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Globus An International Journal of Management & IT
                                                                            A Refereed Research Journal
                                                    Vol 13 / No 1 / Jul-Dec 2021        ISSN: 0975-721X
                                                 Ashish Singh
Paper Received: 09.08.2021 / Paper Accepted: 04.09.2021 / Paper Published: 05.09.2021
Corresponding Author: Ashish Singh; Email:; doi:10.46360/globus.mgt.120212002

                     Abstract                                Introduction
  Training is the set of activities carried out in           Training is a process of learning a defined or
  the organization to enhance the knowledge,                 programmed behavior. It helps in bringing a
  skill and attitude of the participants or                  positive change in the existing KSA (Knowledge,
  employees by providing them with                           Skills, and Attitude) of the employees. It helps to
  instructions and information to perform                    bridge the gap between what employee has and
  specific tasks. It is used to bridges the current          what the job demands. Almost all organizations
  job requirements and the current job                       conduct training in order to improve the existing
  specification of the employees. According to               performance level of their employees or train
  Training Magazine’s 2020 Industry Training                 employees to follow a sequence of programmed
  Report, the average company in the U.S. spent              behavior like following the rule or policies defined
  $ 1,111 per employee [1]. Considering the                  in the employee handbook. These behaviors are
  time, energy, capital and other resources it               helpful for the company to achieve competitive
  becomes important for any organization to                  advantage in the industry and the employee is able
  evaluate their training programs and determine             to update themselves continuously with the current
  how does it affect the performance and                     demand of the job. Also, giving training to the
  behavior of its employees. This study is aimed             employees within an organization make the
  to determine the factors that affect the online            employees believe that their organization actually
  training’s training effectiveness and the                  cares for their individual development and makes
  perception of the employees towards these                  them more committed to the organization, this also
  factors. A survey questionnaire was used to                is followed by a higher job satisfaction within the
  gather data on questions pertaining to different           employees. After imparting the training to the
  factors that might affect the training                     employees, it is important that the effectiveness of
  effectiveness.      The     questionnaire    was           training is measured. Training effectiveness defines
  circulated to 140 potential respondents, out of            the extent to which the training has enhanced the
  which 86 responded to the survey i.e. 61%                  individual employee’s performance, ability or
  response rate. The results of the survey                   behavior in the organization. Many organizations
  suggests that majority of the respondents had a            has their focus on the training outcome they seek
  perception that the five factors derived through           and accordingly design the training content,
  factor analysis impact their training                      ignoring other factors that might impact the
  effectiveness in the online training. This                 training’s effectiveness or factors that employees
  research would therefore help the trainers to              perceives as important to impact the overall
  design their training in a manner that the                 effectiveness. Considering the new normal that has
  trainees feel confident enough about the                   begun after the onset of Covid-19, companies have
  training effectiveness.                                    been forced to train its employees via online
                                                             platforms and thus it becomes all the more
  Keywords: Training, Effectiveness, Training                important to incorporate the trainee’s perception in
  Effectiveness, KSA.                                        the process. In our study we have focused on the
                                                             online training’s training effectiveness and derived
                                                             constructs from several different factors that could
                                                             impact individual’s training effectiveness through
                                                             primary survey.

                                                             Literature Review
                                                             According to there is a need for
                                                             training when employees do not perform as
                                                             expected by the employer [2].

                                                             SLT (Social Learning Theory) appears to be the
                                                             best theory that applies to global and domestic
                                                             training contexts. Carlson & Bozeman, 2000
*Management Trainee, Pune Institute of Business Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
developed an analysis of the individual’s impact on          Some subject matter experts have also listed the
training motivation. They stated several                     data privacy and security as an important aspect of
implications for managers-                                   e-learning or online learning [11].
• Individual-level influences training motivation.
• The trainers have an external influence on self-           Other researcher has also found that Attitude,
     efficacy and motivation of the trainees.                curriculum, motivation, technology and training
                                                             have an impact on online classes [12]. Three
There is a contrast of training impact with the work         variables (attitude, motivation and training) have a
atmosphere [3]. The accounted reasonable but                 positive impact on online classes, whereas two
considerable progress in the employees’ attitude,            variables (curriculum and technology) have a
knowledge, idea generation and implementation is             negative impact on the online classes [12]. Others
an outcome of the training. Also, unfavorable                have found that time allocation and discipline, peer
climate or poor managerial support for innovation            support, technical delivery and the organization
could limit the effectiveness of artistic training           culture do play a role in influencing the online
about effective idea implementation.                         learning [13].

In 2010 researchers examined the relationship                Apart from these factors we also have to consider
between the training transfers, and the predictor            the trainee/ learner’s individual capability which
variables measures were both self-evaluations by             includes the individual motivation to learn or get
the trainee [4]. They concluded that several factors         trained. For boosting the motivation of the learners
prejudice transfer of training (e.g., learning               it is important that they realize they do ability of
outcomes, the trainees’ motivation, helpful                  the training program and feel empowered while
environment).                                                going through the training [14].

Researchers have pointed out the factors which               The most common adopter of the online training
affect the training effectiveness like support from          are the higher education institutions in order to
management and peers, motivation, emotional                  continue their training and research especially in
intelligence, attitude, training style, and                  the new normal where working remotely is more of
environment, etc. They concluded that in the                 a necessity. The HEIs’ depend on quick
training period, position, motivation, and emotional         information for proactivity [15], [16], [17] [18],
intelligence were dominant on other factors [5].             [19] [20].

[6] stated that online courses that trust too much on        In today’s era education and personal development
using asynchronous discussion tools gets tiring for          have become an important aspect for the
the learner, and makes the content to be centered            institutions and the trainees and this makes it even
on responding to trainer, instead of difficult               more necessary for the people to update their
students to formulate their own queries and                  existing knowledge and skills to actually remain
comments concerning course content. Considering              relevant in the world around [21], [22], [23].
the new normal where several virus outbreaks like
SARS, MERS-CoV, Ebola etc. have been                         Another often heard concept nowadays is the
witnessed in the world for many decades now [7]              flipped classroom concept which allows the
learners have no choice but to look towards the              learners to have access to the video lectures,
online learning platforms to ensure learning                 presentations and other learning material and this
continues.                                                   concept has now gained even more relevance as
                                                             learners have been forced to learn remotely [24].
The researcher have also identified the different            The increasing restrictions recommended by the
types of relationships that affect the learning i.e.         World Health Organization are affecting the ways
learner-learner      interaction,     learner-content        in which we interact with each other, and the
interaction and learner-instruction interaction [8].         methods by which trainers train and learners/
Also, survey conducted by the researchers has also           trainees [25].
identified the internet speed and stability as another
factor that impacts the online learning capabilities         To explain the training effectiveness, Kirkpatrick’s
of the learners [9].                                         model of the training evaluation which is a goal-
                                                             based evaluation approach and is based on 4 level
The technology acceptance model (TAM) was the                of evaluations. The four levels are broadly known
first model to discuss the acceptance and usage of           as- reaction, learning, behavior and results. The
technology by the users [10]. According to this              reaction measures how well a trainee has received
model the two factors that the users consider while          the training and uses this data to improve the future
adapting to a new technology are the perceived               training program. The learning measures what the
usefulness and the perceived ease of use [10].               trainees have learnt and what they are yet to
improve on. This level is usually measured using               respondents currently undergoing internships in
the pre-test and the post-test. The behavior                   various companies across different sectors while
measures the change in the behavior of trainee after           getting trained remotely were chosen as the sample
training. The last step is the results, which will             for the survey.
measure the results of the training [26], [27], [28],
[29].                                                          Sample
                                                               This study used a judgmental sampling method to
Gaps in Literature              about        Training          obtain a representative sample, which saved time,
Effectiveness                                                  money and effort. First, the respondents who were
This research will help us know the factors that the           undergoing online training in various companies
online training effectiveness is impacted by and               were identified. Then, a survey questionnaire with
what is the perception of the employees in the age             21 questions pertaining to the possible factors that
group of 21- 29 years. Since, most companies have              impacts the training effectiveness was circulated to
been forced to allow its workforce to function                 these trainees via Google forms. The trainees were
remotely; they also will have to provide the                   selected based on the age group under study i.e. 21-
training through online mode itself. Thus, this                29 years and their current job roles.
research will be helpful in designing the course
content keeping in mind the factors employee                   Respondents of the Study
perceives as major impacts on their training                   As the study used judgmental sampling method, the
effectiveness.                                                 selection of the sample depends on a variety of
                                                               criteria. A total of 140 questionnaires were
Objectives of the Research                                     distributed to the trainees to collect primary data
This research was done keeping in mind the                     for the research. Out of these, 86 trainees
following objectives:                                          responded to the questionnaires and 54 did not
1. To determine the factors that in trainee’s                  respond. The trainees are undergoing training in
     perception impact their training effectiveness            various verticals of management like: Human
     in the online mode and scale down the number              Resources, Marketing, Operations, and Finance etc.
     of factors to a few specific factors through              The response rate for this study was more than 61
     constructs.                                               % and we therefore, adequately represented.
2. To understand the perception of the trainees
     against the final construct regarding impact on           Research Instrument
     their training effectiveness.                             This study was carried out based on the
                                                               questionnaire developed on the basis of literature
Method                                                         review of the previous studies on related themes.
This research focuses on the factors that in                   Based on existing literature, 21 factors that could
employees’ perception affect their training                    impact the training effectiveness were determined
effectiveness in the online training and describe the          and questions on these 21 factors were asked to the
responses of the respondents on these factors.                 trainees. The questions required a rating on 7- point
Factor Analysis was used to create a construct from            Likert scale, which ranged from 1- Strongly
the myriad of factors identified through the                   Disagree through 7- Strongly Agree. The primary
literature review and the data gathered was also               data was collected through the questionnaire and
passed through the reliability test.                           SPSS was used to translate the responses.

Population                                                     Reliability
The inclusion of the entire population of                      The reliability of the questionnaire was tested using
individuals undergoing online training is an                   the Cronbach’s alpha test and the acceptable value
impossible feat; therefore it is necessary to define a         for this test is > 0.70. The findings from this test
sample to save the efforts, money and time to                  are given in the table below:
conduct a statistical analysis. In this study, 140

                                                Reliability Statistics
        Cronbach's Alpha             Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items            N of Items
        0.95                         0.951                                                   21

                                        Table 1: Cronbach's Alpha Test

Also, the inter-item correlation which has                     conducted and the value was found to be 0.481.
minimum acceptable value as > 0.30 was

                                            Summary Item Statistics
                                                                        Maximum /                    N     of
                      Mean     Minimum       Maximum       Range        Minimum        Variance      Items
      Correlations    0.481    0.168         0.783         0.616        4.669          0.014         21

                                       Table 2: Inter-Item Correlation

Data Analysis                                                  deliver content, commitment of trainee to the
The primary data was fed to the SPSS software and              organization, rewards/ recognition at training
the data for the 21 factors was used to perform                completion, designation of the trainee, previous
factor analysis to reduce the number of factors and            performance level of the trainee, existing KSA of
put commonly associated factors together so that               the trainee, duration of the training, breaks between
perception of the respondents can be identified in a           the     training    modules,      employee-employee
easier manner. The 21 factors that were identified             relationships, employee-employer relationships,
from the literature review of secondary sources and            trainer-trainee relationship, clarity of the need of
later used in data collection through the                      training, clarity about the training outcomes, size of
questionnaires were – Visualizations/ graphical                training group.
content usage, trainer’s engagement, content
relevance, motivation of trainer and trainee,                  After performing factor analysis on the
training environment used, training schedule                   questionnaire the constructs that have been
designed, mode of training, technology used to                 established through this study are:

                                                 Major factors
                 Visualizations/ graphical content usage
                 trainer’s engagement
                 content relevance
                 motivation of trainer and trainee
          1                                                                Content_Characterstics
                 training environment used
                 training schedule designed
                 mode of training
                 technology used to deliver content

                 commitment of trainee to the organization
                 rewards/ recognition at training completion
          2      designation of the trainee                                Trainee_Characterstics
                 previous performance level of the trainee
                 existing KSA of the trainee

                 duration of the training
          3                                                                Training_Time
                 breaks between the training modules

                 employee-employee relationships
          4      employee-employer relationships                           Relationships
                 trainer-trainee relationship

                 clarity of the need of training
          5                                                                Outcome_Clarity
                 clarity about the training outcomes

                                         Table 3: Final Constructs
Now, let’s look into the responses given by the
respondents on the above derived constructs:

Disagree                                  4        5%
                     Agree                                     66       77%
                     Neither Agree Nor Disagree                16       19%
                     Total                                     86       100%

                                     Table 4: Content Characteristics

This shows 77% of the respondents agree that
Content_Characterstics impacts their training

                      Disagree                                     3     3%
                      Agree                                        57    66%
                      Neither Agree Nor Disagree                   26    30%
                      Total                                        86    100%

                                     Table 5: Trainee Characteristics
The table shows that 66% of the respondents agree
that the characteristics of the trainee impacts the
training effectiveness.

                      Disagree                             6            7%
                      Agree                                66           77%
                      Neither Agree Nor Disagree           14           16%
                      Total                                86           100%

                                          Table 6: Relationships
About 77% of the respondents have agreed that
relationships impact their training effectiveness.

                      Disagree                             9            10%
                      Agree                                52           60%
                      Neither Agree Nor Disagree           25           29%
                      Total                                86           100%

                                          Table 7: Training Time
For this construct about 60% of the respondents
have agreed that training time impacts the training

                      Disagree                             3            3%
                      Agree                                69           80%
                      Neither Agree Nor Disagree           14           16%
                      Total                                86           100%

                                         Table 8: Outcome Clarity

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