COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury - June 2020 - EY

Page created by Lance Davis
COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury - June 2020 - EY
COVID-19 impact on
corporate treasury
June 2020
COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury - June 2020 - EY
             What firms
                           How can EY
 Overview   are expected
             to do now?

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COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury - June 2020 - EY
Economic activity in India has slowed down as its billion-
plus population practices social distancing during the
third phase of the national lockdown to stem the spread
of COVID-19. As a result, companies are either currently
experiencing or anticipating significant constraints on cash
and working capital, including potential liquidity challenges.
Whilst the government and the Reserve         Depending on the industry, many
Bank of India (RBI) have taken various        companies will see lower revenue
initiatives to pump liquidity into the        resulting in less cash flow, along with
system most economists still see an           delayed receivables collection, as needs
economic contraction in FY ‘21. Cash          grow to step up funding to key suppliers
flow management will be crucial in the        to support the ecosystem. Companies
days and months ahead, as will the            should expect to become much nimbler in
speed at which the INR 20 trillion ($         managing inventory given the uncertainty
265 b) stimulus package from the Indian       in the supply chain. It will, in turn, place
government that was passed on May             demands on working capital.
12 starts to flow through the economy.
                                              This publication aims to capture some of
Responsibility of managing cash flows
                                              the pressing issues faced by corporate
often falls directly on finance and
                                              treasury and provides our perspectives
treasury departments during a crisis and
                                              on how best to address these challenges.
it is important that they are equipped with
real-time information through digital tools
to take decisions in a proactive manner.

                                                              COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury   3
COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury - June 2020 - EY
What firms are
                      expected to do now?
                      Now is the time for firms to test their incoming and outgoing
                      cash flows by bucketing them across maturity cycles
                      ranging from 30 days all the way to 120 days — similar to
                      how banks and NBFCs normally do to monitor their short-
                      term liquidity coverage ratio (LCR).
                      Firms will be expected to model worst-case scenarios and
                      downsides, including the impact of foreign exchange (FX)
                      and interest rate movements on the cash position — so that
                      they can act in a measured way. It is equally critical to know
                      the status of their cash and liquidity runway today, and what
                      they anticipate it will be during the next 90 to 120 days?

4   COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury
COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury - June 2020 - EY
1   Establish a robust short-term cash flow forecast and run multiple scenarios.

    Model your cash needs for the next 3 to 6              At the same time, explore different scenarios
    months at least. A robust forecast identifies          and what-if analyses, such as a drop in sales or a
    contraction trigger events and quantifies              reduction in cash collected, and be prepared to
    the impacts. Triggering events may include             revise them often. If you wait for the complete
    borrowing-base deterioration or a breach of loan       picture, you will be too late to take any corrective
    covenants. As a part of this exercise, determine       actions. Scenario planning gives management
    whether your existing processes and tools can          the confidence to make needed decisions and
    handle the demands to quickly quantify the             to shape communications about their response
    impacts. If not, this is the time to make process      strategy.
    improvements and look for opportunities to
    deploy digital solutions.

2   Understand minimum cash requirements.

    An assessment of available cash and liquidity          transfer pricing etc.). Identify the key cash flows
    headroom is important. Identify how much               that may be exposed. Awareness of cash reserves
    cash you have pan India or globally and where          or shortages, along with the liquidity position, will
    it is located. Assess if it is restricted or readily   be a starting point for identifying opportunities to
    available for use and identify the costs associated    protect and improve your cash position.
    with movement of cash (such as, dividend taxes,

3   Take appropriate actions to protect your financial position.

    Once companies understand their financial              opportunities to identify the financial and
    position, it is time to take action so they can (at    operational levers that can be pulled to conserve
    a minimum) address liquidity and working capital       and generate cash and potentially increase access
    requirements. This will typically involve assessing    to funding.

    Inflows: enhance efficiencies in cash collection process.
    • Use analytics to target and prioritize working       • Mine existing processes to assess customer
      capital levers, such as offering incentives            credit risk (Expected credit loss – ECL) in
      for earlier payment terms or reprioritizing            the current environment and determine any
      customer cash collections.                             required actions.

    Outflows: control the flow of outgoing payments.
    • Consider ways to minimize non-essential              • Implement proactive and accelerated cost
      outflows, such as discretionary spending, and          reduction initiatives that will have a cash
      defer capital expenditures.                            impact, such as reducing operating expenditure
                                                             including fixed and variable overheads and
    • Reassess payment priorities by reviewing
                                                             employee remuneration.
      vendor relationships to consider opportunities
      to hold or defer outflows.

                                                                         COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury   5
COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury - June 2020 - EY
Re-engineer the inventory to sales (cash cycle).
              • Assess critical raw material needs and risks to        and targets to control production.
                  manage supply options.
                                                                     • Critically evaluate new orders, adjust, cancel,
              • Recalibrate forecasts, replenishment triggers          or redeploy where possible.

              Deploy financial tools and enablers.
              • Ensure optimum cash principles are in place          • Use available credit facilities efficiently.
                  and accelerate repatriation of funds to reduce
                                                                     • Enable financing tactics and further leverage
                  cash being locked up in foreign subsidiaries or
                                                                       the balance sheet, such as supply chain
                  operations due to local regulatory restrictions.
                                                                       financing solutions.

    4         Establish a central point of control, visibility and communications.

              Companies can consider setting up a central            any crisis will disrupt the ways that cash moves
              program management office (PMO) to help ensure         across the enterprise and then prepare for it. In
              consistency in managing the impact of COVID-19         some cases, this may warrant a cash conservation
              and to rapidly respond to the range of operational     office that controls expenditures.
              and financial issues as they arise. Recognize that

    5         Develop back-up plans for accounting and related back office operations workforce.

              Accounting services need special consideration          Where the firms financial accounting and
              in an overall workforce action plan for COVID-19.      reporting is performed in-house they may need
              It is crucial to maintain the ability to collect and   to determine the extent of staffing required
              pay invoices during a crisis. Some companies           to perform such activities remotely. Some
              may prefer to outsource these activities. Other        companies are currently testing whether they are
              companies manage accounting in-house locally or        able to close the books and process transactions
              through a shared services model. If the severity of    remotely with staff working from home.
              COVID-19 continues, firms will need to consider
              contingency plan to perform their back-office
              operations remote.

6   COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury
How can EY help?
We have included below some of the typical challenges
a firm may face in the short term and have provided our
perspectives on how to best support them:

                                        COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury   7
#            Typical challenges                How EY can help                            Outputs

       A) Accounting

       1.       Absence of any risk         • We will review the terms of your            • Documented hedge
                management techniques         imports, exports and overseas                 accounting policies.
                (hedging including hedge      borrowings and suggest suitable
                                                                                          • Model journal entries
                accounting) being applied     hedging techniques including the
                                                                                            with impact on
                towards your import and       required hedge accounting for IRS,
                                                                                            financial statements.
                export transactions and       CCS, and FRAs to mitigate the risk of
                overseas borrowings.          severe volatilities in interest rates, Fx
                                              and commodity prices.

       B) Process

       2.       Lack of treasury            • Based on our experience, we can             • Well defined treasury
                governance framework          leverage on best practices to                 governance framework
                including inadequate          establish a robust liquidity framework        along with terms
                investment policies           effectively marrying the expectations         of reference of the
                                              of the C- Suite and finance and               finance and treasury
                                              treasury function as an integrated            committee
                                                                                          • Documented
                                            • We will support you in documenting            investment policy that
                                              customized investment policies                is in line with best
                                              and strategy to facilitate efficient          practices.
                                              and consistent decision making
                                              in investment matters including
                                              measures to diversify concentration
                                              risk across banking deposits and
                                              other corporate investments.

       3.       Absence of an end to        • We will review the firm’s business          • End to end process
                end view by the treasury      model to understand the sources of            maps along with key
                function of all sources       cash inflows and outflows including           financial controls
                of cash flow originations     the extent of documentation and
                from the business             obtain an understanding of the roles
                                              and responsibilities of the treasurer
                                              and his interface with the CFO and
                                              the heads of businesses including the

       C) Oversight

       4.       Lack of working capital     • Based on our understanding of the           • Detailed scenario
                management                    firms’ contractual pay-out obligations        analysis document
                                              and receipts from customers, we will          covering stress tests
                                              provide potential scenarios covering          on liquidity
                                              further stress and break-even that
                                              firms could consider including the
                                              impact of their decision on finance,
                                              people, operations and reputation of
                                              their business.

8   COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury
#       Typical challenges                    How EY can help                                 Outputs

5.   Lack of discipline in fully   • We will review a sample contractual           • Suggested course of
     optimizing contractual          agreement that you commonly enter                 actions you should
     terms with suppliers and        with your supplier and customer                   take based on our
     customers in bolstering         and suggest definitive plans to help              recommendations
     cash position                   bolster your cash position.

6.   Absence of a smart            • We will suggest suitable easy to              • We will understand
     invoicing system to             implement technological solutions                 your invoicing process
     expedite the invoicing          to expedite your invoicing life                   and suggest changes
     cycle                           cycle from generation, delivery to                to ensure invoices are
                                     payments                                          generated quickly and
                                                                                       more efficiently.

7.   Absence of cash pooling       • Based on our experience in cash               • A document outlining
     approach within group           pooling, we will provide you with                 our approach to cash
     companies to use the            suitable approaches and solutions                 pooling for your
     collective power and            to leverage subsidiaries with surplus             group based on our
     liquidity surplus of each       cash to provide liquidity injections              understanding of the
     of its subsidiaries.            to cash starved entities on a near                way cash is held across
                                     term basis. We will also support in               your group.
                                     leveraging the power of the group
                                     company to collectively negotiate on
                                     the liquidity lines from the banking

8.   Lack of application of        • As the owner of corporate treasury            • Treasury analytics
     any data analytics into         functions and with increased                      dashboards
     the transactional cash          reporting obligations and oversight               considering the top
     inflows and outflows            due to regulatory changes                         KPIs for investments,
     that forms the core of          (CARO-2020) we will assess the                    debt management,
     treasury.                       quality/ availability of information              liquidity monitoring
                                     and identify GAPS and propose                     with respect to cash
                                     technology-based solutions to                     credits/OD and the
                                     address these GAPS. We will leverage              specific requirements
                                     our in-house treasury analytics                   of CARO as outlined in
                                     capabilities that are developed                   the previous column.
                                     keeping in mind the top KPIs for
                                     investments (tracking performance),
                                     debt (long term and short-term
                                     borrowings) and Liquidity (monitor
                                     cash balances, OD/CC and idle
                                     balances etc).

                                                                        COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury   9
#            Typical challenges                 How EY can help                            Outputs

                                             Our solutions can include
                                             a. Real time dashboard which provide
                                                visibility on borrowing limits/ expo-
                                                sure to various currieries/ borrowing
                                                costs and hedging costs
                                             b. Compliance with financial covenants,
                                                which can also monitor compliances
                                                across the world
                                             c. Automate submissions to bankers
                                                directly from the books of accounts
                                             d. On real time basis, analyze the bank
                                                book and provide fund flow analysis
                                                which can also be mapped to bud-
                                                geted cashflows- stress tests can also
                                                be build.

      This publication contains information in a summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only.
      It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Neither
      Ernst & Young Associates LLP nor any other member of the global Ernst & Young organization can accept any
      responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in
      this publication. This publication is subject to independence and regulatory restrictions applicable to our audit
      clients and therefore requires prior approval through consultations. Further, on any specific matter, reference
      should be made to the appropriate advisor.

10   COVID-19 impact on corporate treasury
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