Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park

Page created by Willard Wolf
Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
                              Community                                 July - August 2021

                                               A Friendship Blossoms
                                                                                    See Story on Page 3

 Menorah Park ~ Excellence in Caring ®   27100 Cedar Road   Beachwood, Ohio 44122
Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
Celebrating our Unity
                            year ago, Menorah             process was not without challenges, we worked hard to
                             Park and Montefiore          make the change as seamless and beneficial as possible
                        began an affiliation              for all stakeholders: medical and professional staff, the
                        to better serve our               development community that sustains us, and especially
                        community. Most                   our residents and families.
                        relationships begin
                                                          We did this through smaller, more personal events and
                        with a “honeymoon
                                                          activities that provided much-needed socialization in a
                        period” characterized
                                                          safe and engaging environment. Residents at Menorah
                        only by positivity. Ours
                                                          Park enjoyed patio entertainment, while those at R. H.
                        bore the burden of
                                                          Myers were treated to weekly snack and cocktail carts.
   Jim Newbrough,       the COVID pandemic
    Menorah Park                                          Montefiore residents played hallway bingo and started a
                        and unprecedented
  President and CEO                                       pen pal program. At Helen’s Place, a traveling beauty shop
                        restrictions in the way we
                                                          offered hair and nail services to residents. Residents of
                        live our daily lives and
                                                          The Weils enjoyed “garden sunshine time” when weather
how we provide services to those who rely on us.
I’m happy to say that our team responded with
empathy, professionalism and personal sacrifice           Facetime, Skype and Zoom became tools of our trade for
to meet the challenges we faced. As society               keeping residents connected to their loved ones. Existing
begins its return to normalcy, we reflect on the          programs like distance learning, and new ones like
bonds we’ve made between our organizations                telehealth visits, provided engagement and healthcare
and with the community we serve.                          services. Staff and volunteers improvised hallway concerts,
                                                          prize contests and “theme week” decorations. Group
Like you, Menorah Park has adapted to the
                                                          activities like exercise were scaled back and included safe
unique circumstances of the pandemic, and in
                                                          distancing and personal protective equipment.
the end we brought together two vibrant and
proud senior care organizations. While the                In turn, residents showed their appreciation for staff with
                                                          kind words, cards, signs and gift bags.

                Menorah Park                              The past year has taught us that we are truly stronger
                                                          together. Jewish values remain at the heart of both
                                                          Menorah Park and Montefiore since their foundings over
               July - August 2021                         a century ago. One year after our partnership began, our
                                                          commitment to those values and to the community we
                                                          serve is even stronger. With you, we are ready to face the
      3    A Friendship Blossoms                          future.

      4    Weils Women’s Social Club

      5    Come Together
                                                                   My deepest appreciation
       7   Shining Star CLE
                                                                    for the good work of my collaborative
      8    The High Holidays                                          Menorah Park Foundation partner
                                                                    Chief Development Officer Joel Fox.
    10     Regain Your Independence                             Please see his message on page 6 where he
                                                               shares about his retirement and the future of
     11    Help With Healing                                          the Menorah Park Foundation.

2       Menor ah P a rk Ca m p u s Ne ws • 2 7 1 0 0 Ceda r R oa d, Bea chwood, O hio 44122 • July - August, 2 0 2 1
Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
A Friendship Blossoms with                                                                           COVER STORY

Wiggins Place Resident and WKYC Reporter

W       iggins Place resident
        Charlotte Burgin could
not imagine what would happen
                                        Lindsay and Jessica returned
                                        to Wiggins Place to surprise
                                        Charlotte with the exciting news
                                                                                your dreams! And, don’t ever give
                                                                                How have the experiences
next when she wrote a children’s        that her book would be published!       you’ve had meeting so many
book for her grandchildren that         We thought our Menorah Park             Menorah Park residents at
she titled, Charlotte’s Webster,        family would enjoy this special         the different communities
a Vary, Very Little Dictionary, a       Q&A with Lindsay.                       touched you personally and/
book of homophones, (words that                                                 or professionally?
sound the same, but have different
meanings) which cycles through          What have you gained                    Spending time with the residents
the alphabet. An example would          personally through this                 on the Menorah Park campus
be: A is for ants, wee tiny bugs,       journey with Charlotte?                 has been life-changing. The
it’s also for aunts, who like to give   Well, firstly, a friend. Charlotte      pandemic was incredibly difficult
hugs.                                   is witty, bubbly, thoughtful and        on humanity, but none more
                                        kind. Being in her presence brings      than folks in nursing homes
Frankie Twymon, Wiggins                                                         and assisted living. To be able
Place administrator and Tracy           an instant smile to your face. And,
                                        being able to put a smile on hers       to provide a vessel for them to
Derschau, life enrichment                                                       connect with others in the pen
coordinator, reached out to the         was beyond gratifying. You never
                                        know who you’ll be touched by in        pal program was humbling. I
D.R.E.A.M. team (staff that help                                                have been touched by every single
fulfill residents wishes) to see if     your life, but Charlotte sure has
                                        touched mine. I plan on keeping         person I sat down to talk with,
they could help with getting the                                                their smiles, and warm souls. I
book published. The team in turn        in touch with her for as long as
                                        she’ll have me.                         can’t wait to come back for a visit.
reached out to WKYC Studios and
Lindsay Buckingham, Emmy-               What do you hope the impact             What’s your favorite part
nominated Special Projects              will be from viewers when               of being a Special Projects
Reporter and Jessica Miller             you develop these types of              Reporter and storyteller on
Stern, producer, based on the           stories?                                WKYC?
relationship the duo developed          I hope these stories inspire            Every time someone shares
through the collaborative WKYC          viewers to make someone’s day,          their life story with me, I feel
Menorah Park pen pal program.           do a random act of kindness, or         tremendously honored. It’s a true
They jumped on the idea and             call that loved one they haven’t        privilege that families trust me to
arranged to come to Wiggins Place       spoken to in a while. It’s about        share their journeys. The goal is
to interview Charlotte followed by      encouraging people to lead              always to raise awareness, make
asking their viewers about getting      with their hearts, and make a           an impact or provide help for
her book published.                     difference in someone’s life.           someone in need. When one of the
Their request came to fruition                                                  above happens because of one of
                                        How do you believe that                 our stories, it’s fulfilling in a way
when a viewer in Cleveland              stories like this impact the
saw the show and immediately                                                    that’s indescribable. I count my
                                        perception of aging?                    lucky stars every day being able
contacted her son Rob Price,
                                        It’s never too late. That’s what        to share the hopeful stories of
president of Columbus-based
                                        people should take away from            Northeast Ohio.
publishing company Gatekeeper
                                        this story. Charlotte is a first-time   If you’d like to view the most
Press, who quickly agreed to
                                        author at 94 years old. She never       recent story on Charlotte’s
publish her book. Rob also has
                                        gave up her passion for writing or      book, go to the news section
a special place in his heart for
                                        her willingness to learn more. Age      of
Menorah Park as his grandmother
                                        is just a number. Always follow
had lived here.

Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
The Weils Women’s Social Club Hosts Marvelous
Miscellaneous Sale Fundraiser for Cleveland Sight Center
                                                                         learning from each other in a supportive
                                                                         and nurturing environment. “We are beyond
                                                                         thrilled with this meaningful gift. The
                                                                         impact it will make on a child will last for the
                                                                         rest of their lives. It will empower them to
                                                                         achieve great things,” said Alicia Howerton,
                                                                         community relations specialist.
                                                                         The Marvelous Miscellaneous Sale raised
                                                                         $2,013 with some of the hot items sold being
                                                                         a vintage Chinese jewelry chest, pictures,
                                                                         furnishings, kick-knacks and long-lost
                                                                         treasures the residents and staff donated.
                                                                         The Weils Women’s Social Club is already
      Dr. Bob DeBernardo (standing) and Florene Miller                   gearing up for their next mission of kindness
    with Roxanne Sartorius (standing) and Helen Winovich                 and philanthropy.

G     iving back is a purposeful passion for many of us,
      a value held dear by The Weils Women’s Social
Club. The members proudly arranged and hosted its                           Serving You
first fundraiser for Cleveland Sight Center. Proceeds
from the sale are allowing The Weils Women’s
Social Club to sponsor four individuals living with                     Many Resources and
                                                                      Residential Communities
low vision or blindness from Cleveland Sight Center
to attend a very special weeklong summer camp at
Highbrook Lodge. The Cleveland Sight Center offers                              Post-Hospital Care
summer programs to children, teenagers and young                            Rehab Therapy & Aquatics
adults to keep them busy, engaged and learning
                                                                          Assisted & Independent Living
during the summer months.
                                                                              Memory Care Services
The Weils Women’s Social Club consists of the
                                                                                  Long-Term Care
women who live at The Weils of Menorah Park in
Chagrin Falls. The group meets every Tuesday to                               Home Health Services
discuss how they can make a positive difference to                                 Adult Day Care
enrich the lives of those who live in the community.                         Palliative & Hospice Care
“Great things come from small beginnings. The
group quickly realized it needed to set a course, get a
purpose and find a project,” said Andrea Bailey, life
enrichment coordinator. The club decided since most
of the residents that live in assisted living may have
some type of sight impairment, they identified with
the challenge and wanted Cleveland Sight Center
                                                                                   EXCELLENCE IN CARING ®
as their not-for-profit beneficiary. Alicia Howerton,
community relations specialist at Cleveland Sight
Center, elaborated on the true experience of the
youth campers and how they collaborate as a group            | 216.831.6500

4       Menor ah P a rk Ca m p u s Ne ws • 2 7 1 0 0 Ceda r R oa d, Bea chwood, O hio 44122 • July - August, 2 0 2 1
Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
A Beautiful Way to Come Together
Menorah Park’s Virtual Run/Walk

                                                                            Wiggins Place Administrator
                                                                                 Frankie Twymon

     Sandy and Bill Lieberman with grandkids Ariel and Eli Vilensky
Thank you to our sponsors,           seeing you next year on Sunday,
donors, participants and the         May 1, 2022!
entire community for your            Thank you to co-chairs:
generosity! Together we exceeded     Andy Isaacs, David Saltzman,
our goal and raised $104,000 to      Marty Shankle and Robert Zelwin.
support Menorah Park’s mission       Special thanks to Cole Pesses,
to improve the lives of our          chair, Associate Board. Visit
community as well as to help with to
increased costs associated with      view our photo gallery.
COVID-19. We look forward to                                                Cole Pesses with his daughter
                                                                            Pia June and Marty Shankle

     Menorah Park Associate Board - Gardening for Good

  Ilene Somers, Debbie Rothschild,
    Jessica Pope and Jeff Ingram          Kim Skerl and Cole Pesses
                                                                                   Ilene Somers
  On a beautiful Monday in the       director and Jessica Pope, life     in large pots for resident patios.
  early summer, Cole Pesses,         enrichment assistant director,      All enjoyed this special time to
  chair, Associate Board, Debbie     were digging in the dirt with       be together, plant together and
  Rothschild, vice president of      Menorah Park residents and          spruce up outdoor gathering
  the Menorah Park Foundation,       volunteers Jeff Ingram and Ilene    spaces!
  Kim Skerl, life enrichment         Somers to plant beautiful flowers

Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
Looking Ahead with Confidence
Grateful For All We Have Accomplished Together
                       fter exactly       Here’s a favorite story: One of our        I must especially thank my two
                        a decade          COSTOP projects was to create              Menorah Park Foundation Board
                    at Menorah            “Jewish Community Housing,”                Chairs, Ed Singer and Rick Rivitz.
                    Park – to the         a special separate agency to               Ed treated me as a partner, with
                    day – I am            develop apartment buildings for            the highest expectations but also
                    retiring on           low-income elderly and people              the greatest support to accomplish
                    July 30, 2021.        with special needs. We built two           our goals, with grace, dignity
                    It has been           beautiful buildings, Warrensville          and total commitment. Rick
      Joel Fox      a privilege           Community Apartments and                   helped me continue to grow as a
        Chief       to further            Cedar Center Apartments, with              professional, delving with me into
   Development      Menorah               180 suites and great program               challenges we could conquer and
                    Park’s                support from the JCC and JFSA.             opportunities we could maximize.
mission. I’ve seen the help and           (My kids called them “Fox Towers           I am so grateful to these two
support we provide to people as           I and Fox Towers II”).                     extraordinary community leaders.
they age across our community             Millie Klein, of blessed memory,           And, of course, to hundreds of
first-hand, and that has deepened         was on our Board, and she chaired          others who worked at my side
my belief in our work, and                the Admissions committee. She              as Board members, donors,
especially my respect for my              introduced me to one of the early          volunteers and colleagues.
colleagues who deliver that care.         tenants, the late Rose Priesand,           I am so pleased that Brian
Forty-three summers ago, in 1978,         whose daughter is the famous               Sokol will be following me as
I moved to Cleveland to pursue a          Rabbi Sally Priesand, the first            Chief Development Officer of
Master’s in Social Work at CWRU.          woman ordained as a rabbi at               the Menorah Park Foundation.
My first field assignment was             Hebrew Union College. 30 years             Brian has long been a friend and
to provide staff support to the           later I found Rose again, as a             colleague, first at AIPAC and for
Jewish Federation’s Commission            resident at Menorah Park. How              the last 11 years at CWRU. Brian
on Services to Older Persons              satisfying to know we were able to         provided top leadership for the
(COSTOP). One of the first                help Rose, and hundreds of others          university’s development of the
contacts I had with the agencies          like her, for so many years.               magnificent Maltz Performing
was to attend the dedication of           At Menorah Park, I tried to always         Arts Center, a world-class reuse of
the R.H. Myers Apartments, a              focus on why we do what we do,             the historic home of The Temple-
spectacular new home for 200              not so much on what we do. Yes,            Tifereth Israel. Along with dozens
older people. At that time, it was        we run two excellent nursing               of other CWRU projects, Brian
the only building on the Menorah          homes, fine residences, provide            helped make the beautiful Geller
Park campus other than the                rehab services, home health                Jewish Student Center, home of
nursing home itself.                      care and hospice, but why? It’s            Cleveland Hillel, possible.
I went on to spend 32 years               because we want people in our              In the next short period of
at the Jewish Federation of               community to live empowered                years, as a community, we
Cleveland (JFC) and the Mandel            lives. To be inspired to continue          must update and upgrade the
Foundation, and then ten years            to create, contribute and engage,          campuses of Menorah Park and
at Menorah Park. I have had the           and to be comforted and well-              The Weils. Now that Montefiore
blessing of a career that truly           cared-for when ill. We do what             and Menorah Park are one
tracked with my beliefs and               we do to maintain a healthy                organization, responsible for the
desires, trying to make the world         community. To maximize                     wellbeing of the whole community
a better place and to help Jewish         everyone’s ability to do what they         as people grow older, we must
people and our neighbors.                 want to do. To live their best lives
                                          as long as they possibly can.                          continued on page 7

6       Menor ah P a rk Ca m p u s Ne ws • 2 7 1 0 0 Ceda r R oa d, Bea chwood, O hio 44122 • July - August, 2 0 2 1
Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
continued from page 6                desired and will be necessary         gave me a terrific platform for
                                     in this generation; and we must       my career. I know so many
make certain that our programs,
                                     significantly increase charitable     community members who are
services and facilities are up to
                                     support to provide for those who      benefitting from our services now
the challenge of providing that
                                     cannot pay for their own care.        and will need us in the future,
which the community wants
                                     I intend to stay connected to         and I will be happy to continue to
and needs, now and for the next
                                     Menorah Park. I care deeply           support the work.
generation. The Baby Boomers are
coming; government funding will      for the mission. I am so proud        Thank you for many years of
inevitably decrease; our buildings   of what we’ve done and what           support and encouragement. As
are aging; more community-           we do. I want to take care of         my friend and mentor Ed Singer
based and at-home service is         this wonderful community that         loves to say, just be well!

SAVE THE DATE! Shining Star CLE 2021 Virtual Finals
                                     order of the top four and support     O’Brien, well-known jazz singer
  Tune in on Sun., August 29                                               and entertainer, Carl Topilow,
                                     this unique fundraising event to
   at 7 p.m. via live-stream –                                             artistic director and conductor of
                                     support memory care programs
  free and open to the public!                                             the Cleveland Pops Orchestra and
                                     and services.
  Log in to watch the Finals at
                                     Expect a high-energy, 90-minute       Gina Vernaci, president and CEO
                                     show of amazing talent and            of Playhouse Square.
                                     excitement. You will see nothing      Shining Star CLE is a benefit
B     e part of this extraordinary
      event! Shining Star CLE, in
its fifth year, is a unique high
                                     short of a spectacular show
                                     combining sponsor messages
                                                                           for memory care programs
                                                                           offered by Menorah Park across
                                     and thank you’s, plus group and       our campuses in Beachwood
school solo-singing competition
                                     individual performances – all         and Chagrin Falls and in the
where the most talented students
                                     while enjoying the musical gifts      community. For more information
in Northeast Ohio put on the
                                     of ten extraordinary high school      on sponsorships, Playbill ads
performance of their lifetimes and
                                     students.                             and donor opportunities, and
compete for college scholarships.
                                     Everyone who is watching              general information, contact
After competing in a series of
                                     this virtual show will have the       Renee Greller, Menorah Park
online and Zoom auditions with
                                     opportunity to vote via text for      Foundation, at 216.839.6623 or
local professional judges, each of
                                     their favorite performer from         email:
the Top 10 Finalists will receive
                                     the top four finalists who will be    or visit: (Please
the opportunity to be recorded
                                     selected by celebrity judges. We      see ad on back cover.)
in a professional studio for their
Finals Performance.                  are thrilled to welcome back all
                                                                                Honorary Co-Chairs
                                     our judges: Jim Brickman, award-
The talented Monica Robins of                                                   Judy & Morry Weiss
                                     winning songwriter and pianist,
WKYC -TV3, back for her fifth
                                     Rashad V. Chambers, Tony award
season, will virtually emcee the                                                 Event Co-Chairs
                                     nominated Broadway producer of
event. Last year’s event drew more                                           Meredith & Jason Hillman
                                     Ain’t Too Proud – The Life and
than 10,000 viewers from around                                               Audrey & Kenny Koblitz
                                     Times of The Temptations, Telly
the globe! And, once again,                                                     Susi & Peter Meisel
                                     Leung, actor and singer and best
everyone can watch in the comfort                                              Carmie & Todd Stein
                                     known for his lead role in Disney’s
of their own home, vote for the                                               Beverley & Richard Uria
                                     Aladdin on Broadway, Trisha

   Your help today secures a better future for those we will care for tomorrow! To learn more or make your
                   planned gift, go to or
                contact Renee Greller, at or 216.839.6623.

Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
As We Enter High Holidays
Reflections of the Past Year
W     ars, Pogroms, Plagues,
      the Inquisition, the
Holocaust: For centuries, Jews
                                          In those cases, the pandemic has
                                          shown us how much energy we get
                                          from others, how our collective
                                                                                     going to bring the holidays into
                                                                                     my home no matter what.
                                                                                     Lastly, the most important lesson
have encountered no shortage              joys forge together to make a              was gratitude. Losing so many
of obstacles to keeping the High          feeling of the day.                        of the assumed things about the
Holidays.                                 We have learned that these                 Holidays, to the point that nothing
                        This past         holidays are part of a flow, a             could be assumed to be the same
                        year was not      calendar of life, that we will not         as before, gave us an opportunity
                        different.        let go of and will go on no matter         to think about how many blessings
                        So many           what. Because we would not want            we have, how our lives are so full
                        uncommon          to give them up and because they           of a multitude of rich experiences
                        challenges        are inside of us, part of us. The          and luxuries to allow us to enjoy
                        presented         level of creativity that people            these treasured days.
                        themselves        showed to make sure that the               It is with great pleasure that I
                        to disable        “show must go on” was beyond               wish you a Shana Tovah as we
     Rabbi Akiva        the               words. When you did not have a
      Feinstein                                                                      near the High Holidays in a year
   Spiritual Living
                        traditional       shofar to hear, you improvised.            that things seem to be getting
                        holiday           Yes, a paper towel holder used as          back to normal, but we will never
practices. Just to keep a                 a makeshift shofar is not kosher,          be “normal”again – in a good way.
semblance of the holiday                  but it is a way of saying that I am
celebrations required constant
creativity, determination, and
other resources to try to find                                     Age isn’t chronological.
fitting safe alternatives.
                                                                   It’s Personal.
Often it was very frustrating, very
different, and we yearned for                                            t Menorah Park, we think the age on
those bygone years that now in                                             your driver’s license is only a small
retrospect seemed so simple. Yet,                                            part of who you are. It doesn’t tell
                                                                    the whole story. We believe you’re never
in the brighter times during the
                                                                    too old to be young. That’s why we’re
pandemic, when we could take a
                                                                    here: to help keep you dreaming, learning,
breath and reflect, we realized that
                                                                    living. To help you keep being you.
we had learned a lot from these
frenzied experiences. Not that                                      Menorah Park is dedicated to offering
we wanted to ever have to do it                                     a wide variety of programs and support
again, but rather we knew that we                                   to meet each individual’s needs . . . from
would take from these COVID-19                                      therapy and brain health, to residential
times something that would make                                     care and more.
holidays so much more special
going forward.                                                              Join our
                                                                       community today!
One lesson was that what makes
                                                                       Explore our many
holidays so special is the people.
                                                                       residential options
We can bring the spirit of the                                          for a place that’s
Yom Tov wherever we may go,                                               perfectly you.          EXCELLENCE IN CARING ®
but it is so different when the
energy comes from a synagogue                            • 216-831-6500
or a dinner table full of people.                                 Locations in Chagrin Falls and Beachwood

8       Menor ah P a rk Ca m p u s Ne ws • 2 7 1 0 0 Ceda r R oa d, Bea chwood, O hio 44122 • July - August, 2 0 2 1
Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
September 2021 Jewish Holidays Synagogue Service Schedule

R    osh Hashanah and Yom
     Kippur service schedules
for Montefiore, R.H. Myers
                                      ROSH HASHANAH
                                                                             YOM KIPPUR
                                      Monday, September 6                    Wednesday, September 15
Apartments, Stone Gardens,
                                      4:15 p.m. Erev Rosh Hashanah           2:30 pm and 6:45 p.m. Erev Yom
Wiggins Place, and The Weils
                                      service                                Kippur/Kol Nidre service
will be available in mid-August
in each of the buildings and on       Tuesday, September 7                   Thursday, September 16 Additionally,        8:30 a.m. First day                    8:30 a.m. Yom Kippur service
information about upcoming            Rosh Hashanah service                  11:00 a.m. Yizkor service
holidays will be included in our      11:00 a.m. Shofar service              4:45 -7:40 p.m. Mincha, Ne’ilah,
September-October issue of
                                      Wednesday, September 9                 Maariv service
Community News.
                                      8:30 a.m. Second day
See services planned in our           Rosh Hashanah service
community’s Jennie and Jacob
                                      11:00 a.m. Shofar service
Sapirstein Synagogue.

Exploring, Creating, Having Fun as Individuals and a Community
No matter our age, we all have        entertainment. I also learn new
social needs. These needs are         things every day and being here
defined differently by each of        keeps me active and out of the
us. It may be engaging in an          house.”
activity where we are expressing      Marie Baker explains that
our unique creativity, having         participating at the Center helps
simple dialogues with others          her “get out and meet new people.
as we participate in our day-to-      The staff here is wonderful and it’s
day routines, dining together,        been another great experience. I
or enjoying entertainment. The        look forward to coming twice each
common thread is that each            week.”
opportunity helps improve our
quality of life and helps protect     As we age, our social network
against illnesses and depression.     often becomes less extensive and
                                      the frequency of contact with                     Marie Baker
At Menorah Park’s Mandel Adult        friends and loved ones tends to
Day Center our goal is to ensure      decrease. While relationships with
we satisfy the definition of social   close friends or family members
for all of our members to support     are important, relationships with
wellness, independence and joyful     other members of a community
day(s), whether it’s one day each     also play a significant role,
week or up to five. We often ask      according to research.
for input when selecting programs
and activities and check in to see    If you or someone you
how we are doing. Here are two        know could benefit from
examples of what we learned.          joining our welcoming and
                                      supportive community at the
Day Center participant John           Center, please contact Celeste
Bailey shares, “I like coming,        Maria at 216-360-8218 or
because of the people and                              John Bailey

Community - A Friendship Blossoms See Story on Page 3 - July - August 2021 - Menorah Park
Regain Your Independence with Specialists
at the Peter B. Lewis Aquatic & Therapy Center
                                          from Concordia University in               really frustrated about everything
                                          Wisconsin in 2017. A Certified             that I was not able to do and now
                                          Hand Therapist is a physical or            I feel like I can do everything that
                                          occupational therapist with more           I want to do; I have even started
                                          than three years and 4,000 hours           knitting again!”
                                          of clinical experience in hand             Another specialist on our staff
                                          therapy who has also passed a              is clinical manager and physical
                                          comprehensive test of advanced             therapist Mike Groesch. After
                                          clinical skills and theory in upper        passing his national exam in
                                          quarter rehabilitation.                    2020, Mike Groesch, PT, DPT,
                                          Certified Hand Therapists                  was awarded the professional
                                          specialize in assessment,                  designation of board-certified
                                          planning and treatment of the              clinical specialist in orthopaedic
                                          hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder            physical therapy by the American
                                          girdle and provide therapeutic             Board of Physical Therapy
                                          interventions to prevent                   Specialties of the American
           Kathy Ondak                    dysfunction, restore function              Physical Therapy Association.
       assists Barbara Welty              and/or reverse the progression             Groesch graduated in 2016 from
                                          of upper limb pathology to                 Gannon University in Erie, PA

T   he staff at Menorah Park’s
    Peter B. Lewis Aquatic &
Therapy Center includes several
                                          enhance an individual’s ability
                                          to execute tasks and participate
                                          fully in life situations. Common
                                                                                     with a Doctor of Physical Therapy
                                                                                     (DPT) degree and completed
                                                                                     an orthopaedic residency
therapists who have achieved              conditions that hand therapists            program through the Institute of
nationally recognized clinical            treat include osteoarthritis,              Therapeutic Science in Livonia,
specializations. These clinical           rheumatoid arthritis, fractures            MI.
specializations recognize                 and dislocations, carpal                   Orthopaedic physical therapists
therapists with advanced                  tunnel syndrome, Dupuytren’s               are trained in the prevention,
clinical knowledge, experience            contracture, tendonitis, Complex           diagnosis and treatment of
and skills in a specialty area of         Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)              conditions and injuries to the
practice. To obtain these clinical        and traumatic injuries.                    body’s musculoskeletal system.
specializations, therapists must          Barbara Welty is one patient               Some common Orthopaedic
meet requirements for clinical            who has been seeing Kathy for              conditions include spine pain,
experience and successfully               rehabilitation of her hand function        muscle injuries, tendon injuries,
pass a comprehensive test of              following a stroke. Barbara said           joint injuries, fractures and post-
advanced clinical proficiency in          about her therapy, “When I first           operative recovery.
their specialty area. Our staff           started seeing Kathy, my left side
now includes two therapists who                                                      Judi Bolinger has worked with
                                          was paralyzed from the stroke. I           Mike after multiple surgeries
have achieved this level of clinical      have come a long way so that I
expertise, occupational therapist                                                    and said “Coming to the Peter B.
                                          can do most of the things that             Lewis Aquatic & Therapy Center
Kathy Ondak and physical                  I want to do. It has been hard
therapist Michael Groesch.                                                           for my physical therapy with Mike
                                          work but there have been big               Groesch has been a remarkable
Kathy achieved her specialization         results. Kathy is very supportive          journey toward healing. One of
as a Certified Hand Therapist             and encouraging.” Barbara went             my leg’s problems stems from
(CHT) in 2008 and also earned             on to say, “I don’t think anyone           nerve damage; the other leg is
her Post-Professional Doctorate           knows how important hands are
in Hand and Upper Extremity               until they stop working. I was                         continued on page 11

10      Menor ah P a rk Ca m p u s Ne ws • 2 7 1 0 0 Ceda r R oa d, Bea chwood, O hio 44122 • July - August, 2 0 2 1
continued from page 10
a muscular issue.” She went on to say, “Mike’s
knowledge and skill is paired with kindness and
patience. I truly, cannot imagine ever working with
any other physical therapist.”
The Peter B. Lewis Aquatic & Therapy Center
staff has a variety of certifications and expertise
that includes even more than these two
specializations. Their multidisciplinary staff
of physical, occupational and speech therapists
also includes certifications in aquatic therapy,
vestibular balance rehabilitation, chronic pain and
related dry needling, lymphedema, Parkinson’s
LSVT Big & Loud Therapy, the McKenzie Method
of Mechanical Diagnosis and therapy for the
back. Their experienced staff has the expertise to
help you regain your independence and return to
participating in the activities you enjoy.
If you or someone you know needs the help
provided by specialized therapists, call the
Center at 216-595-7345.                                        Mike Groesch works with Judi Bolinger

Support Groups Offered to Help With Healing

                    W       e are
                    to welcome
                                      bereavement support group
                                      meets on Tuesdays, beginning
                                      July 27 through August 31 from
                                                                            She has worked with adults
                                                                            experiencing a wide range of
                                                                            losses. She is a member of the
                    the new           5:30 - 7:00 p.m. in Maltz Hospice     Association of Death Education
                    facilitator for   House (connected to Montefiore        and Counseling.
                    our Journey       on the Menorah Park campus in         The groups are planned to start
                    through Grief     Beachwood).                           monthly throughout the year.
                    bereavement       “Losing a loved one can be lonely     We will be taking a brief break in
 Dr. Anita Minkin support             and isolating. Our support groups     September during the Jewish high
                    groups, Dr.       provide the opportunity for           holy days. Journey through Grief
Anita Minkin, Ph.D., LISW, to         bereaved individuals to share their   starts again on Tuesdays, October 5
the Vinney Palliative Care and        experiences with a community of       through November 9, 2021.
Hospice team.                         others who truly understand what      We are thrilled that Dr. Minkin
These six-week groups, free and       they are going through. This can      joined our team to help us meet
open to the community, meet           be tremendously validating for        the growing need for bereavement
in-person for adults experiencing     grievers, and an important step in    support in our program and in the
grief. We understand the loss         healing,” explained Dr. Minkin.       community.
of a loved one is painful and         Dr. Minkin has a passion for
complicated. Dr. Minkin will help                                           If you have clinical questions
                                      working with older adults with a      about our palliative care and
participants work through their       particular expertise in grief and
pain and help with new ways of                                              hospice programs, please
                                      loss. She has been in practice for    contact Medical Director
coping and honoring their loved       nearly 25 years and has advanced
one at this difficult time.                                                 Barbara Messinger-Rapport,
                                      training in grief treatment and       M.D. or a member of the
The next Journey through Grief        is certified in grief counseling.     team at 216-910-2650.

Non-profit Organization
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Menorah Park
Bet Moshav Zekenim Hadati
27100 Cedar Road
Beachwood, Ohio 44122

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                                                                             L E 2 021 org
                                                                           C        rcle.

                        VIRTUAL FINALS PERFORMANCE & COMPETITION                                       HONORARY CO-CHAIRS:
                                                                                                       Judy & Morry Weiss
                        LIVE-STREAMED AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
                                                                                                       EVENT CO-CHAIRS:
                            SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 2021 • 7PM                                              Meredith & Jason Hillman
                                                                                                       Audrey & Kenny Koblitz
                           Shining Star CLE in its fifth year is Northeast Ohio’s unique               Susi & Peter Meisel
                             solo-singing competition giving high school students                      Carmie & Todd Stein
                                  the opportunity to win college scholarships.                         Beverley & Richard Uria

                                For sponsorship, playbill ad, donor opportunities                      This event provides much
                                                                                                       needed funds to support
                               and additional information, contact Renee Greller,
                                                                                                       memory care services and
                              director of special events, Menorah Park Foundation,                     programs offered by Menorah
                             at 216.839.6623 or or visit                      Park in all our residences and
                                                                                                       through our in-home memory
                                    SHININGSTARCLE.ORG                                                 care program.

                    If you would prefer to view our newsletter electronically, go to

Menorah Park complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
age, disability, or sex. Contact person is the Compliance Officer Janet Craven at (216) 831-6500.
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