Conference Program Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al ani - Under the patronage and presence of HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior

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Under the patronage and presence of HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior

Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani

           Islamic Finance and Digital World

               Tuesday 19 March 2019
          Sheraton Doha Hotel (Al-Majlis Hall)

                Conference Program
Diamond Sponsor                  Strategic Partner

              Academic partner

                  Organized by
    Today the world is passing through the rapid developments of fourth industrial
    revolution, set off by the instance of rejuvenating digital concurrence. Such digital
    concurrence is well established and vigorously penetrating through every prospect
    of human life to an extent that it has become a pattern of the world, as some of us
    presumed it to be virtual, is in fact an indispensable need. In the domain of finance
    and business, the digital finance advent is poised to change market’s equilibrium
    and power centers, as it impacted all the sectors of economy including the sector
    of Islamic finance.
    In the light of digital revolution pointed out, our today’s economy is in need
    of a system capable of striking a balance between the requirements of digital
    development and human needs. Herein emerges the role of Islamic Economics
    as a live, participatory and value-based system, stemmed upon the principles of
    Islamic legislation which engulfs entire advancements of life, in line with principles
    and objectives of Shari’ah with an ultimate aim to serve the interest of humanity
    in short and long terms. No matter how diverse the means and mechanisms have
    evolved, under this system the consideration of social and humanitarian aspects
    is inevitable.
    The growing procession of Islamic finance over the past decades and the ongoing
    efforts to overhaul its progress, as of now, requires a multiple facet effort in order to
    keep up with the tremendous developments of the digital world. Therefore, the Fifth
    Doha Islamic Finance Conference comes in to showcase the international banking
    experiences hand in hand with the digital world, the impact of digital economy
    in realization of the objectives of Islamic economics coupled with sustainable
    development. Further, the conference is prominently a step beyond the analysis of
    the present and study of the past experiences, i.e., to present a futuristic outlook
    of the Islamic digital banking model and its Shari’ah and legal dimensions.

                        Asking Allah for help and accordance

Conference Objectives

• To explore the experiences of central banks
  facing the contemporary issues of digital
  banking and the potential risks therein.
• To foresee the Islamic digital banking in the
  purview of Shair’ah rulings as well as legal
  and technical standards.
• To elucidate the significance of the digital
  economy and its role in realizing the goals
  of sustainable development vis-à-vis Qatar
  National Vision 2030.
• To discuss the challenges facing Islamic
  financial institutions in the electronic systems
  arena and its compatibility with the Shari’ah

Conference Program
07:00 AM – 08:30 AM   Registration

08:30 AM – 08:40 AM   Recitation from Holy Qur’an
08:40 AM – 08:50 AM   Keynote Address
08:50 AM – 09:00 AM   Sponsor’s Note
09:00 AM – 09:10 AM   Organizer’s Note
09:10 AM – 09:20 AM   Break

                                 Conference Sessions
09:20 AM – 10:30 AM   First Theme:
                      Central Banks’ Experience in The Context of Digital World (Rules
                      & Legislation, Policies & Procedures, Supervision & Regulation)
                      • Discussion on the experience by several Central Banks

10:30 PM – 12:00 PM   Second Theme:
                      Digital Islamic Banks (A Future Vision)
                      • AAOIFI Standards and Their Viability for Digital Islamic Banks
                         Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah, Vice President Shari’ah Board AAOIFI

                      • Shari’ah Risks Related to Digital Banks
                         Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghi, The General Secretary, International Union of Muslim Scholars

                      • Digital Islamic Bank (Structure & Mechanism)
                         Mr. Kamal Payza, Vice Manager-Business Excellence and Innovation Department, Al Baraka
                         Türk Katılım Bankası A.Ş. Turkey

                      • Shari’ah Rulings Related to Digital Islamic Banks
                         Dr. Essam Al-Enezi, Faculty Member of College of Shari’ah, Kuwait University

                      • Digital Islamic Banks (Maqasid Aspect)
                         Dr. Murad Budayiah, Faculty Member of College of Shari’ah in Qatar University

                      • Legal Requirements Related to Digital Islamic Banks
                         Dr. Umar Oseini, Acting Chief Executive Officer, International Islamic Liquidity Management
                         Corporation – Malaysia

Conference Program
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM   Duhr Prayer Break
12:30 PM – 01:45 PM   Third Theme:
                      Digital Economy and Sustainable Development
                      • Role of Digital Economy in Realizing Inclusive Growth
                         Prof. Dr. Habib Ahmed, Professor Islamic Law & Finance, Durham, UK

                      • Human Development in Digital Economy Setup
                         Mr. Admir Jahic, Manager, Human Development Report Production, Human Development
                         Report Office, UNDP

                      • Significance of Digital Economy in Realizing Qatar Vision 2030
                         Prof. Dr. Khalid Al-Abd Al-Qadir, Dean, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University

                      • Role of Digital World in Attaining the Aims of Islamic Economics
                         Prof. Dr. Aznan Hassan, Professor at IIUM, & President of Association of Shariah Advisors in
                         Islamic Finance (ASAS) –Malaysia

01:45 PM – 03:00 PM   Fourth Theme:
                      Electronic Systems in Islamic Banks and its Challenges in the Digi-
                      tal World
                      • Electronic Systems in Islamic Banks (Current Status and Future Challenges)
                         Mr. Farhang Maghdeed, Head of Technical Delivery– FINTERRA Malaysia

                      • Implementation of Shari’ah Standards Requisites in Electronic Systems
                         Prof. Dr. Mohammed Akram Laaldin, Managing Director ISRA Malaysia

                      • Cybersecurity in Islamic Banks
                         Dr. Noora Fetais , Director, Kindi Center for Computing Research, Qatar University

                      • Cybercrimes in the financial sector
                         Mr. Mikko S. Niemela, CEO of Cyber Intelligence House, Singapore

03:00 PM – 03:10 PM   Endnote
03:10 PM              Lunch
06:00 PM – 09:00 PM   A Post Conference Round Table Discussion on “ The Future of Islamic

Workshop 1: Cybercrime in Finance Sector

    Aim:         Understanding Cyber exposure and what can be predicted, detected and defended

    Trainer:     Mr. Mikko Niemela, CEO of Cyber Intelligence House

    Date:        20 March 2019

    Time:        10:00 am to 2:00 pm

    Location :   Sheraton Doha – Al Nakhil Room

    Outcome:     ·   Improve understanding of cyber exposure
                 ·   How to reduce organization’s visibility in order to reduce the cost of defending
                     the organization
                 ·   Building resilience within the organization.

Workshop 2: Blockchain Smart Contract

Aim:         Explore and understand Blockchain Smart Contract and its implementations

Trainer:     Mr. Farhang Maghdeed, Founder & Business Co-Owner of 3TP Solutions

Date:        20 March 2019

Time:        3:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location :   Sheraton Doha – Al Nakhil Room

Outcome:     ·   An introduction about blockchain, fundamental understanding and underlying
             ·   Explore different Blockchain Smart Contract applications and features.
             ·   Understand the key concept of smart contracts, rules and types of smart contracts.
             ·   Understand the principle behind the security token, the behavior of security token.
                 and Why did they call it a security token?.

Organized by    ‫ﺗﻨـﻈــﻴــــــــﻢ‬

     Tel:40409999    Fax:40409911   P.O.Box:23471 Doha-Qatar

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