Convocation DEPARTMENT OF Psychology - May 2021 - University of Illinois ...

Page created by Lorraine Jimenez


                   May 2021

                                         UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA-CHAMPAIGN
                         12 P.M. | MAY 15, 2021

                         TO OUR GR ADUATES
       Today you are graduates of the University of Illinois. It is a remarkable
   achievement, and we hope that you celebrate the occasion with loved ones.
Commencement is a joyous and deeply symbolic event for all, including the faculty
   members and staff who have supported you on your journey. It is profoundly
  disappointing that we are unable to celebrate it together this spring. The Class
    of 2021 will long be remembered, however, for not only what was lost, but
   for your resilience and determination as you finished your degree in the face
     of one of the greatest challenges in our nation’s history. Congratulations,
              and we look forward to learning of your future success.

                          “HAIL TO THE ORANGE”
                         Hail to the Orange, Hail to the Blue,
                            Hail Alma Mater, Ever so true.
                        We love no other, So let our motto be,
                                Victory, Illinois, Varsity!
L A S ADMINISTR ATION                                                PSYCHOLOGY
Gene E. Robinson, Interim Dean of the College of Liberal Arts &
   Sciences, Swanlund Chair in Entomology
                                                                     ADMINISTR ATION
                                                                     Wendy Heller, Head, Professor
Angela Graham, Assistant to the Dean
                                                                     Jane Jukes, Assistant to the Head
Barbara Hancin-Bhatt, Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs
                                                                     Mark S. Aber, Associate Head and Director of Undergraduate
Robert Kessler, Assistant Dean for Finance and Resource Planning
                                                                        Studies, Associate Professor
Kelly A. Ritter, Associate Dean for Curricula and Academic Policy    Nicole E. Allen, Associate Head and Director of Graduate
David H. Tewksbury, Executive Associate Dean of Social and              Studies, Professor
   Behavioral Sciences and Area Centers                              Diane M. Beck, Assistant Head for Information and
Matthew A. Ando, Associate Dean for Life and Physical Sciences          Communication, Professor
Clare Haru Crowston, Associate Dean for Humanities and               Aaron Benjamin, Assistant Head for Infrastructure and
   Interdisciplinary Programs                                           Operations, Professor
Joan M. Volkmann, Associate Dean for Advancement                     Amy Cohen, Director of Psychological Services Center,
Isabel Molina-Guzmán, Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion        Clinical Assistant Professor
W. Brad Petersen, Executive Director of Communications               Monica Fabiani, Assistant Head for Faculty Development, Professor
   and Marketing                                                     Benjamin L. Hankin, Director of Clinical Training, Fred and
Derek Fultz, Director of Facilities                                     Ruby Kanfer Endowed Professor
Randy McCarthy, Faculty Director of ATLAS                            Kathryn Leskis, Clinical Director, Illinois NeuroBehavioral
                                                                        Assessment Laboratory (INBAL), Professor
                                                                     Alejandro Lleras, Assistant Head for Diversity and Inclusion, Professor
ACADEMIC DRESS                                                             and 5 inches wide for the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctor’s degree
                                                                           respectively, identifies the faculty or field of study to which the
Academic dress, consisting of cap, gown, and hood, originated              degree pertains.
about the twelfth century and was worn primarily for warmth.
Subsequently, the material of the gown and lining, and the shape of        The black mortarboard cap is standard in the United States. Usually,
the hood, represented the economic and social, as well as academic         all tassels are black, but where the graduating seniors do not wear
status of the wearer.                                                      hoods, as at the University of Illinois, the color of the cap tassel
                                                                           indicates the department of study. At the University of Illinois,
In the United States, the great majority of the academic costumes          candidates for degrees wear tassels on the right front quadrant of
now worn are in accordance with the general provisions of the              their caps before degrees are conferred, and move them to the left
Intercollegiate Code of 1895, which was revised in 1932 and again in       front quadrant after degrees are conferred. Caps are considered a
1960. Under this code, the bachelor’s gown has pointed sleeves, the        part of the costume and are customarily removed only during an
master’s gown has oblong sleeves with an arc at the bottom, and the        invocation or benediction, and then by men only.
doctor’s gown has bell-shaped sleeves. All gowns are black, although
the adoption of colored gowns by individual institutions in the            For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctor’s gowns,
United States is becoming more prevalent.                                  edging of hoods, tassels of caps, and linings of banners, there are
                                                                           different colors associated with the different disciplines. The color
The bachelor’s and master’s gowns are untrimmed. The doctor’s              for Liberal Arts & Sciences is white.
gown is faced down the front with velvet and has three bars of velvet
across the sleeves. The facing and bars may be black or may be the         Caps and gowns were worn for the first time at the University of
color of the subject to which the degree pertains. The bachelor’s          Illinois Commencement ceremony of 1897. In the early 1900s the
gown is worn closed; the master’s and doctor’s gowns may be worn           Commencement procession marched up Burrill Avenue to the old
open or closed. Women may wear white collars with the bachelor’s           Armory. After diplomas were received, the procession marched back
gown when no hood is worn.                                                 to the lawn south of Green Street. The seniors sang the State song
                                                                           and “Auld Lang Syne” before they said good-bye to each other and
Hoods are also black. The bachelor’s hood is 3 feet in length, the         the campus.
master’s is 3 ½ feet, and the doctor’s is 4 feet. Hoods are lined with
the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the
degree. At the University of Illinois, the lining is orange and blue.
The colored velvet border of the hood, which is 2 inches, 3 inches,
The lists are organized by degree. Because   Chinmayi Tengshe        MASTER
of deadlines, lists may be incomplete.       Jian Ming Colin Wee
                                             Tiffany Yang
                                                                     OF SCIENCE
DOC TOR OF                                                           Talia Berson
PHILOSOPHY                                                           Chelsea S. Birchmier
                                             MASTER                  Yueyang Chen
Melisa Akan                                  OF SCIENCE              Chu Chu
Jonathan Bystrynski                                                  Keely Ann Dugan
Megan Davis                                  PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   Maximillian Kirichenko Egan
Jessica Fitts                                                        Da Eun Han
                                             Ilaria Amato
Nickholas Grant                                                      Ning Hsu
                                             Jae Wan Choi
Selim Jang                                                           William (Will) Hyland
                                             Katherine Haigler
Lynda Lin                                                            Amanda Kelley
                                             Jieming (Lois) Li
Elizabeth Lozano                                                     Kameron Armond Macnear
                                             Yuetian Li
Camarin Andrea Guerrero Meno                                         Shufan Mao
                                             Menghan Luo
Nicole Morales                                                       Maya Asako Marder
                                             Chas Monge
Janice Ng                                                            Parham Mostame
                                             Christine Salva
Jun Peng Gavin Ng                                                    Corey James Richier
                                             Summer Wen Song
Dajung (Diana) Oh                                                    Jiawen Wu
                                             Yifan Catherine Yang
Trisha Patel                                                         Yukun Yu
John R. Pfeiffer
Jessica Siler
Tianjun Sun

                            Morgan Marie Bagliere        Jenna Joyce Bruns
BACHELOR                    Yujia Bai                    Thomas August Brya
OF SCIENCE                  Joan Elise Ball              Nyemba Amira Bryant
                            Alma R. Banda                Megan Anne Bucher
Semira Mohammedseid Abera
                            Anusuya Banerjee             Bryan Bucio
Julian Phillip Acabal
                            Janey Bang                   Leah K. Buhr
Priscilla M. Acosta
                            Julissa Marie Baran          Sydney Burleigh
Camryn Chase Adams
                            Paige Nicole Bareck          Katherine Yaji Bye Bussell
Sarah Adegoke
                            Rebecca A. Barone            Lucy Rose Byrne
Nemah F. Afzal
                            Drew Garrett Barto           Liwen Cai
Reshanna Marie Aiken
                            Ashley Jayne Barz            Joseph F. Calabrese
Nadine Alkharrat
                            Adi Edi Bates                Jailene Nicole Camacho
Bhavika Anand
                            Anthony Alexander Bautista   Alec Connor Campbell
Sarah E. Ande
                            Sophie Rae Beaulieu          Peter Capetillo
Angel Desiree Anderson
                            Anahi Bernal                 Shannon Carlson
Jimmy Andrade
                            Zixiao Bian                  Kyle Andrew Carson
Ryan Ang
                            Anna M. Bidlack              Riley Ann Cascia
Ramiro Ignacio Angelino
                            Skyla Billen                 Cristian Castellanos
Isra Ansari
                            Sarah Birchenough            Anthony Castillo
Nicole Antonios
                            Valerie Jane Blackmore       Fatima Castillo
Isis Sade Applewhite
                            Jill Kathleen Brak           Alexa Nicole Castino
Julian A. Arango
                            AnFernee C. Brooks           Cassandra Castner-Larsen
Esmeralda Arizmendy
                            Calia Annmarie Brooks        Eddie Preston Caumiant
Ismael Arreola
                            Shane Thomas Brosnan         Paige Claire Cawley
Anthony Ayala
                            Brea Browder                 Angelynne Nicole Chan

Neha N. Chandani                             Karis Leighann Crook            Sarah Elaine Edrington
Amy Chen                                     Isabella Cruz                   Isabel Egan
Irene Chen                                   Kathleen Citlalli Cruz          Simbiat Adeola Eji-Lasisi
Ke Chen                                      Kimora Custon                   Dilara Erbas
Yinhao Chen                                  Anushri Dang                    Selene Miriam Escalante
Erika Cheng                                  Quynh Anh Ngoc Dao              Jackson Michael Esela
Liana Ashley Chidichimo                      Elvis M. De Santiago            Michael F. Feltes
Alexandra Lauren Chlebek                     Olivia A. DeCoste               Minchu Feng
Nicole D. Cho                                Margaret Scout Deegan           David Gregory Fernquist
Laiba S. Chohan                              Jaimee R. Delorge               Natalia Maria Fic
Arsh Raj Chopra                              Julia M. Dempsey                Riley Blake Fitzgerald
Celine Marie Chuapoco                        Sona Bernadette Derkaloustian   Olivia Rose Fleming
Carter Page Ciesemier                        Esha Swetal Desai               Manuel Flores
Joseph Ciolino                               Alejandro Diaz                  Brendan Rashaad Foster
Haley Elizabeth Clark                        Hannah Ruth Dietz               Madeleine Fowler
Katharine Cocciemiglio                       Amanda Elise Diner              Gabriel Alexander Frausto
Kate Suzanne Cogan                           Michael Thomas Domasik          Alexia M. Freeman
Jordan Ashley Colella                        Theresa Donohue                 Jennifer N. Fugate
Alexandria Combs                             Yetunde Dosu                    Magnolia Gamino
Wesley Kyle Reece Conn                       Matthew Robert Dryfhout         Emma Alicia Garcia
Julia Conti (Brain and Cognitive Sciences)   Kendall Rosemary Ducoff         Kevin F. Garcia
Fallon Margaret Corcoran                     Samantha C. Dudek               Mark Garcia
Garcia Savannah Maria Cornejo                Olivia E. Duggins               Cuevas Daniela Yazunary Garfias
Uriel Cortez                                 Santiago Duran                  Elizabeth K. Garrity
Mary Margaret Creamer                        Meghan Nicole Dziki             Jack Gerling

Athena Gerousis                       Rachel L. Hatch              Madeline Eleanor Hopkins
Rachel Lee Giffel                     Nicole Catherine Hawk        Hanwen Hu
Maya Godina                           Kelsi Lee Hayes              Kaidi Hu
Jeffrey Goetz                         Qingyuan He                  Laura B. Hua
Olga Gomeniouk                        Ryan Robert Healy            Yiming Huang
Michelle Marie Gomez                  Valerie Lynn Hebenstreit     Yuanting Huang
LuisRene Gonzalez                     Kolin Bryan Heck             Brittney Monet Hughes
Heather Lauren Goodman                Derrick Terrell Helm         Teylor Alysse Hunter
Kalyani Gopalkrishna                  Iesha Henry                  Haley Hunzicker
Klaudia Gorgon                        Peyton Reilly Herbert        Austin Alexander Hutcherson
Harshini Gorijala                     Mercedes H. Heredia-Ferran   Young-Wook Hwang
Sarah Margaret Gow                    Jaquelin Hernandez           Chizelum N. Ikedi
Dylan Patrick Graham                  Laura Maria Hernandez        Brooke Ingram
Elena Joanna Plamenova Grantcharski   Ramon Hernandez              Jason Anthony Iposada
Noah A. Griffin                       Samantha Hicks               Royanna Irvin
Lizette Guadarrama                    Heena U. Hira                Samantha Leticia Izaguirre
David Matthew Gulinski                Daniel Alexander Hlebasko    Simran Vijay Jadhwani
Tao Guo                               Gillian Ho                   Syed Muhummad Raza Jafri
Nicholas Daniel Hafner                Joshua Ho                    Sehee Jang
Shayla Hall                           Keith Hoey                   Violeta Elaine Jannes
Erykah Hamilton                       Donald M. Holm               Auryana L. Jarvis
Christine Youlim Han                  Cheyenne Nicole Holt         Riley E. Jasser
Kamani Janae Harris                   Mickayla Brianne Homme       Heeseong Jo
Hosea Birch Edward Harris             Man Shan Hon                 Jake John
Sarah Farghaly Hassan                 Donyay T. Hooks              Daniel Thomas Johnson

Melenda Christine Johnson   Kasey Bo-Min Kim             Joanne Lee
Elizabeth Franciska Jones   Rebecca Nara Kim             Jordan Renee Lee
Charlotte P. Joselit        Shawn Jooahn Kim             Peter Byunghoon Lee
Akhil Matthew Joseph        Yejin Kim                    Soo Beom Lee
Dhara Joshi                 Amani Selena King            Youjung Lee
Sienna Juarez               Surabhi Kiran                Yueyi Lei
Hye Soo Jung                Elizabeth Anne Kirchgesner   Aidan Michael Levin
Carolyn M. Jurek            Sean A. Kirchman             Davonte Excell Lewis
Brooke Kadel                Lindsey Marilyn Klepper      Keyanni J. Lewis
Athena Kakolires            Camryn Elise Knoche          Wen Li
Karolina Anna Kalata        Yeaseo Koh                   Yuecheng Li
Pawel Kaminski              Alana G. Korzonas            Zhengyu Li
Jamie Kang                  Sharanya Krishnamurthy       Yichen Liang
Susan Seoyoung Kang         Priyankka Sai Krishnan       Jiho E. Lim
Kaitlin Iris Kanthak        Charles James Kubinski       Xiao Lin
Ilisha Surya Karri          Lakshay Kumar                Zuhan Lin
Nicole Katz                 Brandon J. Kuo               Brendan Liu
Rachna Kavuru               Maria R. Kuo                 Yongyi Liu
Asuka Kawai                 Dezirae Laird                Justina R. Livingston
Dejah C. Kazee              Demetris Dominique Lambert   Enrique Fabian Lopez
Brianna Emily Kehoe         Megan Colleen Lapham         Shayanna D. Love-Humphrey
Jordan Claire Kelsey        Hanna Lee                    Makaila Jordan Lozano
Katelyn M. Kendziora        Jacqueline Lee               Aman Luthra
Simrah Yameen Khaleel       Jang Hoon Lee                Philip W. Lutkovsky
Jieun Kim                   Jennifer Lee                 Marisa Rose Lynch

Justin Christopher Maaks    Dana Judith Meyerson                           Dominic E. Narcissi
Sean Andrew MacAllister     Leslie Kasie Meza                              Samantha M. Nardella
Jordan Adam Machalek        Alexander Daniel Michaud                       Ebenezer Neequaye
Anna Karen Magana           Claudia Michelle Milano                        Jiawen Ni
Ashley Jasmine Mahome       Gianna A. Milazzo                              Allison Kaylee Nichols
Allison E. Majerczyk        Dylan Marino Miles                             Marlee Dana Nickow
Alyssa Brooke Makuch        Bailey M. Milet                                Zahra Niedermann
Robert James Malbon         Julia Maria Minkevitch                         Jack Haohan Ning
Katie Marie Malcharek       Adriana Nancy Miranda                          Chantel Allison Noggle
Mark Anthony Maley          Esmeralda Miranda                              Brynn Leigh Noonan
Gabriel Bryant Manfroi      Samantha Renee Mistoler                        Michelle Miriam Nutlis
Rachel Marie Maramba        Abdulrahman Mohammed                           Jenna Nicole O'Hara
Emi Isabel Maren            Kamishka Moodley                               Mahiro Stephanie O'Haru
Cristina Alexandra Marila   Alyssa Marie Morello                           Nathalie Ojeda
Kaitlyn Rose Marra          Maya A. Mosley                                 Alejandra Olaguez-Campos
Kaitlyn Nicole Marsh        Neil Thomas Mueller                            Khadijah Shade Olowu
Isabella Harris Martin      Samuel H. Muniz                                Brenda L. Oommen
Sameha Martini              Sahithi Muppalla                               Ryan Ortiz
Zachary A. Massa            Suryaa Murali (Brain and Cognitive Sciences)   Omorewo Ife Oshe
Lynese Marie McIntosh       Samantha Ann Murphy                            Bianca J. Pacheco
Melanie C. McNabola         Narayan Murukurthy                             Haley Anne Paffumi
Frederick Lawrence Mead     Marissa Ann Mussari                            Mbuaya Olive Panumpabi
De'Anthony T. Means         Victoria Khader Najjar                         Amy Park
Shalaka Mehta               Haruna Namiki                                  Madison Angelina Park
Erica Elizabeth Meyer       Farheen Batool Naqvi                           Adalyn J. Parke

Jazmin Lashon Parker         Jennifer Quinto                    Thomas Edward Romanchek
Mohammed Faiz F. Patangia    Ariana Rafaty                      Vanessa L. Rubel
Ajay B. Patel                Ahad Rahim                         Sofia Margaret Rufo
Kajal B. Patel               Laila Shabuktagin Rahman           Rosalie Elisabeth Ruhlmann
Nisha N. Patel               Dina E. Ramahi                     Citlalli Ruiz
Trejo Maty Patino            Aaron Sai Ramasastry               Kathy Yao Ryan
Adrian Pelayo                Durga Ramesh                       Jacob Joseph Ryder
Karen Stephany Pena          Veronica Ramirez                   Waleed Saleem
Jamie Vanessa Perakis        Gabriela Ravelo                    Sarah Marie Sandecki
Elizabeth Catherine Peruba   Taliah N. Ray                      Molly Elissa Sandler
Gabija Petrus                Katrina Sophia Rbeiz               Mireya Alexis Sandoval
Alexandria Marie Petty       Melanie Lyn Reed                   Latunde A. Sapara
Paris J. Pinkney             Carmensa Remolina                  Madalyn Rae Schiller
Salvador Porcayo-Pineda      Jasmin Del Carmen Reyes            Melissa M. Schmitz
Rylie Porretto               Viviana Reyes                      Lydia Elisabeth Schroat
Prim Poshyanonda             Sarah Theresa Richards             Margaret Joan Scovic
Jamison D. Post              Dakota Kathleen Shannon Richmond   Tara Seif-Kashani
Alexander Prazuch            Matthew H. Rico                    Ashley Serna
John Richard Prescott        Justin John Ries                   Zhiqing Sha
Michelle Pretto              Jaslyn Rios                        Johnnysha Shannon
Ami Urvish Punatar           Leah A. Rivera                     Mengni Shao
Noah A. Puntney              Holly C. Roberts                   Hailey Michelle Shapiro
Duoduo Qi                    Lyric Samaria Robins               Roli Sharma
Wei Qi                       Kessie Katherine Rodriguez         Aishwarya Shekara
Yutai Qiao                   Serina Rodriguez                   Jialu Shen

Hyunji Shim                        Katelyn Grace Swichtenberg     Jacob VanDeWoestyne
Julia Summer Shoudis               Jocelyn Tam                    Carmen Lucia Vazquez
Nimisha Singh                      Sanjana S. Tamane              Jarissa Evette Vega
Samit Sinha                        Evin Tari                      Sanjana Venkataraman
Lacouture Alexandros Skarlatos     Joe Michael Taylor             Fey Villagomez
Journey E. Slowikowski             Krista M. Taylor               Montserrat Berenice Villalpando
Bryonne K. Small                   Safia Tayyabi                  Alexis E. Vittallo
Mackenzie Marie Smith              Toma Stefanov Tchernodrinski   Tiffani Victoria Volkman
Luiza Helena Santiago Soboll       Ben Joe Thomas                 Hailey Lorraine Von Ruden
Mariah Reyann Solis                Hunter Paige Thompson          Britteny Vormittag
Ashley J. Soller                   Michael Darien Thompson        Anna Maria Wach
Alexandra Kemarin Somkul-Garrett   Jewelry Simone Thornton        Aaron Takeuchi Walbert
Oviya Sougoumarane                 Jocelyn Elaine Thrasher        Tianyi Wang
Abigail Valentyna Soukup           Natalie Grace Tisch            Jordyn Michelle Warren
Logan Tanner Spainhower            Alissa Anxu Tomanek            Marisa Ann Washburn
Margaret Grace Spencer             Brandi C. Tomlinson            Anthony R. Weddle
Sruthi Sridhar                     Kajol Nilesh Topiwala          Lauren Paige Weissman
Jada D. Stafford                   Johnny Nguyen Tran             Brandon John Wendt
Emily Christine Staudt             Jacob Triplett                 Jenna Weszt
Deirdre Stone                      Sarah Felicia Tse              Hallie Kerrigan White
Laurence Julius Strickland         Ewelina Kinga Tylka            Sarah White
Claire S. Sullivan                 Bansari Upadhyay               Elaina Marie Wilkens
Galina H. Summers                  Lauren Andrea Uy               Jason Scott Williams
Kumar Sera Suresh                  Stephany Isel Valdez           Maya Jeanette Williams
Nicolette Paige Susralski          Paige Marie Valente            Cecilia Rose Wilson

Jamal Rashid Winn        Lawrie Lixue Zhang
Julia Grace Wisowaty     Yijing Zhang
Emilia Wojcikowski       Chenhao Zhao
Teresa Wong              Lingying Zhao
Tszyan Wong              Madeline Rose Zielke
Jonathan M. Woo          Brandi Nicole Zimmerman
Kelsey Lauren Woodbury   Hailey Amaya Zizumbo
Anna R. Wruck
Mengqian Wu
Lara Anne Wuethrich
Allison Joy Wyland
Zhengtao Xu
Benjamin Yaffe
Zhaoyu Yang
Ece Deren Yildirim
Chuhan Yu
Jiachen Yu
Xiaoman Yuan
Jessica Sun Yue
Elizabeth C. Yung
Carl V. Zaba
Jessie Lee Zang
Rachel Zarky
Luke James Zerwic
Cen Zhang
                 A special thank you to all who helped organize this convocation.
              Thank you to the family and friends who have supported the graduates
                        throughout their time at the University of Illinois.

Degree Information

This program contains an unofficial list of degree candidates for May 2021, as well as a list of graduates who received
degrees in August and December 2020. Due to printing deadlines, names of some degree recipients may not appear while
names of some degree candidates who have not yet completed degree requirements may be included.
The University’s official registry for conferral of degrees is the Office of the Registrar, 901 W. Illinois St., Urbana, IL 61801.
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