Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on

Page created by Denise Jacobs
Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
Effective communication
     during the Corona crisis
      Impact of the Corona pandemic on
           the German TV market
               (Stocktaking 16th April)
                  Düsseldorf, April 2020

Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
01   TV Performance Development

     Content        Impact of Corona on program
               02   planning and production companies

               03   Summary & Conclusion

Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
01   TV Performance Development

     Content        Impact of Corona on program
               02   planning and production companies

               03   Summary & Conclusion

Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
The current situation
causes people to                                            Free time in the pandemic is strongly limited to
spend a lot of time in
their homes.                                                                 the own 4 walls

                                                                  I avoid bars, pubs or clubs.                                                                                        88%

                                  I visit fewer restaurants, cafés or snack bars.                                                                                               83%

                                                        I leave the house/flat less often.                                                                 74%

                         Question: And in what way has the Corona virus changed your way of life? For each statement, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with it.
                         Base: All respondents, n=1,490.

44                                                                                        Source: mScience Spotlight COVID-19: How is consumer life changing?
                                                                                          Survey period 20-24.3.2020 | Excerpts
Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
According to the AGF, the viewing time increased significantly in
all target groups.

       TP 3+              M 20-49              F 20-49                TP 20-39                          Kids 3-13                             TP 14-19

     Ø 249 Min            Ø 171 Min            Ø 185 Min                 Ø 139 Min                            Ø 84 Min                            Ø 66 Min
     Index 117 vs. 2019   Index 120 vs. 2019   Index 112 vs. 2019       Index 110 vs. 2019                  Index 148 vs. 2019                 Index 128 vs. 2019

55                                                                  Average daily viewing time in the period CW 12-CW 15 2020, Index vs. 2019Source Videoscope | AGF
                                                                    GfK data
Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
TV reaches more
people: weekly
reach increased                            Index                            TP 14+ | Net reach
                                                                       Index vs. previous year week

While in the first 10 weeks of the year,   115
                                                                                                                                              111       110      110
the total weekly reach of all TV
advertising blocks averaged 97 vs. the
previous year, it initially increased      105                                                        101       101
drastically with the beginning of the
contact ban.                               100

                                                             99           99                                                                                                 100
                                                        97        97                98        98                                     97
In Easter week (CW 15) the reach is                90                                                                      96
currently at the previous year's level,
which is still above the normal
development of the first weeks.

A renewed increase after the holidays is
also expected.
                                                   W1   W2   W3   W4      W5        W6       W7        W8        W9       W10       W11       W12       W13       W14         W15

                                                                                                   Ø Channel                                                                 week

66                                                                     AGF/GfK advertising block level, TA 01-30, 06-01 o'clock; change in reach Ø channel on the basis of
                                                                       result per individual channel, weighted with the channel's reach
Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
Easter despite
beautiful weather
however also with                                Index viewing time
increased viewing                             Easter 2020 vs. Easter 2019
time compared to    140
the previous year         121                     119                               122






                           Good Friday             Easter Saturday                      Easter Sunday                     Easter Monday

                                         TP 14+       M 20-49           F 20-49         TP 20-39         TP 14-19

77                                        AGF/GfK advertising block level, TA 01-30, 06-01 o'clock; TV total = all channels included unweighted;
                                          Reach change of the Ø channels based on the result per individual channel, weighted with the
                                          reach of the channel
Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
The feelings in the
current situation
fluctuate between                                             Thoughts about the Cornonavirus create mixed
concern and hope -                                                               feelings
confidence and fear
                                                                     Sorge                                                                                   63%

                                                                      Hope                                                                  50%

                                                         Confidence                                                                   44%

                                                                 Sadness                                                         40%

                                                             Frustration                                                       36%

                                                                        Fear                                                   36%

                      Question: To what extent do the following feelings apply to you when you think about the Corona virus?
                      Base: All respondents, n=1,490.

88                                                                                      Source mScience Spotlight COVID-19: How is consumer life changing?
                                                                                        Survey period 20-24.3.2020 | Excerpts
Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
...resulting in an increased need for information, but also a need for
distraction and entertainment.

                                      At the beginning of the
                                         crisis, the need for
                                    information was dominant.

                                  17%         24%                   59%
         Entertainment-oriented                                                      Information-oriented

99                                               Question: How would you describe your current media use?
                                                 Basis: All respondents, n=1,490.
Effective communication during the Corona crisis - #10 Impact of the Corona pandemic on
TV serves both needs equally

                                           0%        10%      20%         30%        40%         50%        60%         70%          80%     90%     100%

                                  News 2%                  30%                                                    65%                                3%

     Special reports on the Corona crisis 2%              26%                                                63%                                   9%
                                                                                                                                                                  Information & education
                        Documentation 3%                                       63%                                                   26%            8%

                                 Movies 4%                                         68%                                                 22%          6%

                                  Series    4%                                   63%                                             22%               10%

                             Magazines      5%                            51%                                     17%                      27%

                             Talk Shows     5%                         45%                                 17%                         33%

                   Advice programmes        5%                                 57%                                      15%                  23%

                         Casting Shows       7%                     35%                     5%                                 53%                              Entertainment & distraction
                          Reality Shows      7%                  30%                  4%                                 59%

                            Quiz shows       7%                                 55%                                  9%                    29%

                   Entertainment shows          8%                        42%                          7%                            42%

                           Sports shows               26%                                  36%                   4%                    35%

                              Fewer        Unchanged                 More frequently                    I do not use

                                           Question: To what extent has the use of the following TV content changed for you?
                                           Basis: respondents who watch television or use media libraries, n=1,462.

                                                                                                                                Source mScience Spotlight COVID-19: How is consumer life changing?
                                                                                                                                Survey period March 20-24, 2020
This is also reflected in the top 10 programmes - with the focus
shifting more to entertainment

       TP 14+
                                  KW 12                                KW 13                                    KW 14                                      KW 15

        RG      Sender   Program/Break     RW in Mio   Sender   Program/Break      RW in Mio   Sender   Program/Break          RW in Mio   Sender   Program/Break        RW in Mio
                                                                                                                                                    SARAH KOHR -
        1       ARD      TAGESSCHAU            12,13   ARD      TAGESSCHAU             10,77   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                 10,84   ZDF                                8,52
                         TATORT: NIEMALS                        TATORT: KRIEG IM                        TATORT: DIE ZEIT IST                        MARIE BRAND UND
        2       ARD                            10,98   ARD                              9,42   ARD                                  9,51   ZDF                                8,17
                         OHNE MICH                              KOPF                                    GEKOMMEN                                    DIE LIEBE ZU VIERT
        3       ARD      TAGESSCHAU             9,37   ARD      TAGESSCHAU              8,65   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                  7,67   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                7,93
                         ANSPRACHE DER
        4       ZDF                             8,67   ARD      TAGESSCHAU              7,87   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                  7,61   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                7,79
                         ARD EXTRA: DIE                                                                 IN WAHRHEIT: STILL
        5       ARD                             8,52   ARD      TAGESSCHAU              7,68   ZDF                                  7,11   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                7,31
                         CORONA-LAGE                                                                    RUHT DER SEE
                         ARD EXTRA: DIE                         NORD NORD MORD -                        DIE TOTEN VON                               TATORT: SUMM,
        6       ARD                             8,02   ZDF                              7,55   ZDF                                  6,73   ARD                                7,27
                         CORONA-LAGE                            SIEVERS UND DIE                         SALZBURG - WOLF IM                          SUMM, SUMM
                                                                ARD EXTRA: DIE
        7       ARD      TAGESSCHAU             7,90   ARD                              7,35   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                  6,72   ZDF      SOKO WISMAR               7,10
                                                                                                        ARD EXTRA: DIE                              ARD EXTRA: DIE
        8       ZDF      WETTER                 7,82   ARD      TAGESSCHAU              7,13   ARD                                  6,59   ARD                                7,09
                                                                                                        CORONA-LAGE                                 CORONA-LAGE
                                                                ARD EXTRA: DIE
        9       ARD      TAGESSCHAU             7,49   ARD                              7,10   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                  6,53   ZDF      HEUTE JOURNAL             6,79
        10      ARD      TAGESSCHAU             7,33   ZDF      UNTER VERDACHT          6,99   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                  6,47   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                6,66

                Corona Special

11                                                                                         AGF GfK data, programme reach, period of time KW 12-15 2020, all programmes between 6-1 pm
The young target group in particular is increasingly watching
entertainment programmes - shows, films and series.

     TP 14-19

                                   KW 12                                          KW 13                                          KW 14                                          KW 15
      RG        Sender   Program/Break            RW in Mio    Sender   Program/Break            RW in Mio    Sender   Program/Break            RW in Mio    Sender   Program/Break               RW in Mio
                         GERMANY'S NEXT                                 GERMANY'S NEXT                                 GERMANY'S NEXT
      1         PRO7                                    0,25   PRO7                                    0,39   PRO7                                    0,38   SAT.1    FACK JU GÖHTE 3                  0,46
                         TOPMODEL - BY HEIDI KLUM                       TOPMODEL - BY HEIDI KLUM                       TOPMODEL - BY HEIDI KLUM
                                                                                                                                                                      GERMANY'S NEXT
      2         PRO7     STAR WARS: DIE LETZTEN JEDI    0,20   PRO7     THE MASKED SINGER              0,21   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                     0,21   PRO7                                      0,21
                                                                                                                                                                      TOPMODEL - BY HEIDI KLUM
                                                                                                                       DEUTSCHLAND SUCHT DEN
      3         PRO7     THE MANDALORIAN                0,19   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                     0,16   RTL      SUPERSTAR - DAS GROSSE         0,20   PRO7     DEADPOOL 2                       0,21
                                                                                                                       40 JAHRE 'VERSTEHEN SIE                        PROMIS UNTER PALMEN -
      4         PRO7     THE MASKED SINGER              0,19   PRO7     SUICIDE SQUAD                  0,15   ARD      SPAß?' - DIE GROßE             0,17   SAT.1    FÜR GELD MACHE ICH               0,21
                                                                                                                       GEBURTSTAGSSHOW                                ALLES!
      5         SAT.1    SAT.1 WETTER                   0,17   SAT.1    THE VOICE KIDS                 0,15   SAT.1    THE VOICE KIDS                 0,15   SAT.1    SAT.1 WETTER                     0,20

                                                                                                                       HARRY POTTER UND DER                           HARRY POTTER UND DER
      6         RTL      DER LEHRER                     0,17   SAT.1    ZOOMANIA                       0,15   SAT.1                                   0,15   SAT.1                                     0,17
                                                                                                                       GEFANGENE VON ASKABAN                          ORDEN DES PHÖNIX
                         HARRY POTTER UND DIE                                                                                                                         PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN:
      7         SAT.1                                   0,16   PRO7     RED.                           0,14   PRO7     RED.                           0,15   PRO7                                      0,16
                         KAMMER DES SCHRECKENS                                                                                                                        SALAZARS RACHE
                                                                                                                       PROMIS UNTER PALMEN -
      8         VOX      ANT-MAN                        0,16   SAT.1    THE BIGGEST LOSER              0,14   SAT.1    FÜR GELD MACHE ICH             0,14   SAT.1    SAT.1 NACHRICHTEN                0,16
                         HARRY POTTER UND DER                                                                                                                         HARRY POTTER UND DER
      9         SAT.1                                   0,15   ARD      TAGESSCHAU                     0,14   RTL      LET' S DANCE                   0,13   SAT.1                                     0,14
                         STEIN DER WEISEN                                                                                                                             FEUERKELCH
                         ANSPRACHE DER
      10        ZDF                                     0,15   VOX      DIE HÖHLE DER LÖWEN            0,14   RTL ZWEI BERLIN - TAG & NACHT           0,13   SAT.1    THE VOICE KIDS                   0,13

                Corona Special

12                                                                                                       AGF GfK data, programme reach, period of time KW 12-15 2020, all programmes between 6-1 pm
The top environments over Easter also show a mixture of news, films
and shows

                                         TP 14+                                                             TP 14-19                                                       Men 20-49
          Station   Date         Program/Break                   Reach Mio    Station   Date         Program/Break                  Reach Mio    Station   Date         Program/Break                  Reach Mio
     1    ZDF       11.04.2020   MARIE BRAND & DIE LIEBE ZU 4.         8,17   SAT.1     10.04.2020   FACK JU GÖHTE 3                      0,46   SAT.1     10.04.2020   FACK JU GÖHTE 3                      1,10
     2    ARD       12.04.2020   TAGESSCHAU                            7,93   PRO7      12.04.2020   DEADPOOL 2                           0,21   ARD       12.04.2020   TAGESSCHAU                           1,06
     3    ARD       10.04.2020   TAGESSCHAU                            7,79   SAT.1     10.04.2020   SAT.1 WETTER                         0,20   ARD       11.04.2020   TAGESSCHAU                           1,02
                                                                                                     HARRY POTTER: ORDEN DES
     4    ARD       11.04.2020   TAGESSCHAU                            7,31   SAT.1     11.04.2020                                        0,17   PRO7      12.04.2020   DEADPOOL 2                           0,99
     5    ARD       12.04.2020   TATORT: SUMM, SUMM, SUMM              7,27   PRO7      10.04.2020   PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 5           0,16   ARD       10.04.2020   TAGESSCHAU                           0,95
     6    ARD       11.04.2020   ANSPRACHE BUNDESPRAESIDENT            6,38   SAT.1     10.04.2020   SAT.1 NACHRICHTEN                    0,16   RTL       12.04.2020   JUMANJI: WILLK. IM DSCHUNGEL         0,86
     7    ZDF       10.04.2020   DER ALTE                              6,25   SAT.1     10.04.2020   HARRY POTTER: FEUERKELCH             0,14   ARD       11.04.2020   ANSPRACHE BUNDESPRAESIDENT           0,74
     8    ZDF       12.04.2020   DAS TRAUMSCHIFF                       6,17   SAT.1     12.04.2020   THE VOICE KIDS                       0,13   PRO7      10.04.2020   PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 5           0,73
     9    ARD       12.04.2020   TAGESTHEMEN                           5,51   ARD       11.04.2020   ANSPRACHE BUNDESPRAESIDENT           0,12   PRO7      12.04.2020   JOHN WICK                            0,66
     10   ZDF       10.04.2020   HEUTE / WETTER                        5,40   ARD       11.04.2020   KLEIN GEGEN GROß - DUELL             0,12   PRO7      11.04.2020   MARVEL'S THE AVENGERS                0,63
     11   ARD       11.04.2020   KLEIN GEGEN GROß - DUELL              5,39   ARD       10.04.2020   TAGESSCHAU                           0,12   ARD       12.04.2020   TATORT: SUMM, SUMM, SUMM             0,59
     12   ZDF       10.04.2020   ÜBER LAND                             5,20   PRO7      11.04.2020   MARVEL'S THE AVENGERS                0,12   RTL       12.04.2020   TOMB RAIDER                          0,57
     13   ZDF       11.04.2020   HEUTE                                 5,18   ARD       11.04.2020   TAGESSCHAU                           0,11   PRO7      11.04.2020   CAPTAIN AMERICA: 1. AVENGER          0,55
     14   ZDF       12.04.2020   HEUTE JOURNAL / WETTER                5,05   ARD       12.04.2020   TAGESSCHAU                           0,11   PRO7      10.04.2020   MAD MAX: FURY ROAD                   0,55
     15   ZDF       12.04.2020   HEUTE / WETTER                        4,67   SAT.1     11.04.2020   SAT.1 WETTER                         0,11   RTL ZWEI 11.04.2020    DAS LEBEN DES BRIAN                  0,51
     16   SAT.1     10.04.2020   FACK JU GÖHTE 3                       4,51   SAT.1     10.04.2020   BIG BROTHER                          0,10   RTL       10.04.2020   RTL AKTUELL                          0,47
     17   ZDF       11.04.2020   DIE BERGRETTER                        4,24   RTL       12.04.2020   JUMANJI: WILLK. IM DSCHUNGEL         0,10   RTL       10.04.2020   RTL AKTUELL - DAS WETTER             0,46
     18   ARD       10.04.2020   DER ÜBERLÄUFER                        4,19   PRO7      12.04.2020   JOHN WICK                            0,10   RTL ZWEI 11.04.2020    DIE RITTER DER KOKOSNUSS             0,44
     19   ZDF       11.04.2020   WETTER                                4,15   PRO7      10.04.2020   THOR                                 0,09   PRO7      10.04.2020   THOR                                 0,44
     20   ZDF       12.04.2020   TERRA X: DAS ALTE ÄGYPTEN             3,91   ARD       11.04.2020   TAGESTHEMEN                          0,09   VOX       12.04.2020   AB INS BEET! DIE GARTEN-SOAP         0,43

13                                                                                                           AGF GfK data, programme reach, period of time 10.-13.4.2020, all programmes between 6-1 pm
Only the sports channels are losing due to the current situation vs.
   the previous year - especially n-tv and Welt are gaining
   enormously. Looking at the absolute reach, of course the "big"
   channels continue to win.
    Ø Index                                                                                                                                                                     Ø weekly.
vs previous year                                                                                                                                                                 reach

                                                Ø weekly reach per channel | CW 12-15 2020 | TP 14+
       250                                                                                                                                                                       60,0

       200                                                                                                                                                                       50,0

                   155 147                                                                                                                                                       40,0
       150   316
                             123 122 121 119 118 115 114
                                                         113 113 113 112 110 110 108 107 106 105 104                                                                             30,0
                                                                                                     103 101 100 96                                  96
       100                                                                                                                                                  85
                                                                                                                                                                  61             20,0
       50                                                                                                                                                                  35

        0                                                                                                                                                                        0,0

                                                    Index vs. previous year      average weekyl reach in %

                                                                              Source: Videoscope, AGF GfK Daten, RW 6-1 o'clock, Panel D+EU incl. delayed usage | values
                                                                              simple average of the weeks 12-15 2020, index vs. previous year
In the young segment, the order of the "winners" changes a bit. But
also here, n-tv and WELT are able to gain quite a lot compared to
last year. With their formats, Pro7, Sat.1, RTL and VOX achieve the
highest reach in the target group.

     Ø Index
 vs previous year                                                                                                                                                               Ø weekly.
                                                   Ø weekly reach per channel | CW 12-15 2020 | TP 14-19
      250                                                                                                                                                                        60,0
                           216 213
      200                                192 192                                                                                                                                 50,0
                                                   179 174 174 172
               365                                                 169
                                                                         160 157
                                                                                 149 143                                                                                         40,0
                     274                                                                   121 120 118 114
                                                                                                           112 109 106                                                           30,0
                                                                                                                                         97     97
                                                                                                                                                      73     69                  20,0
       50                                                                                                                                                                 35

         0                                                                                                                                                                       0,0

                                                         Index vs. previous year      average weekly reach in %

                                                                                   Source: Videoscope, AGF GfK Daten, RW 6-1 o'clock, Panel D+EU incl. delayed usage | values
                                                                                   simple average of the weeks 12-15 2020, index vs. previous year
children's channels
have also seen
growth - on
average, more                           Reach Index vs. previous year
children are sitting in
front of the television
screen for longer.
                          Sky Network                                                           117                  Kids 3-13
                             Channel                                                                                        Ø
                                                                                                                      Viewing Time
                                 Nick                        105                                                        Index 148
                                                                                                                               vs. 2019

                            Super RTL                  103

                                          Reach index vs. previous year

16                                             Source: Videoscope, AGF GfK Daten, RW TA 12, Panel D+EU incl. delayed usage | values simple
                                               average of the weeks 12-15 2020, index vs. previous year
And not only "classic" TV is recording growth,
                                streaming services are also benefiting.

      This applies not only to the       The offerings of ADA and      Especially providers like DAZN,
      ad-free offers. Disney+, for      SOM (TVNOW & JOYN) also        who of course have problems
         example, which were            reported increased growth.      without up-to-date football
       launched with enormous                                             content, have to suffer.
        success during this crisis              According to
     phase. According to DWDL,          SevenOneMedia, JOYN, for        Current subscriber numbers
       Disney+ already reaches          example, shows a significant    were not available from the
          more than 50 million           increase in usage in recent             provider.
             subscribers.                          weeks.

01   TV Performance Development

     Content        Impact of Corona on program
               02   planning and production companies

               03   Summary & Conclusion

Program planning and
     production companies struggle
     with the impact of Corona

     The regulations of the contact ban also
     apply to TV and film productions.
     This results in different challenges for the
     production of the TV formats.
     What are these and what could the
     impact be in the medium term?

New formats emerge and in some cases disappear again quickly,
information and support characterize the TV-stations’ strategies

The quarantine WG | RTL   Corona Special Trucker   10 minute Berlin day and       Information shows about
was only 3 days on air    Babes | Kabel1 planned   night special | RTL2 already   Corona are on the program
                                                   produced                       every day.
                                                                                  The Tv-stations also support
                                                                                  the campaign
                                                                                  #wirbliebenzuhause and
                                                                                  have launched their own

Nevertheless, the impact on programmes and productions is given
and also strongly depends on the type of shows

     01                    02                 03                04

     Impact on the         Influence on the   Stop production   Financial aspects
     realization / setup   type of            of formats by     e.g. through
     of the program -      production, the    Corona, e.g.      extended
     e.g. for shows        work of the        time-consuming    payment terms
                                              film shooting
                           production                           (see
                           companies and      And loss of       ProSiebenSat1)
                           editors and the    content, e.g.
                           effort in the      football
                           background, e.g.
                           daily soaps

1. Impact on the production |
Shows without audience

Shows, such as "Let's Dance" or
"Wer wird Millionär" on RTL are
produced without an
In the case of WWM this means
the elimination of the audience
"Germany's Next Top Mode"l is
also affected, the final was
Pro7 "The Masked Singers" was
discontinued because of a
direct case of corona infection.
Now it's on air again without
any audience - the applause in
the background comes from
the tape.

1. Impact on the production|
distance regulations and home
office switches

In talk shows, there is not only
no audience, but the distance
between the guests is
extended to 2m.

The broadcastings | Switch by
mobile phone camera from the
"home office" are also
increasing significantly. The
show "Sendung mit der Maus",
for example, is currently being
produced as such.
This is not a local phenomenon,
but is lived globally. US talk
show hosts like Jimmy Kimmel,
for example, broadcast
cameras from their own homes
via mobile phone and connect
guests in this way.

2. Impact on production & effort
in the background| guests and
crew are limited

Due to the limited travel
possibilities, the possible on-site
guests are limited to local
people. Nobody is flown in

Also the crew on site during
productions has to be reduced
in order to comply with the
distance regulations.
Make-up artists are partly or
entirely dispensed or have to
wear masks and gloves.
The use of microphone fishing
rods is increased, so that no
personal contact is necessary
to plug in the microphone.
Everything is sanitized

2. Impact on production & effort
in the background| rewriting
scripts and technical tricks

Where possible, the broadcasters
and production companies keep
the productions running.
In order not to endanger the
actors, it is often necessary to
change the scripts!
So kiss scenes are no longer
realizable. To integrate them
nevertheless, producers work with
camera tricks to suggest a kiss
In order to counteract a shooting
failure due to a corona infection,
productions keep whole
replacement teams ready in the
background to pre-produce a
parallel thematic strand of a show
and thus enable further
All this additional work also entails
additional financial expenses.

3. Suspension of productions|
corona infections &

Due to a corona infection, for
example, the show "Grill den
Hensler" was initially
discontinued.                    Production stop

The productions of RTL daily
Soaps have also been stopped.
The music live show "DIE
PASSION" planned by RTL for
Easter could not be realised.

ZDF has also declared a
complete stop of all in-house
productions, e.g. "ZDF
Fernsehgarten", but also daily
soaps like "Rote Rosen".

3. Setting of productions|
complex shooting and contact

The ARD has currently stopped
production of the "Tatort". The
production cannot be realized
under the current conditions:
outside shooting in public places
is not possible, a distance of at
least 2m cannot be guaranteed,

Not only local production
companies have this problem, but
also large US suppliers.

The Gala of the German
Television Award, "Deutscher
Fernsehpreis" has also been
And "Rosin's Restaurants" was
taken off air by Kabel 1 due to the
current situation of the catering

4. Financial aspects | extended
payment terms & additional

The above-mentioned expenditure
also entails additional costs for
production companies and
Which, as some broadcasting formats
have been discontinued, can
certainly continue to produce.
At the same time, ProSiebenSat.1
Media SE has extended its payment
terms to 90 days, which can be
problematic for some production
companies, as they have to pay in
advance for productions.
The good news: Pro7Sat.1 wants to
give preference to smaller companies
(according to DWDL) and help is to
come from other sources.
However, the situation also poses a
financial challenge for all market
participants, which is exacerbated by   For more own flexibility
the loss of advertising revenues.
                                        ProSiebenSat.1 raises payment term to three months

28                                      Quelle DWDL
But what does this      First good news is that so far no life-threatening
                             diseases are known.
     mean for the
     program?                The second good news is that so far, the TV-
                             stations have been able to maintain their
                             programming as far as possible.
     Future and current?     The produced episodes of most series will last for
                             some time. Where they don't, they will help
     Will the TV-stations    themselves with reruns - sometimes this is already
                             the case. The longer the crisis lasts, the more
     be able to maintain     short-term and flexible the broadcasters will
     their offer, which is   have to react with their programming and resort
     so important            to stock material.

     especially in the       Film productions, both local and global, will be
     crisis?                 cancelled for the time being. Another exciting
                             aspect will be the final decision on how to deal
                             with the matches of the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga.
                             If the matches are implemented without
                             audience participation, the TV stations will have
                             a huge audience.
                             In the medium term, the loss of advertising funds
                             for broadcasters and production companies -
                             not only locally - will become an increasing
                             financial threat.

01   TV Performance Development

     Content        Impact of Corona on program
               02   planning and production companies

               03   Summary & Conclusion


     The performance of the TV stations is better than it has been for a long time -
     the reach of the last few weeks is significantly higher than last year.
     Not only small stations, news environments, children's stations, but also the big
     TV stations and well-known top environments are performing very well.
     The hard-to-reach segment of teenagers | young adults, but also of children,
     is currently watching a lot of TV.In principle, this creates an opportunity for
     advertisers to use this reach for themselves.

     TV has an important role to play in the crisis - in addition to information,
     television offers a refuge in distraction, a possibility for shared "campfire
     moments". Broadcasters and production companies are meeting the
     challenges in a creative way and are investing in programme maintenance
     and design wherever possible.
     Some productions and broadcasts - such as sports and major film productions
     - are currently not globally viable. The additional financial challenges are
     being met by sharply declining advertising budgets.

                  The longer the Corona crisis | the ban on
                  contact continues, the greater the impact on
                  programme diversity (no new episodes for series,
                  no new footage...)
                  Increased costs combined with declining
                  advertising revenues pose a financial threat to
                  broadcasters and production companies.
                  The Corona crisis thus poses a medium-term
                  threat to the medium TV | video, which is so
                  important for all of us.
                  Advertisers who are able to use the power for
                  their campaigns in the current situation will not
                  only benefit from the high usage and reach, but
                  will also support the TV landscape in its struggle
                  in the current situation.
                  As an agency, we are aware that each of our
                  clients is also struggling with individual conditions
                  and challenges. Based on this, we develop
                  individual recommendations for each of them.

Please stay healthy, everyone.
     and take good care of yourself.

And if you need help - no matter what topic
     - please do not hesitate to contact your
     MediaCom team.

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