Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University

Page created by Kirk Joseph
Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
Creative Arts

                   & Media
Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
Think about those people who create laughter,
                                                                                             bring tears and smiles, influence global fashions or
                                                                                             inspire others. You could become one of those people.

    AT FLINDERS,                                                                                                                                   WORLD
                                                                                             EXPLORE YOUR CREATIVE PASSIONS
                                                                                             Creativity is one of the most powerful and
                                                                                             sought-after commodities on the planet. It drives

                                                                                                                                                   No 1.
                                                                                             screen, fashion, digital media, dance, writing and
                                                                                             more. The world needs people with creative skills

    IT’S ALL
                                                                                             to drive innovation in a range of industries. Learn
                                                                                             how to unlock your visual, verbal and written
                                                                                             skills to communicate your ideas.
                                                                                                                                                   Flinders University in collaboration
                                                                                             A REWARDING CAREER                                    with CDW Studios has been named the
                                                                                             The range of careers that can stem from a degree
                                                                                             in Creative Arts & Media is incredibly broad.         world’s No. 1 Digital Illustration School
                                                                                             Your writing skills could lead you to a career in     Rookies Global Rankings 2017 and 2018

                                                                                             publishing. Your digital expertise could open up
                                                                                             possibilities in gaming or animation. Your acting
                                                                                             could lead you to roles in major stage or screen

                                                                                             STUDY FOR SUCCESS
                                                                                             Flinders has a long history of producing
                                                                                             successful Creative Arts & media graduates.
                                                                                             Our close collaborations with industry such as
                                                                                             State Theatre Company of South Australia, the
                                                                                             Adelaide Fringe and Adelaide Film Festival (to
                                                                                             name a few) give students the chance to gain
    Taking your first step into university life
                                              Our researchers and lecturers are ready        placements, learn from the very best and gather
    is a big change. New faces, new spaces,   to equip you with up-to-the-minute             real-world experience.

    new experiences.                          knowledge based on our world-class
                                              research. You’ll gain specialised skills
    That’s why at Flinders, we do all we      and knowledge in your chosen field plus
    can to make your time at university the develop abilities in independent thinking,
    best it can be.                           communication, collaboration, ethics and
    Our facilities are purpose-built for your creativity – qualities that will prepare
    study needs, providing the best the world you to become an expert and innovator in
    has to offer.                             your field.
                                                  Everything we do at Flinders is designed

                                                                                             CREATE YOUR
    Plugged into industry trends,
    professional placements and practical         to give you the best possible study
    experiences, our teaching is designed to      experience and prepare you not just to
    take you from learning to earning.            succeed, but to go beyond.

                                                  Find out more

                                                                                             STUDY CREATIVE ARTS & MEDIA AT FLINDERS                                                           3
Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
Everyone has a spark
                                                                          CHOOSE                                   Bachelor of Creative Arts                                                                Bachelor of Creative Arts
                              Do your ideas spill out when you least
                              expect them? Do you wake in the middle
    of creativity. Study at                                                                                        (Costume Design)                                                                         (Creative Writing)
                              of the night to write them down?
    Flinders will help your
                              When you watch a movie, read a book                                                  Bring characters to life through costume design.                                         Write your own creative future.

    spark flare into life.    or play a game, do you find yourself
                                                                                                                   Offered in collaboration with TAFE SA*, this degree enables you to design and            Gain skills that will prepare to work as an editor, researcher, freelance writer,
                              thinking of ways you’d do it differently?
                                                                                                                   construct costumes to create iconic looks and visually stunning garments.                publisher or author. You’ll acquire an understanding of the Australian publishing
                                                                                                                   Costumes are a vital component of stage and screen productions, but your skills          industry, and a strong work ethic for a rewarding career in an exciting arena.
                              If you’re excited by change, a career in    • Bachelor of Creative Arts
                                                                                                                   could also be used in cosplay, children’s entertainment, dance and competitions.         Bachelor of Creative Arts                      • Explore a broad range of topics
                              Creative Arts could be your chance to         (Costume Design) – see page 5          Whatever your passion, at Flinders you’ll gain a practical and theoretical               (Creative Writing)                               including literary studies, fiction
                              make your mark on the world.                                                         understanding of the costume industry. * TAFE SA RTO Code: 41026                                                                          and editing, and learn to design
                                                                          • Bachelor of Creative Arts                                                                                                        3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             work for a range of audiences in
                                                                                                                   Bachelor of Creative Arts                         • You’ll study a degree that enables   PREREQUISITES                          Yes*
                                                                            (Creative Writing) – see page 5        (Costume Design)                                    you to focus on both costume         ASSUMED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             relevant formats.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            KNOWLEDGE                                      • Be mentored and inspired by
                                                                                                                                                                       design and construction.
                                                                          • Bachelor of Creative Arts               3   PT
                                                                                                                                                                     • You’ll have the chance to work
                                                                                                                                                                                                            SATAC C ODE                         214551       published and award-winning
                                                                                                                   PREREQUISITES                            None                                            2019 M INI MUM                                   writers.
                                                                            (Dance) – see page 6                   ASSUMED
                                                                                                                                                                       on real-life performances and gain   SELECTION R ANK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Connect with a range of industry
                                                                                                                   KNOWLEDGE                                           experience in production settings.   GUARANTEED ENTRY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NA     professionals to develop key
                                                                                                                                                                                                            SELECTION R ANK
                                                                          • Bachelor of Creative Arts              SATAC C ODE                           234721      • Experience how the industry          TAFELINK                                  NA     contacts.
                                                                                                                   2019 M INI MUM                                      works via connections with other
                                                                            (Drama) – see page 6                   SELECTION R ANK
                                                                                                                                                                       creative artists to get a taste of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             UES, LLM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                                   GUARANTEED ENTRY
                                                                                                                                                           70.00       real-life collaboration.             * Portfolio, CV and written statement. In
                                                                                                                   SELECTION R ANK
                                                                          • Bachelor of Creative Arts              TAFELINK                       Cert IV or above                                          addition to the prerequisites, applicants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Your degree is the first step
                                                                                                                                                                                                            must achieve a minimum selection rank of       towards a range of employment
                                                                            (Enterprise) – see page 8              ADJUSTMENT
                                                                                                                                                      UES, LLM
                                                                                                                                                                     CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                            60.00 and also meet the minimum entry          opportunities, including:
                                                                                                                                                                     Your degree is the first step          requirements of the University.
                                                                                                                                                                     towards a range of employment                                                         • freelance writer
                                                                          • Bachelor of Creative Arts              Bachelor of Creative Arts
                                                                                                                                                                     opportunities, including:
                                                                                                                                                                                                            See the inside back cover for more
                                                                                                                                                                                                            information on your admission pathways,        • publishing assistant
                                                                                                                   (Costume Design) (VET
                                                                            (Fashion) – see page 8                 Pathway)                                          • costume designer                     opportunities to enhance your degree,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and how to apply.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • copywriter
                                                                                                                                                                     • costume maker                                                                       • editorial assistant
                                                                          • Bachelor of Creative Arts              1.5 PT
                                                                                                                                                                     • wardrobe manager                                                                    • researcher.
                                                                                                                   PREREQUISITES                None
                                                                            (Screen) – see page 9                  ASSUMED
                                                                                                                                                                     • costume technician.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Potential employers include:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • ABC
                                                                          • Bachelor of Creative Arts              SATAC C ODE               234731                  Potential employers include:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • NewsCorp
                                                                                                                   2019 M INI MUM                                    • State Theatre Company of South
                                                                            (Visual Arts) – see page 9             SELECTION R ANK
                                                                                                                                                                       Australia                                                                           • Penguin Australia
                                                                                                                   GUARANTEED ENTRY
                                                                                                                   SELECTION R ANK
                                                                                                                                                  NA                 • Bell Shakespeare                                                                    • Macmillan Publishers Australia
                                                                          • Bachelor of Creative Arts              TAFELINK         Advanced Diploma*                • Windmill                                                                            • Adelaide City Council.
                                                                            (Visual Effects and Entertainment      ADJUSTMENT
                                                                                                                                           UES, LLM                  • Malthouse Theatre
                                                                                                                                                                     • Department of Communications
                                                                            Design) – see page 10                  * TAFE/VET qualification must be in a
                                                                                                                                                                       and the Arts.
                                                                                                                   related field.

                                                                          • Bachelor of Media Arts – see page 10   See the inside back cover for more
                                                                                                                   information on your admission pathways,
                                                                                                                   opportunities to enhance your degree,
                                                                                                                   and how to apply.

    INDUSTRIES                                                                                                          NUMBER OF YEARS
                                                                                                                        FULL-TIME            PT     PART-TIME
                                                                                                                                                    AVAILABLE          DEFERRABLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Find out more
Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama)                                                                                                              “My degree is equipping
                                                                                                                                                                                     me with the skills to follow
    Leap into a professional dance career.                                                    Fine-tune your performance skills for a creative career.                               my passions and do both
                                                                                                                                                                                     theatre and film work. The
    Offered in collaboration with TAFE SA* through Adelaide College of the Arts,              Pursue an exciting career in the performing arts by developing your creative,
    this degree will equip you with elite professional dance skills and theoretical           practical, critical and collaborative skills. You’ll have access to excellent          knowledge I’ve developed
    knowledge to help you emerge with all the makings of a successful professional            physical spaces in which to develop your talent, including the Drama Centre,           at Flinders will allow me to
    dancer. This degree is the only one of its kind in South Australia and has an             teaching and workshop spaces, the 425-seat Matthew Flinders Theatre,                   carve my own career path,
    exciting partnership with the Australian Dance Theatre.                                   dance and voice training studios, a three-camera television studio, and a
    * TAFE SA RTO Code: 41026                                                                 ‘black-box’ studio.                                                                    which is really exciting.”
    Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance)                • You’ll explore areas such              Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) • Receive highly personalised and                    Julia Vosnakis, Bachelor
     3                                                 as dance technique, devised             3                                  specialised training in a small and                of Creative Arts (Drama)
                                                       movement practices, dance                                                  dedicated community of actors                      (Honours)
    PREREQUISITES                             Yes*                                            PREREQUISITES                 Yes*
                                                       project realisation, choreography                                          and directors.
    ASSUMED                                                                                   ASSUMED
                                             None      and stage performance.                 KNOWLEDGE
                                                                                                                                              • Gain vital industry contacts who
    SATAC C ODE                           224691     • Prepare for your career by             SATAC C ODE                           214561      will increase your professional
    2019 M INI M UM
                                           60.00*      participating in either a vocational   2019 M INI MUM
                                                                                                                                     60.00*     opportunities and help you forge a
    SELECTION R ANK                                                                           SELECTION R ANK
                                                       secondment in a dance company,                                                           career in entertainment.
    GUARANTEED ENTRY                                                                          GUARANTEED ENTRY
                                               NA      industry project or associated         SELECTION R ANK
    TAFELINK                                   NA      work environment.                      TAFELINK                                   NA   CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                        UES, LLM
                                                     • Develop close and integral ties        ADJUSTMENT
                                                                                                                                  UES, LLM    Your degree could open up a range
    FACTORS                                            with industry professionals to set     FACTORS
                                                                                                                                              of employment opportunities,
    * Audition. In addition to the prerequisites,      up career pathways.                    * Audition. In addition to the prerequisites,   including:
    applicants must achieve a minimum                                                         applicants must achieve a minimum
    selection rank of 60.00 and also meet                                                     selection rank of 60.00 and also meet           • actor
                                                     CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                     the minimum entry requirements of the
    the minimum entry requirements of the                                                                                                     • director
    University.                                      Your degree could open up a range        University.
                                                                                                                                              • performance artist
    See the inside back cover for more               of employment opportunities,             See the inside back cover for more
    information on your admission pathways,                                                   information on your admission pathways,         • performing and community arts
    opportunities to enhance your degree,                                                     opportunities to enhance your degree,             manager
    and how to apply.                                • professional dancer                    and how to apply.
                                                                                                                                              • performing arts and events
                                                     • performing arts teacher
                                                     • cabaret artist
                                                     • private dance teacher.                                                                 Potential employers include:
                                                                                                                                              • State Theatre Company of South
                                                     Potential employers include:                                                               Australia
                                                     • Australian Dance Theatre                                                               • Bell Shakespeare
                                                     • Sydney Dance Company                                                                   • Windmill
                                                     • DanceNorth                                                                             • Malthouse Theatre
                                                     • Adelaide Festival Centre                                                               • Brink Productions.
                                                     • Bangara Dance Theatre.

                                                                                              Find out more
          FULL-TIME             PT    PART-TIME
                                      AVAILABLE         DEFERRABLE
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7
Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
Bachelor of Creative Arts                                                              Bachelor of Creative Arts                                                               Bachelor of Creative Arts                                                            Bachelor of Creative Arts
    (Enterprise)                                                                           (Fashion)                                                                               (Screen)                                                                             (Visual Arts)
    Build a career in the business of creativity.                                          Stitch together the skills for a bespoke career in fashion.                             Gain the skills necessary for a career in screen-based media.                        Combine arts practice with academic rigour to turn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        your creative dream into a career.
    Study for a career in a booming field. Globally, cultural and creative industries      Gain job-ready skills as you learn about garment construction, patternmaking,           You will study scriptwriting, cinematography, creative collaboration, editing,
    account for 3% of world GDP and employ 29.5 million people*. Our new degree            drawing and design as well as academic and professional communication                   sound, lighting and directing. You’ll emerge ready for a rewarding career in         Offered in collaboration with TAFE SA* through Adelaide College of the
    prepares you for a global career in the creative arts and cultural enterprise.         and marketing. Offered in collaboration with TAFE SA*, this industry-focused            screen with specialised skills for associated creative areas.                        Arts, this degree offers an intensive studio-based program that covers both
    *                                                                    degree combines practical skills with theoretical knowledge for an excellent            Bachelor of Creative Arts (Screen) • Produce a portfolio of work                     creative and academic skills. Receive rigorous training in the medium of your
    Bachelor of Creative Arts                      • Learn about entrepreneurship,         outcome. * TAFE SA RTO Code: 41026                                                       3                                   that will include student films that            choice in ceramics, jewellery, painting, photography, printmaking or sculpture.
    (Enterprise)                                     arts and festival management,                                                                                                                                      could be screened at national and               * TAFE SA RTO Code: 41026
                                                                                           Bachelor of Creative Arts                       • Gain extensive hands-on               PREREQUISITES                 Yes*
     3   PT                                          creative computing and cultural                                                                                                                                    international film festivals.
                                                                                           (Fashion)                                         experience in a fashion design        ASSUMED                                                                              Bachelor of Creative Arts                       • Develop an impressive portfolio
                                                     policy education.                                                                                                                                                    None
    PREREQUISITES                         None                                              3
                                                                                                                                             workshop, and learn every inch of     KNOWLEDGE                                      • Undertake industry placements       (Visual Arts)                                     and exhibit throughout your
    ASSUMED                                        • This degree has been developed                                                          garment design and production.        SATAC C ODE                          214571      which, for many, lead to future                                                       degree.
                                          None                                             PREREQUISITES                          None                                                                                                                                   3   PT
    KNOWLEDGE                                        with input from leading industry                                                                                              2019 M INI MUM                                   employment opportunities.
                                                                                           ASSUMED                                         • Specialise in either small-scale      SELECTION R ANK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         60.00*                                                                                         • Hone your creative excellence
    SATAC C ODE                        224121        practitioners, and provides                                                  None                                                                                                                                  PREREQUISITES                          None
    2019 M INI M UM
                                                                                           KNOWLEDGE                                         business, such as custom garment      GUARANTEED ENTRY                               • Join an impressive roster of                                                          under the tutelage of practising
                                         70.00       you with knowledge and skills in                                                                                                                                        NA                                         ASSUMED
    SELECTION R ANK                                                                        SATAC C ODE                         224901        design, or large-scale business,      SELECTION R ANK                                  graduates, including Flinders       KNOWLEDGE
                                                     entrepreneurship, arts and festival                                                                                           TAFELINK                                  NA
                                                                                           2019 M INI MUM
                                                                                                                                 60.00       such as global fashion brands.                                                         screen graduate, Sean Lahiff, who   SATAC C ODE                         224911
    SELECTION R ANK                                  management, creative computing        SELECTION R ANK                                                                         ADJUSTMENT                                                                                                                           • Practise in purpose-built studio
                                                                                                                                           • Gain insight into the business side                                     UES, LLM       won five SA Screen Awards with      2019 M INI MUM
    TAFELINK                    Cert IV or above     and cultural policy education.        GUARANTEED ENTRY
                                                                                                                                                                                   FACTORS                                                                              SELECTION R ANK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              60.00       spaces that are unique to
                                                                                           SELECTION R ANK                                   of the industry, including valuable                                                    his internationally recognised
    ADJUSTMENT                                     • You will benefit from practical                                                                                               * Portfolio, showreel and written statement.                                         GUARANTEED ENTRY                                  Adelaide College of the Arts.
                                    UES, LLM                                               TAFELINK                                                                                                                                 short film Smashed.                                                       70.00
    FACTORS                                                                                                             Cert IV or above     skills in communication.              In addition to the prerequisites, applicants                                         SELECTION R ANK
                                                     experiences, hands-on projects,       ADJUSTMENT                                                                              must achieve a minimum selection rank of
                                                                                                                            UES, LLM                                                                                                                                    TAFELINK                     Cert IV or above   CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                     design thinking and direct contact    FACTORS
                                                                                                                                           CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                    60.00 and also meet the minimum entry          CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                  ADJUSTMENT                                      There are a range of employment
                                                     with practitioners and industry.                                                                                              requirements of the University.                                                                                       UES, LLM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Your degree is the first step         FACTORS
                                                                                           Bachelor of Creative Arts                       Your degree is the first step                                                                                                                                                opportunities in the visual arts field,
                                                                                                                                                                                   See the inside back cover for more
                                                                                           (Fashion) (VET Pathway)                         towards a range of employment                                                          towards a range of employment         See the inside back cover for more
                                                   CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                                            information on your admission pathways,                                              information on your admission pathways,
                                                                                                                                           opportunities, including:               opportunities to enhance your degree,          opportunities, including:
                                                   Your degree could open up a range       1.5 PT                                                                                                                                                                       opportunities to enhance your degree,           • visual artist
                                                                                                                                           • fashion designer                      and how to apply.                              • freelance director                  and how to apply.
                                                   of employment opportunities,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • arts and culture development
                                                                                           PREREQUISITES                None               • product developer                                                                    • cinematographer
                                                   including:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             officer
                                                   • cultural entrepreneur                 KNOWLEDGE
                                                                                                                        None               • garment technician                                                                   • production assistant                                                                • art gallery administrative officer
                                                   • marketing and customer                SATAC C ODE               224951                • production assistant                                                                 • video editor                                                                        • visual arts technician
                                                                                           2019 M INI MUM                                  • fashion design assistant                                                             • multimedia designer.
                                                     experience officer                    SELECTION R ANK
                                                                                                                          NA                                                                                                                                                                                            • illustrator.
                                                   • festivals and events coordinator      GUARANTEED ENTRY
                                                                                           SELECTION R ANK
                                                                                                                          NA               Potential employers include:                                                           Potential employers include:                                                          Potential employers include:
                                                   • sponsorship coordinator
                                                                                           TAFELINK         Advanced Diploma*              • Australian Fashion Labels                                                            • Closer Productions                                                                  • Marion Cultural Centre
                                                   • production manager.                   ADJUSTMENT
                                                                                                                          NA               • Jackson George Fashion                                                               • Rising Sun Pictures                                                                 • Art Gallery of South Australia
                                                   Potential employers include:                                                            • Pacific Brands                                                                       • Adelaide Film Festival                                                              • Arts Projects Australia
                                                                                           * This degree is available for entry to
                                                   • cultural institutions in the major    graduates of the Advanced Diploma of            • Givoni                                                                               • Triptych                                                                            • Jam Factory
                                                     and small-to-medium sectors           Applied Fashion Design and Technology           • small-scale designer/boutique                                                        • Kojo.                                                                               • Country Arts SA.
                                                                                           (LMT60307), the Advanced Diploma
                                                   • arts funding agencies                                                                   labels.
                                                                                           of Fashion and Textiles Merchandising
                                                   • creative industries                   (LMT60507), or the Diploma of Applied
                                                                                           Fashion Design and Merchandising
                                                   • the media.                            (MST50116) from TAFE SA.
                                                                                           See the inside back cover for more
                                                                                           information on your admission pathways,
                                                                                           opportunities to enhance your degree,
                                                                                           and how to apply.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Find out more
         FULL-TIME         PT     PART-TIME
                                  AVAILABLE           DEFERRABLE
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 9
Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual
     Effects and Entertainment Design) Bachelor of Media Arts
     Bring your art to life.                                                                   Build a creative career in digital and screen.

     If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, Fortnite addict or Pixar lover, turn your                Gain the practical skills and knowledge to work across all media-intensive
     passion into a successful career in the exciting world of film, television,               environments with a focus on the creative industries.
     gaming, animation and digital design.
                                                                                               Bachelor of Media Arts                          • Your studies will cover topics
     Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual               • Flinders and CDW Studios
                                                                                                3   PT                                           in digital media and screen
     Effects and Entertainment                         combine forces to offer this
                                                                                                                                                 production, focus on an industry
     Design)                                           hands-on degree; with a range of        PREREQUISITES                          None
                                                                                                                                                 area such as 3D media, creative
                                                       specialised streams, small class        ASSUMED
     3    PT                                                                                   KNOWLEDGE
                                                                                                                                      None       writing, drama, business or visual
                                                       sizes and hands-on experience,
     PREREQUISITES                            Yes*                                             SATAC C ODE                         224731        arts, giving you the necessary
                                                       you’ll emerge career-ready with
     ASSUMED                                                                                   2019 M INI MUM
                                                                                                                                                 skills for a career in media.
                                             None      a world-class portfolio under your      SELECTION R ANK
                                                       arm.                                    GUARANTEED ENTRY
                                                                                                                                               • Undertake a valuable industry
     SATAC C ODE                           224131                                                                                    75.00
                                                                                               SELECTION R ANK                                   practicum for professional
     2019 M INI M UM
                                            60.00    • Be inspired by a course designed
     SELECTION R ANK                                                                           TAFELINK                     Cert IV or above     development and career contacts.
                                                       with input from a team of industry      ADJUSTMENT
     GUARANTEED ENTRY                                                                                                           UES, LLM       • Be guided by passionate,
                                               NA      professionals who have worked           FACTORS
                                                       across major film and game              See the inside back cover for more
                                                                                                                                                 dedicated and award-winning
     TAFELINK                                  NA
     ADJUSTMENT                                        projects including The Avengers,        information on your admission pathways,           lecturers and industry
                                        UES, LLM                                               opportunities to enhance your degree,             practitioners.
     FACTORS                                           World of Warcraft, Disney and the
                                                                                               and how to apply.
                                                       Lego movie.                                                                             • Gain hands-on practical training
     Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual                                                                                                           in a range of technical and design
                                                     • Study practice-based courses
     Effects and Entertainment                                                                                                                  formats so you are able to produce
                                                       linked directly to industry skills
     Design) (Honours)                                                                                                                           high-quality media presentations.
                                                     • Flinders University in collaboration
                                                       with CDW Studios has been                                                               CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
     PREREQUISITES                            Yes*     named the world’s No. 1 Digital
     ASSUMED                                                                                                                                   Your degree is the first step
                                             None      Illustration School (Rookies
     KNOWLEDGE                                                                                                                                 towards a range of employment
                                                       Global Rankings 2017 and 2018).
     SATAC C ODE                           224171                                                                                              opportunities, including:
     2019 M INI M UM                                 • You’ll have the chance to take part                                                     • digital community assistant
     SELECTION R ANK                                   in ‘The Rookies’– an awards and
     GUARANTEED ENTRY                                                                                                                          • e-commerce assistant
                                               NA      mentor platform with competition
     SELECTION R ANK                                                                                                                           • internal communications assistant
     TAFELINK                                  NA
                                                       from over 180 other design
                                                       schools.                                                                                • web content editor
                                        UES, LLM                                                                                               • content manager.
     FACTORS                                         Note: this course was formerly known as
     * Portfolio, CV and written statement.          Creative Arts (Digital Media).
     In addition to the prerequisites, applicants                                                                                              Potential employers include:
     must achieve a minimum selection rank of        CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                                      • Nine Entertainment Co
     60.00 and also meet the minimum entry
     requirements of the University.
                                                     Your degree is the first step                                                             • News Corp Australia
                                                     towards a range of employment                                                             • Foxtel
     See the inside back cover for more
     information on your admission pathways,         opportunities, including:
                                                                                                                                               • Department of Communications
     opportunities to enhance your degree,           • concept artist
     and how to apply.
                                                                                                                                                 and the Arts.
                                                     • animator (2D or 3D)
                                                     • digital designer                                                                                                               “Being taught by industry
                                                     • production artist
                                                     • game developer
                                                                                                                                                                                      professionals really gets the
                                                     • illustrator.                                                                                                                   ball rolling in regard to the
                                                     Potential employers include:
                                                                                                                                                                                      quality of work we’re able
                                                     • Digital media and design                                                                                                       to produce. I’m working on
                                                                                                                                                                                      my portfolio to make sure
                                                     • VFX companies
                                                     • Video game developers                                                                                                          it’s industry ready. I’ve also
                                                     • other media production                                                                                                         been given the opportunity
                                                       companies including:
                                                     - Monkeystack
                                                                                                                                                                                      to work on my own project,
                                                     - Gameloft                                                                                                                       which I’m taking into my
                                                     - Blizzard
                                                                                                                                                                                      honours year to develop
                                                     - Disney
                                                     - Pixar                                                                                                                          into a product I can sell
                                                     - Technicolor.                                                                                                                   on the market, or pitch to
                                                                                                                                                                                      Anthony Robinson
                                                                                                                                                                                      Bachelor of Creative Arts
                                                                                               Find out more                                                                          (Visual Effects and Entertainment
          FULL-TIME             PT    PART-TIME
                                      AVAILABLE         DEFERRABLE
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11
Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
We’re here to help
                                                                                                                                                          Whatever you decide to study at Flinders, we’re always here to
                                                                                                                                                          help you succeed.

                                                                                                                                                          Transition to university
                                                                                                                    Flinders Creative Arts and            Starting at university is a big step, let’s make it

                                                                                                                                                                                                                INNOVATION &
                                                                                                                    Media graduates have
                                                                                                                                                          The Transition Office can help make your shift
                                                                                                                    had a profound impact in

                                                                                                                                                          into university study as smooth as possible, and
                                                                                                                    Australia and around the              the Student Learning Centre provides a range of
                                                                                                                                                          services from writing and mathematics support
                                                                                                                    world. The skills learned             to assistance with study and time-management
                                                                                                                    at Flinders represent a                                                                     Careers are evolving and the
                                                                                                                    common thread between                 Work-Integrated Learning                              workplace of the future will look very
                                                                                                                                                          Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) enables you to
                                                                                                                    actors, writers, dancers,             gain work experience while you study.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                different from today.
                                                                                                                    playwrights and other                 Flinders aims to provide each and every student       That’s why we offer a suite of innovation and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                enterprise electives and courses to prepare you
                                                                                                                    creative people whose                 with access to a WIL opportunity during their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                for the careers of tomorrow. Powered by Flinders’
                                                                                                                                                          studies through placements, practicums, field
                                                                                                                    passions lie in bringing us           studies, and simulated workplace settings and         New Venture Institute, these electives will help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                you to develop the ‘personal enterprise skills’ that
                                                                                                                    joy and opening our eyes              assessment activities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                employers are looking for, and equip you with
                                                                                                                    to the wonders around us.             Scholarships                                          the ability to adapt to whatever life throws at you,
                                                                                                                                                          Flinders University offers over 550                   personally and professionally.
                                                                                                                                                          undergraduate scholarships, worth $2.2M               Find out more
                                                                                                                                                          in total. A generous range of scholarships is
                                                                                                                                                          available to new and continuing undergraduate

                                                                                                                                                          Flinders Connect
                                                                                                                                                          Flinders Connect can help with everything from
                                                                                                                                                          enrolment and fees to exams and graduation.
                                                                                                                                                          You can also access Flinders Connect for
                                                                                                                  Phillip Kavanagh                        specialist services in admissions, careers and
                                                                                                                                                          IT help. A range of support services is also
                                                                                                                  Winner of the Patrick White
                                                                                                                  Playwrights’ Award for his first play
                                                                                                                  Little Borders, Phillip Kavanagh is     Flinders University Student Association
                                                                                                                  one of Australia’s most promising       (FUSA)
                                                                                                                  emerging playwrights and
                                                                                                                  dramaturgs. Works such as Deluge,       Flinders has a long history of active student
     Xavier Samuel                                                                                                Replay and Jesikah have seen            involvement.

     He’s been Hamlet, a vampire, the Earl of                                                                     Phillip earn a Colin Thiele Creative    The Flinders University Student Association
     Southampton, Frankenstein’s monster, and                                                                     Writing Scholarship, State Theatre      (FUSA) continues that tradition, and represents
     many more characters: Xavier Samuel is one                                                                   Company SA Flinders University          the rights and interests of students. FUSA
     of Australia’s most dynamic young actors. He                                                                 Young Playwrights Award, and Jill       manages social events, non-sporting clubs and
     performed in the State Theatre Company of                                                                    Blewett Playwright’s Award.             societies, the student publication Empire Times,
     South Australia’s The Seagull for the 2014                                                                   Photo credit Sia Duff                   and helps with academic, administrative and
     Adelaide Festival. Samuel’s film roles have                                                                                                          welfare issues.
     included cult horror movie The Loved Ones,
                                                                                                                                                          Careers & Employability Service
     Fury alongside Brad Pitt, and Twilight: Eclipse.
                                                                                                                                                          The Careers and Employability Service helps
                                                                                                                                                          give you the edge in your career.
                                                                                                                                                          CareerHub, our online employment portal, is
                                                                                                                                                          more than a service to help you prepare for and
                                                                                                                                                          find the job you want. It offers personalised job
                                                                                                                                                          opportunities, career planning, programs to help
                                                                                                                                                          you broaden your skills and experience, access
                                                                                                                                                          to employer events and career-related resources.
                                                                                                                                                          Whatever you are studying, CareerHub can help
                                                        Hannah Kent                                                                                       you find your direction and start your career.
                                                        Hannah Kent’s debut novel, Burial Rites, has taken the
                                                        literary world by storm. Winning several awards and
                                                        landing on shortlists for the Baileys Women’s Prize for
                                                        Fiction and the Guardian First Book Award, it has been
                                                        translated into over 20 languages and is being adapted
                                                        into a feature film. Hannah is also the co-founder of
                                                        Australian literary journal Kill Your Darlings.
                                                        Photo credit Nicholas Purcell
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Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
How do I apply?                                                                                                                                                 This is Flinders
     Applicants need to apply through the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC):                                                          Flinders’ huge main campus features an award-winning               Student Hub & Plaza
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Open 24/7, the award-winning Hub and Plaza brings the best of coffee
     To find out more about your admission pathways to Flinders, visit:                                                                     hub and plaza, with retail, food outlets and a state-of-the-       and street food culture to the heart of the Bedford Park campus, with retail
                                                                                                                                                                     art sport and fitness centre. Take a virtual tour of Flinders      options, innovative study spaces and free wi-fi access.
     ADMISSION PATHWAYS                        Flinders UniLeap                         BACHELOR OF GENERAL
     At Flinders we recognise that every       Flinders UniLeap can help you            STUDIES                                                                      University and explore our amazing locations. It’s the next        Food & Drink
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        You’ll never go hungry at Bedford Park, with a wide variety of food outlets.
     prospective student is an individual      qualify for entry into a Flinders        The Bachelor of General Studies                                              best thing to being here!
     and that what works for one might         University degree in four weeks.         is a flexible degree that provides                                                                                                              Retail
     not be right for another.                 It’s a free intensive four-week          a sound basis of knowledge in an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bedford Park features a range of retail outlets.
     That’s why we provide various             program that has been designed           area of your choice. It is designed
     admission pathways into Flinders          for school leavers, to develop their     to prepare you with communication
     University and your preferred             independent learning skills and          skills, a firm grasp of ethics, and the
     degree. You’re encouraged to              prepare them for university study.       confidence to make connections            Bedford Park skyline
     explore your options and find the                                                  across geographical, disciplinary,
                                               Foundation Studies
     entry path that’s right for you.                                                   social and cultural boundaries.                                                                                                                                          Flinders Victoria Square is within
                                               The Foundation Studies program           Successful completion of the first
     Year 12 entry                             has been designed to introduce you                                                                        GLENELG & BEACH                                                                                    walking distance of restaurants, cafés
                                                                                        year to the required standard also
                                               to university study in a supportive                                                                                                                                    Flinders’ Tonsley campus;                               and public transport
     The majority of Year 12 applicants                                                 provides you with guaranteed entry                                   (11 mins)
     enter university via the traditional      learning environment. Open to            into a range of our degrees.                                                                                               a $120m centre of innovation
     competitive entry method, where           people from all backgrounds,
                                                                                        Get more out of your degree
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ADELAIDE CBD
     offers are made to eligible applicants    Foundation Studies provides a                                                      MARION SHOPPING                                                                                                                        (23 mins)
     with the highest selection rank until     pathway to gain entry to most            Whatever you’re studying, Flinders
     all places in the degree are filled.      degrees at Flinders and offers           gives you the opportunity to do            CENTRE (11 mins)
     Your selection rank is used by            guaranteed entry into some degrees.      more with your degree to help you
     Flinders to assess your admission                                                  have a competitive edge when you
     to a course, and is based on your                                                  graduate.
                                               Flinders offers guaranteed entry
     ATAR plus any adjustment factors                                                   A combined degree is a
                                               to selected degrees for applicants
     for which you are eligible. The 2019                                               combination of two Flinders
                                               who have completed a TAFE/
     Minimum Selection Rank is the                                                      bachelor degrees, meaning you
                                               VET certificate IV or higher-level
     minimum selection rank required                                                    will have two qualifications in just
                                               qualification, as long as degree
     for consideration to enter in next                                                 one to one-and-a-half years of extra
                                               prerequisites are met. Importantly,
     intake. The 2019 selection rank                                                    study and undertake in-depth study
                                               your TAFE/VET qualification does
     indicates the lowest rank for which                                                in exciting combinations that aren’t
                                               not need to be related to your
     an offer was made to an applicant                                                  usually available in single degrees.
                                               selected area of study at Flinders.
     in that degree for the previous year                                               The Bachelor of Letters is available
     (including any adjustment factors).       TAFE SA dual offers                      to study alongside any degree
     This selection rank is provided only                                               at Flinders and enables you to
                                               You can apply for a TAFE SA#
     as a guide for 2020 entry as it may                                                graduate with two qualifications.
                                               diploma or advanced diploma that
     change from year to year.
                                               is linked to a Flinders degree. You’ll
                                                                                        WHEN CAN I START?
     Adjustment factors                        receive an offer to both TAFE SA
                                               and Flinders University and, on          Flinders offers two admissions
     Adjustment factors (formerly                                                       cycles each year for undergraduate
                                               successful completion of the TAFE
     referred to as bonus points) may be                                                degrees.
                                               course, you’ll have secured an offer
     used in combination with your ATAR
                                               for a Flinders degree. TAFE SA dual      Semester 1 – February start.
     to derive your course selection
                                               offers are available for a range of      Applications open in August for
     rank. Adjustment factors may be
                                               Flinders degrees.# TAFE SA RTO           commencement the following year.
     available for South Australian
                                               Code: 41026                              Semester 2* – July start. Mid-year
     Year 12 students applying for
     entry to Flinders in 2020: the SA         Adult entry                              applications open in August for
     Universities Equity Scheme (UES)                                                   commencement in July the following
                                               The adult entry scheme enables
     and the SA Language, Literacy and
     Mathematics Bonus Scheme (LLM).
                                               people aged 18 years and over to
                                                                                        *Not all degrees are offered for
                                               apply to study at Flinders via the
                                               Special Tertiary Admissions Test         semester 2 entry. Check our                                                                                                                                                      Student Hub & Plaza
     Guaranteed entry selection rank
                                               (STAT). Applications are made via        midyear site for details:
     Achieve a selection rank equal to or                                                                                                                                                                                               Sturt Campus
     above the published guaranteed entry
     selection rank and you’ll be guaranteed   Tertiary transfer                                                                                                                                                                                                         Victoria Square
     a place at Flinders. All you need to
                                               If you have completed at least one                                                                                                                                                                                        Tonsley
     do is ensure you have listed Flinders
                                               semester of full-time equivalent
     degrees first in your preferences                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Flinders Medical Centre
                                               study at university, you may be
     and you will be offered a place in the
                                               able to transfer to study at Flinders
     highest Flinders degree preference
                                               University using your grade point
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Flinders Living
     that you are eligible for in 2020.
                                               average (GPA).                                                                                                                                                                                                            Central Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Playing fields
     If you’re a school leaver, uniTEST is
     your chance to increase your options                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bedford Park and Tonsley campus
     to gain a place in your preferred
     degree. uniTEST is designed for                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Loop buses
     school leavers and complements                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Flinders Campus loop 16 minutes
     existing selection criteria by                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tonsley loop to Bedford Park: 15 minutes
     enhancing your overall selection rank.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tonsley train line (50 minutes to CBD)
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Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
Our friendly staff are available to answer your questions:
1300 354 633 (local call cost) | |
International students should contact:
+61 8 8201 2727 | |

Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this brochure is accurate at the time of publication: April 2019.
Flinders University reserves the right to alter any course or topic contained herein without prior notice. Alterations are
reflected in the course information available on the University’s website. CRICOS No. 00114A
Creative Arts & Media - Flinders University
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