Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...

Page created by Milton Beck
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
JULY 2021                                                                            PAGE 2

               SUNSHINE NEWS II
                   July 2021                                        Jennifer Szakacs Strohl, CTRS
                                                                      Director of Life Enrichment
  (Funded by Lehigh County taxpayers dollars)
                                                                             Kerry Magliane
              PUBLISHED MONTHLY                                   Coordinator of Volunteer Services
             350 S. CEDARBROOK ROAD
              ALLENTOWN, PA 18104                                    Chaplain Fred Bartholomew,
                                                                        Chaplain Philip Baker
      (610) 395-3727 Fax: (610) 395-0412                                      Faith Services
             Hotline: 610-336-9604

            Jason Cumello, MBA, NHA
                                                         When writing to share positive
                                                         comments, complaints, or suggestions
 Do you have a problem? A question?                      for improvement, please include your
     Is something bothering you?                         name and contact information. We
Come talk to us about it – so we can solve it for you.   take your comments seriously, and we
                                                         may need to ask questions, and of
      Our doors are open to you . . .                    course, we’ll want to share with you
       Michelle Julian, RN, BSN, MS, NHA                 the action taken to address your
              Assistant Administrator                    concerns.

                   Dr. Gruer, MD
                  Medical Director
                    David Crook
              Chief Financial Officer
                 Michelle Reichard                                         It’s all about
        Financial Services Office Manager
       Teresa Samuels, RN, BSN, CNDLTC                          C.H.O.I.C.E.S.
           Director of Nursing Services                    at Cedarbrook Nursing Homes
                Donna Pendrak, RN
      Assistant Director of Nursing Services                        A Community with Heart Offering
                                                                 Individualized Care and Excellent Service.
                   Ed Fernandes
                Director of Facilities
                  Ricardo Cintado                               NURSING HOME HOTLINE
       Director of Environmental Services                             610-336-9604
                     Karen Carr
            Director of Dining Services                   If you have a question, concern, or complaint,
                  Kristen Morstatt                        which you believe has not been satisfactorily
        Resident Assessment Coordinator                   addressed by our staff, feel free to call our
                                                          Administrative Hotline. Our Hotline can also
              Keisha McCollin-Bulluck                     be used to report suspected fraud, waste and
         Human Resources Administrator                    abuse in accordance with the federal Deficit
                                                          Reduction Act of 2005. The Hotline number is
                  Brent Bowman                            posted throughout the facility. An Administra-
   Assistant Human Resources Administrator                tive Assistant will take calls, or you can record
                 Troy Brenneman                           a message when no one is available. Please
                 Director of Rehab                        follow the instructions when leaving a
                                                          recorded message. Your call is confidential,
            Social Service/Admissions                     but you do need to provide your name and
   Debbie Smitreski, Jami Cooper, Heather Jaeger,
                                                          telephone number, in case we need to contact
  Rhett Palushock, Mouna Zaghtiti, Michline Nastah        you for more information, and to inform you
                 George Abdouche                          of the action taken. You can report Fraud,
                                                          Waste and Abuse to the Lehigh County Ethics
                  Gabe Robinson                           Hotline at 610-782-3999. This information is
           Director of Social Services                    confidential    and      caller    may    remain
                Jackie Mistiszyn                          anonymous.
 Director of Business Development/Admissions
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
JULY 2021                                                           PAGE 3

                                                      Red, White, and Blue
                                              Red and white are few
                                              But plenty of stars are in view
                                              50 stars—one for each state—
July is the month of the Big Bang’s &         That will commemorate the date
booms of the year                             Old Glory flies everywhere
Puppies & kitty cats cower in fear            She’s here and She’s there
There are parties & picnics everywhere        We salute her again on July 4th
galore                                        How proud we are to have such a me-
People are so happy to be outdoors            mento of our freedom.
Grills are smoking with chicken & steak
Mom made the salads to give Grandma a         Written and Submitted by Bev Dawson
break                                          A first grade teacher was teaching her
The kids are bust shooting cannons &           class the Pledge to the flag and told
keeping on the run                             them to place their hand over their
If your back yard has a pool                   heart when they said it. Everyone did
You’re sure glad that you’re out of school     it correctly but Timmy. He placed his
Friends will come over & you will play         hand on his heiney cheek. When
lots of games                                  asked why he said “Every time
You will look forward to next year &           Grandma comes to visit, she pats me
more of the same                               on the heiney cheek and says “Bless
As things wind down & day turns to             your little heart” and my Grandma
night                                          wouldn’t lie.
The puppies & kitties are still full of
fright                                         Written and Submitted by Kay Mohr
The little ones could sure use a nap
But the fireworks start& they climb on
Dad’s lap                                     Dear Volunteers,
There goes a starburst they shout out with    Covid 19 sure did hit us hard
glee                                          It is only now that we can go out in the
“Mommy, Mommy, did you see”                   yard. The cheer up cards you sent so often
Soon the rockets with color are over & all    truly helped our nerves & gripes to soften.
you hear is boom, boom, boom                  Each resident here knew that you care by
Ringing in you ear                            the way you took time to share. Your talents
But I bet that July 4th is still a favorite   are many, & the cards you sent too. So from
holiday of the year.                          all the residents I send a great big THANK
Written and Submitted by Jean Larison
                                              Written and Submitted by Jean Larison
                                              President of Resident Council
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
JULY 2021                                         PA GE 4

                                 WE   APPRECIATE THAT FAMILIES
                                 WANT TO SHARE PARTY TREATS
                                 WITH THEIR LOVED ONES’ ROOM-
                                 MATES AND FRIENDS. UNFORTU-
                                 NATELY, MANY OF OUR RESIDENTS
                                 HAVE SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS.
                                 BEFORE GIVING FOOD TO OUR
                                 RESIDENTS, PLEASE CHECK WITH
JEAN WEBSTER         JULY   02
ELIAS COSIC          JULY   05
GRETE WREDE          JULY   05
CATHERINE YOUNG      JULY   07        Lois Czechkowski
ANNA GIEDL           JULY   08
RONALD HACKER        JULY   09        Kathleen Stephen
MADELINE BARRETT     JULY   09        Arline Smith
GEORGE WEISER        JULY   11        Howard Hoffert
MARIA VALERIO        JULY   12        Frank Rider
DONNA WALTERS        JULY   13        Ronald Hacker
ROSE GALLO           JULY   14        Calvin Schaefer
GLORIA GURKA         JULY   15        Geraldine Deily
EVA KUNKEL           JULY   16
WENDY AMATO          JULY   17
LINDA DEWALT         JULY   19
GOLDIE REISS         JULY   22
LENNIA KUTZ          JULY   23
NANCY KLINE          JULY   24
KAY MOHR             JULY   29
DAVID LAURY          JULY   30
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
JULY 2021                            PAG E 5

            *John Hancock had the biggest signature
            on the Declaration of Independence.

            *John Adams held the first Fourth of Ju-
            ly party at the White House.

            *John Hancock was the first person to
            sign the Declaration of Independence.

            *2.5 million people lived in America on
            July 4th, 1776.

            *Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey
            named as the national bird.

            *”When in the course of human events”
            are the first words of the Declaration of

            *Three presidents who signed the Decla-
            ration of Independence died on July 4th.
            John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both
            died on July 4th, 1826. James Monroe
            died five years later on July 4th, 1831.

            *The very first 4th of July fireworks
            took place in Philadelphia in 1777.

            *The 4th of July became a federal
            holiday in 1870.

            Submitted by Bev Dawson
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
JULY 2021                                                                            PAGE 6

Independence Day, is a holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence of
the United States, on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies
were no longer subject to Great Britain, and its King George III. They were now united, free, and inde-
pendent states. The Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbeques, picnics, concerts,
family reunions, political speeches, and ceremonies. In addition to these, various other public and private
events celebrating the history and government of the US occur.

We need to be independent in order to survive in our culture and world. Learning to support ourselves is
fundamental for any success we ever hope to achieve. Humanly speaking, we only have ourselves to fall
back on, so it is exceedingly important to handle things on our own.
In this modern world of many amenities, we have come to depend on many things whether we notice it or
not. We depend on electricity in our homes to run out appliances, we depend on our employer to give us
our paycheck and we sometimes even depend on Google to give us the right answers.

According to an online dictionary to ‘depend’ means to place reliance or trust in. The fact is that we de-
pend on many things and many people for our survival, however, unfortunately at any time those things
or those people can fail us.
Unfortunately, people are going to let us down. And being disappointed is a part of being human. But we
still have to put our trust on others, because really what choice do we have? No one is an island and we
have to work with others in order to complete many tasks.

But who we actually depend on could be the difference between constant stress and frustration or peace
and harmony? Really, the only person who we can depend on 100% is God. Why? Because He always
shows up, he always does what is best for us and He is always trustworthy.
Depending on God back to believing in God. We have faith in that God is going to keep His promises. We
trust that all of God’s plans will be fulfilled in our lives. Trust and faith are the pillars of dependence on
God. We already depend on God for many things. We depend on Him to give us the breath to live another
day, we depend on Him to give us strength for the day and we depend on Him for protection. In Philip-
pians 4:6 we read, “In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your re-
quests me made known to God” and in 1 Peter 1:14, “As obedient children, do not be con-
formed to the passions of your former way of life”. Both verses show depending on God is simple,
yet takes some practice. Here are two practical ways to depend on God
1. Practice prayer– Prayer is talking with God, through Jesus Christ. It is us having a conversation with
    the Father of all creation. Through prayer we are actively depending on God to hear and answer. We
    are building a relationship with Him and therefore we will be more inclined to depend upon Him.
2. Practice obedience– The word of God (the Bible) is living and is capable of changing anyone. Many
    times, we find ourselves in situations that we’re not supposed to be in because we refused to depend
    upon God. Obedience can be difficult at times, especially if we have prolonged sinful habits. But by
    practicing obedience to God’s word, we are depending on Him to help us be faithful.
Dependence starts by acknowledging Almighty God as the owner of everything, and the controller of every
circumstance. Nothing is impossible with God, and everything is within His reach. So, let’s celebrate!
Our part is to trust and obey, and His part is to do the rest. Happy Dependence Day!

Chaplain Fred Bartholomew
Cedarbrook Allentown
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
JULY 2021                                       P AGE 7

“Sometimes people are beautiful not in looks, not in
what they say. Just in what they are.”
-Markus Zusak

“Do onto others as you would do have them do onto
-Marilyn Barker

“I want to live to see my grandchildren graduate.”
-Kathleen O’mara
“No matter what my age — I can learn.”
-Elma Mae Uhle
“To love one another is the easiest thing you can do.”
-Elma Mae Uhle
“In times of trouble, try to smile.”
-Elma Mae Uhle
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
JULY 2021                                                                  PAGE 8

                               CEDARBROOK VOLUNTEERS ARE
                                  VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE

                                 WE LOVE OUR VOLUNTEERS

Cedarbrook volunteers sparkle more than July 4th fireworks! They also create the same amount of
excitement with our residents. When a volunteer enters the room our residents and staff light up as
their day is brightened by our amazing volunteers. We are truly grateful for your help and support.
I hope everyone is able to take some time to relax and enjoy the beautiful, sunny days and the fire-
works in the night sky. Remember all those who gave of their lives, to make our lives better. Have
                                    a happy Independence Day

                                         Exciting News
Cedarbrook activities and programs are beginning to reopen. Yes, this means that fully
vaccinated volunteers may return. This includes student volunteers. Please contact the vol-
unteer office to set up a date/time for your return. Welcome back, we’ve missed you!!!

Volunteers Needed
 Family Visit Helpers – We need volunteers to assist our staff with Family Visits. Volunteers
would help the staff with greeting the visitors, getting residents to and from their units, and sanitiz-
ing the visit area. Volunteers would sign up for a 2 hour shift. We need volunteers: Monday,
Wednesday, or Friday, 9:30-4:30. This will be a great help to our residents, their families, and
staff. If you are interested please contact the Volunteer Office right away to sign up.
 Gift Shop Clerk – We need a Cashier in our sweet little gift shop Tuesdays, 1:00-4:30. Training
provided. Our residents love having a chance to shop for snacks and gifts.
 Transport Assistant – Help the Cedarbrook staff transport our wheelchair residents to enter-
tainment, games, faith services, and other activities in our buildings. Most shifts are weekdays,
1:45-3:45. Any assistance you can provide will be a great help.
Games, Coloring, and Activity Helpers – Do you like to play games (Bingo, Pinochle, etc.), do
coloring, do crafts, or other activities?? Cedarbrook is looking for volunteers to come on a weekly
basis to assist with these type of activities. Call today and let us know what you are interested in
helping with and your availability.

As we bring volunteers back in to Cedarbrook, there will be a training packet for everyone to
complete. This will help us all keep up-to-date. Please contact Kerry if you are ready to return
and need your training packet. Thank you.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon. Kerry Magliane, Volunteer Coordinator, 610-336-
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
JULY 2021                                                                             PA GE 9

    Cheesy Cheddar Broccoli Casserole
                                                        Caprese Garlic Bread
   1 can (10-3/4 ounces) condensed cream                Ingredients
   of mushroom soup, undiluted                          1 load ciabatta bread
   1 cup sour cream                                     1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
   1-1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar                    2 cloves garlic, minced
   cheese, divided                                      1 tbsp. freshly chopped parsley
   1 can (6 ounces) French-fried onions, di-            Kosher salt
   vided                                                Freshly ground black pepper
   2 packages (16 ounces each) frozen broc-             1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
   coli florets, thawed                                 1 tbsp. honey
                                                        1 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
   Directions                                           2 large tomatoes, sliced
   Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a large              1 tbsp.,. Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling
   sauce pan, combine soup, sour cream, 1               2 tbsp. thinly sliced basil, for garnish
   cup cheese and 1-1/4 cups onions; heat
   through over medium, stirring until                  Directions
   blended, 4-5 minutes. Stir in broccoli.              1. Preheat oven to 350° and place ciabatta
   Transfer to a greased 2-qt. baking dish.                cut-sides up on a large baking sheet.
   Bake, uncovered, until bubbly, 25-30                 2. In a medium bowl, stir together butter,
   minutes. Sprinkle with the remaining                    garlic, and parsley and season with salt
   cheese and onions. Bake until cheese is                 and pepper. Spread on ciabatta halves
                                                           and bake until golden, 15 to 20 minutes.
                                                        3. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, simmer
July 4th S’mores Dip                                       balsamic vinegar and honey, stirring oc-
                                                           casionally, until reduced by half, 8 to 10
Ingredients                                                minutes (glaze should be thick enough to
4 sheets Hershey’s chocolate                               coat back of a spoon). Let cool.
19 marshmallows                                         4. Top toasted ciabatta with mozzarella and
1 cup water                                                tomatoes and bake until cheese is melty,
1 cup red, white, and blue sanding sugar                   5 to 10 minutes more.
Graham crackers, for serving                            Drizzle garlic bread with oil and balsamic
                                                        glaze, garnish with basil, and slice.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees
In a square glass pan, place a layer of Hershey’s to
cover the bottoms of the pan.
Dip 5 marshmallows in water and roll them in the blue
sanding sugar. Place on parchment to dry.
Repeat this process to make 6 red marshmallows and 8
white marshmallows.
Using kitchen shears, cut each marshmallow in half.
Place marshmallows cut side down on the chocolate to
form a flag.
Bake for 8-10 minutes and serve with graham crackers
Cover drawn and colored by Elma Mae Uhle - Cedarbrook ...
JULY 2021                                                              PAGE 10

Employee           Department       Years   Employee             Department        Years

Michelle Persing   Nursing Office    38     Leane Kratzer        Medical            6

Jody Schwartz      Nursing           36     Tammy Beidler        Facilities         5

Sherry Geiger      Nursing           31     Maria Nunez          Nursing            5

Martha Rhim        Nursing           30     Zachary Cutlip       Environmental      4

Dawn Allison       Nursing           28     Jennifer Kresley     Nursing            3

Carol Johnson      Nursing           21     Antoinette Hedglin   Nursing            3

Lillian Pintos     Nursing Office    21     Melissa Lebeduik     Ed Services        3

Patricia Lilly     Nursing Office    21     Brandy Rodriguez     Nursing            2

Shirley            Financial         21     Maribel Depena       Nursing            2

Corinia Crable     Nursing           20     Myriame Joseph       Nursing            1

Tanya Belinda      Nursing           18     Vivian Vasey         Administration     1

Josh Yost          Environmental     16

Johanny Checo      Nursing           13

Danielle Ruth      Nursing           9
JULY 2021                                                 PAGE 11

Summer time comes and goes all too quickly. The hot summer months are
upon us and the thunderstorms are approaching. Some people love thunder-
storms where others don’t. Some people find them terrifying where others
find them soothing. Time flies when you are actively working on things. July
comes with fireworks, parties, the American colors, vacations, and so many
other things. There’s nothing like sitting on the patio or balcony and watch-
ing the Fourth of July fireworks in the night sky. It’s always debatable on
what city, town, or state puts on the best fireworks show. Ice cold beverages
and ice cream treats at night sitting with your family and reminiscing on the
days where you would go swimming or go to the amusement park. Looking
back on past vacations, people travel all over the world. There are so many
vacation spots like Disney World or Land in Florida and California, Univer-
sal Studios, beaches, tropical locations like Hawaii or the Bahamas. The list
could go on forever. Sitting around the campfire when you would go camp-
ing and making s’mores or telling ghost stories or funny stories. Swimming
in lakes or ponds because there was no pool nearby.
Summer is here and the hot days are upon us. Trying to stay cool is some-
thing to try to accomplish.
JULY 2021                                                          PAGE 12

Hi everyone! I’d like to finally take the opportunity to introduce myself to you
all. My name is Jenn Szakacs (Say-Catch) Strohl, and I’m the new Director of
Life Enrichment. I’ve been super busy these past 3 months trying to learn all
of the ins and outs of Cedarbrook and have been lucky enough to have your
past director, Alice Christman and current Assistant Director of Life Enrich-
ment, Kaitlyn Beisel helping me along the way. Wow!... is there a lot to know!
A little bit about myself… I’m a graduate of East Stroudsburg University and
hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Recreation & Leisure Services Management with
concentrations in both therapeutic and commercial recreation. I’m certified
through NCTRC as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist and have
been working in the field for 29 years. I actually worked here at Cedarbrook
in 1993- 1995 in the TR Department! My role here now is just ‘a bit’ differ-
I’m originally from Lehighton, PA but now live with my family in Jim Thorpe.
My husband’s name is Jerry, and I have 3 awesome kids named Abriel (soon
16), Alexis (soon 14), and Jackson (9.5~ can’t forget the ½!) They certainly
keep me busy outside of work. We love to travel, camp and visit our 2nd home
in Florida when we can. Oh, and I can’t forget to tell you about our English
Bulldog, Bugsy Smalls (who is 2 ½) and our Silkese, Miss Vivienne Jewel (who
is 8 years old.) Maybe someday, you all can meet them.
I hope to get the chance to meet everyone at some of the upcoming entertain-
ers and groups. It’s a slow go at trying to get back to doing all the things
we’ve been missing this past year and a half but I’m confident that we’ll get
there. I’m pretty easy to get along with and am available if you’d ever like to
talk. Until then… stay safe, keep busy and be happy!
JULY 2021                                                        PAGE 13

Wireless access to the Internet is now
available at Cedarbrook-Allentown and
Cedarbrook-Fountain Hill. Residents with
wireless devices such as laptops, note-
books, tablets (Kindle, Nook, etc) may
request access through their Social Worker
or Therapeutic Recreation Aide. Our PC
Specialist will assign a unique username
and password, which must be kept
confidential. Visitors may request access
at the switchboard. Usernames and pass-
words for visitors will automatically expire
after three days.

                                               Welcome to the official Cedarbrook
                                               website, designed to inform Lehigh County
                                               residents - and the world at large - about
                                               the quality services and operations
                                               provided here. It also offers dropdowns for
                                               both Allentown and Fountain Hill locations,
                                               with directions, departmental listings and
                                               the newsletters, posted every month. On
                                               the home page are slider segments that
                                               promote the institution and that will change
                                               from time to time. A highlight of the front
                                               page is the “Ratings & Reviews” section at
                                               the bottom where Cedarbrook users can
                                               submit their opinions on the quality of
                                               services. Please visit the site often, and
                                               please let your family and friends know
                                               about                                     it.
                                               copyrighted by Cedarbrook Senior Care &
JULY 2021                                PAGE 14

               is located in the Financial Department.
               Many items await the claim of their right-
               ful owner. If you think what you have
               “lost” may have been “found”, please talk
               to your social worker or stop by.

               Any residents having difficulties with their
               equipment such as lights, radios, wheel-
               chairs, beds, etc., please contact your unit
               clerk, nursing staff, or charge nurse on
               unit to send a work order to Facilities for

            ADVISOR               JENNIFER SZAKACS-STROHL
            COPY EDITOR           MEL FEJES
            PHOTOS                MICHELE AYELLO
              MARGIE EVERETT
              MARY ANN MILLER
              NANCY BREY

              ELMAMAE UHLE
              JEAN LARISON
              MARY SNYDER
              BEVERLY DAWSON
              KAREN SNYDER
              KAY MOHR
JULY 2021   PAGE 15
JULY 2021                                     PAGE 16

Tips for Keeping
Your Money and
Valuables Safe
Although we discourage residents from
keeping money and valuables in their        William Wehinger
room, we realize that many of you will
choose to do so. Therefore, we would        Encarnacion Antonsanti
like to offer these tips to help you keep
your money and valuables safe from
loss or theft. Since you have access to     Pricilla Jones
the money in your account during
normal business hours Monday through
Friday, we suggest that you only            Florence Solt
withdraw the amount you need for
immediate use. If you need larger sums      Grace Zellner
of money for gifts or to reimburse your
family members for purchases made on
your behalf, we suggest that you            Elaine Hause
contact Financial Services to arrange for
payment by check. If you choose to
keep money and valuables in your            Joan Derr
room, we highly recommend that you
secure such items in the locked drawer      Norma Jamison
of your bedside cabinet. Keep your key
with you, or keep your key out of sight
in a safe place. As soon as you realize     Althea Bowman
that your money or property is missing,
it is important to report it immediately
to the Charge Nurse. Cedarbrook will        Joyce Schrammel
not assume responsibility for replacing
missing property kept by residents on       Donna Kokolis
their person or in their room. However,
we will take action to investigate, and
to try to recover your property if          Frank Weiser
possible. Finally, we ask that you help
us maintain a current inventory of your
personal property. Any property that
you purchase or receive during your
stay should be added to your Valuables
Received After Admission Form, includ-
ing a description of the property. This
information is essential when trying to
locate missing items.
July 2 021 * P ro gr a m s a re s ub j ec t t o c h an ge *
        B o l d e d p ro g r a m s a re i n a u d i t o r i u m

Sun          Mon                Tue                    Wed           Thu                Fri                  Sat
                                                                                                                                 JULY 2021

                                                                     1                  2                    3
                                                                     10 a.m.-11a.m.:    2 p.m.-3:30p.m.:     2:15 p.m.:
                                                                     Color and Chat     Pinochle             Chuck Rissmiller

4            5                  6                      7             8                  9                    10
2:15 p.m.:   2:15 p.m.:         2:15 p.m.: House       2:15 p.m.     10 a.m.-11 a.m.:   2 p.m.– 3:30 p.m.:   2:15 p.m.:
Church       Steve Walker       Bingo on Channel 22    Bible Study   Color and Chat     Pinochle             Barry Warren

11           12                 13                     14            15                 16                   17
2:15 p.m.:   2:15 p.m.:         2:15 p.m.: House       2;15 p.m.:    10 a.m.-11a.m.:    2p.m.-3:30p.m.:      2:15 p.m.:
Church       Resident Council   Bingo on Channel 22    Bible Study   Color and Chat     Pinochle             Patrice Hawthorne

18           19                 20                     21            22                 23                   24
2:15 p.m.:   2:15 p.m.:         2:15 p.m.: House       2:15 p.m.:    10 a.m.-11a.m.:    2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.:    2:15 p.m.:
Church       The Exes           Bingo on Channel 22    Bible Study   Color and Chat     Pinochle             Steve Pallack
                                                                                                                                 PAGE 17

25           26                 27                     28            29                 30                   31
2:15 p.m.:   2:15 p.m.:         2:15 p.m.:             2:15 p.m.:    10 a.m.-11 a.m.:   2 p.m.– 3:30 p.m.:   2:15 p.m.:
Church       Glen Kakowski      House Bingo on Chan-   Bible Study   Color and Chat     Pinochle             Pamm and Steve
             (Outside)          nel 22
JULY 2021                             PAGE 18

Madeline Barrett was born
and raised in New York.       Rose Gallo was a
She had one child. Maddie     dedicated house wife
worked at various places      whom cooked, gar-
including Hess’s and Ma-      dened, and cared for
cy’s. Maddie didn’t retire    her family. She al-
until she was 93 years old!   ways has a sense of
She is turning 100 this       humor even at age 99.
month and she is excited.     This July she will be
She loves to go shopping      celebrating her 100th
and talk with her friends     birthday.
and family.
County of Lehigh
Cedarbrook Nursing Homes
350 S. Cedarbrook Road
Allentown, PA 18104
You can also read