COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature

Page created by Fred Watkins
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
August 17, 2021

COVID-19 Spread            County Operations      Exec. Orders   Communications
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
July 7 – August 17, Cases Rise, Delta is the New Normal

     COVID-19 Data                                          County / Partner                       Communications/Messaging
    Disease Incidence                                       Operations                             7/28 - Starting to see an uptick in cases, urging vaccinations.
    4,716 total positive cases (+311),                      7/30 - Local mask advisory goes into
                                                            effect.                                7/30 - Announcement of local indoor mask advisory regardless of
    (108 active cases)
                                                                                                   vaccination status. Follows CDC guidance for areas with
    14 hospitalized, 32 deaths (+1)                         8/9 - Directive issued for County      "substantial" transmission.
                                                            employees, masks
    Vaccine Doses (NYS Tracker)                                                                    7/30 - TCHD resumes posting of daily data COVID-19 data table
    71,774 first doses, 67,884 completed                    8/11 - County vaccine / testing        (from weekly over last month).
                                                            requirement passed by Legislature
                                                                                                   8/5 - COVID-19 virtual update hosted on YouTube
                                                            8/14 - Vaccine clinic & tabling at
    Executive Orders /                                      Southside Community Health Fair        8/5 - Data published on positive cases by vaccination status
    Governor Announcements                                  8/17 - EOC/Frank meeting with          8/10 - Local Delta variant data published
    August 10, Governor Andrew Cuomo resigns,               superintendents on fall semester
    Kathy Hochul to become Governor on 8/24.
                                                            planning.                              8/17 - Robocall
    August 12, NYSED Guidance released
    recommending following CDC schools                                                             Message in all communications continues to clarify
                                                                                                   that all available vaccines are highly effective in
    August 16, NYSDOH approves booster doses                                                       preventing severe disease, hospitalizations, and
    for immunocompromised individuals (direction
    is to communicate with PCP)

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
Regular            OT Hours
                COVID-19 Hours                                                    Hours​             Worked​              Reg Pay​        OT Pay​          Comptime
                                                                    Totals​       62,750             9,649                $2,093,344      $114,052         $396,522
                                                                     Comptime is the dollar equivalent of the hours “earned."

                        FFCRA Leave                                                                                 Employees             Total Hours
                (Families First Coronavirus                          FFRA                  2/3's pay                                 29             3,377
                            Response Act)                            FRP                   Full Pay                                  70             5,057
                                                                     FFRA = 2/3rds pay
                                                                     (initial 2 weeks an employee does not need to use available fringes to supplement their pay; week #3
                                                                     through week #12 an employee is required to supplement using their available fringes)

                                                                     FFRP = Full Pay
                                                                     Two weeks (up to 80 hrs., available)
                                                                     Examples: 1. employee goes during worktime to get COVID test; 2. an employee is quarantined until
                                                                     results show negative for COVID-19 test; employee is quarantined after travel, etc.)

              COVID-19 Related                                         $5,143,000 (+$1.3m) as of 8/16/21 .
                     Expenses                                          •Primary changes:
                                                                            •Cayuga Med, Testing                                      $ 1.26m
                                                                            •Contract staffing (Nursing)                              $ 37,000

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
COVID-19 Disease Prevalence

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
COVID-19 vaccines are readily available throughout the
                                                                    community, through pharmacies, doctors offices, and pop-up
               Vaccination Clinics                                  clinics. TCHD is hosting several upcoming clinics, listed online
                                                                    alongside other community
               & Local Availability                                 options at

                                                                    •August 18: Newfield Central School (ages 12+)

                                                                    •Sept. 1: Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3)
                                                                    (ages 12+)

                                                                    •Sept. 2: Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3)
                                                                    (ages 12+)

                                                                    •Sept. 13: Groton American Legion, 307 Main St. Groton.
                                                                    (ages 18+)

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
Positive Cases by Vaccination Status

                                                                                                             Under 12

       Interactive chart:

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
        14 Active Hospitalizations
        •    Vast majority of hospitalizations
             are unvaccinated.
        •    Several recent hospitalizations
             have been fully vaccinated, and
             some have been admitted for non-
             covid related issues and tested
             positive upon admittance.

        •    Vaccination continues to
             provide very high levels of
             protection against severe
             disease and hospitalization.

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
Understanding the
                                                                    The New Normal
                  Delta Variant                                     •   Vast majority of cases across the U.S., NYS, and Tompkins County
                                                                    •   Of the 87 samples from the months of June and July that were
                                                                        available for sequencing, 86 samples were of variants, and 80 of those
          8/10/21 Press Release
                                                                        were the Delta variant.
                                                                    •   All samples of fully vaccinated individuals sequenced in this batch
          Delta FAQ on TCHD Website                                     resulted from infection by the Delta variant.

          Data continue to show that                                Higher Transmission Rate
          COVID-19 vaccines are                                     •   The Delta variant is known to be more contagious and spread more
          highly effective at preventing                                rapidly than the original COVID-19 virus.
          severe illness, hospitalization,                          •   Data has also emerged showing that vaccinated individuals infected
          and death both locally and                                    with the Delta variant can still contract and spread the virus.
          nationally, even for those                                •   A majority of the positive cases in Tompkins County in June and July
          infected with the Delta variant.                              resulted from large indoor gatherings and domestic travel.
                                                                    •   In areas with substantial or high transmission rates, fully vaccinated
                                                                        individuals should wear a mask in public indoor settings to help
                                                                        prevent the spread of Delta and protect others.

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
Local State of                                  Disease Management Capacity Considerations
                                                                    •   Hospitalization rate and Cayuga Health System capacity
                      Emergency                                     •   Community infection rate & positive cases, contact
                                                                        tracing capacity at TCHD.
                   Considerations                                   •   Disease severity & hospitalizations,
                                                                    •   Emerging variants & health impacts

     The NYS SOE expired on 6/24.                                   Emergency Powers
                                                                    •   Declared by County Chief Executive (Administrator)
     Tompkins County SOE expired 7/03.                              •   Emergency orders & mask mandates
                                                                         • Enforcement concerns
     Federal Declaration of Emergency                               •   EOC reinstatement & work program shifts
     set to expire 9/30 (may be renewed).                           •   Suspension of policies/procedures

                                                                    Message to the Community
                                                                    •   There are many more "knowns" than in March 2020.
                                                                    •   A SOE will indicate an emergency-level event to
                                                                        residents & local institutions incl. Schools & colleges.
                                                                    •   Would indicate high level of local concern while rest of
                                                                        NYS has similar spread.

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Tompkins County Response - Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature
COVID-19 Positive
            Cases 7/14-8/10
                                (200 Total)

                             Age Range
         Includes all positive cases 7/14-8/10
         Data reported by Tompkins County Health Dept.
         Data is self-reported by each sampled individual.

         Total population data source: 2018 ACS 1yr est.

         Updates will occur when large enough numbers are
         present to protect the privacy of individuals.

         The Health Department is now pulling its data from
         New York State database systems. Data used here
         to report case demographics has been taken from
         NYS's CommCare system. Historic CommCare data
         is only accessible for July 1, 2020 to the present.
         This represents 88% of Tompkins County cases.
         Testing data posted daily is taken from the Electronic
         Clinical Laboratory Report System (ECLRS).

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Positive
            Cases 7/14-8/10
                 (200 Total)

         Includes all positive cases 7/14-8/10
         Data reported by Tompkins County Health Dept.
         Data is self-reported by each sampled individual.

         Total population data source: 2018 ACS 1yr est.

         Updates will occur when large enough numbers are
         present to protect the privacy of individuals.

         The Health Department is now pulling its data from
         New York State database systems. Data used here
         to report case demographics has been taken from
         NYS's CommCare system. Historic CommCare data
         is only accessible for July 1, 2020 to the present.
         This represents 88% of Tompkins County cases.
         Testing data posted daily is taken from the Electronic
         Clinical Laboratory Report System (ECLRS).

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
COVID-19 Positive
            Cases 7/14-8/10
                 (200 Total)

         Includes all positive cases 7/14-8/10
         Data reported by Tompkins County Health Dept.
         Data is self-reported by each sampled individual.

         Total population data source: 2018 ACS 1yr est.

         Updates will occur when large enough numbers are
         present to protect the privacy of individuals.

         The Health Department is now pulling its data from
         New York State database systems. Data used here
         to report case demographics has been taken from
         NYS's CommCare system. Historic CommCare data
         is only accessible for July 1, 2020 to the present.
         This represents 88% of Tompkins County cases.
         Testing data posted daily is taken from the Electronic
         Clinical Laboratory Report System (ECLRS).

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
                              First Doses, n=72,164
           (Inclusive of nursing homes and travelers to
                                           other sites)

          Includes all first vaccine doses of Tompkins County
          residents through 8/10/2021

          Total population data source: 2018 ACS 1yr est.

          Updates will occur when large enough numbers
          are present to protect the privacy of individuals.

          Data reported through NYS Immunization
          Information System (NYSIIS)
          Data is self-reported by each vaccinated individual.

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature - August 17, 2021
                             First Doses, n=72,194
              (Inclusive of nursing homes and travelers
                                         to other sites)

          Includes all first vaccine doses of Tompkins County
          residents through 8/10/2021

          Total population data source: 2018 ACS 1yr est.

          Updates will occur when large enough numbers
          are present to protect the privacy of individuals.

          Data reported through NYS Immunization
          Information System (NYSIIS)
          Data is self-reported by each vaccinated individual.

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
                              First Doses, n=72,194
              (Inclusive of nursing homes and travelers
                                         to other sites)

          Includes all first vaccine doses of Tompkins County
          residents through 8/10/2021

          Total population data source: 2018 ACS 1yr est.

          Updates will occur when large enough numbers
          are present to protect the privacy of individuals.

          Data reported through NYS Immunization
          Information System (NYSIIS)
          Data is self-reported by each vaccinated individual.

Presentation to the Tompkins County Legislature – August 17, 2021
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