coast Voice Inc, TAS                           NSW
Dawson, Bronwyn      Chewton Pool Inc, VIC                          Ellis, Aimee        Mentone Pre-School P&C, VIC
Day, Kelly-Ann       East Belmont Saints Baseball Club Inc, VIC     Elliss, Lorraine    Wanneroo Amateur Football Club, WA
Day, Lyn             Chatworth Hall Committee Inc, QLD              Entner, Sue         Ravenshoe Community Centre Inc, QLD
Day, Penny           Secret Harbour Primary School P&C, WA          Evans, Ian          Wollondilly Support and Community Care
                                                                                        Inc, NSW
Deeker, Pam          King Valley United Football -
                     Netball Club, VIC                              Evans, Jo           Mill Park Swim Club, VIC
Della, Paul          Federation of Catholic School Parent           Everett, Doug       Blue Dragon Children's Foundation
                     Communities (SA), SA                                               International, NSW
Demchyshyn,          Keysborough Basketball Association, VIC        Fabian, Hilery      Abundant Life Church, NSW
                                                                    Fagg, Jo-Anne       Darwin Speedway Riders & Drivers
deMeyere, Albert     Melville Cares Inc, WA                                             Association Inc, NT
Denton, Glynis       Currumbin Dragons Paddling Club Inc, QLD       Fares, Len          Illawarra News Blogspot Association Inc,
Desmond, John        Bundanoon Highland Gathering Inc, NSW
                                                                    Farlow, John        Four Wheel Drive Victoria, VIC
DeSousa, Royce       Banksia Gardens Community Services, VIC
                                                                    Farmer, John        3WBC FM Community Radio Inc, VIC
Dettrick, Colleen    Anglican Parish of Keppel, QLD
                                                                    Farooq, Maria       Pakistanis In Australia Inc, WA
Dewis, Lee-Ann       Jamboree Community Kindergarten, QLD
                                                                    Farrell, Sean       Michael Cusacks GAC, NSW
Di Filippo, Andrew   Ronald McDonald Family Retreat Batemans
                     Bay, NSW                                       Fensom, Joan        Palmerston 50+ Club, NT
Dimitriadis, Steve   Sunshine Heights Cricket Club, VIC             Ferguson, John      Uniting Church Bondi Beach Mission
                                                                                        Chapel by the Sea, NSW
Dodd, Anthony        Point Lookout Surf Life Saving Club, QLD
                                                                    Filkins, Lisa       Chatswood Hills State School P&C
Donaldson, Doug      Camp Hill Community and Sporting Club, QLD                         Association, QLD
Donnellon, Angela    Donald 2000 Inc, VIC                           Filsell, Peter      Yankalilla Hockey Club, SA
Donovan, Penni       Peregian Beach Community House Inc, QLD        Finlay, Caroline    Manly Hospital Auxiliary, NSW
Doolan, Craig        Southern Suburbs Pool Association, QLD         Fisher, Dennis      Hornsby Art Society, NSW
Dorse, Jonathan      Hunter Christian Churches Football, NSW        Fitzgerald, Judy    Okines Community House, TAS
Doyle, Anthony       New South Wales Touch Association, NSW         Flanagan,           Forest Hill School of Arts, QLD
Doyle, Peter         Brainwave, VIC
                                                                    Florisson, Steven   Esperance Care Services, WA
Doyle, Rhonda        Central Coast Kids In Need Inc, NSW
                                                                    Foote, John         Kinglake Ranges Men's Shed Inc, VIC
Draper, Peter        Pacific Hope School, NSW
                                                                    Ford, David         Esperance Regional Forum Inc, WA
Drummond, Neil       Gungahlin Rural Fire Service Brigade, ACT
                                                                    Ford, Ron           Connect2Group Inc, QLD
Dudley, Joan         Suited to Success Inc, QLD
                                                                    Foreman, Peter      Quality Living Options Bendigo Inc, VIC
Dugan, Patricia      Pregnancy Counselling & Education Services
                     Inc, QLD                                       Forsyth, Annie      Laidley State High School P&C
                                                                                        Association, QLD
Dyde, Adam           Bethanga Recreation Reserve Committee, VIC


 NAME                ORGANISATION                                  NAME                ORGANISATION
 Forsyth, Helen      Dragons Rowing Club, QLD                      Green, Antony       Beyond Empathy Limited, NSW
 Fowles, Ken         West Gambier Football Club Inc, SA            Greenwood, John     Lions Clubs International District 201V2, VIC
 Fox, Bradley        Clear Mountain Rural Fire Brigade, QLD        Greig, Vickie       Lions Club of Penguin, TAS
 Fraser, David       Clunes Football Netball Club, VIC             Griffin, Morgan     Young Variety SA, SA
 Fraser, Diane       Gawler Community House Inc, SA                Gubbay, David       Newcastle Theatre Company, NSW
 Fraser, Lois        Friends of Wentworth Library Services, NSW    Guest, Chezley      Salmon Gums Development Group, WA
 Fraser, Morag       Balga Detached Youth Work Project Inc, WA     Guppy, Alan         Woods Point Gun Club Inc, VIC
 Free, Nicola,       Search Light Inc, QLD                         Hadfield, Karen     Horsham Fire Brigade, VIC
 Freeman, Gail       Toora Women Inc, ACT                          Hailes, Jane        Playgroup Queensland Ltd, QLD
 Frehner, Jason      Victoria Park Swimming Club, WA               Hall, Sharon        Hyland Community Kindergarten, VIC
 Friederich,         Inline Hockey SA, SA                          Halstead, Amy       Eimeo Road State School P&C, QLD
                                                                   Hamilton, Timothy   St Paul the Apostle P&F Association, NSW
 Frost, Kit          Riding for the Disabled of WA Albany Riding
                     and Driving Group Inc, WA                     Hammond,            Pagan Awareness Network Inc, NSW
 Frost, Susan        Pappinbarra Progress Association Inc, NSW
                                                                   Hancock, Robert     Andamooka Progress and Opal Miners
 Fullarton, Jayne    Bass Valley Community Group Inc, VIC                              Association, SA
 Gardiner, Neil      Footscray Community Arts Centre, VIC          Hansen, Jeff        Melville Theatre Company Inc, WA
 Gaudio, Nick        Virtus Soccer Club, SA                        Harika, Melissa     Continence Advisory Service of WA, WA
 Geddes, Shireen     Hillcrest Christian College P&F               Harman, Jane        Kununurra Historical Society, WA
                     Association, QLD
                                                                   Harrap, Chris       Coburg Harriers Club Inc, VIC
 George, Leisa       Wantirna Primary School, VIC
                                                                   Harris, Andrew      Brunswick Montessori Children's House, VIC
 George, Pam         TurningPoint Church, VIC
                                                                   Harris, Janet       1st Point Cook Scout Group, VIC
 Gerlach, Neale      Living Positive Victoria, VIC
                                                                   Harris, Robert      Queensland Radio for the
 Gibson, Sam         Victor Harbor Archery Club, SA                                    Print Handicapped Limited, QLD
 Gilbert, Russell    Rotary Club of Bacchus Marsh, VIC             Harrison, Kathryn   Grow, QLD
 Giles, Dianne       Melton & District Pony Club Inc, VIC          Hart, Barry         Batemans Bay Probus Club, NSW
 Gill, Geoffrey      Albert Golf Club, NSW                         Harvey, Dorothy     Kadina Retiree and Friendship Club, SA
 Gill, John          Coal Point Progress Association, NSW          Harvey, Karen       Longreach Youth Club and Sports
                                                                                       Complex Inc, QLD
 Gilmore, Janelle    North Queensland Wildlife Care Inc, QLD
                                                                   Hatch, Arthur       Mullumbimby Showground Trust, NSW
 Glasson, Donna      Revesby Workers Football Club, NSW
                                                                   Hayden, Janette     Tinonee Historical Society Inc, NSW
 Glastonbury, Judy   Lions Club of Edwardstown, SA
                                                                   Hayes, John         Southern Shoalhaven Meals on Wheels,
 Glistak, John       South Australian Science Teachers                                 NSW
                     Association, SA
                                                                   Haylock, Barbara    Special Olympics Australia –
 Gluyas, John        Diamond Valley Community Support, Inc,                            Spencer Gulf, SA
                                                                   Haynes, Jeffrey     Sapphire Coast Uniting Churches, NSW
 Godber, Ann         Yaraka Sports and Progress Association,
                     QLD                                           Healy, Denis        Nelson Men's Shed Inc, VIC
 Godden, Paul        Penumbra Centre Inc, VIC                      Hearne, Natalie     Ingham Institute for Applied Medical
                                                                                       Research, NSW
 Golinski, Helen     Harlin State School P&C Association, QLD
                                                                   Heath, Daniel       Helping Hoops Inc, VIC
 Gould, Mike         Jindowie Residents Group, WA
                                                                   Heelan, Kristy      Clermont and District Education Group
 Gowans, Diane       4 Paws Animal Rescue Inc, NSW                                     (CDEG), QLD
 Graham, Maxyne      Berkeley Neighbourhood Centre, NSW            Heemskerk,          Gambier Centrals Soccer Club, SA
 Grainger, Narelle   Tiaro State School P&C Association, QLD
                                                                   Heffernan, Agnes    Moving Forward Together Association, NSW
 Gration, Margaret   Naringal Baptist Church, VIC
                                                                   Hegemann,           Tara Shire State College P&C Association,
 Gray, Rod           Huon Valley Theatre Inc, TAS                  Cheryl              QLD
 Grayson, Bianca     Trinity Preschool Orange Inc, NSW             Heinjus, Deb        Koolunga Primary School, SA


NAME               ORGANISATION                                  NAME                ORGANISATION
Heinzman, Colin    Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group Inc,       Inserra, Martin     Laverton Community Integrated Services
                   WA                                                                Inc, VIC
Helstrom, John     Aurora School, VIC                            Inwood, Naomi       Australian Circus and Physical Theatre
                                                                                     Association, VIC
Herz, Catriona     Findon Calisthenics Club, VIC
                                                                 Ireland, Joylene    Business Liaison Association, QLD
Hess, Joleen       Brunswick Tool Library, VIC
                                                                 Irvine, John        The Rotary Club of Port Adelaide Inc, SA
Hickin, Geoffrey   Inner West Neighbour Aid, NSW
                                                                 Jacobi, Lois        Noosa District SHS P&C Association, QLD
Higgins, Cathy     Southern Vales Dressage Club, SA
                                                                 Jacobs, Belinda     Ourimbah Public School P&C Association,
Hinkley, Glen      Warwick Greenwood Junior Football Club,                           NSW
                                                                 Jacobson, Brooke    Canning Vale Primary School
Hoare, Tracy       Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation Inc,                         Campus P&C, WA
                                                                 James, Steven       Community House Port Lincoln Inc, SA
Hodgetts, Tina     Northern Children's Network Inc, TAS
                                                                 Jared, Laurel       Clarendon Historic Hall Committee, SA
Hoffman, Ann       Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Inc, NSW
                                                                 Jekabsons, Kath     Romsey Golf Club, VIC
Hoffman,           LinC Pine Rivers, QLD
Elizabeth                                                        Jellis, Sue         Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast, ACT
Hoffmann, John     The Carinya Society, VIC                      Jenkinson,          Wandering Annual Fair Committee Inc, WA
Hogermeer, Sonia   Dryandra Regional Equestrian Association,
                   WA                                            Jodun, Charles      Petanque WA, WA
Holbrook,          Coomera Springs State School P&C              John, Neville       Kildonan Uniting Care, VIC
Catherine          Association, QLD
                                                                 Johns, Brad         Illawarra Light Railway Museum Society,
Hollamby, Judy     Waterloo Hall and Peak Body, SA                                   NSW
Holmes, Angela     Adelaide Eagles Little Athletics Centre, SA   Johns, Philip       Council of Small Businesses of Australia
                                                                                     (COSBOA), QLD
Homem, Anthony     Breakaway Toowoomba Inc, QLD
                                                                 Johnson, Bernice    Music at the Basilica Inc, VIC
Hooper, Belinda    The Lakes South Morang P-9 School, VIC
                                                                 Johnson, Helen      Friends of the Hound Inc, NSW
Hooper, Margaret   Bellingen Shire Visitor Information Centre,
                   NSW                                           Johnson, Michelle   Springfield Central State School P&C
                                                                                     Association, QLD
Hooper, Ron        Echuca Fire Brigade, VIC
                                                                 Johnson, Sharon     The Animal Protection Society of WA Inc,
Horvath, Sue       Stawell Performing Arts Company Inc, VIC                          WA
Hottot, Cate       Jindalee State School P&C Association,        Johnstone, June     Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Tasmania,
                   QLD                                                               TAS
Howard, Keith      Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten       Jones, Carol        Hornsby Touch Association, NSW
                   Inc, NSW
                                                                 Jones, Debbie       St Hilda's P&F Association Inc, WA
Howden, Nikki      Cowra Community Information and
                   Neighbourhood Centre Inc, NSW                 Jones, Patricia     Esperance Districts Badminton
                                                                                     Association, WA
Howell, Tony       Kedron State High School P&C Committee,
                   QLD                                           Jones, Yvonne       K9 Rescue Group Inc, WA
Hudnall-Dickson,   Brisbane Chorale Inc, QLD                     Jose, Leanne        Boondall P&C, QLD
                                                                 Joseph, Necola      Hamilton Community House Inc, VIC
Hughes, Evan       Eaton's Hill State School P&C Association,
                   QLD                                           Joy, Garry          Hope Chapel, NSW
Hughes, Jo         Altona Lacrosse Club, VIC                     Joy, Garry          Breakthrough Houses, NSW
Hughes, John       Morven Park Management Committee, TAS         Joyce, Brian        Quilpie Golf Club Inc, QLD
Hughes, Peter      Northern Rivers Conservatorium Arts Centre    Kandasamy,          Tamil Association (QLD) Inc, QLD
                   Inc, NSW                                      Natarajan
Hulbert, Trevor    Dorrigo Saleyard Committee, NSW               Kanneh,             Community Service (Liberia) Inc, QLD
Hulskamp, John     Friends of St Kilda Cemetery, VIC
                                                                 Keable, Karen       Australian Leukodystrophy Support Group
Humbert, Glenn     Culgoa Community Sports Club Inc, NSW                             Inc, VIC
Hyndman, Sarah     Berrinba East State School P&C Committee,     Kearney, Eileen     Oakleigh Bowling Club Inc, VIC
                                                                 Keily, Jo           Banks Hockey Club, NT
Ingham, Amanda     Cootamundra Touch Association, NSW
                                                                 Keith, Janice       King Island Regional Development
Inness, Gary       Hilton Palmyra Cricket Club, WA                                   Organisation, TAS

 NAME               ORGANISATION                                 NAME               ORGANISATION
 Kelly, Dot         Range View Park Tennis Club Inc, WA          Lee, Kim           Gordon Baptist Church, NSW
 Kelly, Juliana     Community Adult Literacy Foundation, WA      Lee, Margaret      Alfredton Rotary Club, VIC
 Kennedy, Edith     Set Free Care, QLD                           Lees, Heather      Neighbourhood Watch,
                                                                                    Greater Shepparton PSA, VIC
 Kent, Andrew       The Inspiration Garden Inc, QLD
                                                                 Leeson, Fiona      Woongarra State School P&C
 Kerr, Philip       Gold Coast and Hinterland Spinners and                          Association, QLD
                    Weavers Group Inc, QLD
                                                                 Leighton, Nicole   Balcatta Volleyball Club, WA
 Kidd, Damian       Rotary Club of Mount Isa South West, QLD
                                                                 Lennon, Bill       Wye River Surf Life Saving Club, VIC
 Kieseker, Sam      Sarina State School P&C Association, QLD
                                                                 Lenz, Michelle     RedFest - Redland Spring Festival Inc, QLD
 Kilby, Melinda     Tomaree Public School P&C, NSW
                                                                 Lethbridge, Beth   Booringa Heritage Group Inc, QLD
 Kinder, Irene      Zonta Club of Brisbane East, QLD
                                                                 Lewer, Greg        East Coast Regional Development
 King, Jan          Darling Range Wildlife Shelter, WA                              Organisation Inc, TAS
 Kinsella, Gail     Communities@Work, ACT                        Lewis, Benjamin    The University of Queensland Tennis
                                                                                    Club Inc, QLD
 Kirk, Bill         3NRG 99.3FM Sunbury Radio, VIC
                                                                 Lewis, Margaret    Winchelsea Community House, VIC
 Klukas, Lynette    The Zonta Club of Bowen, Inc, QLD
                                                                 Lewis, Steve       Brisbane Second Division
 Klumpp, Andrew     The yLead Association, QLD                                      Rugby League Inc, QLD
 Knights, Peta      The Fr Bob Maguire Foundation, VIC           Liang, Vanessa     Darebin Information Volunteer Resource
                                                                                    Service, VIC
 Knoll, Alysa       Leeton SunRice Festival, NSW
                                                                 Line, Yvonne       Ozquilt Network Inc, VIC
 Korner, Owen       Scouts Australia SA Branch - Happy Valley
                    Scout Group, SA                              Link, Peter        Outlook Vic Inc, VIC
 Kouwenhoven,       Hinterland Community Care Inc, QLD           Lister, Suellen    Arcadia P&C Association, NSW
                                                                 Litster, Deane     SYP Landcare Group Inc, SA
 Kovassy,           Hungarian Literature and Cultural Heritage
 Marianne           Society Inc, VIC                             Loffler, Judy      U3A Twin Towns Inc, QLD
 Kramer, Greg       Brookfarm Byron Lighthouse Run, NSW          Lonie, Jennifer    Kilmore Swimming Club, VIC
 Kretchmer, Rod     Tarralla Kindergarten, VIC                   Lorenz, Nadine     Birdsville Social Club Inc, QLD
 Krieg, Steph       Wallaroo Golf Club Inc, SA                   Lousada, Cindy     Gifted Families Support Group Inc, NSW
 Kugler, Nadene     Point Lookout Surf Life Saving Club Junior   Lucas, Jodie       Salamander Bay Recycling, NSW
                    Activities, QLD
                                                                 Lucas, Kate        Animals Tasmania, TAS
 Lacey, Brenda      Action for More Independence and
                    Dignity in Accommodation, VIC                Luck, Olwen        Laidley Agricultural and Industrial
                                                                                    Association, QLD
 Lagzdins, John     Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre, VIC
                                                                 Ludovico, Frank    Tom Price Baptist Church, WA
 Lai, Stephanie     SHINE for Kids Co-operative Ltd, NSW
                                                                 Lyle, Susan        Montville State School P&C, QLD
 Laidlaw, Joanne    Finding Yellow, NSW
                                                                 Lynch, Stephen     Canterbury Norwood Kindergarten, VIC
 Lam, Tuan Tuong    Australian Chinese Buddhist Society
                                                                 Lyons, Kathy       Forest Hill Cricket Club, QLD
 Lambert, Barbara   Manna From Heaven Sandgate Inc, QLD
                                                                 Mackay, Terry      Community Support Frankston Inc, VIC
 Lambert, John      SteamRanger Heritage Railway, SA
                                                                 MacKinnon, Alan    JCI Australia, VIC
 Lange, Werner      Friends of Agnes Falls Inc, VIC
                                                                 Macnamara,         Winston Heights Public School P&C, NSW
 Langfield, Chris   Para Hills Cricket Club, SA                  Christina
 Larkin, Rachel     Riverland Harmony Chorus, NSW                Mactier, Alex      Windarring CHAPD Inc, VIC
 Laura, Susan       Coastal a Cappella Chorus, NSW               Maddock,           Dungog & District Neighbourcare Inc, NSW
 Law, Michael       Berkeley Vale Neighbourhood Centre, NSW
                                                                 Magill, Greg       Javaranda Preschool Centre Inc, NSW
 Lawrence, Diane    Parklands Cottage Inc, NSW
                                                                 Maher, Lucinda     Murilla Community Centre Inc, QLD
 Lawrie, Sue        McLaren Flat Netball Club, SA
                                                                 Mahon, Shirley     Rotary Club of Cleveland Inc, QLD
 Lecky, Samantha    Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc, NSW
                                                                 Mahoney, Jan       Sweet Adelines Australia, NSW
 Lee, Annette       Northern Rivers K9 Sports Club, NSW
                                                                 Males, Kathy       Kenmore Bridge Club Inc, QLD
 Lee, Donna         2nd Toowoomba Scout Group, QLD

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