CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN

CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN
                                       July 2020

Home-Based            Mothers Who   NTUC lends strong
Learning: It          Love Beyond   support to APSN
Takes a Village       their Own

MCI (P) 099/01/2020
CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN

Home-Based Learning:
  It Takes a Village

 Mothers Who Love       ACTING CEO’S MESSAGE
 Beyond their Own

       08                    A ‘Response-Ability’ to Do More

                             In Stephen R Covey’s bestselling book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, he cited Habit No. 1 as “proactivity” –
 Events & Outreach           an ideal Covey saw as not just reacting to conditions, but making decisions to make things happen.

                             The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to many in our APSN community. It is already all-consuming being

       10                    a parent of a child with special needs. The added stresses of working from home, Circuit Breaker and Home-Based
                             Learning (HBL) proved to be too much for some of our APSNian caregivers to handle.

 NTUC lends strong           True to form, our APSN educators, allied professionals and support staff stepped up to the plate. As a community, we
  support to APSN            examined how the virus was going to affect us, and determined it was not going to knock us down.

                             In our Main Feature, we have our APSN teacher, Mr Jose Manuel, who was locked out of Singapore because of

                             border controls after travelling home to the Philippines. Even then, he passionately prepared HBL materials for his
                             students into the wee hours of the morning, as he had to take care of his three young children during the day while
                             his wife worked.
 Busy, Happy Hands
                             Parents marvelled at our educators going above and beyond the call of duty to support their children’s learning.
                             Besides preparing resources, they followed up with phone calls to make sure all was okay. Allied professionals also
                             provided additional assistance such as parent counselling, teacher support and purchasing meals for school-going
                             children without caregiver support, on top of their regular duties of beneficiary counselling, therapy and social work.

                             Although I just joined APSN in May, I am already amazed by my staff’s strong sense of proactivity. As the impact of
                             COVID-19 continues, I am positive this same spirit will ignite sparks of “can-do” in our beneficiaries too.

                             – Stanley Tang, Acting CEO, APSN

                       Please note: Non-family pictures in newsletter taken before COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                      INTRODUCTION      3
CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN
HOME-BASED LEARNING:                                                                                                                               Some of the materials are based on current

    IT TAKES A VILLAGE                                                                                                                                 lessons that they have created before
                                                                                                                                                       for the classroom. Ms Hajar helped tailor
                                                                                                                                                        the materials to the online classroom
                                                                                                                                    setting. Visual aids are usually several pages long, so Ms
                                                                                                                                    Hajar simplified all the visual aids for each lesson to just
                                                                                                                                    one page for the online quizzes – which are based on the
    From April 8 to May 4, the nation’s schoolchildren stayed                                                                       vocational skills, such as checking the expiry dates of food,
    home and participated in Home-Based Learning (HBL).                                                                             or life skills, such as money-counting.
    Teachers burnt the midnight oil creating online learning
    materials. Parents, too, juggled parenting and working                                                                          This was to also make it
    roles with their newfound duty as “overnight educators”.                                                                        simple for the caregivers
                                                                                                                                    who are acting as
    The APSN family all engaged collaboratively in this                                                                                                                                               The trainees’ attention spans also varied. Some could last
                                                                                                                                    “overnight teachers”.
    collective effort, to make sure students and trainees did                                                                       Additional knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                                      one hour; others, just 10 to 15 minutes at a time.”
    not lose ground in their education and preparation for                                                                          on caregiver training
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ms Tham and her team empowered caregivers to become
    the workplace.                                                                                                                  and resources were
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “natural supports”, as the APSN instructors could not
                                                                                                                                    provided by our Allied
                                                                                                                                                                                                      be there themselves. “We wanted to leverage on the
                                                                                                                                    Professionals and Alumni
                                                                                                                                                                                                      natural support in the family to do HBL. This means that
                                                                                                                                    Services team. Trainees’,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      family members were equipped to provide mentoring,
    APSN Teachers Going Above the Call of Duty:                                                                                     staff’s and caregivers’
                                                                                                                                                                                                      supervision and training to help beneficiaries expand
                                                                                                                                    emotional health were
    Parent                                                                                                                                                                                            their capabilities.”
                                                                                                                                    taken into consideration
                                                                                                                                    in curriculum
    Every school day during Circuit Breaker, Dr Viji Kasiram                                                                                                                                          Natural supports are particularly effective because they
    woke her son, Kaushik, up at 7am. The health IT professional                                                                                                                                      enhance the social participation and acceptance of an
    then assisted the Secondary 4 student from APSN Tanglin                                                                                                                                           employee with special needs in the workplace. They tend to
                                                                                                                                    “When I go into the
    School (TS) for the next half a day, while she worked                                                                                                                                             be more permanent, consistent and readily available than
                                                                                                                                    online system to check in on the quizzes, I am gratified to
    from home.                                                                                                                                                                                        paid supports, thereby, helping our beneficiaries keep their
                                                                                                                                    see the trainees participating and the caregivers’ feedback
                                                                                                                                                                                                      job and maintain workplace skills.
                                                                                                                                    that the materials help to engage their child. All the
    Lessons and assignments started to stream in at 8am. First
                                                                                                                                    hours spent brainstorming on these learning materials
    was Vocational Guidance, then Numeracy and Literacy until                                                                                                                                         Ms Tham concludes that the Circuit Breaker measures
                                                                                                                                    were really worthwhile. Also, when I see some of the
    10am. There were also exercise videos and stories to be read                                                                                                                                      resulted in increased social vulnerability for the trainees
                                                                                                                                    instructors stepping out of their comfort zone to try
    aloud every day. Assignments for Numeracy and Literacy                                                                                                                                            as most of their jobs were disrupted. “The HBL helped to
                                                                                                                                    creating the online visual aids, I feel really happy for them,”
    had to be submitted by 11am, while the rest could be done                                                                                                                                         upskill them, keep them engaged, and provide supervision,
                                                                                                                                    says Ms Hajar.
    at one’s own pace.                                                                                                                                                                                so that they can contribute back to society when the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Circuit Breaker ends. Curriculum
                                                                                                                                    Equipping Caregivers
    “All the teachers worked extremely hard because there                                                                                                                                             development is a lot of work, but is
    were so many videos, assignments, exercises and stories                                                                                                                                           also very meaningful.”
                                                                                                                                    Ms Dede Tham, another Instructor and curriculum
    for Kaushik to look at and do. I feel that they worked even
                                                                                                                                    developer with APSN Adult Programmes, says that the
    harder than usual, going above and beyond the call of
                                                                                                                                    parents required different levels of support. “We had to
    duty. Class teacher Ms Mardiana Mohamed Ithnin and Ms
                                                                                                                                    customise the materials according to their needs.
    Tan Si Hua, the teacher aide, checked in with me more
    than once through live calls,” says Dr Viji. “They guided my
                                                                    Tailored Support for Overnight, Online Teachers
    son through difficult assignments and asked us if we were
    facing any difficulties.”                                       Teachers across the board have said that it is definitely
                                                                                                                                    APSN Allied Professionals Calm the Sea Storm of
                                                                    “more work with Home-Based Learning (HBL)”. APSN Adult
    She adds that she could not individually name all the           Programmes’ curriculum developers like Siti Hajar Ali
                                                                                                                                    Changes during HBL
    teachers who created all the learning materials, but she was    (pictured on the cover) and Dede Tham can attest to this.
    very thankful to all of them. She also highlighted that she                                                                     A mountain load of changes greeted APSN students,                 For the students without caregiver
    was so grateful to Principal Mrs Liza Ow who has been very                                                                      parents and staff alike when mandatory Home-Based                 support who were in school, the APs
                                                                    Empowering Staff                                                                                                                  supported them by:
    supportive and really invested in the children’s learning all                                                                   Learning (HBL) was announced to be implemented in
    this while.                                                                                                                     early April. These developments came in the form of the
                                                                    Ms Hajar is an instructor and curriculum developer for                                                                            (1) helping students to transit to
                                                                                                                                    revised modes of communications, routines, learning
                                                                    all the vocational training programmes for Retail, Bakery,                                                                        unfamiliar teachers and adapt to new
    “APSN teachers’ support with my                                                                                                 methodologies and even who taught whom.
                                                                    Kitchen, Horticulture and Café. For HBL, she collaborated                                                                         routines besides ordering their meals;
    son made my Work From Home                                      with several APSN Instructors to create their visual aids and
    experience that much more                                                                                                       Ms Gan Hui Hoon, a social worker at APSN Katong School            and
                                                                    customised training to suit their home settings. They were                                                                        (2) briefing teachers on how to
    manageable,” she concludes.                                                                                                     (KS), and the rest of the Allied Professional (AP) team
                                                                    not used to being “online teachers”, as they are usually more                                                                     support these students, what homework each student had,
                                                                                                                                    made special arrangements to meet the different needs
                                                                    hands-on in training. Ms Hajar gave them some guidelines                                                                          as well as the strengths, weaknesses and risks/trigger points
                                                                                                                                    that emerged.
                                                                    and made corrections to what they prepared.                                                                                       of each student.

4     TOP FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TOP FEATURE       5
CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN
    The AP team also supported the school’s HBL efforts
    through the development of online resources – social
                                                                                                                                BEYOND THEIR OWN
    stories, visual schedules, fine motor skills craft for
    occupational therapy, sensory kits, speech exercises
    and more.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Two ladies from the APSN Chaoyang School (CYS)
    “The whole AP team worked very hard during HBL. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Parent Support Group (PSG) will be moving on this year
    continued counselling/therapy sessions through Microsoft
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     after their children graduate from primary school:
    Teams or WhatsApp video calls, and this went on even
    during the school holidays,” Ms Gan says.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (1) Karen Sim Chwee Lin (Chairperson)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (2) Esther Song (Treasurer cum Secretary)
    Some parents experienced anxiety because of the social
    isolation resulting from the stay-home regulations and           The social workers supported needy families with
                                                                     additional meal and transport subsidies, loan of laptops                                                                                        Some of the events they have helped out with during
    having to cope with the change of learning mode and
                                                                     and SIM cards donated by Temasek Foundation, and NEU                                                                                            their tenure are as follows:
    routines. Part of the first week of HBL was spent giving
    emotional support and teaching caregivers and students           PC Plus applications to have the laptops and Internet
                                                                     access for online learning.                                                                                                                     •     Weekly Reading Programme for the lower
    how to use Microsoft Teams. “As a social worker, I helped
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           primary students.
    parents to be emotionally stable. When the parents were
                                                                     Ms Gan affirms, “The AP team                                                                                                                    •     Chinese New Year Celebrations
    able to manage themselves, they could better manage
                                                                     and I are glad that we could                                                                                                                    •     Life Skill Day
    their children.”
                                                                     accompany the parents and                                                                                                                       •     Hari Raya Puasa Celebrations
                                                                     students who went through                                                                                                                       •     Racial Harmony Day
    The AP team stepped in to continue to provide emotional
                                                                     this tough and special journey                                                                                                                  •     Deepavali Celebrations
    support to parents, and shared with them self-care tips,
                                                                     together. We survived the                                                         Esther out and about with her husband and son, Sean.          •     Teacher’s Day Celebrations
    community resources such as helplines, and a virtual
                                                                     storm because we held on to                                                                                                                     •     School Official Opening
    care pack.
                                                                     each other throughout.”

    Parent by Day, Teacher by Night

    During the March school holidays, Mr Jose Manuel, a Senior       APSN KS Principal Ng Puey Koon adds
    Teacher with APSN Katong School (KS), went back to the           that Mr Manuel inspired his colleagues
    Philippines to see his wife and three kids. He expected          through the sharing of his HBL resources
    to be away for a week, but ended up being locked out of          and support for his students’ learning all
    Singapore because of COVID-19 border controls.                   the way from the Philippines.

    By some fortunate twist of fate, the pandemic allowed him        At the time of writing this story, it was
    to continue working despite the distance between him and         still uncertain when Mr Manuel would
    his students – through home-based learning (HBL).                return to Singapore.
                                                                                                                                We invited them to share some thoughts about motherhood
                                                                                                                                and the PSG.
    During the day, while his wife (a Human Resources
    Manager) worked, he looked out for his children, aged 4,
                                                                                                                                For Esther, it never crossed her mind that she would have
    8 and 10. From the late night to early morning, he created
                                                                                                                                a child with special needs. She and her husband may not
    videos for his students at APSN KS. He only got 5 to 6 hours
                                                                                                                                experience the success of what a typical child does, but they                 Karen with Gale and the rest of their family during a
    of sleep each day.
                                                                                                                                rejoice daily for what their son Sean has achieved.                           birthday celebration.

                    “The video lessons I created were different
                                                                                                                                She adds, “Although sometimes the PSG events require a lot of planning and coordination, ultimately it
                    every day. I also wanted to create a sense of
                                                                                                                                gives us a sense of achievement and satisfaction.”
                    routine for my students. I set it up so that
                    we followed the routines that we usually
                                                                                                                                Chairperson Karen says, “Having a child with special needs has made me a stronger and more patient
                    do in class – with the “Ready to Learn” rules,
                                                                                                                                woman! Gale has made me smile whenever she has accomplished every milestone. Although it may take
                    such as sitting properly and being quiet
                                                                                                                                quite a while, it is always fulfilling for me.”
                    before learning begins. The point was for
                    them to adjust easier. There was a sense of
                                                                                                                                Furthermore, she adds that it has been a very fulfilling experience to volunteer in PSG: seeing the smiles of everyone at
                    predictability and familiarity even though
                                                                                                                                school and being the voice of parents to build a closer working relationship with the school. All this is for the betterment
                    they are at home,” he says.
                                                                                                                                of the students, for all the children.

6     TOP FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             UNDER THE LIMELIGHT   7
CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN
                                                                                                                                        Online Performance with The Purple Symphony
     Total Defence Day                                                                                                                  23 April 2020 |
     14 February 2020 | APSN Katong School
                                                                                                                                        In the era of COVID-19, events and gatherings have
                                                                                                                                        moved online. One such event was an amazing
     With the onset of the COVID-19 situation, affecting billions worldwide,                                                            performance by The Purple Symphony, an inclusive
     APSN Katong School embarked on a project to help students understand                                                               orchestra comprising talented musicians with and
     the importance of personal hygiene, as well as the role they play in keeping                                                       without special needs. It featured a cello-playing trainee
     Singapore safe. As part of Total Defence Day, students created posters and                                                         from APSN Centre for Adults, Royce Tan. He practised
     videos to share key messages of hand washing, keeping the classroom clean,                                                         every day for about 2 hours to perfect his playing.
     and maintaining safe distance.                                                                                                     He did this on top of his Home-Based Learning and
                                                                                                                                        household chores.
     Ms Suhaidah Yusup, a Secondary 4 Form Teacher, shared that as part of
     the Total Defence Day class-based activity, her level’s teachers decided                                                           Royce began learning the cello when he was 11; he
     to collaborate to produce a video. The video aimed to spread awareness                                                             initially learnt to play the piano, but his interest for the
     and educate other students about the importance of exercising social                                                               cello took over. While the 21-year-old could not really
     responsibility during the pandemic. All the students contributed their ideas,                                                      explain why he loves the cello, his mother guessed it was
     from lyrics of the song to the dramatisation of the different scenes. The                                                          because Royce loves the sound the cello makes, as he also
     collaboration truly reflected the slogan of Total Defence Day, “Together We                                                        likes the double bass.
     Keep Singapore Strong.”
                                                                                                                                        The APSN Baking Enterprise trainee adds that he is happy when he plays with The Purple Symphony as he
     Student Kadin Omar added, “I felt proud to have my voice as part of the                                                            has made a lot of friends. It makes him very happy to make music together with them.
     video. My parents were also happy to see the Sec 4 students’ efforts in
     teaching others to be safe during COVID-19.”

                                                                                                                                        Hari Raya Puasa Celebrations
                                                                                                                                        22 May 2020 | APSN Chaoyang School
     Packed Meals from the Heart
                                                                                                                                                             Due to the nationwide Circuit Breaker, APSN Chaoyang School’s Hari
     3 April 2020 | APSN Centre for Adults                                                                                                                   Raya celebration this year took on a different form: it went online.
                                                                                                                                                             The theme for this year’s Hari Raya celebration was “E-Raya”!

                                                                        Non-profit organisation Majurity Trust, with the support of                           On the day of celebration, students learnt about the significance of
                                                                        Singapore-based family foundations and philanthropists,                               Hari Raya Aidilfitri through informative slides, videos, sing-a-longs,
                                                                        kick-started the Singapore Strong (SG Strong) Fund to support                         and dances. There were also interesting games for the students such
                                                                        ground-up initiatives during the challenging COVID-19 period.                         as Word Search, Hangman and Kahoot. Students got to try out a
                                                                                                                                                              series of hands-on craft activities such as making ketupat, lantern
                                                                        On April 3, despite a heavy                                                           decorations and D-I-Y green packets. Many parents even sent photos
                                                                        downpour in the morning, SG                                     of their children engrossed in the handicraft activities! Finally, students could send E-Raya
                                                                        Strong grantee, Eileen Tay and other                            greetings to their classmates and teachers via the Learning Wall, an internal social media
                                                                        volunteers prepared and gave free                               platform on Marshall Cavendish Online Learning Management System.
                                                                        packed meals to 159 trainees at
                                                                        APSN Centre for Adults.                                         By completing the various online activities, students demonstrated
                                                                                                                                        their understanding of what they had learnt about Hari Raya. Despite
                                                                                                                                        not being physically together, students and staff celebrated the
     The grantee collaborated with hawkers who were more than happy to extend their time and                                            festive activities as one. It was indeed a refreshing and heart-warming
     services to lend support to others within the community. Majurity Trust said on its Facebook                                       experience for all!
     page, “We are truly thankful to the stall owners for their hard work over the past few days, as well
     as to prepare for the bulk order this morning and making sure that the food reached the (APSN)
     recipients – warm!”

     APSN CFA Senior Centre Lead Philip Li said that the trainees thoroughly enjoyed the meals
     provided and felt valued through the kind gesture.

8    EVENTS & OUTREACH                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EVENTS & OUTREACH   9
CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN
NTUC LENDS STRONG                                                                                                                        BUSY, HAPPY HANDS
                                                                                                                                              During the two months of the Circuit
                                                                                                                                              Breaker, our beneficiaries were in the
     Farhat Azizi Abdullah was in APSN Delta Senior School’s                                                                                  good hands of their APSN teachers for
     (DSS) graduating class of 2019. He was a student with fine                                                                               Home-Based Learning (HBL).
     motor skills issues and is also quite a lean young man.
                                                                                                                                              Although many caregivers faced
                                                                                                                                              challenges in juggling HBL and                                         Sticker pasting is fun and
     During his work attachment with NTUC FairPrice, he had
     challenges handling cold grocery items at the FairPrice                                                                                  Work From Home, APSN educators                                         relaxing. It just makes me
     store at Hillion Mall. He was tasked to arrange things in the                                                                            were really proud to see how our                                       happy and satisfied when I
     freezer, but his hands used to shiver when he put things                                                                                 beneficiaries progressed.                                              finish a piece of art.
     in there.
                                                                                                                                              Some even helped their families with                                   - Kai Xiang
     When the FairPrice Operations team found out about this,                                                                                 household chores, applying what
     they gave feedback to Farhat’s APSN DSS Job Coach, Ms                                                                                    they learnt in school/ centre. Others
     Goh Wei Tin, and together, they brainstormed on how to                                                                                   kept their hands busy pursuing their
     support him.                                                                                                                             hobbies and interests.

     Warm, Caring Bosses

     The Ops team was very accommodating.
                                                                              Patient, Empathetic Approach
     “We are committed to provide support to our staff like
     Farhat, to help him succeed in his journey with us,” said Mr
                                                                              Furthermore, APSN DSS conducts employer education                                       I love helping my family with food
     Lin Dashun, Human Resource Manager at NTUC Fairprice
                                                                              sessions quarterly. Mr Lin said he attended the training
     Cooperative Ltd. “I’m personally very glad to see Farhat
                                                                              and found it quite informative. He recommends the branch                                preparation and cleaning up once
     grow with us over time.”                                                                                                                                         everything is done, as this allows
                                                                              head or retail supervisor of FairPrice stores to go to learn
     The Deltan takes instructions well from his supervisor,
                                                                              how to handle their staff with special needs. “The key                                  me to improve my skills. Plus, I get
                                                                              takeaway I got from the session is to have patience and
     gets things done and is diligent. And that is why his school
                                                                              empathy. We cannot think from our perspective; we must
                                                                                                                                                                      to taste the yummy food too! :P
     accelerated his pathway to full-time employment.
                                                                              think from their perspective.”
     The partnership between the school and supermarket                                                                                                               - Amirah Rasyiqah bte Ruslan
                                                                              Mr Lin also briefs Ops team members on how to do basic
     chain has been going strong for the past 5 years.
                                                                              problem-solving. For example, if there is a meltdown, they
     NTUC was keen to have APSN’s students to support an
                                                                              know who they should look for.
     inclusive society.
                                                                              The HR manager finds that the most valuable aspect of
     Mr Lin remarks that the full-timers from Delta are
                                                                              working with APSN alumni is that his company is able to
     steady, hardworking and follow instructions well. They
                                                                              help persons with special needs. Many employers do not
     perform retail assistant work such as housekeeping and
                                                                              want to hire people with such conditions. It is a meaningful
     stock replenishment.
                                                                              initiative that NTUC FairPrice has embarked on as part of its
                                                                              corporate social responsibility.
     “We usually tag them to a more senior staff, who will give
     them on-the-job training and provide guidance along the
                                                                              “Whenever I attend the
     way. For emotional issues, we refer them back to the APSN
                                                                              APSN Graduation Days and
     job coaches who are more trained to deal with that.”
                                                                              Partners Appreciation Days,
     The Ops team is in constant contact with the APSN DSS
                                                                              I always feel very excited, as                                                                                    I’m enjoying every bit of
                                                                              I’ve witnessed these staff’s                                                                                      doing the household chores.
     Job Coach team and works closely together. According to
                                                                              growth over the years. This is
     one of the Job Coaches, “The Ops team has shown good
                                                                              the part that is special                                                                                          No sweat!
     flexibility when it comes to standard operating procedures.
                                                                              to me,” Mr Lin concludes.
     There are times when they bend, not break, rules – like how                                                                                                                                - Shawn Goh
     they did with Farhat.”

                                         Photos for the article were taken before the Circuit Breaker measures.

10     PARTNERS IN THE COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                                                   MAKE AN IMPACT   11
CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN
Due to the COVID-19 situation, many of our beneficiaries are
facing employment issues such as joblessness and forced
unpaid leave. This means that our low-income beneficiaries are
struggling more to make ends meet.

A donation from you will go a long way in helping them during
this trying period. Together, we can make a difference.

Visit or email
for more information.

                                                                   Scan the QR Code with any
      Donate now to help someone in need!                            mobile banking apps to
                                                                    support our cause today!

                                                                  All donations are entitled to 2.5
                                                                        times tax deduction.
                                                                 Please indicate your NRIC/FIN No.
                                                                    under “Reference Number”
CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN CONNECTING THE DOTS AMID COVID-19 - July 2020 - Home-Based Learning: It Takes a Village - APSN
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