Currents Price List February 2022 - Knoll

Page created by Alicia Ortega
Price List
February 2022
Table of Contents                                                        Currents

Introduction                          Knoll and Sustainable Design                                           2
                                      Introduction to Currents                                               3
                                      Currents Textiles                                                      5
                                      Currents Color Program                                                 6
                                      Currents Legacy Finishes                                               7
                                      Introduction to Upstart                                                8
                                      Original Upstart Planning Examples                                     9
                                      Upstart Color Program                                                 11
                                      Upstart Legacy Finishes                                               12
Service Walls and components          Service Wall frames                                                   13
                                      Fence frames                                                          14
                                      Crown and raceway covers                                              15
                                      Structural base cover kits                                            16
                                      Access covers                                                         18
                                      Wall ends and connectors                                              25
                                      Wall frame accessories                                                31
                                      Spine ends and connectors                                             33
                                      End Starters                                                          35
                                      Panel system starters and T-ends                                      36
                                      Panel system starters for Dividends Horizon                           40
                                      Power, data and communications components for Service Walls           41
Screens and add-up panels             Add-up panels                                                         49
                                      Add up glass panels, for spine                                        50
Worksurfaces                          Worksurfaces, universal                                               51
                                      Currents Stiffeners                                                   57
                                      Worksurface, samples                                                  58
                                      Worksurface supports                                                  59
Floorstanding storage                 Pedestal accessories                                                  60
Counter Surface                       Counter surface                                                       62
Upstart table desks and storage       Upstart Tables                                                        63
                                      Plannable Upstart Tables                                              68
                                      Accessories                                                           77
                                      Upstart Privacy Screens                                               78
Wall Mounting of Knoll Products                                                                             79
Alpha-Numeric Index                                                                                         81
Selling Policy                                                                                              84
KnollKey Lock Program                                                                                       87
General Ordering Information                                                                                88

Copyright Q 2022 Knoll, Inc.
All rights reserved.
All prices effective 02/15/2022.                                       1                            PLCURR0622
Knoll and Sustainable Design

Each year Knoll sets key initiatives in the journey to sustainability. Focused on our impact to people and planet, Knoll reports material
health product attributes and sets operational targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation and water use (in our North
American facilities.)

Material transparency is a core Knoll sustainable design value, enabling us to optimize the design and performance of our products.
Our material health program utilizes independent third-party certifications that provide an impartial and trustworthy foundation for
industry-wide transparency. Certification by respected third parties ensures that all manufacturers are held to the same high standards.
Knoll certifications include: Forest Stewardship Council (FSCt), Intertek’s Clean Air Program, Business and Institutional Furniture
Manufacturer’s Association (BIFMA) LEVELt certification, International Living Future Institute’s (ILFI) Declare labelling and Certified
Environmental Product Declarations. In addition, Knoll is aligned with the U.S. Green Building Council and can help organizations
achieve credits for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDt), WELL and the Living Building Challenge (LBC) building

In our manufacturing operations, we focus on efficiency and impact. Knoll Office and Knoll Europe manufacturing locations are ISO
14001:2015 certified. Knoll sets objectives and targets to reduce energy, water and waste. These initiatives are part of a long-term
strategy to further reduce energy consumption and lower our carbon footprint.
We also believe in helping our customers find viable options when decommissioning furniture or other related assets. ANEW’s Full
Circle Program, in partnership with Knoll, allows customers to leverage buy-back and re-sale programs as well as explore options for
repurposing or recycling that mitigate landfill impact through energy-from-waste conversion.
For more information about Knoll and sustainable design, visit

Introduction to Currents       Currents

Currents creates dynamic, advanced
performance work environments from
coordinated, independent elements –
Service Walls, Fence frames, plannable
desks, mobile storage – and existing
Knoll office products.
Currents workspaces may be
spine-supported or freestanding, or
planned in combination with
conventional panel systems.

Introduction to Currents                                                                                                       Currents

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Currents Textiles                                                                             Currents


Approved for Wall covers       Additional textiles are          Delite             Melange             Tabloid f
and privacy screens            available on linkable screens    Demure             Melody j    fr      Tempest
                               and stackable add-up             Diva               Menagerie           Texnet
Fabric Group10                 panels: see Morrison price       Djenne             Meroe               Theory j    fr
Annex (W1360)                  list for approved fabrics.       Double Agent jfr   Midpoint            Tight Rope j   fr
Beacon (W1597)                                                  Dristi jfr         Milestone           Tilden j   fr
Broadcloth II (W1619)          Customer’s Own Material is       Dune               Mod Plaid           Tinge j fr
Circuit (W1754)                subject to an application        Durand             Monarch f           Topography
Element (W1077)                testing fee of $750 per fabric   Dynamic            Moto CR             Topos
Messa (W20611)                 and a $2500 fee for UL           Earthwork f        Nature Walk         Totem
Pivot (W1926)                  testing. Fabric requirements     Eclat Weave        Night Life          Tower Grid
Symbolic Details (W693)        - application test, 10 yards;    Entouragef         Noble               Treble CR
Skylark (W1718)                UL test, 15 yards. COM is        Entwine            North Island        Trophy
Tailor Made II (W1610)         also subject to extended         Essence            Obi                 Tryst
Twister (W1923)                leadtimes. COM panels are        Fancy Twill        Off the Grid        Ultrasuede f
Versatility (W432)             priced at Group 10 plus cost     Ferry              Origins             Utmost II
Wrap Up (W2410)                of fabric.                       Fibra              Palisade            Utopia
Fabric Group 20                Approved textiles for            Firefly            Panache CR          Utrillo
Circle Line (W1146)            Currents Mobile Pedestal         Flower Power       Paradigm            Vatera
Criss Cross (W305)             Cushion                          Foil Rap           Pedal Pusher j fr   Venue
Delite (K2026)                                                  Forza j fr         Petite Floral       Versa f
Edo (W2111)                    Abacus f                         Fox Trot CR        Plaid On            Versatility
Infinite (K2263)               Aegean                           Framework f        Pogo f              Vibe II j   fr

Logic (W1318)                  Alignment f                      Galla II f         Prairie             Vice Versa
Mainframe (W1783)              Arno f                           Gibson             Prepf               Vinyl j  fr

Nematic II (W1620)             Aswan                            Glider             Presto f            Westwood
Photon II (W1695)              Atelier                          Grande             Prim f              Whip
Ponder (W2382)                 Atlas                            Grandview          Quark               Wit
Reflect (W884)                 Attire                           Greenwich          Radiance            Woodland II
                               Axiom j  fr                      Haze               Ransom f            Wrap Up
Fabric Group 30                Backdrop                         Heavy Metal        Rattan              Yeni
Match Point (W1145)            Bank Shot f                      Helios             Reflect             Zari CR
Micro (W465)                   Baxter                           Highland           Regard CR           Zipline f
Relay (W1020) *                Beacon                           Holbrook           Retreat             Zoom
                               Belize                           Hologram           Ricochet f
Fabric Group 40                Biota f                                                                 Pedestal cushions are
                                                                Hourglass          Rio
Amplify (W1215)                Biscayne                                                                upholstered (from the front to
                                                                Hudson             Rivington
Bandwidth (W1219)              Bistro f                                                                the back of the pedestal)
                                                                Icon               Roam
Crossroad (K2085)              Bocce f                                                                 with the fabric direction
                                                                Ikat Stripe        Roundtrip f
Hourglass (K1523)              Boundary f                                                              matching the textile sample.
                                                                In Step            Rush Hour
Palladium (W1030)              Buzz                             Innuendo           Sahara CR           Approved Spinneybeck
Spellbound (W1464)             Cairo                            Intrigue           Sandpiper CR        Leathers for Currents
Fabric Group 50                Cameo                            Island             Sequin CR           Mobile Pedestal Cushions
Presto (K1000)                 Cato                             Jasmine            Serendipity
                               Century                          Journeyf           Shadow Play         Alaska
Fabric Group 55                Chameleon                        Kampala            Sherman             Amazon
Ransom (K1298)                 Chance                           Katazome           Shima               Andes
Ransom (K2398)                 Charm                            Keaton             Sinclair            Arizona
                               Chiseled                         Kimono             Smart j  fr         Cervo
*Screen only
                               Chroma f                         Kingston           Soireef             Copenhagen
Textile and leather grades     Chronicle f                      Knoll Felt f       Soliloquy           Cordovan
are found in the Office        Circa                            Knoll Hopsack f    Sonnet f            Derby
Seating Textile Matrix and     Classic Boucle f                 Kora CR            Soon                Distressed
Office Seating Leather         Close Knit                       Lagos              Spark f             Ducale
Matrix.                        Common Ground f                  Legend CR          Spencer             Ducale Velours
                               Commuter Cloth f                 Liberty            Spree f             España
                               Compass CR                       Limani             Stacks              Maremma
                               Comaro                           Looped In          Star Struck         Marissa
                               Coterie                          Lore CR            Stepping Stones     Prima
                               Cozy Cord                        Ludlow             Striae Stripe       Riva
                               Cross Tech                       Lyric              Stripe It           Sabrina
                               Crossroad                        Magnolia           Summit              Saddle
                               Cuddle Stripe                    Mariner            Suttonf             Salon
                               Dahlia CR                        Marquee            Swing               Velluto Pelle
                               Dapper                           Masquerade         Synth f             Volo

f   = CAL 133 Pre-approved                                                                             j
                                                                                                       fr Fire Retardants Chemicals

Currents Color Program                                                                                                         Currents

                             Currents Finishes



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Currents Legacy Finishes                                                                                                   Upstart

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Introduction to Upstart                                                                         Upstart

                             Limited Availability

Original Upstart Planning Examples                                                      Upstart

              Limited Availability

Basic stand-alone Y desk                Oval table with Y desk
                                                                      Curved wiper with Y desk
• the core Upstart application          • 369 x 669 oval table        • wiper 669 W
• 309 x 729 nominal shown;              • 309 x 729 Y return          • 309 x 729 Y return
  conference depth is
  approximately 369

Y desk with 42( round table
• conference table                      Rectangular table with
                                                                        Y and M back-to-back, with
                                        bracketed return surface
                                                                        42( conference tables
                                        • 729 x 769 approximate
                                        • optional work shelf

Y desk with tripod table
• 309 x 729 Y desk, work shelf,
  and mobile pedestal

                                        Dual-monitor M desk
                                        • 729 x 1009 approximate
                                        • optional work shelf
                                        • flat ends allow placement
                                          along wall

Dual-monitor M desk with tripod table
• 309 x 729 nominal M desk

                                                                        Y desks back-to-back, with
                                                                        half-round shared table
                                                                        • please note 1.759 setback
                                                                          from the back edge of
                                                                          each top to module line,
                                                                          same as Currents desks.

Original Upstart Planning Examples                                                  Upstart

                     Limited Availability

Y desk with Upstart storage
                                                          Extended corner desk and tower
• 729 x 969 footprint                                     • 729 x 729 footprint
• 729 table with screen                                   • 489 and 729 screens
• mobile pedestal and tower                               • mobile pedestal and tower

Extended corner desk and adjacent worktable               Upstart 120& planning
• 729 x 969 footprint                                     • group of three 120° corners
• 729 x 489 corner and 489 straight desks                 • 489 shared privacy screens
• mobile pedestal and privacy screen                      • mobile pedestals

U-shape plannable desks
•   969 x 969 footprint
•   two 489 x 729 extended corners
                                                          Upstart work group
•   mobile pedestal and tower                             • 120° corners and shared worktable 48 x 249
•   729 privacy screen                                    • mobile pedestals and towers
                                                          • 489 privacy screens

Upstart Color Program                                                                                                            Upstart

                             Upstart Finishes
                             Limited Availability

Core finishes

Specify Core finishes for all new customers

                                                                       Table legs,                                                                   Plannable
                                                                         screen                                Plannable           Upstart            Upstart
                                                                        brackets,            Upstart            Upstart          Worksurface        Worksurface
  Core                                               Legacy            magnet rail         Worksurfaces       Worksurfaces         edges               edges
   611     Beige Mist Metallic                                              •
   118     Bright White                                                     •                     •                 •                  •                  •
   112     Brown                                                            •
   123     Brushed Grey                                                                           •                 •
   122     Brushed Sand                                                                           •                 •
   113     Dark Grey                                    Y3                  •
   128     Fog                                                                                    •                 •                  •                  •
   114     Folkstone Grey                              LA/U                 •                     •                 •                  •                  •
   111     Jet Black                                                        •                     •                 •                  •                  •
   124     Medium Cherry                                                                          •                 •
   115     Medium Grey                                  Y2                  •
   612     Medium Metallic Grey                          J                  •
   121     Micro Grey                                                                             •                 •
   129     Micro Sand                                                                             •                 •
   126     Natural Cherry                                                                         •                 •
   125     Natural Maple                                                                          •                 •
   119     Pumice                                        F                                        •                 •                  •                  •
   116     Sandstone                                                        •
   613     Silver                                       3                   •
   117     Soft Grey                                  E/M42                 •                     •                 •                  •                  •
   813     Trim grey                                    5                                                                              •                  •
   127     Walnut                                                                                 •                 •
           Frosty white                                 W                                                                              •
           Light grey (integral)                        U
           Glider grey (integral)                      G1
   638     Blond Maple                                 4/M                                                          •
   639     Light Cherry                                6/R                                                          •
   006     Maple                                        K
Default trim information:
Trim Grey is the integral color for caster and glide leg levellers and screen corners
Black: flat bracket, cable tray and casters
Screen available in Ribbed Polycarbonate or Marker surface
Veneer finishes for Plannable Upstart worksurfaces are available through Custom Product Development.

For Plannable Upstart Veneer Group 1, only black or trim grey edgebands can be specified.
Translucent orange, Translucent blue, and Frosty white edgebands are not available for Plannable Upstart tables.
Wood Finishes
New codes begin with a three digit numeric sequence, followed by a letter suffix. Each letter suffix (A-F) represents a different combination of pore fill options
and gloss levels.

   Gloss Level        Fill Level                                                        Edge Options for Veneers
A Low Gloss           Closed Pore                                                       WOOD      Complemetary
B MediumGloss         Closed Pore                                                       SYN       Wood Complementary Synthetic
C High Gloss          Closed Pore                                                       WPLY      Wood Ply Edge *
                                                                                        SPLY      Synthetic Ply Edge *
D Low Gloss           Open Pore
E Medium Gloss        Open Pore                                                         * Ply Edge available on Birch (037) worksurfaces.
F High Gloss          Open Pore

Upstart Legacy Finishes                                                                             Upstart

                              Limited Availability

Specify Legacy Finishes for existing customers only. Legacy Finishes are not available for new customers.

                                                            Table legs, screen brackets,
                                                                     magnet rail                    Worksurfaces   Worksurface edges
    B      Snow                                                                                             •
    L      Light grey                                                                                       •              •
    E      Fiber                                                                                            •
    V      Winter grey                                                                                      •
    S      Slate                                                                                            •
    F      Pumice                                                                                           •              •
    U      Folkstone grey                                                                                   •              •
   M42     Soft grey                                                                                        •              •
    D      Sand                                                                                             •              •
   CM      Clear Maple                                                                                      •
   PA      Pearwood                                                                                         •
   WM      Warm Cherry                                                                                      •
    5      Trim grey                                                                                                       •
    N      Black                                                                                                           •
    W      Frosty white                                                                                                    •
   N2      Flint
   NU      Light grey
   NJ      Medium grey
   NV      Dark grey
   NW      Light Tan
   NH      Beige
    3      Silver                                                         •
    B      White                                                          •
    2      Metallic flint                                                 •
    U      Light metallic grey                                            •
    J      Medium metallic grey                                           •
    V      Dark metallic grey                                             •
    H      Metallic beige                                                 •
    W      Light metallic tan                                             •
    E      Soft grey                                                      •
    K      Maple
    U      Light grey (integral)
   G1      Glider grey (integral)
Default trim information:
Trim Grey is the integral color for caster and glide leg levellers and screen corners
Black: flat bracket, cable tray and casters
Screen available in Ribbed Polycarbonate or Marker surface
For Plannable Upstart Veneer Group 1, only black or trim grey edgebands can be specified.
Translucent orange, Translucent blue, and Frosty white edgebands are not available for Plannable Upstart tables.
NOTE: Add 10% to the list price of any laminate product when specifying a legacy laminate.

Service Wall frames                                                                                                   Currents

                                                                                                                                                               Service Walls and components
description                           type                    w                     d                  h                pattern no.                    black
Wall frame, standard crown            399H                    489                   59                 439              APF1 3948                      $826.
                                                              609                   59                 439              APF1 3960                       948.
                                                              729                   59                 439              APF1 3972                     1,174.

                                      489H                    489                   59                 529              APF1 4848                       908.
                                                              609                   59                 529              APF1 4860                     1,041.
                                                              729                   59                 529              APF1 4872                     1,297.

                                      649H                    489                   59                 689              APF1 6448                     1,079.
                                                              609                   59                 689              APF1 6460                     1,235.
                                                              729                   59                 689              APF1 6472                     1,546.

Wall frame, compact crown             399H                    489                   59                 409              APFA1 3948                      662.
                                                              609                   59                 409              APFA1 3960                      759.
                                                              729                   59                 409              APFA1 3972                      936.

                                      489H                    489                   59                 499              APFA1 4848                      724.
                                                              609                   59                 499              APFA1 4860                      829.
                                                              729                   59                 499              APFA1 4872                    1,035.

                                      649H                    489                   59                 659              APFA1 6448                      862.
                                                              609                   59                 659              APFA1 6460                      988.
                                                              729                   59                 659              APFA1 6472                    1,235.

Order Code                          Specification Information                    Application Notes

Example: APF1 4860                  Wall frame pattern numbers begin             Service Wall frames are the           Crown is bored to accept stackable
APF1     Wall frame                 with APF prefix.                             structural component of a Currents    add-up panels at 39 increments.
                                                                                 spine. Specify frames in any
48       Height                     Specify:                                     combination of widths to create the   Wall frames include two levelling
60       Width                      Fifth position: height                       overall wall length required.         feet with 29 travel, 129 from each
                                    39     399H                                                                        side edge.
                                    48     489H                                  Frames include vertical studs every
                                                                                 129 on center, with cover mounting    The base of the wall accepts Knoll 2
                                    64     649H                                                                        + 2 or 3 + 3 raceway power rails,
                                                                                 clips and cable manager inserts on
                                                                                 both sides. Frames also include 49H   and allows cables to enter or exit
                                    Seventh position: width                                                            anywhere between glides.
                                                                                 or 19 top crown with continuous
                                    48     489W                                  channel for add-up panels. 49H
                                    60     609W                                                                        Specify crown covers, raceway
                                                                                 Standard crown frames include         covers, structural base covers, and
                                    72     729W                                  shaped crowns for upmounting          wall covers for each face of frame,
                                                                                 shelves and overhead storage          and specify power components
                                    All wall frames include two 39               cabinets or canopy lighting at any
                                    diameter, 29 levelling glides and one                                              separately.
                                                                                 point. Compact crown frames
                                    set of connectors to adjacent frame          feature a slim profile crown with
                                    or wall connector. Frames are black          downmounting capability only.
                                    painted finish.

Fence frames                                                                                                                   Currents

description                                width                    depth                         height                      pattern number                    black
Fence frames (legs not included)           489                      59                            20 /29                      APF 1848                         $755.
                                           609                      59                            20 1/29                     APF 1860                           905.
                                           729                      59                            20 1/29                     APF 1872                         1,086.

Leg with glide                             2 3/49                   49                            18 1/29                     AX1LEG ( )                         116.
                                           2 3/49                   49                            59                          AX1LEG5 ( )                        116.
                                           2 3/49                   49                            69                          AX1LEG6 ( )                        116.

Stabilizer feet (set of 2)                 2 1/29                   7 1/29                        4 1/29                      AX1 FF ( )                         180.

Order Code                         Specification Information                      Application Notes

Example: APF 1872                  Specify painted finishes for legs and          Currents Fence provides                      Legs with feet 129 from each end of
APF      Wall frame                feet.                                          independent services distribution to         connected Fence frames can be
                                                                                  a cluster of tables, desks or                replaced by stabilizer end cabinets
18       Height                    Fence frames include four barrel               workstations.                                or T-ends with panels. Intermediate
72       Width                     connectors, crown and bottom rail                                                           support may also be provided by
                                   covers in trim grey. Frames must be            Fence legs may be specified at three         legs without feet in combination
                                   enclosed with two rows of 99H                  heights to deliver an overall height         with perpendicular panels.
                                   Currents or AutoStrada wall covers             of 409H, 289H or 279H to the top of
                                   on each face.                                  the crown. Specify AX1LEG( ) leg to          Fence frames can end support
                                                                                  get to 409H; specify AX1LEG6( )              worksurfaces but cannot cantilever
                                   Specify Currents power components              leg to get to 289H; and specify              worksurfaces or upmounted storage.
                                   separately. Outlet modules mount at            AX1LEG5( ) leg to get to 279H to
                                   any point along the top row only.              the top of the crown.                        When specifying frameless glass
                                                                                                                               add-up panels on Fence, each
                                   Cable tray access covers mount in              Installed Fence frames include               Fence frame requires two legs.
                                   bottom row only.                               vertical studs with cover mounting
                                                                                  clips and cable manager inserts              Fence T-end adaptors, stabilizer end
                                                                                  every 129.                                   cabinet adaptors, high-low straight
                                                                                                                               connectors and unversal panel
                                                                                  A continuous top channel accepts             starters are only compatible with
                                                                                  Currents or AutoStrada crown top             Fence frames that are specified at
                                                                                  caps and supports frameless glass            40 inch high with the 18- 1/29 high
                                                                                  add up panels, add up panels or              leg (AX1 LEG). To use these
                                                                                  stackable add up panels 129 high.            components when Fence is planned
                                                                                  219H stackable add up panels may             with shorter legs that deliver overall
                                                                                  be used on Fence runs supported by           heights of 27 or 28 inches high,
                                                                                  perpendicular panels.                        please contact Knoll Custom
                                                                                                                               Product Development for assistance.
                                                                                  Fence legs with glides mount 129
                                                                                  from each frame side edge under the
                                                                                  first full vertical stud. Stabilizer feet
                                                                                  mount on both faces of Fence legs.
                                                                                  For freestanding Fence runs, specify
                                                                                  a leg with feet 129 from each run
                                                                                  end plus a leg with feet for each
                                                                                  intermediate frame connection.
                                                                                  Intermediate legs may be positioned
                                                                                  on either side of the frame
Crown and raceway covers                                                                                                         Currents

                                                                                                                                                                          Service Walls and components
description                    type                w            d           h               pattern no.               paint            metal finish (A)            list
Crown covers (pair)                                489          59          49              APT 48 ( )                $57.                         $68.
                                                   609          59          49              APT 60 ( )                 68.                          76.
                                                   729          59          49              APT 72 ( )                 76.                          98.

Crown covers, compact (pair)                       489          59          19              APTA 48 ( )                                                            94.
integral color                                     609          59          19              APTA 60 ( )                                                           109.
                                                   729          59          19              APTA 72 ( )                                                           187.

Raceway covers (pair)          no outlets          489          –           3 1/39          APR 480 ( )                57.
                                                   609          –           3 1/39          APR 600 ( )                68.
                                                   729          –           3 1/39          APR 720 ( )                76.

                               outlets             489          –           3 1/39          APR 48 ( )( )              68.
                                                   609          –           3 1/39          APR 60 ( )( )              76.
                                                   729          –           3 1/39          APR 72 ( )( )              98.

Crown top cap                                      249          29          –               APT C24 ( )                                                            12.
                                                   249          29          –               APT1 C24 ( )                                                           12.
                                                   369          29          –               APT C36 ( )                                                            24.
                                                   369          29          –               APT1 C36 ( )                                                           24.
                                                   489          29          –               APT C48 ( )                                                            43.
                                                   489          29          –               APT1 C48 ( )                                                           43.
                                                   609          29          –               APT C60 ( )                                                            48.
                                                   609          29          –               APT1 C60 ( )                                                           48.
                                                   729          29          –               APT C72 ( )                                                            57.
                                                   729          29          –               APT1 C72 ( )                                                           57.
                               integral color only, plastic

Order Code                         Specification Information                                                                  Application Notes

Example: APR 480 612               Wall crown pattern numbers begin             Specify trim grey or easy grey                Crown, raceway, and structural base
APR      Raceway                   with APT-prefix, then frame width.           integral color for compact crown              covers are required for every wall
                                                                                covers and crown top cap.                     frame in corresponding widths.
48       Width                     Specify:                                                                                   Covers are specified in pairs to
0        Outlet openings           Sixth position: paint or metal finish                                                      cover both sides of a frame.
                                                                                Crown top caps are optional fillers
612      Finish                    Raceway Covers begin with APR-               for the crown where no add-up                 Raceway covers may be specified
                                   prefix, then frame width.                    panels are planned.                           with no openings (desk-height
                                   Specify:                                                                                   raceway), two openings in the
                                                                                Crown top caps with prefix APT1               center, or four outlets at all possible
                                   Sixth position: outlet openings              are slightly taller than crown top            locations in 489 or 609W raceway.
                                   0      no outlets                            caps with prefix APT to better line           729W raceway may have four outlet
                                   2      two outlets, each side (489,          up with frameless glass add-up                openings in the center or six in all,
                                            609 only)                           panels.                                       each side.
                                   4      four outlets, each side
                                   6      six outlets (729only), each                                                         Raceway cover sets with outlet
                                            side                                                                              openings include black filler plates
                                                                                                                              for one cover only.
                                   Seventh position:
                                   Raceway cover finish
Structural base cover kits                                                                                                      Currents


                                                                                                                  smooth         textured                         textured
description                        type                  w         d        h             pattern no.               solid            solid     perforated       perforated
Structural base covers (pair)      non upholstered       489       19       169           APC AZ48 ( )( )          $392.           $435.           $557.            $611.
                                                         609       19       169           APC AZ60 ( )( )           450.            501.            636.             705.
                                                         729       19       169           APC AZ72 ( )( )           512.            565.            719.             791.

Order Code                                Specification Information                                                                 Application Notes

Example: APC AZ48 H 612                   Structural base cover kit pattern             Specify paint finish for all covers.        Crown, raceway, and structural base
APC      Wall cover                       numbers begin with APC AZ prefix,                                                         covers are required for every wall
                                          then cover width.                             Textured paint finishes for structural      frame in corresponding widths.
AZ       Attachment zone                                                                base covers only.                           Covers are specified in pairs to
48       Width                            Specify:                                                                                  cover both sides of a frame.
                                          Eighth position:
H        Perforated                                                                                                                 Structural base covers bolt to each
                                          P      painted
612      Finish                           PT     textured painted                                                                   side of the wall frame up to 219H for
                                          H      perforated painted                                                                 structure and continuous
                                          HT     textured perforated painted                                                        attachment capability.

                                          Ninth position: paint finish or fabric
Structural base cover kits                                                                                                  Currents

                                                                                                                                                                        Service Walls and components

description                      type          w     d       h     pattern no.              10       15       20       30         35      40      45      50      55
Structural base covers (pair)    upholstered   489   19      169   APC AZ48 F ( )       $563.     $586.    $605.    $647.       $664.   $689.   $708.   $744.   $789.
                                               609   19      169   APC AZ60 F ( )        664.      689.     711.     759.        787.    804.    833.    873.    930.
                                               729   19      169   APC AZ72 F ( )         n/a      789.      n/a      n/a         n/a     n/a     n/a     n/a     n/a

Order Code                                Specification Information                     Application Notes

Example: APC AZ48 F 10                    Structural base cover kit pattern             Crown, raceway, and structural base
APC      Wall cover                       numbers begin with APC AZ prefix,             covers are required for every wall
                                          then cover width.                             frame in corresponding widths.
AZ       Attachment zone                                                                Covers are specified in pairs to
48       Width                            Specify:                                      cover both sides of a frame.
                                          Eighth position:
F        Upholstered                                                                    Structural base covers bolt to each
                                          F      fabric
10       Fabric                                                                         side of the wall frame up to 219H for
                                          Ninth position: paint finish or fabric        structure and continuous
                                          group                                         attachment capability.
                                                                                        When ordering 609 wide or greater
                                          Fabric groups:                                width upholstered structural base
                                          Specify two-digit fabric group                covers, please check the width of
                                          number                                        the fabric selected.

Access covers                                                                                                     Currents

                             outlets cover

description                        type              w         d            h           pattern no.              black         no finish          smooth
Outlets cover                      99H cover         129       19           99          APC OC ( )                                                   $48.

Hinged outlet flap (each)                                                               APC OCF                                      48.

Outlet fillers (Set of 10)                                                              AR OF                      55.

Hardwire outlets cover                               129       99                       APC HOC ( )                                                      74.

Hardwire outlet box, desk height   quad              29                                 AR1 HOB                                     337.
                                   two quad          129                                AR1 HOB2                                    443.

Order Code                         Specification Information             Application Notes

Example: APC OC 612                Specify finish.                       Locate outlets covers on Service          Hardwire outlet box accepts two
APC      Service wall cover                                              Wall or Fence frames before               Decora-style duplex outlets, and
                                                                         specifying other wall covers.             includes mounting brackets for one
OC       Outlets cover                                                                                             face of Service Wall between 219
612      Finish                                                          Outlets cover mounts between 219          and 489H or one face of top row of
                                                                         and 309 (below standard desk              Fence frames. Two quad hardwire
                                                                         height), 309 - 399 (above desk            outlet box accepts four duplex
                                                                         height) or 399 - 489 on Service Wall      outlets on one face. Also specify
                                                                         frame. Outlet cover mounts in top         hardwire outlets cover, which has
                                                                         row of Fence only.                        four outlet openings. Specify outlet
                                                                         Outlets cover is 129 wide, and            fillers for any unused outlet
                                                                         mounts anywhere on Service Wall           openings.
                                                                         frame between 219 and 489 above           Outlet boxes include openings to
                                                                         the floor. Outlets cover corresponds      permit continuous lay-in wiring with
                                                                         to power components (specified            Wiremoldt raceway. Electrical
                                                                         separately) mounted on Service Wall       contractor supplies infeed cable,
                                                                         frame.                                    Wiremold 2400t, and duplex
                                                                         Outlets covers have four openings         outlets. Outlet boxes can be planned
                                                                         for power or PDC outlets. Specify         back to back, with distribution on
                                                                         outlet fillers for unused outlet          one side of Service Wall.
                                                                         openings in cover. Specify hinged         NOTE: Currents cable tray access
                                                                         outlet flap to conceal power or data      covers and all AutoStrada access
                                                                         outlet plugs. Each flap covers two        covers cannot be used in the same
                                                                         openings; two flaps conceal all four      99H zone as the wiremold raceway
                                                                         openings in outlets cover.                as the wiremold will not fit behind
                                                                         For hardwire power applications           the covers.
                                                                         (required in City of Chicago) specify
                                                                         hardwire outlets cover and hardwire
                                                                         outlets box. Do not specify cable
                                                                         tray covers at same level as
                                                                         hardwire power.
Access covers                                                                                                     Currents

                                                                                                                                                          Service Walls and components
                            cable tray and slat wall covers

description                           w                        d                   h                      pattern no.                            smooth
99H cable tray covers                 129                      19                  99                     APC 0912 C ( )                          $113.
                                      249                      19                  99                     APC 0924 C ( )                           134.
                                      369                      19                  99                     APC 0936 C ( )                           158.
                                      489                      19                  99                     APC 0948 C ( )                           206.
                                      609                      19                  99                     APC 0960 C ( )                           263.
                                      729                      19                  99                     APC 0972 C ( )                           322.

99H cable tray exit cover             129                      19                  99                     APC 0912 CX ( )                          228.

99H slat wall covers                  129                      19                  99                     APC 0912 S ( )                           103.
                                      249                      19                  99                     APC 0924 S ( )                           118.
                                      369                      19                  99                     APC 0936 S ( )                           136.
                                      489                      19                  99                     APC 0948 S ( )                           182.
                                      609                      19                  99                     APC 0960 S ( )                           228.
                                      729                      19                  99                     APC 0972 S ( )                           276.

Order Code                         Specification Information             Application Notes

Example: APC 0948 C 612            Specify finish.                       Cable tray and slat wall covers        Cable tray exit cover permits power
APC      Service wall cover                                              provide integral performance           jumpers and data/communication
                                                                         surface on one or both sides of a      cables to pass from wall to Currents
09       Height                                                          Service Wall or Fence frame. Cable     desk service beam. Cable tray exit
48       Width                                                           tray and slat wall may be planned in   cover, 129W only, has two openings
C        Surface type                                                    combination with other painted or      with sliding covers.
                                                                         upholstered covers to enclose
612      Finish                                                          frames between 219H and 489H.          Slat wall supports KnollExtra task
                                                                                                                lights, monitor arms, paper trays,
                                                                         Cable tray mounts from 219 - 309       file holders and other accessories.
                                                                         only on any Service Wall frame.
                                                                         Adjacent trays form continuous,        Slat wall covers will support flat
                                                                         easily accessible cable management     panel monitor arms with varying
                                                                         at worksurface or table height.        weight limitations based on
                                                                         Shorter segments provide local         mounting and application. Please
                                                                         cable management below outlet          refer to the KnollExtra price list for
                                                                         modules. Covers may span across a      comprehensive mounting and
                                                                         straight wall frame connection.        weight limitation information by
                                                                         Bottom half of cable tray cover
                                                                         permits cables to be managed on
                                                                         surface of studs with one cable
                                                                         holder (55 CAT5 cables) or two clips
                                                                         (28 cables).
Access covers                                                                                                   Currents

                             marker surface and painted steel covers

description                      type                                  w            d    h     pattern no.             M        smooth        textured
99H Marker surface covers                                              249          1    99    APC 0924 M            $66.
                                                                       369          1    99    APC 0936 M             78.
                                                                       489          1    99    APC 0948 M             94.
                                                                       609          1    99    APC 0960 M            105.
                                                                       729          1    99    APC 0972 M            112.

169H Marker surface covers                                             489          1    169   APC 1648 M            132.
                                                                       609          1    169   APC 1660 M            158.
                                                                       729          1    169   APC 1672 M            182.

99H Painted steel covers         smooth                                129          19   99    APC 0912 P ( )                       53.
                                                                       249          19   99    APC 0924 P ( )                       62.
                                                                       369          19   99    APC 0936 P ( )                       67.
                                                                       489          19   99    APC 0948 P ( )                       87.
                                                                       609          19   99    APC 0960 P ( )                       96.
                                                                       729          19   99    APC 0972 P ( )                      107.

                                 textured                              129          19   99    APC 0912 PT ( )                                     55.
                                                                       249          19   99    APC 0924 PT ( )                                     66.
                                                                       369          19   99    APC 0936 PT ( )                                     78.
                                                                       489          19   99    APC 0948 PT ( )                                     94.
                                                                       609          19   99    APC 0960 PT ( )                                    105.
                                                                       729          19   99    APC 0972 PT ( )                                    112.

Order Code                              Specification Information                                                Application Notes

Example: APC 0948 P 117                 99H covers plan at any 99H level in                                      Marker surface covers are steel with
APC      Service wall cover             399, 489, or 649 Service Walls or                                        a bright white dry-erase marker
                                        Fence Frames.                                                            finish.
09       Height
48       Width                          For active face of 399H Service Wall                                     Painted steel covers provide a
                                        frame, specify two 99H covers each                                       durable wall-like surface in smooth
P        Surface type                   side.                                                                    or textured finish.
117      Finish
                                        For active face of 489H Service Wall                                     Service Wall covers enclose frames
                                        frame, specify three 99H covers                                          between 219H and the top crown.
                                        each side.                                                               Covers may be specified in any
                                                                                                                 combination of widths
                                        For active face of 649H Service Wall                                     corresponding to the total Service
                                        frame, specify three 99H covers and                                      Wall length. Covers may span across
                                        one 169H cover each side.                                                a straight wall frame connection.
                                        For active face of Fence frames,                                         For active surfaces with access
                                        specify two 99 covers each side.                                         to cables and
                                        Surface type:                                                            power/data/communications outlets,
                                                                                                                 specify 99 and 169H segmented
                                        P      Painted                                                           covers as described in Specification
                                        PT     Textured painted                                                  Information. Normally, 99 cover
                                        M      Marker                                                            from 219 to 309 above floor is cable
                                                                                                                 tray or painted steel, and higher
                                        Specify smooth or textured painted                                       covers are painted, marker,
                                        finish for steel covers.                                                 upholstered, tackable, or slat wall
Access covers                                                                                                     Currents

                                                                                                                                                          Service Walls and components
                            marker surface and painted steel covers

description                   type                                    w              d    h     pattern no.           M         smooth         textured
169H Painted steel covers     smooth                                  489            19   169   APC 1648 P ( )                   $122.
                                                                      609            19   169   APC 1660 P ( )                    147.
                                                                      729            19   169   APC 1672 P ( )                    164.

                              textured                                489            19   169   APC 1648 PT ( )                                    132.
                                                                      609            19   169   APC 1660 PT ( )                                    158.
                                                                      729            19   169   APC 1672 PT ( )                                    182.

Order Code                               Specification Information                                                Application Notes

Example: APC 0948 P 117                  99H covers plan at any 99H level in                                      Marker surface covers are steel with
APC      Service wall cover              399, 489, or 649 Service Walls or                                        a bright white dry-erase marker
                                         Fence Frames.                                                            finish.
09       Height
48       Width                           For active face of 399H Service Wall                                     Painted steel covers provide a
                                         frame, specify two 99H covers each                                       durable wall-like surface in smooth
P        Surface type                    side.                                                                    or textured finish.
117      Finish
                                         For active face of 489H Service Wall                                     Service Wall covers enclose frames
                                         frame, specify three 99H covers                                          between 219H and the top crown.
                                         each side.                                                               Covers may be specified in any
                                                                                                                  combination of widths
                                         For active face of 649H Service Wall                                     corresponding to the total Service
                                         frame, specify three 99H covers and                                      Wall length. Covers may span across
                                         one 169H cover each side.                                                a straight wall frame connection.
                                         For active face of Fence frames,                                         For active surfaces with access
                                         specify two 99 covers each side.                                         to cables and
                                         Surface type:                                                            power/data/communications outlets,
                                                                                                                  specify 99 and 169H segmented
                                         P      Painted                                                           covers as described in Specification
                                         PT     Textured painted                                                  Information. Normally, 99 cover
                                         M      Marker                                                            from 219 to 309 above floor is cable
                                                                                                                  tray or painted steel, and higher
                                         Specify smooth or textured painted                                       covers are painted, marker,
                                         finish for steel covers.                                                 upholstered, tackable, or slat wall
Access covers                                                                                                        Currents


description                   w      d      h        pattern no.                10        15          20         30      40      45      50         55
99H Wall covers               129    19     99       APC 0912 F ( )        $102.       $102.      $107.       $110.    $112.   $113.   $118.      $125.
                              249    19     99       APC 0924 F ( )         123.        125.       130.        134.     143.    149.    157.       165.
                              369    19     99       APC 0936 F ( )         149.        155.       157.        166.     180.    185.    193.       207.
                              489    19     99       APC 0948 F ( )         164.        166.       176.        193.     205.    209.    221.       233.
                              609    19     99       APC 0960 F ( )         194.        205.       210.        230.     243.    260.    271.       281.
                              729    19     99       APC 0972 F ( )          n/a        232.        n/a         n/a      n/a     n/a     n/a        n/a

169H Wall covers              369    19     169      APC 1636 F ( )         221.        230.        234.       253.     271.    276.    286.       304.
                              489    19     169      APC 1648 F ( )         239.        260.        270.       286.     304.    320.    331.       349.
                              609    19     169      APC 1660 F ( )         290.        304.        323.       342.     366.    380.    399.       429.
                              729    19     169      APC 1672 F ( )          n/a        343.         n/a        n/a      n/a     n/a     n/a        n/a

Order Code                          Specification Information                   Application Notes

Example: APC 0948 F15               For active face of 399H Service Wall        Upholstered Service Wall covers
APC      Service wall cover         frame, specify two 99H covers.              enclose frame between 219 and the
                                                                                top crown.
09       Height                     For active face of 489H Service Wall
48       Width                      frame, specify three 99H covers.            Specify widths corresponding to
                                                                                wall frame width, or in any 129
F        Surface type               For active face of 649H Service Wall        increment to accommodate 129W
15       Fabric group               frame, specify three 99H covers and         outlets covers or slat wall covers.
                                    one 169H cover.                             Covers may span across a straight
                                    For full fabric surface between 59          wall frame connection.
                                    and 219, order upholstered                  For active surfaces with access to
                                    structural base cover.                      cables and
                                    For active face of Fence frames,            power/data/communications outlets,
                                    specify two 99 covers each side.            specify 99 and 169H segmented
                                                                                covers as described in Specification
                                    Surface type:                               Information. Normally, 99 cover
                                    F      Upholstered                          from 219 to 309 above floor is cable
                                                                                tray or painted steel, and higher
                                    Specify fabric group:                       covers are painted, marker,
                                                                                upholstered, tackable, or slat wall
                                    10     Fabric group 10                      surfaces.
                                    15     Fabric group 15
                                    20     Fabric group 20                      When ordering 609 or wider covers,
                                    30     Fabric group 30                      please check width of fabric
                                    40     Fabric group 40                      specified.
                                    50     Fabric group 50
                                    55     Fabric group 55

Access covers                                                                                                                     Currents

                                                                                                                                                                           Service Walls and components
                            tackable upholstered

description                          w        d      h       pattern no.                10         15         20            30       40        45        50           55
99H Wall covers                      129      19     99      APC 0912 A ( )           $194.     $202.      $206.     $219.       $233.      $237.     $245.      $270.
                                     249      19     99      APC 0924 A ( )            194.      202.       206.      219.        233.       237.      245.       270.
                                     369      19     99      APC 0936 A ( )            194.      202.       206.      219.        233.       237.      245.       270.
                                     489      19     99      APC 0948 A ( )            209.      222.       230.      243.        264.       273.      287.       305.
                                     609      19     99      APC 0960 A ( )            250.      264.       276.      294.        323.       331.      345.       371.
                                     729      19     99      APC 0972 A ( )             n/a      298.        n/a       n/a         n/a        n/a       n/a        n/a

169H Wall covers                     369      19     169     APC 1636 A ( )            287.      294.       307.       328.        344.      354.      375.       397.
                                     489      19     169     APC 1648 A ( )            322.      331.       343.       371.        397.      406.      433.       453.
                                     609      19     169     APC 1660 A ( )            380.      397.       414.       446.        480.      498.      515.       559.
                                     729      19     169     APC 1672 A ( )             n/a      448.        n/a        n/a         n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a

189H Wall cover (replaces (2) 99H)   369      19     189     APC 1836 A ( )            342.      352.       363.       385.        404.      421.      440.       462.
                                     489      19     189     APC 1848 A ( )            432.      440.       452.       480.        503.      515.      541.       569.
                                     609      19     189     APC 1860 A ( )            510.      529.       546.       572.        607.      619.      637.       672.
                                     729      19     189     APC 1872 A ( )             n/a      596.        n/a        n/a         n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a

Order Code                               Specification Information                    Application Notes

Example: APC 0948 A20                    For active face of 399H Service Wall         Tackable upholstered Service Wall          For passive Service Wall surfaces
APC      Service wall cover              frame, specify two 99H covers. For           covers enclose wall frames between         (corridors or conference areas)
                                         passive face (along corridor or wall)        219 and the top crown. Covers              specify 189H or 279H covers in
09       Height                          specify one 189 cover.                       incorporate a tackable, acoustical         place of two or three 99H covers.
48       Width                                                                        core in the same outward profile as
                                         For active face of 489H Service Wall         other upholstered covers.                  189H covers may also be specified
A        Surface type                    frame, specify three 99H covers or                                                      above 99H covers including outlets
20       Fabric group                    one 99H and one 189H cover. For              Specify widths corresponding to            covers below desk height on 489 or
                                         passive face, specify 279H cover.            wall frame width, or in any 129            649H Service Walls.
                                                                                      increment to accommodate 129W
                                         For active face of 649H Service Wall         outlets covers or slat wall covers.        Service Wall with upholstered
                                         frame, specify three 99H covers and          Covers may span across a straight          tackable covers has been tested to
                                         one 169H cover or one 99H, one               wall frame connection.                     NRC .40 and STC 22.
                                         189H, and one 169H cover. For
                                         passive face, specify one 279 and            For active surfaces with access to         When ordering 609 or wider covers,
                                         one 169H cover.                              cables and                                 please check width of fabric
                                                                                      power/data/communications outlets,         specified.
                                         For full fabric surface between 59           specify 99 and 169H segmented
                                         and 219, order upholstered                   covers as described in Specification
                                         structural base cover.                       Information. Normally, 99 cover
                                         For active face of Fence frames,             from 219 to 309 above floor is cable
                                         specify two 99 covers each side. For         tray or painted steel, and higher
                                         passive face, specify one 189 cover.         covers are painted, marker,
                                                                                      upholstered, tackable, or slat wall
                                         Surface type:                                surfaces.
                                         A      tackable upholstered
                                         Specify fabric group:
                                         10     Fabric group 10
                                         15     Fabric group 15
                                         20     Fabric group 20
                                         30     Fabric group 30
                                         40     Fabric group 40
                                         50     Fabric group 50
                                         55     Fabric group 55

Access covers                                                                                                                     Currents

                            tackable upholstered

description                          w        d      h       pattern no.                10         15         20            30       40        45        50           55
279H Wall cover (replaces (3) 99H)   369      19     27      APC 2736 A ( )           $510.     $529.      $546.     $572.       $607.      $619.     $637.      $672.
                                     489      19     279     APC 2748 A ( )            640.      663.       675.      714.        745.       768.      792.       827.
                                     609      19     279     APC 2760 A ( )            777.      792.       801.      853.        891.       911.      936.       968.
                                     729      19     279     APC 2772 A ( )             n/a      902.        n/a       n/a         n/a        n/a       n/a        n/a

Order Code                               Specification Information                    Application Notes

Example: APC 0948 A20                    For active face of 399H Service Wall         Tackable upholstered Service Wall          For passive Service Wall surfaces
APC      Service wall cover              frame, specify two 99H covers. For           covers enclose wall frames between         (corridors or conference areas)
                                         passive face (along corridor or wall)        219 and the top crown. Covers              specify 189H or 279H covers in
09       Height                          specify one 189 cover.                       incorporate a tackable, acoustical         place of two or three 99H covers.
48       Width                                                                        core in the same outward profile as
                                         For active face of 489H Service Wall         other upholstered covers.                  189H covers may also be specified
A        Surface type                    frame, specify three 99H covers or                                                      above 99H covers including outlets
20       Fabric group                    one 99H and one 189H cover. For              Specify widths corresponding to            covers below desk height on 489 or
                                         passive face, specify 279H cover.            wall frame width, or in any 129            649H Service Walls.
                                                                                      increment to accommodate 129W
                                         For active face of 649H Service Wall         outlets covers or slat wall covers.        Service Wall with upholstered
                                         frame, specify three 99H covers and          Covers may span across a straight          tackable covers has been tested to
                                         one 169H cover or one 99H, one               wall frame connection.                     NRC .40 and STC 22.
                                         189H, and one 169H cover. For
                                         passive face, specify one 279 and            For active surfaces with access to         When ordering 609 or wider covers,
                                         one 169H cover.                              cables and                                 please check width of fabric
                                                                                      power/data/communications outlets,         specified.
                                         For full fabric surface between 59           specify 99 and 169H segmented
                                         and 219, order upholstered                   covers as described in Specification
                                         structural base cover.                       Information. Normally, 99 cover
                                         For active face of Fence frames,             from 219 to 309 above floor is cable
                                         specify two 99 covers each side. For         tray or painted steel, and higher
                                         passive face, specify one 189 cover.         covers are painted, marker,
                                                                                      upholstered, tackable, or slat wall
                                         Surface type:                                surfaces.
                                         A      tackable upholstered
                                         Specify fabric group:
                                         10     Fabric group 10
                                         15     Fabric group 15
                                         20     Fabric group 20
                                         30     Fabric group 30
                                         40     Fabric group 40
                                         50     Fabric group 50
                                         55     Fabric group 55

Wall ends and connectors                                                                                                     Currents

                                                                                                                                                                   Service Walls and components
                         90° and 120° spine connectors

description                    w                            d                               h                         pattern no.                          paint
L connector, 90°               69                           69                              399                       AX1 L39 ( )( )                      $585.
                               69                           69                              489                       AX1 L48 ( )( )                       704.
                               69                           69                              649                       AX1 L64 ( )( )                       823.

T connector, 90°               69                           79                              399                       AX1 T39 ( )( )                        585.
                               69                           79                              489                       AX1 T48 ( )( )                        704.
                               69                           79                              649                       AX1 T64 ( )( )                        823.

X connector, 90°               79                           79                              399                       AX1 X39 ( )( )                        585.
                               79                           79                              489                       AX1 X48 ( )( )                        637.
                               79                           79                              649                       AX1 X64 ( )( )                        704.

V connector, 120°              5 1/29                       5 1/29                          399                       AX1 V39 ( )( )                        585.
                               5 1/29                       5 1/29                          489                       AX1 V48 ( )( )                        704.
                               5 1/29                       5 1/29                          649                       AX1 V64 ( )( )                        823.

Y connector, 120°              6 1/29                       5 1/29                          399                       AX1 Y39 ( )( )                        585.
                               6 1/29                       5 1/29                          489                       AX1 Y48 ( )( )                        704.
                               6 1/29                       5 1/29                          649                       AX1 Y64 ( )( )                        823.

Order Code                         Specification Information                                                              Application Notes

Example: AX1 L39 612 612           For L, T, V, Y connectors specify:            Specify painted finishes for connector   L, T, and X connectors join Currents
AX1      Currents connector                                                      trim covers and crown end caps.          Service Wall frames at 90° angles
                                   Seventh position:                                                                      and include vertical trim covers, top
L        Type                      painted finish for vertical trim cover        When ordering connectors for the         cap and standard crown end caps,
39       Height                    and raceway cover                             Service Wall with 19H compact            and one spare set of straight
                                                                                 crown, specify compact crown end         connectors.
612      Trim/raceway cover        Eighth position, and X connectors:            caps separately.
         finish                    painted finish for top cap and crown                                                   V and Y connectors join Currents
612      Top/end cap finish        end caps                                                                               Service Wall frames at 120° angles
                                                                                                                          and include vertical trim covers, top
                                                                                                                          cap and standard crown end cap.
Wall ends and connectors                                                                                                    Currents

                              other ends and connectors

description                                type                 w            d                 h             pattern no.                   paint           list price
Outrigger                                  deep                 39           159               219           AA1ORD( )                    $277.
                                           standard             39           89                219           AA1OR( )                      202.

High low straight connector                48 - 399             –            59                489           AX1 HLS4839 ( )( )            320.
                                           64 - 399             –            59                649           AX1 HLS6439 ( )( )            541.
                                           64 - 489             –            59                649           AX1 HLS6448 ( )( )            363.

Service Wall starter                       399                  19           29                399           AX1 SWS39 ( )                 180.
                                           489                  19           29                489           AX1 SWS48 ( )                 202.
                                           649                  19           29                649           AX1 SWS64 ( )                 232.

Straight connector kit (replacement)                            –            –                 –             AX1 S                           39.

Order Code                             Specification Information                      Application Notes

Example: AX1 HLS4839 612 612           Specify painted finishes for outrigger,        Outrigger connects to structural       High-low straight connectors join
AX1      Currents connector            high low straight connector and                base cover at any point. Outriggers    Service Wall of different heights in a
                                       Service Wall starter.                          (or perpendicular systems panels)      straight line.
HLS      Type                                                                         are required every 88 and adjacent
4839     Height                                                                       to flat end for adequate support.      Service Wall starter connects
                                                                                      Specify deep outriggers when           Service Wall to building wall.
612      Vertical cover finish
                                                                                      cantilevering 249D worksurfaces        Straight connector is replacement
612      Crown end finish                                                             without adjacent perpendicular         hardware kit to join Currents Wall
                                                                                      systems panels or Service Wall         frames of the same height end to
                                                                                      connectors.                            end. Kit includes four barrel-shape
                                                                                      Standard outrigger should be           connectors and hardware.
                                                                                      specified when desks with service
                                                                                      beam are positioned along Service

Wall ends and connectors                                                                         Currents

                                                                                                                                         Service Walls and components
                           flat ends and crown end caps

description                      type                       d               h                    pattern no.        paint   list price
Flat end                                                    59              399                  AX1 F39 ( )( )     $186.
                                                            59              489                  AX1 F48 ( )( )      209.
                                                            59              649                  AX1 F64 ( )( )      235.

Crown end cap                                                                                    APT ( )                           6.

Crown end cap compact            Kit of 1                                                        APTA CC1 ( )                    20.
                                 Kit of 10                                                       APTA CC ( )                    188.

Order Code                         Specification Information                    Application Notes

Example: AX1 F48                   For flat ends specify:                       Flat end finishes end of
AX1      Currents connector                                                     corresponding height Service Wall
                                   Seventh position:                            when end of Service Wall is
F        Flat End                  painted finish for outside trim cover        supported by outriggers.
48       Height                    and raceway cover
612      Vertical cover finish     Eighth position:
612      Crown end finish          painted finish for crown end cap
                                   When specifying a flat end for a
                                   Service Wall frame with the 1 inch
                                   compact crown, compact crown end
                                   caps must be ordered separately.
                                   Specify painted finish for standard
                                   crown end cap.
                                   Specify trim grey or easy grey
                                   integral color for compact crown end
Wall ends and connectors                                                                                               Currents

                           Fence ends and connectors

description                           w                          d                           h                      pattern no.                    list price
L connector, 90 degrees               69                         69                          199                    AX1 L18 ( )                         $587.

T connector, 90 degrees               69                         79                          199                    AX1 T18 ( )                          600.

X connector, 90 degrees               79                         79                          199                    AX1 X18                              515.

V connector, 120 degrees              5 1/29                     5 1/29                      199                    AX1 V18 ( )                          563.

Y connector, 120 degrees              6 1/29                     5 1/29                      199                    AX1 Y18 ( )                          259.

Order Code                        Specification Notes                           Application Notes

Example: AX1 L 18 613             Specify painted finishes for connector        L, T and X connectors join Fence       Flat end finishes end of Fence
AX1      Fence connector          trim covers.                                  frames at 90° angles and include       frames and includes crown end
                                                                                vertical trim covers, top cap and      detail.
L        Type                     For L, T, V and Y connectors                  crown end caps and one set of
18       Height                   specify finish for vertical trim.             straight connectors.                   Specify AX1 F18 ( ) for use with
                                                                                                                       sloped crown covers. Specify AX1A
613      Trim finish              All top caps and crown covers are             Y and V connectors join Fence          F18L ( ) for use with AutoStrada
                                  trim grey. Specify finish for outside         frames at 120° angles.                 flat, low profile crown covers.
                                  trim of flat end.                                                                    Specify AX1A F18H ( ) for use with
                                                                                                                       AutoStrada flat, high profile crown

Wall ends and connectors                                                                                               Currents

                                                                                                                                                                Service Walls and components
                           Fence ends and connectors

description                       w                        d                           h                        pattern no.                        list price
Flat end for use with             –                        59                          219                      AX1 F18 ( )                             $226.
sloped crown covers

Flat end for use with             –                        59                          219                      AX1A F18H ( )                            226.
flat crown covers                 –                        59                          219                      AX1A F18L ( )                            226.

Order Code                        Specification Notes                           Application Notes

Example: AX1 L 18 613             Specify painted finishes for connector        L, T and X connectors join Fence       Flat end finishes end of Fence
AX1      Fence connector          trim covers.                                  frames at 90° angles and include       frames and includes crown end
                                                                                vertical trim covers, top cap and      detail.
L        Type                     For L, T, V and Y connectors                  crown end caps and one set of
18       Height                   specify finish for vertical trim.             straight connectors.                   Specify AX1 F18 ( ) for use with
                                                                                                                       sloped crown covers. Specify AX1A
613      Trim finish              All top caps and crown covers are             Y and V connectors join Fence          F18L ( ) for use with AutoStrada
                                  trim grey. Specify finish for outside         frames at 120° angles.                 flat, low profile crown covers.
                                  trim of flat end.                                                                    Specify AX1A F18H ( ) for use with
                                                                                                                       AutoStrada flat, high profile crown

Wall ends and connectors                                                                                                     Currents

                              Fence ends and connectors
                              other hardware

description                                        type                          w               d             h              pattern no.                   list price
                                                           1                         5               1             3
T-end adapter                                      09 or 1 /89 extension         1 /89           2 /89         2 /89          AX1 AK1 ( )                       $39.

T-end and stabilizer end cabinet adapter           3 1/29 extension              49              59            16 1/29        AX1 AK3 ( )                       134.

Flat wall starter                                  489H service wall                             3 1/49        279            AX1 FWS 48                        116.
                                                   649H service wall                             3 1/49        439            AX1 FWS 64                        127.
                                                   Fence and 399H wall                           3 1/49        189            AX1 FWS 39                        107.

High-low straight connector                        489H wall - Fence                                                          AX1 FHLS4818 ( )                  664.

Order Code                                 Specification Information                 Application Notes

Example: AX1 FWS 39                        Specify painted finishes for T-end        Standard 399H fence accepts              High-low Fence connector joins
AX1      Fence end                         adapter kits.                             Currents T-ends for 399 Service          standard 399H Fence and 489H
                                                                                     Wall.                                    Currents Service Wall.
FWS      Type                              Flat wall starter is black only.
39       Height                                                                      Specify AX1 AK1 adapter kit to           Fence T-ends adaptors, stabilizer
                                           Crown end covers are trim grey.           complete bottom trim and crown end       end cabinet adaptors, high-low
                                                                                     of T-ends with 09 or 1 1/89 extension.   straight connectors and universal
                                                                                                                              panel starters are only compatible
                                                                                     Specify AX1 AK3 adapter kit to           with Fence frames that are specified
                                                                                     complete bottom trim and crown end       at 40 inches high with the 18- 1/29
                                                                                     of T-ends with 39 extension.             high leg (AX1 LEG). To use these
                                                                                     Flat wall starter connects Fence         components when Fence is planned
                                                                                     frames and Service Wall to building      with shorter legs that deliver overall
                                                                                     wall.                                    heights of 27 or 28 inches high,
                                                                                                                              please contact Knoll Custom
                                                                                                                              Product Development for assistance.
Wall frame accessories                                                                          Currents

                                                                                                                                          Service Walls and components
                             Wall frame

description                     type                   w            d                     h                    pattern no.   list price
Acoustical inserts              399H                   129          29                    349                  APA 39            $48.
                                489H                   129          29                    439                  APA 48             56.
                                649H                   129          29                    599                  APA 64             75.

Order Code                             Specification Information        Application Notes

Example: APT 612                                                        Acoustical inserts fit between studs
APT      Service wall trim                                              in Service Wall frame to increase
                                                                        control of sound transmission.
612      Painted finish                                                 Inserts are bagged in heights
                                                                        corresponding to wall frame. Specify
                                                                        four inserts for 489W Service Wall
                                                                        frame, five for 609W Service Wall
                                                                        frame, and six for 729W Service
                                                                        Wall frame. Service Walls with
                                                                        acoustical inserts have been tested
                                                                        to STC 33.
Wall frame accessories                                                                                               Currents

                            Fence frame

description                         type                     w                  d                h                   pattern no.                  list price
                                                               1                                     3
Wire manager cover (set of 2)                                3 /29              39               18 /89              AR1VCM                            $99.
                                                             3 1/29             39               59                  AR1VCM5                            99.
                                                             3 1/29             39               69                  AR1VCM6                            99.

Carpet grips (set of 10)                                                                                             AA1CG                               20.

Non-skid pads (set of 10)                                                                                            AA1NSK                              55.

Hardwire fence infeed (NYC)         2+2                                                                              AR1 EPHF                          788.
                                    3+3                                                                              AR1 TPHF                          837.

Fence to desk brackets              279h Fence                                                                       AA1FDB27( )                       113.
                                    289h Fence                                                                       AA1FDB28( )                       113.

Fence end bracket kit                                                                                                AB1FAE ( )                        307.

Order Code                         Specification Information               Application Notes

Example       AR1 VCM              Wire manager covers are integral        Wire manager covers snap into the        Fence to desk brackets are only
AR1           Raceway              color trim grey.                        sides of the Fence legs to guide         compatible with Fence frames
                                                                           cables from the floor to the             specified with shorter Fence legs
VCM           Type                                                         underside of the frame.                  (AX1LEG5, AX1LEG6) where the
                                                                                                                    total height of Fence is 279 or 289 to
                                                                           Carpet grips and/or non-skid pads        the top of the crown.
                                                                           snap onto bottom of stabilizer feet to
                                                                           prevent legs from sliding.               Fence to desk brackets may not be
                                                                                                                    specified as a means of end
                                                                           Hardwire fence infeed is approved        supporting worksurfaces. Fence to
                                                                           for City of New York installation.       desk brackets may only be specified
                                                                           Infeed includes wire manager cover,      for use with freestanding tables.
                                                                           junction box and connector to desk
                                                                           height outlet module.                    Fence end brackets attach to the
                                                                                                                    Currents Fence to support one end
                                                                           Fence to desk brackets connect           of rectilinear or one back edge of a
                                                                           Fence frames to freestanding tables      corner worksurface when the other
                                                                           to stabilize Fence. Fence to desk        ends are properly supported by legs,
                                                                           brackets are specified as an             storage or panel brackets. Refer to
                                                                           alternative to stabilizer feet as a      the specific worksurface
                                                                           means of stabilizing freestanding        Application Notes for support
                                                                           Fence runs.                              requirements.
                                                                                                                    Fence end brackets support the
                                                                                                                    underside of the worksurface in 19
                                                                                                                    increments from 269 to 289 (279 to
                                                                                                                    299 top height).
Spine ends and connectors                                                                                                       Currents

                                                                                                                                                                         Service Walls and components
                        Spine end connectors for Dividends Horizon panels and screens

description                application                                    h                  w            d               pattern no.                             list
Spine end connector        369h panel/399h spine                          399                59             /29           AX1SED3939 ( )( )( )( )           $371.
                           369h-429h panel/ 489h spine                    489                59             /29           AX1SED4848 ( )( )( )( )            387.
                           369h-649h panel/ 649h spine                    649                59             /29           AX1SED6464 ( )( )( )( )            462.
                           429h panel/ 399h spine + 19 crown              429                59             /29           AX1SED4239 ( )( )                  371.
                           429h panel/ 399h spine + 49 crown              439                59             /29           AX1SED4339C ( )( )                 371.
                           509h panel/ 399h spine                         509                59             /29           AX1SED5039 ( )( )                  387.
                           509h panel/ 489h spine + 19 crown              509                59             /29           AX1SED5048 ( )( )                  408.
                           509h panel/ 489h spine + 49 crown              529                59             /29           AX1SED5248C ( )( )                 387.
                           579h panel/ 399h spine                         579                59             /29           AX1SED5739 ( )( )                  446.
                           579h panel/ 489h spine                         579                59             /29           AX1SED5748 ( )( )                  446.
                           649h panel/ 399h spine                         649                59             /29           AX1SED6439 ( )( )                  462.
                           649h panel/ 489h spine                         649                59             /29           AX1SED6448 ( )( )                  462.
                           789h panel/ 489h spine                         789                59             /29           AX1SED7848 ( )( )                  705.
                           789h panel/ 649h spine                         789                59             /29           AX1SED7864 ( )( )                  673.

Order Code                          Specification Information                      Application Notes

Example: AX1 SED 6448 613 812       For spine end connectors with panel            Spine end connectors are complete        When attached panel/screen is
AX1      Spine connector            lower than spine specify crown type            end cover and trim for an                between the nominal height of the
                                    and finish for crown end cap.                  AutoStrada or Currents spine. Side       spine and the top of the Currents
SED      Type                                                                      edges of spine end connectors            49h crown, spine end connector
                                    1. Crown type:
64       Panel height                  C=Currents standard 49h                     accept end starters for Dividends        must cover the entire height of the
48       Spine height                  L=low profile flat 19h                      Horizon panels and screens.              spine with crown.
613      Vertical cover finish         H=high profile flat 1 1/49h
                                       F=compact 19h                               In most cases spine end connectors       Spine end connectors include
812      Top cap finish                                                            match the height of the attached         painted aluminum outside cover
                                    2. All crown end caps are available            Dividends Horizon panel/screen.          with flat top cap and inside cover
                                       in all painted finishes.                    When attached panel/screen is            (where applicable) over the end of
                                                                                   lower than the spine, the spine end      the spine.
                                         For all spine end connectors              connector is as high as the nominal
                                         specify vertical cover and top            height of the spine and the crown        Inside base trim for Currents
                                         trim finish:                              requires an end cap.                     raceway is recommended to finish
                                                                                                                            inside when combined with
                                                                                   Specify low profile flat metal crown     standard Currents recessed base
                                    3. Vertical cover finish:                      covers to align with a 509h
                                       All standard paint finishes                                                          raceway covers. Base trim is not
                                                                                   Dividends Horizon panel/screen.          required with AutoStrada spine base
                                    4. Top cap for vertical cover:                                                          covers.
                                       812=Easy Grey
                                       813=Trim Grey
                                       And all standard painted finishes

                                    End connectors on this page
                                    begin 1/29 above floor.
Spine ends and connectors                                                                                                  Currents

                                 3 1/29 spine extender kit for use with ceiling infeed or panels

description                            application              h                     w               d                pattern no.                                 list
Spine extender kit for use             399h spine               399                   59              49               AX1SX39 C (L/C/P)( )( )( )               $770.
with Currents Spine                    489h spine               489                   59              49               AX1SX48 C (L/C/P)( )( )( )                795.
                                       649h spine               649                   59              49               AX1SX64 C (L/C/P)( )( )( )                941.

Spine extender kit for use             399h spine               399                   59              49               AX1SX39 A (L/C/P)( )( )( )                 927.
with AutoStrada Spine                  489h spine               489                   59              49               AX1SX48 A (L/C/P)( )( )( )                 950.
                                       649h spine               649                   59              49               AX1SX64 A (L/C/P)( )( )( )               1,102.

Order Code                               Specification Information                    Application Notes
Example: AX1 SX 48 AL 613 613            For all 3 /29 spine extenders specify        Spine extenders include brackets,         This extension can also make up for
              613                        spine base type:                             side and top trim covers between the      the dimensional gain of one
AX1           Spine connector                                                         end of a spine and any spine end          Dividends Horizon panel or screen
                                         A AutoStrada                                 connector to add 3 1/29 to the length     in the middle of a cluster of
SX            Type                       C Currents                                   of a spine.                               workstations.
48            Spine height               Then specify crown end type.                 Spine end connector must be               In most cases the spine end
A             Spine type                 L=Flat low/high profile metal crown          specified separately to finish off
                                         end cap                                                                                connector matches the height of the
L             Crown end type                                                          face of spine extender.                   attached Dividends Horizon panel
                                         C=Standard and compact sloped
613           Top cap finish             end cap                                                                                or screen, but the extending area is
                                                                                      Spine extender dimension matches          only as high as the nominal height
613           Cover finish               P=Power Pole                                 that of the Currents 3 1/29x 59 ceiling   of the spine (bottom of crown) so the
613           Base trim finish           Then specify finish for vertical trim        infeed panel which may be added           crown always requires an end cap.
                                         covers, all standard painted                 between nominal spine height and
                                         finishes.                                    ceiling for connection to building        When attached panel or screen is
                                                                                      power, data and communications            lower than the spine, the spine end
                                         Then specify base cover finish.              supply.                                   connector should be the same height
                                         AutoStrada spine base covers are                                                       as the nominal height of the spine.
                                         clear anodized aluminum (AA) or
                                         painted finish excluding silver.
                                         Currents spine raceway covers are
                                         available in any painted finish only.
                                         Then specify top cap finish (if
End Starters                                                                                                             Currents

                                                                                                                                                                    Service Walls and components
                             To attach Dividends Horizon panels and screens to spine end

description                     application                                                h           w          d       pattern no.                        list
End starters for Dividends      369h panel, flush, left end of Service Wall                369         19         39      AX1DHES3600L(5)( )              $293.
Horizon panels and screens      369h panel, flush, right end of Service Wall               369         19         39      AX1DHES3600R(5)( )               293.
                                369h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, left end of          369         19         39      AX1DHES3603L(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall
                                369h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, right end of         369         19         39      AX1DHES3603R(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall
                                429h panel, flush, left end of Service Wall                429         19         39      AX1DHES4200L(5)( )               293.
                                429h panel, flush, right end of Service Wall               429         19         39      AX1DHES4200R(5)( )               293.
                                429h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, left end of          429         19         39      AX1DHES4203L(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall
                                429h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, right end of         429         19         39      AX1DHES4203R(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall
                                509h panel, flush, left end of Service Wall                509         19         39      AX1DHES5000L(5)( )               293.
                                509h panel, flush, right end of Service Wall               509         19         39      AX1DHES5000R(5)( )               293.
                                509h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, left end of          509         19         39      AX1DHES5003L(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall
                                509h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, right end of         509         19         39      AX1DHES5003R(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall
                                579h panel, flush, left end of Service Wall                579         19         39      AX1DHES5700L(5)( )               293.
                                579h panel, flush, right end of Service Wall               579         19         39      AX1DHES5700R(5)( )               293.
                                579h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, left end of          579         19         39      AX1DHES5703L(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall
                                579h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, right end of         579         19         39      AX1DHES5703R(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall
                                649h panel, flush, left end of Service Wall                649         19         39      AX1DHES6400L(5)( )               293.
                                649h panel, flush, right end of Service Wall               649         19         39      AX1DHES6400R(5)( )               293.
                                649h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, left end of          649         19         39      AX1DHES6403L(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall
                                649h panel, offset 1 panel thickness, right end of         649         19         39      AX1DHES6403R(5)( )               293.
                                Service Wall

Order Code                            Specification Information                  Application Notes

Example: AX1 DHES 36 00 L (5)         1.Offset                                   End starters connect a Dividends        For a single workstation (0
AX1      Spine connector              00=Flush                                   Horizon panel or screen to either       intermediate panels), specify 2
                                      03=Offset 1 panel thickness                side of a same height or taller spine   spine end connectors and 2 end
DH       Dividends Horizon                                                       end connector. End starters for         starters positioned offset by 1 panel
ES       End starter                  2.Top cap type                             Dividends Horizon panels and            thickness.
36       Panel height                 5=Metal flat                               screens include specified end top
                                                                                 cap.                                    For a cluster of 2 workstations (1
00       Offset                       3.Paint finish                                                                     intermediate panel), specify 1 panel
5        Top cap type                 All standard paint finishes                End starters may be positioned in       starter, 2 spine end connectors, 1
                                                                                 either of two configurations: flush     spine extender, and 2 end starters
613      Painted finish                                                                                                  positioned offset by 1 panel
                                                                                 with end of spine or offset one panel
                                                                                 thickness beyond end of spine. For      thickness.
                                                                                 full access to entire width of spine    For a cluster of 3 workstations, (2
                                                                                 surface, position end starters offset   intermediate panels), extend the
                                                                                 one panel thickness.                    spine another 129, specify 2 panel
                                                                                                                         starters, 2 spine end connectors,
                                                                                                                         and 2 end starters positioned flush.
                                                                                                                         For a cluster of 4 workstations (3
                                                                                                                         intermediate panels), extend the
                                                                                                                         spine 129 and specify 3 panel
                                                                                                                         starters, 2 spine end connectors,
                                                                                                                         and 2 end starters (1 end starter
                                                                                                                         flush and the other offset by 1 panel
                                                                                                                         For a cluster of 5 workstations (4
                                                                                                                         intermediate panels) extend the
                                                                                                                         spine by 129 and specify 4 panel
                                                                                                                         starters, 2 spine end connectors,
                                                                                                                         and 2 end starters positioned offset
                                                                                                                         by 1 panel thickness.
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