"Communicating Disaster - A Case for Qualitative Approaches to Disaster Research" Report of a Research Group at the Center for Interdisciplinary ...

248                                                 Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 41, Heft 3, Juni 2012, S. 247–255

“Communicating Disaster – A Case for Qualitative Approaches to Disaster
Report of a Research Group at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF),
Bielefeld University

Disasters have always played an important role in       disaster, relying mainly on quantitative methods for
society and it seems that catastrophes have been        analyses. A critical implication of this is that the re-
omnipresent over the past decades. The develop-         searcher is usually too close to the rationalities and
ment of media technology and the emergence of           necessities of these practical fields and therefore un-
new social media have quite radically changed the       able to keep the distant view necessary for analy-
communicative processes concerning disasters.           zing the social dynamics of disastrous events. But
Due to a growing range of diverse media, we get         scientific concepts of disaster are always second-
immediate information not only on disasters close-      order concepts’ (Schütz 1962), relying on the first-
by but also on those disasters that have taken place    order concepts of disaster that will be found in the
in the remotest corners of the world. The amount        views and everyday activities of people, groups or
of information, pictures, or video snippets directly    organizations. In order to develop an analysis and
taken from a disaster site increases dramatically,      scientific understanding of the social unfolding of
and one extreme event seems to make way for the         disasters, it is crucial to get access to these activities
next, striving to gain our attention. But what does     in and through which events become disasters.
that tell us about the way we perceive and relate to    Drawing on reports by practitioners from the field
such disasters? And what are possible ways of dea-      of disaster prevention and management as well as
ling with disasters modified by these altered infor-    on a critical review of the literature, various proces-
mational and communicative dynamics? The confe-         ses of oral, written, visual, and digital communica-
rence with the somewhat provocative title: Dealing     tion were identified as key elements of disasters.
with the Disasters of Others’ (26–28 January 2012)      A vast array of communicative activities precede,
was the closing conference and the final of a num-      accompany, and follow a disastrous event and their
ber of activities by the interdisciplinary ZiF re-      analysis will not only provide an insight into the
search group Communicating Disaster’. This re-         course a disaster takes but just as much into the
port reflects on the context and some general           nature’ of a disaster itself. From this point of view,
findings of the group.                                  there is no such a thing as a natural disaster’ (Hart-
                                                        man & Squires 2006); a natural event is never a di-
                                                        saster by itself, since any natural event needs the in-
The context of the research group                       volvement of humans or their living spaces to turn
                                                        out to be a disaster (cf. Felgentreff & Dombrowsky
The research group was organised by Prof. Dr. Jçrg      2008: 13f.; Egner 2012: 57). It is only by its effects
Bergmann (Sociology, Bielefeld University), Prof.       on people through material damage and casualties
Dr. Heike Egner (Geography, University of Klagen-       that an extreme event is perceived as disastrous.
furt) and Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf (Informatics, Siegen    Macamo & Neubert (2008) show with their com-
University), coordinated by Dr. Sarah Hitzler and       parison of flooded regions in Germany, the U.S.
Marn Schorch (both Sociology, Bielefeld Universi-      and Mozambique, that even these effects are no
ty). It provided a research setting for 29 renowned     hard determinants’ but result from processes of in-
international researchers of the social, natural and    terpretation and communication through which the
information sciences as well as the humanities who      disastrousness of the event is determined.
spent working periods between a couple of weeks
and several months at Bielefeld’s Center for Inter-
disciplinary Research (ZiF). The researchers tack-      Zooming in and zooming out:
led the topic in regular meetings and a range of        Communication in disaster research
workshops and conferences.
The group had set out in November 2010 to chal-         The idea of communication, of course, is no stran-
lenge classical perspectives of disaster research and   ger to disaster research. It is predominately concep-
establish a novel, communication-based approach.        tualized as an imperative, as the right way of deter-
Traditionally, disaster research focuses on the plan-   mining and passing on information to the ap-
ning, management, and mitigation processes of a         propriate addressees (e.g. Dynes 1998; Clausen &
Mitteilungen                                                                                                    249

Dombrowsky 1983). This perspective draws on the           cope or deal in some ways with a disaster. This tou-
conduit model of communication such as described          ches upon an epistemological challenge for the in-
by Shannon & Weaver (1949) for technical purpo-           terdisciplinary research group which assembled re-
ses initially, which however has found great accep-       searchers from more traditional disaster research
tance in communication studies. In the context of         areas such as natural scientists, engineers, and ma-
the ZiF research group, more elaborate concepts of        nagement experts, who were used to working with
communication were relied upon to do justice to           a mostly positivist epistemological stance, as well
the intricacies of communication in disaster scena-       as researchers from the social sciences and the hu-
rios. Niklas Luhmann’s (1984) systems-theoretical         manities who found a common link in a general
understanding of communication as the main ope-           statement against naturalism’.
rating modus through which society and its sub-sys-       One implication of this challenge surfaced in on-
tems are processed was heavily drawn on, as well          going discussions of the issue how the notion disas-
as ethnomethodological (Garfinkel 1967; Sacks             ter’ ought to be defined, and whether it was neces-
1992) insights which conceive of communication as         sary at all to agree on a shared definition (cf. Qua-
a joint product of members of a society rather than       rantelli 1998). The prevailing positivistic notion
a simple one-way transmission of information.             with its emphasis on definitions based on standar-
The systems-theoretical concept of communication          dized aspects such as the amount of damage, num-
describes communication as an autopoietic process         ber of victims, or other countable items was regu-
in which the three elements of information, mes-          larly met by the critique that standardization  tout
sage and understanding are indispensable ingre-           prix reduces the complexity of a disaster to a great
dients of any communication. In this perspective,         extent, for instance by ignoring vulnerabilities, so-
neither the participants nor the information or the       cio-cultural differences of assessment as well as the
question of understanding can be separated from           socio-economic context of a disaster. At the same
the sequential unfolding of a communication. Parti-       time, it cannot be dismissed that standardizations
cipants may change their situated identities in the       and clear underlying definitions can serve as a sta-
course of a communication, the information might          ble tertium comparationis which renders possible
be ambiguous, and how a recipient has understood          comparative research as well as being indispensable
a message can only be seen in his or her subsequent       for a number of practical fields connected to disas-
contribution to the communication. Thus, commu-           ters, such as insurance companies, disaster manage-
nication is anything but determined or clear; com-        ment institutions, or relief organisations (Dom-
munication rather is contingent and its effects even      browsky & Neubert 2011).
more so. The ethnomethodological understanding            A way out was sought by supplementing existing
in which communication is an on-going sequential          positivistic definitions with a definition embracing
accomplishment between actors comes to a similar          a relativistic perspective. Such a definition is neces-
conclusion, highlighting the necessity of paying at-      sarily more flexible and less clear-cut, while crea-
tention to the actual unfolding of communicative          ting a link to the life world of the people affected
situations rather than post-hoc reports.                  and thereby allowing contextualized research that
Each of these approaches opens up new perspecti-          includes the everyday-life understanding of a disas-
ves for disaster research which have up to now been       ter. The supplementary working definition agreed
neglected and which, borrowing an image from              upon read: A disaster is a breakdown of established
photography, can be described as zooming out to           social order and the ordinarily expected coping stra-
get an encompassing, distant view, and zooming in         tegies within a community or society.’1 Obviously,
for detailed close-ups. In terms of research, this        this approach entails the challenge of contextualized
translates into the use of a framework of second-or-      terminology: The definitions and understandings
der observation on the one hand and of a qualitati-       will differ in regard to local understanding and in-
ve research methodology on the other.                     terpretation and this poses obvious restrictions on
                                                          comparative research. Resorting to a qualitative re-
Qualitative methods are essential tools when analy-       search perspective thus brings about a reduction of
zing the microstructures of communicative proces-
ses of disasters. In contrast to quantitative practices   1
                                                            Vollmer (2012) makes a strong point of not reducing
traditionally embraced in disaster research, the em-      what he calls disruptions’ to spectacular instances of di-
pirical focus of qualitative approaches takes the         sastrous events. This perspective has been considered but
lived-in-a-world terms as a basis: the first-order ob-    ultimately addresses issues beyond the already diverse in-
servations of those who experience, witness, report,      terests in disasters represented in our group.
250                                                    Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 41, Heft 3, Juni 2012, S. 247–255

the scope of its analytical results, but will permit       by the three dimensions rapidity’, radicality’, and
better and more precise understanding of the idio-         rituality’, while Keller (2008) draws a distinction
syncrasies, inherent dynamics, and situatedness of a       between slow-motion disasters (cf. Mosley 2008 on
disaster and of those affected by it.                      the smoke pollution of industrial Britain) and fast-
Using the distanced, zoomed-out perspective of se-         forward disasters: rapid extreme events like earth-
cond-order observation on the other hand is neces-         quakes or tsunamis invalidating every-day-routines
sary in order to confront research traditions that         and normalities, unsettling or even destroying be-
mingle closely with planning, management and mi-           liefs in the control of technical processes or, even
tigation perspectives on disasters and thereby run         deeper, the trust in the world-as-taken-for-granted.
the risk of adopting the terms and needs of the ac-        The unfolding of a disaster is often captured in the
tors in the field.                                         imagery of a cycle. The disaster life cycle’2 is ap-
Rather than relying on first-order observations            plied in most emergency management strategies
(simultaneous distinctions and denominations of            and identifies six central functions for management
things) which remain within the system of the disas-       activities: preparation, response, recovery, mitiga-
ter, second-order observations (simultaneous dis-          tion, reduction and prevention. The research group
tinctions and denominations of observations) such          took this understanding of a circular unfolding and
as described by von Foerster (1984) and Luhmann            progression of disasters as an organizing starting
(1992) allow to step out of the immediate complex-         point in order to single out the forms of communi-
ities of the field, forming a reflexive perspective on     cations disasters will engender. As the temporal di-
how the first-order distinctions came about.               mension of before’, during’ and after’ can be
                                                           identified for every disastrous event, despite their
Adopting observation theory to disaster communi-           diversity in cultural setting, type, length and de-
cation and disaster research allows a deeper insight       grees of the events, this allows for a comparatively
into the social practices related to disasters as well     stable framework even in regard to a very heteroge-
as the dynamics and processes of the social con-           neous notion of disaster.
structions of disasters. Combining this approach
with an understanding of communication as an               However, while such a model allows for circularity
autopoietic and dynamic process provides a range           of the entire disaster event (pointing out that after’
of new insights into the nature of communication           a disaster is before’ the next), it proved to be ill-
processes in disaster contexts, shedding light on          prepared for the circularity of communications
who defines what, when, how, in which context,             which take place during its course. In discussing
and with what consequences in the processes and            and analyzing communication related to the phase
dynamics of disaster related communication (Metz-          of coping with a disaster, for instance, it may be ne-
ner-Szigeth 2009; Egner & Pott 2010; Egner 2012;           cessary to go back to different aspects of alarm
Egner et al. 2013).                                        communication – not just the first alarms, but also
                                                           the ensuing warning and alarm communicating in a
                                                           disaster site. The circularity becomes even more ob-
                                                           vious when talking about evaluations of coping
Time and space of disasters
                                                           strategies, effective warning etc. in order to provide
                                                           a basis for understanding and defining future risks.
While these theoretical and methodological reflec-
                                                           Communication concerning evaluation, blaming,
tions opened up the research topic, two forms of
                                                           false or failed alarming will often start as soon as
heuristic were relied upon in order to provide more
                                                           awareness of the onset of a disastrous event arises –
structure: a temporal and a spatial dimension. Fol-
                                                           and thus will also affect other phases of the tempo-
lowing Kant’s assumption, time and space are a
                                                           ral heuristic. Rather than providing a helpful struc-
priori notions to the very possibility of comprehen-
                                                           ture, the classic temporal understanding of a disas-
ding sensory perceptions. Both are ways of ratio-
                                                           ter unfolding turned out an impediment to the
nally organizing the course of chaotic events, impo-
                                                           analysis of communicative processes.
sing distinctions in sensemaking on both the first
level of observation, i. e. the perspective of those af-   The finding, however, that communication within
fected, and the second level of observation, i.e. the      unfolding disasters does not adhere to clear-cut
perspective of academic analysis.                          2
                                                            Mostly known from FEMA (Federal Emergency Ma-
The temporal dimension is regularly relied upon in         nagement Agency) in the USA that in turn is based on the
the discussion of disasters. Clausen (1983) defined        works of (amongst others) Roberts 1994 and Faulkner
disaster as an extreme social change characterized         2001.
Mitteilungen                                                                                                  251

phase models did not render the concept of time            lear power plant by the authorities. Although this
worthless. As a crucial first-order distinguishing va-     zone was installed on the basis of guesses rather
riable for the actors within a disaster event, it resur-   than factual information, it had very concrete con-
faced at a number of points. The media, for in-            sequences for the people living or staying within it
stance, aim to present up-to-date, new’ news even         who all of a sudden were labeled as affected’.
in situations in which no new information is avai-         While such demarcations often set off as temporal
lable, and resort to reorganizing existing informa-
                                                           solutions, they have a tendency to stabilize. In her
tion (Bergmann 2011). Social media may speed up
                                                           work on evacuation camps and refugee movements,
reactivity to specific situations of distress but may
                                                           Inhetveen (2010) speaks of precarious topogra-
also ventilate obsolete information, producing false
                                                           phies’. Initially planned as ephemeral spaces, they
alarms (Starbird & Palen 2011).
                                                           often remain for years, contributing to the manifes-
In addition, a very promising second concept for           tation of new social structures in an area. The plain
the analyses of communicative processes crystal-           fact that victims of a disaster are forced to leave be-
lized at various points of the discussion: the concept     hind their homes and relocate at all is of course
of space, or, more specifically, of spatialisation. The    another aspect of how understandings of space
social understanding and manipulation of space             become pertinent (Bakewell 2011). Potentially
proved to be highly consequential for the under-           meeting already precarious conditions, such effects
standing of disasters and disaster-related activity.       may be particularly severe in developing societies
Most processes connected to disasters generate spa-        (Collins 2009).
tial effects which create differences that in fact pro-
                                                           Spatialization becomes pertinent not only in cases
duce a difference: Space and spatial or space-rela-
ted semantics, just as risks, can be conceived as          of actual disastrous events, but plays a great role in
media of communication that fulfil the function of         risk assessment and pervades our daily lives. Risk
contributing to social structuring and order forma-        maps, for instance, are intended to be an instru-
tion.’ (Egner & Pott 2010: 231) This is already tied       ment to enhance the safety of a community or a re-
to the fact that extreme events leading to a disaster      gion, marking off areas which are safe for building,
always happen somewhere; they literally take              skiing or camping, while denoting others which are
place’. Emergency call takers for instance make an         out of bounds (Bründl et al. 2009). The apparent
effort to establish early-on and in precise detail the     absoluteness’ and truth’ of such maps however
location of the reported incident, and partly deduct       may well cause a false sense of security and invite
from this information the course of action, such as        imprudent behavior, resulting in the creation of
whom next to notify (Bergmann 1995; Fele 2008) –           new risks for their users. Drawing lines to demark
a task which turned out to be more problematic in          spaces thus is a highly consequential, intrinsically
cases of mobile phone emergency calls.                     social and political, and far from unambiguous acti-
                                                           vity. This necessitates closer inspection of the proces-
The place that a disaster takes’ is never just a single
                                                           ses and actors through which such demarcations
co-ordinate on a map. Localizing a disastrous event
                                                           come about in order to understand more closely
will necessarily create new social spaces; a distinc-
                                                           which factors, rationalities, and interests play a role.
tion is drawn between a space for those affected by
an event and a space for those who are not. An ac-         Spacialization also is a contingent element of our
cident is cordoned off, separating a site of the acci-    daily lives, as can be readily experienced when
dent’ which may only be accessed by authorized             trying to find one’s way in an unknown environ-
professionals of disaster management from an area          ment. What is merely annoying in everyday situa-
where everyday life is to continue just as before, the     tions can turn highly dangerous in situations of di-
border between both often reinforced by curious            saster. We rely heavily on geo-semiotics, on signs
bystanders trying to get as close as possible in order     bearing pictograms or written information, in order
to catch a glimpse. While such a new social order is       to navigate our way. Geo-semiotics pre-structure
usually of a temporary nature in the case of an acci-      our social spaces via a form of communication that
dent, other demarcations have longer lasting and           is non-oral but situated nonetheless, gaining the im-
more drastic consequences. One of the first reac-          pact of facts (Habscheid 2012). It is crucial to un-
tions to the nuclear event in Fukushima Daiichi in         derstand how such structuring comes about and
the wake of the major earthquake and enormous              how it is dealt with in emergency situations, where
tsunami in March 2011 for instance was the instal-         orientation and clear, unique information are essen-
lation of a 10 km evacuation zone around the nuc-          tial for those affected.
252                                                     Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 41, Heft 3, Juni 2012, S. 247–255

Finding new topics                                            Pipek, Gunnar Stevens). The increasing role of
                                                              technology for disaster management on the other
The perspectives sketched out above – the overall             hand makes relevant the implications of its
subject of communication, the concepts of time and            breakdown in critical situations (Jçrg Potthast).
space as structuring heuristics allowing compari-
                                                            Finally, a topic that turned out to be of central re-
son, the theoretical claims of ethnomethodology
                                                            levance to discussions at several points concerned
and second-order observation theory, and our qua-
                                                            the role of media in the definition and shaping of
litative methodology – identified a number of topics
                                                            disasters. While already addressed by Wenger &
which are not well established within traditional di-
                                                            Quarantelli in 1989, this topic has gained new im-
saster research and provided the chance to shed
                                                            portance with the quick rise of social media over
new light onto other, already discussed topics:
                                                            the last couple of years. Media take on a special po-
Q   The role of cultural and historical relativity in the   sition in disasters as they literally serve as media-
    definition of what a disaster is was addressed, sti-    tors, seemingly bridging the distance between those
    mulated by the work of Dieter Neubert, Greg             affected and those not affected by the event. Media
    Bankoff, Stephen Mosley, Katharina Inhetveen,           do not restrict themselves to objective reporting but
    and Carsten Felgentreff who presented empirical         adopt an active role in collective disaster manage-
    case studies of historical and cultural aspects of      ment efforts by addressing and challenging the de-
    various disaster events.                                meanor and the achievements of actors in the field,
Q   Disaster communication was investigated from a          such as politicians, organizations, or managers
    micro perspective with the aim to reveal intrinsic      (Rusch et al. 2007). They also produce a paradoxi-
    patterns of e. g. alarm communication (the group        cal sense of involvement among viewers who, im-
    joined forces with a research network working           mersed in increasingly authentic’ information such
    on emergency calls all over Europe, of which Jçrg       as footage produced by mobile phones or seemingly
    Bergmann, Giolo Fele, Ilkka Arminen and Tho-            first-hand accounts in blogs and internet forums,
    mas Ley are members) or to analyze how media            may have the impression of immediate participa-
    correspondents structure their reports on disas-        tion; at the same time, however, they are aware of
    ters (which was investigated by Ruth Ayaß).             the detachment that sitting safely in front of a TV
Q   Since it is nearly impossible to observe an actual      set or computer necessarily implies (Bergmann
    live’ disaster, the role and explanatory power of      2012b). This paradoxical experience is a crucial
    simulation was debated regularly. Technical si-         condition for the willingness to become engaged, ei-
    mulations such as CERN’s particle physics simu-         ther through donations to relief organizations or by
    lation (Martina Merz) and social simulations
                                                            choosing the same medium to react, such as collect-
    such as disaster scenarios for disaster manage-
                                                            ing, selecting and playing back information to rele-
    ment or operative teams (Stefan Strohschneider,
                                                            vant actors via social media such as blogs or twitter.
    Stefan Kaufmann) were analyzed, members of
                                                            This dependency traditionally accords control to
    the research group took part in LÜKEX 2011, a
                                                            the media which are in the position to direct their
    nationwide disaster set-up at the administrative
                                                            users’ attention and, to some degree, level of invol-
    level simulating an attack on crucial IT systems
                                                            vement and engagement. However, the more the es-
    (Marn Schorch), and furthermore the research
                                                            tablished media become supplemented by what
    group hosted an ethnological art project on emer-
                                                            Gunawardene (2012) calls citizen media’, the more
    gency provisions which worked with psychodiag-
                                                            this influence can be de-centralized and democra-
    nostic tools (Xperiment!).
    Research in the context of CSCW (Computer
    Supported Cooperative Work) and current devel-          The title of our closing conference, Dealing with
    opments of web-based technology and content             the Disasters of Others’, was inspired by the works
    (mainly social media) were intensely discussed          of Sontag (2003) and Chouliaraki (2006). While
    with regard to their impact and potential for in-       the general everyday perception seems to be that di-
    formation management and communication of a             sasters are on the increase, for most of us disasters
    wide range of actors in disasters (Monika Bü-           are not based on first-hand experience but on se-
    scher, Leysia Palen, Andrea Kavanaugh).                 cond-hand information – disasters are mostly the
Q   Several researchers pointed out that an awareness       disasters of others. The media, media recipients, di-
    of the communicative peculiarities of disaster si-      saster management, politics, and not least resear-
    tuations is a crucial prerequisite for the adequate     chers are confronted with the paradoxical form of
    design of tools and spaces (Volker Wulf, Volkmar        involvement sketched above: doing something with
Mitteilungen                                                                                                       253

the disaster while not really being affected by it.         Bründl, M., H. Romang, N. Bischof & C. Rheinberger,
This paradox needs to be reflected with respect to             2009: The Risk Concept and Its Application in Natural
how the positioning of non-affected media, reci-               Hazard Risk Management in Switzerland. Natural Ha-
pients, relief organizations, researchers etc. affects         zards and Earth System Sciences 9: 801–813.
                                                            Clausen, L. & W.R. Dombrowsky, 1983: Einführung in
participation and various forms of involvement
                                                               die Soziologie der Katastrophen. Bonn: Osang.
(Bergmann 2012a). Such reflexivity seems to be im-          Collins, A., 2009: Disaster and Development. London:
portant specifically for research on disasters in              Routledge.
order to avoid the traps of either adopting a nave         Chouliaraki, L., 2006: The Spectatorship of Suffering.
humanistic or a purely technological approach to-              London: Sage.
ward disaster response. As researchers we can al-           Dombrowsky, W.R. & D. Neubert, 2011: Standardkata-
ways resort to a distanced point of view but the               strophen und die Grenzen der Planbarkeit. Ein Streitge-
danger is not only to disregard the uniqueness – the           spräch. Ed. By Manuela Lenzen. ZiF-Mitteilungen 2/
haecceitas (Garfinkel) of every single disaster but            2011: 25–30.
also to lose sight of the victims. While the research       Dynes, R.R., 1998: Coming to Terms with Community di-
                                                               saster. Pp. 109–126 in: E.L. Quarantelli (ed.), What is a
group has only begun to sketch out a perspective
                                                               Disaster? Perspectives on the Question. London, New
for a field of mainly qualitative disaster research on         York: Routledge.
communication, this perspective has already led to          Egner, H., 2012: Risk, Space and Natural Disasters. On
a number of new questions and tacks, a few tenta-              the Role of Space and Nature in Risk Research. Pp.
tive answers and a range of new cooperations, brin-            57–77 in: C. Mauch & S. Mayer (ed.), American Envi-
ing together academics and practitioners from di-              ronments. Climate, Cultures, Catastrophe. Heidelberg:
verse disciplines and backgrounds. Most of the                 Winter Universitätsverlag.
work remains to be done in order to further devel-          Egner, H. & A. Pott (eds.), 2010: Geographische Risiko-
op the field. The year at the ZiF may have planted             forschung. Zur Konstruktion verräumlichter Risiken
a handful of seeds.                                            und Sicherheiten. Stuttgart: Steiner.
                                                            Egner, H., M. Schorch & M. Voss (eds.), 2013: Learning
        Heike Egner, Marn Schorch, Sarah Hitzler,             from Calamities. Interpretative Patterns, Patterns of
                      Jçrg Bergmann, Volker Wulf               Practices and Communication on Disasters and Catast-
                                                               rophes (forthcoming).
More detailed information about the multiple acti-
                                                            Faulkner, B., 2001: Towards a Framework for Tourism Di-
vities, workshops and conferences as well as reports           saster Management. Tourism Management 22: 135–147.
of the events and publications can be found on our          Fele, G., 2008: The Collaborative Production of Respon-
website:                                                       ses and Dispatching on the Radio. Forum: Qualitative
http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/ZIF/FG/2010Commu-                  Social Research. http://www.qualitative-research.net/
nicatingDisaster/                                              index.php/fqs/article/view/1175/2616
                                                            Felgentreff, C. & W.R. Dombrowsky, 2008: Hazard-, Ri-
                                                               siko- und Katastrophenforschung. Pp. 13–29 in: C. Fel-
References                                                     gentreff & T. Glade (eds.), Naturrisiken und Sozialka-
                                                               tastrophen. Berlin: Springer.
Bakewell, O., 2011: Conceptualising Displacement and        Foerster, H. von, 1984: Observing systems. Seaside, Calif:
  migration: Processes, conditions, and categories. Pp.        Intersystems Publications.
  14–28 in: K. Koser & S. Martin (Hrsg.), The Migra-        Garfinkel, H., 1967: Studies in Ethnomethodology. Engle-
  tion-Displacement Nexus: Patterns, Processes, and Po-        wood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
  licies. Oxford: Berghahn Books.                           Gunawardene, N., 2012: Breaking News on a Restless
Bergmann, J., 1995: Alarmiertes Verstehen: Kommunika-          Planet: Covering Disasters in a Networked Society.
  tion in Feuerwehrnotrufen. Pp. 283–328 in: T. Jung &         Keynote at the Closing Conference Dealing with the
  S. Müller-Doohm (Hrsg.), „Wirklichkeit“ im Deu-              Disasters of Others’, ZiF Research Group Communi-
  tungsprozess. Verstehen und Methoden in den Kultur-          cating Disaster’, Bielefeld, 27 January 2012.
  und Sozialwissenschaften. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.       Habscheid, S., 2012: Texte in Aktion. Zur praktischen Si-
Bergmann, J., 2011: Disaster as media loops. ZiF-Mitteil-      tuierung eines „situationsgelçsten“ Sprachgebrauchs –
  ungen 2/2011: 7–8.                                           am Beispiel von Sicherheitshinweisen im çffentlichen
Bergmann, J., 2012a: The Disastrousness of Disaster. Pa-       Raum. Forthcoming in: F.-J. Klein, C. Frevel & C. Pat-
  per at the Closing Conference Dealing with the Disas-       zelt (eds.): Gli uomini si legano per la lingua. Fest-
  ters of Others’, ZiF Research Group Communicating           schrift für Werner Forner zum 65. Geburtstag. Stutt-
  Disaster’, Bielefeld, 28 January 2012.                       gart: ibidem (in press).
Bergmann, J., 2012b: Der Tsunami im Wohnzimmer: Die         Hartman, C. & G.D. Squires (eds.), 2006: There is no
  medienvermittelte Katastrophe. Forthcoming in: J.            Such Thing as a Natural Disaster – Race, Class, and
  Piepenbrink (Hrsg.), Ende des Atomzeitalters, Bonn:          Hurricane Katrina. New York, London: Routledge.
  Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (in press).         Inhetveen, K., 2010: Die politische Ordnung des Flücht-
254                                                       Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 41, Heft 3, Juni 2012, S. 247–255

   lingslagers. Akteure – Macht – Organisation; eine Eth-       rence on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
   nographie im Südlichen Afrika. Bielefeld: transcript.        (CSCW 2011), ACM-Press, New York 2011, 505–512.
Keller, R., 2008: Wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse.
   Grundlegung eines Forschungsprogramms. Wiesbaden:
   VS.                                                        ZiF-research group “Communicating
Luhmann, N., 1984: Soziale Systeme. Grundriß einer all-
   gemeinen Theorie. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.
                                                              Disaster“ (2010–2011):
Luhmann, N., 1992: Beobachtungen der Moderne. Opla-
   den: Westdeutscher Verlag.                                 Organizers of the research group
Macamo, E. & D. Neubert, 2008: Erwartungen an Sicher-         Prof. Dr. Jçrg Bergmann, Sociology, Bielefeld
   heit. Subjektive Katastrophenwahrnehmungen und Be-         Prof. Dr. Heike Egner, Geography, Klagenfurt
   dingungen der Bewältigung am Beispiel Mosambiks            Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf, Information Technology, Siegen
   und Deutschlands. Pp. 858–874 in: K.-S. Rehberg (ed.):
   Die Natur der Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen des 33.
                                                              Coordination and academic assistance
   Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in
   Kassel 2006, Volume 2. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus.             Dr. Sarah Hitzler, Sociology, Bielefeld
Metzner-Szigeth, A., 2009: Contradictory Approaches? –        Marn Schorch, M.A., Sociology, Bielefeld
   On Realism and Constructivism in the Social Sciences
   Research on Risk, Technology and the Environment.          Fellows
   Futures 41(2): 156–170.
Mosley, S., 2008: The Chimney of the World. A History         Prof. Dr. Ilkka Arminen, Sociology, Tampere
   of Smoke Pollution in Victorian and Edwardian Man-         Prof. Dr. Ruth Ayaß, Sociology, Klagenfurt
   chester. London: Routledge.                                Prof. Dr. Greg Bankoff, History, Hull
Quarantelli, E.L. (ed.), 1998: What is a Disaster? Perspec-   Dr. Michael Bründl, Institute for Snow and Avalanche
   tives on the Question. London: Routledge.                     Research SLF, Davos
Ramirez, L., M. Betz, T. Dyrks, M. Scholz, J. Gerwinski       Dr. Monika Büscher, Sociology, Lancaster
   & V. Wulf: Landmarke – An ad hoc Deployable Ubi-           Prof. Dr. Andrew Collins, Disaster Management,
   comp Infrastructure to Support Indoor Navigation of           Newcastle
   Firefighters, in: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing        Prof. Dr. Wolf Dombrowsky, Disaster Management,
   (PUC), in press.                                              Berlin
Roberts, V., 1994: Flood Management: Bradford paper.          Prof. Dr. Giolo Fele, Sociology, Trento
   Disaster Prevention and Management 3(3): 44–60.            Dr. Carsten Felgentreff, Geography, Osnabrück
Rusch, G., H. Schanze & G. Schwering, 2007 (eds.):            Prof. Dr. Stephan Habscheid, German Studies, Siegen
   Theorien der Neuen Medien. Kino – Radio – Fernsehen        Dr. Nicolai Hannig, History, Gießen
   – Computer. Stuttgart: Metzler.                            Prof. Dr. Katharina Inhetveen, Sociology, Munich
Sacks, H., 1992: Lectures on Conversation. Oxford:            Prof. Dr. Jürgen Jensen, Hydromechanics, Siegen
   Blackwell Publishing.                                      Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaufmann, Sociology, Freiburg
Schütz, A., 1962: Collected Papers I: The Problem of So-      Prof. Dr. Thomas Ley, Sociology, Meiningen
   cial Reality. Dordrecht: Nijhoff.                          Prof. Dr. Martina Merz, Sociology, Lucerne
Shannon, C.E. & W. Weaver, 1949: A Mathematical Mo-           PD Dr. Andreas Metzner-Szigeth, Sociology, Münster
   del of Communication. Urbana, IL: University of Illi-      Dr. Stephen Mosley, History, Leeds
   nois Press.                                                Prof. Dr. Dieter Neubert, Development Sociology,
Sontag, S., 2003: Regarding the Pain of Others. New              Bayreuth
   York: Picador/Farrar.                                      Prof. Dr. Volkmar Pipek, Information Technology, Siegen
Starbird, K. & L. Palen, 2011: “Voluntweeters”: Self-Or-      Prof. Dr. Andreas Pott, Geography, Osnabrück
   ganizing by Digital Volunteers in Times of Crisis. Pro-    Dr. Jçrg Potthast, Sociology, Berlin
   ceedings of the ACM 2011 Conference on Human Fac-          Prof. Dr. Gebhard Rusch, Media Studies, Siegen
   tors in Computing Systems (CHI 2011), Vancouver,           Prof. Dr. Gunnar Stevens, Information Technology, Siegen
   CA. http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~palen/voluntweeters        Prof. Dr. Stefan Strohschneider, Psychology, Jena
   StarbirdPalen.pdf                                          Dr. Martin Voss, Sociology, Berlin
Vollmer, H., 2012: Punctuated Cooperation. The Sociolo-
   gy of Disruption, Disaster and Social Change. Cam-
   bridge: Cambridge University Press (in press).
                                                              Associated members
Wenger, D. & E.L. Quarantelli, 1989: Local Mass Media         Dr. Oliver Bakewell, Development Sociology, Oxford
   Operations, Problems, and Products in Disasters. New-      Dr. Dominik Collet, History, Gçttingen
   ark, DE: University of Delaware/Disaster Research          Dr. Heike Greschke, Sociology, Bielefeld
   Center.                                                    Prof. Dr. Ursula Hennigfeld, Romance Studies, Freiburg
Wulf, V., M. Rohde, V. Pipek & G. Stevens: Engaging           Dr. Andrea Kavanaugh, Information Technology, Virginia
   with Practices: Design Case Studies as a Research          PD Dr. Christian Meyer, Sociology, Bielefeld
   Framework in CSCW, in: Proceedings of ACM Confe-           Dr. Frank Oberzaucher, Sociology, Bielefeld
Mitteilungen                                                                                        255

Dr. Leysia Palen, Information Technology, Colorado   Art team Xperiment!
Peter Parkinson, Sociology, Bielefeld
                                                     Dr. Michael Guggenheim, Ethnology, London
Dr. Valentin Rauer, Sociology, Frankfurt
                                                     Dr. Bernd Kräftner, Medicine, Vienna
PD Dr. Hendrik Vollmer, Sociology, Bielefeld
                                                     Judith Krçll, Mag., Sociology, Vienna
Helena Zemp, M.A., Media Studies, Zürich
                                                     Gerhard Ramsebner, Mag., Philiosophy, Vienna
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