Corporate Plan 2015-2020 - 20/20 Vision - Tuath Housing

Page created by Nicole Harvey
Corporate Plan 2015-2020 - 20/20 Vision - Tuath Housing
Corporate Plan

20/20 Vision
Looking to Brighter Futures
Corporate Plan 2015-2020 - 20/20 Vision - Tuath Housing
Our Mission
Changing housing for the better.

Our Business
Building, purchasing, acquiring and managing
social and affordable homes, on a not for profit basis.

Our Customers
We work with local communities and Council’s to
help create and manage places where people wish
to live. We adopt a customer first approach to tenants.

Our Vision
Our vision is centred on people and communities
rather than bricks and mortar. We are focused on
exemplary estate management to establish safe,
peaceful, sustainable and popular places to live.
Corporate Plan 2015-2020 - 20/20 Vision - Tuath Housing

At the heart of all Túath’s activities is
a strong commitment to our core values,
corporate and social responsibility with
exemplary governance.

               I am delighted to present the association’s new Corporate
               Plan to 2020. In constructing our plan we have looked
               back but mainly forward. While developing this plan
               we have sought to look to the future rather than dwelling
               on the problems encountered and the reasons for the
               economic collapse.

               Túath, in partnership with Local Authorities will aim
               to deliver substantial new social housing in 2015 and
               the years ahead. We will ensure the delivery of much
               needed new social homes on a sustainable basis,
               through innovation and collaboration. We intend to
               not only ramp up the output of new homes but to
               continue to focus on the tenant as a consumer.

               The new Corporate Plan reflects our vision and values
               for housing with five key components to it; working in
               partnership, offering choice, working for people and
               places, not profit, playing our part and social responsibility.

               In one sentence our plan is to provide long-term,
               safe, high quality and affordable housing to people
               and families in mixed tenure settings while contributing
               to the development of sustainable communities.

               In seeking to deliver our plan we recognise that
               Túath is primarily a service organisation, housing
               people in need and managing homes whilst responding to,
               engaging with and involving people to make social housing
               work. Whilst increasing the output of new homes will be
               permanent, we are about more than just bricks and mortar.
               We are also about places and people. Our core business
               will therefore continue to be about managing homes in a
               sustainable way, which leads people to peacefully enjoy,
               live, and settle within communities.

               James Pike

                                                                                 Corporate Plan 2015-2020   1
Corporate Plan 2015-2020 - 20/20 Vision - Tuath Housing

    In Old Irish, Túath primarily means
    people, tribe or clan. In other Old
    Irish contexts, Túath refers to place
    or territory. In Modern Irish, Tuath’s
    meaning is countryside.
    Tuath’s use in language was for a place as well as for the people who lived
    in the locality and for people who shared a common identity and allegiance.
    In modern terms its meaning is a community. All these meanings are central
    to our core values.

    Túath is a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee, and an approved
    voluntary housing association. Túath is run by a Board of management drawn
    from volunteers who donate their services and time for free. The association was
    first established in the Republic in 2000 and is approved for voluntary housing,
    under Section 6 of the Housing (Misc Provisions) Act 1992, for the purposes
    of the Housing Act 1966-2009. The association is registered with the DOEHLG,
    has charitable status and is a member of the Irish Council for Social Housing.

    Our aim is to provide long-term, safe, quality housing at best value whilst locally
    building mixed, sustainable communities. Túath is primarily a service organisation,
    housing people in need and managing homes whilst responding to, engaging with
    and involving people to make social housing work. Our core business is managing
    homes in a sustainable way, which leads local people to peacefully enjoy, live and
    settle within communities.

    Túath mainly provides general needs and family housing in rural and urban
    areas, but also supported housing for the elderly and people with special
    needs. The Association works across Ireland and is active in nearly every
    county in the Republic.

2   Corporate Plan 2015-2020
Corporate Plan 2015-2020 - 20/20 Vision - Tuath Housing

Housing Associations have been
asked to dramatically increase
the provision of new social homes.
The Department of Environment,
Community and Local Government
has called for a ‘step change
in delivery’. Larger Housing
Associations, such as Túath, are
being looked to, to ramp up the
delivery of new social homes.
The scale of the task is daunting but it is a challenge Túath will endeavour to
rise to. We will seek to deliver more social homes in the years ahead, through
innovation and collaboration with the private and public sectors.

The new Housing Strategy has Councils rightly back at the centre of social house
building with the Association Sector having an important role to play in helping
Council’s to deliver on a local basis.

There is an acknowledgment that we cannot build affordable, housing without
subsidy. It is an acknowledgment that social housing investment is both desirable
and necessary to help fellow citizens who cannot secure housing for themselves
through purchase or private renting.

Social Housing investment is an investment for the future. It is an investment
in key infrastructure for the country. With interest rates at historically low levels,
there has never been a better time to build social homes. Building social homes
on a large scale at this time will, despite borrowing to build, ultimately strengthen
the State’s balance sheet and enhance the economic potential of the country.
As such, this Association believes that it is essential to protect and preserve the
State’s investment to ensure that social homes are available for future generations.

Túath welcomes the opportunity to play a part.

A Council home is public housing and so too is a Housing Association home.
Working together, we can provide more public housing for people.

                                                                 Corporate Plan 2015-2020   3
Corporate Plan 2015-2020 - 20/20 Vision - Tuath Housing
1. Partnership
                                                   in practice
Our five point action plan to 2020                  The Association’s success to date has been down
encompasses and reflects our core                   to effective public, voluntary and private sector
vision and values.                                 collaboration. We are proud to work in partnership
                                                   on new housing projects and on developing and
1. Working in partnership with                     delivering new and innovative housing models.
    stakeholders and communities to deliver
    new homes and to offer people an opportunity   We will continue to grow the association
    to find a good home they can afford.           ‘organically’ and sustainably via establishing and
                                                   strengthening Local Authority relationships in the
2. Offering choice in new homes,
                                                   main but also via the private housebuilding sector.
    services and areas whilst creating popular
    neighbourhoods of choice, where people
                                                   We are appreciative of our work in collaboration
    want to live and settle down in.
                                                   with Councils and sister housing associations and
3. Working for people, families & places,          have been at the forefront of partnership work for
   not profit. Conducting all our activities and   some years.
    not for profit business in a socially
    responsible manner.                            Túath believes that putting tenants first is what is
                                                   truly important. We will work with tenants and all
4. Playing our part in innovative ways             stakeholders to endeavour to enrich and support
    to help create new balanced, vibrant and       local communities. We will develop effective local
    popular places to live.                        partnerships for better housing.

5. Operating an effective and efficient
   organisation in tune with our stakeholders
    and customer needs and expectations.

4   Corporate Plan 2015-2020
Corporate Plan 2015-2020 - 20/20 Vision - Tuath Housing
3. Working for
2. Promoting                                           people and
choice                                                 places, not profit
We believe in offering choice in as many tenures       •Túath’s
                                                             Our motivation     is notplan
                                                                  five point action    financially
                                                                                             to 2020 driven.
and services as possible. We will strive to create      Working     for people    and  places    rather
                                                             and reflects our core vision and values.    than profit
places where people choose to and          is our driver. Whilst we do not operate the company
places of choice. We will do our best to help create   •on aWorking
                                                              profit making     basis, we
                                                                        in partnership       seek
                                                                                          with      best valueand
                                                                                                stakeholders     in
popular neighbourhoods in predominately mixed           all areas.   A key objective
                                                             communities                for the
                                                                              and to deliver   newassociation   is to
                                                                                                     homes, offer
tenure settings.                                        exercise    tight control   over  operating   expenses
                                                             people an opportunity to find a good home they        and to
                                                             can that  value for money is obtained at all times.
We know that quality housing management is              We will maximise the effective and efficient use of all
critical to sustaining safe and secure schemes and     •financial,
                                                             Offering   choiceand
                                                                     physical    in products   and services
                                                                                     human resources           whilst
                                                                                                            to achieve
for long-term success. Good housing management               creating popular
                                                        the strategic    aims ofneighbourhoods
                                                                                   the Associationof   andchoice,
                                                                                                             to meet the
is essential to effective place making, to creating          where people
                                                        requirements           want
                                                                          of the     to live
                                                                                  State  andand    settle
                                                                                               Local       down in.
neighbourhoods of choice. We currently adopt a
low- tolerance approach to Anti-Social Behaviour       •Future
                                                           Working    for people,
                                                               surpluses          families
                                                                            generated   fromandinnovative
                                                                                                 places, not
and recognize the blight that this can bring on            profit.
                                                        models     Conducting
                                                                will            ourback
                                                                      be recycled   not for  profit
                                                                                          into  the business in a
                                                                                                    core social
hard working communities.                                  socially
                                                        housing      responsible
                                                                 business         manner.
                                                                            of Túath.

As part of the choice agenda we intend to develop      •Túath’s
                                                            Playing  our of
                                                                 Board   part in innovative isways
                                                                            Management             to help
                                                                                               drawn   fromcreate
new affordable housing for models to include social         new balanced,
                                                        volunteers          vibrant and backgrounds,
                                                                    from professional    popular places whoto live.
renting, rent and ownership sharing, affordable         give their services for free. The Board exists to
owning and options.                                    •oversee
                                                            Operating   an effective
                                                                  our business    andand  efficient
                                                                                      ensures    weorganisation
                                                            in tune with our  customers   needs   and
                                                        high standards of integrity and corporate and social
                                                        responsibility. Our working principles are based on
We’re committed to creating good                        public, voluntary and private sector partnerships.
                                                        Our aim is to help Local Authorities to provide
neighbourhoods where families
                                                        long-term, safe, quality housing at best value to the
people want to live, places where                       ‘public purse’ and to offer choice to tenants whilst
residents respect each other and                        helping to build mixed, sustainable communities.
where they take pride in their area.
                                                        Túath is and will remain a not for
                                                        profit, charitable organisation.

                                                                                              Corporate Plan 2015-2020      5
4. Playing                                                  5. Customer
our part                                                    focused services
    Delivering social and affordable housing through        The provision of effective and efficient services,
    non-profit housing associations like Túath can          valued by customers and the best use of financial,
    help reduce the burden on the exchequer. Private        physical and human resources to deliver quality
    finance will be used to acquire and build new social    services are key components of our Corporate
    housing to hard pressed families. It is our intent      Plan. We will deliver quality services to our
    to provide housing in rural and urban areas, for        customers by:
    families and singles as well as supported housing
    for the elderly and people with special needs           •   Focusing on every customer as an individual.
    although our main focus will remain to provide          •   Effective and efficient Estate Management.
    family housing.                                         •   Understanding and responding to customer
                                                                needs and expectations.
    Board and staff members will carry out their            •   Deal with anti-social behaviour, quickly
    responsibilities with honesty and integrity according       and effectively.
    to high ethical standards in line with the values of    •   Collecting rent in a firm but fair way and
    the Association. we will deliver a minimum of 1,400         by taking swift action against anyone who
    new social homes by 2020, via innovation and                can but will not pay.
    collaboration with the private, voluntary and public    •   Delivering an effective repairs and
    sectors. As part of this commitment we intend to            maintenance service.
    review, explore and implement the most effective        •   Delivering locally based ‘tenant’ advice
    governance structure that will deliver, control and         and assistance surgeries.
    ensure customer engagement and accountability.          •   Maximising Information Technology and Digital
    We are developing a model based                         •   Encourage and facilitate the establishment
                                                                of Residents Associations’.
    on partnership and a federal
                                                            •   Creating sustainable housing schemes.
    structure to facilitate interdependent
                                                            •   Ensuring the provision of a strong asset
    elements or organisations to                                base of well maintained properties.
    collaborate and grow through
                                                            We view tenants as customers. We will engage
    combined strength for the benefit of                    with tenants to seek their views on how we are
    customers and stakeholders.                             doing and commit to improving in areas which
                                                            are less well received by our customers.

                                                            At Túath we realise that the people
                                                            who best understand about social
                                                            housing are the people living in it,
                                                            so we will ask customers what is
                                                            important to them and do our best to
                                                            meet expectations.

6    Corporate Plan 2015-2020
The efficient and cost-effective acquisition
and management of at least 3,500 social
homes by December 2020.

The delivery of high quality services, valued
by customers.

Offering Choice in housing tenures and services.

Ensuring financial strength through strong performance
and recycling surplus to produce more social and
affordable housing work to produce more social and
affordable housing.

To be a pioneering organisation with a strong

To be an employer of choice only.

Supporting and enriching local neighbourhoods
by creating popular places to live.

To help deliver sustainable homes and communities.

Ensuring exemplary standards of governance, and
corporate and social responsibility in everything we do.

                                        Corporate Plan 2015-2020   7

    The main aim of our         Our success is not only due to the efforts and work
                                of the Board and staff but it is also due to tenants
    Corporate Plan is how we    and the Local Authorities and State agencies we
                                work collaboratively with. It is our plan to build on
    will balance and maintain   our success by increasing the number of homes we
                                manage, in a sustainable way to over 3,500 homes in
    growth in a sustainable     the next five years.

                                The Corporate Plan is designed to help us achieve
    way to 2020.                sustainable growth by highlighting strategic issues
                                and challenges for Túath Housing to 2020. The new
                                plan will serve as a framework for the Board and
    Assisting people in         staff, to guide us. The plan will help us to formulate
                                appropriate responses and key action plans in
    housing need will           today’s fast changing environment.

    remain at the heart of      Sean O’Connor

    our company vision          Chief Executive

    and values. In our view,
    a Housing Association
    home is no different to
    a Council home. It is all
    public housing for people
    and families in need.
    Túath is and will remain
    a not for profit provider
    of social housing.

8   Corporate Plan 2015-2020
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29 Merrion Square North, Dublin 2
T 01-6761602
F 01-6761603

Cork Office
24 Marlboro Street, Cork
T 021 427 3508
F 021 427 3509

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